Team Grip Info

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Who we are... Te a m G r i p i s a n o r g a n i z e d y o u t h c o m p e t i t i v e indoor rock climbing team comprised of a t h l e t e s f r o m t h e g r e a t e r To r o n t o a r e a , Ontario, Canada. We compete on a local, provincial, and national level in a wide range of age categories for bouldering, top rope and sport climbing competitions. Our competitive athletes are between the ages of 11 a n d 1 7 a n d o u r t e a m i s b y i n v i t a t i o n a n d / o r t r y - o u t o n l y d e p e n d i n g o n a v a i l a b i l i t y. Coaches Francis Scherer and Dustin Johnston-Jewell manage and train the team full time and make themselves available to their athletes at off practice times for information, advice, motivation, or just a chat. Besides being available almost 24/7, Francis and Dustin bring a wealth of knowledge, training, real world experience and passion to their positions as coaches. Combined they have almost 20 years of climbing experience, 5 years of indoor competitive climbing experience, extensive competitive coaching experience in climbing and volleyball, and are deeply involved in the c l i m b i n g c o m m u n i t y. C l i m b e r s t h e m s e l v e s , they are constantly gaining knowledge and practicing their skills in all forms of climbing including bouldering, sport climbing, trad climbing, ice climbing, alpinism and mountaineering. They understand the culture of climbing and work tirelessly to provide an environment that is based primarily on attitude, composure, good sportsmanship, and a healthy team support system. Second to these primary values are dedication, training, and being able to guide the athletes to push their own personal boundaries to realize their individual potentials. Beyond the practices and competitions, the values of team are further fortified through activities such as outdoor climbing days, slack line parties and team get-togethers.

Being a competitive team we are like-minded in that we understand the hard work and dedication that is required in accumulating our steady stream of achievements; and our hard work pays off. Our athletes consistently place in the top of their categories with numerous podium finishes at all levels of competition in both bouldering and roped climbing. Even the newest members of our team see impressive improvement and movement up the leader list after only months of training with us. Our competitors and the climbing community at large know who we are. We both intimidate a n d i n s p i r e o u r r i v a l s w i t h o u r p e r f o r m a n c e a n d d e m e a n o r. W e

are zealous and rightfully proud or our accomplishments and allow them to propel us to our future efforts, but we are never egotistical or arrogant. D u r i n g o u r 2 0 11 / 2 0 1 2 s e a s o n , o u r successes allowed us to positively represent Climber ’s Rock indoor rock climbing and fitness facility on the local, provincial, and national stage. Although we are still associated with Climber ’s Rock, and consider all the staff and climbers at CR good friends, for the 2012/2013 season we will be competing without representing a s i n g l e g y m o r f a c i l i t y. T h i s will allow us to host practices at multiple facilities and provide our athletes with varied wall types, angles, holds and setting styles. We believe that this is an immensely beneficial strategy in order to prepare our athletes for traveling to various gyms throughout the climbing season.

“ ha to

“ I like to train ard, and I like o climb hard. ” -Spencer

What we do... Simply we climb, and live like we climb. To g e t h e r w e l e a r n t e c h n i c a l climbing skills, and life skills through climbing. Through our program our athletes foster and grow assets such as: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Fitness Mental Strength Confidence Discipline Respect Positive Attitude Competitive Drive Work Ethic Willingness to Learn Ability to Face Fears Drive to Succeed Camaraderie

During our season, which shadows t h e s c h o o l y e a r, o n a v e r a g e , w e hold practice for 2 hours, 3 times a week on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Every second Sunday is a ‘Sunday fun-day’, where the athletes are permitted to practice techniques that they wish to perfect, or work on routes or problems as they see fit. Each practice will vary on the technique and exercises we perform depending on individuals’ areas of needed improvement, upcoming competitions, group lessons, or planned activities. However

all practices will be centralized around the theme of rock climbing. A typical practice may be as follows: • Full Body warm up (running, skipping)

• Climbing Specific warm up (light bouldering, easy roped routes) • Specific Climbing (projecting roped routes/boulder problems, activity) • Climbing Centric Workout (training center strength and endurance training) • Prep-talk (team conversation regarding accomplishments and goals) Practices are serious events that prepare the athletes for upcoming competitions, both mentally and p h y s i c a l l y. Occasionally games and minicompetitions are performed. All training is specific to improving ourselves so that we can increase our caliber of performance.

Costs... Pleaes note prices are subject to change. Prices are approximate and may vary slightly with taxes upon final membership/sponsorship agreement with Climbers Rock. Comp registration fees are extra, and each climber is responsible to ensure that they have paid and registered for each competition.

Quantity Season

1 (9 months, Sept-May)



Quantity Climber


Unit Price per Month $36.75

Climber ’s Rock Membership without Yo g a * Rock Oasis $29.09 10 Pass @ $130.90 Coaching $170.00 Fee including transit and competitions


Price per Season 330.75

$261.40 $1530.00


* Climber ’s Rock membership is a full year membership. At the end of the climbing season each athlete will be given a summer training schedule so that they may maintain thier abilities. +HST

Schedule... Please note that the schedule is subject to change. The regular season extends from September 9th 2012 for 9 months until Friday May 31st 2013. Regular weekly practices will be held as follows: Wensday’s 6-8:00pm @ Climber ’s Rock Friday’s 6-8:00pm @ Climber ’s Rock 20 Sunday’s 1pm-4pm @ The Rock Oasis Please be to practice 10 minutes early so that we start on time. If you are going to be late, please contact either coach to let them k n o w. Other Important Dates: Sunday August 26th P r e l i m i n a r y Te a m M e e t i n g Sunday September 9th First Practice October 21st - Peaks OCF Local #1 N o v e m b e r 3 r d - J o e R o c k h e a d ’ s To u r d e B l o c / L o c a l # 2 December 15th - OCF Roped Local #2 (Location to be determined) December 23rd-Janruary 5th Holiday Break - No practices J a n u a r y 1 2 t h - C l i m b e r ’ s R o c k To u r d e B l o c / O C F B o u l d e r i n g

Local #3 Janruary 26th - OCF Roped Local #2 (Location to be determined) F e b u a r y 9 t h - C o y o t e To u r d e B l o c / O C F B o u l d e r i n g C o m p # 4 Febuary 23rd - OCF Bouldering Provincials March 9th - OCF Roped Local #3 (Location to be determined) March 7-14th Spring Break - No practices M a r c h 2 3 r d - To u r d e B l o c , C E C A d u l t B o u l d e r i n g R e g i o n a l s a t Tr u e N o r t h March 30th - OCF Roped Local #4 (Location to be determined) A p r i l 6 t h - To u r d e B l o c A d u l t B o u l d e r i n g N a t i o n a l s i n E d m o n t o n A p r i l 2 0 t h - C E C Yo u t h N a t i o n a l s i n G a t i n e a u Q u e b e c May 4th - OCF Roped Provincials M a y 1 8 t h - C E C Yo u t h N a t i o n a l s i n B r i t i s h C o l o m b i a ( p r e d i c t e d date and location) May 31st 2013 Final Practice Sunday June 2nd Outdoor climbing at Rattlesnake (weather permitting)

“ Before you let go, remember why you held on for so long� -Anthony

Additional Info... Coach Francis Scherer 289.244.1940 Coach Dustin Johnston-Jewell 905.334.7676 Climber ’s Rock Inc. 5155 Harvester Rd. Burlington, Ontario 905.633.7625 T h e R o c k O a s i s I n c . ( To r o n t o ) 388 Carlaw St Suite 204 To r o n t o , O n t a r i o 416.703.3434

Philosphy... Live like you climb. We ask a lot of our athletes and therefore we provide a lot back to them. When on our team, each athlete is required to climb to the best of their ability and bring everything they have to the table in order to better their climbing prowess both physically a n d m e n t a l l y. Likewise we expect that our team members do the same in other aspects of life. We require that all of our athletes maintain adequate school performance to remain on the team. We also require a specific athletic dress codes for all practices and that team jerseys be worn to all competitions. Despite the fact that climbing is competed on an individual level, our athletes are a team and support each other 100% in everything they do. We also require considerable effort in all areas of performance; everything from warm up skipping to sending hard routes. W e a r e n o t l e i s u r e l y. T h i s i s f u n , b u t i t g o e s m u c h d e e p e r t h a n that. We work our buts off, we sweat, we laugh, sometimes we c r y, b u t a l w a y s w e g a i n . W e i n v i t e c h a l l e n g e , a n d e n j o y t h e f r u i t s o f o u r l a b o u r. I f y o u d o n ’ t w a n t t o b e y e l l e d a t t o p u s h h a r d e r, r u n f a s t e r, c l i m b h a r d e r o r d o o n e m o r e p u l l u p w h e n y o u r a r m s a r e s c r e a m i n g m e r c y, t h i s i s p r o b a b l y n o t f o r y o u . Our work ethic and drive come from within ourselves, from the inspiration of our teammates, and from the guidance of our coaches. We understand that these two characteristics, work ethic and drive, will out compete, outlast, and out perform talent alone. It is within us to be great - we have to want it bad enough. “ M y m o t h e r s a i d t o m e , ‘ I f y o u a r e a s o l d i e r, y o u w i l l b e c o m e a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.’ Instead, I w a s a p a i n t e r, a n d b e c a m e P i c a s s o . ”

Sponsorship... Te a m G r i p w o u l d l i k e t o s i n c e r e l y t h a n k t h e f o l l o w i n g organizations that have made our season possible with their generous sponsorships and partnerships. Climbers Rock.

The Rock Oasis.

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