My name is Sanju.
My family is
To live by we raised cows and made small things for tourists out of bamboo. But no matter how hard he tried, my father was always in
When I was 11, my father told me I had to go to work. I had to leave with a man who took me to a carpet factory.
The broker who took me away got paid, but he never gave my father anything.
I made
from 4 in the morning till 8 at night. There was never a day off.
I cut my fingers while weaving, and had to cut with weave fingers. My hands started to look like my grandmother’s.
Two years ago, a Goodweave agent found me. When I first saw him, I was scared.
But he told me that
was going to be okay.
I was sent to school, where I learned how to read, write and draw.
I was the
in my family to ever go to school.
This article was designed by Duyen Luu Hai for Voice in Spring 2015 and printed using Xerox Color Color printer. Text is taken from