Grow a more sustainable business
Over the last century we humans have been using up the world’s resources at an alarming rate. Now all of a sudden, after about 4.5 billion years of existence, our world is quickly changing. Today there are many issues that urgently need to improve to slow the change and protect our planet for generations to come. This newsletter identifies many these issues and provides some simple tips to reduce our impact. Issues and tips to be looked at include natural cleaning recipes, sustainability tips and especially green cleaning practices. At Duplex we have been cleaning chemical free with low water usage systems for over two decades. In this time many thousands of environmentally conscious customers have also implemented our green cleaning solutions. Now it times to look even deeper and review your current system again. How much water do we use in cleaning per day? How can we reduce it? How much chemical do we use per day? How can we reduce it? How much waste do we produce per day? How can we reduce it? Kind regards, Murray McDonald Director of Duplex Cleaning Machines
A small Victorian hospital has recently reduced its water consumption by a mind boggling 35,387 Litres a month. In an attempt to become more sustainability Rochester & Elmore District Health Services decided it needed to improve various areas including cleaning practices. The main area of concern was to reduce chemical and water use. In order to do so, they purchased five of Duplex Cleaning... continued on page 4
Grow a more sustainable business Duplex Cleaning Machines would like to congratulate Rochester & with Elmore District Health Service on being a finalist in the Premiers Sustainability Duplex Cleaning Machines Awards. Before entering the awards one of REDHS main strategic goals was responsible and sustainable use of both financial and environmental resources. To achieve these goals an environmental plan was created with the following objectives in mind:
REDHS on Duplex Steamers
In a report for the Sustainability Awards Richard Biddell, REDHS Environment • To reduce water usage by 70% Committee Chairman, mentioned “we were • To increase waste recycling by 50% not aware of the amount of water and • To decrease waste by 50% chemical we were using and the damage • To decease energy usage by 70% we were inflicting on the environment.” “We • To decrease greenhouse gas emissions by 70% then reviewed alternative ways of cleaning • To reduce chemical usage by 80% andbeen foundusing that by steamresources machines at we Over the last century we humans have up using the world’s would not require chemicals.” an alarming rate. Now all of a sudden, after about 4.5 billion years of existence, REDHS has since implemented many changes achieve these objectives. ourtoworld is quickly changing. Today there are many issues that urgently need ‘Steamour cleaners were then trailed for one Major changes so far include starting an environment committee, purchasing to improve to slow the change and protect planet for generations to come. month, the results were impressive, cleaning 5 Duplex steam cleaners, installing solar hot water systems, getting a 450,00 standards wereprovides well exceeded, along tips with litre rain water tank, buying Ozone washing machines, facility wide recycling This newsletter identifies many these issues and some simple the numerous applications the machine could and building design changes to reduce energytouse and carbon emmisions. reduce our impact. Issues and tips to be looked at include natural cleaning be used We have since purchased five recipes, sustainability tips and especially green practices. Duplex steam cleaning machines and have heavily reduced andsystems chemical Monthly Water and Chemical UseAtInDuplex Comparison we have been cleaning chemical free withour lowwater wateruse usage use by 80%.’ for over two decades. In this time many thousands of environmentally conscious
Welcome to the Spring Cleaner, Greener Duplex Newsletter for 2012
customers have also implemented our green cleaning solutions. Now it times to ‘The 5 system Duplex again. steam cleaners, the 450,000Lt look even deeper and review your current 0% 5% rainwater tank and the Ozone Laundry Mop & Bucket Systemper have contributed to reducing Water Use (28,210 L) (282) How much water do we use in cleaning day?allHow can we reduce it? our water usage by 3 million litres per year.’ How much chemical do we use per day? How can we reduce it? “Notday? only How havecan these How much waste do we produce per we changes reduce it?reduced our Mop & Bucket environmental impact but they have also 25% Chemical Use (11,790 L) presented substantial cost benefits that the Kind regards, (11,790) organisation will continue to see.”
Duplex Steam Cleaner Water Use (282 L)
Murray McDonald 70% Director of Duplex Cleaning Machines
Duplex Steam Cleaner Chemical Use (zero)
Litre in usage p/m scale of 40,000
Why did your facility “Sustainability Awards”?
What were the main benefits of the program?
Everything environmental really and also just to let people in the community know what we’re doing.
There is so many. Cost saving, it’s better for the environment, using less water and not putting chemicals into the waste water.
What areas did your facility want to improve?
Do you believe all facilities should adopt similar sustainability programs?
To use less water, recycling more, reduce energy use, solar hot water, improve our building design and equipment
Yeah definitely, there are so many reasons why on that.
What changes made the biggest difference?
Any advice for similar facilities starting a plan?
To use less water, recycling more, reduce energy use, solar hot water, improve our building design and equipment Why did you use Duplex products in your cleaning program? Because we heard that Duplex products are the best. How did staff respond to the new cleaning methods? First it was a matter of breaking old habits. Now staff love the steamers. I’d almost say it’s the best thing we’ve done so far. How were cleaning results measured? We measured amounts of water and chemical used with traditional methods for one month. Water use in 36,530 Litre. Next we measured steam cleaners Water use from steam cleaner was 142 Lt and zero chemical.
Start small and work through. For instance, get your waste program sorted first and simply work from there.
Grow morearesustainable with Too manyafacilities using unnecessarybusiness amounts of water to ensure a proper clean. Duplex, however, has found that one Duplex Cleaning Machines glass of water is needed in its steam cleaners to get a better clean in bathrooms than the old, traditional methods.
Below shows how the steam can work in your bathroom with just a glass of water. to bacteria the Spring Cleaner, o • Extreme temperatures of +150Welcome C instantly kill Duplex Newsletter for 2012 on contact.
• 4-8 Bar steam pressure blasts grime out of cracks and crevices. • The efficiency of Duplex steamers allows a bathroom to be cleaned in 4 min with minimal water use.
Using the power of steam, bathrooms can be cleaned to a higher standard in less than 4 minutes - using only half a glass of water. Given the amount of bathrooms in these facilities, steam is ideal. Below are four 1-minute bathroom steam cleaning steps. No Scrub, No Mop, No Chemicals
Jetvac Junior
Jetsteam with Trolley
Step 1
Step 3
Using the high pressure lance detail clean around the basin, taps, drain, hand rails, and mirrors. After steaming use a cloth to collect grime and dry.
Using the steam mini mop or triangle brush, clean the shower recess and bathroom walls. If heavy soiled, use the brush head without cloth.
Step 2
Step 4
Using the high pressure lance or toilet brush, detail clean the toilet seat, s-bend, the bowl, and under the rim.
Using the mini mop or floor tool, steam clean the floor. Steam will emulsify the grime and the microfibre will absorb.
We have developed a new, self-paced learning, online course specifically created to train our existing and future customers on the correct, naturally green friendly way to clean.
It serves as a virtual learning environment where customers can engage in:
»» Self-paced learning about green cleaning »» Tips and hints on how to get the most value out of green cleaning tips and courses
»» Re-visit or revise learning as many times
Why should Green Cleaning be implemented:
Grow a more sustainable Green cleaning is a safer, lower cost and business less wasteful way to clean Cleaning your facilities. Most facilities contain many Duplex Machines more chemical cleaners than needed. These chemical cleaners create packaging waste that is disposed of in landfill and the chemicals in the cleaning products can damage human health and the environment.
with White vinegar which cuts through grease and is a deodoriser. Bicarbonate of Soda deodorises, softens water and is a good scouring powder.
Estimated air pollutant levels indoors Welcome can be two-to-five to the Spring Greener Pure soap is aCleaner, general purpose cleaner that times higher, and occasionally up to 100 times higher, is completely biodegradable. Duplex Newsletter for 2012 than outdoor levels.
Today people spend upto 85% of the time indoors.
Children and Elderly are more vulnerable to exposure to chemicals, hazardous wastes and environmental hazards.
Limiting the use of toxic cleaning products will reduce damage to the environment and the amount of hazardous waste requiring specialized disposal.
On average, a cleaner uses 106 litres of chemicals per year-25 percent are hazardous to human health.
Natural cleaning substitutes traditional cleaners with cleaning solutions that contain fewer or less-toxic substances. Adopting different cleaning practices can also aid in keeping a clean facility while minimising the need to use toxic substances, for example use of large entryway mats and damp-mopping instead of sweeping, reduces airborne bacteria, fungi and dust. The use of vacuums with high-performance filters are used to minimise dust in the facility.
Lemon juice is a whitener, a deodorant and a cleaning agent. Washing soda cuts through grease and removes stains. Salt can be used to scour cookware and polish copper pans. Borax is a naturally occurring mineral salt. It cleans, deodorises, bleaches and disinfects. Borax is also used to control pests such as ants and cockroaches.
• Reduce the use of chemical cleaners by buying less, using less and looking for natural, safer alternatives like steam and microfibre • Be smart to read the label to avoid buying the more toxic product and buy only what you need.
Toilet cleaner - Make a paste from borax and lemon juice for cleaning toilet bowls. Ceramic cleaner - Clean tiles, sinks, toilets and baths with bicarbonate of soda using a damp cloth. Glass and mirror cleaner - Clean tiles, sinks, toilets and baths with bicarbonate of soda using a damp cloth. Tiles - Apply a borax paste then scrub. Rinse well. Air freshener - Use fresh flowers or sprigs of lavender. Disinfectant- Use 4-cup baking soda and 1â „2-cup white vinegar with warm water to scrub down tile. Clean glass surfaces by mixing equal amounts vinegar and water in a spray bottle Mould Remover - Mix 2 tsp. of tea tree oil with 2 cups of water in a spray bottle. Spray on problem areas. Vanity Cleaner - Add 30 drops of lemon essential oil into plastic spray bottle filled with distilled water and shake well. Stain remover - Rinse in cold water before stain can dry. Apply bicarbonate of soda. Laundry detergent - To make a cheap, environmentally friendly and safe washing detergent, mix one third of a cake of pure soap (grated) with one third of a cup washing soda. Dissolve in hot water in a bucket and top up with water. Use 2-3 cups per wash. Surface cleaner - Use bicarbonate of soda on a damp cloth to clean bench tops, sinks, windows and your refrigerator or freezer surfaces. Dishwashing detergent - Use pure soap to wash dishes and add white vinegar to the rinse water to give glasses an extra shine. Odours in fridge - Place a small dish of vanilla essence on the bottom shelf or bicarbonate of soda in the fridge To deodorise - Sprinkle bicarbonate soda on carpet, leave overnight before vacuuming. To remove stains- wet area and sprinkle with bicarb. soda, brush up with Duplex. Or 1 tablespoon of Borax to 4 litres of warm water.
*Please note, these recipes are suggestions only and safety precautions should be followed. You should wear gloves and have a general understanding of each ingredient prior to use.
To deodorise:
Use micro-fibre cloths with water or Jetsteam/Jetvac steamers
To remove
Use bicard.soda on a damp cloth (Tips: store soda in a flour shaker to keep dry) Put vinegar in a spray bottle either use neat or diluted with water. Smell only lasts while wet.
Welcome to the Spring Cleaner, Greener Duplex Newsletter for 2012 To deodorise:
Add a few drops of your favourite essential oils to spray water bottle.
3 - 4 cups of water, 1/3 cup vinegar, Âź cup baking soda, 2 drops essential oil (e.g. eucalypts).
Mix ingredients together, apply with a spray bottle.
To deodorise:
Sprinkle bicarbonate soda on carpet, leave overnight before vacuuming
To remove
Wet area and sprinkle with bicarb. soda, brush up with Duplex floorscrubber. Or 1 tablespoon of Borax to 4 litres of warm water.
Vinegar and bicarb. soda leave overnight. Bokashi liquid. Antibacterial essential oils such as eucalyptus, lavender, and tea tree.
Put vinegar or essential oils in a spray bottle either neat or diluted half cup vinegar to 1 litre water. Use vinegar or bicarb soda with crumpled newspaper for good results.
If you purchase a steam pressure cleaner in Victoria you can be eligible for a Victorian Government rebate. The Victorian Government’s new Living Victoria Water Rebate Program rewards Victorians for their efforts in saving water around the home and small business by providing rebates on a range of water efficient products. Small businesses are eligible to receive a one-off rebate of up to $2000 for the purchase and implementation of a range of products, appliances and services as set out in an approved schedule.
To take advantage of this Victorian Government initiative, simply fill out the form with a proof of purchase receipt and the model specifications of your purchase and return it to your small business water supplier or provider. Small business rebates are available for products purchased and installed. If you have purchased a steam cleaner from us in the last 12 months, you can apply by using the form to download in our website.
Chemical Free - Avoid toxic chemicals. Use non-toxic substitutes such as steam or microfibre technologies Prevention - Minimise soils from entering the facility in the first place with at least 4m of entry matting. Carpet Cleaning - Avoid carpet extractors which put on average 8 - 20 litres of chemical laden water down the drain per minute. Alternatively use a low moisture chemical free cleaner like a Duplex floor scrubber
Shower Heads - Use water efficient shower heads that reduce
water flow by 10-20 litres per minute. For a typical 80 bed facility this could save over 4000 litres of previous drinking water per day.
Water Efficent Cleaning - Use steam cleaners to reduce cleaning water consumption by up to 90% Rainwater Tanks - Install rainwater tanks to capture large amounts of water for landscaping purposes.
Green Energy - Switch to a Green Energy supplier and help reduce carbon emmissions pollution.
Lighting/Appliances - Use energy efficient fluorescent bulbs and buy energy efficient appliances.
Heating & Cooling - In winter reduce thermostat settings and
encourage people to wear an extra layer. In summer slightly increase the air conditioner temperature or if not too hot, simply open a window.
Recycled Paper- Use 100% post consumer recycled paper and envelopes.
Recycling - Set up a recycle program facility wide for recyclable materials like plastic, paper and metals.
Get involved - Incorporate the whole office into your sustainability program and ensure success.
Use a dry cloth when dusting to achieve a clean and polished surface.
Use a damp (not wet) cloth when cleaning the vanities as a wet cloth may leave streaks.
Microfibre consists of very fine threads of polyester and polyamide (nylon) that combine to form a single thread. Microfiber cloths are highly absorbent, stain Always use a different clothresistant for different as Chemicals areuse. not generally required when using microfibre andsurface don’t require chemicals for its It is this can lead to the transfer of dust, bacteria and dirt cloths or mini mops as microfibre cloths are designed for used for dry and wet surface cleaning. from one area to another. powerful cleaning. If you have sensitive skin, wear rubber gloves when using microfibre cloths.
Microfibre cloths can be used with steam machines for an even more high-quality clean.
Mini Mop Head 20cm can be attached to mini mop to clean and sanitise walls.
Microfibre Steam Mop Head 40cm can be attached to Thermoglide for a quality floor cleaning.
The JetVac Junior is a hit with cleaners in many industries. Powerful 6 Bar 165°C steam performance with hot water injection makes completing everyday cleaning tasks far easier.
4 min heat up time (world best) 165oC disinfects all surfaces Water filtered vacuum 24/7 continuous steam INCLUDED
The Jetsteam Maxi is an incredibly powerful steamer for its size. Featuring very impressive 8 Bar steam pressure with combined hot water injection, the Jetsteam Maxi is the ideal machine for even the most difficult of cleans.
Amazing 8 Bar Pressure 24/7 continuous steam 180oC disinfects all surfaces
Duplex 280 is a compact mini sized floorscrubber that is both flexible and powerful for domestic cleaning. Featuring the same patented dual cylindrical brush, two way handle and offset brush design of the larger models; the Duplex 280 provides exceptional cleaning results, efficient cleaning times, unrivalled manoeuvrability and excellent versatility on all floor surfaces.
The Duplex is the world’s most versatile and effective floor cleaner that scrubs, washes, dries, and polishes all surfaces including Profiled rubber, carpet, flotex, ceramic tiles, vinyl, timber, natural stone, safety floors, sport floors.
Cleans to the very edge Effective forwards and backwards Easy to Use - with only one hand Manual Water Release Easy Brushes Release Flexible and transportable
Available in two sizes Wall to wall cleaning Bi-directional operation Easy one hand operation Minimises water usage Faster and Cleaner
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