D ECE M B E R - 2020 T HE E VO LVI NG WO M A N - 40 -
How to Protect Against Hackers During the Holiday Season Written by: Fareedah Shaheed While the holiday season can be a joyous and beautiful time to spend with your loved ones it’s also a season of fraud. While you may be searching for a perfect gift for someone you care about, a hacker is using this time to stack up as much money as possible by scamming you out of your money. And to do this, they’re counting on you to not notice their tricks. The less you know about how to fight them off the more information and money they can collect off of you. Today, we will learn the steps you can take action on to lower the chances of them running off with your money and personal information.
It’s better to create passphrases instead of passwords. This means that instead of your password being n!c3c@rt=823q it would be nice pillow pizza warming fear c@t34
Below are 7 ways you can protect you and your loved ones: Create good passphrases
You can check out an awesome password generator here: https://1password.com/password-generator/
As you saw in the example above, passphrases can contain spaces which act as a special character. This is a special character that not many people use and I suggest you start to if your account allows it. Install a password manager A password manager is a digital program that securely manages and generates passwords, codes, and passphrases for you.