Charles Duval Information Design
Creative Brief
Designed by Charles Duval
Obstacles: Research high levels of stats , allow content to
American Student Assistance has a public service mission
have easy cognitive response, make it creative with an
to help college loan consumers in the communities
educational and affirmative tone.
we serve make informed decisions regarding higher education financing. We reach the community through
Key Benefits: Help students, loan consumers, and other
public-purpose projects and partnerships with organiza-
persons who need loans for educational purposes inform
tions that share our vision for student loan borrower
success . We’re here to help. Tone: Educational, Statistical , Visual, and Data Visual Concept: Design an infographic that will aid in the education of college students, and loan consumers to understand the bigger picture in education financing. The data will be delivered in a way that’s easy to understand , and help with better decisions when thinking about student financial aid, and how it effects you and the economy.
Media: The media will be mainly focused for an oversize print poster and available on the website for view, and download. The poster can be given to students when seeking finanical aid , or available in classrooms around the country.
Deliverable: Full oversize print 24 x 42 in
Designed by Charles Duval
Designed by Charles Duval
Designed by Charles Duval
Ideation - 2
Designed by Charles Duval
Designed by Charles Duval
For most of the content the American Student Assistance,
The Tables contained multiple levels of data that seemd to be pretty,
and from The National Center Education Statistics. I found
extensive. It was nice since you could download the .csv file and get the
lots of collected data from student characteristics, demographics,
tables directly into illustrator. However adobe could not handle extreme data.
As tuition costs continue to rise and students take on more debt, some policy experts say another taxpayer bailout of a teetering government-subsidized program -- the massive student loan industry -- is all but certain.
Of the $864B in outstanding student loan debt, approximately $85 billion is past due.
How much do
Americans borrow?
This should help you understand the big picture view of how student debt continues to grow exponentially. As well as explore the current problems we face today.
in total outstanding student loan debt in the United States today.
20 million
of the borrowers are under the age of 30.
Americans attend college each year.
in outstanding federal loan debt .
Of that 20 million 60% (11million) need to pull out loans in order to help cover costs for school.
Nearly 30% of college student who took out loans dropped out of school, up from fewer than a quarter of students a decade ago.
Amount Borrowed
Q1 for 2012
(In Millions)
There are approximately 37 million student loan borrowers with outstanding student loans today. million (Source: Federal Reserve Board of New York )
is in private student loans which are not made or backed by the federal government
Two out of five student loan borrows are delinquent at some point in the first five years .)
$12 $9
Age Groups
Over 60 group 50-59 group
40-49 group
Under 30 age group
30-39 group
As of Quarter 1 in 2012, the average student loan balance for all age groups is $24,301. About one-quarter of borrowers owe more than $28,000; 10% of borrowers owe more than $54,000; 3% owe more than $100,000; and less than 1%, or 167,000 people, owe more than $200,000. (Source: FRBNY)
Why do they struggle?
Of those under 35 have more than $5000 in personal debt.
50% of 25-34 year-olds say they’re unemployed or under-employed.
80% say it has become harder to make ends meet over the past four years.
Who Borrows?
Among All 2007-08 Bachelor’s Degree Receipents
Among All 2007-08 Associate’s Degree Receipents
Among All 2007-08 Who Earned Graduate Degrees
98% - of associate’s degree recipients at private for-profit institutions borrowed. 38% - of associate’s degree recipients at public institutions borrowed. 30% - of certificate recipients at public institutions borrowed. 90% - of certificate recipients at private for-profit institutions borrowed.
62% - at public four - year institutions borrowed. 66% - graduated with some education debt 72% - at private nonprofit four - year institutions borrowed 96% - at private for-profit institutions borrowed
5% - had borrowed between $60,000 and $79,999. 7% - had borrowed between $80,000 or more for graduate school. 14% - had undergraduate debt but no graduate school debt. 26% - had no education debt at all.
(Student Characteristics)
Percentage distribution receiving various types of financial aid packages, by student characteristics: 2011–12
All undergraduates Total Attendance pattern Full-time/full-year Part-time/part-year Dependency status Dependent Independent Dependent student income Less than $30,000 $30,000–105,999 $106,000 or more Independent student income Less than $20,000 $20,000 or more Full-time/full-year undergraduates Total Dependency status Dependent Independent Dependent student income Less than $30,000 $30,000–105,999 $106,000 or more Independent student income Less than $20,000 $20,000 or more
Student loans only
Grants or any other aid with student loans
Grants or any other aid except student loans
No financial aid
Designed by Charles Duval