Db 14(3)1992

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Adres Dutch Birding, Postbus 75611, 1070 AP Amsterdam, Nederland Redactiesecretariaat Arnoud van den Berg (023 -378024) en Gerald Oreel (02518-70992, fax 020-5803266) Redactie Arnoud van den Berg, Tom van der Have, Ferdy Hieselaar, G raham Holloway, André van Loon, Gerald Oreel en Frank Rozendaal Fotografische redactie René Pop, Floris Burgwal 54, 2907 PH Capelle aan den Ijssel, Nederland (010-4 508879) Redactieraad Christine Barthel, Peter Barthel, Enno Ebels, Klaas Eigenhuis, Dick Forsman, Ted Hoogendoorn, Killian Mu ll arney, Hans Schekkerman, Hadoram Shirihai en Peter Symens Redactiemedewerkers Ruud van Dongen, Gera ld Driessens, Hans Gebuis, Hans van der Meulen en Peter de Rouw Productie en lay-out André van Loon (020-6997585) en René van Rossum Advertenties Peter Meijer (03480-31905) Abonnementen 1992: NLG 52.50 (Nederland) of BEF 1000 (België); NLG 60.00 (overige landen binnen Europa) en NLG 65.00 (landen buiten Europa). Girorekening (Nederland) 01 50697; girorekening (België) 000 1592468 19; bankrekening 54 93 30 348 van ABN-AMRO (Amsterdam). Rekeningen tnv Dutch Birding Association, Postbus 75611, 1070 AP Amsterdam, Nederland. Voor abonnementen, inlichtingen en adreswijzigingen kan men zich richten tot: Dutch Birding, Postbus 75611, 1070 AP Amsterdam, Nederland.

Dutch Birding is een tweemaandelijks tijdschrift met nummers in februari, apri l, juni, augustus, oktober en december. Het pub li ceert artikelen en mededelingen over de morfologie, systematiek, voorkomen en verspreid in g van vogels in de Benelux, Europa en elders in het Palearctische gebied. Het publiceert tevens bijdragen over voge ls in het AziatischPacifische gebied. Manuscripten behoren te worden uitgevoerd in machineschrift met een dubbele regelafstand en een ruime marge aan beide zijden. Manuscripten kunnen ook op floppy-disk worden aangeleverd, in Macintosh of in MS-DOS format. Meer informatie hierover is verkrijgbaar bij het redactiesecretariaat. Een I ijst met tarieven voor de betal ing van auteurs, fotografen en tekenaars is verkr ij gbaar bij het redactiesecretariaat.


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Nuts-Aegon Ziektekosten NV is hoofdsponsor van de Dutch Birding Association

Bestuur Pau l KnolIe (voorzitter), Enno Ebels (secretaris), Arno ld Veen (penningmeester), Arnoud van den Berg, Roy de Haas, Peter Meijer en Gera ld Oreel Bestuursmedewerkers Gera ld Driessens, Ron van den Enden, Leo Heemskerk, Ferry Ossendorp, Wim van der Schot, Kees Tiemstra, Dieuwke van der Veen en Peter van der Wolf Telefoonlijnen Nederland: 06-320 321 28 (vogell ijn 50 cpm); 078-180935 (inspreeklijn) Belgie: 03-4880194 (vogel- en inspreeklijn) Travel-reports service Dirk de Moes, Postbus 94, 3956 ZS Leersum, Nederland (03434-57501)

Commissie Dwaalgasten Nederlandse Avifauna Adres CDNA, Postbus 45, 2080 AA Santpoort-Zu id, Nederland Leden Arnoud van den Berg (voorzitter), Pieter Bison (secretaris 020-6715783), Rolf de By (archivaris), Cock Reijnders, Kees Roselaar, Hans Schekkerman en Gerard Steinhaus

© 1992 Stichting Dutch Birding Association. Het copyright van de foto's en tekeningen blijft bij de fotografen en tekenaars. ISSN 0167-2878. Drukkerij Albédon/Klop BV, Postbus 3211,2220 CE Katw ijk, Nederland


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Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1990 Arnoud B van den Berg, Ro/f A de By & CONA


hi s is the 11 th annual report on rare bird s in th e Netherlands to be published in Dutch Birding (a Dutch-I anguage version of thi s repo rt appea rs in Limosa). It compri ses 299 record s (71 % of which have been accepted) dating from 1990 (some into 199 1 for long-stayin g indi vidu als) as we il as belated and reconsidered records, mainl y from 198089, which have been eva luated by the Dutch rariti es comm ittee, the Commissie Dwaa lgasten Nederlandse Avifauna CDNA. Severa l reco rd s for 1990 and ea rl ier years are still under consideration for various reaso ns. A comp lete review of all rarity records from 1800-1980 has been compi led and wil l be published in due course . Deta il s included (if ava il able) for eac h accepted record are: province and loca lity; date(s); number of birds if more than one, plumage and sex ; if trapped, photographed, sound-recorded or collected (a nd where specimen is stored); names of up to three observers (usuall y the discoverer's name fi rst) and releva nt references in th e I iterature (whi ch norm all y includes (inter)national, not region al, journais). Numbers af ter each (sub)species' name refer to th e tota l numbers of indi vid uals 7 since 1 Janu ary 1980 but excluding 2 the current year. Spec ies marked w ith an asterisk * are new to th e Dutch li st. Icelandi c Black-tai led Godwit Limosa /imosa is/andica and Siberian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita tristis are no longer co nsidered by the CDNA (cf van den Berg et al 199 1). The following CDNA members voted on some or all of th e records in this report: Arnoud B van den Berg (chairman), Pi eter W Bison (secretary), Rolf A de By (a rchi vist), Kl aas J Eigenhuis, Gera ld J Oree l, Cock Reijnders, Kees (C S) Ro se laar, H ans Schekkerman and Gerard H Steinhaus. Records shou ld be sent to CDNA, Postbus 45 ,2080 AA SantpoortZuid, Neth erl ands, preferab ly using standard record forms, w hi ch ca n be obtained free of charge from CDNA. More information on th e procedures of the CDNA can be found in Dutch Birding 9: 141-

143, 1987; 11: 83-85, 1989; 12:20 1, 1990; 13: 41 , 199 1 and in Dutch Bird ing (1990). The yea r 1 990 produced two new spec ies for the Netherlands, Blyth's Reed W arbi er Acrocepha/us dumetorum and Two-barred Green ish Warb ier Ph ylloscopus p/umbeitarsus. Moreover, there was a good number of other rariti es, eg, the second [Ou/eh 8irding 14: 73 路90, juni /9921

record of Ivory Gul l Pagophi/a eburn ea, the third record of Bonaparte's Gu ll Larus phi/ade/phia, the fourth recordofO li ve-backed PipitAnthus hodgsoni and the fourth record of Booted Warbier Hippo/ais ca /iga ta. There was also an intri guing record of White Pel ican Pe/ecanus onocrota/us, the first record since 19 39 of Pac if ic Go lden Plover P/uvia/is fu/va, th e fifth to eighth records of Hume's Yel low-browed Warb ier Phumeiand the return ofthe Wa llcreeper Tichodroma muraria to Amsterdam. Remarkabl e influxes occurred of Storm Petrel Hydrobates pe/agicus, Two-barred Crossbi ll Lox ia /eucoptera and Parrot Crossbi II L pytyopsittacus. The fi rst breed i ng attempt of Me lodious W arbier H po/yg/otta was successful. It should be stressed th at the committee's reasons for rev iew and rejection are ava il ab le to th e pub l ie. From at least 1989 onwards, interested observers have received a photocopy of eac h committee member's hand-written (a nd hopefully leg ibl e) argumentation on th eir reco rd . The CDNA hopes th at comp lete freedom of information wi ll stimulate a better understanding of th e work of rariti es co mmittees and improves the interaction between b irders and rariti es committees, to th e advantage of both parties.

Systematic list of accepted records 8alearic Shearwater Puffinus ye lkouan maureta nicus 10,3 ZU IDHOLLAND Scheveningen , 17 A ugust (K J Eigenhui s) . NOORDHOLLAND Camperduin , 21 August (T M F Kompier, K J Ei genhui s et al); Camperduin , 7 September (E va n der Burg, A Veen et al). It becomes more and more apparent th at westerl y w ind s from mid-A ugust to mid-September on the Dutch coast create a chance of see ing this recent ly separated Med iterranean species .

Storm Petrel H ydrobates pelagicus 10,27 ZEE LAND Westkape ll e, 8 September (G A Davidse, H P Braam, A Ovaa et al). FRIESLAND Harl ingen, 21 September (P de Kn ij ff, M J V Hoffer). NOORDHOLLAND Texe l, 21 September (H-J Wight); Camperdui n 22 September, (at least) six (A de Bruin, E B Ebels, J Scharrin ga et al); Castricum, 22 September, four (P Zwitser); Petten, 22 September, two (D J Moerbeek); Ijmuiden, 22 September (at least) six (one still present on


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1990 23 September), photographed (T J C Luijendijk, M Berlijn, 0 Endtz et al, van den Berg 1990, van der Bu rg et al 1990); Texel , 23 September (H-J W ight). ZU IDH OLLAND Maasvlakte, 21 September (A P Ros, G M Goedhart); Scheven in gen, 21 September (E J van Ijzendoorn et al); Scheven ingen, 22 September, two (H A Gaasbeek, KJ Eigenhuis, A Veen) . CONTINENTAL SHELF Off Ame land, Friesland, 23 September (L Steijn, A de Bruin, E J van Ijzendoorn et al). After only 10 records duri ng 1982-89, there was an unprecedented influx of at least 27 birds during strong weste rl y w in ds on 2 1-23 September. On Helgoland, Germ any, two were seen on 21 and eight on 22 September (van den Berg 1990). At Ijmuiden, at least six birds, together with three Leach's Petreis Oceanodroma /eucorhoa, were seen flying in large circl es off the pier's li ght-house. Regu larly, the birds were flying very close to the p ier enab li ng photographers to make presumably the first pictures of free-flying Storm Petreis in the Netherlands. Some observers at Ijmuiden, and also at Camperduin and Scheveningen, are of the op ini on th at a much larger number of birds passed than the committee's conservative estimate (cf Koerts 1992). White Pelican Pe/ecanus onocrota /us 1,1 FLEVOLAND Keersluisplas, Lelystad, 6 May, adu lt (J Zwaneve ld, E B Ebels et al). Th is is the th ird accepted record (cf Blankert et al 1988). However, the unlikely loca lities (suburban areas)

69 Storm Petrel Hydrobates pe/agicus, Ijmuiden, Noordho ll and, 22 September 1990 (Arnoud B van den Berg)


of the previous two records make it possible that, after review, the present record actuall y may become the fi rst (a lthou gh being poorly documented for a f irst record). Squacco Heron Ardeo/a ral/oides 10,1 ZU IDHOL LAND N ieuwkoop, 10-1 3 June, ad ult summer (M Berlijn et al). 80% of the birds in the 1980s of this former (until c 1880) breeding bird were recorded in June, the remaining four in May (two) and Jul y (two) . Cattle Egret Bubu/cus ibis 26,2 ZU IDH O LLAND Li sse, 25-28 October (M Berlijn, P Rousset); Hoogb lok land, 24 November to 2 December (E van Boheemen). 1989 OVER IJSSE L Deventer, 1-5 November, adu lt w inter, photographed (N Noordhof, 0 C uit de Weerd et al). The first record was in June 1964 and the species was seen annua ll y during the 1980s (except in 1983). Perhaps to some, the total of 56 records is rather meagre, cons idering the increase ofthis spec ies in France and the large number of catt le in the Neth erl ands. Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber rose us 19,5 FLEVOLAND Lepelaarsplassen, 1 May, two, adult (A van Egmond, H van den Berg). GRON INGEN Lauwersmeer, 7 June, ad ult (A de Bruin, L J R Boon et al) . FRIESLAND Steile Bank, 16 June to 2 August, six, adult (K Zwaan). 1989 ZEE LAND Philipsdam, 5-1 3 May, two, adul t (T 0 V Muusse, M J M Muusse et al). GRONINGEN Lauwersmeer, 23 September to 3 November, ad ult (P van Scheepen, 0 Blok, 0 Schut et al). 1988 GRON INGEN Lauwersmeer, 11 April , adult (0 Schut, o Blok). 1987 GRON INGEN Lauwersmeer, 11-16 August, adult (H P va n der Jeugd et al). The record from the Lauwersmeer in 1987 was previously reported for 12- 16 August (B lankert et aI1 988). The record at the Philipsdam in 1989 was previously reported for 13 May (o ne bird) (van den Berg et al 1991). It is assumed th at t hree of the six birds on the Steile Bank are the same long-staying indi vidual s reported ea rl ier for Friesland (van den Berg et al 1989, 1991). It is also assumed th at all Lauwersmeer records refer to the same indi vid ual first reported in 1987. Flamingos are long-li vi ng and long-staying indi v iduais and appear to move frequently between suitable areas in the south and the north of the co untry . Therefore, it is impossib le to get a clear p icture of the actua l number of birds involved. A n increase in accepted records since the species' survey in 1984 suggests that until the mid-1980s birders often refrained from the (sub)spec ific identification of flam ingos (cf van den Berg 1987). Long-stayin g indi vidua ls are regu larl y seen in mixed flocks with Chilean Flamingo P chi/ensis and Greater Flamingo of the Caribbean subspecies P r ruber, both of wh ich are cons idered to be definitely of captive or igi n. Moreover, it is likely th at many birds origin ate from a thr iv in g mixed breeding population in Nordrhein-West-

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1990 falen , Germany (Treep 1991) . Nevertheless, the CDNA is of th e opinion that a wi ld orig in of Greater Flamingo can not be ruled out. It is hoped th at one dav a ringing recovery w ill confi rm the species' genu ine vagrancy sin ce there have been extens ive co lour ringing projects in southern France and Spa in . Often, though, it has been argued that vagra nt G reater Flamingos in north-western Europe are more likely of eastern or igin, ie from Kazak hstan. Ross's Goose Anser rossii 3,0 ZU IDHOLLAN D Stell endam, 1 December to 23 March 1991, one, adu lt, photographed (E B Ebels et al, van der Burg et al 1991). 1989 ZUIDHO LLAND Stad aan 't H aringvliet and Stell en dam, 18 November to (at least) 19 February 1990, two (later one), adu lt, photographed (A B van den Berg, K M ull arney, A nonymu s 1990a) . These birds are cons id ered to be the same as the two duringthewintersof1987/88 and 1988/89 (van den Berg et al 1989, 1991, Dutch Birding 1990). Probably the same two adu lt birds were photographed on 4-5 May 1988 at G rasdorf-Laatzen, Kreis Hannover, Niedersachsen (B und esdeutscher Se lte nh e ite n a u ssc hu ~ 1990). It seems that o ne di sa ppeared during 1990 because on ly a sin gle indi v idu al was reported in the wi nter of 1990/9 1. Black Brant Branta bernicla nigricans 43,2 FRIESLAN D Schi ermon nikoog, 27 March to 23 May, adu lt (H P va n der Jeugd, D Heg, M O lth off et al); Terschellin g, 14-16 April , ad ul t (K van Eerd e); Lauwersmeer, 14 April , adu lt U Sikkens, A de Bruin et al). 1989 FRIES LAND Schi erm onn ikoog, 22 Janu ary to 14 May, adu lt (H P va n der Jeugd, D Heg). 1988 FRIESLAN D Sch iermo nnikoog, 30 October to 22 November, two adu lts (D J Moerbeek, T M va n der Have, H P va n der Jeugd). One of the Schi erm onn ikoog birds in 1988-90 is cons id ered to be the same indi v idu al returning for three consecutive w inters. The 1988 record was prev iously reported for 19 November (o ne bird) and the 1989 record for 13 May (va n den Berg et al 1989, 1991). Includ in g 1990, there are 53 reco rd s of this subspec ies; on ly adu lts were id entifi ed. American Wigeon Anas americana 9,0 1988 FRIESLAND Schi ermon nikoog, 17 October to 17 November, mal e, photographed (M Berlij n, H P va n der Jeu gd et al). This record was previousl y repo rted for 17-23 October (va n den Berg et al 1989). The comm ittee is sti ll awaiti ng informat ion on the bird 's presence in the wi nter of 1988/ 89. Green-winged Teal Anas crecca carolinensis 3,1 FLEVO LAN D Oostvaarde rsdi jk, 21 November to 29 April 199 1, adul t summer, male (K J Ei genhuis, A Poe lm ans, R E van der V li et). This co ncerns the 10th record (th e first was recorded in Apri l 1937).

Ring-necked Duck Aythya col/aris 6,1 GRON INGEN Lauwersmeer, 14-22 Apri l, adult, male (K

de Vri es, R de Vr ies, A de Bruin et al). FRIESLAN D Schi ermo nnikoog, 5 May, adult, male, photographed (G J van den Berg, K H Scho lten). The Lauwersmeer bird is cons id ered to be th e same as the one on Schiermonn ikoog. It constitutes the 12th record (the first was recorded in March 1959). King Eider Somateria spectabi/is 3,1 FRIES LAND Harlingen, 4-30 Apri l, third-year or o lder, ma le, photographed (P de Boer, P Ferwerda, E B Ebels, H A Gaasbeek et al, A nonymus 1990a,b, Anonymus 199 1 b, van der Burg et al 1990, Dutch Birdin g 1990); Schiermonnikoog, 21 October, adu lt, male (G 0 Keij l); Harlingen, 24 December, adult, male (M van der Koo ij, E A W Ernens). The Schiermonn ikoog bird was seen o nl y briefly in flight. The records in Harlingen are co nsid ered to con cern the same bird as on 7-9 October 1989 at nearby Ko rn werderzand, Fri es land (van den Berg et al 199 1). It is noteworthy that in ea rl y 199 1 two males appea red at Harlin gen. Short-toed Eagle Circaetus ga /licus 2, 1 GELDERLAND Hoeve laken, 31 Jul y (R E va n der V li et & M

A va n der V li et) . 1989 NOORDHO LLAND Nederhorst den Berg, 26 June (R F J van Beusekom). These are the first records of this spec ies see n in flight. Especially, the Hoevelaken bird provoked much discussion sin ce it was seen f ly in g overhead for a relatively shorttim e. The previous four reco rds concern indi v idu als picked up dead or weakened in November 1907, October 1959, June 1979 and August 1981. Little Crake Porzana parva 3, 1 GRON INGEN Eemshaven, 24 Augustto 6 September, first-

yea r, photographed (L J R Boon, R H Hofman et al, Anonymus 1990a,b, va n der Burg et al 1990). Thi s confidi ng bird co nstituted on ly the spec ies' fourth record sin ce 1980. Nearl y all previous reco rds are of birds in spring w hi ch were usuall y heard on ly. Pacific Golden Plover P/uvia/is (u/va 0,1 FRIESLAND Abbega, 8 November, first-winter, trapped, photographed (J Jukema, B va n der Veen, Anonymus 1990b, Jukema & va n der Veen 1992). This is the 10th record and the first since 1939. The records during 1896-1939 concern spec im ens from October (two), November (one), December (threeJ, February (two) and March (one) (cf Roselaa r 1990). Other reco rd s of birds col lected more than 50 years ago are no longer considered acceptab le since the sk in s cou ld not be retraced for review . Sociable Plover Chettusia gregaria 6,2 UTRECHT Ij sse lstein, 11 -12 April, adu lt summer, photograph ed (G Abel, W Stoopendaa l, A d e Bruin et al, Anonymus 1990a,b, va n der Burg et al 1990). NOORDBRABANT Someren and Beuven, 29 June to 12


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1990 Jul y, adul t summ er, photog raph ed U W este rbeek, C va n Seggelen, M Berlijn et al). Th ere are now 20 records: in April (fi vel, M ay (th ree), June (o ne), Jul y (th ree), A ugust (three), September (twol, October (one) and November (o ne).

Pectoral Sandpiper Ca lidris melanotos 30,1 ZEELAN D Saeftinghe, 31 Jul y, adult U va n Impe) . 1989 FRIES LAN D Mokkebank, 6 September, two (Y Kui-

pe rs, K Zwaan et al). 1988 ZU IDHO LLAN D Va lkenburg, 5-6 September, juvenil e (K de Moo ij, G va n der Bent et al). There are now 39 records: three in th e 196 0s, six in the 19 70 s and 29 in the 1980s; 80% of the record s are from Jul y-September.

Broad-billed Sandpiper LimicĂ la fa lcinellus 38,2 FLEVO LAN D Oostvaa rdersdijk, 6 M ay, adult summer (M

Berlijn , J va n der Laa n). GRON ING EN Lauwersmeer, 22 -24 May, adult summer (B

Gax io la, A de Bruin et al). 1989 ZEELAND Wi sse n kerke 18 Au gust, ju venil e (T 0 V Muu sse) . 1984 FLEVOLAN D Kn ardij k, 11-1 3 M ay, max imum of eight, adult summer (H Schekkerman et al). During the last decade, thi s species has bee n reco rded annu all y : o ne in 198 1, o ne in 1982, fo ur in 1983, nin e in 1984, one in 198 5, three in 1986, six in 198 7, five in 1988, ei ght in 1989 and two in 199 0. By far the most records are of spring mi grants in M ay. Th e fl oc k of eight in 1984 was unprecedented.

Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis 4, 0 1986 GRON ING EN Lauwersmee r 19-20 M ay, adult summer (R Foppen et al). Thi s is th e seventh record and the first in sprin g. dowitcher Limnodromus griseus/scolopaceus 1,0 1986 GRON ING EN Lauwersmeer, 18 Jul y, adult summer (R Fo ppen, T M eijer). Th e CD NA is un abl e to judge w hi ch of th e spec ies was co ncerned. Apart from two reco rd s of unidentif ied dowitchers (including th e o ne in September 197 1 in th e Lauwe rsmeer, Fri es land), there are six of Lo ng-bill ed Dow itcher L scolopaceus and non e of Sho rt-bill ed Dow itcher L griseus.

Kuipers, P va n Rijn); Bres kens, 4 May (P L Meininger, J W al ho ut); Kreekraks lui ze n, 14 June, th ree, adult U va n Impe) . G ELDERLAND Erl ecom, 28 -2 9 A pril , ad ult summer (M Berlijn et al). G RON INGEN Lauwe rsmeer, 3 May, adult w in te r (R Hofman, A de Bruin et al); Lauwe rsmeer, 4- 5 M ay, adult summer, ph otographed (L J R Boo n, R H Hofman et al); Eemshaven, 5 May, adult summ er (L J R Boon et al); Hoe ksmeer, 16-1 8 June, summer, ph otog raph ed (D J M oerbeek, S Ga rdeslen, A de Bruin et al); Hoeksmee r, 18-23 June, summer, photog raphed (A de Bruin, R Romijn, DJ Moerbeek et al) ; Beerta, 5 A ugust, adult summer (S Luinenburg) . FLEVO LAND Oostvaardersdij k, 12 Jul y (M Berlijn ). 1989 ZEELAND Philipsdam, 5- 10 M ay, ad ul t summer (T 0 V M uu sse, M J M M uu sse, A va n der H out). GRONINGEN Eemshaven, 5 September, ad ul t w inter (S Luin enburg) . 1986 GRON INGEN Lauwersmee r, 1 May, ph otograph ed (S de Bruin, A de Bruin, I de Bruin). Thi s was the best year eve r. Oth er good yea rs we re 1989 (11 ), 1987 (nine) and 198 1 (ei ght). Th ere are now 11 5 reco rds. Th e first record dates back to M ay 1958 .

long-tailed Skua Stercorarius longica udus 54,15 CONTINEN TA L SHELF North off Schi erm o nnikoog, Fri es-

land, 15 September, juve nil e, photograph ed (A Vee n, L va n der Vee n et al). ZU IDH O LLAN D Katw ijk, 21 September, seven, fo ur adults, o ne subadult and two imm atures U va n Dijk et al); Sch evenin gen, 21 September, fo ur, three adults and o ne ju venil e (G J va n den Berg, E J va n IJzendoo rn et al). NOORDH O LLAN D Ijmuiden, 28 September, ju ve nil e (E J va n IJ ze ndoo rn ); Ca mperduin , 9 O ctober, adult summer U Sc harringa, N F va n der Ham). FRIESLAN D H arlingen-Tersc hellin g, 29 September, j uvenil e (P de Knijff) . 1989 NOORDH O LLAND Ca mpe rduin , 2 October, ad ult (K J Eigenhui s, L Stegeman, J Sto k). It see ms th at th ere was an influ x durin g th e seco nd half of September coin c iding w ith influ xes of Sto rm Petrel H ydrobates p elagicus and Sabine's Gull Larus sabini. In contrast, the bird in 1989 was th e o nl y reco rd fo r th at yea r.

Bonaparte's Gull Larus philadelphia 2, 1

long-bi lied Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus 5, 1

Z EELAND Ritth em, 11-1 9 February, first-w inter, photo-

ZU IDH O LLAN D Do rdtse Bi es bosc h, 1-6 Janu ary, adult

graphed (H Schekkerm an, P L M einin ger eta l, An o nymu s 1990a, Berlijn et al 1990, va n der Burg et al 1990, Hooge nd oo rn & Steinh aus 1990). Th e bird was spending mu ch tim e at a sewage fa rm and o n the rive r Sc helde. The record co in cid ed w ith an influ x of at least nine indi vid uals durin g Febru ary-April in Co rn wa ll, Devon, M erseys id e and W arwicks hi re, England. Thi s co nstitutes the third reco rd. Th e first reco rd reters to an adult o n 4 A ugust 1985 and the seco nd to a first- summer to second-w inter from 16 June 1988 to 28 Janu ary 1989, both at Ijm uiden, Noordh o ll and .

w inter, photog raphed (T 0 V Muu sse, M J M M uu sse, H Gebui s, va n der Burg et al 199 0). G RON INGEN Lauwe rsmeer, 7-1 2 May, adult summ er, photog rap hed U va n 't Hof, va n der Burg et al 1990) . Th e Bi es bosc h bird con stitutes the first w inter reco rd. Th e bi rd in May at Jaa p Deensgat, Lauwersmee r, is consid ered to be the sa me as th e one p resent at the sa me spot in Jul y 1987, M ay 1988 and M ay 1989, and was poss ibl y also the sa me as th e unidentifi ed bird in Jul y 1986 (cf Du tc h Bi rdin g 1990). Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis 52, 13

Russian Common Gull Larus ca nus heinei 2, 1

ZE ELAN D Philipsdam, 28 A pril, ad ult (M Schildwac ht, J

ZU IDHO LLAND M aasv lakte, 9 Febru ary, adult, male,


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7990

70 Squacco Heron Ardeo/a ralloides, N ieuwkoop, Zu idholland, June 1990 (Hans Cebuis)

71 King Eider Somateria spectabilis, male, Roptazijl , Harlingen, Friesland, 17 Apr il 1990 (A rnoud B van den Berg)


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7990

72 leeland Gull Larus glaucoides, Ijmuiden, Noordho ll and, February 1990 (Hans Gebuis) 73 Bonaparte's Gu ll Larus ph iladelphia, first-w inter, Ritthem, Zee land, 19 February 1990 (A rnoud B van den Berg) 74 Ivo ry Gu ll Pagophila eburnea, first-winter (sw imming!), Stellend am, Zuidho ll and, 17 January 1990 (A rnoud B van den Berg)


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7990 foun d dead (E JO Kom panj e, J N J Post, Ko mpa nje & Post 1990). A ll th ree records of thi s subspecies co ncern b irds found dead. Iceland Gull Larus glaucoides 28,2 NOORDHOLLAND Za ndvoort, 17 Febru ary, first-w inte r (F GSM Hieselaar). ZU IDHOLLAND Schevenin gen, 24-28 Febru ary, first-winter (A A D ijkstra, H P Braam, M Berlijn et al). 1989 ZU IDHOLLAND Stellend am, 14 Ma rch, first-w inte r (T 0 V M uu sse). NOORDH OLLAND Ijmuiden, 16 December 1989 to 10 Ma rch 1990, first-win te r, photographed (L va n der Veen et al, va n der Bu rg et al 1990) . Th e Ijmuiden record was previous ly reported fo r 1618 December 1989 (va n den Berg et al 199 1). The bird at Za ndvoort co uld have easil y co ncerned the same indi v idual. Ivory Gull Pagophila eburnea 1,1 ZU IDHOLLAN D Stellend am, 9-1 9 Febru ary, first-w inter, ph otogra ph ed (F D rรถge, R F Boot, KJ Eigenhui s, A nonymus 1990a, Berlijn et al 1990, va n der Burg et al 199 0, Drรถge 199 0, Dutch Birdin g 199 0, Weber 1990) . Thi s is th e second record, exactly 4 yea rs after th e first. Th e remarkabl y tame bird entertained large crowds w hil e bein g fed, and was regul arl y sw imming. Gull -billed Tern Celochelidon nilotica ZEELAND Bres kens, 5 May, two, adul t summer U M Wa l hout et al). FLEVOLAND Oostvaa rdersdijk, 8 May, adul t (K J Eigenhui s) . NOO RD HO LLAN D Ba lgzand, 25 Jul y, nine, adul ts (R E Brouwer); Ba lgzand, 10 August, 20, 16 adults and four ju venil es (R E Brouwe r, D J Moerbeek etal) ; Camperdui n, 18 A ugust, adul t summer (A V in k, A de Bruin et al); Ba lgza nd, 18 August, fi ve, adults, one w inte r (D J M oerbeek, R E Brouwe r, S Ga rdes len); 't Za nd, 6 September, four, adults (R E Brouwe r, D va n Dij ck). 1989 NOORDH OLLAN D H aa rl emm erl iede, 24 May, ad u It summer (R F J va n Beusekom); Bergen aan Zee, 20 June, adu lt summer, (R F J va n Beusekom). The num bers roostin g during late summer at Balgzan d and a few other places in north- western pa rts of mainl and Noordholl and see m to be stabi e since the ea rl y 19805 (cf va n den Berg et al 199 1). Roseate Tern Sterna do uga llii 5,4 NOORDHOLLAND Ijmuiden, 25 May, adul t (D J Moerbeek); Ijmu iden, 16 Ju ne, adul t (K J Eigen hui s, J van 't Hof); Ij muiden, 3 Jul y, ad ult (W E M va n der Schot); Camperduin, 13-1 5 Jul y, adult, photographed (L Stegeman, P P Bรถhre et al). 1982 -85 ZEE LAND Hooge Platen and V li ss ingen, extreme dates 30 Ap ril and 3 October, adul t, female, photogra phed (B ijersbergen 1988, M ull arn ey 1988, Wa l hout 1988). Th e fo ur records in 1990 increase the total number of reco rds in the Netherl ands by 50% to 12. It is, howeve r, possible that (at least) some records actu all y co nce rn the

sa me ind ividual. Th e 1982-85 female was pa ired w it h a Common Tern S hirundo in 1982 and 1984, producing a hybrid ju venile w hich was seen fl ying in 1984. At the Hooge Pl aten tern co lony, the female was see n in 1982 from 20 to 29 Jul y, in 1983 from 30 Ap ril to 26 Jul y, in 1984 fro m 7 June to 11 September, and in 1985 from 20 June to 2 July . Th e female p reviously reported by Bl anke rt et al (1986) fo r V li ss ingen, Zee land, on 8 September and feeding a hyb rid ju venile f ro m 28 September to 3 (o r 4) October 198 4, is cons idered to be the sa me as the one on Hooge Platen. The hyb rid s are not inclu ded in the tota ls. Whiskered Tern Chlido nias h ybridus 34,3 OVERIJ SSEL O lst, 21 June, two, adult summer (D C Ui t de W eerd). FLEVO LAND Houtr ibs lui ze n, 7 A ugust, adult summer (S Luinenburg) . Afte r onl y one reco rd during 1984- 86, th e 16 reco rd s during 1987 -90 show a marked increase. Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle 14,2 ZEELAND Westkapell e, 8 September, immature (H P Braam, T 0 V M uu sse, F Tw isk). NOORDH OLLAND Camperduin , 10 October, imm ature (D Groe nendijk, KJ Ei genhui s et al). There is now a total of 45 reco rd s. Most bird s we re reco rd ed during A ugust-December. Great Spotted Cuckoo C1amator glandarius 4, 1 ZU IDHOLLAND Hellevoets lui s, 7-1 6 May, immature, photographed (J Keukelaar, J Tramper, K M inn aa r, va n der Burg et al 1990) . Th ere are now 10 reco rd s: in M arch (o ne), April (two), May (th ree), A ugust (two), September (o ne) and October (one). None of these birds we re tw itc habl e. Snowy Owl Nyctea scandiaca 1,1 NOORD BRABANT Lage Zwa luwe, 2 M arch, imm ature or female, p hotograph ed (A Hoeve naar, va n der Burg et al 1990) . Th e bi rd was sitting on a roof during the dav and see n by onl y a few loca l peop le. It co uld not be found the next days despite much effort by a lot of birders. After rev iew, there are seven acceptabl e reco rd s: in January 1869, December 1884, November 1888, May 1904, JuneAug ust 1965 (pres umably, th e sa me b ird was reported in Ma rch an d November that year) and December 1980March 198 1. A mong th e old record s reviewed are lost or badl y labe l led mu se um skin s w ithout suffic ient detail s on date (at least month required) and loca li ty (at least province required). O ld field observations w ith no more deta il s th an, eg, ' large and w hite owl w ith so me bl ack markings and ye ll ow eyes' were also rejected . Bee-eater Merops apiaster 80, 1 FRI ESLAN D Schi ermon nikoog, 22-26 September, adul t, photogra phed (M va n den Berg, A de Bruin et al, va n der Burg et al 1990). 1989 NOORDH OLLAND Hui zen, 17 May, 14 (R F J va n Beuse kom). In recent yea rs, apartfrom several fl ocks of less th an 10


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7990 bi rds, there have been flocks of 12 (in 1984), 10 (in 1987), 15 (in 1987) and 14 birds (in 1989).

awaitin g in fo rm ation o n a September b ird in Flevol and.

Middle Spotted Woodpecker Oendrocopos medius 1,1 NOORDBRABANT Kaatsheuvel, 19 June, adu lt (J Couwenberg). There is onl y one other record during the 1980s, a male winte ri ng at Amel isweerd, Utrecht, from 1 December 1985 to 15 February 1986. Last breeding occurred in Twente, Overij sse l, in 1973.

ZU IDH OLLAND Brabantse Biesbosch, 13-24 May, sing-

River Warbier Loeuste//a fluviati/is 5,4

Red-rumped Swallow Hirundo daurica 11,3 ZEELAND Groede, 2 May, two (G A Davidse, P van Tuil,

S Lilypaly); Breskens, 5 May (M Cape ll o, G A Davidse et al). All individuals we re migrating in north-easterly direction. Olive-backed Pipit Anthus hodgsoni 3,1 NOORDHOLLAND Bloemendaal , Kennemerduinen , 25 29 October, immature, trapped, photographed (Vrs va n Lennep, A van Kleunen , D Groenendijk, van der Burg et al 1990, Eggenhuizen & de Meijer 1991) . This is the fourth record and the first of a trapped bird. Unexpectedly, the bird remain ed for 4 days in the coasta l dunes w here it was released. Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus 38,3 GRONINGEN Eemshaven, 5 May, photographed (L J R

Boon, A va n Dijk, L Steijn et al); Eemshaven, 20 May (K van Dijken). ZUIDHOLLAND Haagse Waterleidingduinen, 6 May, flying north ward (A Remeeus). The actua l number seen (or rather heard) by birders is much larger, espec iall y in autumn. However, it is hard to get views good enoug h to make an acceptable description of a bird flyin g overhead. Thrush Nightingale Luscinia /uscinia 13,1 FRIESLAND Tjeukemeer, 16 June, adu lt, male, trapped, photographed (J de Jong). This was the second yea r in succession without any spring records of sin ging birds. Cetti's Warbier Cettia eetti 36,2 FR IESLAND V li eland, 8 October, female, trapped (K Terpstra, J Jassies). FLEVOLAND Kamperhoek, 15 October, trapped, photographed (G Frank). Two or three birds trapped in October in the Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Noordholland, have not vet been submitted to the CDNA. Apparently, there was an influx in October. Fan-tailed Warbier Cistico/a juncidis 16,4 ZEE LAND Kruispolderhaven, 22 Jul y to 22 August, two

adu lts and two fledglings, p hotographed and sound reco rded (J van Hooien, M Berlijn, A de Brui n, L J R Boon et al, va n der Burg et al 1990). This is the first breeding record since 1984; the spec ies was not recorded during 1986-89. The comm ittee is still


ing, photographed (H Gebuis, Anonymus 1990a, va n der Burg et al 1990). FLEVOLAND Ooievaarsweg, 4-10 June, sing ing, soundrecorded (R F J va n Beusekom, L J R Boon et al); Knardijk, 6-22 June, sing in g (R F J van Beusekom, M Berlijn); Oostvaardersdijk, 30 June, sing ing (P M A van der Wielen). This was the spec ies' best year ever. There are now 16 records. A ll 13 records since May 1956 refer to sing ing birds in sp rin g. Aquatic Warbier Aerocepha/us pa/udico/a 87,6 GRON INGEN Lauwersmeer, 31 Jul y to 8 August, imma-

ture (G van Aalst, L J R Boon, A de Bruin et al). GE LDERLAND Elburg, 3 August, two, ad ult and immatu re,

trapped (K Terpstra); Elburg, 4 August, imm atu re, trapped (K Terpstra); Elburg, 15 August, imm atu re, trapped (K Terpstra). ZEELAND Co lijnsplaat, 12 A ugust, imm ature (A van Kleunen, A Hannewijk). A moderate yea r w ith numbers dropping from the 1986-89 yearly average of 12-1 3 reco rd s (cf de By 1990) . *Blyth's Reed Warbier Acroeepha/us dumetorum 0,1 FLEVOLAND Lelystad, 26 June, adult, trapped, photo-

graphed (C J Breek, va n der Burg et al 1990). A paper on this first record has been prepared and w ill be published in due course. The bird was ringed (Arn hem F203084).lt had worn remiges and rectrices . No ca ll was hea rd . Biometrics: w ing 63 mm; tail 56 mm; tars us 23 mm; bill from feathers 12 mm; bill from sku111 7.5 mm; b ill w idth 4 mm; leg w idth 1.8 mm; pl (outermost primary) 1.5 mm shorter than lo ngest primary covert; p3, p4 and pS longest primaries; p2 5 mm, p6 3.5 mm, p7 5.5 mm, p8 8 mm, p9 9 mm and plO 10.5 mm shorter than p4; emarginations on outer web of p3-5 (Iess obvious on pS); primary projection 13 mm ; tail round ed: 5 mm for outermost pair; longest undertail-coverts 14 mm shorter than lo ngest rectrix; we ight 11.5 gram . Booted Warbier Hippo/ais ea /igata 3, 1 NOORDHOLL AND Bloemendaa l, Kennemerduinen, 29 September, immature, trapped, photographed (Vrs van Lennep, van der Burg et al 1990) . The previous one was trapped at the same site on 21 September 1988 (va n den Berg 1989). Melodious Warbier Hippo/ais po/yg/otta 5,4 FLEVOLAND Vogelweg/Knarweg, 24 May into June, two adu lts and two fledg lings, photographed and soundrecorded (J Boshuizen, M Berlijn , A de Bruin et al). This first breed ing record follows th e spec ies' increase in Belgium. As a consequence, records after 31 December 1990 in so uth-eastern Belgium are no longer co nsidered by the Wallonian rarities committee (Lafontaine et al 199 1).

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1990

75 Radde's Warbier Phylloscopus schwarzi, Maasvlakte, Zuidholland, November 1990 (Hans Gebuis)

76 Parrott Crossbill Loxia pytyopsittacus, Noordwijk, Zuidholland, February 1990 (RenĂŠ van Rossum)

77 Sociable Plover Chettusia gregaria , adult summer, Ijsselstein, Utrecht, April 1990 (Hans Gebuis)


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7990

78 River Warbier Locustella fluviatilis, Brabantse Biesbosch, Zuidholland, May 1990 (Hans Cebuis)

79 Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator, Den Bosch, Noordbrabant, June 1990 (Hans Cebuis)


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1990 Subalpine Warbier Sylvia ca ntil/ans 12,0 1979 NOORDH OLLAND Amsterdamse Waterle idin gduin en, 9 May, adu lt, male (P P Bรถhre, G va n der Berg et al) . Chrono log ica ll y, this is the f ifth record. Th ere are 17 records, nea rl y all in spring: one in April, 13 in May, two in June and one in October. After two good periods in the 1980s (s ix in 1982-83 and six in 1986-88), 1990 was the second yea r in success io n w ith out any reco rd . Barred Warbier Sylvia nisoria 70,5 NOORDHOLLAND Castri cum, 2 7 August, immature, trapped (V rs Castricum); Bloemendaa l, Ken nemerduinen, 12 October, imm ature, trapped (Vrs van Lenn ep). FRIESLAND Ame land, 10-12 September, immature, photographed (J M W alh out, E B Ebels, L J R Boon et al, Anonymu s 1990a, va n der Bu rg et al 1990); Vli eland, 25 September, immatu re, trapped (K Terpstra); Tersc heil i ng, 27 September, imm ature, trapped, photographed (J Jukema). 1989 GRONINGEN Eemsh aven, 4 October, immature (S Luin enburg). A rather meagre yea r show in g typical occ urrences from late August to ea rl y October. On ly two out of 11 reco rd s in 1989-90 concern field observatio ns. *Two-barred Greenish Warbier Phyl/oscopus plumbeitarsus 0, 1 NOORD HOLLAND Castri cum, 17 September, first-winter, trapped, photographed (Vrs Castri cum, van der Burg et al 1990, Sch ekkerm an 1992). Thi s constitutes the second record fo r Europe. Th e first was in 21-27 October 1987 on Gugh, Sc ill y, England, but has not vet been fo rm all y adm itted to the British li st (Rogers & Rariti es Comm ittee 199 1). Pallas's Warbier Phyl/oscopus proregulus 35,1 FRIESLAND Kornwe rderzand, 3-4 November (D J Moerbee k, KJ Ei genhuis, S Gard es len et al). 1989 NOORDH OLLAND Texe l, 17 October (R F J va n Beusekom, G A Morel, 0 Wildschut et al); Texe l, 20 October (P va n Scheepen, W H Hoogendoorn, D Meijer). 1987 FLEVOLAND Blocq van Kuffeler, 7 November, photographed (Ma uer 1989). This was the poorest show ing sin ce 1984 when there was also on ly one record. In contrast, 1989 was th e best yea r eve r w ith 10 reco rd s. Durin g 15-27 October 1989, no less than five bird s we re recorded on Texe l. Hume's Yellow-browed Warbier Phyl/oscopus humei

3,4 NOORDHOLLAND Texe l, 6-7 November, photograph ed and sound-recorded (A Wassink eta l, Anonymus 1991 a) . ZU IDHOLLAND Meyendel, 11 December to 4 January 1991, photographed (A Remeeus, M Berlijn et al); Rijn sburg, 12-13 December (L va n der Veen, P P Bรถhre). FLEVOLAND Blocq va n Kuffe ler, A lmere, 24 Dece mber to 22 Janu ary 199 1, photograp hed and sound-recorded (R F J va n Beusekom , 0 Wildschut, Anonymus 1991 a, Oree l 1991).

In 1990, the number of records was doubled. Previous records we re on 28 Nove.rnber 1958 (fo und dead), 4 Febru ary to 3 Apri l 1975,9 to 14 November 1982 and 7 December 1982 to 10 Ap ril 1983. Radde's Warbier Phyl/oscopus schwarz i 2, 1 ZU IDHOLLAND Maasvlakte, 6-8 November, photographed (H Gebuis, E B Ebels et al). Th is is (o nl y) the fifth record and the first for November (the prev ious four are in Octobe r). Dusky Warbier Phyl/oscopus fuscatus 9,2 ZEELAND Vl iss in gen, 25 October (J M Wa lh out et al). ZU IDHOLLAN D Meyendel, 29 November to 4 December (M Berlijn, J D Eerdmans, PEerdmans, L va n der Veen) . 1989 ZU IDHOLLAND Maasvlakte, 25 October (T 0 V Muusse, KJ Ei genhui s, H Gebuis). Th ere are now 12 records of w hi ch 11 in the last five years, all in October-November. Th e CDNA sti ll awaits information on the Terschellin g bird on 7-9 November. Bonelli's Warbier Phyl/oscopus bon el/i 8,2 LIMBURG Herkenbosc h, 22 May to 9 June, ma le, so undreco rded (D J Moerbeek, S Gardeslen, M Berlijn et al). NOORDH OLLAND Castri cum, 14 August, imm ature, trapped, p hotographed (Vrs Castricum). Th ere are now 19 records including (at least) three be longi ng to the eastern subspec ies P b orien ta lis. Th e Herkenbosc h bird belonged to the western subspec ies Pb bon el/i. Reco rd s are from May (13), June (o ne), Jul y (one), August (two), September (o ne) and November (one); most birds we re singing. Iberian Chiffchaff Ph yl/oscopus col/ybita brehmii 5,1 NOORDHOLLAND Amsterdam, 29 Apr il to 20 Jul y, male, photographed and sound-recorded (R V lek, M Berlijn et al). The bird was sing ing in hi gh trees in the Vondelpark near the ce ntre of Amsterdam. lts ca ll s and behav iour indi cated th at it was pa ired and nesting. Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria 1,0 NOORDHOLLAND Amsterdam, 27 November to 5 Apri l 199 1, fema le, photographed (va n de Staa ij & Fokker 1991). The sa me bi rd was present from 1 3 November 1989 to 11 Apr il 1990. It d id not return aga in in the w inter of 1991 /92 . Treecreeper Certhia familiaris 31,1 GRONINGEN Gron ingen, 13-16 Jan uary (M O lthoff, A de Bruin et al). 1989 OVER IJ SSEL Staphorst, 27 September, trapped, photographed (G EHSm aIl enbroek, J G Bredenbeek) . FRIESLAND Ame land, 10 October, trapped (J T Hendriksma). 1988 FRIESLAND Schiermonnikoog, 15 October, trapped (J van der Straaten). Th e co ntinuin g searc h for identification features of th is difficultspecies recent ly cu lminated in an in sp irin g paper by Daun icht (1991). Perh aps, it w ill resu lt in a future increase of acceptabl e f ield reco rd s.


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7990 Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator 21,2 NOORDBRABANT Den Bosch, 13-16June, subadu lt, male, photographed (A de Bruin, S Luinenburg, van der Burg et al 1990). NOORDHOLLAND Texel, 3-5 October, ju ven il e, photographed (T J C Luijendijk, C G Qu ispe l, D Groenend ijk et al, van der Burg et al 1990). 1988 ZUIDHOLLAND Katwijk, 17 May (J A van den Ande l, TUitterdijk). In 1980-90, records were in April (o ne), May (nine), June (1 0), July (one), September (one) and October (one). The Texel bird looked remarkably pa le due to its heavil y worn ju ven ile plumage. Rose-coloured Starling Sturnus roseus 14,0 1988 NOORDHOLLAND Texel , 22-24 October, juvenile, photographed (H P Braam, S Lilipaly, L Stegeman et al). 1985 GELDERLAND Aa lten, 16 May, adu lt summer, male (A P Ros). The 1988 record was previously repo rted for 22 October (va n den Berg et al 1989). There are now 33 records of wh ich seven are from the 19th century, 14 du ring 1900-80 and 12 during 1981-90. Arctic Redpoll Carduelis homemanni 17,3 NOORDHOLLAND Amsterdam, 15-22 December, two, photographed (A W J Meijer, L va n der Veen, E B Ebels et al, A nonym us 1991 a) . GRON INGEN Eelderwolde, 21 December (K van Dijken). 1988 FRIESLAND Cornwe rd, 16 November, adu lt, trapped UT Hend ri ksma). In the wi nter of 1990/9 1, severa l birds were reported from November onwards of w hich, until now, three December records have been accepted (cf va n der Burg et al 1991) . The influx from November 1988 to January 1989 involved 10 birds of whic h eight we re trapped. In contrast, there were no records in the w inter of 1989/90. Previous influxes were in October-N ovembe r 1962 (five), October-December 1972 (e ight), November-December 1975 (19) and November 1986-January 1987 (four). Two-barred Crossbill Loxia leucoptera 3,12 FRIESLAND Terschelling, 24 August, juvenile (W Renema , PEdelaar, L va n Gent et al). NOORDHOLLAND Den Helder, 2 September, juvenile, fema le, found dead, photographed (F Geldermans, spec imen in col lection Nationaal Natuurhi storisch Museum, Leiden, Zuidh oll and). OVER IJSSEL Dalfsen, 27 October, adu lt, male, found dead, photographed (E Goutbeek, A de Bruin, spec im en in co llection of Natuurmuseum West-Overij sse l, Zwo lle). UTRECHT Baarn, 8 November to 1 February 1991, adu lt, male (R F J van Beusekom, M Berlijn, P Knolle et al, van der Burg et al 1991 ); Baarn , 11-20 November, female, photographed (K J Eigenhuis et al). NOORDBRABANT Hooge Mierd e, 25 November to 24 January 1991 , seven, adu lts, three males (L Peeters, M Berlijn , P M A van der Wielen et al). The committee sti ll awaits information about a male at Hil versum, Noordholl and, in late November. The Den


Helder bird was hit by a car and d ied the dav after, on 3 September. Interestingly, it had very narrow wh ite fringes to greater and median w in g-coverts and tert ials and it mu st have been very hard to identify in th e field. However, the w in g:ta il ratio of 1.40 (w ing 95 and tail 68 mm) was decisive and even below the extreme (1.4 1, n=30) given by Svensson (1984). The first reports of the 199091 influ x came from coasta l northern areas durin g late August and early September. In late October and November, at least 10 indi vidua ls were found in inland forests. The on ly other influx known for the Netherland s was in September 1889 w hen 32 birds were reco rded. In the 100 years between both influ xes, only seven records were accepted after review (in September 1942, October 1963, Jul y 1972, December 1972, March 1984, AprilMay 1984 and February 1987) . Parrot Crossbill Loxia pytyopsittacus 240,137 NOORDHOLLAND Texel, 15-21 October, 15, six males, eight females, one immature, photographed (P M Gnodde, M Berlijn, K H Scholten, L van der Veen et al); Robbenoordbos, 16 October to 4 January 1991, 25, photographed and sound-reco rd ed (0 de Vries, R E Brouwer); Texel, 20 October, two, ad ult, female (K H Scholten, S Luinenburg et al). ZU IDHOLLAND Noordwijk, 20 October to 15 March 199 1,24, photographed (W-J Hooymans, M Berlijn, A B va n den Berg, Anonymus 1991 a); Meyendel, 2 December, 12, one immature, five males, six females (M Berlijn, J J Blankert, C G Quispel et al). FRIESLAND Bakkeveen, 21 October, two, adu lt male and immature (K H Scholten); Sch iermonnikoog, 27 October to 12 November, 14, includin g one subadu lt, photographed (D Schut, D Blok, E B Ebels et al); Vlieland , 1217 November, 15, includin g six males an d six females, photographed (R A de By). UTRECHT Baarn, 1-17 November, th ree, two males and one female (R F J van Beusekom, E B Ebels et al). ZEE LAND Vrouwenpo lder, 24 December, ad ult, male UM Wa lh out). DRENTHE Veen huizen, 25 December to 4 January 1991, four, one male and three imm atures (K H Scholten); Doldersum, 28 December, 18 (J M Swart, M J Swart). GRONINGEN Groningen, 31 December, two, photographed (K van Dijken). The influx in 1990-91 brought birds further south and more inl and than during th e first in flu x, in 1982-83. The 1982/83 in flu x comp ri sed c 230 birds, mostly in coastal forests of Noord holl and (Sc hekkerman 1986). Interestin gly, the 1990-91 influ x co incided w ith a large influ x of Crossbi ll s L curvirostra and a rema rkab le in flu x of Twobarred Crossbi ll s L leucoptera. The first accepted reco rd s in 1990 were during the DBA week on Texel in midOctober. Curious ly, however, possible Parrot Crossb ill s we re reported as early as June, and the identifi catio n of birds photographed in August on Terschelling and at Groesbeek, Gelderland, is st ill a matter of debate (cf Anonymus 1990b). It has been suggested that the actual numbers in 1990-91 we re hi gher than in 1982-83 (Anonymus 199 1a). The CD NA still awa its the submiss ion of a number of records (eg, the b ird s p hotograp hed in

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7990 October in the Kennemerduinen, Noordholland (Anonymus 1990b)). Bert de Bruin is preparing a paper on the 1990-91 in vas ion. Scarlet Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus 71,9 FLEVOLAND Ga ljootweg, 20-24 May, adu lt, male (R F J van Beusekom, M Berlijn, L J R Boon et al); Knardijk, 25 May to 9 June, adu lt, male (T J C Luijendijk et al, Anonymus 1990a, van der Burg et al 1990); Lelystad, 20 June, second-year, male, trapped, photographed (C J Breek). GRON INGEN Rottumeroog, 30 May, female (G 0 Keijl, E V Koopman); Lauwersmeer, 7-10 June, immature, male, photographed and sound-recorded (A de Bruin, A van Dijk, L J R Boon et al). FRIESLAND Schiermonnikoog, 3-4 June, two, adult summer, male and female U Sikkens, L J R Boon et al). NOORDHOLLAND Texel, 30 September (A W J Meijer, M van Weeghel). ZUIDHOLLAND Katwijk, 1 October (A W J Meijer, M van Weeghel). 1989 FRIESLAND Ameland, 12 June, male (D Verroken, L Verroken). The species has establi shed itself as a breeding bird in Flevoland and on the Wadden island s. The CDNA still awaits inform ation on most of the breeding pairs in 1989 and 1990, especial ly from Flevo land, Terschellin g and Texel (cf Anonymus 1989). It is likely that in the near future, like Penduline Tit Remiz pendulinus, the spec ies w ill no longer be cons idered by the CDNA. Pine Bunting Emberiza leucocephalos 5,1 NOORDHOLLAND Texel, 1 November, immature, male (A Wassink). This was the first accepted sight record. Previous records concerned trapped or photographed birds. A ll 20 post-1900 reco rd s are in October-November, eight in the 1960s, four in the 1970s and five in the 1980s. Rustic Bunting Emberiza rustica 16,4 FRIESLAND Terschelling, 27 September to 2 October, adu lt, male (A Ouwerkerk, M Berlijn, T J C Luij endijk et al); Terschelling, 13 October, male U J Blankert, M D Witvliet). ZUIDHOLLAND Scheveningen, 27 September to 1 October, photographed (R Messemaker, D Laponder et al, van der Burg et al 1990, Camic i 1990) . ZEELAND Westkapelle, 27 September to 2 October, photographed U M Wal hout, E Sanders et al, van der Burg et al 1990). 1989 GRONINGEN Eemshaven, 25 May, adu lt summer, male (S Luinenburg). In the last days of September, three birds were present simultaneously at three wide ly separated coastal sites. Especially, the remarkably tame bird in the harbour of Scheveningen was seen by many people. This was not the species' best autum n: in September-October 1980 nine birds were recorded. After review, there are 32 records of which 11 in September, 14 in October, one in November and six in March-May. The first record dates back to October 1874.

Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla 24,8 ZU IDHOLLAND Katwijk, 31 March to 14 Apri l, th ree,

photographed and sound-recorded (A W J Meijer et al, Anonymus 1990a, van der Burg et al 1990). FR IESLAND Terschelling, 27 September, trapped, photographed U Jukema); Terschelling, 28-29 October, ringed (E Kieft, J J Blankert). ZEELAND Westkapelle, 27 September (H Schekkerman, P L Meininger, R Strucker et al). NOORDHOLLAND Texel, 13 October (M Berlijn et al); Castricum, 10 November, immature, trapped, photographed (Vrs Castricum). The three singin g birds in early spr ing at Katwijk we re one of the hi gh li ghts of the year and co ncerned the first March-April records. There are now 59 records of this species, the commonest of the rare buntings, in February (one), March-April (th ree), May (two), September (14), October (27) and November (12) . The first record dates back to November 1842.

Systematic list of records not accepted This list contains all records not accepted by the CDNA. Records marked with@wererejected by all com mittee members in the first or second voting, those with @-1 by all except one, and the rema i n i ng by two or more (with at least two votes against rejection). Most records were rejected when the identification was notfully established (often due to a lack of documentation) or when the individual showed signs of captivity (such as dubious rin gs, excessive wear or aberrant behaviour). For certai n duck species which in recent years repeated ly turned out to be escapes (ie, Bufflehead Bucephala albeola and Hooded Merganser Mergus cucul/atus), the CDNA now demands to ascertain that the bi rd is n贸t carryi ng a ri ng of dubious origin. Species for which the CD NA unanimou sly decided that all records refer to birds of captive origin, are usually omitted from this list. These inc/ude species of which all ancestors are of captive origin (introduced species of British Category Cl. Species for which a majority vote decided that all records refer to birds of captive origin, are inc/uded in this list. For 1990, these concern (apa rt from Hooded Merganser, seeabove) correctly identified individuals without obvious signs of captivity of Pink-backed Pelican Pelecanus rufescens, Lesser Flamingo Phoenicopterus minorand Desert Finch Rhodospiza obsoleta. It is noteworthy th at in some western European cou ntries Pink-backed Pelican, Lesser Flamingo and Hooded Merganser are listed as genu ine va grants . Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria bulwerii, Westkapelle (Zeeland) 27 September @-1 (description of all-bl ack longtailed petrel of marsh tern Chlidonias size flying past at 1 km distance w ith flight pattern matching that of Bulwer's


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7990 Petrel under simil ar co nditi ons; because of the spec ies' rarity and recent d iscoveri es of all -da rk petreis Ocea nodra ma, it was feit th at mo re doc umentation is required for thi s potenti al first). Balearic Shearwater Puffinus yelkouan, Katw ijk (Zuidh oll and) 16 August @. Pink-backed Pelican Peleca nus ru fescens, N ij ke rkern auw (Fl evoland/ Gelderl and) 25 -30 October (p hotographed; identification accepted but all ex cept one voted again st poss ible gen uine vagra ncy in th is species). Glossy Ibis Plegadis fa lcinellus, Meyelsedijk, Peel (Limburg/Noordbrabant) 19 May@(nodescripti on); Enum atil (Fri es land) September @; En gwierum (Fries land) 16 November @ (th e desc ri pti ons do not excl ude Puna Ibis P ridgwayi of w hich several escaped indi vidu als are roa min g around). lesser Flamingo Phoenicopterus minor, Mokkebank (F ri es land) 29 A pril ; Korn werderza nd (Fries land) 26 September (ph otograph ed; identif ication of both reco rd s accepted but all ex cept one voted again st genuine vag rancy in thi s spec ies) . Whistling Swan Cygnus columbianus columbianus, Pampu spad/Oostvaa rd ersdij k (Fl evoland) 1-27 D ecember @ (photogra phed; amount of ye ll ow on bill was co nsidered too extensive to exclude Bewick's Swa n Cc bewickii; cf va n der Burg et al 199 1). Blue-winged Teal A nas discors, La uwersmeer (G roningen) 1-2 Jul y @1 (female; desc ri pti on was in sufficient to ex clude Cinn amon Tea l A cya noptera) . Hooded Mergilnser M ergus cucullatus, Den Oever (Noo rdholland) 1-2 December (male, ph otog raphed; identi ficati on accepted but onl y the left leg was ascertained to be unrin ged). Blackshouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus, Texel (Noo rd holl and) 20 M ay @. Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus, Fl editeweg (Fl evol and) 11 February @ (male Hen Harri er C cyaneus not excluded); Leusderheide (Utrecht) 25 A ugust @(female; no description was given of body sh ape or dark patch on side of breast) . Booted Eagle Hieraaetus p ennatus, Duiven (Gelderl and) 5 June @. Saker Falco cherrug, Serooskerke (Zee land) 12 Febru ary @ (ph otographed; descripti on does not exclud e other large falco ns nor hybrid s). Gyrfalcon F rusticolus, Texel (Noo rdh oll and) 4 Janu ary @-1 (descript ion not suffi cientl y deta iled to exc lude oth er large falco ns nor hybri ds). Little Crake Porza na parva, V lieland (F ri es land) 7 May @ (onl y hea rd and no so undrecording made) . pratincole Glareola, Praamweg (Fl evoland) 24 Febru ary @. American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica, Dordtse Bi es bosc h (Zuidho ll and) 27 -28 Janu ary (desc ripti on in suffic ient co nsidering the species' rarity, especiall y in m id-w inter). White-rumped Sandpiper Ca lidris fuscicollis, A lmere (Fl evoland) 22 Jul y @. American Whimbrel N umenius phaeopus hudsonicus, Noord w ijkerh out (Zuidholland) 23 April @ (flying past) . laughing Gull Larus atricilla, Katw ij k aa n Zee (Zuidholland) 1 Decembe r @. Franklin's Gull L p ipixcan, Za ndvoo rt (Noo rd holl and) 26 Janu ary @ (descripti on w rong for adult w inter). Bonaparte's Gull L philadelphia, Hoek van H oll and (Zuidh o ll and) 1 Janu ary @ (descripti on incompl ete w ithout, eg, underw in g pattern ). Russian Common Gull L can us heinei, Ijmuiden (Noo rdho ll and) 11 Decem ber @-1 (ph otog raphed; no measurements). Thayer's Gull L thayeri, Lauwe rsoog (G roningen) 7 December @ (first-w inter, unintenti onall y photographed; no compl ete dark tail-band v isibl e). Bee-eater Merops


apiaster, six, Stadskanaa l (G roni ngen) 31 May @-1 (no description made); Santpoo rt (Noo rd holl and) 31 Jul y @1 (fl ying past and onl y hea rd , not seen). Middle Spotted Woodpecker Oendracop os medius, Meddo (Gelderland) 18 April @. lesser Short-toed lark Ca landrella rufescens, Stellend am (Z uidh oll and) 20 A pril @(descripti on incompl ete, primary projecti on not described). Redthroated Pipit A nthus cervinus, Texel (Noo rdholl and) 13 October @-1; Westkapell e (Zee land) 15 October @-1 (fl y in g past and givin g the spec ies' characteri sti c ca ll w hich, howeve r, could not be reco rd ed on tape; it should be noted th at several simil ar obse rvati ons of fly in g and ca llin g pipits, mainl y in M ay, we re not submitted). Blackheaded Yellow Wagtail M otacilla flava feldegg, Den Oever (Noo rdho ll and) 23 M ay @-1 (photograph ed; no so und hea rd and descripti on incompl ete; photograph does not exc lude North ern Ye ll ow W agtail M f thunbergi). Thrush Nightingale Luscinia luscinia, Gorsse l (Gelderl and) 27 A pril @-1 (p hotographed; Nightinga le L megarh ynchos co uld not be excluded). Aquatic Warbier Acrocephalus paludicola, Lauwersmeer (G ronin gen) 18 August @.MelodiousWarbler Hippolaispo lyglotta, Schiermonnikoog (Fries land) 28 A ugust @. Treecreeper Certhia familiaris, Li sse (Zuid ho l land) 24 A pril @. ParrotCrossbili Loxia pytyopsittacus, tw o, De Koog, Texe l (Noo rdh olland) 28 Jul y @; four, De Cocksdorp, Texe l (Noordh olland) 15 September; one, De Cocksdorp, Texel (Noo rdho ll and) 15 September; one, Ooste rend, Tersc helling (Fri esland) 25 September; one, Dw in geloo (Drenthe) 4 N ovembe r @; seven, Drakesteyn (Utrec ht) 6 November @-1 ; tw o, Gronin gen (Gro nin gen) 15 November @; 13, Di ever (Drenthe) 28 December @ (it seems th at there were more birds having bill size lookin g intermedi ate between Cross bill L curvirostra and Parrot Crossbill than during th e 1982/83 invas ion). Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla, W assenaar (Zuidh oll and) 1 April @-1 (onl y see n w hile fl y in g past on migrati on); Ca mmin ga buren (Friesland) 6 A pril (so me features mi ss ing in desc ripti on); K1 2 Bravo Pl atform (Co ntinental Shelf) 20 October @ (found dead; spec imen appea red to be a Reed Bunting E schoenicIus); N ieuwege in (Utrecht) 22 November @. Redheaded Bunting Emberiza bruniceps, Schiermonnikoog (F ri esland) 6 June (adult male; descripti on incompl ete and not excludin g ce rta in Afri can weavers Pioceus) . 1989 Cory's Shearwater Ca lonectris diomedea, Bloemendaa l (Noo rdh oll and) 8 October @-1 (description incompl ete, bill not described). Storm Petrel H yd robates pelagicus, off Te rsc hellin g (Continental Shelf) 19 Jul y (underwing pattern not described). Middendorff's Bean Goose Anser fa ba lis m iddendorffii (o r A f j ohansenI), M eerkoetweg (Fl evoland) 3 December @-1 (in fl ock of Af rossicus; aberrant A f fa balis not excl uded). American Wigeon A nas america na, Ellewoutsdijk (Zee land) 11 Feb ru ary (inco mpl ete description not ruling out a hybrid : adult male w ith w hi te w in g-cove rts and w hite crow n-stripe but w ithout, eg, dark green eye-stripe). Steller's Eider Po lys ticta stelleri, Lauwersmeer (G roningen) 27 March (inco mpl ete descripti on of adul t male fl y in g past). lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarin a, Zuidzande (Zee land) 28

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7990

80 Scarlet Rosefinch Ca rpodacus erythrinus, adult ma le, Ga ljootweg, Almere, Flevo land, 22 May 1990 (H ans Cebuis)

81 Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla, Katwijk aan Zee, Zuid holland, 5 Apri l 1990 (Arnoud B van den Berg)


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7990

82 Rustic Bunting Emberiza rustica, Westkapelle, Zeeland, September 1990 (Hans Cebuis)

83 Rustic Bunting Emberiza rustica, Scheveningen, Zu id holland, 29 September 1990 (RenĂŠ van Rossum)


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1990 May (ad ult; description incomp lete). Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus, Lauwersmeer (Groningen) 16 May (description lacki ng); Terschelling (Fri esland) 1-3 October @. Wilson's Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor, Knardijk (Flevo land) 20 A ugust @ (juvenile). Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii, Terschelling (F ri esland) 18 May (adult summer; description incomp lete). Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus, Ame land (Fri es land) early August (ad ult; description co nsidered in suffic ient although at least two individuals frequented Dutch coasts in the same period (cfSchekkerm an & Meininger 1990)). Aquatic Warbier Acrocephalus paludicola, Goudriaan (Zu idho lland) 13 August @-1 . Greenish Warbier Phylloscopus trochiloides, Roggebotzand (Fl evoland) 10 June @. Treecreeper Certhia familiaris, Herwen (Ge lderl and) 1 October @ (trapped). Rose-coloured Starling Sturnus roseus, TerscheIl i ng (Fri es land) 31(!) September (descri ption of juven il e but field sketch ofbill shape notconvincing). Desert Finch Rhodospiza obsoleta, Ijmuiden (Noord holland) 29-31 December (poss ibl y until March 1990)(adu lt, photographed; identifi cation accepted but all except one voted against possible genuine vag ran cy in this spec ies; cf Anonymus 1990a). Siberian Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis vlasowae, Sint Jacobiparochie (F ri esland) 13 November@ (adu lt male, trapped and photographed; cf Jukema 1992). 1988 Baird's Sandpiper Ca lidris bairdii, Lauwersmee r (Gronin gen) 24 Jul y (descr iption incomp lete, actuall y suggestin g White-rumped Sandpiper C fuscicollis). Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus, Breskens (Zee land) 10 May (seen flying past with seven Redshanks Tringa totanus at 100 m distance because of w hich description remained incomp lete, eg, without bill shape). Treecreeper Certhia familiaris, Oppenhuizen (F ri es land) 23 November @ (trapped). Arctic Redpoll Carduelis hornema nni, Afsluitdijk (Fri es land) 25 November (trapped); Tongeren (Ge lderland) 27 December (trapped). 1986 Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus, Lauwersmeer (Groningen) 9 May @. Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus, Marnewaa rd (Gron ingen) 10 June@(fema le). SubalpiOle Warbier Sylvia cantillans, Lauwersoog (Groningen) 15 May @ (incomp lete description of male seen during a few seconds) . 198 1 Siberian Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca blythi/halimodendri, Kornwerderzand (Friesland) 17 October @ (trapped and photographed; obvious w hite superc ilium, short wing 63 mm and long ta il 55 mm do not excl ude nominate; p2 3mm shorter than p3-4 (longest) and p2=p6 fits better for nominate than fo r eastern subspec ies; co ld co lours (no brownish on upperside) are w rong for eastern subspec ies) . 1980 Franklin's Gull Larus pipixcan, Scheveningen (Zu id ho lland) 4 September @-1 (a lthough this record has never

been accepted (cf Blankert & CDNA 1982), it was prematurely cited by Jรถnsson & W ennberg (1981) and Glutz von Blotzheim & Bauer (1982); it was reviewed aga in because th is wou ld no longer be the spec ies' on ly record as there are now accepted records in 1987 and 1988; however, the 1980 bird was sti ll considered unacceptab le by the (new) comm ittee).


We thank R 0 Wassenaar and his co-wor kers ofthe Vogeltrekstation Arnhem at Heteren, Ge lderla nd , for supplying addition al data on ringing records, Enno B Ebels for his assistance in check ing the text of thi s report, and all consulted experts for kindly giving their adv ice. References Anonymus 1989. Ze ldzame en schaarse broedvogels in 1989. SOVON-n ieuws 2 (4): 5-10 . Ano nymus 1990a. Western Palearctic news. Birding World 3: 48-49,84-85, 122- 124,18 1-1 83,194-1 96, 305-307 . Anonymus 1990b-1991 a. DB actueel. Dutch Birding 12 : 106-108, 219-220,273-276, 13: 38-40, 78-80. Anonymus 1991 b. European news. Br Birds 84: 1-12. va n den Berg, A B 1987. Voorkomen , herkenning en status van flamingo's in Nederl and. Dutch Birding 9: 2-7. va n den Berg, A B 1989. Kleine Spotvogel te Bloemendaal in september 1988. Dutch Birding 11: 123-126. va n den Berg, A B 1989 . Soortnamen in Dutch Birding. Dutch Birding 11: 21-22. va n den Berg, A B 1990. Einflug vo n Sturmschwalben Hydrobates pelagicus in die Nordsee im September 1990 . Limi co la 4: 309-3 12. van den Berg, A B, de By, RA & CDNA 1989. Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1988. Dutch Birdin g 11: 151164. va n den Berg, A B, de By, RA & CDNA 1991. Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1989. Dutch Birding 12: 41-57. Berlijn, M , van Dongen, R M & Eerdmans, J D 1990. DB actueel. Dutch Birding 12: 50-52. Bijersbergen, R 1988 . Dougalls Stern hybridiserend met Visdief op Hooge Platen in 1982-85. Dutch Birding 10 : 121 -1 23 . Blankert, J J & CDNA 1982. Rare birds in Netherlands in 1980. Dutch Birding 4: 41-49. Blankert, J), Scharringa, C J G & CDNA 1986. Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1984. Dutch Birding 8: 126-133. Blankert, J), de By, RA & CDNA 1988. Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1987. Dutch Birding 10: 167-177. Bundesdeutscher Selten heitenausschuB 1990. Seltene Vogelarten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1987 und 1988. Limi co la 4: 183-2 12. van der Burg, E, va n Dongen, R M & Driessens, G 1990. Recente meldingen. Dutch Birding 12: 41-50. van der Burg, E, van Dongen, R M & de Rouw, P W W 1990-9 1. Recente meldingen. Dutch Birding 12: 98106,209 -219, 262 -273, 13: 33 -37. de By, RA 1990. Migration of Aquatic Warbier in western


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7990 Europe. Dutch Birding 12: 165-181. Cam ici, M 1990. Rätselvogel 20: Waldammer Emberiza rustica. Limicola 4: 313-314. Daunicht, W 0 1991. Unterscheidungsmerkmale im Grossgefieder von Wa ld- Certhia fam iliaris und Gartenbaumläufer C. brachydactyla. Limicola 5: 49-

64. Dröge, F 1990. Ivoormeeuw te Stel lendam in februar i 1990. Dutch Bird in g 12: 238-241. Dutch Birding 1990. Vogels nieuw in Nederland. Ede. Eggenhuizen, A H V & de Meijer, FAN 1991. Siberi sc he Boompieper te Bloemendaal in oktober 1990. Dutch Birding 13: 177- 179. Glutz von Blotzheim, U N & Bauer, K M 1982. Handbuch der Vöge l M itteleuropas 8. Wiesbaden. Hoogendoorn, W & Steinhaus, G H 1990. Nearcti c gu ll s in the Western Palearctic. Dutch Birding 12: 109-1 64. Jönsson, P E & Wennberg, 0 1981. Präriemasen Larus pipixcan paträffad i Sverige. Var Fagelvärld 40: 263-

269. Jukema, J 1992. Ongewoon li chte Sneeuwgors bij Sint Jacobiparochie in november 1989. Dutch Birding 14:

12-14. Jukema, J & van der Veen, B 1992. Kleine Goudpl evier bij Abbega in november 1990. Dutch Birding 12: 14-17. Koerts, J 1992. Fouragerende Stormvogeltjes Hydrobates pelagicus bij de pieren van Ijmuiden, 22 september 1990 . Sula 6: 19-20. Kompanje, E J 0 & Post J N J 1990. Oostelijke Stormmeeuwen Larus canus hein ei in Nederland en West-Europa. Limo sa 63: 2-6. Lafontain e, 0, Lafontaine, R-M & va n der Eist, 0 1991.

Rapport de la Commission d'Homologation année

1990. Aves 28: 141-150. Mauer, K 1989. Pallas' Boszanger bi j Blocq van Kuffe ler in november 1987. Grauwe Gans 5: 93-96 . Mu ll arney, K 1988. Identification of a Roseate x Common Tern hybrid. Dutch Birding 10: 13 3-135. Oree l, G J 1991. Recent WP reports. Dutch Birding 13: 31-32. Rogers, M J & Rariti es Committee 1991. Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1990. Br Bi rd s 84: 449-505. Roselaar, C S 1990. Identifi cation and occu rrence of American and Pacific Golden Plover in the Netherland s. Dutch Birding 12: 22 1-232. Schekkerman, H 1986. Invas ie van Grote Kruisbek in Nederl and in 1982/83. Dutch Birding 8: 89-97 . Schekkerman, H 1992 . Swinhoes Boszanger te Castricum in september 1990. Dutch Birding 14: 7-10 . Schekkerman, H & Meininger, P L 1990. Brilsterns in Nederl and en België in juli-augustus 1989. Dutch Birding 12: 233-238. va n de Staaij, J W M & Fokker, F 1991. Rotskruiper in Amsterdam in w inters van 1989/9 0 en 1990/91. Dutch Birding 13: 135-139. Svensson, L 1984. Identi fication gu ide to European passerines . Stockholm. Treep, J 1991. Zome rverb lijf va n de in Nederland gesigna leerde flam in go's . Dutch Birding 13: 17. Walhout, J 1988. Dougalls Stern met hybride juveniel te Vlissingen in september-oktober 1984. Dutch Birding

10: 124-127. Weber, C 1990. Aktuelle Beobachtungen. Limi co la 4:


Arnoud B van den Berg, Duinlustparkweg 98, 2082 EG Santpoort-Zuid, Netherlands Rolf A de By, Ankrot 79, 7523 LH Enschede, Netherlands


Taxonomie status of yellow-Iegged Herring Gulls in eastern Baltie Pranas Mierauskas & Edmundas Greimas The taxonomic status of yellow-Iegged Herring Gulls Larus argentatus (sensu Cramp & Simmons 1983) in the eastern Baltic has been the object of heated discussion ever since the first records in this area. Pleske (1928) suggested that yellow-Iegged Herring Gulls should be regarded as a separate subspecies, La omissus. Later authors (eg, Buturl in 1934, Stresemann, Timofeeff-Ressovski 1947) supported this view while others rejected it (eg, Voipio 1954, Stegmann 1960, Barth 1968). Haffer (1982) considered omissus as a subspecies of Yellow-Iegged Gull L cachinnans. Voipio (1954) suggested that these yellow-Iegged Herring Gulls represent a hybrid form produced by contact between cachinnans from southern regions and local Herring Gulls. Kilpi (1988) and Kilpi & Hario (1986) stated that during a period of c 100 years, north-western Europe has been populated by at least two clearly different populations of Herring Gull, the Scandinavian L a argentatus (sensu Barth 1968) and the British L a argenteus, and possibly also L cachinnans. According to Kumari (1978), in the middle of the 19th century, two types of Herring Gull were present in the eastern Baltic: gulls breeding inland in bogs and gulls breeding on coastal is lands. Since that time, both populations have varied in size. The inland breeding population reached a peak around 1960 and decreased hereafter. An increase of the coastal population was noted between 1950 and 1960, when new breeding sites were occupied, and to date this process still continues. To elucidate the taxonomic status of yellowlegged Herring Gull and the possible occurrence of Yellow-Iegged Gulls in the eastern Baltic, we examined Herring Gull populations breedingon islands in the Gulf of Finland (St Petersburg region) and in inland bogs in Teichu (eastern Latvia) . Furthermore, we studied Yellow-Iegged Gulls in the lagoon system of the SivashlAzov Sea area, southern Ukraine. We compared biometric characters, wingtip pattern and vocalizations (Mierauskas et al 1991).

Biometry and behaviour of Yellow-Iegged and Herring Gulls [Dutch Birding 74 : 97 路94, juni 7992)

There were clear morphological differences between Yellow-Iegged and Herring Gulls. The Baltic Herring Gulls were slightly larger than Black Sea Yellow-Iegged Gulls but the latter had a considerably larger bill and longer wings (cf Kumari 1978, Mierauskas et al 1991). There were significant differences in tarsus, middle toe and total-head lengths between the two species (Mierauskas et al 1991). Wing-tip pattern is an essential character to separate cachinnansfrom Baltic yellow-Iegged gul Is. The data were analysed accordingto Goethe (1961) and are presented in figure 1. There were no gulls in the Sivash sample with five black primaries or less, against 20.5% individuals with such a pattern in La argentatus. The proportion of individuals with white on the outer primary is significantly higher in cachinnans than in the St Petersburg gulls. As can be judged from figure 1, the so-called 'thayeri pattern ' is common for Baltic gulls in both localities but it is more frequent in birds from the inland Teichu population. We recorded and analysed 18 call types. Greatest attention was paid to the ' long ca 11', 'mew ca 11', 'call note' and 'alarm ca 11' . Long call and partly mew call are the main signa Is of reproductive isolation in gulls (Tinbergen 1959, Mierauskas 1987). As expected, the long cal Is of a rgen ta tus from the St Petersbu rg popu lation were ma rked Iy different from those of cachinnanswith respect to sonograms and signa I parameters . The in land population of argentatus closely resem bied the coastal St Petersburg birds. Differences between argentatus from St Petersburg and cachinnans from the Sea of Azov occurred primarily in structural organization, element number and spread of harmonic bands within element and intervals between elements. The long call of St Petersburg argentatus was the shortest, having 8-14 elements, and the cachinnans long call comprised of 14-24 elements. We detected no obviousdifferences in vocalizations, biometry, wingtip pattern between pink-Iegged and yellow-Iegged Herring Gulls from St Petersburg. Long call and posture of argentatus differed considerably from those of cachinnans (figure 2) though we could not detect any d ifference in posture between island and inland gulls. Differences in acoustic parameters of 91

Taxonomie status of yellow-/egged Herring Culls in eastern Ba/tic



20 17,5


27,5 p9



~1 11

~==-=j 路5 111

FIGURE 1 Black-and-white pattern on outermost (plO) and second outermost primaries (p9) of Yellow-Iegged Gull Larus cachinnans (I, Sivash population) and H erring Gull L argentatus (11, coastal population St Petersburg; 111, inland population Teichu) in categories according to Goethe (1961). PlO: all white (1), trace of black near tip (2), incomplete bl ack bar nea r tip (3), complete bar or black tip (4); p9: broad white band over both webs (1), white spot on both webs (2), w hite spot on inner web only (3), no white spot prese nt (4), thayeripattern (5). Of each category, percentage is given

the long eall between island and inl and gulls are not large. The most striking differenees were observed in long-eall duration, element number, number of harmonie bands within an element and amplitude modulation of elements.

Taxonomie status and origin Yellow-Iegged Herring Gulls are now widely distributed and still spreading in the Baltic region including Poland . Small separate groups oeeupy coastal islands and settle inland . Unfortunately, their taxonomi e status and origin is uneertain due to insuffieient behavioural data. Caehinnans ean only be differentiated with eertainty from yellowlegged Herring Gulls if the long eall and visual display are documented. Biometrie eharacters and wing-tip pattern are ineffeetive for identifieation beeause they overlap and show intraspeeifie variation. We very mueh doubt whether yellow-Iegged Herring Gulls, whieh were found breeding in Poland, are Yellow-Iegged Gulls (Bukachinski et al 1989, Dubois et al 1990) and the wing-tip pattern


shown on plate 9 in Dubois et al (1990) is not typieal for eaehinnans (cf Eigenhuis 1990, Chylareeki & Sikora 1991, Dubois & Stawarezyk 1991). It more resembles the wing-tip pattern of gulls dwelling in the Gulf of Finland. To conclude, detailed eomparative observations are needed for the identifieation of certain gull populations. Our i nvestigations do not support the hypothesis that yellow-Iegged Herring Gulls in the eastern Baltic are a product of hybridization between immigrant eaehinnans and loeal argentatus. It was Stegmann (1960) who rejeeted this supposition after he had analysed the adult and juvenile pIumages of both populations . Gulls from the Baltic region and eaehinnans differ in some biometrie eharacters and wing-tip pattern but the most striking differences were observed in th e long call and its visual display as markers of reproduetive isoIation . It seems unlikely th at eaehinnans originating from southern areas could found a new population . The more so, as a greater differen ee was detected in voeal display signals between these populations

Taxon omie status of yellow-Iegged Herring Culls in eastern Baltie than between gulls from the Baltic region and from the North Sea (Mierauskas 1987) or Kol'skiy pen insula or White Sea (unpubl data) . Differences in biometry, wing-tip pattern and vocalizations between coastal populations from St Petersburg and inland populations from Latvia showed th at these two populations, though geographically nearby, might have a different origin. We suggest that in the first half and in the middle of the 20th century yellow-Iegged Herring Gulls (according to some authors, omissus) which were patchily distributed in bogs in Latvia, Estoni a, the St Petersburg region and Vitebsk district formed at least a separate ecological group, if not a separate subspecies. Subspecific status of the inland population, in contrast to the coastal and insular populations in the Baltic Sea, is corroborated by the difference in colour of the juveniles. Their ground colour is pale grey with dark grey spots, withoutthe typical brownish tinge of the coastal populations and of eaehinnans. Around 1960 (Kumari 1978), the insular Herring Gull population in the eastern Baltic started to increase and invaded the inland population of bogs and other inland waters, possibly also triggered by shortage in the marine food supply as the abundance of some fish species decreased drastically in the Baltic Sea since the early 1970s (Malchevski & Pukinski 1983, Hario 1990). When this expansion started, the number of in land gulls began to decrease, and hybridization occurred between the two forms . We suggest that the present-dav inland population of yellow-Iegged Herring Gulls represents an intermedi ate form resulting from the secondary contact between the coastal and inland forms. This seems to be supported by the differences in biometrie characters and vocal izations. However, we refrai n from givi ng the inland population a subspecific status as L a omissus, partly because of the heterogeneity of this population (contra Buturlin 19 34, Stresemann & Timofeeff-Ressovski 1947). Final conclusions can only be reached if more comparative studies will be carried out in the North Sea area, Scandinavia, the Onega-Ladoga lake district and the White Sea. The origin of the inland breeding yellow-Iegged Herring Gulls remains uncertain but is, in our opinion, not the result of hybridization between immi grant Yellow-Iegged and coastal H erring Gulls . Samenvatting TAXONOM ISCHE STATUS VAN GEE LPOTIGE ZIL VERMEEUWEN IN OOSTBALTISCHE GE BIED Om enig licht te werpen op de taxonomische status va n geelpoti ge Zilvermeeuwen Larus argentatus (se nsu Cramp & Simmon s 1983) in het Oostbaltische gebi ed en op het mogelijke voorkomen va n Geelpootmeeuwen L cachinnans in dit gebi ed, werd en

, ,

,. . .-


" ..."





CJ a L--=--......:...~-.!...:..:...:..:..!..;:...!...!'--"-'~'-'--'

_b c


FIGURE 2 Lon g call and posture of Herring Larus argentatus (A, a), Lesser Black-backed L fuscus (B, b) and Yellow-Iegged Gulls L cachinnans (C, cl. Vertical column s give proportions of postures in di sp lay behav iour typical for a species (panov 1989) kust- (St Petersburg, Rusland ) en binnenlandpopulaties (Tei chu , Oost-Letland) onderzocht wat betreft maten, v leugelpuntpatroon en bepaalde baltsgedragin gen en ve rgeleken met Geelpootmeeuwen va n de ondersoort L c cachinnans uit het Sivash-gebied, Zu id-Oekra誰ne. Zowel in maten (M ierauskas et al 1991 ) als v leugelpuntpatroon (figuur 1) lijken de twee Baltische populaties meer op elkaar dan op de Geelpootmeeuw hoewe l deze kenmerken een belangrijke mate van overlap ve rtonen. In bepaalde aspecten van het baltsgedrag, met name de ' lon g ca ll', ve rschillen de Baltische voge ls en de Geelpootmeeuwen uit de Oekra誰ne echter vee l duidelijker (figuur 2). Ook bl eken er geen verschillen in morfologie (maten en vleugelpunt) en roep tussen geelpoti ge en rozepoti ge Zilvermeeuwen in het gebi ed bij St Petersburg. Deze resultaten verwerpen de hypothese dat de Oostbaltische geel potige Zilvermeeuwen afkomstig z ijn va n hybridi satie met of kolonisatie door Geelpootmeeuwen. De onderlinge kl eine ve rsc hillen tu ssen de voge ls van de St Petersburg regio en Teichu lijken echter we l te wijzen op een verschillende herkom st va n deze populaties. De auteurs ve ronderstellen dat de oorspronkelijke in het binn enland broedende geelpoti ge vogels


Taxonomie status of yellow-Iegged Herring Gu lls in eastem 8altie (vo lgens som mige auteurs L a omissus) va naf 1960 langzaam zijn verdrongen door voge ls van de si nds d ie tijd uitbreidende kustpopulaties; de huidige binnenlandpopulaties vormen een intermed iaire hybride groep tussen de oorspronkelijke binnenl andvoge ls en voge ls van de expanderende kustpopulaties .

References Barth, E K 1968. Th e circumpo lar systematics of Larus argentatus and Larus fuscus w ith special reference to the Norwegian populations. Nytt Mag Zool 15, Suppl 1: 1-50. Bukacinski, D, Nowricki, P & Stawarczyk, T 1989. [B reeding of Ye ll ow-Iegged Gu ll s in the midd le reaches of the Vistuia, their taxonom ic status and problems with identification of Larus cach in nans michahellis, L. c. cachinnans and L. c. om issus subspecies.] Not Ornithol 30 (3-4): 3- 12. [In Po li sh.] Buturlin, S 1934. [The birds of th e USSR 1 Laridae.] Moscow. [In Russian.] Chy larecki, P & Sikora, A 1991. Ye ll ow-Iegged Gu ll s in Poland: a comment. Dutch Bird in g 13: 145-148. Cramp, S & Simmons, K E L 1983 The birds ofthe Western Palearctic 2. Oxford. Dubois, P J, Skakuj, M & Stawarczyk, T 1990 . Occu rren ceofYe ll ow- legged Gu ll in Poland. Dutch Birding 12: 14-17. Dubois, P J & Stawarczyk, T 1991. Ye ll ow-Iegged Gu ll s in Poland : a rep ly to Chylareck i & Sikora . D utch Birding 13 : 182-183. Eigen hui s, KJ 1990. Occurrence of Ye ll ow-I egged Gu ll in Poland. Dutch Bird ing 12: 193- 194. Goethe, F 1961. Zu r taxio nom ie [s ic] der Silbermöwe (Larus argentatus) im süd li c hen deutschen Nordseegeb iet. Voge lwarte 21: 1-24. Haffer J. 1982. Systematik und taxonom ie der Larus argentatus artengruppe. In: G lu tz von Blotz heim, U N & Bau er, KM (editors), Handbuch der Vöge l M itte leuropas 8, pp 502-514, Wiesbaden.

Hario, M 1990. Breeding fa ilure and feed ing cond itions of Lesser Black-backed Gu ll s Larus f. fuscus in the Gu lf of Finland. Ornis Fenn 67: 113-1 29 . Kilpi , M 1988. Breeding and movements of Herring Gu ll Larus argentatus in the north ern Baltic: strategies for reproduction and surv ival of a successful species . Thes is. Helsinki. Kilpi, M & Hario, M 1986. Wing-tip pattern and possib le affin it ies of coasta l Finnish Herring Gu ll s Larus argentatus. Ornis Fenn 63 : 52-54. Kumari, E 1978. On the d istribution dynamics of the Herrin g Gu ll in the east Ba ltic area w ith t he past 125 years . Ornitol Kogumik 9: 11-43 . Ma lchevsk i, A & Pukinski, J 1983. [The birds ofLen in grad area 1.] Leningrad. [In Russian.] Mierauskas, P 1987. [Acoustic signalling systems of Laridae.] V ilniu s. [Unpub l diss, in Russ ian.] Mierauskas, P, G reimas, E & Buzun, V 1991. A comparison of morphometri cs, w ing-ti p pattern & voca lizations between yell ow- Iegged Herring Gu ll s (L argentatus) from eastern Ba ltic and Larus cach inn ans. Acta Orn itho l Litu 4: 3-26. Panov, E 1989. [N atura l hybridisation and ethologica l isolation in birds.] Moscow. [In Russ ian.] Ples ke, T 1928. Birds of the Euras ian tundra. Mem Boston Soc Nat Hist 6: 109-485. Stegmann, B 1960. Z ur systematik des Rassenkre ises Larus argentatus. J Orn itho l 101: 498-499. Stresemann, E & Timofeeff-Ressovksy, N 1947. A rtentstehung in geografische n Formenkreisen. 1. Der Formenkreis Larus argentatus-cachinnans-fuscus. Biol Zentra lb l 66 : 57-76 . Tin bergen, N 1959. Comparative stud ies of the behav iou r of gu ll s (Lar idae): a progress report. Behav iou r 15: 1-70. Voip io, P 1954. Über die gelbfüss igen Sil bermöwen Nordwest Europas. Acta Soc Fauna Flora Fenn 71: 156.

Pranas M iera uskas & Edmundas Greimas, Laboratory of Omithology, Institute of Ecology, Akademijos Street 2, Vilnius 232600, Lithuania


8irds in the CIS Birds of steppes and deserts The harsh envi ronments of both steppes and deserts limitthe numberof species found in these areas and have selected for highly specific adaptations in those birds that make these biotopes their home. Many species which occur in the steppes and deserts of Russia, Kazakhstan and other central Asian states are not found in other habitats. In other cases, steppes and deserts are inhabited by distinctive subspecies which are someti mes considered as separate species. Steppes are only inhabited by ground breeders. Southern Russia and northern Kazakhstan have several endemie species like Sociable Plover Chettusia gregaria and two lark species, Black Melanocorypha yeltonensis and White-winged M leucoptera, the latter being much less common. In the deserts, one would naturally look for the endemie Pander's Ground Jay Podoces panderiwhich inhabits two separate areas. The mai n breed i ng grounds are situated in the central part of the great Kara Kum

desert in Turkmenistan where it is fairly common. The other area is the Sary Ishikotrau desert, south of the huge Lake Balkhash in Kazakhstan. Here, the species is much scarcer. Two i nteresti ng sparrow species i nhabit the deserts of this area within the CIS . Desert Sparrow Passer simplex is rare and usually found only at Repetek NR in the Kara Kum desert. Saxaul Sparrow P ammodendri is much more common in various sand deserts in central Asia (cf Dutch Birding 12: 59, 1990). It usually nests in tree holes or under bu i Id i ng roofs whereas Desert Sparrow makes bu Iky nests on saxau I trees. In total , c 40 species of birds can be called typical of the steppes and deserts of Russia and the central Asiatic republics. Many are found in nature reserves created in these habitats at different times. The main conservation problem is habitat destruction by overgrazing and cutting of saxaul growths, inevitably leading to wind erosion and sand storms, making these areas unsuitable for both birds and hu mans.

AlgirdasJ Knystautas, Russian Nature Tours, 57 Fore Street, Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 7PC, UK 84 Pallas' s Sandgrouse Syrrhaptes paradoxus, Alma Ata region, Kazakhstan , April 1986 (O/eg Be/ia/ov & A/girdas J Knystautas)

[Ou/eh Birding 14: 95路98, j uni 1992[


8irds in the CIS

85 Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulata, so uthern Uzbekistan, May 1988 (A lgirdas J Knystautas) 86 B/ack-winged Pratinco/e Glareola nordmanni, Lenkoran region, Azerbaydzhan, May 1988 (Henrikas Sakalauskas)


8irds in the CIS

87 Rufous Bush Robin Cercotrichas ga/actotes, Repetek NR, Turkmenistan, June 1984 (Henrikas Saka/auskas)

88 Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops superci/iosus, Sary Ishikotrau desert, Kazakhstan , June 1986 (Q/eg Be/ia/ov)

89 Rose-coloured Starlings Sturnus roseus, Chimkent region, Kazakhstan, June 1988 (A/girdas J Knystautas)


8irds in the CIS

90 Pander's Ground Jay Podoces panderi, Repetek NR, Turkm eni stan, June 1984 (Henrikas Saka lauskas)

91 Desert Sparrow Passer simplex, Repetek NR, Turkmenistan, June 1984 (Henrikas Saka lauskas)


Mededelingen Egyptian Plover in Poland in October-November 1991 On 27 October 1991, an adult Egyptian Plover P/uvianus aegyptiuswas discovered at the mouth of the Vistuia river, Gulf of Gdansk, Poland (54:22 N, 18:56 E). The bird could be observed by many birders and stayed until 21 November 1991. The bird showed astrong association with a 200 m long stretch of coast close to the water. It avoided the company of other birds such as gulls and other waders . It foraged throughout the day in a typically plover-like manner. The bird was not very shy and flew only unwillingly. During cold mornings, the Egyptian Plover was often seen crouching, covering its legs with feathers. Once, during stormy

weather, I found it hidden in a smal I hole scraped out in the sand under a willow bush. Egyptian Plover is not a highly migratory species, breeding in river valleys of central Africa. Single records of the species outside its breeding range are known only from the Canary Islands, the Jordan river valley and Lybia (Cramp & Simmons 1983, Urban et al 1986). Therefore, natural vagrancy to the Baltic seems improbable and the bird could have escaped from a zoological garden or private bird collection. References (ramp, 5 & simmons, K E L 1983 . The birds of the Western Palearctic 3. Oxford. Urban, E K, Fry, ( H & Keith, 5 1986. The birds of Africa 2. London.

Marek Zie/inski, Ornith%gica/ Station, Nadwis/anska 708, 80-680 Gdansk 40, Po/and

92-93 Egyptian Plover Pluvianus aegyptius, mouth of Vistuia river, Gulf of Gdansk, Poland, October 1991 Van


[Outeh Birding 14 : 99路1 00, juni 19921



Etymology of specific epithet 'melba' The etymology of the word 'melba' given by Linnaeus (1758) as specific epithet for the names Fringilla Me/ba (= Melba Finch Pyti/ia me/ba) and Hirundo Me/ba (= Alpine Swift Apus me/ba) has remained unknown for many years, maybe already since Linnaeus' publication. Coomans de Ruiter et al (1947) try to explain it from the South German word 'Melber' (flour merchant) and Jobling (1991) refers to Macleod (1954) and Albertus Magnus (1478) who is said to give the name 'mei ba' as an Old German name for a gull (the tenuous connection being that gulls are related to terns or 'sea swallows' and swifts are long thought to be swallows). The name 'mei ba', however, could not be relocated in Albertus Magnus's baak, neither by James A Jobling (in litt) nor by JooP Swaab. However, 'mei ba' might be a shortening of 'melanaalba' or 'melalba' (similar to 'melaleuca', the name for same black-and-white Agaric mushroom). The printeraf Linnaeus' baak then, who was not familiar with the somewhat playful 'mei ba' might have interpreted it as if it were a noun

('Mei ba'). It may still have been considered as such when Hirundo was replaced by Apus and the epithet was written in undercast. Linnaeus was surely aware of the importance of the colours black and white in the two species. His descriptions are: 'Me/ba. 10. Fringilla facie caudaque rubris, abdomine a/bo nigroque undato, dorso viridi. Habitat in China (sic!)', and 'Me/ba. 8. Hirundo fusca, gu/a abdomineque a/bis. Habitat ad fretum Hercu/eum'. We do have same hope that herewith the riddle of 'melba' has been solved!

References Albertus Magnus 1478. De avibus; 1519. De animalibus. Coomans de Ruiter, L, van Heurn, W C & Kraak, W K 1947. Beteekenis en etymologie van de wetenschappelijke namen der Nederlandsche vogels. Kampen. Jobling, J A 1991. A dictionary of scientific bird names. Oxford. Linnaeus, C 1758. Systema naturae. 10th edition. Stockholm. Macleod, R 0 1954. Key to the names of British birds. London.

K/aas j Eigenhuis, Seringenstraat 6, 1431 Bj Aa/smeer, Netherlands joop Swaab, Henri Polak/aan 3, 1018 CP Amsterdam, Nether/ands

Brieven Atlantic Petrel in the Western Palearctic The Atlantic (or Schlegel's or Hooded) Petrel Pterodroma incerta reported off Eilat, Israel, on 18 April 1989 by van der Schot (1989) is actually not the second but the third report of this southern species in the Palearctic. The first was killed at Zolinki, Zips, then northern Hungary (now apparently Czechoslovakia), in 1870 and found its way into alocal collection of birds. It was acquired by J van Madarasz, Curator of the National Museum, Budapest, Hungary, duringthe same year. It proved difficultto identify and was first reported as a young Capped Petrel P hasitata (Clarke 1884) which was only corrected 26 years later (Godman 1910). It would appear to have been forgotten during the subsequent political upheavals in the area which resulted in the 1055 of the Budapest bird collection during World War 11. In view of past difficulties with its identification, which is still not adequately covered in books, it 100

seems regrettable that na details were given of the next bird seen off Eilat on 31 May 1982 and other exotic petreis reported there by Shirihai (1987). It is fortunate th at van der Schot (1989) gave such a good description of the third bird also seen off Eilat on 19 April 1989. While several other gadfly petreis of the large and variabie genus Pterodroma may appear brown with a white breastwhich has a sharp anterior margin, notably Phoenix P a/ba, Tahiti Prostrata and Magenta Petreis P magentaefrom the Pacific, none is such a uniform bronze colour as Atlantic Petrel, with such a distinctive, sharply defined aval white patch on the belly, usually merging with streaked flanks and undertail-coverts in the other species. I have already discussed the way in which such petreis might co me to wander long distances elsewhere (Bourne 1967). Atlantic Petrel is primarily a bird of the Indo-Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, dispersing south in the local summer and concentrating in the north to breed in the Tristan da Cunha archipelago and on Gough Island during the IDutch 8irding 74: 700路707 , juni 79921

Brieven southern winter, when it probably lays about July since I saw half-grown chicks in November. It is a very powerful flier and seems unlikely to be displaced by storms, as suggested by van der Schot (1989), sincethere are still no records from the most likely region, Australasia . On the other hand, numbers of what seem likely to be non-breeding young birds (which, in the case of seabirds, normally reach the cl imax of their postjuvenile dispersal when c 1 year old) appear to wander further north with the south-east tradewinds into the South Atlantic during the southern winter when one was seen near the equator off Brazil in August 1984 (Bourne & Curtis 1985);three more were collected at an inland reservoir to the west over the following month (Texeira et al 1986). Therefore, it seems not unlikely that they may occasionally also wander into the Northern Hemisphere. There have also been past reports of Atlantic Petreis moving north into the Indian Ocean (Bourne 1960) where they seem even more I ikely to cross the equator when the south-east trad es extend north off eastern Africa to form the south-west monsoon over the Arabian Sea during the northern summer. Th is is clearly another I i kely identification for some of the white-breasted petreis reported off the Chagos archipelago (Bourne 1971), and an unidentified gadfly petrel reported between Cape Comorin, India, and the Maldive Ridge at 8:10 N, 76 :17 Eon 26 June 1985 (van den Berg et a11991) also seems most likely to have been Atlantic Petrel rather than the other alternative suggested, Tahiti Petrel, since its Indian Ocean representative, Mascarene Petrel P aterrima, is black. A number of other southern seabirds, including the even more southerly Kerguelen Petrel P brevirostris, have also reached Somalia (Ash & Miske1l1983) and even the Red Sea Uennings 1985). It is also notabie that the Atlantic Petreis and the more numerous Sooty Shearwaters Puffinus grise us reported at Eilat by Shirihai (1987) occurred when most birds are moving north in spring; Cory's Shearwaters Ca/onectris diomedea and a Jouanin's Petrel Bu/weria fallax, an Indian Ocean species which appears to breed in Arabia in the late sum-

mer and has reached Europe (a bird collected in Italy on 2 November 1953; cf Bourne 1987, Editors of Dutch Birding 1987, Zonfrillo 1988, but see Gallagher 1989), occurred later in the year. This suggests that they mayalso have been inexperienced young birds making a displaced return migration when the Czechoslovakian Atlantic Petrel and Italian Jouanin's Petrel overshot to Europe along their line of flight up the Red Sea.

References Ash, J S & Miskeil, J E 1988. Observations on birds in Somalia in 1978-1982, together with a bibliography of recent literature. Scopus 11: 57-78. van den Berg, A B, Smeenk, C, Bosman, C A W , Haase, B J M, van der Niet, A M & CadĂŠe, G C 1991. Barau's Petrel Pterodroma baraui, Jouanin' s Petrel Bu/weria fal/ax and other seabirds in the northern Indian Ocean in June-July 1984 and 1985. Ardea 79: 1-14. Bourne, W R P 1960. The petreis of the Indian Ocean. Sea Swallow 13: 26-39. Bourne, W R P 1967. Long-distance vagrancy in the petreis. Ibis 109: 141-167. Bourne, W R P 1971. The birds of the Chagos Group, Indian Ocean. Atoll Res Bull 149: 175-207. Bourne, W R P 1987. The affinities, breeding behaviour and distribution of Jouanin's Petrel Bu/weria fal/ax. Bull Br Ornithol Club 107: 4-6. Bourne, W R P & Curtis, W F 1985. South Atlantic seabirds. Sea Swallow 34: 18-28. Clarke, W E 1884. On the occurrence of Oestre/ata haesitata in Hungary. Ibis 1884: 202. Editors of Dutch Birding 1987. Jouanin ' s Petrel. Dutch Birding 9: 72-73. Gallagher, M D 1989. Does Jouanin's Petrel nest in Oman? Oman Bird News 8: 7-8. Godman, F du C 1910. A monograph of the petreis. London. Jennings, M C 1985. Some unusual seabirds from the Red Sea. Saudi Arab Nat Hist Soc J 2 (4): 14-17. van der Schot, WEM 1989. Atlantic Petrel in Israel in April 1989. Dutch Birding 11: 170-172. Shirihai, H 1987. Shearwaters and other tubenoses at Eilat. Dutch Birding 9: 152-157. Texeira, D M, Oren, D & Best, R C 1986. Notes on Brazilian seabirds 2. Bull Br Ornithol Club 106: 74-77. Zonfri Ilo, B 1988. Notes and comments on the taxonomy of Jouanin' s Petrel Bu/weria fal/ax and Bulwer' s Petrel Bu/weria bu/werii. Bull Br Ornithol Cl 108: 71-75.

W R PBourne, Department of Zo%gy, Aberdeen University, Tillydrone Avenue, Aberdeen AB9 2TN, UK


ICBPnews _________________~ ICBP

Conservation expeditions successes A project to support a new type of nature reserve, to be owned and run by the local community, was amongst 13 teams that won awards in the BPsponsored IC8P/FFPS Conservation Expedition Competition. The awards were presented by HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands at a ceremony on 12 May 1992 at BP's Britannic Tower in London, UK. The competition is open to young Europeans planning conservation expeditions to developing countries. Four winning expeditions each received CBP 3000.00 and eight runners-up received CBP 1000.00 each . Project Rio Nambi, the project to support the establishment of a community nature reserve in the Choc贸 region of Colombia, was the winner of the 8P Conservation Award. This award, worth CBP 7500.00 is made to one of last year's winning teams, based on the success of their expedition and their proposal for follow-up work. The Choc贸 region of South America stretches south from the Panama border along the Pacific watershed of the Andes into Ecuador. The forests in this region support one of the greatest concentrations of endemic organisms and are particularly important for birds, frogs and plants. Set against this, Colombia currently has a human population of 30 million and it is predicted to reach 35.5 million by the year 2000. Deforestation is occurring rapidIy; it is estimated that 100 000 ha per year are lost from south-western Colombia alone. Last summer, the Colombia 1991 expedition, one of the runners-up in the IC8P/FFPS Expedition Competition in 1991 , surveyed the birds and small mammals of two areas in the Colombian Choc贸: Rio Nambi and the Volcan Nevado de Chiles. The enormous importance of Rio Nambi was confirmed by the survey which recorded 31 endemic and restricted-range bird species and four that are globally threatened like Plumbeous Hawk Leucopternis plumbea, Toucan Barbet Semnornis ramphastinus, Long-wattled Umbrellabird Cephalopteruspenduliger and Beautiful Jay Cyanolyca pulchra. Followi ng discussions with conservation ists from local groups, the Fundacion Los Colibres (The Hummingbird Foundation) was formed. Fundacion Los Colibres is an organization involving students, teachers, community leaders from the local town of Altaquer and staff from the nearby La Planada Nature Reserve . The aim of the group is to 102

turn la 000 ha of the Rio Nambi forest into South America's first community-owned and -managed nature reserve . This is a totally new idea which marks a departure from traditional protected area management. Enthusiasm for the reserve locally is enormous. More than USO 20 000 has already been raised to purchase the land. The money from the BP award will go towards supporting a reserve warden and a resident biologist, and building a research and information centre, to include a classroom and a rainforest display. The resident biologist will conduct research leading to the production of a management plan for the area and, together with the warden, will assist teachers from Altaquer develop an environmental education programme for local children and other visitors. The Rio Nambi community nature reserve is a revolutionary concept and it is vital th at it gains widespread support so that it can be taken as a model for future protected areas. lts establishment owes much to the Anglia Polytechnic team, led by Paul Salaman, and it demonstrates how much can be achieved by conservation expeditions. Other expeditions that won awards in last year's competition have also produced exciting results . A team from the University of East Anglia that surveyed Mount Loma in Sierra Leone report several sightings of the very Iittle-known threatened Rufous Fishing Owl Scotopelia ussheri, with one team member fortunate enough to see a bird fishing. A team from the Dutch Wader Research Foundation working in the Kizilirmak delta on the Black Sea coast of Turkey have found the threatened Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crisp us breeding. Though this species is known to occur at the site, breeding had not been recorded for several years. The team also recorded several rarities which will be mentioned in Recent WP reports in the next issue of Dutch Birding. A full list of this year' s competition winners is given below. Although last year's winners included a team from the Netherlands and two from Czechoslovakia, it is rather disappointing that this year's teams are all from the UK. Any young aspiring Dutch conservationists and those from other European cou ntries are strongly encou raged to apply for next year's competition (closing date: 31 December 1992). Further details are available from the address below.

[Outeh Birding 74: 702路703, juni 7992J

ICBP news BP Conservation Award Project Rio Nambi (Angl ia Polytechnic). 7992 Competition Winners Nottingham University Bolivia Project 1992; The conservation of key forests and their threatened birds on Su mba, Indonesia (Manchester University); Cambridge Tanzania Rainfarest Project 1992 (Anglia Polytechnic); Cambridge-Laos 92/93 (Cam bridge University).

7992 Competition Runners-up Njule '92, Tanzania (Oxford University); Trinidad 1992 (lmperial College, London) ; Project Mermaid, Venezuela (Newcastle University); Oxford University Mexico Expedition; Project Canopy '92, Paraguay (Cambridge University); Agrofarestry in Madagascar (Oakham School); Comoro Islands Butterfly Survey (Oxford University); Amazon 1992, Colombia (Universities of Cambridge and London).

jonathan Eames, ICBP, 32 Cambridge Road, Girton, Cambridge CB3 OPj, UK

Mystery photographs- - - - - -

94 Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria, Manitoba, Canada, August 1991 (Colin Bradshaw)


The bird in last issue's mystery photograph is obviously a wader and its smallish head, medium-Iength bill and relatively long green legs enable us to identify this as one of the smaller Tringa sandpipers of which five occur in the Western Palearctic. The bird is reasonably slim with a slightly thickened bill that decurves gently in the distal third, a startling white eye-ringjoining a short pale supercilium only present in frontofthe eye and [Dutch Birding 74: 703-7 04, juni 7992J

stretching onto the forehead. All this contrasts with a fairly dark head and noticeably dark laral bar. The upperparts are quite dark with small pale spots on all the feathers but most noticeably on the tertials. The underparts are white ex cept for patches of dark suffusion on the sides of the breast. Careful scruti ny shows that the tail seems predominantly dark with some white bands although this feature is diffjcult to see. 103

Mystery photographs Of the five medium-sized Tringa sandpipers that occur in the Western Palearctic, two can be immediately excluded. Marsh Sandpiper T stagnatilis would have both longer legs and bill than this bird and does not show the dark upperparts with pale spots. Lesser Yellowlegs T flavipes also has longer legs which are yellow and again does not show upperparts like this bird having much more variegated upperpart pi umage. Wood Sandpi per Tglareola is a slimmer, more delicate bird with a shorter bill and proportionally longer legs than our mystery bird. Like Lesser Yellowlegs, it has a veryvariegated plumage with prominent dark and white markings, obviously banded tertials and in all pi umages shows a prominent supercilium extending weil past the eye. The bird is then either Green Sandpiper T ochropus or the Nearctic Solitary Sandpiper T solitaria. The photograph shows weil the clinching field-mark of the colour of the rump which is black in our bird, as in Solitary Sandpiper, and white on Green Sandpiper. In addition, the central rectrices of Solitary Sandpiper are uniformly black whereas they are banded in Green Sandpiper. There are other, less obvious characteristics. The billof Green Sandpiper is quite heavy and does not seem to droop, the legs tend to look relatively shorter and, in general, Green Sandpiper is a stockier bird than Solitary Sandpiper. Green Sandpiper also usually has an eye-ring less prominentthan shown by this bird and I have vet to see one with the 'spectacled ' look usually present on Solitary Sandpiper. This may be because the supercilium of Green Sandpiper tends

Mystery photograph 47. Solution in next issue

to be broader and less clearly defined than in Solitary Sandpiper. Though none of these features are diagnostic, the combination would be sufficient to identify this bird as Solitary Sandpiper, even if the ru mp had not been visible.

Co/in Bradshaw, 9 Tynemouth Place, North Shields, Tyne and Wear NE30 4BJ, UK

Asian-Pacific birds _ _ _ _ _ __ Selangor International Bird Race Steeds meer natuurbeschermingsorganisaties in welvarende delen van OostaziĂŤ slagen erin om door middel van bird races grote sommen geld te verkrijgen waarmee natuurreservaten in stand kunnen worden gehouden. Bird races (wedstrijden waarin het erom gaat wie in een bepaald gebied en aantal uren de meeste vogelsoorten ziet) vinden ieder jaar plaats in Hongkong, Japan (de Birdathon in de eerste week van november), MaleisiĂŤ en Singapore. De competities krijgen veel publiciteit van dagbladen en televisie waardoor een groot 104

aantal internationale bedrijven graag als sponsor optreedt. De inkomsten van de Selangor International Bird Race worden gebruikt voor het onderhoud van het in 1987 opgerichte, 240 ha grote Kuala Selangor Nature Park dat aan de zuidkant van de Selangormonding ligt bij het stadje Kuala Selangor (bekend om zijn zeevisrestaurants). De Maleise hoofdstad, Kuala Lumpur, I igt hemelsbreed slechts 35 km naar het zuidoosten, in een gebied dat wordt gekenmerkt door snelle industrialisatie en sterke economische groei. Het park is er dan ook niet alleen om de vooral door houtskool industrie bedreigde

JOuteh 8irding 74: 704-707, juni 7992J

Asian-Pacific birds mangrovebossen te beschermen maar ook om de bevo lking te stimul eren naa r voge ls te kijken en te interesseren voor natuurbesc herm ing. Het idee voor de internationale Selangor-race was afkomstig uit Hongkong waar een dergelijke race nu jaarlijks c NLG 300000 op levert die via het World Wide Fund For Nature dee ls voor het i nric hten va n het befaamde Mai Po-reservaat worden gebruikt. De in 1940 opgerichte Ma laysian Nature Society had reeds ervar in g met het organ iseren van de Fraser's Hili 8ird Racedie ieder jaar in de eerste week van juni in hetop 1300 m hoogte ge legen hillstation wordt gehouden. De Selangor Intern ational 8 ird Racevindt altijd plaats in oktobe r omdat in d ie maand ze ldzame Palearctische trekvogels zi jn te verwac hte n. De deel nemende profess ionele teams (in 1991 ac ht) word en elk gesponsord door een bepaald bedrijf en bestaan uit vier personen. A ll een soorten mogen worden gete ld die door ten minste drie leden va n ee n tea m vanaf het startse in om 18:00 in 24 uur binnen de grenzen va n de staat Selangor z ijn vastgeste ld. Elke soort dient met tijdstip en plaats te worden genoteerd op een spec iaa l formulier. Een jury (A llen Jeyaraj as in gam, Duncan Parr en/of David Wel Is) kan aan de hand van die formulieren verkeerd gedetermin eerd e soorten op het spoor komen. De race werd voor het eerst in 1990 gehoude n en toen gewonnen door het Guiness Anchor-team va n Dennis Yong. In 199 1 was het Tioxide-team va n Hugh Buck w innaa r met 154 soorten . Behalve uit MaleisiĂŤ kwamen de deelnemers uit all e delen van de we reld , zoa ls Austra li ĂŤ, Hongkong, Indi a, Japan (een team gesponsord door de Wild 8ird Society of j apan), Thailand, VS en vier Europese landen. De internationa le deelname had uiteraard gunsti ge gevo lge n voor de interesse va n med ia en sponsors. Het Kuala Selangor Nature Park biedt zowe l voge l kijkers als voge lfotografen vee l mogel ijkheden. Er zijn vier observatiehutten die uitzicht bieden op een kunstmatig meertj e met reigers, roofvoge ls, steltl opers, vijf soorten ijsvogels en otters. Bij de ingang van het park staan traditionele Maleise paalwoningen waa r men comfortabel voor NLG 10-20 de nacht kan doorbrengen . Niet allee n Krabetende Makaken Macaca fascicularis maar ook groepen Mutslangoers Presbytis cristata laten z ich hier tijdens hun dagelijkse strooptoc ht langs de gebouwen va n d ichtbij z ien. 's Nachts ka n men dee ln emen aan een tocht in sampans (roe iboten) naar de beroemde fireflies of kelrp-kelrp. Deze insecten lilten met miljoenen tegelijk in de bomen langs de ri vier een uniek sc houwspe l zien met hun synchrone en ritmi sc he knipperlicht jes. Er z ijn in het pa rk goed begaanbare voetpaden van in totaa l

10 km lengte door secundair bos en langs de rand van mangroven en begroeide ka nalen. Door het mangrovebos loopt een 300 m lange board-walk, een plankenpad op palen , naar de uitgestrekte moddervlakten langs de kust. Vanaf deze boardwa lk heeft men, zonder zich door de modder te hoeven sleuren, een goede kans om kleurrijke en vaak moeilijk te vinden mangrovebewoners als de Roodbuikmalkoha Rhopodytes sumatranus en de Mangrovep itta Pitta megarhyncha te zien. In najaar en w inter zijn hi er op ooghoogte trekvogels te bekijken als Noordse Boszangers Phylloscopus borealis, Bruin e Vliegenvangers Muscicapa dauurica of een enkele Driekleurenvliegenvanger Ficedula za nthopygia. Op bepaa lde dagen in het najaar trekken indrukwekkende groepen van 1000en Maleise Wespendieven Pernis ptilorhynchus of Zwarte Koekoekswouwen Aviceda leuphotes over de kuststrook naar het zuiden. In 1992 wordt de Selangor Internationa l 8ird Race op 17-1 8 oktober geho uden en, net als in 1991 , is de Dutch Birding Association uitge nod igd om met een afvaardigi ng vertegenwoord igd te zij n. De Sela ngor-regerin g heeft de race dit j aar buitenFIGUUR 1 Kuala Se langor Nature Park (Cecilia A W Bosman)


I. 2.


9. 10 .

3. 'l . S. b . 7.




12 . 13 .






Asian-Pacific birds

95 Roodbuikmalkoha Rhopodytes sumatranus, Kuala Selangor, MaleisiĂŤ, 3 november 1991 (Arnoud B van den Berg)

96 Mangrovepitta Pitta megarhyncha, Kuala Selangor, MaleisiĂŤ, 13 april 1989 (Frank Rozendaal)


Asian-Pacific birds gewone betekenis gegeven als het belangrijkste eco-toerisme-project van het jaar. Hierdoor krijgt de organisatie veel steun van een speciale regeringscommissie en naar verwachting zal de minister-president het startschot lossen. Voor informatie over de bird race kan men zich richten tot de Malaysian Nature Soc:iety, Peti Surat 10750, 50723 Kuala Lumpur, Maleisië. Het postadres voor reser-

veringen in het Kuala Selangor Nature Park is Jillan Klinik, 45000 Kuala Selangor, Maleisië (telefoon 03-8892294). Het natuurpark is gemakkelijk te bereiken vanuit Kuala Lumpur met de bus (directe verbindingen vanaf Puduh Raya Bus Terminal of vanuit Kelang) of met een taxi (die vanaf Subang Airporttot Kuala Selangor NLG 40 kost).

Arnoud B van den Berg & Cecilia A WBosman, Duinlustparkweg 98, 2082 EG Santpoort-Zuid, Nederland

Recensies D YEATMAN-BERTHELOT 1991. Atlas des oiseaux de France en hiver. Société Ornithologique de France, 55 rue de Buffon, 75005 Paris, France. 575 pp. ISBN 2-95054400-2. FRF 350.00. Together with the publication of 'his' atlas of French breeding birds in 1976, Laurent Yeatman launched the plan for a new project for the French winter birds. The French did not hesitate for too long and the field work for a new atlas was already carried out during the 4 winters of 1977-81 by more than 1400 observers (c 550 observers were i nvolved for the breed ing bi rd atlas du ri ng 197075). Then a long period of working out and checking all the field data began . The work could not be completed by Laurent Yeatman himself but the job was taken over by his daughter Dosithée Yeatman, which finally resulted in this new atlas. In this atlas, the winter is defined as the period from 1 December to 20 February. The results are, of course, presented by maps with dots, placed in 20 x 27-km rectangles which can be made vi si bie with a transparent overlay. Bird species with only a few records are treated in a separate chapter at the end of the book. With a few exceptions (ie, when enough data were available for a more detailed map), most ma ps basically show the summed results of the four winter periods without quantitative information. As the winter of 1978/79 was a severe one, a separate map for this winter is given for several species to show the influence of such an ex ceptional year on the overall map. For example, Red-throated Diver Cavia steIIata occurred markedly more often at inland locations and many species of waterfowl, like Bean Anser fabalis, White-fronted A albifrons and Greylag Geese A anser, Smew Mergus albellus, Red-breasted Merganser M serratorand Goosander M merganser, were all remarkably abundant in north-western France during this winter. Where appropriate, the text gives details on developments and changes after the atlas period. For example, Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus probably now regularly winters in south-eastern France though in small numbers.

!Du/eh Birding 14: 107·109. juni 19921

Very remarkable is the wintering of Velvet Scoter Melanitta fusca, apart from coastal areas, inland in the northern half of the country, especially in the Rhine valley and on Lac Léman; this phenomenon began in the 1950s with anbther increase in numbers after 1968. The inclusion and ample discussion of the Nearctic Northern Bobwhite Colinus virginianus and California Quail Callipepla californica (introduced on Corsica and in central France, respectively) and the Chinese Reeves' Pheasant Syrmaticus reevesii in the main species account rather than somewhere at the end of the book seems rather strange. Very useful is the inclusion for those species th at breed ànd winter in France of a small copy of the breeding distribution map taken from the 1976 breeding atlas. This makes direct comparison possible and gives an impression of, eg, altitudinal movements of alpine species and dispersal of more or less resident birds. Despite the fact th at the maps are based on data collected c 11-14 years ago, this book is certainly of interest to French birders and anyone else interested in the French avifauna. ANDRÉ J VAN LOON

CM PERRIN S (REDACTIE, IN SAMENWERK ING MET ICBP) 1991. Geïllustreerde encyclopedie van de vogels - een compleet overzicht van alle vogelsoorten van de wereld. Zuid-Hollandsche Uitgeversmaatschappij. 420 pp.ISBN 90-5112-204-7. NLG 99.00. Dit boek is de vertaling van de vrijwel gelijktijdig verschenen lIIustrated Encyclopedia of birds - the definitive guide to birds of the world, onder redactie van C M Perrins in samenwerking met de ICBP en omvat een overzicht in tekst en kleurenplaten van alle op de wereld voorkomende vogelordes en families. Het voorlaatste vergelijkbare werk op dit gebied, 8irds of the World door Oliver Austin & Arthur Singer (eveneens in Nederlandse vertaling verschenen) dateert al weer van 1962 en een wat meer up-to-date overzicht van de vogels van de wereld is dan ook zeker op zijn plaats, temeer omdat ook


Recensies informatie gegeven wordt over de mate van bedreiging. Het boek lijkt te z ijn gericht op de algemeen ge'lnteressee rde natuurli efhebber maar ook voo r de meer 'gevorderde' vogelaa r heeft dit overz icht va n de 176 ondersc heiden families vee l te bieden. De encyclopedie bestaat uit drie delen. In de eerste inleidende hoofdstukken wo rdt ingegaan op de algemene morfologie en biologi e van voge ls en de variatie daarin, voge levo lutie en -classificatie, soortvo rming, biogeografie, eco logie, trek en voge lbesc herming, gecompleteerd met ee n tabel die niet zou misstaan in het Guinness book of records waarin diverse 'topprestaties' en and ere reco rd s van versc hill end e voge ls staan vermeld. Het tweede deel geeft een systematisch overz icht van de versc hillende voge lord es en -families. Steeds worden op twee tegenoverliggende pagina's 12-15 karakteristieke soorten van een groep in kleurplaten geïllustreerd en op de vo lgende twee pagina's nader besproken (inclu sief een korte karakterschets van de orde en/of families). Grote ordes en families krijgen uiteraard meer ruimte dan kleine. De kleurenplaten va n 19 verschi ll end e meer of minder bekende sc hilders z ijn, hoewel versc hillend van kwaliteit, over het gehee l genome n goed en doen modern aan met goede aandacht voor veerdeta il s; in elk geva l ruim vo ldoende voo r het doel va n het boek: het geven va n ee n overz icht va n de enorme variatie in vormen - het is geen determinatiegids waarmee nauw verwante of moeilijk te o nderscheiden soorten z ijn te determineren. Het is hind erlijk dat soms de soo rtn amen op de kleurenplaten verschillen va n die va n de daaropvo lgende tekstpagina ' s (eg, pp 274-277). Het derde deel is een lijst van all e vogelsoorten va n de wereld, voo rzi en va n een code waarmee de verspre iding in de grote zoögeog rafische regio 's wordt aangegeven. Als basis hi ervoor is de check-list va n Howard & Moore (199 1) genomen. Voor de Nederlandse verta lin g is deze lij st echter danig bewerkt (door Kees Roselaar). Zo zijn recent beschreven soorten toegevoegd, voormali g als on dersoorten beschouwde taxa opgenomen of in de Engelse editie domweg vergeten soorten toegevoegd. Daardoor is de lij st vee l comp leter dan in de Engelse editie. Ook is een aantal genera eld ers geplaatst (eg, op grond van recente DNA-DNA hybridisatie-onderzoeksresultaten; cf Sibley & A hlqui st 1990 en de lij st van Sibley & Momoe 1990) en sommige vo lgordes veranderd. Het genus Poma tostom us, b ij voorbeeld, werd altijd geplaatst in de fami li e Timaliidae (tim ali a's) maar staat nu onder de O rthon yc hidae (raltimali a's). Dit soort details z ijn echter meer voer voor taxonomische fijnproevers en za l voor het grootste deel van de doelgroep-lezers een zorg zijn. Alle soorten in de lij st z ijn voorz ien van een Nederlandse naam . Dit is op z ich een unicum maar za l ongetwijfe ld vee l discussie opleveren. Hoewel in de inleidende tekst al gewaarschu wd wordt voor de af en toe persoonlijke keuzes van Nederlandse soortnamen va n de redacteur, wreekt het z ich hier toch dat er door het gelij kt ijdi g moeten versch ijnen van de Engelse en Nederlandse ed iti es geen tijd was voor overleg en vol led ige afstemm ing met andere in sta nti es die z ich met Nederlandse voge ln amen bezighouden (Kees Roselaar pers med). Hieruit blijkt dat de uitgever eerder een populaire


dan een wetenschappe lijke uitgave voor ogen stond. Wat betreft de Holarctis za l bijvoorbeeld een behoorl ijke discrepantie ontstaan tussen deze lij st en de ni euwe vers ie van de Voorlopige naamlijst van Holarctische vogels (va n Duuren eta I1 988), die nu in de maak is (maa r inderdaad we l erg lang op zich laat wachten). De encyc loped ie in zi jn geheel is niettemin zeer de moeite waard en za l zijn weg naar de boekenplanken we l weten te vinden. Tot slot nog een tip: het is heel aard ig om bij het gebru iken of bestuderen van de soortenlijst het hierna te bespreken boekje bij de hand te hebben . ANDRÉ J VAN LOON

J A JOBLING 1991. A dictionary of scientific bird names . Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, UK. 272 pp. ISB N 0-19-854634-3. GBP 19.95. Despite the nationa l debates in seve ral countries on the comp ilati on of a native-Ianguage li st of birds (or othe r organ isms), usually focused on the spec ies of their own country or region but increas in gly sa on all species of the world, there is of cou rse, sc ientifica ll y speaking, on ly one name th at counts and that is the sc ientific name (a lthough, adm itted ly, also among taxonomists many con troversies exist ove r the validity o r priority of names or about lumping and sp litting). But, what do these often curi ous ly look ing names mean? Some 'normal' Latin names can be looked up in an ordinary Latin dictionary but as scientific names may be derived from persons, loca lities, pi aces, habitats, behaviour, vo ice (o r a nativelang uage name!) or even a co mbin ation of these, such a dictionary often does not give any clu es as to the origin of these often jaw-break in g names. Jobling's dictionary f ill s this niche by giv in g the derivation and meaning of all (c 8500) currently accepted scientific bird names. In the introd uctory chapters, useful basic info rm ation is given on the structure of sc ienti fic names, th e codes of zoo log ica l nomenclature (eg, o n issues like synon ymy, homonymy and priority) and some Latin basics on grammar and gend er of wo rd s (nothin g difficult to be worried about). The etymo logy is given separately for all generic and spec ific bird nam es described between 1758 (Linn aeus!) and June 1990. A ltho ugh there is always a lot of dynamics in splitting and lumping of genera and species, a line had to be drawn somew here for this book; hen ce, all subgenera and subspec ies th at have been given generic or spec ific status by at least one of the authors mentioned in the bibliography of Peter's Check-list of birds of the world are included as we il. The result ofJob lin g's very meticulous but undoubtedly satisfying job is a really fascinating book! Once started reading through the pages, one entry or etymo logy immed iately evokes another question o r name one is curious about. Many details on taxonomic history, behav iour or morphology, even of birds you may never have seen, and probably never w ill see, become obv ious. Highl y recommended! ANDRÉ J VAN LOON

Recensies T SALA THÉ (EDITOR) 199 1. Canserving migratary birds. ICB P Tech Pub/ 72. Intern ati ona l Counci l for Bird Preservation, Cambridge, UK. 404 pp. ISBN 0-946888-20-5 . GBP 19.50. Concern for the human over-exp loitation of mi gratory birds (by ki ll ing and eating) motivated the found ation of the Intern ationa l Council for Bird Preservation in 1922 . M igratory birds have always been the foc us but it was not until 1976 that a spec ial acti on programme was started. Th e international developments since then are now timely rev iewed in this technica l publi cation. The book is di v ided in fou r parts. Th e first part gives an account of the Migratory Birds Program me, its deve lopments an d underl y ing reasons and sets out future strateg ies. It includ es papers from th e 1-day wo rkshop of the 17th Conference of the ICBP Continental Section in Adana, Turkey, and is heavil y biased towards the problems of the Western Pa learct ic-Africa n Flyways. Part two gives an overv iew of all direct threats to m igratory birds, such as habitat loss an d degradation, and hum an persec ution at mi gratory bottlenecks. These are by far the most depress in g chapters. The third part of the book hi ghli ghts se lected co nservation activiti es all over the world in an exempl ary way . Enth usiasm pervades especiall y th e chapters about Ghana, Ma lta and Turkey, and rem ind s us of w hat mu st have been the spirit in th e ea rl y days of the co nservation move ment in Europe. Th e rapid growth of the Malta Orn itho log ica l Soc iety in a conti nuing hostil e environment (of bird-kill ers and birdeaters) is a ta le-telling story. The courage of the MOS members deserves our highest respect and ongo ing support. These chapters also bring home th e message th at bird conservation can be the 'flags hip' to increase pub li c awareness of env ironmental prob lems. This part co nclu-

des w ith ag ioba l overv iew of m igrant bird systems and their conservatio n. A lthough th e last part of the book is named ' Future directions', it largely contain s rather techni ca l accoun ts of international conservation regulations for birds alo ng the Western Palearctic-African fl yways . The ti ti e, howeve r, refers more to the last two and, in my op ini on, most im portant chapters of th e book. The ir message is that successfu l conservation of migratory birds in Afr ica ca n on ly be ac hi eved through a broad based approach to susta in ab le development of natura l hab itats upon w hich both man and w il d life depend. Co nservation ists should take due account of the socioeconomie co ntext w ithin w hi ch co nse rvation efforts mu st be pursued in Africa. The last chapter con tain s a detail ed outline of the chall enge w hi ch lays ahead and how it can be achi eved . What wo uld th e wo rld have looked like w ithout co nservation ists? Wh at lessons can we lea rn from the extinction of mi gratory bird s like Migratory Pi geon fctapistes m igra tarius an d, more recentl y, the near-exten sion of Ba ld Ibis Cerontic us erem ita? What do we know of hi ghl y threatened spec ies, like Esk imo Curlew Numenius barea /is and Slender-bill ed Cu rl ew N tenuirostris (a lthough it may be w iser not to focus too much attention on the ve ry last in d iv iduals)? I would have li ked a chapter address in g these questions, makin g up the balance in terms of spec ies . A lso an index wou ld have made the book eve n more useful than it already is. But these are on ly min or co mments, as the book is co mprehen sive and deta il ed in all respects (eve n inclu ding the price of ba rbecued Brow n Shrike Lan ius cristatus in Taiwa n since 1967). To conclude, the book is essenti al read in g for co nse rvation experts an d planners, and highl y recommended to all orn ithologists w ith a sound interest in bird co nse rvation (a nd are we not all ?) . TOM M VAN DER HAVE

CDNA-mededelingen ~_ __ _~ Roodkeelpieper en Roodmus niet langer beoordeeld door CDNA Het aantal geva ll en van de Roodkee lpieper Anthus cervinus en de Roodmus Carpadacus e rythrinus in Nederl and is in de laatste v ijf jaren zó groot geworden dat de Commissie Dwaa lgasten Nederlandse Av ifaun a CD NA heeft bes lote n be ide soo rten va naf 1 j anuari 1992 ni et langer te beoordelen. Men wo rdt verzoc ht om ten behoeve va n de vo ll ed igheid en het ove rz icht ieder niet door de CDNA behandeld geva l van beide soorten dat dateert va n vóó r 1992 alsnog te zend en naa r de CDNA, Postbus 45, 2080 AA Santpoort-Zu id. Voor zowe l Roodkee lp ieper als Roodmus geldt dat de in de laatste CDNA-j aa rve rsl agen verme lde aanta llen een bee ld va n het voorkomen geven dat sterk afw ij kt va n de door voge laars waa rgenomen aa ntall en. Met name op trektelposten wo rd en rege lmatig Roodkee lpiepers gehoord en beoordeling van derge lijke gelui dswaarnem in-

[Outeh Birding 14 : 109-110, Juni 19921

gen is all een mogeli jk aan de hand va n een bandopname. In de praktijk b lijkt ec hter vrij we l geen waa rnemer in staat een dergelijke ba ndopname te maken. Daarb ij komt dat er geen aanleid in g is om te vero nderstellen dat het percentage va n de geva llen waa rbij sp rake is van een verkee rde determ in atie buitengewoon hoog is. Van op de trek waa rgenomen of gevangen Roodmussen lijkt de CDNA een groot deel va n de waarnemingen te ontvangen. De broedgeva llen worden echter vaak ni et ter beoordel in g aan de CDNA gegeven . H et lijdt geen tw ijfel dat deze soort z ich de laatste jaren als broedvogel met name in Fl evoland en op de Waddeneilanden heeft gevestigd. Aangezien de Roodm us een trekvoge l is, va lt niet te verwac hten dat de aantallen door strenge w inters beïn v loed zullen worden. De CDNA gaat er daarom va nuit dat de Roodmus net als de sind s 1 januari 1989 ook niet meer beoo rd eelde Buidelmees Remiz pendu /i-


CONA-mededelingen nus ee n rege lm ati ge broedvoge l is gewo rden en ni et, zoa ls in het recente ve rl eden met G raszanger Cisticola juncidis en Cetti's Za nger Cettia cetti het geva l was, na


enke le jaren doo r een sterke ac hteruitga ng opni euw als beoo rdee l soo rt moet wo rd en opgeno men. ARNOUD B VAN DEN BERG & C D NA

------------------------------- - - -------------

Nieuwe Dutch Birding-telefoonlijst Bij gevoegd bij dit nummer o ntva ngen de Nederl and se en Belgisc he D BAbeg un st igers een gehee l bij gewerkte ve rsie va n de Dutch Birdin g-telefoonlij st. Extra exempl aren va n de lij st kosten N LG 2.50 of BEF 50.00 per stuk (in cl usief verzend kosten) en kunnen wo rden besteld door het bedrag over te maken op : giro rekenin g 41 4 8 34 3 (Nederl and) of 000 1592 4 68 19 .(België) tn v Dutc h Bird ing Assoc iati o n, Postbus 756 11 , 1070 A mste rd am, Nederl and (ovv 'telefoo nlij st 1992'). Jagers-gids De in Dutch Birdin g 14:1 aa ngekondi gde publicati e va n de eerste Dutch Birdin g-voge lgid s ove r herkennin g va n jage rs Stercorarius wo rdt ove r enkele weken ve rwac ht. V ia Dutch Birdin g za l binn enko rt de moge lijkh eid wo rden geboden om de gid s met aa ntrekke lijke ko rting te bestell en. Nog enkele plaatsen vrij op pelagic trips O p de doo r de DB A georga ni seerde 'pelagic trips' op 13 september en

11 okto ber 1992 vanuit Den H eld er, Noordh o ll and, z ijn nog enkele pl aatsen besc hi kbaa r. Sn ell e bes li ssers kunnen zich nog aa nmelden, maa r vo l is vo l. Nadere informati e over de toc hten en de w ij ze va n aa nmelding v indt u in Du tc h Birdin g 14: 61, 199 2. Nieuwe rekeningnummers De D BA heeft een nieuw giroreke ningn ummer (01 50697) en een ni euw bankrekeningnumm er (5 4 93 30 34 8, A BN A msterd am) geopend di e ui ts luitend bestemd z ijn voo r het innen va n abo nnementsge lden en de betalin g va n nabestellin gen va n o ud e numm ers. Newaccounts Th e DBA has o pened two new acco unts fo r th e pay ment of contributio ns and bac k-iss ues o nl y (g iro acco unt 01 50 697 and bank acco unt 54 933 0 34 8, A BN A msterd am). Foreign subsc ribers paying th eir subscripti o n by D utch giro or bank are kindl y requ ested to use these acco unt numbers in th e future.

Recent WP reports _ _ __ __ _ Thi s review of rece nt reports of ra re and i nteresting bird s in the W este rn Palea rcti c refers mainl y to March and April 1992 and foc uses o n no rth- western Europe. Rece nt news abo ut not so recent reco rd s is in c luded as we il . Some interesting record s of species o uts id e the WP reg io n are also menti o ned . Th e records are large ly unchecked and their publi cati o n here does not impl y acceptance by th e reco rd s committee of the releva nt co untry . The fi rst White-billed Diver Cavia adamsii fo r New Mexico, USA, remain ed from 22 Janu ary to 14 A pril at Co nchas Lake, San M iguel Co unty . O n 26 A pril , a Piedbilled Grebe Podilymbus podiceps fo und at Radl ey, Oxfo rd shire, En gland, was th e 20th reco rd fo r th e WP and th e first sin ce 1988. O n 19 A pril , the Scotti sh Blackbrowed Albatross Diomedea melanophris, returned aga in to the Herm aness gann etry o n U nst, Shetl and, w here th is bird was f irst present in 1972. Fo r the fo urth w inter in success io n, an increas ing number of up to 11 Pygmy Cormorants Phalacrocorax pygmeus frequ ented a roost of Co rm o rants P carbo alo ng the Danu be in Tulln er Feld, no rth-west of Wi en, N iederösterreich, A ustri a. At A bu


Simb il , Egypt, 13 Pink-backed Pelicans Peleca nus rufescens we re co unted o n 14 A pril. In late April and ea rl y M ay, fl oc ks of Cattle Egrets Bubulcus ibis appea ring in Englan d, northern France and southern Germany (fo ur in th e Bodensee area and fo ur nea r München, Bayern ) we re poss ibly fo rerunners of a genuin e influ x into no rthweste rn Europe (not related to free-roamin g feral indiv idu ais coming from introdu ced breed in g co lo ni es in Germ any and no rt h-eastern France) . There were also a few indi vidu als an d co upl es in Belgium and th e so uthern Neth erl and s. N in e Yellow-billed Storks Mycteria ibis we re co unted at Abu Simb il o n 14 Ap ril. In March two Bald Ibises Ceronticus eremita we re staving at the At Ta' if area, Sa udi A rab ia, and o ne remained into Ap ril. A Black Scoter M elanitta americana du ring 14-22 March at Castl egregory, Kerry, was the first for Ire land . O n 14 Janu ary, nearly 5 yea rs after th e last w ild indi v idu al was taken into capti vity, two of the California Condors Cymnogyps ca lifornianus co nce ived and hatched in zoos in sprin g 199 1 we re re leased in Los Padres Nati o nal Fo rest, no rth of Los A ngeles, Ca li fo rni a, USA. O n 30 M arch, an adu lt Pallas' s Fish Eagle Haliaeetus leucoryphus was reported from Kon in, Po land . From 19 to 31

IDutch Birding 14: 110-113, juni 19921

Recent WP reports

97 Pied-bil led Grebe Podilymbus podiceps, Rad ley, Oxfordshire, England, April 1992 (David Tipling)

98 Caspian Plove r Cha radrius asiaticus, Yotvata, Israel, 19 Ma rch 1992 (Stefa n pf端tzke)


Recent WP reports

99 Pi ne Grosbeak Pinico/a enucleator, Lerw ick, Sh etl and, Scotl and, M arch 1992 (A/an J Shearman) M arch, more than 4000 Demoiselle Cranes A nthropo ides virgo we re counted ove r Hail , CentraI Prov in ce, Sa udi A rabi a. U p to 10 Caspian Plovers Charadrius asiaticus were see n ju st north of Yotvata, Israel, on 19 March. During 13-1 5 April, a Pacific Golden Plover P/uvia/is fu/va was p resent in a fl oc k of 80 Golden Pl ove rs P apricaria at Sivas h, Krim , Ukraine. O n 24 April , a Baird's Sandpiper Ca /id ris bairdii was di scovered at EI Medano poo l on Tenerife, Canary Island s. The first Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haem astica for Tasmani a (and th e third for A ustrali a) remained from Jul y 199 1 to at least mid Febru ary at Orielton Lagoo n. Fo ur and two White-eyed Gulls Larus /e ucophtha/mus appeared at Eil at, Israel, on 3 and 6 May, respecti ve ly . The ad ult Great Black-headed Gull L ichth yaetus moul ting in to summer p lumage at Spreestausee Spremberg, Brandenburg, Germany, remained until 26 M arch (cf Dutch Birding 14: 63, 1992). O n 12 April , a first-w inter Laughing Gull L atrici//a was di scovered at Le Havre, Seine-Maritîme, France. In New South W ales, A ustra li a, a Franklin ' s Gull L pipixcan remain ed at Lake Cowal from 25 Janu ary to at least 17 Febru ary (p res umabl y th e sa me indi v idu al as one reported from Lake M enind ee in Octobe r 199 1). Th e second Slender-billed Gull L genei for Hong Ko ng remained at Ma i Po Marshes du ring at least the first half of Ap ril. O n 18-1 9 April, an adult Ring-billed Gull L de/awa rensiswas foragin g in meadows at Begijnenmoeren in the BelgianDu tc h bord er reg ion near N ieuw moe r, A ntwe rp, con stituting the seco nd record for both co untries . At Eil at, a subadul t Crested Tern Sterna bergii was present on 19

11 2

Ap ril and an adult on 2 M ay. A w interin g Sandwich Tern S sandvicensis was see n in th e Baltic Sea near Usedom, Germany, on 12 Janu ary. Two adult- summer Black Terns Ch/idonias niger in early A pril at Ma i Po Marshes were th e first fo r Hong Kong. At A bu Sim bil , 13 African Skimmers Rynchops f/avirostris we re counted on 14 April. A Brünnich's Guillernot Uria /omvia found dea d on Texel, Noordho ll and, on 18 A pril was th e fi rst record since 198 1 fo r the Netherl and s. O n 9 Ap ril , an Ancient Murrelet Synth/iboramphus antiq uus returned aga in to Lund y, Devon, England, w here it was also present from 27 May to 26 June 1990 and from 14 Ap ril to 20 June 199 1. O n 24 November 199 1, a Striated Scops Owl O tus brucei at W adi Taba, Sin ai, was th e fi rst record for Egypt thi s ce ntury (a nd th e thi rd ever). From 5 April to at least 29 May, a Snowy Owl Nyctea scandiaca w as seen on severalloca l ities in the north-western Netherl ands. Because of plum age di ffe rences, such as less b lack markin gs on the head, it is genera ll y co nsidered to be a different female in d iv idu al from the one stavin g on th e Maasv lakte, Zuidh o ll and, from 8 March to 3 April (cf Dutch Birdin g 14 : 64 & 70-72, 1992). O n 14 Ap ril , a Sn owy Owl was ph otog raphed south-west of Stoc kh ol m at Landso rt, Söderm anl and, Sweden, and on 21 Ap ril , one was found on O uessant, Fini stère, France. Snowy Owls, Hawk Owls Surnia u/u/a and Great Grey Owls Strix nebu/osa co ntinued to be found in astoni shing numbers in M innesota and no rth ern M ichi gan, USA (cf Dutch Birding 14 : 64, 1992) . A Tawny Owl S a/uco p icked up inju red at Larne, A ntrim, on 22 Marc h was the first reco rd for

Recent WP reports Ireland. In the Belgian Ardennes, it was the worst spring known for Tengmalm's Owls Aego/ius funereus. In the first week of April, out of 250, contro lled nesting boxes, only one was found conta inin g a nest with eggs. In midMay, the number of occupied nests had increased to a meagre 12 out of 40,0, nesting boxes. Three Mexican vagrants wandered into the USA for the first time: an imm ature male Green-breasted Mango Anthracothorax prevostii on 6-13 January trapped and ringed at a birder's feeder in Corpus Christi, Texas, a Tufted Flycatcher Mitrephanes phaeocercus from 3 November 1991 until 17 January at Rio Grande Village in Big Bend National Park, Texas, and an imm ature Blue Mockingbird Me/anotis caeru /escens from 20, December 1991 to 22 March near Patagonia, Arizona. On 12 October 1991, Eared Trogons Eupti/otus neoxenus we re found nesting in the USA for the first time, 14 years after this rare 'Mexican' endemic was initially sighted in the Chiricahua and Huachuca Mountains, Arizona. A female Grey-headed Woodpecker Picus canus at St Catherine's, Jersey, on 13 March was the first record for the Channel Is land s. At Breskens, Zeeland, a Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris shortly seen (and not well-documented) on 14 May flying pastthe renowned local spri ng migration observation post (cf Dutch Birding 14: 72, 1992) wou ld be a first for the Netherlands if accepted. The first Australian record of Red-throated Pi pit Anthus cervinus comes from Broome Oval, Western Australia, on 6-9 January (the same place as w here another first for Australia, a Black-headed Gull L ridibundus, was seen from 19 October to at least 9 December 1991; cf Dutch Birding 14: 63, 1992). An African Pied Wagtail Motacil/a agu imp was seen at Abu Simbil on 13 April. During April and at least ea rl y May, a Black Bush Robin Cercotrichas podobe was present near Eilat. In England, single male Blackeared Wheatears Oenanthe hispanica (probab ly 0 h me/ano/euca) we re near Thame in Buckinghamshire, and at Keyhaven Marshes, Hampshire, both on 25 Ap ril. In the Netherlands, an adu lt male Grey-backed Thrush Turdus hortu/orum was found dead as a w indow victim in Dronten, Flevoland, on 19 March. lts plumage and bare parts did not show any excessive wear. It had, however, a metal ring (NB86 1ACX145) which showed that it had been ringed as a cage bird in 1986. Paul Böhre's inquiries revealed th at it had escaped in 1990, from an aviary at Assen, Drenthe. On 16 May 1991, there was an earl ier report for the Netherlands of an unringed adu lt male singing at Hoofddorp, Noordholland. It now appears likely that latter bird originated from an aviary at Zaandam, Noordholland, where one escaped before being ringed. From 15 to at least 23 April, a first-winter male Dusky Thrush T naumanni eunomus was present on Li sta, Norway. On 20, November 1991 , a Thick-billed Warbier Acrocepha/us aedon in gardens at St Katherine Monastery, Sinai, was the first for Egypt and the third for the WP. The Hume's Yellow-browed Warbier Phyl/oscopus humei w intering from 18 February onwards in a gard en at Bornheim-Brenig, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Ger-

100 Great Black-headed Gull Larus ichthyaetus, Spreestausee Spremberg, Brandenburg, Germany, March 1992 Uochen Dierschke) many, remained until 4 Ap ril (cf Dutch Birding 14: 64, 1992). In Finland, up to three single Azure Tits Parus cyanuswere staving from 19 April onwards. In Germany, a Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria was present for the fourth w inter in success ion, from 29 December 1991 onwards, alternately on the seminary and the basilica in Trier, Rheinland Pfalz (10, km from the Luxembourg border). A first-winter male Pi ne Grosbeak Pinico/a enucleator present in gardens at Lerwick, Shetland, from 25 March to at least 25 April was the first British record since May 1975. On 2 February, eight Snow Buntings P/ectrophenax niva/is were seen at the delta of the Kizilirmak, on the Black Sea coast east of Balik Gölü, const ituting the first record for Turkey since at least 1966. A Cirl Bunting Emberiza cirlus shortly seen and photographed at the Breskens observation post on 16 May was thefirst record since 190,1 forthe Netherlands. Unseasonal Rustic Buntings E rustica were found at Logbiermé, Li ège, Belgium, on 21 March, and at New Saltfleetby, Lincolnshire, England, on 22 March. For a number of reports, publications in American Birds, Birder's World, Bird in g World, British Birds, Limico la, OSME Bulletin, Var Fagelvärld, Winging It and Wingspan we re consulted. I wish to thank Peter Barthel, Paul Böhre, Lieuwe Dijksen, Guus van Duin, Klaas Eigenhuis, Dick Forsman, Tom van der Have, Leo Heemskerk, Guy Kirwan/OSME, Rod Martins, Eddy Nieuwstraten, Stefan Pfützke, Kees Roselaar, Rob Sjouken, Chris Steeman, Peter Symens, Lammert van der Veen and Willem van der Waal for their help in compi ling this review.

Arnoud B van den Berg, Ouinlustparkweg 98, 2082 EG Santpoort-Zuid, Netherlands 113

Recente meldingen _ _ _ _ _ __ Dit overzicht van recente meldingen van ze ldzame en interessante voge ls in Nederland en België beslaat voornamelijk de maanden maart en april 1992. De verme lde gevallen zijn merendeels niet geverifieerd en het overzicht is niet vo lledig. Al le voge laars die de moeite namen om hun waa rnem ingen aan ons door te geven worden hartelijk bedankt. Waarnemers van soorten in Nederland die worden beoordeeld door de Comm iss ie Dwaa lgasten Nederlandse Av ifauna wordt verzocht hun waarnem ingen zo spoedig mogelijk toe te zenden aan: CDNA, Postbus 45, 2080 AA Santpoort-Zuid, Nederl and . Hiertoe gelieve men gebruik te maken van CDNA-waarnem in gsformulieren die eveneens verkrijgbaar z ijn bij bovenstaand ad res .

Nederland DUIKERS TOT VALKEN Van 3 maart tot 4 april werd een IJsduiker Cavia immer waa rgenomen langs de Brouwersdam Zh. Op 22 maart zoude n er ze lfs twee exemplaren gez ien zijn . Een Ijsduiker v loog op 31 maart over het huis van een voge laar in Medemb lik Nh. Kuifaalscholvers Pha/acrocorax aristote/is vertoefden op de Maasvlakte Zh op 3 maart, bij VI iss ingen Z van 9 maart tot 30 apri I (max imaal twee), bij Terneuzen Z op 14 maart en bij Ijmuiden N h op 18 maart. Kwakken Nycticorax nycticorax werden opgemerkt op 28 maart b ij Koudekerke Z en op 26 april bi j Rhenen U. De Kleine Zilverreiger Egretta garzetta van het Veerse Meer Z was begin maart daar nog aanwez ig. Va naf 30 maart tot 17 april verb leef een exemplaar bij Borssele Z en op 14 april werd wederom een Kleine Z il verre iger waargenomen bij Oudeschild op Texel Nh. Ook op 1 maart bleek de Grote Zilverreiger E a/ba van Nu land Nb nog present. In de Sliedrechtse Biesbosch Zh was er één op 30 maart, bij Heeten 0 één op 1 en 2 apri l en ook in het Oostvaard ersplassengeb ied FI werd een Grote Zilverreiger gez ien. Bij het Beuven op de Strabrechtse Heide Nb werd en op 29 april twee Zwarte Ooievaars Ciconia nigra waargenomen. c 65 Ooievaars C ciconia werden gemeld, voorname i ij k in de eerste week en het einde van apri l. Een Zwarte Ibis P/egadis fa/cine llus werd op 30 apri l v liegend over het Eemshaventerrein Gr gezien. Op 12 april pleisterden zes Flamingo's Phoenicopterus ruber in de Blauwe Kamer bij Rhenen. Dwergganzen Anser erythropus werden nog gezien op 2 maart langs de Oostvaardersd ijk FI en b ij Wi llemstad Nb, op 15 maart bij Strijen Zh (drie), op 8 apri l in de Lauwersmeer Gr en op 10 april bij Lutjebroek Nh. Sneeuwganzen A caeru/escens werden waargenomen op 1 en 3 maart b ij Meli ssant Z, zeven exemplaren op 1 maart b ij M irn s Fr en op 2 maart bij Gaast Fr, op 9 maart v loog er één langs Vlissi ngen, op 17 maart zaten er drie bij Warffum G r en zoa ls gewoon I ijk verb leven er één à twee tot in apri l op de Plaat van Scheel hoek b ij Stellendam Zh . Er wa ren ook weer meldingen van Ross' Ganzen A rossiivan 1 tot 13 maart bij Gaast. Begin maart


verb leven enkele Witbuikrotganzen Branta bernicla hrota bij de Ph il ipsdam Z en op 19 april was er één op Sch iermon nikoog Fr. Een Zwarte Rotgans B b nigricans werd op 28 maart en 19-20 april gemeld op Texel. Roodhalsganzen B ruficollis zaten op 1 en 15 maart in de Ooypolder G ld, van 1 tot 10 maart maximaal drie in de Kil van Hurwenen G ld, in Zuide lij k Flevoland één à twee exemplaren tot 28 maart, bij Wageningen Gld op 23 maart, in de Lauwersmeer op 28 maart en 5 april , bij Stellendam op 28 en 29 apri l, op Sch iermonnikoog van 6 tot 9 april en bij Wierum Fr op 8 april. De Amerikaanse Smient Anas americana van Ingen G ld bleef daar tot 18 maart. Bronskopeenden A fa /cata werden gezien van 7 tot 28 maart op het Engelermeer b ij 's-Hertogenbosch Nb en van 16 maart tot 18 apri l b ij Hillegom N h. Een Blauwvleugeltaling A discors v loog op 9 april langs Breskens Z. Eind apri l zaten meer dan 30 Krooneenden Netta rufina op de Grote Wije in de Botshol U . Witoogeenden Aythya nyroca werden gez ien op 15 maart in de Ooypolder (paa rtje), op 31 maart bij Hengelo en op 12 apri l op Texel. Eén IJseend Ciangu/a hyemalis werd op 7 maart gezien in de Kil van Hurwenen. Maximaal 60 Ijseenden verb leven tot begin april langs de Brouwersdam. Tenmi nste 17 Zwarte Wouwen Mi/vus migrans werden gez ien, voorname i ijk in de laatste week va n april en c 50 Rode Wouwen M mi/vus werden gemeld vanaf 14 maart, waarvan de helft in de laatste week van april. De Zeearend Haliaeetus a/bicilla van Mau ri k G ld was er nog tot 7 maart. Verder werd en exemp laren gezien op 15 maart op de Ventjagersplaten Zh, op 31 maart op de Strabrechtse Heide en op 5 apri l in De Hamert L. Grauwe Kiekendieven Circus pygargus versc henen op 15 april bij Rotterdam Zh en op 26 april in de Carel Coenraadpolder G r en langs de Oostvaardersdijk. De eerste Visarend Pandion ha/iaetus werd gez ien op 16 maart bij Rhenen. Verder werden ongeveer 20 exemplaren gemeld in de eerste en de laatste week van april. Een Roodpootvalk Fa/co vespertinus we rd op 26 april gemeld in de HW-duinen Zh .


RALLEN TOT STERNS De eerste meldingen van Porseleinhoenen Porz ana porzana waren op 11 april bij V laardingen Zh en op 12 april in het Haaksbergerveen O. Kraanvogels Crus grus werden vooral eind maart op doortrek waargenomen. In april bleven zoa ls gewoon lijk her en der enige exemplaren rondhangen. Intrigerend is de waarnem in g van een Jufferkraanvogel Anthropoides virgo op 27 april bij Vo ikei Nb . De (twee) Amerikaanse Steltkluten Himantopus (himantopus) mexicanus die op 14 maart nog bij Dreumel G ld zaten, eind igden hun omzwervingen voorlop ig op de Molenp laat bij Bergen op Zoom Nb, alwaar zi j vanaf 23 april gezelschap kregen van maximaal zeven inheemse Steltkluten H h himantopus. Van eind maart tot eind apri l we rden weer enkele 10-tallen Ijslandse Grutto's Limosa /imosa is/andica gemeld. Op 7 april werd al een Poelruiter Tringa stagnati/is geme ld in de Lauwersmeer. Verder waren er Poelrui-

[Dutch Birding 14: 114-119, juni 1992J

Recente meldingen

101 Roodhalsfuten Podiceps grisegena, Ijmuiden, Noordholland, maart 1992 (Piet Munsterman)

102 Kl ei ne Burgemeester Larus glaucoides, Katwijk aa n Zee, Zuidholland, maart 1992 (RenĂŠ van Rossum)


Recente meldingen ters van 24 tot 27 apri l bij Rhenen, op 26 en 27 april bij Deventer 0 en twee op het Beuven. Op 18 april ve rbleef een Grauwe Franjepoot Phalaropus lobatus op de Molenplaat. Meer dan 100 Zwartkopmeeuwen Larus melanocephalus werden doorgegeven. Op exact dezelfde plaats waar in juni 1987 een Frankl in s Meeuw L pipixcan verbl eef ontdekten twee voge laars, tijdens het zoeken naar Zwartkopmeeuwen, een adulte Ringsnavelmeeuw L delawarensis. Ook déze Amerikaanse meeuw werd gezien ten z uiden van Achtmaa l Nb, echter voorname lijk aan de Belgische kant van de grens. Het aanta l gemelde Geelpootmeeuwen L cachinnans bleef beperkt tot vijf, die, behalve een exemplaar bij Waspik Nb, alle aan de kust werden gez ien. Er was een melding van een Kleine Burgemeester L glaucoidesop 1 en 2 maart bij Broekhuizenvorst L. Lan gs de kust werden Kleine Burgemeesters gezien op 5 en 7 maart bij Katwijk Zh, op 11 maart en 3 en 16 april bij Scheveningen Zh, op 27 maart bij Ijmuiden en op 14 apri l bij Egmond N h. Tot 16 maart zat de adulte Grote Burgemeester L hyperboreus van de Brouwersdam op zi jn stek. Op 6 en 8 maart verb leef een onvo lwassen exemp laar bij MiddelbertGr. Witwangsterns Ch lidonias hybridus we rden gez ien op 26 april op Wieringen Nh en op 30 apri l bij Breskens. Op 24 april v loog minimaal één Witvleugelstern C leucopterus tussen Zwarte Sterns C niger lan gs de Oostvaard ersd ijk.

103 Ringsnavelmeeuw Larus delawarensis (links) en Kokmeeuw L ridibundus, Begijnenmoeren, Antwe rpen, België, april 1992 (A rnoud B van den Berg)

UILEN TOT GORZEN De Sneeuwuil Nyctea scandiaca die op 8 maart werd ontdekt op de Maasvlakte bleef daar aanwezig tot 3 april. Op 5 april we rd er één gez ien bij

104 Sneeuwuil Nyctea scandiaca, Maasvlakte, Zuid holl and, maart 1992 (Frank Dröge)


Recente meldingen Heiloo N h. Op 18 en 19 april zou er één bij Jouwswier Fr gezeten hebben. Een Bijeneter Merops apiaster werd op 30 april gez ien bij Breskens. Hoppen Upupa epops werden gez ien op 11 april in de Makkumer Noordwaard Fr en bij Wieringerwerf Nh, op 21 april bij V laard ingen, op 25 apri l in De Hamert, op 27 april bij Leveroy L en op 30 april bij de Oostvaardersplassen. Vanaf 18 april werden weer Draaihalzen jynx torquila gemeld. AI op 7 maart vlogen twee Oeverzwaluwen Riparia riparia langs Breskens en op 9 april een Roodstuitzwaluw Hirundo daurica alhier. Op 30 april en 1 mei was een Roodstuitzwa lu w aanwezig in en bij de Botshol. Van 16 maart tot 2 april verb leven maximaal v ijf Pestvogels Bombycilla garru lus in Almere-Stad FI en op 21 maart waren er acht in Hoogezand -Sappemeer G r. De eerste Beflijster Tur-

dus torquatus werd gemeld op 18 maart bij V li ss in gen. Een Iberische Tjiftjaf Phylloscopus collybita brehmii verbleef rond 12 april rond het Herbarium in Leiden Zh. Op 11 maart we rd een Taigaboomkruiper Certhia familiaris gemeld in Landsmeer Nh. Op 8 maart was al een Buidelrnees Remiz pendulinus aanwezig langs de Knardijk FI. Vanaf eind maart versc henen ze weer op ve le plaatsen in Nederland. De Notekraker Nucifraga caryocatactes va n V laardingen (oftwee) was (of waren) er nog tot minimaal 9 apri l. In Amsterdam -Zu id oost Nh werd er één op 10 maart gez ien . Het aantal Europese Kanaries Serinus serinus in Huizen Nh steeg nog tot zes exemp laren op 6 maart. Ook elders in het land werden in maart al Europese Kanaries gez ien.

Ruud M van Dongen, Albertusstraat 4, 5267 AD Vught, Nederland Hans Gebuis, Boogschutter 30, 3328 KB Dordrecht, Nederland Peter WW de Rouw, Warande 23, 3705 ZB Zeist, Nederland

België PIjLSTORMVOGELS TOT VALKEN Langs Oostende Wvl v loog op 14 en 21 maart een Kuhls Pijlstormvogel Ca lonectris diomedea. Tot tenminste 22 maart pleisterden er maximaal v ier Kuifaalscholvers Phalacrocorax aristotelis in de Voo rh aven va n Zeebrugge Wvl. Langs Oostende v loog op 28 maart en 12 april telkens een adult exemplaar. De en ige binnenlandwaarneming va n deze soort gebeurde op 4 maart op Blokkersd ij k A. Op 23 apri I v loog een Koereiger Bubulcus ib is in noordoostelijke richting ove r Harch ies- Hens ies H . Van 26 tot ten minste 30 apri l overnachtte mogelijk dezelfde voge l daar in de reigerkolonie. De ove rwi nterende Grote Zilverreiger Egretta alba van Harchies-Hensies werd voor het laatst gemeld op 1 maart. Over Kessel A trok er één op 4 april. Purperreigers A rdea purpurea, dit jaar sc haars, v logen op 11 april over Rosières B, op 20 april over Blokkersdijk, op 22 april over Bredene Wvl en op 26 april over H archies-Hensies. Op 4 april vloog een Zwarte Ooievaar Ciconia nigra over Virton Lu x. De en ige andere waarnemingen gebeurden op 25 april te Astene-Dein ze Ovl en op 27 april te Frasnes-Iez-Buissenal H. Een overwinterende Ooievaar C cicon ia bleef bij Westmalle A aanwez ig tot

14 maart. Trekkende Ooievaars v logen op 6 maart ove r Essen-Heikant A, op 17 maart over Glabeek B en op 29 maart over Ronse Ovl (drie). Op 9 april waren er drie te Oostende en één te Zwijnaarde Ovl en op 10 april werd één exemp laar zowe l te Oostende en te Bredene opgemerkt. Op 17 april vloog er één over Massenhoven A en op 19 april vlogen er drie over Zeebrugge. Op 22 en 23 apri l pleisterden er twee geringde Ooievaars bij Gent Ovl. Op 26 april trokken er nog eens zeven over Korbeek-Lo B en één over Tessenderlo L en op 29 apri l trokken er nog eens vijf over Viersel A. Ook het w ilde broed koppel van Muizen A was weer aanwez ig terwijl va n het koppel bij Ravels A, net zoa ls vorig jaar, maar één voge l terugkeerde. Het mannetje Ringsnaveleend Aythya collaris liet z ich nog de gehele periode - ook baltsend - bekijken op Blokkersdijk. Het overwinterende mannetje Witoogeend A nyroca bleef nog bij Lier A aanwez ig tot 8 april. De voge l van Beernem Wvl we rd nog waa rgenomen tot 10 maart. In april dook zowe l te Lier als te Blokkersdijk een hybride Kuifeend x Tafeleend A fuligula x ferina op. Een ver-b innen lands mannetje I)seend Clangula hyemaliswas van 7 maarttotten minste 20 april aanwezig te Neerijse-Oud Heverlee B. Op de Gavers te Harelbeke Wvl zat tussen 1 en 26 maart wee r

105 Ringsnaveleend Aythya collaris, Blokkersdijk, Antwerpen, België, april 1992 (pa trick Buys)


Recente meldingen

106 Bosgo rs Emberiza rustica, Logb ierm é, Luik, België, 21 maa rt 1992 (Chris Bradshaw) een mannetj e Rosse Stekelstaart Oxyura jamaicensis terw ij l een (mak) ad ult vro uwtje va n 2 maart tot 20 april bij D uffel A verb leef. H et onvo lwassen vro uw tj e Witkopeend 0 /eucocepha/a b leef nog tot ten min ste 31 maart p resent op de plas bij de Blauwe Toren te Bru gge Wv l. Va naf 1 apri I begon de doortrek va n Zwarte Wouwen Mi/vus m igrans. Er was een totaa l va n 19 exemp laren met waa rnemingen te A ngre H, Burcht A, Doel Ovl, D uffe l, Eta lle Lux, Frasnes-I es-B ui ssena l, Genappe B, H eist old Berg A, Hoeke Wv l, Ka ll o Ovl, Knok ke Wv l, Latour Lu x, Li er, Lo ngchamps N, Maaseik L, Tesse nderl o en V irton. Va naf 26 april pl eisterde er één bij Harchies-H ensies. De 22 gemelde Rode W ouw en M m i/vus kwame n va n Baarl e-Drongen Ov l, Blokkersdijk (zes), Boo isc hot A, Bredene, De H aan Wv l, Geel A (twee), Heist old Berg, Ka lmth out A, Ko nti ch A (twee), Lier (twee), M ui zen, O ud-Tu rn hout A, Sint- Pieters-Kapelle Wv l en W uu stweze l A . Vanaf 29 maart we rden gespreid over de peri ode 12 Visarenden Pa nd ion ha/iaetus gemeld, met waarnemingen te Du ffe l, H archies (v ier), Li er, Linkh out L, Mechelen A, M usso n Lu x, Neeri jse B (dr ie), Testelt L en Zeebrugge. Over de hele pe ri ode wa ren 12 waarnemingen van Slechtvalken Fa /co peregrinus gespre id over A ngre, Doel, Evergem-Klui zen Ovl, Leefd aa l B, Li er, Mouscron H, Oostende (twee), Q uévy H, Turnh out A, We ndu ine Wv l en W uu stweze l. KRAANVOG ELS TOT STERNS De eerder besc heiden aanta llen Kraanvoge ls C rus grus kwamen zee r versp rei d

11 8

doo r; op 1 maart c 140 over Sint-Ma rtens-Voeren Lk, op 2 maart één ove r Li er en één ove r A ntwe rpen A, op 23 maart een auditieve waa rnemin g te Gages H, op 28 en 29 maart een pl eisterend onvo lwasse n exemp laa r b ij VeerI e A, op 29 maart één over Testelt en op 30 maa rt één ove r Li er. W aa rn emin gen va n telkens één exempl aa r gebeurden te Li er op 7 april , te Kall o-Doe l op 20 april en te Bredene op 2 1 april . Een (gewo ne?) Steltkluut Hima ntopus himantopusverbl ee f op 28 maart op Sidmar bij Gent. O p 20 april zat de eerste Poel ruiter Tringa stagnatilis bij M uizen. Een Poelsnip Ca llinago m edia werd op 8 april gemeld op A ntwe rpen-Lin keroever maar bl eek op 9 april reeds spoorl oos te z ijn. O p 8 maart we rd er een dode Grote Jager Stercorarius skua opgeraapt te Li ssewege W vl. O p 14 maart v loog er één langs Oostend e. Zwartkopmeeuwen Larus me/anocepha/us b lijken di t j aar aa n een finale doorb raak te werken . U it de 50 ontva ngen waa rnemingen pikken we enke le maxim a: 22 exempl aren in het grensgeb ied Zundert-Wuu stweze l op 28 april, 89 (1) in de kol onie va n het stortte n noo rd en va n Antwe rpen op 19 april , 17 te Knokke-Zw in op 25 april en 20 te Zeebrugge op 26 april. Een leuke adulte hybrid e Kokmeeuw x Zwartkopmeeuw L ridibund us x m e /ano cepha/us maakte deel uit va n de meeuwe nkolonie in de Ac hterh aven va n Zeebru gge. Een Engelse vogelaar, we rkzaa m op een veerboot, had het geluk om op 14 maart een eerste-w in ter lachmeeuw L atricilla waa r te nemen in de Voo rh aven va n Zeeb ru gge . Tegen de tijd dat oo k de Belgisc he waa rn emers hun gelu kg in gen beproeven, wa s er va n deze spectaculaire soo rt niets meer te bespeuren. M oge lijk hetze lfde exempl aa r zat op 12 april bij Le Havre, Seine-Maritîme, Frankrijk. Ted H oogendoorn en Dirk M oerbeek moc hten de eerste tw itchbare Ringsnavelmeeuw L de/awarensis voor België op hun naam sc hrij ven. Dit adul te exempl aar zat op 18 en 19 april bij Nieuw moe r A en werd voo ral op de tweede d ag oo k op W ernhouts grond gebi ed in Ned erland waa rgenomen. De eerste-winter Grote Burgemeester L h yperbore us va n Zeebru gge bl eef nog tot ten min ste 22 maart aanwez ig bij de v ismijn. O p 17 en 26 april was er een voge l in eerste w interkl eed in de Voo rh aven aldaar. A ndere G rote Burgemeesters wa ren op 13 maa rt en 17 april aanwez ig bij Oosten de en op 16 april bij SintIdes bald W v l. Een ongedetermin ee rd e burgemeester t rok op 14 maart langs Oostende . Er wa ren va naf 18 april buitengewoon vee l binn enl andse waa rn emin gen va n Noordse Stern s Sterna pa radisaea, met een max imum va n 25 exempl aren bij Harc hi es op 19 april. Va n 27 tot tenmin ste 30 april pl eisterden de eerste twee Witwangsterns Ch/idonias h ybridus op het M o lsbroek b ij Lokeren Ov l. O p de bezinkingspu tte n te Longc hamps ve rsc henen op 29 april de eerste drie Witvleugelsterns C

/eucopte rus. SPECHTEN TO T GORZEN Bij G ives Lu x en Knokke we rd en

op 11 en 25 april te lkens twee Draaihalzen jynx torquilla waa rgenomen . Daarn a vo lgden meer geregelde waa rn emingen met op 28 april te lkens één te Overi jse B en te We nd uine en op 29 april één bij H archies. Op 20 april trok een Roodstuitzwaluw Hirundo da urica langs Bredene. De waa rnem in gen die de afgelopen jaren b ij Bres-

Recente meldingen kens Z gebeurden vormden een goede voo rspellin g als zou deze soort oo k langs de Belgisc he ku st doo rtrekken. De eerste Duinpieper Anthus campestris pl eisterde op 9 april bij Zeeb ru gge. Daa rna vol gden er waa rn emin gen te Schule n L en Zemst B op 18 april , te Bredene op 21 april, te Brecht A op 24 april en bij Longchamps op 26 april. Twee Roodkeelpiepers A cervinus lieten zich op 21 april horen (en zien) te Bredene. Het eni ge groepje Pestvogels Bom bycilla ga rru/us van ac ht exempl aren was op 27 maa rt kortstondi g aanwez ig bij Duffel. De Belgisc he D Bvoge l lijn ontv ing 33 waa rn emingen va n Beflijsters Turdus torquatu5, voo ral va naf 18 april wa ren grote aa ntallen op doo rtrek met als max imum 27 te Kall o op 23 april. De voo rbije zac hte w inters hadden w eer een gun sti ge in vloed op het aantal Cetti' s Zangers Cettia cetti. Zo was er ro nd half april één b ij Sint-J an-in-Eremo Ovl, va naf 19 maart één bij Harchies, op 2 1 maa rt één te Tertre H en va n 7 april tot in mei één op de kleip utten bij Hoe ke. Tot ieders verbaz in g werd er op 18 april een mannetj e Provençaalse Grasmus Sy/via undata gefotografeerd te W annegem-Lede Ovl. Indien aan vaa rd , gaat het reeds om het vierd e geval (de eerste was in april 1988 in Lu x). Een roepende Siberische Tjiftjaf Ph ylloscopus collybita tristis zat op 15 april bij Duffel. O p nagenoeg dezelfde pl ek we rd op de 18 april een z ingende Iberische Tjiftjaf P c brehmii aangetroffen. Over Womm elgem A trok op

5 maart een Buidelmees Remiz pend u/in us. Pl eisterende exempl aren zaten va n 25 tot 29 maart (twee) en va n 11 tot 20 april (één) bij Li er, op 26 maart bij Schulen (v ijf) en van 28 tot 31 maart en op 18 april (telkens één) te Harchi es. Een vroeg adult mannetj e Roodmus CarpodaCU5 erythrinus zo ng op 30 maart bij Brugge maar was al even snel wee r ve rd we nen. De voo rl opi g eni ge Ortolaan Em beriza hortu/ana zat op 26 april bij Hoe leden B. Naast de Lachmeeuw va n maart leve rde recent bezoek va n En gelse voge laars aan België in 199 1 reeds een Sibe risc he Talin g A nas form osa op. Dit jaar hadden ze wederom doo r het zoeken naar ze ldza me broedvoge lsweer succes, dit maal in de vo rm va n een makke Bosgors E rustica die zich in het geze lsc hap va n enkele Ri etgorze n E schoen ic/us goed liet fotograferen bij Logbi ermé Lk op 21 maart. Hij we rd later ni et teruggevonden. Eve nmin tw itchbaar, was een ko rtstondi g pl eisterende Dwerggors E p usilla bij Maaseik L op 24 maa rt. DANKZ EGG ING Deze waa rn emin gslij st kwa m tot stand met medewerkin g va n Koen Leysen, Philippe Smets, Dirk Symens (VLAVI CO), Will y Versc hueren (Linkeroever) en Frederik Will emyns (M ergus). De hulp va n al di egenen die (hun) waa rn emin gen meedeelden op de Belgisc he Dutch Bi rding-vogellijn (0 3-4 880 194) was hi er onontbeerlijk .

Gerald Driessens, Bosstraat 44, 2500 Lier, België

DB Actueel Lijstjes en getallen Eén va n de za ken die vee l vogelaars, en DBA-ers in het bij zo nder, boe it is het bijhouden van (rang) lij sten, of het nu gaat om een dag lij st, tuinlij st, gemeente-lij st, WP-lij st, Benelu x-lij st, ' Iife-li st' (ge hele we reld), Nederl and se lij st of wat voo r lij st dan ook. Hieronder vo lgt een overz icht va n enke le ontw ikkelingen op dit gebied in 199 1 en de eerste maanden va n 1992 . In 199 1 slaagden vrij we l all e fervente soortenj agers erin vier soo rte n aan hun Nederl and se lij st toe te voegen en we l, in chrono log isc he vol gorde, Kl eine Goudp levier P/uvialis fu/ va, G rote Kanoet Ca /idris tenuirostris, Canadese Kraanvoge l Gruscanadensis en Kl eineGeelpootruiter Tringa f/avipes. Door een kort verblijf in het buitenl and mi ste kop loper Klaas Ei genhui s echter op het nippertj e de Kl eine Geelpootruiter, waa rdo or achtervo lger (en voo rmali g nummer één) Gerard Steinh aus wee r langsz ij ko n komen. Samen voeren ze nu de lij st aa n met 375 soo rten. In de eerste v ier maanden va n 199 2 dienden zich enke le inhaal soorten aan di e v lak onder de kopl opers voo r eni ge ve rsc hui v in gen zo rgden. Bron skopeend Anas fa /ca ta, Sn eeuw uil Nyctea sca ndiaca, Ringsnavelmeeuw Larus de/awa rensis (s lechts voor diegenen die de voge l met zekerh eid bove n Nederl and s gron dgebi ed zage n v liegen!) en Roodstuitzwa luw Hirundo daurica leverden voo r 16 mensen u it de top 27 één of twee nieuwe soorten op; Wim va n der Schot was nog beter af met drie nieuwe

lDutch Birding 14: 119-120, juni 1992)

soorten. De top 10 zag er per 1 mei 1992 als vol gt uit (o nder voo rbehoud van behandelin g va n de waa rn emingen door de CDNA): na Kl aas en Gerard vo lgt Gerald O reel nog steeds met slechts één soo rt achterstand, een p lek die hij nu echter deelt met Edwa rd va n Ijzen doorn (+ 1) . Eugène va n der Burg (+1 ) steeg doo r z ijn eigen Sneeuw uil-ontdekkin g naar 373 en Pi eter Biso n (+2) passee rd e JooP Swaab en staat zesde met 372. Hans ter Haar (37 0), Jowi de Roever (370) en Jan va n der Laan (3 69) maken het 10-tal vo l. Het aanta l geregistreerde person en met min stens 35 0 soorten in Nederl and steeg tot c 30; met min stens 340 z ijn dat er nu bijn a 50. De hoogst gekl assee rde v rouw is A nj a N usse met 33 1 soorten. Voor de Benelu x behi eld Kl aas Ei genhui s z ijn leidende pos itie. Door toevoegin g va n het Hazelh oen Bonasa bo nasia in de A rd ennen staat hij nu op 382 soo rten (exclu sief de moge lijke Sierlij ke Stern Sterna e /ega ns va n Zeebru gge) . Gerard Steinh aus w ist naast het Hazelhoen ook de eerste Bl onde Tapuit Oenanthe hispanica va n België mee te pa kken en vo lgt nu met 379 soorten. Voor wat betreft de ' Ii fe-li st' is Jowi de Roeve r de onbetw iste Nederl and se kopl oper, met c 5200 soorten. O verigens z ijn er nu drie buitenl and se voge laars (waaronder een vrouw) met meer dan 7000 soorten. Gez ien het tegenvall ende aa ntal 'twitchbare' soo rten

11 9

DB Actueel was een pogin g om Aart Vinks jaarrecord uit 1990 (nu definiti ef op 292) in 199 1 te verbeteren tot mislukken gedoemd. Gerben van den Berg kwam desondanks tot 285 soorten en André van Kleunen tot één of twee soorten minder. Ook Ronaid Nuiver kwam tot ver in de 280. Wat ' Big Days' betreft was het animo in 1991 laag. Een landelijke poging op 19 mei door Max Berlijn , Tom Kompier, Teus Luijendijk en Arno ld Meijer kwam tot 158 soorten, twee onder het record. Een Big Day op de fiets binnen de gemeentegrenzen van Gron in gen leverde Bert en Sybrand de Bruin en Henk van der Jeugd op 14 mei 100 soorten op. De eerste Twentse vogel-race op 11 mei met versc hillende teams werd gewonnen door het fietsende team Ronaid Jansen, Embert Messelink, Arjen Poel mans en Remco Wester met 11 4 soorten. Het team Carl Derks en Paul Knolle kwam, gehandicapt door het ui tva llen van een z ieke med evogelaar, tot 108 soorten. Op 15 mei 1992 revancheerde de DBA-voorz itter z ich door met Ro lf de By en Ronaid Jansen een nieuw Twents record va n 118 soorten neer te zetten. In 1992 leverden landelijke pogingen op 16 mei respectievelijk 151 (Roy de Haas, Leo Heemskerk, Jan van der Laan en Willie Leurs) en 157 soorten op (Bert Pieterson, Jowi de Roever, Wim van der Sc hot). Van zes Katwijkse teams kwam het w innende team (G ij s va n der Bent, Bas van der Burg en Jaap Dijkhuizen) op 16 mei in en om de gemeente Katwijk tot 93 soorten. Binnen de gemeentegrenzen van Bloemendaal , Haa rl emmerl iede en Velsen kwam op dezelfde dag een fietsend team (Amon Gouw, Hans Groot, Ferdy Hiese la ar, Barry va n der Hoorn en Pim de Nobel) tot 125 soorten (exc lu sief geïntroduceerde soorten). Met dank aan Gerard Steinhaus en Leo Heemskerk voor het bijhouden va n de diverse (rang) lij sten. ENNO B EBELS

Ringsnavelmeeuw: een grensgeval Op 18 april 1992 ontdekten Dirk Moerbeek en meeuwenfanaticus Ted Hooge nd oo rn een ad ult-zomer Ringsnavelmeeuw Larus delawarensis nabij N ieuwmoer, A ntwerpe n, België. Dit is ongeveer op dezelfde plaats als waar z ich in 1987 een Franklins Meeuw L pipixcan op hield. Voor ve le Belgische voge laars was de Ringsnavelmeeuw (het tweede geva l voor België, cf Mergus 3: 91 -98, 1989) een langverwachte nieuwkomer op hun lij st. De topografische ken nis van de Nederl anders werd echter danig op de proef gesteld en ze moesten met lede ogen aanz ien hoe de voge l zich vele malen evenwi jdig aan de grens heen en weer bewoog zonde r deze te passeren. Gelu kkig loopt de Nederl andse grens in dit gebied in een soort punt uit in België. De Ringsnavelmeeuw vloog soms over deze punt naar een ander foeragee rgebied en op 19 april we rd hij er ze lfs even zittend in aangetroffen. Hierdoor wa ren er toch nog enkele gelukkige Nederlandse voge laars die hem op hun Nederlandse lijst konden bijschrijven, en kan Nederl and, indi en aan vaa rd , het tweede geva l va n een Ringsnavelmeeuw


optekenen. Het eerste geva l betrof een vogel in een ko lonie Stormmeeuwen L canus bij de Dinte lhaven, Europoort, Zuidho ll and, in juli 1986 (Dutch Bird ing 10: 20-23, 1988). MAX BERLIJN Rotszwaluw bij Trektelpost Breskens Na en ige tijd van slecht weer en verkeerde w ind voo r het observeren van trekvogels, brak op donderdag 14 mei 1992 een prac htige dag aan met zu idooste nwind en temperaturen van c 25°C. Daarom besloot een aantal voge laars waaro nder enkele Katwijkers in all e vroegte af te reizen naar de steeds beroemder wordende trektelpost te Breskens, Zee land (cf D utc h Birding 14: 72, 1992). Daar aangekomen werden ze eerst ontnuc hterd doordat er reeds een, inmiddels weggev logen, Kortteenleeuwerik Calandrella brachydactyla was gez ien. De teleu rstell i ng duurde echter niet lang want er trokken enorme aanta llen voge ls langs en tussen de 1000en langstrekkende Gier- Apus apus, Oever- Riparia riparia, Boeren- Hirundo rustica en Huiszwaluwen Oe/ichon urbica kwam opeens een Rotszwaluw Ptyonoprogne rupestris mee! De voge l passeerde dicht langs de waarneme rs en v loog direct door naar het noorden. Ondanks dat de dijk sma l is, moet je toch toevallig aan de 'juiste' z ijde staan om een snel langstrekkende voge l te z ien. Dat gelu k was dan ook maar voor negen van de c 20 aanwez ige vogelaars wegge legd. Deze Rotszwaluw betreft, indien aanvaard, het eerste geva l voor Nederland . RENÉ VAN ROSSUM Vrouwtje Cirlgors bij Trektelpost Breskens Op zaterdagmorgen 16 mei 1992 vo nd en Paul van Tuil en Erik Sanders even gelegen heid om wat bosjes ten westen van de Trektelpost Breskens, Zee land, af te zoeken . Daar vonden ze een 'tikkende' gors die een paar keer aan de grond kwam maar b ijn a onde r de naam 'Bosgors' de post passeerde. Een 12-tal tellers staakten acuut hun bezigheden om de ac htervo lging in te zetten, en met en ig succes, want twee keer liet de voge l z ich mooi maar kort bekijken. Eddy Nieuwstraten herkende als eerste de op het fietspad neergestreken voge l als een vrouwtje Cirl gors Emberiza cirlus, op grond van het ontbreken van helder geel, de sterk parallel gestreepte zi jkop en de grij sbru ine stuit. Ook de andere waarnemers konden voor deze determinatie direct enthousiast worden. De Ci rl gors verdween helaas snel uit het z icht, onder achterl ati ng van de wat beduusde voge laars die wat gezien hadden èn de zeer teleurgestelde mensen die ni ets gez ien hadden en ook geen herkansing kregen. Op 20 mei 1992 kon een kleine afvaardigin g va n 'verontruste' DBA-ers, dankzij snel camera-werk va n Jaap, ten huize van famili e van 't Hof de Cirl gors missc hien niet mooier, maar we l langduriger, op dia bekijken. Men achtte de kansen dat de voge l ook de strenge bli kke n va n de CDNA-Ieden sc hadevrij zou kunnen passeren vr ij groot. KLAAS J ErCENHurs

Aankondigingen & verzoeken nen noteren. Een groot aantal 'beschermers' is nodig om de kansen voor natuur en landschap in de provincie te kunnen grijpen. Het Zuidhollands Landschap doet dit door het aankopen van grote oppervlaktes grond voor de natuur en het geven van voorlichting. Het fraai geïllustreerde boek 'Landschappen in ZuidHolland' (winkelwaarde NLG 29.90) is een gezamenlijke uitgave van de SOU-uitgeverij en het provinciaal bestuur van Zuid holland, en geeft een boeiende beschrijving van alle landschappen in de provincie. Wilt u meer weten over Het Zuidhollands Landschap of wilt u ' beschermer' worden, bel dan 010-4135045.

Association for 8ird Protection At the end of 1991 , the Association for Bird Protection ABP was founded in Cracow, Poland, by several colleges and scientific institutions together with students and graduates of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. The ABP is an independant, non-government organization, aimed at the protection of wild birds, mainly by means of protecting the habitats that birds live in. The ABP accomplishes its goal by: 7 carrying out research in biotopes important for birds; 2 exacting the rules concerning protection of birds and their biotopes; 3 influencing the development of new environmental protection laws; 4 repurchasing or leasing areas of the greatest importance for bird protection; 5 collaboration, co-ordination and exchanging experience with other ecological organizations and environment protection institutions; and 6 general and biological education, promotion of knowledge on birds, their threats and their protection. ABP is a non-commercial organization depending largelyon volunteers and is financed by its own business activities, sponsors and membership fees. The effectiveness of our actions depends to a great extent on how weil our actions are co-ordinated with those of other bird-protecting organizations in Europe. Therefore, we would like to join your efforts and to take part and work in your projects, especially those based on simultaneous actions in vast areas. We are open to all kinds of co-operation. Persons and organizations willing to join us in our efforts to solve bird-protection problems in our region are welcomed. We also will appreciate any financial support. For more information on the ABP and on how to volunteer in several research projects (incIuding bird ringing) in Poland, please contact: Association for Bird Protection, ui Spóldzielców 17/8, 30-682 Cracow, Poland .

Request for reprints on owls In 1975 the National Wildlife Federation published: Clark, R J, Smith, 0 G & Kelso, L H 1975. Working bib/iography of ow/s of the world: with summaries of current taxonomy and distributiona/ status. Natl Wildl Fed Sci Tech Ser 1, 319 pp. Currently, Richard J Clark and 0 G Smith are revising the above for a much expanded second edition. Authors of articles or other publications dealing with owls and wishing them to be listed in the second edition of a Working bibliography of ow/s of the wor/d are asked to send reprints t~: Richard J Clark, The Owl Bibliography, c/o Oepartment of Biology, Vork College of Pennsylvania, Vork, PA 17405-7199, USA. Zeetrekpost Hondsbossche Zeewering Op de plaats van het oude 'Paviljoen Minkema', bij de Campernol aan de zuidzijde van de Hondsbossche Zeewering nabij Camperduin, Noordholland, is dankzij inspanningen van de VWG Alkmaar door het Hoogheemraadschap een permanente waarnemingspost voor zeetrekwaarnemers gebouwd . Vanaf de Hondsbossche Zeewering wordt al bijna 20 jaar intensief zeetrek geteld en ook tegenwoordig is de post bijna dagelijks bemand. Voor het zien van veel echte zeevogels in de herfst of van sterke trek van eenden en steltlopers in het voorjaar is de post bij Camperduin één van de beste locaties in ons land. In de nieuwe post wordt plaats geboden aan ten hoogste een 10-tal waarnemers en belangstellenden zijn welkom.

'landschappen in Zuid-Holland' Iedereen die zich in de periode tussen 1 mei en 1 oktober 1992 opgeeft als lid van de 'Stichting Het Zuidhollands Landschap' krijgt het boek 'Landschappen in Zuid-Holland' gratis. Het Zuidhollands Landschap verwacht door deze actie voor 1 oktober 1992 de vijftigduizendste ' beschermer' te kun-

JA, ik word Beschermer van het

Dappere Dodo! Uitgestorven, door toedoen van de mens. Dat nooit meer l Het Zuidhollands Landschap probeert door aankoop van natuurgebieden in uw eigen omgeving bijzondere planten en dieren te behouden. Iedereen die nu Beschermer wordt, krijgt het schitterende boek " Landschappen in Zuid-Holland " (winkelwaarde f 29,90) GRATIS.

Zuidhollands Landschap I (min. contributie f 30,- p.j.); ik wacht uw acceptgiro af en I ontvang na betaling het I welkomstpakket en het boek. I Naam I Straat I

~: ~::d"•. • •• • • •••••••• • • • •

NATUURLIJK DOEN. Knip de bon uit en stuur hem ongefrankeerd naar: Het Zuidhollands Landschap, Antwoordnummer 646, 3000 WB Rotterdam. Voor info of aanmelding bel 010-4135045.



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Tweemaandelijks tijdschrift voor elke fervente vogelaar

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~" . ~.:,:,._ Dit prachtige T-shirt is voor een speciale actie in samenwerking met de LC.B.P. -":". voor het behoud van belangrijke vogel gebieden in Spanje. Tien gulden van de verkoopprijs gaat rechtstreeks naar de Spaanse vogelbescherming voor de ondersteuning van ĂŠĂŠn van de meest bedreigde biotopen in Europa. Want op dit moment worden Europese landbouwsubsidies aangewend voor de "ontginning" van de Spaanse steppen en hebben een verdere verdringing tot gevolg van de wereldwijd bedreigde Grote en Kleine Trap en Kleine Torenvalk, van de Griel, Duponts Leeuwerik en vele andere soorten. Wie in de toekomst deze prachtige vogels nog in hun natuurlijke biotoop wil zien koopt nu dit fraaie T-shirt. U kunt het bestellen door f 24,95 + f 4,50 verzendkosten over te maken op giro 1882523 t.n.v. Vogelbescherming Zeist onder vermelding van T-shirt Griel en maat (M, L, XL). Meer over de achtergronden van deze unieke beschermingsactie leest u in het julinummer van VOGELS (overal ook los verkrijgbaar).


Address Dutch Birding, Postbus 75611, 1070 AP Amsterdam, Netherlands Editorial secretariat Arnoud van den Berg (+31-23378024) and Gerald Oreel (+31-251870992, fax +31-20580 3266) Editors Arnoud van den Berg, Tom van der Have, Ferdy Hieselaar, Graham Holloway, André van Loon, Gerald Oreel and Frank Rozendaal Photographic editor René Pop, Floris Burgwal 54, 2907 PH Capelle aan den IJssel , Netherlands (+31-104508879) ConsuIting editors Christine Barthel, Peter Barthel, Enno Ebels, Klaas Eigenhuis, Dick Forsman, Ted Hoogendoorn, Killian Mullarney, Hans 5chekkerman, Hadoram Shirihai and Peter Symens Editorial assistants Ruud van Dongen, Gerald Driessens, Hans Gebuis, Hans van der Meulen and Peter de Rouw Production and lay-out André van Loon (+31-206997585) and René van Rossum Advertising Peter Meijer (+313480-31905) Subscriptions 1992: NLG 52.50 (Netherlands) or BEF 1000 (Belgium) annually; NLG 60.00 (oth er countries in side Europe) and NLG 65.00 (countries outside Europe). Giro account (Netherl ands) 01 50 697; giro account (Belgium) 000 1592468 19; bank account 54 93 30 348 of ABN-AMRO (Amsterdam). Accounts are in name of Dutch Birding Association, Postbus 75611,1070 AP Amsterdam, Netherlands. Payment maya lso be made by credit card (Access, Eurocard, MasterCard or Visa). Please indicate account number and expiry date and append signature . Note: This method of payment is not applicable to subscribers resident in the Netherlands and Bel gium . For subscriptions, information and changes of address, please write to: Dutch Birding, Postbus 75611, 1070 AP Amsterdam, Netherlands. Dutch Birding is a bimonthly journal with issues in February, April, June, August, October and December. It publishes articles and notes on morphology, systematics, occurrence and distribution of birds in the Benelux, Europe and elsewhere in the Palearctic region. It also publishes contributions on birds in the Asian-Pac ific region. Manuscripts shou ld be typewritten with double line-spacing and wide margins on both si des. Word-processed manuscripts can also be submitted, either in Macintosh or MS-DOS format. More information is avai lable from the editorial secretariat. A schedu le of payment rates for authors, photographers and artists is avai lable from th e editorial secreta ri at.


_D_u_t_c_h_B_ir_d_i_n-=g_A_ss_o_c_i_a_ti_o_n__________ NU~,~~~~gN Address Dutch Birding Association, Postbus 75611, 1070 AP Amsterdam, Netherl ands

Dutch Birdin g Association is sponsored by Nuts-Aegon Ziektekosten NV

Board Paul KnolI e (president), Enno Ebels (secretary), Arnold Veen (treasurer), Arnoud van den Berg, Roy de Haas, Peter Meijer and Gera ld Oreel Board assistants Gerald Driessens, Ron van den Enden, Leo Heemskerk, Ferry Ossendorp, Wim va n der Schot, Kees Tiemstra, Dieuwke va n der Veen and Peter van der Wolf Travel-reports service Dirk de Moes, Postbus 94, 3956 ZS Leersum, Netherlands (+31-343457501)

Dutch Rarities Committee Address CDNA, Postbus 45, 2080 AA Santpoort-Zuid, Netherlands Members Arnoud van den Berg (c hairman), Pieter Bison (secretary +31-206715783), Ro lf de By (arch iv ist), Cock Reijnders, Kees Rose laa r, Hans Schekkerman and Gerard Steinhaus © 1992 Stichting Dutch Birding Association. Th e copyright of the photographs and drawin gs remains with the photographers and artists. ISSN 0167-2878.

Printed by Albédon/Klop BV, Postbus 32 11 ,2220 CE Katw ijk, Netherlands



Jaargang 14 nummer 3 juni 1992 Volume 14 number 3 june 1992 Artikelen 73 Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1990 Arnoud B van den Berg, Rolf A de By & CDNA 91 Taxonomie status of ye ll ow-Iegged Herring Gu ll s in eastern Baltic Pranas Mierauskas & Edmundas Greimas Birds in the CIS 95 Birds of steppes and d eserts Algirdas j Knystautas Mededelingen 99 Egyptian Plover in Poland in October-November 1991 Marek Zielinski 100 Etymology of spec ifi c epithet 'mei ba' Klaas j Eigenhuis & joop Swaab Brieven 100 At lantic Petrel in the Western Palearctic W R PBourne ICBP news 102 Conservation expeditions successes jonathan Eames Mystery photographs 103 Mystery photograph 46: Solitary Sandpiper Colin Bradshaw Asian-Pacific birds 104 Selangor Intern ation a l Bird Race Arnoud B van den Berg & Cecilia A WBosman Recensies

107 Atlas des oiseaux de France en hiver by D Yeatman-Berthe lot André j van Loon 107 Geïllustreerde encyclopedie van de vogels - een compleet overzicht van alle vogelsoorten van de wereld door C M Perrins (redactie, in samenwerking met ICBP) André j van Loon 108 A dictionary of scientific bird names by J A Jobling André j van Loon 109 Conserving migratory birds by T Salathé (ed itor) Tom M van der Ha ve CDNA-mededelingen 109 Roodkeelpieper en Roodmus niet langer beoordeeld door CDNA DBA-nieuws 110 Nieuwe Dutch Birding-telefoonlijst; Jagers-gids; Nog enke le plaatsen vrij op pelagic trips; N ieuwe rekeningnummers; New accounts Recent WP reports 110 Recent WP reports: March -Ap ril 1992 Arnoud B van den Berg Recente meldingen 114 Nederl and: maart en apri l 1992 Ruud M van Dongen, Hans Gebuis & Peter WW de Rouw 117 België: maart en april 1992 Gerald Driessens DB Actueel 119 Lijstjes en getal len; Ringsnavelmeeuw: een grensgeval; Rotszwaluw bij Trektelpost Breskens; Vrouwtje Cirlgors b ij Trektelpost Breskens


Aankondigingen & verzoeken Association for Bird Protection; 'Landschappen in Zuid-Holland'; Request for reprints on ow ls; Zeetrekpost Hondsbossche Zeewering

Voorp laat: Roodmus Carpodacus erythrinus, Ga lj ootweg, A lmere, Flevoland, 22 mei 1990 (Hans Gebuis) Front cover: Scarlet Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus, Ga lj ootweg, Almere, Flevoland, 22 May 1990 (Hans Gebu is)

Abstracted/indexed in: Auk, Ecological Abstracts, Emu, GEOBASE (Geo Abstracts Database), Ibis, Wildlife Review, Zoo logica l Record

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