Wild Life 2019 Issue 2

Page 16

RECOV ER T H E ATL ANTIC RA INFOREST THE ATL ANTIC FOREST IS ONE OF THE RICHEST AND MOST BIODIVERSE HABITATS ON THE PL ANET. This extraordinarily lush rainforest, which extends both along the Atlantic coast and inland in southern Brazil, is home to many species of animals and plants that are found nowhere else on earth.


Tragically, of this once vast landscape now only 12% persists in highly fragmented pockets. Increased human pressures mean that towns, pastures and intensive farmland have replaced this once plentiful and colourful rainforest. Despite so little remaining, the Atlantic rainforest is still immensely rich in wildlife. However, many of the species that live there are now threatened with extinction, including the black lion tamarin that Durrell and our Brazilian partners, Instituto de Pesquisas Ecolรณgicas (IPE), have worked to save for the last 30 years.

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