Earthtorp report final revised

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E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y Committed to quality.

This report provides an overview of the recent advancement of EarthTorp’s flagship development project on the Angus Glen Oasis site: a breakthrough organic residency project, and the first to implement second-generation

Subterrainian Cultured Terrahydra-tubules, or SCT 2.0.

Currently in the germination phase, the SCT’s will be ready for the adoption of residence buildings in an estimated 20 days - a total of 30-40 days after implantation. Culminating our return to planning for wide scale distribution, implementation of SCT 2.0 has been designed primarily as a water conservation-filtration-distribution system. Featured enhancements as a vitamin absorption>dispensing biomechanism have responded to client needs. EarthTorp’s research team have assembled SCT to be an organic living form of water collection and distribution infrastructure designed to alleviate EarthTorp’s clients of the struggle for safe fresh drinking water.

EarthTorp’s multinational headquarters, in Lund (Sweden), where SCT 2.0 was developed.



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Our opportunity.

Taking advantage of wide-spread scarcity in basic survival resources, EarthTorp’s patented breakthroughs in hyper-proteo-genomics situate our SCT 2.0 product as the go-to provision that addresses humanity’s most pressing concerns: secure access to fresh water and basic nutritionals. SCT 2.0 is a new and improved version of the original SCT that utilizes the modern breakthroughs of bioengineering science and newly discovered plant-human communication capacities to not only collect, aggregate and distribute water, but also dispense essential nutrients and minerals to our clients. The foresight shows that SCT 2.0 has the potential to significantly relieve humanity of the water crises burden caused by ‘The Great Thirst’.

EarthTorp’s Sub-terrainian Cultered Terrahydra tubules. A scientific achievement.


H I S T O R Y O F S C T 2 . 0 Sub-terrainian Cultured Terra-hydra tubules

(SCT’s) were first developed by EarthTorp scientists in the mid to late 2030s as an attempt to grow an organic form of water distribution infrastructure in response to the decade long drought ‘The Great Thirst’, with measurable impact beginning in 2025 around the world. EarthTorp CEO Marteen Chesterfield originally secured SCT funding from the US Department of Agriculture for the project’s first iteration in New Houston, Texas, in 2038. The project’s development received significant advancement from a breakthrough in nanotechnology that allowed scientists to code eukaryotic cells with perfect accuracy, providing complete manipulation of the genome. This furtherance fast tracked the release of SCT for a real world scenario in New Houston.

EarthTorp’s visionary Chief Executive Officer, Marteen Chesterfield.


SCT 1.0 > Moving forward

SCT 1.0 was installed into the urban environment of New Houston in February of 2040. At this time, municipal and state governments championed SCT as an integrated and encompassing solution to New Houston’s water needs, championing the implementation. Unforeseen at the time, was a growing underground resistance to the release of GPO’s (Genetically Programmable Organisms) into the natural environment. A radical left-wing environmental group, known as Planet Impetus Pact (or P.I.P.), attacked the newly implemented SCT’s using viral nanobots, taking advantage of a vulnerable oversight within the SCT system design. The reactionary personal-media reports released as a result of the P.I.P. attacks led to a support and funding exodus from the US Department of Agriculture, and a souring of the public’s view of SCT’s.

Viral Nanobot attacks by the Planet Impetus Pact destroyed SCT 1.0 in New Houston.


The accidental release of Genetically Programmable Organisms overtook Machu Picchu in 2042.

Despite registering the public’s reservation, here at EarthTorp we remained committed to the biotech of SCT, placing the project back into the R&D phase with the intention to eliminate the vulnerabilities of the organism to viral and nanobot attacks. To fund its continued research into the SCTs, we licensed its previous discoveries into eukaryotic genome manipulation to a partner company, Hoja Verde Inc, in the Country of Central America. Hoja Verde Inc was highly criticized for the 2042 accidental release of a GPO corn strain that overgrew the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu. However, Hoja Verde Inc then went forth to develop the now commonplace living plant-street lamp, and their partners in The Country of Central America adapted EarthTorp’s eukaryotic genome manipulation technology to develop a new breakthrough in plant communication, which has been vital in the development of SCT 2.0. These new breakthroughs in plant intelligence harvesting have allowed EarthTorp scientists to code communication abilities directly into the plant genome, allowing the plant to have coordinated defense against viruses and nanobots, and permits the sensory abilities to analyze human wastewater for nutrient 6

and mineral deficiencies and then direct action as a response to these deficiencies. Despite public opinion and lingering impacts of the P.I.P. attacks a decade ago, the new and improved SCT 2.0 is now ready for real world implementation. In response to the need for public buy-in, EarthTorp will invest in a reeducation program via personal-media channels ME-U-TV, MicroGlobal News, and OVXN to spread word of our positive SCT 2.0 iteration. Moving forward in earnest, EarthTorp began construction on a private residential development with SCT 2.0. on the Angus Glen Oasis site — the initial planting phase of the SCT process commenced on June 25th 2050. Currently in the germination phase, the system growth rate is being monitored to meet x150 targets.

The development site of SCT 2.0, Angus Glen Oasis in the predevelopment phase (top) and the final proposed development (bottom).


Peak Oil was reached in 2021, resulting in a global shift away from the dependancy on petrolium.

B A C K G R O U N D The advent of SCT came to fruition from a series of historical events beginning in the early 2020s. In 2021, at a time when 60% of the world’s population had become urbanized, peak oil was confirmed by OPEC, leading to a global push for innovative in energy efficient technologies and alternate forms of energy. This induced a wave of policy change that directed a historically unprecedented amount of funding to scientific research and development world-wide. The funding was well timed — when the drought began much of the funding originally used for energy generation technologies and resource surveys was converted to water conservation efforts. ‘The Great Thirst’ brought crisis and conflict as tensions around the world heightened. Water-rich nations hoarded their resources, and experienced an onslaught of immigration. In 2030, economic trade wars for water began to break out, 8

The decade long global drought, known as The Great Thirst, changed the way humanity thought of water.

and military threats were heightened. Not since the Cold War of the late 1900s had the world been so skittish. As the drought continued into the early 2030s, reports of mass deaths from dehydration in the worlds poorest regions began to emerge. Wealthier nations with water slowly began to adapt to accommodate shortages by altering usage, but not without much public dissatisfaction. The political and social volatility over water reached a zenith in the late 2030s, forcing the UN to act. In 2037 an international treaty was signed that held the waterrich nations responsible to provide water as a universal human right to the water-poor nations (as in correspondence to the United Nations Human Rights Council General Assembly international law of 2010), but global tensions over water still remained high.

Game changer:

The return of remote incidences of mass precipitation and cooler climates between 2033 and 2037, was caused by the melting of the remaining polar ice caps which created a tipping point for the ocean’s currents. This sudden


shift created extreme weather patterns of intense monsoon like conditions followed by sever drought conditions that are still prevalent today in 2050. To date, reports suggest that half, or 3 billion people, of the world’s remaining population live in precarious conditions.

C O N C L U S I O N SCT is the solution the world needs >

Subterrainian Cultured Terrahydra-tubules 2.0 provides humanity with an encompassing solution to both water scarcity and nutritional depletion issues. Provided success at the Angus Glen Oasis development site, EarthTorp predicts SCT 2.0 to be a major success, and therefore the company has already begun research and development into SCT 3.0. The next generation of SCTs will be even more advanced than their parent generation. SCT 3.0 will be able to handle the harsh environment of the mining colonies on the moon, opening that valuable mining industry as a customer segment. EarthTorp has also begun to develop technologies to place SCT’s on the colonies on Mars. The recent developments in SCT technology is sure to become an essential part of all activity in our solar system, making EarthTorp a fundamental partner in the continuing advancement of humanity.


Following SCT 2.0, the next generation, SCT 3.0, will host capabilites to grow on the colonies of Mars (top) and the mining colonies on the moon (bottom).





F R O M 2 0 1 3

A number of signals (and trends to follow) from 2013 led to the achievement that is SCT 2.0. Here we review some of the more significant signals and trends that eventually gave rise to EarthTorp’s development of SCT 2.0.




Using DNA extraction and splicing technology the bioluminescent abilities of some organisms, such as jellyfish and fireflies, can be copied and inserted into the genomes of certain plant species, resulting in bioluminescent plants. Implications - The development of bioluminescent plants eliminates the need for traditional lighting options, and thereby eliminates most of the demand on the electrical grid - In order to feed the living infrastructure of the bioluminescent plant street lamps, municipal water usages increase Extrapolation to 2050 - Bioluminescent glowing plants are fully integrated to the infrastructure and daily use of humans - The bioengineered species acts as everything from street lamps to night lights.


A Dream of Trees Aglow at Night glowing-trees-is-assailed-for-gene-tinkering.html Glowing Trees Have Potential to Be Street Lamp Substitutes Glowing Mushroom Pictures: Psychedelic New Species Seen mushrooms-pictures/




A leap forward in the urban agriculture movement, a designated area of public land is used to grow a selfsustaining urban forest garden that allows people to gather food for free. Set up and cared for by community volunteers the landscaped park mimics a wild forest in that it creates an ecosystem which sustains its own survival and vitality once it reaches a level of maturity. Implications - Grocers see sinking profits as most of the population begins to shift to urban agriculture like edible forests - Tragedy of the commons prevails and the food forest cannot sustain itself as it is harvested more quickly than it can regenerate Extrapolation to 2050 - Public free food forests provide a significant amount of needed nutrition - Planned food forests and food parks are integrated into most communities


Seattle Plans to Build America’s First Food Forest Seattle Plans Food Forest Food Forest Takes Shape in Seattle in-seattle/article12758243/




Designed by award winning designer, architect and professor Dr. Mitchell Joachim and his team, Fab Tree Hab is a “local biota living graft structure” that acts as a residence. It is living habitat for single-families, fully encompassing ecology. Implications - Rather than being build, house structural supports are grown and require adequate water and nutrients to survive - Housing becomes vulnerable to disease Extrapolation to 2050 - Plant infrastructure is widely accepted as the norm as Fab Tee Hab’s become as common as traditionally build houses - Energy and building materials are saved


Terreform One




Scientists have shown that plants have their own version of sight, hearing, and smell. Plants react to the light reflected by other plants around them, emit and respond to low frequency sounds, and release and receive molecules that signal threats in their environment and enable collective defense efforts. They can recognize when a friendly neighbouring plant is growing next to them vs. an unfriendly neighbouring plant. Implications - Agricultural practice improves efficiency by utilizing plant communication to increase yields - Fertilizers are less needed Extrapolation to 2050 - Person to plant communication - Ability to signal plants to grow and behave in a desired or favoured manner


Sound Garden: Can Plants Actually Talk and Hear? Plants do sums to get through the night, researchers show Plants “Listen� to the Good Vibes of Other Plants communication-science/




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Urbanization The largest growth of urban populations in history is occurring as millions of people move to cities in search of better quality of life, job opportunities and higher economic prosperity. Implications - Cities become hubs of economic activity and growth to accommodate the wave of new residents - Overcrowding becomes an issue - Small towns and hamlets die off as their inhabitants leave for cities and opportunity

Extrapolation to 2050 - Almost 70 percent of the world’s population is located within cities - Urban megacities become the norm - Cities around the world double to triple in size References

Urbanization: A Majority in Cities Urbanization,,contentMDK:23272497 ~pagePK:51123644~piPK:329829~theSitePK:29708,00.html?argument=value China’s Urbanization Drive: To Move 250 Million into Cities move-250-million-into-cities/




Water scarcity now affects 1 in 3 people around the globe, with 1 in 5 people living in an area where water is physically scarce. Adding salt to injury is the mismanagement of water and inadequate sanitation and conservation efforts. Economic water scarcity also hampers accessibility to drinking water. Implications - Political, social and economic tension over water - Disease spread by poor sanitation - Lack of water adds to poor health Extrapolation to 2050 - War for water - Water becomes a highly valuable commodity - Wasting water becomes highly stigmatized against/illegal - Incentives for innovations in water sanitation and efficient are highly sought after


Why Waukesha’s thirst for Great Lakes water is raising alarms on both sides of the border great_lakes_water_is_raising_alarms_on_both_sides_of_the_border.html 10 facts about water scarcity Water Scarcity




The utilization of fossil fuels, releasing greenhouse gases, has accumulated throughout the industrial revolution to a point that is altering global climate with unprecedented and unforeseen effects. Implications - Hotter summers, shorter winters - Mass amounts flora and fauna become endangered - Erratic and traditionally rare weather occurrences Extrapolation to 2050 - Weather extreme and unpredictable - Ocean currents have shifted - Global cooling has set in - Ice caps are nearly melted, sea levels have risen significantly


Global Climate Change Evidence Information on Climate Change asp?lang=En&n=F2DB1FBE-1 Our Earth: Climate


Divide Between and Have Not’s


Income in the United States has reached levels unseen since the great depression with the top 1% earning over 24% of the national wealth. Implications - Tensions between income brackets leads to civic unrest much like Occupy movement - Citizen driven coalitions and co-ops become popular as a counter culture Extrapolation to 2050 - Bipolarized society is ripe with corruption and inequality - Frequent social upheaval has led to an increasingly authoritarian state - Distrust of government and big industry at all time high


Divisions between haves and have nots begin with having skills – or not have-nots-begin-with-having-skills-or-not/article4906878/ Growing Income Gap May Leave U.S. Vulnerable s-vulnerability-to-financial-crises.html Wealth Inequality in America




D e s i g n

F u t u r e s T h e o r y

Futures is anchored in the simple truth that, the desire to know the future is as ancient as humans themselves (Bishop, 1). Although we know that there are limitations to this field that prevent it from being as accurate as the physical sciences, we are fortunate to have tools to create scenarios and increase the odds of a more favorable future that addresses our most threatening challenges. Our Sub-Terrainian Cultured Terra-Hydra Tubules tackle the impending issue of water scarcity. Our horizon was developed and designed based on a well thought out series of scans from the STEEPV that would have the greatest impacts on life as we see it in 2050. Below one will find our STEEPV Analysis of water scarcity.

As futurists, we must acknowledge that even ideas with the best intentions will most likely have unintended consequences requiring further causal layered analysis. With that in mind, we explored various angles of trends and research supporting our intended horizon. Like architectural and urban developments such as Rachel Armstrong’s research to create architecture that repairs itself (Armstrong), whether or not the introduction of fluoride in public water was a benefit or a disadvantage, concepts that are purely conceptual like whether or not plants can talk and hear (Oskin), and the


potential for scientists to design trees that glow at night (Pollack). In a way, our exploration process reflected that of Michael Michalko’s Several Solutions example of how to cut a cake into 8 pieces using no more than three cuts. Design Futures functions in a similar way. The synchronization of design and futures work creates a platform to think outside

of the box, and be resourcefulv even when it appears that we must think at the fringe of our most creative ideas. In order to support our creative concept for 2050 we used futures and design tools such as STEEPV Analysis, Futures Wheels, The Social Ecological Model and The Three Horizons and the creation of personas to achieve a timeline that was both innovative and well founded.


The three horizons walked through the strategic thought process we went through to achieve a set of horizons that would accurately depict our scenario for 2050. We base our assumptions on key factors such as the anticipation of Peak Oil, a major global drought and extrapolated advancements in nanotechnology that would lead to the implementation of SCT as a solution to the world’s war on fresh water. In conclusion, the combination of futures thinking and design provided a platform to bring our horizon to life in a way that is not only visually appealing, but well founded in the strategies of the futures frameork.











Armstrong, R. (2009) Architecture that repairs itself? Retrieved from: Bishop, P. (2010) Framework Forecasting. Retrieved from: Michalko, M. (2000). Four Steps Towards Creative Thinking. Retrieved from: Oskin, B. (2013) Sound Garden: Can Plants Actually Talk and Hear? Retrieved from: POLLACK, A. (2013) A Dream of Trees Aglow at Night. Retrieved from: Spiller, N. (2013) New designs to breathe life back into our cities. Retrieved from: Water Fluoridation ((n.d.) . Retrieved from:

Copyright © 2013 Chelsea Coffey, Dustin Johnston-Jewell, Nicholas Kalimin, Jennifer (Gjen) Snider. All Rights Reserved.


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