Materials and Manufacturing - final

Page 1


Materials and Manufacturing



SCENARI O MOTOR BOATS : A motorboat,speedboatorpowerboati sa boatthati s powered by an engi ne. Some motorboats are ďŹ tted wi th i nboard engi nes,others have an outboard motor i nstal l ed on the rear,contai ni ng the i nternal combusti on engi ne,the gearbox and the propel l eri n one portabl e uni t.An i nboardoutboard contai ns a hybri d ofan i nboard and an outboard,where the i nternal combusti on engi ne i si nstal l ed i nsi de the boat,and the gearbox and propel l erare outsi de.

MOTOR BOAT SANS MOTOR Creati vi ty stri kes atrandom moments.My momenthappened whi l e stari ng atan empty pepsican and a pi zza box wai ti ng to be thrown i nto the trash can. Keepi ng sustai nabi l i ty and materi alreuse as the key i deas behi nd the proj ect,the can and the pi zza box soon turned i nto a motorboat thatoperates wi thoutan actualmotor. Thi s boatcoul d be a perfecttri nketfora chi l d,oreven a 22 yearol d bored outofher wi ts duri ng thi sl ockdown.

Cardboard i s a generi c term forheavyduty paperbased products havi ng greater thi ckness and superi ordurabi l i ty orother speci ďŹ c mechani calattri butes to paper.




Mal l eabl e Ducti l e Bri ttl e Superconductor USES :

Ti ni s a si l very metalthatcharacteri sti cal l y has a fai ntyel l ow hue.Ti n,l i ke i ndi um,i s softenough to be cutwi thoutmuch force. PROPERTI ES :

Tubes and rol l s Ji gsaw puzzl e pi eces Packagi ng Hardcoverbook Busi ness cards Posters

Mal l eabl e Ducti l e Bri ttl e Superconductor


USES : Ti npl ate foi l Col l apsi bl e tubes,bl ock ti n products

Cutti ng Moul l i ty dabi l i ty Bendabi


and pewter Al l oyi ng,coati ngs and powder appl i cati ons Coati ng steelcans Sol derforj oi ni ng pi pes orel ectri c ci rcui ts. EXPERI ENCE :

Cutti ng Moul l i ty dabi l i ty Bendabi


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