dgomag.com June 2022 DGO: Weed did it first. D G O Stoner spring has sprung
What’syourgo to whenhaveyouthe munchies? We wanna know! Post your favorite smoke snack on your Instagram story and tag us @dgomag for a chance to get featured!
DGO Magazine STAFF Editor Angelica 375-4551aleicht@bcimedia.comLeicht Design/layout Ryan rbrown@bcimedia.comBrown Contributors Erin MattAmandaMeganBrandtBiancoPushClark Reader Services 375-4570 Chief Executive Officer Carrie Cass Director of Multi-Media Sales Jamie Opalenik 4-5. Indie stoner films to 6-7.binge Get high and watch these obscure films 8-9. Trade your blunts for cold summer cocktails 10.-11 The more you know (about extractions) 12.-13 Why a lack of scientific cannabis studies hurts 14-17.everyoneCover story 18. Prohibition Herb strain review 19. The Green House strain 21-26.reviewAska couple of 27.potheadsDispensarylistings /d@dgo_mag gomag /d@dgo_magdgomag gomag Volume 5 Number 44 June 2022 What’s inside ON COVERTHE Stoner spring has finally sprung... Cover art: Matt Clark (illustration) Ryan Brown (design and layout) Tell us what you think! Got something on your mind? Have a joke or a story idea or just something that the world needs to know? Send everything to editor@dgomag.com 18 Channel your inner effing zen Our high-strung, slightly neurot ic brains have been in a state of blissful zen for the last 24 hours — and no, it’s not because we con vinced a doctor to prescribe us some Xanax. It’s all thanks to some fruity weed. 4 It’s time to earn your highbrow stoner card Want to get your fancy intellectual stoner badge? Well, the good news is that all you have to do is binge these 10 indie films while high as a kite. Sounds like a fun challenge to us! 10 The more you know (about THC extractions) There are numerous ways of extract ing concentrates from cannabis — and the methods vary significantly from one another. If you want to get the most out of your concentrates, it can be helpful to know all about the methods used during the extraction process. DGO Magazine is published by Ballantine Communica tions Inc., P.O. Drawer A, Durango, CO 81302 DGO is a free monthly publication distributed by Ballantine Communications Inc., and is available for one copy per person. Taking more than five copies of an edition from a distribution location is illegal and is punishable by law according to Colorado Revised Statute 18-9-314. You’re welcome for that excellent nod to “Arrested Develop ment” — and you’re also welcome for our review of 24K Banana. from Prohibition Herb How much could a 24K Banana cost? $10? DGO Pufnstuf for DGO Mag J une 2022 | 3
2. Whiplash Whiplash is a dark psychological dra ma from Damien Chazelle. A world away from his follow-up feature La La Land, “Whiplash” follows an abusive student/ teacher relationship, exploring the cruel nature of ambition and power. Financed by investors following a powerful short concept film, Whiplash is testament to the power of independent filmmaking.
1. Rushmore One of Wes Anderson’s earliest fea ture films, “Rushmore” sets out the ac claimed indie director’s signature style. Featuring Jason Schwartzmann as a precocious pupil who gets expelled from his private school, this quirky comedy has all the hallmarks of a Wes Anderson film, with less whimsy than many of his more recent features.
4 | June 2022 When it comes to prime stoner en tertainment, you may think that Cheech and Chong and Jay and Silent Bob reign supreme. And, to be fair, they do. You will never fully understand the magic of “Clerks” until you’ve watched the darn thing while stoned. But while every smoker occasionally enjoys watching a big budget Hollywood film featuring a car chase with Seth Green behind the wheel, watching the same 15 films tends to get old after a while. So for your next stoner movie binge, it’s time to expand your mind and think outside of the “Pineapple Express” or “Grandma’s Boy” box instead. Luckily, there are thousands of other independently produced and distributed films that are waiting to be discovered after a blunt or six. Whether you’re in the mood for a private school caper or a time-twisting thriller, the 10 indie films listed below are great options when you’re high as a kite — and may even ignite a new love of independent cinema. With these films, you’ll be a highbrow stoner before you know it.
The best kind of challenge: Earn your highbrow stoner card » All you have to do is binge these 10 indie films while high as a kite. Sounds like fun to us!
3. Fish Tank British indie filmmaker Andrea Arnold’s “Fish Tank” is the story of a teenage girl’s relationship with her mother’s new boyfriend. It encapsu lates the confusion and vulnerability of adolescence, especially in the shadow of a predatory relationship. The pairing of then-non-actor Katie Jarvis with then-unknown actor Michael Fassbender proves that indie cinema is a great pathway for sourcing incredible acting talent.
7. Memento Before there was Inception or The Dark Knight, there was “Memento.” Christopher Nolan’s low-budget picture initiated his signature story-twisting style, playing with time to help Guy Pearce’s protagonist decipher his own backstory.Compared with other Christopher Nolan films, “Memento” is relatively easy to follow, making it a great intro duction to his auteur approach.
9. Hunt For The Wilderpeople “Hunt For The Wilderpeople” was funded in large part by the New Zealand Film Commission, so there was little Hollywood involvement here. Perhaps that’s why Taika Waititi was able to develop his own quirky comedic style in this fun, heartfelt picture, which explores parenthood, adolescence, and loneliness.
10. Reservoir Dogs
4. Lady Bird
Greta Gerwig’s “Lady Bird” is a funny, soulful coming-of-age story that follows Lady Bird — formerly known as Chris tine — through the trials of adolescence. Featuring Saoirse Ronan and an all-star cast, Lady Bird isn’t exactly a low-budget indie feature, but Gerwig sourced funding for her film outside the major Hollywood production houses — and received rave reviews across the board on its release.
5. Get Out Many indie films can get lost in the Hollywood hubbub — but not “Get Out.” This horror movie by Jordan Peele sent shockwaves through film circles on its release — and not just for its cinemat ic style or charismatic lead in Daniel Kaluuya.Thefilm deals with race and eugenics, weaving a terrifying story that proves why it’s so important to hear Black voices in cinema.
8. She’s Gotta Have It Spike Lee’s career was launched from the rave reception of “She’s Gotta Have It,” a comedy that follows a young wom an who dates three wildly different men. This low-budget film explores female sexuality, idealising the notion that a woman should be able to enjoy multiple sexual partners without judgement in the way men can. It’s feminism in film form.
Reservoir Dogs was little-known until “Pulp Fiction” came out — and then ev eryone wanted to see it. Quentin Taran tino’s low-budget heist movie has be come a cult classic, and helped cement the director’s legacy as the master of witty dialogue and gratuitous violence. In fact, Empire magazine named Res ervoir Dogs the greatest independent movie of all time — so it’s a must-watch film for indie cinema fanatics. Although all these films were inde pendently produced, their success has led to many of them being bought by major studios or distributors, making independent films more accessible than ever. You’ll find these films — and hun dreds of others — on streaming services everywhere, so hunker down with a huge bowl of weed and an equally large bowl of popcorn to find a new apprecia tion of independent cinema.
— DGO Staff June 2022 | 5
6. Parasite You might think it unlikely for an indie film to win an Oscar for Best Picture — especially a non-Western indie film — but “Parasite: did just that. Created by a Korean production house and distributed by an indepen dent company, Bong Joon-ho’s dark comedy is a thrilling watch, by turns creepy, funny, scary and sad.
It can be like pulling teeth to find a good, obscure film to binge while you’re stoned off your ass on a hot summer day. After all, when a studio skips the multi plex and dumps a movie into the recess es of the internet — making it available on demand — it’s pretty darn suspicious.
After all, millions of dollars go into filming blockbusters, and millions more into promoting and pushing the film into the hands of consumers. And when film is sent to the naughty corner — and by that we mean it goes straight to on demand or streaming to be ignored — we assume that the final product is dreck. In turn, we also assume that the banish ment is simply an easy way for the studio to wash its hands of the mess.
While that can certainly be the case — there are plenty of films that have ban ished to streaming because they’re just that bad — a terrible plot line or a flat actor isn’t always the reason for a film’s unceremonious release. The truth is that some films have been sent to streaming or on demand in a bid that amounts to corporate censorship. These films have features or ideas that might challenge a status quo, and are pushed to the recess es of the internet in the hopes that no one will notice. Well, those types of films are a great option to dig up when you’re stoned — especially if you’re sick of the films you’ve watched 405 times from the stoner canon. So, next time you’re blazed, watch one of these five buried films instead, all of which are worth a look but got pushed out of the spotlight for political or social reasons.
Rage against the movie machine » Forget Pineapple Express. Next time you’re stoned, watch one of these obscure films that was buried for political reasons instead.
1. Battle Royale (2000) Foreign films are a tough sell for US audiences, but “Battle Royale” was a case of bad timing. Set in a dystopian future where students are forced to fight to the death by the government, the film popped up on the international circuit at a time when school shootings were a big issue in the states. Problem was that the Columbine mas sacre was still a fresh wound, so film and video games (especially “The Matrix”) were taking a lot of flak for encouraging violence.Inturn, “Battle Royale” found itself an unwelcome addition to international cinema. The Japanese government raised objections over its rating, some coun tries denied the film a traditional release and, in some cases, the studio held back
6 | June 2022
2. Buffalo Soldiers (2001) “Buffalo Soldiers” was precisely what it was supposed to be: an ultracool crime story with black humor and styl ized violence that had something to say about how America presents itself. In the decade since “Pulp Fiction,” sardonic crime sagas were all the rage, and “Buf falo Soldiers” was the real deal: non-de rivative and well made. To top it off, it had a great cast — including Joaquin Phoenix, Anna Paquin, and Ed Harris, to name a few. Alas, this story, about disreputable U.S. soldiers stationed in Germany and skimming Uncle Sam on the eve of the fall of the Berlin Wall, premiered at the Toronto Film Festival in September 2001 — shortly after the attacks on the World Trade Center occurred in New York City. Bad timing for the film, as the movie’s cynical depiction of the American mili tary had no place in the uber-patriotic post-9/11 moviegoing climate. It would be almost two years before the film got a theatrical release during which it failed to recoup its budget.
foreign distribution. The lack of a mainstream release made “Battle Royale” infamous, but its official U.S. release only occurred 10 years after its debut and was only for home entertainment.
3. Idiocracy (2006) Mike Judge’s TV career is solid, with Beavis and Butthead and Silicon Valley as unmitigated hits, but his film career has proven to be a lot trickier. Released in 1999, Judge’s “Office Space” became a cult classic in record time — and was such a part of the cultural lexicon by the time Judge’s next film, “Idiocracy,” was ready that many Judge fans assumed it would get a publicity blitz. That’s not exactly what happened, though. Rather than getting the Holly wood treatment, the film’s release was delayed by over a year. And when it was released, the movie was dumped into a handful of cinemas and sent off to the DVD bin. That was due to the fact that the film was released as the Bush adminis tration’s tide was turning. As such, the film’s satire of anti-intellectualism run amok was thought to be a turnoff for audiences.
However, “Idiocracy” co-star Terry Crews gave an interview to GQ in 2016, and suggested that the issue with the film wasn’t the satire. Rather, Crews suggested that the film’s unceremonious release was caused by the corporations featured in the film, which were un happy with the way their brands were portrayed as the heartless, insincere gatekeepers of tomorrow. While critics have since noted that the film had its flaws, both the critics and audiences now agree that the film deserved better than to be buried.
Adding to the interest was the fact that the constant changes in release strategies had made the film easy to download and pirate. This likely ampli fied the audience for “The Interview,” a rare case where trying to bury a movie made it more accessible.
Films ultimately agreed to a limited release, and “Four Lions” hit U.S. theaters 11 months after it had first made its debut at Sundance. And, while it did minimal business in cinemas, “Four Lions” has since become one of the most acclaimed comedies of the decade.
4. Four Lions (2010) Not so much buried as widely shunned, this British comedy sought to do the impossible: make a comedy about Islamist suicide bombers. Featuring an incisive wit and an understanding of modern England, the film managed to charm audiences and critics at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival. Although it premiered in England a couple of months later, the film didn’t make a showing across the pond, as distributors wouldn’t touch the film. Audiences had stayed away from topical films, even when their side was the hero, so a comedy about aspiring suicide bombers seemed like box office poison. Still, the lack of daring on the part of film distributors didn’t go unnoticed by the in-the-know audiences, who had heard the formidable buzz surrounding theDrafthouseproject.
5. The Interview (2014) “The Interview” is perhaps the highest profile film on this list — and is certainly one of the strangest cases of an ill-fated intersection of politics, commerce, and art. Notably, “The Interview” was sup posed to be a massive hit — it had big names, lots of publicity, and an advertis ing budget no other film on this list had. But the film’s extremely unflattering depiction of North Korea’s despot, Kim Jong Un, caused a big uproar — and led to Sony being hacked in retaliation for theFacingfilm.
— DGO Staff June 2022 | 7
a deluge of threats, Sony canceled the release of “The Interview.” However, the studio was promptly called out by the filmmakers, the press, and even President Obama for folding so quickly to the pressure. Sony then agreed to a limited release of the film — but subsequently flipflopped again and again on the release strategy until audiences and the media were too confused to keep up. Ultimate ly, “The Interview” ended up on stream ing platforms before hitting cinemas. And, somewhat ironically, the prior controversy surrounding the plot line and the hack eventually elevated what many dismissed as a low-brow comedy film into a major international incident — which drew even more attention to the ill-fated film.
» And no, these drinks aren’t just regular old mimosas or mojitos. We’re lazy, but we ain’t that
The perfect drink to have in hand when aperitif hour strikes, this peppy but grown-up cocktail is nothing more than one measure of Campari and one of sweet vermouth, topped up with soda water over ice. The finicky orange twist is best left to its rich relation, the Ne groni- a simple half-moon slice is more appropriate for this quietly sophisticated tipple. Even vodka-crazed macho man James Bond knocks back a few America nos in the original novels. Ingredients 1 1/2 ounces Campari 1 1/2 ounces sweet vermouth Soda water, chilled, to top Garnish: orange twist How to make an Americano Fill a highball glass with ice and add the Campari and sweet vermouth.
lazy.8|June 2022
Tickets $20 · ARE YOU R E A DY FOR A S UPERN ATURAL A DVENTURE ? G H O S T W AL K DURANGO DU RA NG O Walk through 140 years of haunted history in the hear t of the Rocky Mountains! Per fect for families, couples, locals & tour groups! Tickets $20 Kids 10 & under are FREE! Book Online at www.ghostwalkdurango.com or call (970)759-9393 As the mercury climbs, the idea of smoking a fat blunt on your front porch in the middle of the day may not seem as appealing as it once did. Well, at least not during the daytime hours, anyway. Nighttime is another story. As such, it may be time to swap out the daily afternoon bowl of weed for a cold cocktail instead. But in order to make that an even swap, the cocktails need to be quaffable and refreshing. Otherwise, what’s the point? While dour Old-Fashioneds may be your favorite, those drinks are best left in the colder months. If you want a true hot weather cocktail, it’s time to make way for sours and spritzes instead. That said, some summer cocktails are best left to the professionals. Daiquiris, like any shaken drink, require the correct bar ware to really be up to scratch, and mojitos leave a huge mess after you’ve tipsily whipped up your fifth round, provided you haven’t run out of limes by then.The ideal summer cocktail should rely on minimal ingredients and simple mixtures. By swapping that burning hot blunt for these five simple drinks, you can concentrate not on mixing and cleaning — but on getting a little tipsy with friends, or by yourself, on the hot summer days that are soon to come.
Too hot to get stoned? Swap out your weed for these super-simple summer cocktails instead
Top with the soda water and stir gen tly to Garnishcombine.thedrink with an orange twist. Kir Classy and continental, Kir is the tra ditional aperitif of Burgundy. A dash of crème de cassis, a blackcurrant liqueur from Dijon, is simply topped up with cold white wine. Any dry white will do the job, but for authenticity, search out aligoté, the vin ordinaire that stocks the carafes of Burgundian bistros, while the region’s prestigious chardonnays are exported or sequestered away in cellars. The grape is commonly grown in East
Add ice and stir once more to chill. Garnish with orange segments. While the same old glass of OJ and bubbly will get the job done when you want to swap out your daily blunt with a cocktail, we know you can do better than that. With just a few ingredients on hand, you can effortlessly knock out a simple cocktail this summer. Heck, with any luck, you may have some of these ingredients hiding at the back of your cupboard already.
— DGO Staff June 2022 | 9
The iconic Iberian wine preparation will bring back regrettable holiday memories for many, but remains the ideal large-batch cocktail for bigger get-togethers. Chuck together any old red (even good bars use dirt-cheap box wine, with yesterday’s open bottles thrown in), spices such as cinnamon, clove and star anise, orange juice, and a few slices of fruit. A white variation can be made without juice, lighter on the spices and heavier on the fruit. Glasses can be topped up with soda water or lemonade to lighten things up, or brandy can be added to the mix to get serious. Mix a huge batch and chill in the fridge, then serve in a punch bowl or decant into bottles and head to the park.
The Alter native Resource (Durango) (Durango) RECREATIONAL ONLY 9am - 8pm 37 County Road 232 (970) 426-4381 MED 9am - 6:45pm / REC 9am - 9pm 72 Suttle Street Units F & G (970) 259-3674 MED & REC 9am - 9pm 1013 E. Main St. Cortez, CO (970) 565-6500 ern Europe, so the cost-conscious might find a serious bargain from Bulgaria with a little rummaging around, while those in a more ostentatious mood can splash out on Champagne for a Kir Royale. Ingredients 1/4 ounce crème de cassis liqueur 5 ounces dry white wine, chilled How to make a Kir In a wine glass, pour the crème de cassis.Slowly add the dry white wine. Stir and enjoy. Amaro Spritz The Aperol Spritz is a Venetian clas sic, popularized in the UK by seminal London Italian joint Polpo, and ubiqui tous in sunny Australia. But Aperol is just one example of Italian amari, bitter herbal liqueurs with their origins in me dieval medicine. Other brands such as Montenegro, Averna Siciliana and even the artichoke-based Cynar are good candidates for the prosecco-and-soda treatment, but steer clear of the infa mous Fernet Branca, too idiosyncratic and strongly flavored for such a mild preparation. Ingredients 2 ounces amaro 3 ounces sparkling wine, such as prosecco 1 ounce club soda Orange slice, to garnish How to make an Amaro Spritz Fill a glass with ice and add the ama ro.Top with the sparkling wine and club soda.Garnish with an orange slice. Paloma This tequila and grapefruit soda highball is hugely popular in Mexico, but has yet to enjoy the export success of the Margarita, despite being easier to make and far less deadly when you’re knocking back your third in the blazing sun. Pink grapefruit soda is prettier, but white is just as delicious: pour Mexican Fresca or Jamaican Ting over a measure of tequila in a tall glass with lots of ice, and don’t forget a generous squeeze of lime. Ingredients 2 ounces tequila 2 ounces fresh grapefruit juice, plus wedges for garnish 2 ounces sparkling water ½ ounce lime juice ¼ ounce agave nectar or simple syrup, or to Coarsetastesea salt, for the rim of the glasses How to make a Paloma Salt the rim of the glass by rubbing a grapefruit wedge around the edge and dipping it onto a small plate of salt. Mix the tequila, grapefruit juice, spar kling water, lime juice, and agave nectar into the glass. Fill the remainder of the glass with ice.Adjust sweetness to taste. Garnish with grapefruit wedge. Sangria
Ingredients 1/2 medium apple — cored, skin on, and chopped into small pieces 1/2 medium orange — rind on, sliced into small pieces, with the large seeds removed3Tbsp organic cane sugar 3/4 cup orange juice (plus more to taste)1/3 cup brandy (plus more to taste)
750 ml bottle dry Spanish red wine How to make Sangria Add apples, oranges, and sugar to a large pitcher and muddle with a muddler or wooden spoon for 45 seconds. Add orange juice and brandy and muddle again to combine for 30 sec onds.Add red wine and stir to incorporate, then taste and adjust flavor as needed. Stir to combine.
There are certainly no shortages of products to choose from on the shelves at Colorado dispensaries. Whether you’re looking for a tincture, an edible, or some good ol’ bud, you have hundreds, if not more, options to choose from. In other words, it’s never been a better time to be a stoner. But while marijuana enthusiasts have always sung the praises of high-poten cy products like hash, these cannabis extracts — which include products like live rosin, bubble hash, and shatter — have become increasingly popular in recent years. That popularity is due, at least in part, to the fact that extracts, often referred to as concentrates, come with higher concentrations of THC. In turn, these products can offer incredible medicinal and therapeutic benefits to users — and can provide major relief to those who have found little success with other commonly-used remedies. But while the pain relief benefits can be gleaned from all types of concen trates, the truth is that not all extracts are created equal — literally. That’s because there are numerous ways of extracting concentrates from cannabis — and these extraction methods vary significantly from one another. Some use toxic solvents, others are clean extraction — but all of them are complex, requiring expertise and precision. If you want to get the most out of your con centrates, it can be helpful to know what method was used during the extraction process. Here are the most common extraction methods you should know. CO2 extraction CO2 extraction is a method that uses pressurized carbon dioxide to remove the cannabinoids from the plant. This is a safe and non-toxic method because it uses non-toxic solvents — unlike other methods that use butane or other types of solvents to pull concentrated amounts of THC from the plant. The CO2 extraction method works by using pressurized carbon dioxide to sep arate the cannabinoids from the plant material. The pressure and heat gener ated by the pressurized CO2 causes the cannabinoids to separate from the plant material. The CO2 extraction method uses a non-toxic solvent to separate the cannabinoids from the plant material. What’s attractive about CO2 ex traction is that it can also be used to extract other compounds, like terpenes, from the cannabis plant, in addition to cannabinoids like THC. Keeping the ter penes in the concentrates adds more fla vor to the concentrates — and provides a
» You better werk to understand these popular THC extraction methods; they have a big impact on the quality and taste of your extracts
10 | June 2022
The more you know (about THC)
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Supercritical fluid extraction Similar to the supercritical CO2 extraction, the supercritical fluid ex traction method uses a combination of carbon dioxide and ethanol to extract concentrates from plant matter. With this method, the pressure and heat generated by the mixture of CO2 and ethanol are enough to separate the cannabinoids from the plant material. Steam distillation Steam distillation is a method of extraction that is similar to the water extraction method. This method uses steam to separate the cannabinoids from the plant material. What’s unique about steam distilla tion is that it helps to preserve more of the terpenes in the extract, which adds flavor and other unique benefits to the concentrate it yields. Compared to can nabinoids, terpenes are not as structur ally sound, which means they are more easily damaged during the extraction process. As such, it can be difficult to preserve them using other methods. Pressure and centrifugal separation This method is newer and uses pressure and centrifugal separation to extract the cannabinoids from the plant material.
TheGreenHouseColoraACCEPTEDdo.comSCANTOVIEWOURMENU unique experience to users. But while it has become one of the more popular modes of extraction, it is more expensive than some other ex traction method. In turn, CO2 products can — and often do — have a higher price tag than other types of concen trates.
— DGO Staff June 2022 | 11
Ethanol extraction
The downside to using the super critical CO2 extraction method is that it takes longer to complete than other methods. This is due to the continuous fluctuations in temperature and pres sure — which impact the time needed to complete the extraction process.
This method uses ethanol, which is a type of alcohol, to extract concentrates from cannabis buds. During the ex traction process, ethanol is mixed with the plant material, which is placed in a sealed container. The container is then shaken to agitate the plant material, which helps release the cannabinoids. From there, the ethanol and cannabi noids are then separated. This method is popular in part because it is a lot cheaper than CO2 extraction. However, it is not as safe as CO2 extraction, as ethanol is flammable and can be explosive when mixed with otherEthanolsubstances.extraction is also popular because it is cheap and easy to use. Plus, ethanol is easily removed from the final product — but it takes a professional, and a lot of quality testing, to get the job done. In other words, it’s not wise to try this at home. Butane extraction If you’ve ever used butane hash oil, or BHO, then you’ve used a concen trate that was extracted using butane extraction.Thismethod is a common way to ex tract concentrates. It uses butane, which is a solvent, to extract the cannabinoids from the plant material. During this process, butane gas is passed through the cannabis plant matter in a sealed cylinder in order to separate the canna binoids and terpenes from the raw plant matter.Thisis generally a clean extraction method, but one of the concerns is that residual solvent and impurities can be leftover from the butane solvent. As such, only very high purity butane should be used when doing BHO ex traction.Thismethod also requires the con centrate to be tested to make sure no residual solvents are present. In addition to the concerns about trace solvent in the cannabis concen trates, it’s important to note that butane is highly flammable and poses a risk to those who use it to extract concentrates from the plant. Water extraction Water extraction is a method that uses water to separate the cannabinoids from the plant material. Although this method is effective, it typically requires a lot of water to process the concen trates — and is therefore not as environ mentally friendly as other methods of extraction.Thereare numerous types of water extraction processes, including cold water extraction, pressurized hot water extraction, and ice water extraction. Ice water extraction is commonly used for distillates because it yields a more powerful and pure result with less chance of contamination, especial ly when compared to carbon dioxide extraction and butane extraction. During the ice water extraction process — which uses a combination of ice, water, and fermentation — ice water is used to remove the trichomes and leaves from the cannabis. This allows for the preservation of terpenes and cannabinoids while removing the risk of contamination occurring during the process.Other types of water extractions will use different methods to extract the oil, terpenes, and cannabinoids from the plant. Supercritical CO2 extraction Like CO2 extraction, the supercritical CO2 extraction method uses pressur ized carbon dioxide to produce a clean, safe concentrate, but it does so at a higher temperature (up to -50°C). This makes it possible to extract more canna binoids than the conventional method. To perform an extraction using the supercritical CO2 extraction method, the plant material is ground into small matter and then placed into an ex traction vessel. From there, the CO2 gas undergoes high temperature and pres sure. A pump then forces supercritical CO2 into the extraction vessel, where it meets the plant. This breaks the trichomes and allows part of the plant material to dissolve into oil. Because the supercritical CO2 works like a fluid, there is no need to use other solvents in the process.
FOOD ASFUEL secrets of added sugars • calorie conscious routines • eating for energy DiD you know a gooD mooD is connecteD to fooD? Scan here to learn more! 970.247.35041275durangoherald.comMainAve,Durango No research study, more cry » Here’s why the missing scientific data related to the medicinal uses of 12 | June 2022
2. There’s a financial incentive. The fact that marijuana is relatively easy to grow, is a plant, and can’t really be patented by the major pharmaceu tical companies means there is less financial incentive for pharmaceutical companies to research THC as a drug — or fund research into how this plant could have medical benefits. After all, you can’t really patent a cannabinoid or a strain of cannabis, can you? Well, not really. But you can create a synthetic version of THC and use it in pharmaceuticals, which Big Pharma is al ready doing with drugs like Marinol and Cesamet, which are used as anti-nausea treatments for cancer and AIDS patients. Both drugs use a synthesized version of delta-9 THC, called dronabinol, as the active ingredient. But that’s a synthetic version of a cannabinoid — not an actual extract from the plant itself. And these compa nies aren’t going to invest millions into long-term studies when they know it is unlikely that they will be able to recoup that investment.
The same thing goes for when people go into a dispensary and ask questions. Cannabis users are typically quick to say that this plant can provide benefits in virtually every area of life, including reducing anxiety, fighting cancer, helping with mental disorders, providing people with better sleep, and much much more. But while anecdotally we all know that weed can be of medical benefit to those who choose to consume it, where’s the science to back it up?
June 2022 | 13
To reiterate, there have been some looser parameters recently for studies into the plant. At one point in the not too distant past, the only reason researchers could study cannabis was to prove that you’d become addicted to it (or face any other number of negative repercus sions), but things have changed a bit in recentWhileyears.itistrue that there are some studies going on right now, and that is good news, the reality is that it still takes time. Scientific studies will often span decades or even generations.
3. Time also plays a role.
Well, the answer to that question is a lot more tricky than it should be. While the nation at large is rapidly approaching a point where people can no longer deny that the cannabinoids and other com pounds found in marijuana can be used to ease pain and assist humanity in other ways, the science behind it is sorely lacking. And that’s because valid canna bis studies into the medicinal benefits of cannabis are extremely limited. That’s of no help to the people who may be on the fence about using canna bis products, and it’s especially detri mental in the fight to change the plant’s legal status. If we want the benefits of the plant to be more widely available to people outside of legal states, there need to be more scientific studies done on the benefits. But why haven’t there been more studies done? And what’s the issue when it comes to validating these claims? Well, here’s what you should know about what’s holding up the bid for valid scientific studies into cannabis — and why it’s hurting everyone in the process. Why there are so few scientific studies into the benefits of cannabis If you want to make a claim about the medical benefits of something, it’s necessary to have a study to back it up. But while there are a handful of peer-re viewed scientific studies into the plant, there aren’t nearly as many as there need to be. There are three reasons for this: 1. It’s still a Schedule I Drug. Marijuana has for decades been listed as a Schedule I drug by the federal government. This classification means that it is considered to currently have no accepted medical use and that it has a high potential for abuse. Cannabis sits up there with a ton of other Schedule I drugs, including heroin, LSD, Ecstasy, methaqualone, and peyote. This classification means that re searchers are, in large part, disallowed from looking at what the medical bene fits of the plant could be — the research has been mostly limited to how cannabis is an addictive drug that will kill you instead.While there have been looser param eters related to research in recent years, it’s still incredibly difficult to get funding or approval to do any studies at all into theAndplant.that’s true despite the fact that cannabis is now legal in many states. The federal classification still trumps the state classification in many ways — at least when it comes to research. In short, the lack of research all comes down to the fact that the U.S. Drug En forcement Administration still refuses to reclassify it into a more reasonable tier, which would help to eliminate much of the stigma and allow additional research to be done. It would also allow research ers to move forward without the threat of federal funding being pulled from them (or the threat of other punitive actions). Without a reclassification, the plant remains out of the hands of researchers in our country.
And since cannabis has been univer sally illegal in most countries for such a long time, these studies have been virtually impossible to conduct. As the laws change, it is likely that many more studies will begin, but it will still be quite some time before the truly authoritative research will be completed. The danger of missing scientific data related to Cannabiscannabisusers,whether recreational users or medical patients, know just how beneficial the plant can be to various as pects of their life. The majority of people who aren’t already familiar with these products, however, tend to be unaware and reluctant to trust the anecdotal evidence. This means they are needlessly suffering from a huge number of phys ical, mental, and emotional difficulties that could be helped using the various cannabis products that are available today. As more and more studies are being done, there is little doubt that the evi dence will show how beneficial cannabis products can be. This is why it is so im portant to continue to push for addition al scientific studies to be conducted and share the information from research in this area as it is released. It will take time, but eventually it will become clear that the prohibition on the cannabis plant has cost society a heavy toll in many different ways. DGO Staff cannabis is hurting everyone — even teetotalers
We’ve all either heard tales of how cannabis can be an extremely effective painkiller — or we’ve experienced it our darn selves. After all, when someone does a search for the benefits of canna bis — or marijuana, or CBD, or whatever search term they look for — they will find an endless list of claimed advantag es.
Angelica Leicht EDITOR AT DGO MAG Join us on a mind journey, friends. Let’s think back to a time when canna bis prohibition reigned supreme across the nation. A time when it took a heck of a lot of effort just to get stoned. A time when ditch weed with 3% THC was the norm. Those were the days, eh? And by that we mean those days were the ab solute worst when it came to getting high. After all, you certainly couldn’t just stroll into a dispensary and order up an ounce of White Widow. You had to Green thumb or not, it’s the perfect time to grow your own weed indoors with hydroponics put in some serious work if you wanted to get your hands on some bud. If you were fortunate enough to know someone who could hook you up, you’d still have to meet in a sketchy parking lot, where you’d exchange a wad of cash for a bag of weed filled with sticks, stems, and seeds. And, if you were lucky, the weed in that off-brand Ziploc was wellcured and slightly green, and a few bowls would get you high. If you weren’t, you found yourself holding a bag full of brown, dry buds instead. And in that case, RIP your lungs. They’re almost cer tainly still on strike. Without a plug, the only other option was to grow your own — and that re quired even more work… and more risk. Having your setup out in the open meant that you were tempting fate — and just asking for law enforcement to come sniff ing around. But if you took your little operation indoors, you were in vesting a ton of time, money, and energy — literally; the energy bills to run the grow lights would have been in sane — to do so. Things are obviously a heck of a lot easier these days, though. Thanks to our state’s thriving cannabis market, we have plenty of options. If we want to get stoned off of some fat nugs, we have the option to walk out the door, keys in hand, and snag a strain from the budtenders at our local dispensaries. Easy peasy. It’s great. But while a lot of us prefer to take the easy way out, it can still behecka of a lot of fun to grow your own weed if you’re so inclined. Not only can you legally have your grow operation out in the open at your home these days — no more clandestine basement grows for you — but the payoff can be huge. You’ll end up with a product that you’ve nourished, loved, and cultivated from start to finish — and you’ll know exactly what went into growing your bud. And if you’re using your cannabis to treat a medical condition or chronic pain, growing your own can be a heck of a lot cheaper than buying weed an ounce or two at a time. So, what say you? Yes? You want to grow weed? Well, this is the perfect time to get started on your new weed crop. But if you’re thinking of getting your green thumb on this spring, you need to know what you’re doing beforehand. You don’t want to slap together a haphazard plan for your buds. That will almost certainly end in disaster. And you certainly don’t want to take the outdoor route, either — why risk contaminants and critters getting all up in your plants?
Before you take the leap, though, you need to learn a few things. So please hold off on snatching up the last of the available clones at the dispensary, and make sure you’ve got the hydroponics plan for your weed garden down pat first. And lucky for you, the information below can help you out, so keep reading to learn all about what you need for your new indoor grow op. Trust us; it’ll benefit you bigtime to plan ahead. A quick primer on the basics of hydroponics If you’re unfamiliar with the basics of hydroponics, here’s the gist. Hydro ponics is basically an indoor growing system that uses water instead of soil as the major growing medium. All the nutrients needed by plants are deliv ered by ions directly to the roots of your plants, making the amount of nu trients easy for the grower to monitor andAnd,control.believe it or not, hydroponics can produce much larger yields when compared to traditional growing in soil. Plus, the potential for drought, damag ing winds, and hungry animals are all eliminated.Hydroponics isn’t a new concept, though; it’s been around for centuries. In fact, famous reformer, philosopher, and scientist, Sir Francis Bacon, wrote an entire book about soilless growing back in 1627.
Mrs. Frizzle says that stoner spring has sprung
As an added bonus, when you grow marijuana in the privacy of your own home, you won’t have to worry about nosy (and sticky-fingered) neighbors or curious wildlife getting into your stash.
The benefits of growing weed with hydroponics Using an indoor hydroponics garden to grow your weed can have tons of other advantages, too. For example, cannabis plants grow, mature, and flower more quickly in these setups, which means that you’re spending less time waiting for your plants to flower and more time stoned. Plus, bud that’s grown with hy droponics tends to be more potent than your average cannabis plant, which means it’s a great way to grow bud with a high THC concentration, whether you need it for medical use or just want to get really, really high. Plus, the potential for your plants having problems with pests is lowered, so you may be able to avoid using any pesticides or other nastiness to con trol a bug issue. And plant diseases are easier to avoid in hydroponics gardens. If they do occur, though, they’re easier to manage. The water necessary for hydro ponic growing can also be reused, so it’s good for conservation — which is extra important, given the serious drought we’re in. Since no harmful chemicals are carried into the Earth and shared, hydroponics is the green way to grow your “greens.”
Francis’ book, “Sylva Sylvarum,” provided the impetus for a slew of research and experiments on the subject. At the time, growing plants in water was called “solution culture.” But the term “hydroponics” wasn’t coined until 1937, when the University of California’s William Frederick Gericke borrowed the name from a colleague, W.A.Today,Setchell.hydroponics is an important arm of botany and agriculture, both within the cannabis industry and outside of it. You can actually grow a ton of different plants using hydro ponics — tomatoes, herbs, and tons of other goodness — but when it comes to growing with water, weed will thrive with this system. What this means is that if it’s done right, you’ll end up with an inexpensive and reliable supply of marijuana for your own use.
How does hydroponics work, exactly? When using hydroponics to grow cannabis, you’re primarily using wa ter to nourish your plants. However, the plants grow from a substrate medium. This could include a wide variety of mediums, from baked clay pellets, coconut peat, minced vol canic rock, recycled glass, rice hulls, sand, gravel, vermiculite pebbles, sheep wool, polystyrene packing material, or wood fibers. The preferred growing medium for most hydroponics gardeners, however, is rock wool. Rock wool is made by spinning minerals into thin fibers, creating an excellent sub strate for plants. While the plants are physical ly supported by rock wool or by some other substrate material, the roots are nourished directly from nutrients in the water. Of course, plants also need plenty of light for photosynthesis to occur, and they “breathe” carbon dioxide. And for growing plants to thrive, they also require the right tempera
nu trients – You have your pick of nutrients to choose from, so do your research and find out what other growers are using. Calimagic and Hydroguard are typically pretty great choices, but they certainly aren’t your onlyGrowingones. medium — Rock wool works best, but you have your choice of other substrate, too. Do what you want,Seedsfriends!oraclone — Seeds can be tough to track down, but you can find them at some dispensaries if you call around. You may also be able to get a clone from a dispensary, but they are typically in high demand, so you may need to do some shopping around. A hydroponic reservoir or tank — Again, you can build your own or buy a premade option. We’re lazy so prefer theAlatter.grow tent — You can buy one or you can build your own. Your call. Hydroponic reservoir and tray — This holds the water your plants will rely on to live. Don’t cut corners with this. Pump and air stone — You’ll need to keep airingcirculatforyourplants,andyourpumpiswhatdoes
The other option you have is a hydroponics grow box. What we like about these setups is that all the integral elements required to pull off a hydroponics grow will come with your grow box, and everything can be properly controlled with the touch of a button. It’s basically plug-and-play weed growing. One of the main benefits of opting to use a quality grow box is that it can control the flow of air and the amount of light needed in order for the plants to thrive. Most boxes include a pump ing system, screen for starting seeds, timers, CO2 circulation devices, and temperature control mechanisms. If you purchase a higher quality grow box, it may also include additional light ing and tools to help prevent infections. A good grow box will also maintain an ideal temperature for your plants.
ture, the right atmospheric humidity, and the right pH balance — all of which requires you to monitor the heck out of your plants and their environment. To do that correctly, you’re going to be putting some money into your setup. But the good news is that it is typically a one-time expense, and it could pay off in spades if you can get your plants growing quickly and potently. How to get started with hydroponics There are a few things you need to get your hydroponics garden up and running. You have a couple of choices here, though. You can either opt to purchase a fully functional grow box, which is our preferred method (we’ll get into more on that below) or you can opt to create your own hydroponics setup. Option 1: The DIY setup If you opt to create your own, your initial setup should include, at mini mum:Agrow light — If you don’t already have a grow light, you’ll need a grow light with 250W, 400W or 600W HPS for your first grow. These grow lights are optimal because they’re consistent and tend to result in awesome yields. You’ll also need hangars for yourHydroponiclights.
stuff — Net mesh planting pots, a carbon filter, duct tubes and ventilation fan, an oscillating fan, a hy grometer, and pH and PPM meters are all necessary to complete your setup. We won’t go into detail on how to set up your DIY hydroponics system because there are tons of different options — and what works for you and your setup will depend on a ton of fac tors. However, a quick Google search can give you exact instructions on how to get the job done to your specifica tions.
Option 2: The hydroponics grow box
All grow boxes are not created equal, though. You’ll need to do some research beforehand to find the right one — and the best one you can afford, because prices? Whew, chile. They can vary. We’re talking prices in the mid-hundreds to a few thousand bucks. That’s a significant investment. That said, there are a few options you may want to check out if you’re not down to DIY it. One is the Cash Crop Hydroponic Grow Box, which is great for beginners because it comes fully as sembled. Everything you need is in the box, minus the seeds — which again, you’ll have to track down — and it can grow yields of between 1-2 pounds of dried plant matter in every cycle. If you want something more hightech, we highly suggest that you check out the Leaf Smart Grow Box. That thing is a beast, with an app that lets you control your plant’s conditions — and also gives you the option to mon itor your cannabis plant’s growth via daily reports and a live video stream. Plus, it’s one of the biggest grow box options on the market, and it also comes with everything you need. The Mary Model Z, A Pot for Pot, and the Budgrower may be worth a look, too. But remember, these things don’t come cheap. So don’t be shocked when you see the price tag you’ll pay for taking the lazy route. Beware of the challenges of growing cannabis plants indoors The downside to hydroponics is that even with the right setup, growing healthy plants can still be a bit com plicated. Just think back to the last time you
— Diseases and pathogens: Indoor plants are still susceptible to diseases and pathogens that can cause roots, leaves, and stems to rot. No matter whether the pathogen is an insect, virus, or bacteria, you will need to deal with them as much, if not more often when using hydroponic growing methods. What sort of harvest can you expect from your weedhydroponicsgarden?
But the key here is to do your part. You’ll still need to keep a close eye on your plants and monitor the environ ment your plants are growing in. The nutrients, lighting, and setup all need to be exactly right to get things going — and to keep your plants healthy.
tried to grow houseplants. Chances are that you had to repot them several times a year and use various fertil izers to ensure they remain healthy and strong. And, any wrong choice you made would result in your plants turning from brilliant green to a wilting, brown mess of sadness. Well, the same can be as true with weed as it was with your houseplants.
In other words, there are challenges you can face when growing weed with hydroponics, and you need to know what they are before you invest in your setup:—Lighting intensity: Many people do not realize that even the strongest grow lights cannot take the place of ad equate sunlight. While marijuana does not require as much light as roses or various other plants, you will still need the proper intensity to ensure healthy growth.—Nutrient issues: If you are plan ning to use hydroponics, you will always need to carefully monitor the circulating water for adequate nu trients as well as make sure that the roots have enough dry time to prevent illness.That’s why we like grow boxes — because they typically include timers, pumps, and other mechanisms that will optimize water, CO2, and nutrient levels based on specific plant needs.
Once you’ve got things working the optimal way, though, you’re set. After you get your first yield, you simply need to harvest and cure your weed and then store it the right way so it doesn’t lose potency. Or you can just smoke the darn stuff instead. That’s what we’d do, but your business is your business.
Well, it depends. If you do things right, most hydroponics gardens will set you up for a yield every six to eight weeks, or at least every few months, which is great. And by keeping the mother plant healthy and happy, she’ll provide cuttings for clones for a long time. Once you get going, you’ll have steady, dependable harvests that you can count on.
When it comes to feelings like calm and happy, my brain typically just does not compute. You’d think with as much weed as I smoke that I’d be a walking caricature of a goofy stoner, right? And while that can occasionally be the case — usually after a few strong edibles — that is not my normal vibe. I’m primarily a walking basket case of nerves and sensitivity, which is probably a large part of why I consume so much cannabis. It makes me tolerable to the people around me.But a new development occurred this week, and I think you should know about it. While I’d normally be a stressed-out mess right now between deadlines, more deadlines, and all the dang deadlines, I’m not. In fact, my high-strung, slightly neu rotic brain has been in a state of blissful zen for the last 24 hours instead. And no, it’s not because I convinced some unsuspecting doctor to prescribe me Xanax for my anxiety. It’s all thanks to a little strain called 24K Banana. This strain is one of the new premium strains on the shelf at Prohibition Herb, and — as you may have gathered by the name — it’s a cross between two pretty well-known strains: 24K and Banana. That mish-mash of 24K and Banana results in a hybrid strain that contains about 24% THC — and is known for giving users a laid-back, lucid high. Well, that sounded great to me. Ain’t nobody (especially me) need an ampedup high, so I was down to try this ol’ girl out.And let me tell you — that was one of the best decisions I’ve made when it comes to my weed choices, because 24K Banana is a badass. One of the first things I noticed about this strain after popping the lid off of the fancy-ass jar that Prohibition’s premium strains come in was that the bright green nugs were dense and compact — and if I looked closely, I could spot little orange threads throughout. While perhaps not the most impressive-looking strain, it’s a pretty one for sure. And, the second thing I noticed? Well, it was the overwhelming aroma of ba nanas, which was sandwiched between hints of citrus and the distinct smell of weed. The bananas were not surprising, given that this strain has a lineage in Banana Kush — but I was surprised to smell the citrus. I’m guessing that smell stems, pun intended, from the strain’s 24K roots. Or maybe I’m just grasping at straws, I don’t know. But I know what I smelled, a’ight? I also know what I experienced shortly after I lit this sucker up, which was pure and unadulterated weed bliss. I’m not kidding you, guys. Shortly after I stuck my nose in this jar, I grabbed a few of those dense nugs and then halfass crumbled with my fingers before tossing them into my good ol’ Pax vape. I am the laziest of stoners, I know. And that’s all it took to get very stoned and very happy — just that one bowl of this weed. That’s pretty darn impressive, if you ask me. After all, there are plenty of strains out there with high er THC content than 24K Banana — but they don’t always result in such a quick, apparent high. This one was just different from the start. One puff of that banana-flavored smoke and it was clear that I’d met my match. My head started to feel light and airy, and I could just feel the tension drip off of my shoulders like a bag of bricks sliding off a ramp. A few more hits and my brain was swimming in what can only be described as plain old bliss. I suddenly had no trou some help finding your inner effing zen?
On page 20 18 | June 2022
Come one, come all with your silly, embarrassing, or just plain weird questions about weed, weed-related issues, and whatever else you can dream up. We’ll do our best to answer them in the best way possible. And here we go. editor@dgomag.com
DGO’s Blaze and Puf answer your weed questions you are too embarrassed to ask anyone else.
» Well, my little high-strung friends, 24K Banana may be the strain you’re looking for
— DGO Pufnstuf WRX 99 in effect
I’m going to show my age here, but all I can think of when I see the strain name WRX 99 is Wreckx-n-Effect, the late 1980s, early 1990s rap group featur ing Aqil Davidson, Markell Riley and Brandon “B-Doggs” Mitchell (and maybe one or two others? I don’t know. It’s been a hot minute since I worked as a music writer).These masterminds were the ones responsible for bangers (said with seri ous amounts of sarcasm) such as “Rump Shaker” and “New Jack Swing” — songs that I’m pretty sure I danced my ass off to at every middle school dance I attend ed. And I did so badly. Very, very badly. Because my brain has inexplicably made this association between weed strain and awful ’90s rap group, I have had the phrase “shake your rump like a rump shaker” stuck in my head for days on end. It is awful. Please send help. But what isn’t awful — and doesn’t deserve such crummy word associa tions — is the WRX 99 strain from Green House Durango. It’s not the fault of this strain that there’s loose wiring in my brain. That’s just how it be in my noggin’. I don’t know why. As such, I’m going to try and put aside any terrible rap references as I write this review. It’s going to be tough, but we’ll see how I do. Maybe I’ll surprise myself. Anyway, back to the strain. So while this strain’s name reminds me of the song that shall not be named, there is no association with that band or the butt-centric song of old. This hybrid strain, which is currently on the shelves at the Green House, is named as such be cause it’s a cross between Cindy 99 and Williams Wonder. I’m not entirely sure where the WRX part comes from — may be the W from Williams and RX because it’s marijuana medicine? — but where the originates from 99 is obvious. The result of the cross between these two strains is a strain that produces dense, compact nugs that are covered in resin. Honestly, they’re nothing to mar vel at, but it’s not the cover of this book thatWhatcounts.makes this strain special are its effects — and the unique aroma and taste. Let’s start with the latter. When it comes to the aroma and taste, they were nothing like what I would have expected from a strain that looks this nondescript. Once I popped open the lid, all I could smell was the sweet aroma of grapes. The scent was so clearly grape, in fact, that I would have expected this strain to grow thick, purple nugs on a vine — not that tiny, dense, and utterly unimpressive buds that it yields. And when I took a hit off the bowl, the grape flavors were just as apparent. I felt like I was smoking fruit, not weed. Go figure. What came as even more of a shock, though, were the effects. All it took was a few hits of the pipe for the face high to kick in. I started to feel like a million fingers were massaging my face in tandem, which is an odd but pleasurable feeling — and that face and head high quickly dripped down to my shoulders. It was like a tiny weed mas sage was lifting all the tension from my upper half — a welcome change to my normally tense demeanor. Shortly after, it became apparent that it wasn’t just my face that was high. I was pretty effing stoned altogether, with my brain feeling light and airy, and my limbs feeling heavy and relaxed. I slumped on the couch like an inani mate bag of rice, content to just sit with myself for a few minutes. But that didn’t last long. With a huge smile plastered on my face, I went from relaxed and lumpy to chatty as hell, asking all of the questions of the person sitting next to me. Like, we’re not talking about questions that needed to be asked, either. We’re talking about questions that nobody needs to inquire about. In particular, I wanted to know why cartoon people are only drawn with three fingers and a thumb. I’d never really thought about it before, nor do I care now that I’m sober, but I REALLY needed to know while I was high after a bowl of WRX 99. But my couch mate did not know the answer to that question, of course, be cause who the heck would. Nor did they know the answers to any of my other questions, either. That didn’t stop me from asking them, though. Nor did it stop me from eating like 405 snacks while doing so. That went on for far too long, if I recall correctly. Luckily, I finally got sleepy and passed out — which was likely a welcome reprieve for the person being subjected to my Andstupidity.whenIwoke up, I still had that one line from “Rump Shaker” stuck in my head. Go figure. So, yeah. That’s WRX 99. The name reminds me of a terrible rap group from the 1990s, but the strain itself is so much more delightful than the music I associ ate it with. If you’re into being super high and chatty, this one is going to be your jam (pun absolutely intended).
» If you’re looking for a strain that will get you super high, super chatty, and super inquisitive, look no further than this doozy from Green House Durango
June 2022 | 19
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I was so carefree, in fact, that I passed out at some point, the feeling of happiness and warmth wrapped around me like a cuddly, weighted blanket. Like the best session of weed therapy, I guess, courtesy of Dr. Ganja. And while the feeling I got while stoned on 24K Banana was great and all, what really stood out to me about this strain was the fact that I continued to feel that way well after the high was over. The effects may have lifted from my brain, but my state of zen wasn’t. It Sincestuck.smoking this strain, I’ve gained a feeling of peace with the normal, everyday stresses that tend to com pound for me. I’m slower — in a good way — and find myself taking more time to approach what’s on my plate, even when things are starting to look like the Leaning Tower of Writing Assignments. That’sNow,huge.can I say for sure that it was the 24K Banana that did the trick? Of course not. But I do think that the effects of this strain allowed me to relax enough that I was able to align and refocus.Iguess the best way to put it was that it offered enough of a mental break that I felt comfortable lifting up that huge pile of bricks once again — and they didn’t feel so damn heavy the second timeWearound.allstruggle with that feeling every once in a while. And if you’re dealing with something similar, I would definitely give this strain a try. I can’t promise you that it will make it easier for you to face the overwhelming pile of work stress, or home stress, or just general life stress, but it sure as hell made me feel zen. And if it can do that for my high-strung ass? Well… it can do that for anybody. DGO Pufnstuf
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From page 18 20 | June 2022
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bles, no fears, no worries. Who cared if I was on a deadline but was stoned rather than writing? Who cared if I was getting emails about late assignments? Who cared if writing sometimes seems like the most mundane but maddening of Notchores?me, that’s who. At that point, and at that moment in time, I had not a care in the damn world. It was AWESOME.
June 2022 | 21
Puf: I mean, no offense, but the way you’re using weed sounds pretty bad, to be honest. Stop using cheap pipes! It’ll change your damn life. There are so many afford able rigs or pipes out there that are worth every penny — and they don’t take many pennies to afford. If I were you, I’d save up for an entry-level dry herb vape. They aren’t great, and the parts aren’t always the most sturdy, but good god, it’s a lot better than having to scrape sticky resin out of the bottom of a glass one-hitter. I’ve tried that time and again, and NONE of the tricks on the internet work. I’ve dumped them into glasses of alcohol. I’ve used dish soap. I’ve used special soap. Nothing works. What does work is baking that weed like an oven in a dry herb vape. When you’re done, you just dump out the brown, baked weed and call it a day. So easy. So, I highly recommend that route. What I do not recommend is smoking out of whatever is cheap. You don’t want to end up smoking out of something that isn’t great for your lungs or your body, and you run that risk when you cheap out. The manufacturer of that cheap pipe could have drilled out the holes in the glass, which doesn’t just weaken it — it also leaves behind glass dust or other contaminants in some cases. And that isn’t shit you want in your lungs. I promise.Ifyoureally can’t afford better pieces, roll a joint and call it a day. At least you know what you’re smoking out of when you do that — and you can replace a pack of Zig-Zags way cheaper than you can replace a pipe. So, I guess that’s a win-win. I get headaches. A lot. And sometimes they’re debilitating. I’m not big on smoking weed but would marijuana help with my headaches? Puf: Dude. Duuuuuuude. You have no idea the magic that cannabis works on headaches.Checkit. So, I spend a lot of time in front of computer screens, which means I end up with a lot of screen-induced couple of potheads
Blaze: When you figure out how to drop a bunch of weight while still being a stoner, let me know. Please. Because I need to do this as well, though I’m not too sure I can do both at the moment. See, when we ingest cannabis, it attaches itself to then activates our bodies’ CB1 receptors. These can be found in the brain AND stomach, which is why marijuana gives us the munchies or, as I like to say, turns our stomachs into black holes in which no amount of chips or brownies can quench. I tend to buy cheap pipes to smoke weed out of. Inevitably, they always end up breaking, getting lost, or end up getting gross enough to where I don’t want to clean them. Is that a bad way to use weed? Blaze: Cheap pipes for life! Did I just discover a new band name? As I used to do the same thing, I personally don’t think it’s a bad way to ingest weed, but it’s not so great for the environment to keep buying and throwing away cheap pipes. If it’s becoming a real problem or you’re feeling guilty or you’re constantly having to replace your hardware, consider going the edible route (much harder to lose) or buy ing an expensive vape that will inspire you to not lose or break it.
Hi there! It’s time for another Q&A with our good buddies Blaze and Puf. These two potheads are here to answer all of your burning weed-related in quiries. Whether it’s a question about legalization, the benefits of the plant, or something else entirely, these two potheads— and their dearth of useless knowledge—are at your disposal. That’s basically all they’re good for, anyway—that and smoking weed—so you might as well take advantage of their useless knowledge as you see Havefit.your own questions to ask these two fools? Send them to editor@dgomag.com and we’ll do our best to answer them. And, feel free to send them allll over — your wild, wacky, and just plain weird questions about weed. Nothing shocks us at this point. And we do mean nothing. I’m a big-time pothead, but it’s time I lose all the weight I gained from COVID-19 (and the munchies). Are there certain weed items I should avoid if I want to do this? Puf: Umm, if you find them, please let us know what they are. Last night I woke up at 11 p.m. after passing out on edibles and ate an entire second dinner. No shame in my munchie game, I guess. I don’t even know anymore.Iguess the only real advice I can give you is that you should probably stay away from heavy indicas. I say that from personal experience and NOT from scientific reasoning. All I know is that anecdotally, I tend to eat a lot — like so many gummy bears — after smoking an indica. When I smoke a hybrid or a sativa I tend to get much less hungry. That said, I freaking love indicas so you can pry them out of my cold, dead, bloated-with-gummy-bear hands, I guess. Let me live my damn fluffy life already, shit. Also, I’m being pretty unfair to indicas with my answer. There are plenty of indicas that probably won’t give you the munchies, but what they are, I don’t know. The thing about weed is that it affects everyone differently, and what gives me the munchies may not give you the munchies. Anything with THC in it runs the risk of giving you a serious case of hunger, so know that before you im bibe. It’s really trial and error for every person. So try different strains, different percentages of THC, and different edi bles and tinctures if you’re into that. Find what makes you less hungry and stick with it. That’s the only way to really get the right answer to this question. One other thing you may want to try is to choose a strain with high CBD and less THC. The cannabinoid CBD typically doesn’t induce the munchies the way that a high dose of THC typically does, but it also won’t make you as high. If you can handle that, you may have some success going that route. Now go out and try it. And don’t forget to report back, thanks. Our fluffy butts could use it.
Ask a
» a few burning questions about good ol’ weed? Fear not. Our resident potheads can answer them. (Maybe. Probably. We’ll see.)
Got yourself
headaches.And,Ialso get headaches from booze. Doesn’t matter if it’s beer, vodka, wine, or something else entirely. About an hour after I have a drink, I end up with a throbbing, gross, frustrating headache. You know what helps? You got it. Weed.And it also helps with migraines, which I’ve gotten more often after having Covid (last year! I’m fine now!). I didn’t really suffer from migraines prior to my dance with the viral devil, but I do now. I’ll give you one guess as to what helps.That’s right! Weed! I can’t tell you it will work for you, though. I’m not a doctor and I don’t know your genetic makeup. Even if I did, though, I still couldn’t tell you it would help because, well, I don’t understand freaking genetics. The only way to know if it will work is to try it.
Blaze: I feel this person’s pain. I am a long-time sufferer of painful headaches from when I was a kid that eventually morphed into vomit-inducing migraines.
to a 2020 study published in Brain Sciences, medical cannabis use results in long-term reduction of mi graine frequency. And, medical cannabis use is also associated with less disability and lower anti-migraine medication intake.And, a 2019 study published in Science Daily also noted the positive effects of cannabis on headaches. Ac cording to data from the study, inhaled cannabis reduces self-reported head ache severity by 47.3% and migraine severity by 49.6%. The study also found no evidence that cannabis caused ‘over use headache,’ a pitfall of more conven tional treatments. So, between the scientific evidence and my own anecdotal evidence, I feel pretty confident saying that there is a chance it will also work for you. Can I guarantee it? No. But I can tell you to try it. No one should live with debili tating headaches if they don’t have to.
Worth a shot anyway.
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I can tell you, though, that there is some science that backs up my anecdot al evidence that headaches are helped byAccordingweed.
22 | June 2022
Over the years, however, I have found that the answer to your question is “yes.” Mar ijuana can help you with your headaches. There has been many an instance where I was hellbent on never moving again because of a migraine, but Puf passed me their vape and within five minutes I was feeling well enough to rally. Science backs me up on this as a 2019 Washington State University study found that cannabis cut headache and migraine pain by half. I say this while acknowledging that everyone’s bodies work differently, and while there is always the chance it might not work for you, it can’t hurt to try. If you’re not a
big fan of smoking weed, you’re a weed newbie, or you straight up just don’t want to get high when you have the headache from hell, I suggest toking on a few puffs of CBD only strains and either avoid THC or smoke a strain that has low THC content. And if you do, just take a few hits. When I go into a dispensary, I notice that some weed strains are far more expensive than others. What makes some weed strains more expensive than others? Puf: Um, the amazingness levels of the different strains? Duh? I kid. Mostly. This is a complicated answer that requires a lot more business acumen than I possess, but in general, weed is a lot like any other product. Booze, food, or clothing all come in different price points and with different qualifiers for theWithcost.weed, you have your high end strains, which are either specialty strains that are hard to find, possess awesome qualities, or have some other weed superpower I don’t know about. And then you have your everyday strains, which are still awesome, bros, but aren’t as marketable or unusual. There’s a lot more that goes into it, like the method of cultivation, the genetics, the lineage, the quality, and who grew the stuff, but know this: you can’t go wrong with either one. High end or low end, they’re both going to do your body some good, and you shouldn’t discount a strain because it’s five times cheaper than another one. You should also consider doing some of your own scientific research (read: smoke some of both the high end and budget bud) to see if you can tell a difference. I freaking LOVE high end strains and can sometimes tell the dif ference, but I also freaking LOVE budget strains, so I’m not a good judge in this category.Maybe Blaze will be more helpful. I’m off my game these days when it comes to educational topics. Blame it on the never-ending isolation and too much of a good-good thing.
June 2022 | 23
Blaze: Oh man, that’s a complicated question, my dude! There’s a lot of factors that go into marijuana pricing structures and what makes a connoisseur shelf strain. First off, how it’s grown and who grew it plays a big role in that. Some growers, like Durango Cannabis Company and The Green House Pagosa, have established notorious reputations in the marijuana community for grow ing some excellent bud. Cultivation and packaging also play a role. Are you buying whole bud or are you purchasing popcorn, shake, or trim? An ounce of whole bud is going to cost you much more than an ounce of popcorn. And, finally, we get to genetics. While all weed is great, let’s be real here. Some strains have a much more widely appre ciated lineage, like OG Kush and Durban Poison. You’re going to pay more for quality strains like that because, well, everyone wants them! I’m having some lady troubles - when it’s that time of the month I get the worst cramps and just feel terrible. Can weed help with that? Blaze: Oof, you have our deepest con dolences. First off, we highly recommend you consult your physician first. I know looks can be deceiving, but Puf and I are unfortunately not doctors. BUT we can give you a few recommendations based on scientific studies. Secondly, we need you to read this entirely useless study that was done on the subject in 1847. Thirdly, while not a lot of studies have been done specifically on cannabis’s effect on menstrual cramps, there is plenty of evidence to show that marijua na has a potent impact on pain. In 2017, a study was published in the Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. studying this very subject, and in 2015, The Journal of Pain published a study on the safety of people using cannabis as a pain manage ment substance. Puf: Weed. Can. Help. With. EVERY THING. I’m not sure how long you’ve been reading our weed-y rants, but I’ve noted a couple of times in some early reviews that I suffer from a little thing called up per-bowel Crohns. I know you want to know about my guts and all, but it is what it is.Anyway, it’s not the same as hormon al cramps, but it does suck a big ol’ butt
when it flares up. I can’t eat. I can barely function. And it’s not uncommon for me to be stuck in the emergency room for fluids when it gets really bad. I have learned to live with it, but you know what? Weed helps a metric shit ton (pun intended), and I will not let anyone pry it out of my cold, dead hands for that reasonWhenalone.mybody freaks out, all it takes is a joint or a puff of a vape to be able to eat or drink normally. I don’t know why, and I don’t know how, but I know it works. I don’t even really care what the mechanism is, to be honest. It just works and that’s enough for me.
Blaze: Aw, poor kiddo. And poor you! Luckily, we have a good answer for you: yes! CBD is safe for your precious canine. You can get CBD treats (that will not make your dog high) in the form of dog treats, so your puppers will love them. You may have to experiment with which ones work best for your dog and lifestyle, but rest assured, CBD will definitely calm your dog down. Can weed make you sick?
Blaze: I’m interpreting this question as “can weed make you throw up,” but correct me if I’m wrong. And the answer is, yes. THC is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana and it will make you high, or intoxicated, if you will (spoiler alert). I’ve certainly had bouts with edibles that were way too potent for my liking (or I was really stupid and took too much -- who knows). They made the world tilt and spin in a way I didn’t appreciate, especially when I had to walk across an entire food court to buy Thai boba tea for Puf and I once and I felt like I was in “Inception.” For me, I tend not to have that issue as much with flower, except for one instance when I threw up outside a friend’s home after smoking a joint with them. On that occa sion, I was just inhaling too hard. This is all in confidence, right? Puf: OK, well as Blaze said, I’m not super sure what you mean by this question, but I’ll assume you mean can weed make you “sick” as in feeling like you licked the inside of a dump truck and not give you like, a SARS-level illness or something. Feel free to email me angrily if I’m wrong. Before I go any further, though … be cause we’re talking about health issues, please enter the obligatory “I am not a doctor, weed or otherwise” here. This does not constitute medical advice, but I’d hope you’d ask someone way smart er and with way more science knowl edge than I have if you were looking for such a Anyway,thing.here’s the deal. Can weed make you sick? Um, yeah, kind of.
24 | June 2022
For starters, contaminated weed — like weed with mold spores or whatev er — can make you sick. But Colorado has a good system in place for ensuring such things won’t make it onto the shelves, so you don’t really have to worry much about that if you’re buying from reputable sources (i.e. the dang dispensary).Otherwise, weed can make you FEEL sick, but actually making you sick-sick? Eh. Doubtful. I know this for certain because weed
Now, I can’t promise you it will knock out your cramps, but I can tell you that there is a very good chance it will. This stuff works to help cancer patients endure pain or get through chemo and it helps chronic pain patients wean off of dangerous opioid painkillers. Chanc es are good that if you throw back an edible or puff-puff-pass the next time you have cramps you’ll get some relief.
Worth a try, you know? My dog gets so hyper and I’m trying to find ways to get him to chill out! Can dogs ingest cannabis and is it healthy for them? Puf: Obligatory “I am not a (dog) doctor” here, but I think I can answer this. So, yes and no. While THC and other cannabi noids can help dogs chill out, you need to be careful about the amount and the type of cannabis product your giving el doggo. Here’s the issue. Your dog is a lot more sensitive to THC than you are, so if your dog gets high, it gets reaaaaaaaaaal effing high. Too much of a good thing means a stressed out, potentially MORE hyper dog on your hands and a traumatized pet parent. That is no bueno for anyone or anydog involved.Thatsaid, there’s a chance that THC can also be toxic to dogs, so again, you need to be careful about what you’re giving your pet when it comes to cannabis. Luckily, there are PLENTY of pet tincture options to give your dog to help them chill the hell out. I give my big ol’ beast of a dog a bacon-flavored pet tincture that has just CBD in it and it’s a lifesaver. He goes from 130 hyper horse to calm and relaxed in the blink of anCBDeye. is also good for his health, which is primarily what I give it to him for. But if you’re planning to give your dog THC? Don’t. Stick with CBD products instead. It’s not worth the potential headache of an anxious, hyper dog or the poten tial health ramifications. But that’s just really my opinion, I guess.
June 2022 | 25
Weed love to help you! Order online through Weedmaps.com, Leafly.com, and Kinfolk-farms.com 4 for $20 House Joints every day New lower pricing Clones now available Loyalty rewards program kinfolkretail@gmail.com970-759-868383ADavidsonCreekRdDurango,CO81301 RECREATIONAL DISPENSARY LocalsDayiseveryTuesday!
Puf: Well, for starters, you need some CBD on hand, my friend. That’s right; CBD. I know this because I have asked this same question of the fine folks at the dispensary. Sativas make me horribly paranoid and weird as of late, and as someone who writes about weed for a living, I can’t really avoid them. But, it turns out that CBD, the canna binoid that people tout is useful for just about everything, can help. Before I get to that, though, I want to say that if you’re super sensitive to THC, you should start by not taking that much to begin with. Lower your dosage and you may not even need CBD to cut down the paranoia that comes from it. What I’ve found is that smoking too much of a good thing increases my para noia, as does taking too many edibles. I don’t like hearing the sound of my own heartbeat in my eardrums, and when it happens, it makes me super jumpy and unnerved. Not a fun combo. But if I go slow, I end up in a much better, much happier place. So, before you invest in CBD, try that. You’re prob ably taking too much. If that doesn’t work? Well, get you a bottle of CBD tincture, stat. It works like a charm. Here’s what you do. If you find yourself scaling the walls after smoking a blunt or hitting a vape, you just take a few drops or droppers full of CBD (whatever the dosage on the bottle says), it will help to temper the crushing paranoia that you’re feeling.
has made me feel like an actual dog butt before, and it sucked. The first time it happened I mixed it with cheap beer, which was not a good idea. So, at the time I was living in another state that shall not be named, and I was drinking huge goblets of Shiner. A friend showed up with a fat ol’ joint of god knows what, and we proceeded to smoke the whole thing between the three of us — on top of being semi-drunk. I felt fine initially — in fact, I felt more than fine. I felt stoned as a mufucka, and my head was swirling around like the inside of Dumbledore’s pensieve. But, as the night went on, I began to feel worse, and worse, and even worse. At some point we ended up at anoth er bar on the opposite end of town, and at that point, I was acting like a com plete derp. I was sweaty, paranoid, felt like I was going to puke, and worst of all, I couldn’t even drink my dang beer. It. SUCKED.DidIend up puking? I did not. But if I had, I would have deserved it, cause you shouldn’t mix weed and booze unless you have a real knack for knowing your limits.You will not be surprised to hear that I do not have a knack for such a thing. Boo, hiss. The second and final time that I got “sick” from weed I was just being a damned fool. Blaze and I were hanging out and decided to try and cook some stuff that we didn’t know how to cook. We were just being dumb, listening to music and hanging out in my kitchen while puffing a vape. Said vape was — unbeknownst to me — filled with a creeper strain, and I didn’t feel like I was high at ALL until it hit me right in the dang face. And I’m dead serious when I say it hit me in the face. There I was, just laughing and laugh ing at how bad Blaze is with chopping onions, and suddenly, I couldn’t use my legs. My stomach got queasy and I had to lay down so I didn’t die of vertigo or some junk. From there, my stomach got gnarly as hell, and I felt like I’d licked the inside of a dirty toilet bowl. I felt RANCID. Again, I did not puke, but again, I would have deserved it if I had. Know your limits. And don’t underestimate the power of a creeper. That’s basically all I’ve got for wheth er weed can make you sick. As with anything, if you overdo it, you can end up feeling like crap, can puke like Blaze did, or you may even end up calling an emergency line you don’t need to call like those fools we hear about occasionally. Just don’t overin dulge and chances are you’ll be fine. The last time I smoked weed, I got super paranoid. How do I keep from becoming paranoid and just enjoy getting stoned instead? Blaze: This is an answer that can very much differ from person to person. First, how are you ingesting? I, personally, get much more paranoid and anxious when I take edibles. No amount of vaping or smoking will make me feel that way but a chocolate truffle laced with THC could very well be the end of me. Second, how much weed are you using? If you’re an ex perienced stoner, you may find your toler ance toward the ganja increases. This is an unfortunate fact of life. However, if you’re a beginner, you should really be cautious with how much marijuana you ingest. That can greatly contribute to your reaction, as well, if you’re not used to or completely comfortable with marijuana products.
Puf: Yeah, I’m just going to tell you right now that your options are limited. RIP to at least part of your weed-focused trip, probably.Colorado hasn’t been too great about implementing a rational public consumption policy. In fact, we’re still really behind on things like weed tasting rooms or weed “bars,” for lack of a bet ter term. You might find a couple of pri vate venues here or there that will allow you to smoke to your heart’s content, but they aren’t going to be widespread — and most of them require member ship or other buy-ins to take advantage of what they offer. So, that’s probably going to be no bueno — and I’m not even sure if they’re open right now, consider ing the pandemic mess we’re in. But, all hope is not lost. The good news is that if you’re in cer tain parts of Colorado it’s going to be a lot easier to find legal ways to consume. The Denver area has a ton of pot tour ism options to take advantage of, includ ing some that allow for consumption in certain capacities or certain areas. And, there are a handful of weed-friendly hotels and Airbnb’s out there, too. I will say that I am personally not a huge fan of Airbnb (let me live — and let the people have affordable rent!) but you can certainly find some that are 420-friendly or whatever. That’s proba bly your best bet. Or, you can check out what’s avail able on sites like budandbreakfast.com, which is the smoker-friendly version of Airbnb. The options on that site were more limited the last time I looked, but it’s still a good resource to consult. And, last but not least, there are several known weed-friendly hotels and bed and breakfasts in Colorado, so maybe check with them, too. Here are a few to get you started: - The Adagio Bud and Breakfast in Denver-The Stout House BNB in Denver
- Quality Inn Denver Central in Denver-Quality Inn & Suites Denver Interna tional Airport in Denver
- Fernweh Inn & Hostel in Fort Collins - The Shangri-La Inn at Gaia’s Farm & Gardens in Laporte - Arrowhead Manor in Morrison - Aspen Canyon Resorts in Silvert horneSo,yeah. There you go. The options in Colorado are inexplicably limited, but there are some, at least. And it’ll get better in time, so maybe consider holding off on your trip til the pandemic dies down and then cross your fingers for more options.
- Ramada Plaza by Wyndham North glenn in Denver
— Sir Blaze Ridcully — DGO Pufnstuf
- TownePlace Suites by Marriott Den ver Downtown in Denver, - The Solarium International Inn & Hostel in Fort Collins
It really is a magic anecdote, that stuff.You can also look for products that have some CBD in them, alongside the THC. Anecdotally, those tend to make me less paranoid than some other can nabis products, but they also make me sleepy, so buyer beware. And, again, take less. If you’re getting paranoid on a regular basis, the answer may just be that you’re overdoing it. And that is a lot more simple than finding the right dosage of CBD to cut down on the negative effects after the fact. How can I tell if the flower I buy is good or not? Blaze: OK, I’m glad we got this question because I had a recent experience with this. Sometimes the best way to recognize good weed is to smoke bad or cheap flow er. I recently made the mistake of trying a new dispensary for the fun of it (I’m not back to my regular dispensary, thank you). I ordered an ounce of flower and I should have known better because the price tag was pretty cheap. Once I opened it when I got home, I immediately regretted all my life decisions. It was instantly apparent to me that the flower I’d purchased hadn’t been cured properly and the container was packed with seeds. Thankfully, it didn’t smoke too terribly, but it was pretty obvi ous what I was missing out on. In my opin ion, good weed will have a vibrancy to it in both color, flavor, and smell. It also tends to be more expensive, unfortunately for all of our wallets. Puf: Our reviews, duh. I kid, I kid — sort of. So, to me, this is a tricky one, because “good” is all relative. What you consider good weed may not be what I consider good weed, and vice versa.For starters, you don’t want weed that has a bunch of sticks and stems in it, and seeds are annoying as hell, too. Those things are not generally a sign of a quality product — or perhaps a prod uct that has been handled with care. But those are the basics, and you undoubtedly already know that, if not from your own experience, then from a Snoop song or two. (No stems, no seeds, noTheresticks!)are ways to look at your cured flower and tell if it’s got certain qualities you’re looking for. Thing is, though, that unless you’re intimately familiar with the way a strain should look, smell, and feel, you’re probably not going to want to take that route. It requires a steep learning curve. And, the reality is that “good” weed is the weed that works for you and your brain — not the weed that looks pretti est on the shelf. Not that I’m knocking beautiful weed, mind you. I freaking love a strain with fat, fluffy nugs covered in kief with bright orange or red hairs run ning through it. But even those can be disappointing on occasion after you light them up. In my humble opinion, the best thing you can do to ensure you get “good” weed is to go through the process of trial and error after reading a ton of re views on the strains that you may want to try out. We have plenty of those to fall back on. Or, you can check out just about any other weed publication to find others if you don’t vibe with ours. Do your research and try them out. In time, you’ll start to figure out what you consider good weed — and what you want to spend your hard-earned money on. I’m traveling to Colorado and obvious ly want to swing by some pot shops, but with social consumption being so frowned upon there, where do I even smoke it? Blaze: You, dear reader, have touched on an issue that Colorado has wrestled with for a long time. Despite being the first state to legalize recreational marijuana, states who have gone legal after we paved the way are leaps and bounds ahead of Colorado’s marijuana legislation. We’re still afraid of cannabis in a lot of ways and our legislation demonstrates that. Denver is just now dipping its toes into weed deliv ery nearly 10 years after marijuana was le galized. Denver is where you’ll mostly find social clubs that allow for marijuana con sumption. There are also cannabis-friendly hotels, campsites, and Airbnbs located throughout Colorado where you can stay out that will allow cannabis smoking and ingestion on their property.
26 | June 2022
June 2022 | 27
Cortez, 1819 E. Main Street, 970-565-9577, livwell.com/cortez The Medicine Man, 310 E. Main Street, 970-564-5181, cortezmedicineman.com Mountain Annie’s, 1644 CO Rd 203, 970-247-2190, bis.com/durangomountainanniescanna Mancos The Beacon, 230 N. Oak, 970-533-9848 Blend, 198 S. Frontage Rd. E, 970-5335050, blendmancos.business.site The Bud Farm, 385 N. Willow Street, 970-533-9931, thebudfarm.net LivWell Mancos, 449 Railroad Ave. #1, 970-533-9848, livwell.com/mancos Pagosa Springs The Green House, 270 E. Pagosa Street, 970-264-4420, greenhousepagosa.com Pagosa Therapeutics, 235 Bastille Drive, 970-731-4420, pagosatherapeutics.com San Juan Strains, 365 E. Pagosa Street, Unit B, 970-264-5323, sanjuanstrains. Smokecom Rings, 266 E Pagosa Street, 970Pagosa264-0942Craft Dispensary, 127 Goldmine Dr., 970-264-0833, pagosacraftcanna Highbis.comGrade Specialists, 600 Cloman Blvd. #1, 970-731-3202, highgradespe cialists.com Farmington, New Mexico Ultra Health Dispensary Farmington, 4251 E. Main St., Suite D, Farming ton, 505-258-4634, 4952BroadwayNewpurlifenm.comFarmington,Purlifenew-mexico-dispensaries/farmington-2ultrahealth.com/Farmington,3024E.MainSt.,505-433-2672,www.MexicoAlternativeCare,534E.Ave.,Farmington,505-258-
Cortez Chronic Therapy, 1020 S. Broadway, 970-529-2045, chronictherapy.co Doobie Sisters, 695 N. Broadway, 970565-2345, doobiesistersco.com
Get your legal weed fix » If you’re looking for some legal cannabis (or edibles... or tinctures... or whatever the heck) in the Four Corners, look no further than these dispensaries
Durango Organics Cortez, 1104 E. Main Street, 970-565-6500, durangoorganics. Thecom Herbal Alternative, 1531 Lebanon Road, 970-529-7007, theherbalalterna LivWelltive.net
Colorado Grow Co., 965 1/2 Main Ave., 970-259-1647, coloradogrowcompany. Durangocom
Durango Acme Healing Center, 1644 Co Rd 203, 970-247-2190, acmehealingcenter.com
Organics - Bodo Park, 72 Suttle Street, Suite F, 970-422-8311,Telluridesantecolorado.comSantéhigh.coStreet,Rocky970-759-8683Kinfolk970-385-8622,Prohibitioncom970-422-3282,Mammoth8029,CaminoLOVArado.com/durangoRio,The970-403-3710,ThecomDrive,Durangoics.comRdDurangodurangoorganics.com970-259-3674,Organics-Grandview,37Co232,970-426-4381,durangoorganRecRoom,145E.College970-764-4087,durangorecroom.Greenery,208ParkerAve.,SuiteE,durangogreenery.comGreenHouse,730SCaminoDel970-247-2420,thegreenhousecoloCannaCO—Durango,1135SDelRioSuite220,970-422-lovaco.comFarmsDispensary,927CO-3,info@mammothfarms.Herb,1185CaminodelRio,prohibitionherb.comFarms,83DavidsonCreekRoad,MountainHigh,120E.36th970-259-4093,rockymountain,742½MainAve.,970-375-2837,BudCompany,3473MainAve.,telluridebc.com
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