INQUIRER Student Voice of Diablo Valley College
Volume III No. 5 Thursday, Oct. 29 - Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015 www.DVCInquirer.com
THE ARTS EXCEL AT DVC Art programs at DVC show their chops See page 8
Also inside Running the numbers on student debt See page 4 #2016Issues: Fiorina and Sanders take their stand See page 6 & 7 Men’s Lacrosse brings awareness to Ewing’s Sarcoma See page 11 DVC goes ‘Into the Woods’ Drama Production Review See page 12
news 2
Thursday, Oct. 29 - Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015
Vaping lounges safe for now
Wednesday, Nov 4 Student Union Building College Success Workshop Avoiding Death by Power Point: How to Kill Your Presentation from 2:30pm-3:45pm in room 204 Thursday, Nov. 5 Student Union Building Brown Bag Workshop -”How to Pay for College: Financial aid and Scholarships” from 12:30pm1:30pm in room 204 Thursday, Nov. 12 Transfer Center College Rep from San Francisco State University will visit DVC from 10:00am-2:00pm Wednesday, Nov. 10 Gym Women’s Volleyball Game, DVC versus Modesto on DVC campus from 6:30pm-8:30pm
police beat Thursday,Oct.15 DVC Parking Lot #1 A vehicle collided with a pole in Parking Lot #1. Although the pole sustained only minor cosmetic damage, damage to the vehicle’s front end was more extensive. There were no injuries were reported. Saturday, Oct. 17 DVC Parking Lot 8 A vehicle was stolen from Parking Lot #8, but was later found by Pleasant Hill Police Department. The suspect(s) have not been identified. Tuesday, Oct. 20 DVC Humanities According to a student report, a bicycle was stolen from campus property. There were no reported witnesses. Tuesday, Oct. 20 DVC Parking Lot #7 According to the report, a student’s vehicle was struck and damaged while parked unattended on campus property. There were no witnesses. Wednesday, Oct. 21 DVC BFL Building A bicycle theft was reported from the bike rack near the BFL building. According to the student, the bicycle was secured to the bike rack.
Pleasant Hill council members discuss an amendment to the marijuana ordinance on Monday Oct. 19.
Pleasant Hill proposes limited pot growth valid marijuana license who grows no more than six plants for personal use and he is operating fully within the law. The other type A majority of the Pleasant Hill City may or may not have a license but he grows Council members said they wanted to allow more than six plants some of which he sells. outside marijuana growth at the city council This person is operating outside the law. meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 19. Your ordinance is trying to stop the second Council members proposed a change in type while penalizing the first.” the current ordinance regarding outdoor Bob Ariana agreed with Yapp’s statement, cultivation of marijuana. Lately, the City of and said he spends less than $150 a year to Pleasant Hill has received complaints from support the three plants he grows for perresidents related to the sonal use. According to negative community imAriana, It would cost him “I think it is pact of outdoor marijuana over $400 monthly to ata nuisance cultivation. As a result, tain that much from a Pleasant Hill is proposclub. to have large ing a special exemption growers will commercial grows. ” not“Personal for legal marijuana card have traffic. They are holders. not selling to anyone,” ~TIMOTHY FLAHERTY Council member Timosaid Ariana. City Council member thy Flaherty said, “I think Law enforcement is it is a nuisance to have concerned that outdoor large commercial grows. I think however cultivation sites may become a target for that it would be appropriate to exempt those criminal activity: be it trespassing, theft, or who do have a medical marijuana card to damage to personal property. Hazards can have some (crops) for personal use.”Flaherty lead cultivators to take extreme measures to said, “I think that in the next year or two protect themselves, and their property, such we’re going to see the state led effort regulat- as involving firearms and booby traps. ing marijuana cultivation, which is already Pleasant Hill’s Chief of Police, John on the books. We’re going to see an initia- Moore, said, “I have not come across that. tive to legalize marijuana, which may or However I cannot speak for all. I have not may not pass.” personally responded to seeing an individual Medical marijuana patients believe this using booby traps to protect themselves. I ordinance is unfair. They rely on what their know with larger amount land growers that plants provide to support their usage. happens.” Karen Yapp, a marijuana advocate who The exemption to this ordinance will has been living in Pleasant Hill since 1989, be further reviewed by the City’s Planning addressed the council saying, “I feel that it Committee and the sent back for a vote next will do nothing for our safety, but will defi- Pleasant Hill City Council meeting on Nov. nitely hurt medical marijuana patients in 2. our community.” Yapp went on to say, “There are two types Contact MADELINE BERRY at Mberry@DVCInquirer.com of marijuana growers. The first kind has a MADELINE BERRY Staff member
THE INQUIRER Diablo Valley College 321 Golf Club Road, ATC-103 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 The Inquirer is published Thursdays during the school year by the Diablo Valley College journalism students. Unsigned articles appearing on the opinions page are editorials and reflect a two-thirds majority opinion of the editorial staff. Signed columns and cartoons are the opinions of the writer or artist and not necessarily those of The Inquirer, Diablo Valley College or Contra Costa Community College District.
Alejandro Ramos Katharine Hada Jesse Sutterley Fidel Ontiveros Marcel Scott Jacob Judd Cooper Mead Sarah Carr
Vape shops may soon become less butty as Pleasant Hill’s City Council votes on the indoor vaping ordinance. The city held an emergency vote at their Oct. 19 meeting. The vote in question was for a proposed amendment in the current ordinance regarding smoking e-cigarettes, or “vaping,” in vape establishments. Nexus Vapor, a shop in San Ramon, is looking to open a Pleasant Hill location within the next year. However, the council has some questions when it comes to distribution and smoking on premises. Especially concerning minors. Council member Michael Harris worries about potential issues with the vapor leaving the shop and affecting children and infants in “I am finally happy the shop’s surrounding area. with who I am because Harris claims that studies I quit smoking. I have from major toconfidence again and bacco sellers have shown a can not be constricted correlation with with cigarettes.” vaping and asthma in children. ~DOMINIC NUDO Dominic Nexus customer Nudo, a Nexus customer who currently uses e-cigarettes, has said that vaping has helped change his life. Nudo, who began smoking at 14, said that with the help of e-cigarettes he has been able to lower his nicotine intake; going from a pack and a half of cigarettes a day, down to 6 milligrams of nicotine in his vape - the smallest possible nicotine amount offered. Nudo said, “I am finally happy with who I am because I quit smoking. I have confidence again and can not be constricted with cigarettes,” Nudo said, “I am finally happy with who I am because I quit smoking. I have confidence again and can not be constricted with cigarettes,” . To further Nexus Vapor’s plea, Grace Borgonia read a letter from an anonymous Nexus customer, which highlighted Nudo’s claims, reading, “Vaping should be socially acceptable to help smokers quit smoking.” In response, Pleasant Hill Mayor Ken Carlson said, “If this truly works as a rehabilitation device would we even need to regulate smoking anymore?” He failed to see how vaping could potentially be harmful for anyone other than the smoker, stating several times, “It’s called “vaping” because all you exhale is vapor.” The emergency vote failed to pass with a 3-1 motion, Harris objecting, but the smoking ordinance will be up for discussion again at the next city council meeting Nov. 2. Contact KATHARINE HADA at Khada@DVCInquirer.com
Staff SENIOR STAFF MEMBERS Melanie Calimlim, Austin Lemak, STAFF MEMBERS Madeline Berry, Julianna Cardinale, Emily Fishbaugh, Katharine Hada, Soohyum Kim, Jung Min Lee, Pamela Levin, Erick Mujica, Tyler Newhouse, Sean Ross, Allison Roullier, Nic Wojcik, Erin Smith, Randy Taylor INSTRUCTIONAL LAB COORDINATOR Julius Rea ADVISER Mary Mazzocco
• Phone: 925.969.2543 • Email: inquirer@dvc.edu • Website: www.dvcinquirer.com • Printed seven times per semester •
news 3
Thursday, Oct. 29 - Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015
Over the past year we have seen
tham County Jail in Savannah,
UNHEARD CRIES Inmate deaths are on the rise JESSE SUTTERLEY News editor
Over the past year we have seen a rise in police violence against civilians, which has lead to riots and protests across the nation. However, with so much focus on police brutality out in the field, what happens inside the prison system has gone relatively unnoticed. In January of this year, a Nigerian man by the name of Matthew Ajibade was found dead in a Cha-
Georgia. The cause of death, according to the coroner, was blunt force trauma. In October, footage was finally presented in a court case of the fight that had ensued only hours before Ajibade’s death. In the video released by the jail, Ajibade can be seen having a small dispute with two officers. From there a scuffle broke out, and more officers are called to the scene. One of the officers carrying a taser falls to the floor and Ajibade
grabs hold of the taser. Some of outrage over the internet and her playing the role of guards, dehuthe officers may have seen this as name became a trending hashtag manized and abused other stuan excuses to over twitter dents playing the role of prisoners, use more force within a few even though the “guards” knew the and two ofdays. There “prisoners” had done nothing to Within 24 hours ficers strike have even been deserve their punishment. Within Ajibade in the who 24 hours there was a prison rebelthere was a prison re- those head causing claim the pris- lion and two student prisoners had him to go limp. bellion and two student on photo taken a mental break down and had to However just Bland was be released. prisoners had a mental of because the taken after her Another student was substituted break down and had death in an at- into the experiment and immediman stopped moving doesn’t to cover ately went on a hunger strike to to be released. Another tempt mean the ofup the murder. combat the abuse from guards. He ficers stopped student was substituted Her case is cur- was locked in solitary confinement swinging. Two still un- for more than a day before he was into the experiment rently large officers hit der review. let go. Ajibade again and immediately went But are the While in the prison, guards actand again in officers really ed cruel, but when off duty they on a hunger strike to to blame? The went about their daily lives. This the face before they were combat the abuse from Stanford prison is known as situation stimuli. In stopped. He experiment, short, meaning the person will guards. is then carried started by Dr. only act that way when in a speto the restraint Zimbardo, a cific environment. The experiment chair, where he Stanford psy- proved that anyone can become was later found chiatrist and cruel and do unimaginable things dead. professor, in August of 1971, at- when put into a position of exAll of the officials were initially tempted to test the psychological treme power over others. charged with involuntary man- effects of beSo, is it slaughter, however, none of them coming a guard truly the fault were convicted of it. Instead they or a prisoner. of guards? Or were all convicted of lesser charges, A handful of could it be cruelty to an inmate and public re- students were that our prison In July of this year, cords fraud. selected and a system needs This is only the most recent in coin flip deter- Sandra Bland, an Afri- a complete a string of attacks by correctional mined wether can American woman, overhaul. This officers on prisoners. In July of or not the stuis a perplexwas arrested during a ing question, this year, Sandra Bland, an African dents would American woman, was arrested be guards or traffic stop that turned but one that during a traffic stop that turned prisoners. The could possibly violent after Bland violent after Bland refused to put experiment be answered out her cigarette. In a cellphone only lasted six with the simrefused to put out her video of the incident the arrest- days before beple statement. cigarette. ing officer can be head yelling “I ing shut down Prison should will light you up” to Bland as he is when Dr. Zimbe about rehapushing her while she lays on the bardo himself bilitation, not grass. Bland was found dead in her realized the expunishment. prison cell three days later. periment was cruel and damaging The jail claimed she died from to the participants. Contact JESSE SUTTERLEY at self suffocation. Her death caused Completely healthy students, JSutterley@DVCInquirer.com
news 4
Thursday, Oct. 29 - Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015
breaking down student NIK WOJCIK Staff member
Here’s the deal: students owe a lot of money! In fact, it’s estimated that they have racked up a tab to the tune $1.2 trillion in loans. That number has quadrupled in the past 12 years. And apparently, with a nearly doubled default and delinquency rate, we’re not quite paying the bills. Somewhere between the soaring cost of college and the subsequent increased borrowing has left students drowning in debt that could easily compete with their parents’ mortgage. That impending doom can prove to be a real distraction when you’re trying to focus on that statistics midterm. But before we can fix what’s broken, we must first identify the factors that have contributed to the breakdown. That’s exactly what Adam Looney, Treasury Department and Constantine Yannelis, Stanford University Department of Economics, attempted to do in a recent analysis. Looney and Yannelis compared Federal student borrowers’ debt to earnings claimed on tax records and found that there have been major shifts in borrowing trends. As it turns out, for-profit colleges have been the primary culprit in the rise in student debt. Community colleges also bear some of the blame, to a lesser but notable degree. In the past, these types of institutions had a minimal share of the overall borrowing, but by 2011, they represented nearly half of the total debt and 70 percent of defaults. Enrollment in both for-profits and community colleges increased when the recession hit and left adults unemployed and collegeage students with less than ideal finances. As reported by The Chronicle of Higher Education, college enrollment increased nearly 7 percent between 2006 and 2010. Amidst those circumstances, many people flocked to slightly cheaper educational institutions with more lenient admission stan-
dards to beef up their skill sets, and many took out loans along the way. Unfortunately, both for-profit and community colleges have sorely low completion rates and an abundance of students find themselves trying to pay on loans for education that somehow fell short. Even those that do graduate from “non-traditional” schools find their wageearning potential to be less than adequate. But it’s not entirely fair to scapegoat “nontraditional” student borrowers for the whole crisis when comparing the mounting cost of traditional schooling. Public school undergrad tuition, room and board rose 39 percent between 2002 and 2013, according to the National Center for Business Statistics. Although for-profit and community college student debtors are responsible for the majority of defaulted loans, “traditional” four-year graduates are far from delinquency exemption, as 27-year old Megan Riley reiterates. When she attended Cal State Hayward, she only knew that she needed a degree, any degree, to be successful in the harsh job market she was about to enter. After graduating, she realized her marketing degree wasn’t enough to compete against those with real experience. Making matters worse, she later realized she actually hated marketing in general. Riley took a job that barely paid the bills and certainly doesn’t make a dent in her student loans. “I don’t regret my education, but if I had to do it all over again, I would’ve made very different choices,” said Riley. “If I knew I’d be paying forever, I would’ve chosen what makes me happy instead of what made sense.” The debt crisis is forcing people outside lecture halls to start taking notes, and presidential hopefuls to offer up solutions. Now it’s time to listen up and choose the candidate with the answer that makes sense to you.
d eb t 55%
of graduates have some sort of debt in 2014.
Contact NIK WOJCIK at NWojcik@DVCInquirer.com
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The average student debt of graduates has been on the rise. According to College Insight, the average amount rose from about $18.000 to $21,000 since 2009.
features 5
Thursday, Oct. 29 - Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015
DVC music students overcome performance fears SARAH CARR Staff member
Performance anxiety is one of the major hurdles that musicians have to face in their career and because of that, Diablo Valley College has its Music Major program recitals. For DVC music majors, Music-100 is a required course that is taken along with a performance ensemble. It helps prepare students for live acts and requires a lot of practicing and scheduled lectures that build up to live performances. Music majors perform four times or more in class and if they qualify in an audition, they can perform in the Music-100 Recital for DVC music majors. There are at least three a semester, if not more. It provides a real and rewarding experience for both the performers and the audience. This recital had plenty of diversity, from soprano singers to electric guitar to the clari-
net. There’s something for everyone at these recitals. Music majors from across the board can audition to perform. Every act was talented in their own right and it seemed that not a single performer had stage fright. To name just a few highlights, soprano Kwanjin Kim perfectly executed “Ridente la Calma,” by Mozart. Joseph Banducci delivered in playing an etude by Fernando Sor on the guitar, and Robbie Schmitz played the familiar Carlos Santana’s “Europa” on the Keyboard that generated huge applause from the audience. If you missed out on this recital, there will be another on December 8th. More DVC music majors will audition to perform in the recital, and it’s bound to be just as entertaining as this one.
Contact SARAH CARR at SCarr@DVCInquirer.com
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18286_3_94x7.indd 1
10/16/15 2:56 PM
Above: Robbie Schmitz plays Carlos Santana’s Europa during a performance at DVC. Left: Joseph Banducci serenades
the crowd at DVC playing an interlude by Fernando Sor.
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BERNIE SANDERS 74, Republican, born in Brooklyn, New York Education His College for All Act would make all public colleges free...for all, and would slash interest rates for new and existing student loans.
Immigration He says immigration is “strength of America,” supports the DREAM Act and wants path to citizenship, visa reform and border security - without using a fence.
War Voted against Gulf War and 2003 Iraq invasion, but did vote to authorize military action against al-Qaeda post-9/11. Prefers U.S. role in ISIS conflict to be support only without boots on the ground.
Civil Rights Civil rights activist since the ‘60s with 100 percent rating by NAACP. Sees criminal justice reform as a major key to reach goals of Black Lives Matter movement. Has fought sexual orientation discrimination since 1972 and backed Burlington, Vermont’s first Pride march in 1983. Planned Parenthood Cosponsored Freedom of Choice Act in 1993 and has vowed to “defend Planned Parenthood.”
War on Drugs Thinks the War on Drugs is a failure. Cosponsored medical marijuana bill in 2001 and tried to have DEA downgrade cannabis to a Schedule II drug.
he alist vs. e CEO
CARLY FIORINA 61, Republican, born in Austin, Texas Education Blames Democrats for nationalizing student loan business and for imposing requirements for college accreditation. Wants free-market loans and more for-profit college options.
Civil Rights Denounced Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage. Feels Democratic policies have diminished black lives and abortion industry “targets African American communities.”
Immigration Opposes comprehensive reform and supported government shutdown in response to Obama’s deportation deferment action. Prefers technology-based solutions to enforce the borders at both the south...and
Planned Parenthood New champion for anti-abortion movement. Has very publicly shared her distaste for Planned Parenthood and her desire to defund it.
War Has proposed a Camp David-style meeting with allies to provide support without U.S. boots on the ground. Feels her medieval history degree will help her combat ISIS.
War on Drugs Wouldn’t enforce Federal ban in legalized states, but falls short of support. Her focus is on destigmatizing treatment and decriminalizing abuse.
features 8
Thursday, Oct. 29 - Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015
Local artist reinterprets nature lege Art Gallery from Oct. 25 to Nov. 25th with two reception and lectures on Tuesday, Oct. 20 from 11-1 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 25 from 3-5 p.m. Lederer’s goal is to show her daily, up-close encounter with nature through the fifty-foot excursion into her family garden, from home to the studio. She expresses how the use of
Impactful paintings and sculpture focusing on nature and the relationship we have to the natural world makes for a wonderful art gallery. Artist Carrie Lederer is hosting her work, “The Wondrous Strange” at the Diablo Valley Col-
photos by Allison Roullier / The Inquirer
New ‘Jobs’ biopic casts a different shadow
fractals and patterns are important to her pieces, and is drawn to nature’s intrinsic capacity to create and reproduce pattern as a source of imagery and an inspiration to her work. Being able to showcase a tenyear body of work is a great opportunity for Lederer, and claimed it was a satisfying challenge to select such a wide range of art work that represent her as an artist over the years. “It is my hope that this exhibition gives DVC students some insight into the conceptual ideas that I explore in my studio. I’d be gratified to know that the show might also provide inspiration to the student’s work as they move forward with their own work and life-career as artists. Perhaps in the future, some of these same students will return to the DVC Gallery as an exhibiting artist,” Lederer added. “I’d say its awesome to see DVC dedicate a big portion of its school and extracurricular activities to art,” said psychology student, Juan Carlos Sanchez, 21. The DVC Art Gallery is the perfect place to allow students to become inspired by regional and international artists, as well as
deepen their understanding of art theory. They also offer an opportunity to acquire exposure to the professional world of art exhibition. “I am grateful for the opportunity to mount this exhibition, because it provides our community (including the DVC students) with
an opportunity for public dialogue about my work and practice, and also about the importance of art in our daily lives,” said Lederer.
Contact ALLISON ROULLIER at ARoullier@DVCInquirer.com
JACOB JUDD Features editor
The arrival of a new project from Aaron Sorkin will always feel like an event to me. Few screenwriters can claim nearauteur status in the same vein as directors like David Fincher or Tim Burton. Yet the fact of the matter is that Sorkin’s writing is so distinct and consistent in style that he really feels like the true creative force behind any of the projects he works on. His writing showcases a penchant for wordplay, righteous monologues, and hyper intelligent characters that might alienate some as pretentious. “Steve Jobs” will not silence those critics, but those who enjoy his theatrical style will find plenty to sink their teeth into. “Steve Jobs” is unlike any other biopic you’ve ever seen. Including the mediocre “Jobs” starring Ashton Kutcher which treated its namesake’s legacy with the same reverence as your average Apple Store Specialist. This new film is not interested in Job’s harrowing life story or the greatest hits of accomplishments. It’s a character study in three acts. The film is structured into three scenes that each take place, in real-time, backstage before one of the many product launch keynotes that made Jobs a celebrity. Rather than the friendly smiling face the world came to associate with Apple’s products we get to see the out of control diva, convinced of his own genius, grappling with technical issues, company politics, and most crucially his strained relationship with the daughter he denies is his. When these conflicts climax into explosive arguments the film feels transcendent. Superb actors breathe terrible fiery
life into these moments, and have the audiences rapt attention. Unfortunately the film stumbles over the finish line with a surprisingly sentimental ending that feels out of sync with the tone of the film that preceded it. It’s understood “We get to see the that Jobs journey out of control diva, humantowards ity in film convinced of his own the is inextricably tied to genius, grappling with his growing relatechnical issues, com- tionship with his daughter. pany politics.” However the pivotal final scene where he talks his way back into her good graces with a sudden admission of paternal affection left me cold. These are the types of emotional turns Sorkin has consistently knocked out of the park on “The West
Wing” or “The Newsroom.” This leads me to wonder if the director’s choices were simply uninspired, or if this kind of happy ending is simply incongruous with the subject at hand. I’m inclined to think the latter. The structure of the film could’ve easily made it feel like a play, but Danny Boyle’s direction keeps it from feeling too theatrical. The subtle integration of relevant graphics to certain monologues add a pinch of style. Additionally, the sparing use of flashbacks intercut with new arguments convey the feeling of old wounds flaring up where healing never really took place. With a pedigree sure to attract attention come award season, and a titanic performance from leading man Michael Fassbender, “Steve Jobs” is an excellent film that will certainly make you think. Unfortunately it’s unlikely to make you feel much at all.
Contact JACOB JUDD at JJudd@DVCInquirer.com
opinions 9
Thursday, Oct. 29 - Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015
College reps, what is the key to success??
IZY ALILIN San Francisco State University
“Being involved and staying in touch. The more you’re involved the more you’re enthused to complete your studies..”
STEPHANIE STRAIT Columbia College Chicago
“Finding out what you’re passionate about in life and pursuing a career in that.”
ROCKY RAQUEL Chico State University
“Time management. Most kids don’t have it..”
Police take cord-cutting to a new level
The last thing you want to do a brick wall in big cities, mainly the morning after a long night Oakland, San Francisco and Los of drinking and partying is walk Angeles. to your car and find an envelope In an interview with Tech containing a parking ticket. Crunch David Hegarty, the coNow, in a flash of bullshit, you founder of the app, said, “San owe more money than you even Francisco doesn’t have a way to have. All from parking within a submit a contest electronically, foot of a fire hydrant. they insist that you mail it in," Due to your busy schedule, you So Hegarty began mailing tickets have no time to return to the city along with a letter to SFPD. When to contest the ticket. Hegarty started seeing tickets get So what do you do? Well, now "lost in the mail" his company there's an app for that. began faxing letters to San Fran'Fixed' is a mobile app that alcisco. lows you to take a photo of your It wasn't long after that they reparking ticket using your smart ceived an email from the San Franphone. Then, cisco Municipal through Transportation “No government google street Agency (SFMagency should create TA.) The email view, the app looks to see if a polite so many barriers for a was the street has cease and desist ticket to be contested.” to the company visible signs or insignia demanding that that may help they stop faxing in contesting your ticket. in letters. From there the app tries to find Fixed claimed that it's illegal for common errors in the ticket, and police to not accept this fax. So if it does, sends a custom letter in return SFPD unplugged their to the appropriate police office. fax machine, which by the way is Fixed will fight in court on behalf another illegal offense. Essentially of users against the citation. If this interaction between the two the ticket is thrown out, users pay entities turned out to be some sort 25% of the ticket total to the mo- of oxymoron. bile app company. But it didn't stop there. Fixed Now, if you don't win the case, was not only blocked from SFMusers are able to pay the ticket TA, but also from Xerox, who rethrough the app and not deal fused to grant them access to their with the archaic police database. ticket website. Which, last time we at the Inquirer No government agency should checked, was about as good as a create so many barriers for a ticket stone tablet. to be contested. SFPD are calling However, the app is now hitting this app unjust because it's taking
Photo illustration by JESSE SUTTERLEY
revenue away from them. Tickets, are just another way for police agencies to pay for expenses. Without a sure line of revenue from ticketing, Fixed is taking a slice out of police department’s budgets. Which is a good thing.
The less tanks a police department can afford, the better. Let's cut a deal SFPD, allow us to send our tickets through Fixed, and we'll let this whole fax machine incident slide. This is just a warning. Next time, it'll be a ticket.
Gun education is as important as gun control JUSTIN OLIVER University of California Berkeley
“Having a good support system and maximizing how you use student resources on campus.”
JENNA MORRIS University of San Francisco
“Taking initiative and doing research.” Interviewed by Alejandro Ramos Photographed by Katharine Hada
Even the slightest mention of gun control Whether or not you wish to control gun can lead to an argument. People see restric- sales, the fact still remains: Owning a gun is tion of gun access as an affront to their rights. a constitutional right, at least as far as the law Constitutional amendments is concerned. There may be are extremely hard to pass, changes to the law some and it's next to impossible day, but there needs to be to change the first 10 in the some work done regarding "Bill of Rights.” the training and handling of There is stigma surroundguns until that day comes. ing guns, as there is with the Guns are extremely danownership of them. The gerous if mishandled, both specific subject of guns in intentionally and unintenschools elicits a unique kind tionally. of fear. Perhaps, it would better Some of the more riserve citizens to be more diculous responses to guns educated about guns in genhave been students being eral. As it stands, Diablo suspended for making their Valley College does not ofTYLER NEWHOUSE hand into the shape of a fer any sort of firearm eduStaff member gun and charged for wearcation. ing an National Rifle AssoWould it benefit students, ciation shirt to school. The fear that teachers who wish to learn more about guns, to take a and administrators feel towards guns is un- class on gun safety? I think so. derstandable given the endless supply of mass Firearm education is just as important as the shootings in the news. regulation of firearm sales. As it stands, there
are almost as many deaths caused by car accidents as there are caused by firearms. The barrier to owning a car, however, is much greater than owning a gun. In today's society, the only real requirement for gun ownership is the money to buy one. While all retail sellers of firearms are required to have a Federal Firearms License and conduct background checks, it’s legal to just go to a neighbor and purchase a gun privately. Conversely, to legally drive a car you must first demonstrate that you can safely drive a car. Once you get a driver’s license, you must buy insurance for your car in order to legally drive. What I put to you is this: If we are required to pass a test in order to be able to drive a car, why shouldn’t we also require a test in order to use a gun? Guns can be lethal if mishandled, just as cars can be lethal if mishandled. So, why isn't it easier to learn how to responsibly own a gun? Contact TYLER NEWHOUSE at TNewhouse@DVCInquirer.com
opinions 10
Thursday, Oct. 29 - Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015
Colleges must provide debt relief “Is it even worth it?” That is the ques- more stable; compared to a less educated tion that continues to linger as the cost of individual. higher education rises and job opportunities Georgetown University Center found dwindle. that a college graduate will earn over $1 milA study conducted this year found the av- lion more over a lifetime compared to high erage cost for a full year school graduate. of tuition at a commuThat Is astonishing to nity college to be about think of the long term $3,347 and $9,139 at a advantages an individual public four-year univerhas from going to colsity. Even though the cost lege. Sabrina Holloran, for students continues to 19, agrees, “I think in rise, the long term benthe long run, the benefits efits of having a college outweigh the cost because degree are significant. you’ll earn that back evenAccording to a recent tually, but the learning Pew Research Center experiences are priceless.” report, Americans 25 As people come to their to 32 with a college deown conclusions if college gree made an average of is worth it, it’s pretty clear $17,500 more annually that educating your mind RANDY TAYLOR than people with just a will unleash unforeseen Staff member high school diploma. possibilities. those who have less. Rather, we should uplift In today’s tough job Since we value having a people and provide them a pathway to their market, having a college degree allows a per- thriving and educated populous, Americans educational goals. son to be more competitive and valuable to must be committed to providing a world Lawmakers and college officials, who conan employer. class education tinue to raise Pew Research Center also found that col- — for every college’s erratlege educated millennials are less likely to person — re- “A college graduate will earn over one ic tuitions, are be unemployed compared to a high school gardless of their forcing many million dollars more over a lifetime students to graduate, 3.8% vs 12.2%. financial status. As the economy continues to improve, Unfortunate- compared to a high school gradute.” take on mulmore and more millennials are taking ad- ly, our system tiple jobs in vantage of the financial resources that have caters towards order to pay become more readily available. a wealthier defor their eduThe advantages of having a college edu- mographic. cation. Our cation last a lifetime, and statistics show an With the exponential growth of college education system has created a new generaadvanced degree will make you financially tuition, we essentially discriminate against tion of people drowning in college debt.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York reports that the average debt in 2011 was $23,300 with 10 percent owing more than $54,000 and 3 percent more than 100,000. The debt that college students are taking on is a lifetime burden. Federal and state aid must be expanded to help ease this burden of student debt. If Federal Pell grants were expanded, it would allow millions more of low income people to attend college and help cover the cost of tuition for many more students. Contact RANDY TAYLOR at RTaylor@DVCInquirer.com
To lower stress levels, pick up a book
MARCEL SCOTT/ The Inquirer
Liam Murphy, 18, English Major, enjoys a book in the Diablo Valley College Library
When was the last time you They're the only way for us don't hold an identity, only an actually read a book for your to actually get into someone's idea, and we are able to analyze own enjoyment? If you're like thought process and understand every word, phrase, comma and most people, probably not since what difficulpunctuation high school. ties, ideas and mark that Today it's easy to get caught interests make is put down up in the golden age of televi- up the inner onto paper. sion, where actors do the diffi- workings of This creates cult work of reading an author's someone's exreal thought, writing for you, while you lay tensive memand in return down on a couch, gorge your- ory. we're able to self on your second bag of popSpeech have a better corn, and let a sea of dramatic doesn't have understandinformation wash over you. the same ing of what As nice as this may be, when effect on someone's acwe watch television as opposed the human tually saying. to reading a book, we actually psyche. The Televilose something valuable in our spoken word sion disguises MARCEL SCOTT entrainment: Therapy. comes with what is acOpinions editor Bibliotherapy, as defined by physical cues tually being the Merriam-Webster dictionary that act on said through is: "The use of reading materi- our subconscious, sometimes in beautiful people's mouths. als for help in solving personal biased ways. By only watching television, problems or for psychiatric therFor example, you might be we're limiting ourselves through apy," Of course this won't solve more likely to believe someone this camouflaged speech; when all of our who is attrac- we read, we create our own immetaphysical tive. When age and frame of reference that and physical this happens we relate to ourselves. “Television disguises we are not From our interpretation, readdesires, but studies have listening so ing gives us the right mindset in what is being said shown that much to the order to efficiently solve a probthrough beautiful reading actuwords, but lem. ally allows us instead, are Perhaps if people read more people’s mouths.” to deal with focusing on the world would be a little less our stress the mesmer- chaotic. Reading, is the solution better — simizing face to your problems. Now go, and ply by reading that says the read a book. about our problems. words. Books, specifically novels, The written word doesn't Contact MARCEL SCOTT at MScott@DVCInquirer.com delve into an author's mind. carry this baggage. The words
sports 11
Thursday, Oct. 29 - Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015
Lacrosse plays for cancer awarness MADELINE BERRY Staff member
On Saturday, Nov. 14 at 7:15 p.m. Diablo Valley College will be facing off against Dominican University as they host the third annual Ewing’s Sarcoma Awareness lacrosse game. In a game mainly based on hitting one another with large sticks and smacking each other while chasing a solid rubber ball, this lacrosse game is going to be to focused Cancer support. The American Cancer Society will be at the game to collect a donation of $2 per student and $10 per adult at the front gate entrance of Vikings Stadium. But these donations will not just be going into the pockets of Cancer researchers instead it is going to directly help those suffering from Ewing’s sarcoma. Lauren McCullough, a past member of the DVC swim team, passed away from Ewing’s sarcoma (a malignant cancer that infects soft tissue and bones) last year. She spent much of her time blogging about her disease and helping bring childrens cancer research into the public eye. McCullough was first diagnosed just after graduating from Elk Grove High School.
The No. 1 jersey has been retired from the Viking Lacrosse team to signify the last printed No. 1 jersey. McCullough is important to DVC and the Viking Lacrosse Team. She played lacrosse for Elk Grove High School, but DVC did not have a women’s lacrosse team so she practiced with the men’s team. The Viking Lacrosse team wears a patch with a gold ribbon, the No. 1 and #LaurenStrong on their uniforms so future members will learn about Lauren’s message. The No. 1 jersey has been retired from the Viking Lacrosse team to signify the last printed No. 1 jersey, which has been issued to the McCullough family. Please join us to honor Lauren with a lively service and watch great game. It should make for an interesting match with DVC attempting to hold onto its win from their last game against the Penguins that they won in over time. Contact MADELINE BERRY at MBerry@DVCInquirer.edu
Courtesy of SHANE LOUIS
Rodrick Sweeney hurdles Foothill defender in the redzone to help the Vikings score.
Vikings take out Foothill ERIN SMITH Staff member
The Diablo Valley College football team had a landslide win over the Foothill Owls this past Friday, Oct. 23, winning 52-13. The Vikings were up by 7 with 2:22 left in the first quarter when quarterback Drew Anderson sent a scoring pass to Marcus Armstrong-Brown. The first quarter ended with DVC leading, 14-0. The second quarter started off with an interception by DVC wide receiver CJ Cornwell. Running back D’Amore Cooper brought it in for a touchdown bringing the score to 21-0. DVC did an amazing job keeping up the pace and scored again, making it 28-0 with 7:22 remaining on the clock. Defense was on point and didn’t allow Foothill any chance at scoring. The Vikings dominated the first half of the game, ending with a halftime score of 35-0. The third quarter started off just as well with
Anderson throwing a 65 yard pass bringing the score to an incredible, 42-0. The teams cohesive performance must have been a great boost in confidence.
“We came in really hard. We had a game plan and executed, and we did a great jon of running the ball.” ~DREW ANDERSON Quaterback
Foothill managed to score twice in the third quarter, but DVC reciprocated with a field goal making the score 45-13 and came in for one more touch down in the third quarter to close at 52-13.DVC defense staved off Foothill for the remainder of the game, keeping the score at 52-13. After the game, DVC quarterback Anderson said of their win, “We came in really
hard. We had a game plan and executed, and we did a great job running the ball,” He also commented on their focused performance that resulted in only one interception. Interceptions have been a major cause for some of the team’s past losses, although all three losses came within 11 points. Defensive back, Devin Bracy, agreed they played hard, especially defensively, “We did a great job protecting the quarterback,” As far as the future goes, Bracy said, “We gotta stay focused and have a great week of practices and take it one game at a time,” Defensive back Yamvo Teague agreed, “The more serious we are at practice, the better we’ll be.” The Vikings head to San Francisco City College on Sat Oct. 31 at 1 p.m., and return to DVC to take on College of San Mateo Fri. Nov. 6 at 7 p.m. Contact ERIN SMITH at ESmith@DVCInquirer.edu
DVC shows endurance all season FIDEL ONTIVEROS Sports editor
Diablo Valley College’s athletes have had positive seasons this semester. These teams have been practicing as hard as they can to bring pride to their school. The soccer players have shown their resilience through this season, as they have remained undefeated at home with two wins and five ties. With the majority of their team being freshman, this fact shows how determined they are to prove what they can do. In every win, no opposing team scored more than 1 point and in some wins, such as Sacramento City College and Chabot, they can completely shut out their opponent and keep the ball on the opposing side. In the Big 8 conference, DVC
has two wins, three losses and three ties. Their next home game is on Friday, Nov. 6 at 3:30 pm against American River College. The Diablo Valley College football team has won four games and lost three. This entire season, DVC has seen great skill come from the football team. In the game against Siskiyous College, the Vikings fought as hard as they could for as long as they could with the game going into triple overtime. In the few games they have lost, they haven’t lost by more than six points, which makes losses like their game against Modesto College (35-34) that much more painful. However, it makes home wins like De Anza College (33-0) and Foothill College(52-13) that much sweeter.
Courtesy of SHANE LOUIS
Hannah Kidson moves past the SCC defender on Oct. 6. So far in the Bay 6 conference, DVC is 2-0 after consecutively defeating De Anza and Foothill. As they move forward, they hope to stay undefeated in league. Their next home game is on
Friday, Nov. 6 at 7:00 pm against College of San Mateo.
Contact FIDEL ONTIVEROS at FOtiveros@DVCInquirer.edu
features 12
Thursday, Oct. 29 - Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015
Above left: The Wolf, played by Christian McCooey, sings ‘Hello Little Girl’. Above right: Cinderella, played by Yesenia Rogers, cries for help at her mother’s grave.
Get lost in ‘The Woods’
DVC kicks off season with Sondheim classic JACOB JUDD Features editor
“Into the Woods” opened Friday night to a sold out house and thunderous applause. The classic musical could be called “Grimm’s The Avengers,” weaving numerous fairy tales together into an original story that examines the highs and lows getting what you wished for. The 90-minute first act could easily be mistaken for a complete piece of children’s theater. Witty and heartwarming, the characters scurry on and offstage in pursuit of their various wishes. As they seek love, lift spells and slay giants, they remain blissfully unaware that there’s life after “happily ever after.” However, when the audience returned to their seats, the house darkened and so too did the world of the play. As the unintended consequences of the chracters’ actions in act one come back to haunt them, they are forced back into the woods, finding them less whimsical and more foreboding than before. Stephen Sondheim’s score is timeless and performed here by a live, 15 piece orchestra. While it’s not the kind of music that will draw more mainstream listeners, every number serves the story and the frenetic onslaught of witty lyrics keeps the audience engaged, forcing them to hang on every word. As the baker’s wife, played by Rosie Tyler, deftly handles the show’s most challenging role. She’s funny when she needs to be but also the emotional core of the ensemble. Her final song “Moments in the Woods” is one of this production’s most winsome moments. Daniel Cassilagio does quite a lot with the
often thankless role of the evening’s narrator. His resonant speaking voice keeps the story moving, while his comic timing makes the most of the few quips the script allows him. His delivery of one particular joke involving Little Red Riding Hood nearly brought the house down. A metaphorical puppet master for the characters, Cassilagio is also a literal puppet master onstage. Responsible for the interaction of puppet animals with human characters, his pantomime and sound effects recall the feeling of a child at play. He milks quite a few laughs from that paper-mâché cow. The scenic design from Andrew Kaufman feels appropriately whimsical, with characters playing whole scenes in houses set atop storybooks that roll on and off stage. Various sets of trees fly in and out of view, slide on and offstage and combine with fog and lighting effects to create the sense that we’re wandering with the characters as they lose themselves in the forest. The costumes, designed by Tara Maginnis, pop against the darker atmosphere of the set. While the more humble characters are dressed modestly, the broader characters are covered in flashy sequins and bold colors. The big bad wolf dressed as Dracula highlights his seductive yet predatory nature. Cinderella’s stepsisters wear dresses in highlighter hues as garish as their personalities. And when the evil witch reveals her true form, she feels more influenced by David Bowie than Meryl Streep. “Into the Woods” runs through Nov. 8 at the DVC Performing Arts Center. Contact JACOB JUDD at JJudd@DVCInquirer.com
Above: Ensemble sings opening number. Left: The baker and his wife, played by Sage Georgevitch-Castellanos and Rosie Tyler, go over the Witch’s list.