Grace Hill Water Tower Hub: Wayfinding & Communication

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H2O Group







PREFACE This process book is a documentation of the design process that led to a wayfinding and communication piece solutions for Grace Hill Settlement House. Originally established in 1903 by the Episcopal Diocese to provide a “comprehensive and coordinated complement of services and resources to immigrant populations,” Grace Hill was established as part of a greater settlement house movement. In 2015 their mission has shifted to becoming a “social service provider, builder of systems that create lasting change, and leader in comprehensive family support.”

the team

Our main contact at Grace Hill was Paul Sorensen, Director of Strategic Communications & Planning. We also spoke to Claire Wolff, Director of Community Development to gain insight to how Grace Hill was affecting change in the community


“We don’t call them clients. We call them neighbors. But really, we are talking about neighbors in the community, Head Start kids, and seniors--this group of people that we work with.”





INTRO TO WATER TOWER HUB Launched in 2011, the Water Tower Hub is located on 2125 Bissel St in the old College Hill neighborhood. Based on our conversations, and the secondary research conducted (through their website, and marketing material,) a hub for “comprehensive educational, social and economic change.� One of the things that Paul talked about during our initial meeting was their theory of change. This theory posited that it required three things to occur in order for Grace Hill to have an optimal impact on their neighbors. These three things are educational development, economic/professional development and community development. Grace Hill Water Tower Hub houses several programs that fit within these three categories. Early Head Start and Head Start programs target educational development for children from the ages of 0-3 and 3-5. These programs promote school readiness and positive parent-child relationships. Family Resources & Support and Business development fit under the economic/professional development arm. And likewise, Community Building type services fit into the community development arm. As we will talk about later in this process book, categorizing services (both Grace Hill and non-Grace Hill) housed in Water Tower Hub into these three groups will play a big role into our wayfinding solution.



INITIAL RESEARCH • We had the chance to talk to one of our contacts, Claire

focus on skills-based classes meant to allow users to

Wolff, Director of Community Development in person. She

start their own businesses, or become competitive in

subsequently sent us a series of surveys that clarified

their current line of work.

what Grace Hill users are experiencing now, and areas where they would like see improved.

• A majority (61%) of surveyed users indicated that they currently need information on job training/vo-

• Over half (51%) of the surveyed Grace Hill users is on food stamps (TouchPoint Family Assessment Results, p31). The

cational school/higher education classes in the community (TouchPoint Family Assessment Results, p41).

Material Assistance program was mentioned during our conversation with Claire, yet we weren’t able to find a lot of public signage/flyers that during our visits.

• To conclude it seems like the two big programs that our solutions— both communicative and wayfinding— are Material Assistance, and the skills-based

• Concerns for Grace Hill user families include Budgeting, Credit Counseling, Debt Relief, and Inadequate Income

programs both inhouse (Neighborhood College) and third-party (Connections).

(TouchPoint Family Assessment Results, p51). The Working Families Success Network model addresses these concerns. One of the unique offerings about Grace Hill that we didn’t really see in our Competitor Research is the






(What we already know)

(What we want to know)

(How we find out)

(What we learn)

BUDGET Wayfinding budget is $1000 Affinia will actually consider implementing our idea

HOW DO PEOPLE FIND OUT ABOUT GRACE HILL? Do people find out about Grace Hill through word of mouth? What’s their marketing strategy toward to users (not donors)?

OBSERVATIONAL NOTE-TAKING How do users interact with the space at Grace Hill?

NAME CONFUSION There are two buildings right next to each other with similar names: Grace Hill Water Tower Hub (our client) and Grace Hill Water Tower Health Center. On their joint website, they call themselves “sister nonprofits.”

WHAT’S THE DEMOGRAPHICS OF THE VISITORS? Can we identify them based on their specific needs (personas)?

SURVEYS & INTERVIEW USERS Survey people about their opinions on: Grace Hill programs Infrastructure/ Navigation Identity Confusion, etc.

UNCLEAR INFORMATION (EXTERIOR) On the outside, Grace Hill Water Tower Hub only has 2 signage. One of them is smaller and placed near the road; the other is placed right outside the main entrance and is not updated (some organizations listed on this sign are no longer in the building). The Credit Union poster is covered by bush. Water Tower Health Center, on the other end, has huge sign on one side of its building, thus overpowers Water Tower Hub. DISCONNECTION WITH CREDIT UNION About 60% of the people came to the building for Credit Union and most of them have nothing to do with Grace Hill. CONFUSING NAVIGATION WITHIN THE BUILDING (INTERIOR) Elevator is the main method of travelling within the building, but it’s not the first thing you see when entering from the main entrance. Instead, the staircase is more obvious but is only for staff for security reasons.

HOW DOES GRACE HILL MANAGE THEIR PROGRAMS? What is the relationship between Grace Hill programs and non-Grace Hill program? Do they work togther at all? What is the relationship among Grace Hill programs? Is there a design opportunity to either connect these programs visually or totally separate them? WHAT IS THE MOST AND LEAST POPULAR PROGRAMS? For example, if Credit Union is the most popular office on the first floor, is there an opportunity to better highlight its presence? (Right now the sign is covered) Is there other programs that need better visual presence? WHAT DO PEOPLE THINK OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE? Do people find it confusing? What are the decision-making points? WHAT DO PEOPLE THINK OF THE GRACE HILL NAME? Do people in the area know that Grace Hill and Affinia are two separate organizations? HOW DOES AFFINIA HANDLE THE NAME CONFUSION? Are there any promotional materials for Grace Hill and Affinia? Do people come to Affinia and ask for Grace Hill at all? WAITING TIME FOR ELEVATOR We think the elevator is a bit slow. Is there any opportunity to have a signage or a map to educate people about the building/ programs? How often is the elevator used? How do we drive people to the elevator (Since it’s supposed to be the main method of travel)?

CONFUSING SIGNAGE (INTERIOR) WHERE DO PEOPLE GATHER TO BOND? The only navigation sign on the 3rd floor is misleading. Although It’s right across the hall from the elevator, it uses the left arrow to point to Identify places nearby where people in the community gather to bond. What make that place a hub that people want to go to? Those places could be opportunities for Grace Hill materials. How does Grace Hill start to rethink their programs the elevator. to become a hub like that? ATMOSPHERE (INTERIOR) DESIGN FOR HANDICAPPED PEOPLE Uninviting, sterie and clinical atmosphere throughout the building How do we design for handicapped and people with normal-height? How can we make the space more welcoming to since there is not poster or decoration like Patch. handicapped people? DISORGANIZATION OF INFORMATION (INTERIOR) DISORGANIZATION OF INFORMATION There is a disorganization of information put on the information table The information table and bulletin board are opportunities to teach people about Grace Hill. Can there also be some and bulletin board. The communication of these materials is not kinds of landmarks there? (a 2-in-1 piece?) strong: people don’t know where to look. PROGRAMS OFFERED PROGRAMS OFFERED Some non-Grace Hill organizations rented the space. How do we distinguish them from Grace Hill organizations The building offers both Grace Hill (HeadStart, Women Business visually? Center) and non-Grace Hill programs (Credit Union, GateWay 180, Dress for Success and Connection to Success). HEADSTART DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP LOCATION HeadStart parents pick up and drop off their kids at the HeadStart program entrance which is on the side of the building. There is no clear signage to indicate this. People who have never used the program will enter the building through the main entrance and won’t be able to see any trace of HeadStart or a navigation to where the program is.

HEADSTART DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP LOCATION Around the whole building, we need to inform people about where to go, whether they are going to HeadStart or Credit Union, etc. This could be other wayfinding piece. HOW DOES PEOPLE USE THE TABLE & BULLETIN BOARD? Do people look at these things at all? How is it organized now? COMPETITORS STUDY How have other organization/ space solved wayfinding issue, with problem similar and different to the ones we are looking at? Also how “opposite” organizations deal with this issue (think community centers of wealthier areas)? GRACE HILL BRANDING We need access to their branding materials and guidelines, including legal use of typefaces.

A quick Google search on ‘community centers in St. Louis’ yielded several results. Some were more recreational, others were more high-end (ex. Clayton Center). Clear competitors to Grace Hill were places like YMCA and Ronald McDonald House.

INTERVIEW PAUL SORENSON About how Grace Hill markets their programs (i.e. do they have information about Grace Hill programming at various locations in the neighborhood or how do they reach new potentital users?)

Grace Hill is part of a consortium of Greater St. Louis Federation of Settlement Houses and Neighborhood Centers. Clearly they collaborate with each other in the united mission to “support communities so that... they are strengthened.” We could research some of these other organizations and learn from their strengths and weaknesses. Organizations include: Guardian Angel, Kingdom House, Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House, Neighborhood Houses, Wesley House Association, Youth and Family Center.

SECONDARY RESEARCH Gather demographics of neighborhood, understand the surrounding area better. This firm has done cool things with environmental graphics for community centers

LITERATURE REVIEW How to design for handicapped people Wayfinding inside and outside a building, especially community centers How to design wayfinding for kids One interesting thing we can explore would be Wayfinding for Children. Especially since Grace Hill also caters to young kids. We can be a lot more experimental and have fun in this space

INTERVIEW RECEPTIONIST Interview the receptionist about users and their issues with navigation as well as Affinia-Grace Hill identity confusion

COMPETITORS STUDY How do other organizations solve the wayfidning problem? VISIT AFFINIA In order to find out if there is an identity confusion at Affinia and how they deal with that. VISIT SIMILAR ORGANIZATIONS YMCA, Ronald McDonald, St. Patrick Center VISIT GRACE HILL NEIGHBORHOOD HOTSPOTS St. Louis Church of God; St. Louis Public Library; St. Paul’s Lutheran Church; Family Dollar; North Grand Currency Exchange; Elementary School; Fresno’s Diner VISIT THE OPPOSITES Go to the opposite of small neighborhood community center: richer neighborhood community centers (ie rec center) and see if we can pick an idea from there and recontextualize to apply on Grace Hill Demographics of Old North. Key stat: 22% of houses (more than 1 in 5) are vacant.

RESEARCH TOOLS We started the project with a KWHL table to chart out what we knew, what we wanted to know and how we would find out information that would help guide our design decisions. For this project we used a KWHL table, a Research Logic Model and two different 5E models (one for pre-solution and the other for post-solution) and personas to help organize our thoughts and insights.


“We’re missing an opportunity if we aren’t working with the parents who are in this very building every day picking up their kids.” CLAIRE WOLFF, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT








Gain a better understanding of the neighborhood

Establish contacts with people at Water Tower Hub

Gain better understanding of topic.

Grace Hill is in and the different kinds of users

and designers with experience related to wayfinding/ map design.

Gather demographics of Water Tower Hub n

Peni Acayo, Paul Sorenson (314-584-6845 orpsoren-

Areas of focus: way-finding, map design, interior de-

eighborhood and Grace Hill users. Visit and ex-, Kelly Laura - interim VP sign. Gathering case studies of wayfinding systems

plore the website, and read the annual report.

of Family & Community Advancement (314-584-6895

and the specific research processes behind them.

or, co-workers, the

Specifically can also look into way-finding systems

receptionist, volunteers.

for kids.

Demographic data from surveys done by Grace

We got people’s emails, and phone numbers. Sched-

Learned about history of settlement houses, did visu-

Hill, qualitative comments from talking to Paul and

uled a meeting with Engraphix, and got price quotes

al research of various different wayfinding examples.

Claire, general thoughts about what Grace Hill


staff and users think is currently lacking currently


“We had a leadership class in here today. So, if the Head Start parents are looking to strengthen the community work and get more involved in their neighborhood, then the parents would come to the classes.” CLAIRE WOLFF, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT

“We want to listen to people and respond.”” CLAIRE WOLFF, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT






Gather insights from visitors and employees (us-

Organize and visualize research.

Understand the area, visitors, and attitudes about the

ers) who use the space to better inform our de-

Watertower Hub.

sign-decision making.

Observe visitors (from the outside and inside) that


Intercept visitors and employees (users) and ask

Build 5E Experience Model; Data Vizualization;

enter the building; conduct interviews (Talk to Paul

them about their opinions on Grace Hill programs,

KWHL Table

and/or the receptionist); take photographs

Understood how people used the space as is,

User’s Journey Map that informed our design

Became familiar with the Water Tower Hub space so

and where the bottlenecks and opportunities

solution decisions

that we can better design for it.

spaces, navigation, etc.


for design are.





We looked toward architectural magazines for visual inspiration both in

Personas are fabricated people built from data collected during research,

Having visited the sites several times we decided it would be best to create a

terms of form and materials. We were also inspired by our initial exercise,

interviews and observation, that allow us to better design with an end user

comprehensive 5E journey chart that allowed us to identify opportunities for

a visit to Hillman Hall on the Washington University campus.

in mind. We came up with three personas: Alicia, John and Rodney.

design to change behavior for the better. Parking and organization of data are just two of the insights we got from this research model tool.

We did a site visit to Engraphix, a leading signage manufacturer here in St. Louis to learn more about what was feasible, especially with the budget we had.


GETTING TO THE PROBLEM... We conducted nterviews, site visits and built personas, and through our research model tools were able to come up with two key problem statements, and answered them with our solutions. 1. How do we better communicate the different services offered at Grace Hill? 2. How might we encourage neighbors to use the space as a community hub?



Driving to Grace Hill from South of N Florissant

Driving to Grace Hill from North of N Florissant

See no indication that this is Grace Hill building, only see Affinia’s sign.

Notice “Grace Hill Head Start Water Tower” sign on grass. Head Start banner on the fence is difficult to see.

Current signs indicating which entrace to Head Start, which to offices are inefficient or lacking.

Park in Head Start parking lot

Don’t know where to park, end up parking in Affinia’s lot See the directory sign in front of the main entrance (many listed offices are no longer in the building)

People park in the wrong spots, causing problems during drop-off and pick-up hours.

Walk through the 1st door

Walk through the 1st door

See bulletin board contains a lot of information, and is unorganized.

No sign indicate the front entrance of Head Start

Walk through the 2nd door

Walk through the 2nd door

Have to sign-in with receptionist. No sign pointing to credit union and other offices, elevator and restroom.

Have to sign-in with receptionist. No sign pointing to elevator and restroom.

Credit Union is not open, has to wait in the lobby

Wait for children to come out of class Looking for Dress to Success or Connection to Success offices

Waiting area is empty and clinicallooking. Has nothing to read or do while waiting. Information table has too many things

Looking for Material Assistance, classrooms, Grace Hill offices,etc.

Waiting area is small. Information table has too many things. Very little information on other programs and classes offered.

Credit Union is open, has to find way to get there

Ask receptionist

Notice staircase, finds out it’s only for staff

Ask receptionist

Notice staircase, finds out it’s only for staff Turn right

Turn right See double door and elevator, but no idea where to go

See double door and elevator, but no idea where to go

Notice staircase, finds out it’s only for staff

Ask receptionist Use elevator No directory sign near elevator

Turn right See double door and elevator, but no idea where to go Use elevator No directory sign on elevator, don’t know which floor to go

See trailblazer on 3rd floor but is misleading, floor looks uninviting

Credit Union

Dress to Success Connection to Success

Other Offices (3rd Floor)

Head Start


Driving to Grace Hill from South of N Florissant

Driving to Grace Hill from North of N Florissant

See parking sign on pole, mural on wall, and Grace Hill flag

See Grace Hill sign on fence, mural on wall, and parking sign

Drive into Head Start parking lot, look for Head Start

Park in Dollar Store’s parking lot, look for offices See the directory sign in front of the main entrance, understand what offices are in the building

Sign shows people where to park (Only pick-up and drop -off cars are allowed to park next to the entrance)

Walk through the 1st door

Park in the right spot

See orientation sign that explains the 3 pillars: educational, professional and community development

Painted sign indicate the front entrance of Head Start.

Walk through the 2nd door

Walk through the 1st door

Have to sign-in with receptionist. See directional arrows below receptionist’s desk pointing to Credit Union& others

See directory, orientation sign that explains the 3 pillars: educational, professional and community development Walk through the 2nd door

Credit Union is not open, has to wait in the lobby

Have to sign-in with receptionist. Directional plague pointing to elevator and restroom.

Redesigned waiting area is inviting and cozy. People can read the zine, “Humans of Grace Hill” wall view event calendar. To sign up for events, they would use the display case. They can also read the building map while waiting.

Wait for children to come out of class

Ask receptionist about an event or program Looking for Material Assistance, classrooms, Grace Hill offices,etc.

Receptionist will hand out brochure, tshirt, or zine or explain that program.

Looking for Dress to Success or Connection to Success offices

Credit Union is open, has to find way to get there

See directional plague,walk up to it

Ask receptionist Use elevator

Ask receptionist

See directional plague,walk up to it

Ask receptionist

See directional plague,walk up to it

Credit Union

Read directory sign next to elevator

Turn right See directional signs on top of double door and elevator

Head Start parents get welcome package that includes info about other programs and classes offered

Use elevator Turn right

Turn right See double door and more directional signs to Credit Union

Can read about events and sign up on the display case.

See double door and more directional signs to Credit Union

Dress to Success Connection to Success

Read directory sign next to elevator, know to go to 3rd floor

See directional sign on 3rd floor, follow arrows to final location.

Other Offices (3rd Floor)

Head Start




THE BIG THEMES OF OUR SOLUTION We answered the problem statements with our solution pieces. Our pieces involved: • categorization of services housed in the building into three clear groups • visibility of key services (i.e Material Assistance) • greater emphasis on “neighbors” through communicative materials • affordable, quality and consistent solutions




There are minimal markers of Grace Hill’s existence in the exterior. There is a confusion with communicating where parking spots are.

SOLUTIONS • • • • • • •

Parking Lot Signs Fence Banner Building ID Cement Entryway Watertower Hub Directory Flag Banner Logo Mural






















There needs to be a differentiation between the Grace Hill (front) entrance and the Head Start (back) entrance.

SOLUTIONS • • • • •

Head Start painted wall Pickup/Dropoff Signs Head Start Parking Sign Head Start Directory Overflow Parking Sign











GH’s social services needs to be presented in the three categories of “children dev, professional dev and community dev”

SOLUTIONS • • • • •

Operational Hours & Rules Orientation Piece Directional Sign Welcome Package Map










We need to unify wayfinding pieces in order for neighbors to feel like they can use the space as a community hub.

SOLUTIONS • • • • • • •

Event Calendar Display Case Directional Signs for 1F and 3F Neighbour’s Faces Wall Floor Directory Room Numbers Bathroom Signs










COST STUDY Our budget for this project was $1000. Through our cost studies and visits to Engraphix, a local architectural signage company, we discovered that a lot of this stuff is actually quite expensive. Exterior pieces required permits to be obtained and engineers to come in and survey the site. We made a basic package that we all felt would solve our problem statements to a degree. Ideally all these pieces would work together in order to help neighbors use Grace Hill as more of a community hub than they are now.

BASIC PACKAGE 1. Flag Banner on Exterior Side of Face ~ $70 2. Water Tower Hub Directory ~ $370 3. Fence Banner facing N Florissant ~ $120 4. Event Calendar (cheaper alternative) ~ $30 5. Directional Signs 1F and 3F ~ $360 6. Map in the Waiting Area ~ $365 7. Display Case (cheaper alternative) ~ $67

total: $ 1,382

($382 over budget)


Price: $70.00

Price: $295.00 Installation: $75.00


Price: $120.00

Price: $490.00 (total) Installation: $250.00

Alternatively we can buy chalkboard paint for half of the wall and get the price down to $30 for paint.


Price: $130.00 Installation: $50.00

Price: $130.00 Installation: $50.00


Price: $290.00 Installation: $75.00

Price: $566.00 Installation: $75.00

Alternatively we can buy corkboards and bins off of Amazon and build this for $67




Price: $125.00 Installation: $50.00

Price: $100.00 Installation: $50.00


Price: $125.00 Installation: $50.00

Price: $130.00 (each) Installation: $50.00


Price: $150.00 Installation: $50.00

Price: $550.00 (total) Installation: $175.00


Price: $220.00 (total) Installation: $125.00

Price: $250.00 Installation: $75.00


Price: $3,164 Installation: $1,800 *requires permit

Price: $425.00 Installation: $300.00 *permit required


Price: $960.00 Installation: $500.00

Price: $125.00 Installation: $50.00


Price: $195.00 Installation: $400.00

Price: $195.00 Installation: $400.00


Price: $295.00 Installation: $75.00 *for vinyl application

Price: $408 Installation: $200 *permit required


Pricing quotes from: Jackie Torno 132 Hanley Industrial Ct. St. Louis, MO 63144

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