The Inquirer Vol. IV No. 4

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INQUIRER Student Voice of Diablo Valley College

Volume IV No. 4

Tuesday, April 4 - Wednesday, April 20, 2016

love Is the 'Maine' event Comedic and surreal vignettes of love and loss hits the DVC stage. See Page 6.

UC admissions practices cause controversy Audit finds that UC favors out-of-state admissions compared to residents See Page 8.

Young smokers stomped out A new law being passed in California renders 18-year-old smokers unable to feed their addiction See Page 2.


news 2 You must be this old to smoke Thursday, April 7 - Wednesday, April 20, 2016

calendar Thursday, April 7 Career, Employment and Transfer Center located on top floor of Student Services Center Merl Owen from UC Berkeley will be her to answer your transfer queations. 9:30 a.m. -3 p.m. Friday, April 8 A-106 Art Building room 106 Monster Draw is an Art/Art Digital Media Sponsored Drawing event. All currently enrolled DVC students are encouraged to bring sketchbooks, pencils and pens. Meet fellow art students, share tip, draw and learn. This is a free event hosted by Arthur King. 6-10 a.m Saturday, April 9 Performing Arts Center PAC complex $11-$21 “Almost, Maine” closing weekend. Knees are bruised. Hearts are broken. But the bruises heal, and the hearts mend in this midwinter night’s dream. 8- 10 p.m. Wednesday, April 20, 2016 DVC Commons Exhibits, information, giveaways, entertainment and much more. 10:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m.

police beat Wednesday, Mar. 9, 2016 Kinesiology Restrooms Unknown subject(s) took a cell phone which was left unattended in the women’s restroom at 12:25 p.m. There were no witnesses. Tuesday, Mar. 15 DVC Parking Lots Lot 7A Student reported that the vehicle she drove to campus was stolen from the lot at 2:11 p.m. There were no witnesses. Monday, Mar. 28 Life and Health Science Building, LHS 117 Student suffered an apparent asthma attack at 11 a.m. AMR and Con Fire responded. Victim was transported to Kaiser in Walnut Creek for further medical attention. DVC Parking Lot 1 Student reported that her vehicle was vandalized while parked in the lot at 6:11 p.m. There were no witnesses. Friday, April 1 Math Building, MA 258 Unknown Subjects(s) attempted to gain entry to MA258 by prying the door open at 1:11 p.m. No entry was made into the office.

Smoking age to rise from 18 to 21

MELANIE CALIMLIM Senior staff member

California Senate voted Thursday, March 10 to raise the smoking age from 18 to 21. Gov. Jerry Brown signed the bill March 23, 2016 and the new law will go into effect beginning June 1, 2016 making California the second state in the U.S. apart from Hawaii to raise the legal smoking age. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP), smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. This law may prove to be one of the most significant motions passed concerning the health of everyone – including non-smokers – as secondhand smoke also imposes several health risks. Smoking poses a threat to health, and can affect any part of your body. There is a greater chance that a smoker will suffer from cardiovascular disease, which is among one the leading causes of death in the U.S. Even people who smoke fewer MELANIE CALIMLIM/ The Inquirer than five cigarettes a day can show early signs of this disease. Music industry studies major Darryl Hall passes time with a smoking break near Police. 21-year-old biology major Andrew Nogaliza says he already feels the adverse effects of smoking, Although teens have found ways Wood. “18-year-olds are much the arbitrary distinction of three saying that he turned to smoking around the legal age, the higher age more likely to buy tobacco prod- years is pointless to me.” when school restriction may ucts for their 14, 15, 16-year-old Wood also compared how the lebecame really hinder some friends. But 21-year-olds don’t do gal drinking age was lowered from “I think we should stressful. “Honyoung smokers that.” 21 to 18 in the 1970’s and how it abide that standard, from obtaining There are several students that failed to do any good after finding estly, it’s a good thing – in raissmoke on the Diablo Valley Col- out that motor vehicle accidents if it’s just by that one cigarettes. ing the smokJim Wood, lege that may be impacted if this and fatalities rose – which forced ing age – I’m standard that all smok- a California law takes effect. +20-year-old Eng- law enforcers to raise the legal not a habitual State Assembly lish major Justin Rogers had two drinking age back to 21 again. ing should be illegal smoker but I member, was standpoints from this bill. “I think It remains to be seen if this new until you’re 21.” suffered the toll in congruence we should abide that standard, if law will be successful or not, but of it when I did with the pro- it’s just by that one standard that if all goes well, young adults will smoke for alposed bill, say- all smoking should be illegal until keep their health for a few more ~Justin Rodgers English major most an entire ing that raising you’re 21,” said Rogers. “I just take years. month. the legal age offense of the fact that if I can go to When you breathe, it’s not clean does work. war at 18 and die for a cause but I air. There’s a wall that’s blocking it, “Teen smoking is enabled by can’t have this one vice. But I’m abContact MELANIE CALIMLIM at and it’s hazardous. It sucks.” buying for the younger,” said solutely okay with it even though

Bill to address admissions controversy SEAN ROSS News editor

California Assemblywomen Kristin Olsen (R-Riverbank) and Catharine Baker (R-San Ramon) will move to introduce legislation in response to a March 29 state audit, which revealed that the University of California has systematically rejected qualified in-state students in favor of similar or less qualified out-of-state students. The report “is nothing short of damning,” Baker said in a press release. “Nonresidents have been getting the red carpet treatment by UC, while California students can’t get in, can’t get the majors they want, and can’t study at the campus of their choice. That must end.” “... the Auditor’s report confirms suspicions that many of us have long held to be true. California parents, students, and taxpayers deserve better,” Olsen said. According to the report, “the UC system undermined its commitment to California resident students in exchange for revenue generated by nonresidents.” Nonresident tuition is $38,818, while resident tuition is $13,400. From the 2010 to 2014, nonresident enrollment increased by 82 percent, while resident enrollment increased by 1 percent. Within three

years of a 2011 change in policy, lowering the admissions standard for nonresident students from “at least as qualified as the top half of eligible residents” to only needing to “compare favorably” with eligible residents, at least 16,000 nonresident students whose scores were below the median scores of resident students were admitted to the campus of their choice. Since 2005, the UC system has denied entrance to 4,300 students whose academic scores met or exceeded the median scores of nonresident students in every single category. The report also found the University failed to adequately reduce costs, particularly with respect to employee salaries. In fact, during the state’s fiscal crisis, which resulted in deep cuts in state funding, UC employees’ gross earnings increased 64 percent, from nearly $8 billion a year to nearly $13 billion a year. During this same period, base tuition and student service fees for residents were increased six times, while nonresident enrollment increased by 118 percent. The legislation, to be introduced in the coming days, will contain many of the recommendations put forward by the State Auditor’s office. These include placing a cap on nonresident enrollment at the institution, and requiring higher admissions standards on nonresident applicants. Contact SEAN ROSS at

news 3

Thursday, April 7 - Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Rock the vote, student government edition DOMINIQUE SMITH Staff member

Associated Students of Diablo Valley College members bear the crucial responsibility of joining college committees so that the school board can stay current with everything going on at Diablo Valley College. This semester, ASDVC not only faces diminishing participation from these committees, they are instead seeing an increase in committee resignations. On March 8 at their weekly meeting in the Students Union Conference Room, ASDVC President Wesley Xia shared his frustration with members, after hearing President Garcia’s concerns of ASDVC losing its involvement. “It is our job to be a part of the college committees,” said Xia. Several members have dropped out of committees; those who remain have had poor attendance, or simply aren’t as involved as they could be. ASDVC parliamentarian Ashley Leung told members, “You have to show yourselves at these functions. When we don’t go to these things it looks bad on ASDVC. Step Up!”

Fellow member Daniel Pardo, added that, “Everyone is either here because they care, or because they’re trying to build their resumé, and if they’re here to build their resumé they’re going to miss meetings.” The end of Spring semester is nearing and that means it’s time for ASDVC elections, to fill the positions of current board members who will be transferring in the fall. The lack of participation and genuine interest by members has caused internal conflict within ASDVC, hindering its ability to perform basic functions as the student government. Voting in this election is extremely important in determining the future of ASDVC, as well as representation for DVC students. ASDVC scheduled their 2016 General Election Debate on Wednesday, April 6, after the deadline for this edition. Look for coverage online. Nominees will be asked about DVC student issues such as textbook prices, parking, transportation and more. The ten positions open for next semester and their candidates are:


ASDVC members discuss the spring’s election process on March 29.

President Conner Pope Bowen Chris Liu Executive Vice President Namita Verma Legislative Vice President Andrew Soegiharto June Namgung Controller Dang Nguyen Dean Johnson Sijia Jessie Gao

Secretary Tiangang Allen He Parliamentarian Shohei Ige John Michaelson Director of Public Relations Bilal Ahsani Rintaro Taneichi Director of Activities Jacob Ngai Environmental Affair Xiaotong “Ophelia” Liu

Sejin Han Diversity Affair Tain Hong Efrain Steven Solis Cheng Lin General Election voting period on Wednesday and Thursday, April 13 and 14 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the DVC Cafeteria. Contact DOMINIQUE SMITH at




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news 4

Thursday, April 7 - Wednesday, April 20, 2016

DVC to approve new First Year Experience program SEAN ROSS News editor

Currently, only 70 percent of first-time Diablo Valley College students return to campus the following year, according to DVC academic counselor Raine Dougan. In order to address this shortfall, preliminary approval has been granted to a proposal to implement a new First Year Experience program, or FYE. DVC professor of sociology, Andrew Barlow described the proposal as, "wonderful, exciting work." The program would establish several community-based events, classes, and support systems at DVC; among these are: Summer Bridge Welcome Day FYE Learning Community First Year Seminar Peer Mentoring A Summer Bridge is a noncredit, two-week intensive summer course for incoming students who have been placed in a basic level MELANIE CALIMLIM/ The Inquirer math or English course via assessPolitical Science major Dylan Shariatpanahy, 20, tutors Business major Cecilia, 21, who does not use a last name. ment. At the end of the course, students would get another opportunity to take the assessment test; those that do often place into year of college, and 91 percent class set would consist of English Pleasant Hill campus and another like those utilized by Umoja, higher level courses. reported wanting to be more in- 118, a general education course, at the San Ramon campus. EOPS, and Puente. Peer mentors Welcome Day, a half day meet volved in campus events and ac- and a one unit First Year Seminar The First Year Seminar is de- will ideally have gone through the and greet event for incoming stu- tivities. Going forward, Welcome course. These courses are "inten- signed as a one-unit class that FYE program themselves, and will dents to mingle with their peers Day will become an annual event tionally integrated," meaning that will cover effective study habits, be closely involved with their asand faculty, will feature academic at DVC. they are designed collaboratively collegiate expectations, as well as signed class' academic lives. workshops, campus tours, and a One of the most significant by their instructors to have related, educational opportunities and unWith the implementation of variety of "community building features of the program is the inter-connective content. In time, derstanding how to use campus these programs, DVC hopes to activities." DVC held its first Wel- Learning Community. The FYE the program aims to be expanded resources. While the course will increase student retention and come Day in the fall of 2015 to Learning Community creates to include sets of English 122 not yet be transferable, it is hoped close existing achievement gaps great success; 93 percent of sur- a group, of students that have classes. that it will become so in the future. between demographics. veyed students found the informa- tested into developmental EngIn the fall of 2016, a pilot of the Finally, the proposal recomContact SEAN ROSS at tion provided at the event valuable lish, who then take a set of classes FYE Learning Community will be mends the implementation of a in preparing them for their first together; in the case of DVC, the launched, with one group on the peer mentoring program much Advertisement

features 5

Thursday, April 7 - Wednesday, April 20

Success is balancing self, dreams CHELSEY SCHALLIG Staff member

A successful person is one who takes full advantage of an opportunity to figure out who they are and what they want in life. The “success beyond the classroom” workshop was hosted by Ray Faulkenberry, psychology professor, in the Diablo Valley College Student Union on March 10. Faulkenberry spoke to students about being successful during and after college. It’s easy to tell yourself to “work harder,” but the real challenge is following through with that. If you lack a clear goal, you can’t reach success if you’re not completely sure what you’re striving for. Success is an abstract word that possesses various meanings depending on the person who’s using it. “A successful person is one who has made it through the worst and is now ready to complete the rest of their lives. You need a good balance between yourself and your dreams,” said Faulkenberry. Once you identify your need, will you act on it or fail to accomplish it? There are reasons why you’re not successful. There a several types of negative people: haters, pessimists, and the jealous type, and if you listen to discouragement, your goals will slip away. “Jealous types are people who have abandoned their once aspirations and dreams. They’re envious

New space for edgy art opens JESS PARRY Staff member

thing to do if you’re able to have any play time. “I’d go for fun with a group of friends and just have fun. I feel like it’s enjoyable because it’s like being a kid,” he says. Meets are held every Sunday from 11 a.m to 7 p.m. at Hidden Lakes Park in Martinez. If anyone is interested in looking for a local Amtgard park or more details about Amtgard, you can visit their website at

“Experimentalism is a theoretical or philosophical approach to learning that emphasizes experimentation and the parsing of one’s observations to find truth and knowledge,” said Diablo Valley College professor of art and digital media, Troy Bennett. “Experimentalism” is the name of Bennett’s new art exhibit, featured in DVC’s art gallery, which contemplates the ties between art and science. The exhibit is comprised of framed photographs on the walls and a display in the room’s center. The center of the room draws the observer in immediately. A Guiana Chestnut plant sits in a red seated high chair facing a projection of a baby, son of the artist, being fed by a disembodied arm. According to Bennett, “the video of the child attempts to further this notion of ‘homegrown’ experimentation as a disembodied arm continuously feeds a child over a series of observational ‘sessions.’” The projection lasts for an hour and a half, culminating in the experimenter finally becoming the subject, as the experimenter turns the camera to face his twitching eye. Enclosing the sculpture in the center on the inner walls are pictures from Bennett’s previous series, “The Decisive Moment.” In the pictures are various sculptures similar in nature to the one found at the heart of the exhibit. All include a plant in positions generally associated with people. According to Bennett, “These Rube Goldberg-esque works personify plants and imbue them with human psychological states, such as self-awareness, self actualization, and depression.” Bennett cites his influence for these pictures firstly from German photographers, Karl Blodsfeldt and Berndt and Hilla Becher, and secondly by the work in the center of the gallery, which approaches the concept of observing in a scientific fashion. “The photos adopt a more minimalist approach, which contrasts with the more readymade aesthetic of the central work,” says Bennett. He hopes that his observers appreciate the work he has done as visually appealing. However, he mostly wants his work to inspire questioning and a discussion of what it is that they are seeing and experiencing. Not just in the exhibit, but in the world around them. The exhibit run in the DVC Art Gallery in A-305 until March 31.


Contact JESS PARRY at


Psychology professor Ray Faulkenberry helps students on find success beyond the classroom in the Student Union, March 10. of you because they don’t have the courage to pursue what they dream of, however it’s good to listen to some criticism,” said Faulkenberry. Your skills and talents will be unappreciated in the wrong environment. So it’s not surprising that you wouldn’t be too proud of your work, or end up creating an overwhelming sense of stress and negativity. “You’re in college and it’s important that you apply yourself in everything you do. You need balance between your social life and and school work,” said Faulken-

Larpers prepare to go medieval

combat fighting sport. The game that they play is called Amtgard, which is also the name of the orgaAlthough the deadline for creat- nization. Creating crafts and weaping clubs has passed, it didn’t seem ons out of plastic pipes, graphite to stop some students on campus cords, foam and other materials from doing some live action role- that are deemed suitable for their playing. games. Larping group organizer, This is a full contact sport, yet Michael safety is the Beiermann main concern missed the cutfor their playoff date for a ers. Larpers can“If people are less larper’s club, but not make head interested in fighting, shots, and say is hopeful that he can make the there are also aspects of if you get hit cut off for next in the arm, it is Amtgard that focus on essentially “cut semester. Beiermann arts and crafts such as: off” and it has to says, “The club go behind your we will be start- playing music, acting, back, etc. ing is going to Although the writing, sewing, etc.” be more focused essence of larpon the game of ing is combat, it ~MICHAEL BEIERMANN Amtgard, where does not necesLarping group organizer we will teach sarily mean that people the rules everyone who of the game. joins has to parHopefully we would encourage take in fighting. people to branch out and attend In Amtgard, there is a place for some of the local Amtgard parks in anyone wanting to showcase their the area.” talent. Larping are primarily a medieval “If people are less interested in

berry. “Follow your dreams, but take time and remember the little things in life. Not everything is going to be perfect, so don’t give up.” Your wellness is the full integration of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being. Physical deals with the body and a healthy lifestyle, and can help us get through life without stress of fatigue. Mental deals with the mind and allows us to open our minds to new experiences and ideas. Emotional deals with the heart and gives us the ability to cope with the challenges life throws at us.

Spiritual is one’s purpose that establishes peace and harmony with our lives. “It’s important to pay attention to our wellness. You can’t be successful if your mind and body aren’t well. Surround yourself with people who understand and support you,” said Faulkenberry. “When life gets hard you have to keep going towards what you want, and don’t lose yourself along the way.” Contact CHELSEY SCHALLIG at

MELANIE CALIMLIM Senior staff member


Two students live action role-playing outside near the Diablo Valley College mathematics building , Feb. 26. fighting, there are also aspects of Amtgard that focus on arts and crafts such as: playing music, acting, writing, sewing, etc.,” Beiermann says. You don’t have to be knowledgeable about Amtgard at all, which is great for newcomers. You can learn along the way, or just choose to spar with other people on your own time. There are different parks where larpers meet from all over the bay. 19 year-old student, Zion Yuzon says that although he does not see himself as a permanent player in Amtgard, he feels that it is some-

features 6

Thursday, April 7 - Wednesday, April 20, 2016

‘Almost, Maine’ warms hearts


JESS PARRY Staff member

lmost, Maine," a work of interconnected plays written by John Cariani and directed by Nicole Hess-Diestler, a professor in the Theater department at Diablo Valley College, successfully dazzled another audience on Friday, April 1, in DVC’s PAC building. After months of hard work and dedication, the actors and crew have created a remarkable and touching production that leaves the audience in bittersweet contemplation. "Almost, Maine" deals with the complex emotions connected with falling in and out of love in a truly magical way. The mystical edge of the production is clear from the start. "Almost, Maine" is set in an entirely fictionalized town, based on a combination of places in Maine. The residents of the town of Almost however, are ordinary and honest people, who, like most, find themselves in the throngs of love. There is an otherworldly quality to their interactions, a huge part of which is influenced by the enchanting set design, lights, and sound effects. The events in "Almost, Maine" all occur on a Friday night around 9 p.m., in the deep Courtesy of Tara Maginnis winter during Aurora Borealis. Diestler, Monica Minix and Josh T. Moles, above, showcase their acrting skills as as well as set and lighting designer Drew they prepare for opening night during a dress rehearsal. Jimmy Darling and Kaufmann, created a wonderland of snow capped trees, twinkling stars, and even the Micha Frydman, below, look longingly into the distance, as her character flowing Aurora Borealis itself. Snow, and grieves for her late huband, she clutches her heart in a paper bag. sometimes a lost shoe, fell continuously onto the action during the show. The stories of nine different relationships in Almost are woven together in nine separate vignettes, each lasting about ten minutes. This lends even further credence to the actors’ abilities, who were able to utilize a short amount of time to develop an emotional connection to the audience. Jimmy Darling, 19, elaborated, "It's not about any one couple, it's about all aspects of love." Each vignette includes a magical metaphor or event that is grounded in reality.

For example, in the first scene “Her Heart,” a woman who has recently lost her husband holds her own heart in a bag, and can’t survive without it near her. Surreal events such as these added intrigue and a physicality to the relatable feelings of love and loss. Diestler diverts from the original play description by including the Aurora Borealis and a twinkling of bells at the climax of each vignette. This emphasized the magic of each moment, and was reminiscent of the love spells in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare. Monica Minix, who played Gayle, a girl so conflicted in her love for her boyfriend that she attempts to return all the love he has given her, said she most enjoyed the challenge of establishing a relationship between her and her partner in such a short amount of lines and stage-time. “We only have about ten minutes to connect,” Minix says, “instead of the entire character arc you usually get in a production.” "Almost, Maine" leaves most of the character development to the off-stage, challenging the actors and the director to use every movement and every line to say as much as possible about the characters and their relationship. Darian Tiner, 23, commented on how she achieves this with her acting, "I like to transform into a different person, because I can do things I wouldn't normally do." The show accomplishes this and more. The actors and crew come together seamlessly to offer a magical yet relatable show that leaves your heart on your sleeve. "Almost, Maine" has three more performances, April 8 and 9 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, April 10 at 2 p.m. Next for DVC Drama is "Theatre outside the box: Grieving a Generation,” a piece written and directed entirely by DVC drama students, which will run from April 15 and 16.

Contact JESS PARRY at

Right: William Syndney and Alyssa Fredzess express great emotion and feeling in DVC’s production of “Almost, Maine,” a comedic and sometimes surreal tale of love and loss.

features 7

Thursday, April 7 - Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Glass ceiling still stealing income CHELSEY SCHALLIG Staff member

Job choice, career paths and education are factors that play into the gender wage gap and is one of the biggest barriers to economic justice for women. The wage gap is closing at a very small rate and women can expect to reach pay parity in 44 years or until 2059. April 12 is known as Equal Pay Day, a symbolic day where women work 60 extra days to earn what men did by the end of the previous year. The Equal Pay Act was passed in 1963, which makes gender-based pay discrimination illegal, but women still make less than men. Women who work full year round made 78 percent of what men made in 2014. “Growing up, women are taught to be quiet and nice. The social norms between genders teach girls to follow the man and when a woman shows the traits of power, she’s perceived as impolite and bossy,” said Elena Noble, Field manager at American Association of University Women and Wage Project. Post college is a prime time for women and men to make similar earnings, but women make less than men in their first year after graduation. The wage gap follows women even when they invest the same time in their education and earn the same degrees as their male counterparts for the same job. “People like to think that women have less experience and work fewer hours than male counterparts, because of motherhood, and seek jobs that are flexible with worse pay. Are people really penalizing women economically for being caretakers?” said Noble. There’s a bias against mothers in the workplace and many are unwilling to be put into a stereotype. When new mothers come back

Hispanic /Latino

American Indian and Alaska Native

Pacific Islander

African American


Asian American Courtesy of ELENA NOBLE

from maternity leave, male colleagues label them as unreliable and tend to overlook their productivity. The lack of policies in the U.S. that guarantee paid maternity leave and childcare explain why some women have no choice but to exit the workforce and find another career. “Stereotypes are harmful in everyday life and can create problems with productivity in the workplace. There’s a limited outlook on a women’s ability to thrive in the workplace and in leadership positions,” said Noble. While white women are affected by wage gaps, women of color suffer the most. Af-

rican American women make 64 cents and Hispanic women make 57 cents to the white man. In 2014, Info Please reported that women of color had lower median annual earnings compared to white men and women. According to American Progress in 2014, 29 percent of African-American and 28 percent of Hispanic women had no choice, but to work part-time because they were unable to find full-time jobs, compared to the 16 percent of white women. There may be a difference in education, but that doesn’t fully explain the huge gap between white women and women of color.

“It’s known that women of color tend to be paid less than their white female coworkers even with the same educational background,” said Noble. Even with the Equal Pay Act of 1963, there is still discrimination in the workplace. Women with the same jobs, same education, and same skill level as their male counterparts still make less money. In a time where equality is the resounding message, women shouldn’t have to wait until 2059 to get rid of this wage gap. Contact CHELSEY SCHALLIG at

Professor’s presentation brings past to life DOMINIQUE SMITH Staff member

Trevor R. Getz, Professor of Modern African History at San Francisco State, presented the second edition of his book “Abina and the Important Men: A Graphic History” at Diablo Valley College on Wednesday, March 16. The story takes the reader on a journey through a court transcript from 1876 of a West African woman who was wrongfully enslaved and took her case to court ultimately gaining her liberation. Getz admits that, considering gender roles was not something he took into account in the first edition of Abina Mansah’s court case, he feels the second edition is more accurate. “Here’s a silly thing I used to say, “I don’t do gender...” I was getting things wrong because I wasn’t thinking about the gender spectrum.” In 1874, the British migrated over to the coast of Ghana and colonized it to gain possession of its palm oil which was needed for Britain’s economy. The British, who were suppose to be abolitionists, instead enslaved West African men to harvest palm oil. This soon became a problem when Britain realized they were contradicting

Student wait for Professor Trevor R. Getz at his brown bag workshop on March 16. their morals. At this time women were only seen as property and had no rights. As a result more and more women were enslaved by the British, using this as a loophole. “Abina and the Important Men:

A Graphic History,” has won the James Harvey Robinson Prize from the American Historical Association and is used at over 250 universities around the world. Getz mentioned several times throughout his presentation that,

“When we study more hidden sources of history we understand it more accurately.” Getz and his digital analysis team are currently working on an app, revolving around Abina’s court case, in the hopes that he will


reach the interest of a younger audience, including both middle and high school students. Contact DOMINQUE SMITH at

sports 8

Thursday, April 7 - Wednesday, April 21, 2016

Hawkeyes take flight over Vikings baseball ERIN SMITH Features editor

at the top of the fourth as Consumes River took third off a pop fly, DVC defense tried to hold their own, but the Hawkeyes scored, The Diablo Valley College baseball team 1-0, and managed to bring in another run as got a second chance to redeem themselves DVC’s defense struggled to control the ball Thursday, March 31, after a dismal 7-1 loss bringing the score to 2-0. to Consumes River in their last meeting. Hawkeyes had players on second and third Consumes River started off the first inning remaining and two outs when a line drove at bat and DVC in yet another run, quickly managed Hawkeyes lead. “We got to figure out how to 3-0,Gosiengfiao three outs, thanks to hit starting pitcher Billy get the ball where they aren’t. a line drive, DefiBabb. followed with a Also, coming together in the azo Outfielder Zachbunt to first with no ary Guardino sent next inning and try to score outs. a chopper over the A bunt by John runs.” third baseman getAnthon sent Gosting him to first. iengfiao out at third ~Billy Babb Two more hits got and a double play Pitcher Guardino to third by Consumes River where he was ultisent DVC back to mately stranded resulting in a scoreless first the field. inning. A caught pop fly gave DVC the second The second began with a walk for the out and they managed to make quick work Hawkeyes, but DVC quickly responded of the Hawkeyes in the top of the fifth. with a double play, and after one more hit Guardino took first with a deep ball to Babb retired the side. right field and Taliaferro walked to first Bradley Gosiengfiao and Daniel Defazio pushing him to second, but a double play started the inning with back-to-back hits, by the Hawkeyes ended the fifth inning, 3-0 and advanced to second and third on a field- Hawkeyes. er’s choice, but the Vikings were unable to The sixth inning went by quick with three bring them home and the score remained, up and three down. 0-0. DVC put in pitcher Riley Moore, but a DVC once again opened the third inning walk was still allowed with Consumes River with a walk, but made quick work of getting on second and third. three outs thereafter. Now with bases loaded Moore managed to Anthony Taliaferro took first in the bot- strike out the next batter, but with one more tom of the third but DVC managed little out needed a drive past first got Consumes else. Some excitement was finally achieved River two more runs bringing the score to


Starting pitcher Billy Babb (#28) gives up 7 hits and tree earned runs in game against Consumes River on Thursday, March 31. 5-0. With players on first and third the Hawkeyes stole second and yet another walk got the bases loaded. DVC switched pitchers again, this time to Guardino, and three outs were managed. DVC took first and second in the bottom of the seventh but Consumes River defense proved too much for the Vikings and the inning quickly ended. Consumes River got three fast outs in the bottom of the eighth and after getting the bases loaded in the top of the ninth were still unable to score. DVC struck out the bottom of the ninth and ended the game scoreless, 5-0. After the game starting pitcher Babb said,

“I feel like we pitch to win every game. We hit the ball pretty well the first game, this one not so much.” As far as where to improve he said, “We got to figure out how to get the ball where they aren’t. Also, coming together in the next inning and try to score runs.” The Big 8 Conference is the toughest in California and DVC baseball is currently tied for fifth, but Stephan Hantos reassured that, “As far as talent goes I’d say this team is as good as any in the league.” DVC takes on San Joaquin Delta Tuesday, April 5 at 2:30 p.m. Contact ERIN SMITH at

American River Beavers chomp DVC Vikings in Big 8 conference ERIN SMITH Features editor

The Diablo Valley College softball team headed into their ninth game against American River, on Tuesday March 29. American River started off the first inning strong, getting a player to third base and ultimately home, scoring the first run as Nicole Nordahl of DVC pitched. The Vikings got two quick outs in the bottom of the first. Cynthia Dueñas hit it hard to left field and managed to get to first, Bailey Simmons hit a ground ball getting to first allowing Dueñas to take second. Julia Pelletier walked to first, moving Dueñas to third. Mallory Barnard came up to bat with the bases loaded and two outs, and after four balls, walked to first getting Dueñas home and tying up the game, 1-1. The second inning went by JULIANNA CARDINALE / The Inquirer quickly, thanks to Vikings defense Second baseman Juliana Deighton (#14) gets ready to slap bunt in the and impeccable pitching by Norfirst inning against American River on Tuesday, March 29. dahl, with three back to back outs.

The Vikings got two quick outs before allowing the one hit in the inning, but no runs were scored in the third. The team managed to get players on both second and third, but Barnard struck out, leaving them scoreless in the third inning as well. The tides began to turn, however, in the top of the fifth as DVC defense struggled to keep control of the ball. The Vikings approached the mound and reconvened. With bases loaded, DVC defense and Nordahl managed to get out of a jam, leaving the score 2-1, Beavers in front. The Beavers scored in the top of the sixth bringing the score to 3-1. The Vikings set up the sixth inning with two early outs, but with two out hitting, the Vikings managed to tack on a run making it a close game with the score of, 3-2. In the seventh inning a dropped pop fly allowed two Beavers to score, 5-2, and the following batter brought in another run, 6-2. With two outs and a Beaver on

second, defense came back to hurt the Vikings again, allowing two more runs to score, leaving the final score at, 7-2. After the game, pitcher Nordahl commented on the team’s performance, “We didn’t play as well as we could have.” Pelletier added as to why, “They hit really well. They kept hitting the ball up the middle and there was nothing we could do.” Being tied for third in the Big 8 is no small feat though, as Juliana Deighton pointed out, “The Big 8 is the hardest conference in California.” As for the remaining conference games, Nordahl said, “We need to improve on hitting and not leaving people on base.” Vikings are tied for third place in the Big 8 conference with Sierra College, and travel to Consumes River to play a double header this Friday, April 1, at 1 p.m. Vikings return home to challenge Modesto, Tuesday April 5, at 3 p.m. Contact ERIN SMITH at

sports 9

Thursday, April 7 - Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Grad gains triathlete title with ASEA assist ALLISON ROULLIER Senior staff member

Diablo Valley College alumna, 71-year-old Dexter Yeats, is a triathlete competitor who has recently signed on to be a brand ambassador for ASEA, a global company leading the way for cellular health. ASEA means a symbol of rejuvenation, rebirth, and healing. "I have been doing triathlons since 1983," said Yeats. "In 1994 I was a full time student at DVC, and I was on the Cross Country team. At 49 years of age, I was the oldest female on the team at that time. I felt like one of the kids when we were out training and running at the Cross country meets. Our team even went to State that year and for me, that was an awesome thrill." Founded in 2010, ASEA’s cellular health supplement that these athletes use help’s to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle and enhance physical performance and stay energized longer – helping them stay successful in their careers. Yeats and six other elite athletes also joined as brand ambassadors. "I discovered ASEA when I thought that my racing days were over. After retiring from working I had gained weight and was having trouble getting back in condition to compete in triathlon races," said Yeats.

"I was tired and did not have energy to train, it was taking days to recover from workouts. Once I started taking ASEA, I had energy to train and the weight came off once I was able to do the work load needed to race again. ASEA’s redox signaling technology enhances cellular function and positively impacts every system of the body to achieve optimal health and wellness." ASEA's Vice President, Kurt Richards said, “ASEA’s ground breaking redox signaling technology has shown to be beneficial to each of these athletes by improving their physical performance and overall health, giving them the ASEA edge over their competition. The diversity of these athletes shows that anyone, no matter age, gender or genetic disposition, can stay active and healthy longer by using ASEA.” "The joy of doing a triathlon is an amazing thrill for me," said Yeats. "Race day is like a celebration of all of the training that I do day in and day out. When I get up in the morning I look forward to getting out swimming, biking and/or running. It is a lifestyle for me, that brings me a lot of joy. Even at age 71, it still is a lot of fun." Courtesy of DEXTER YEATS Contact ALLISON ROULLIER at

Dexter Yeats wins Ironman World Championship in 2015.

AUSTIN LEMAK / The Inquirer

Brandon James, one of DVC’s top swimmers, tunes different strokes during practice on March 31.

All-star DVC swimmer takes on Division I AUSTIN LEMAK Senior staff member

Brandon James holds not only the Junior College record for back stroke, but also the national record after swimming the 200 meter back stroke in 144.09 seconds. James began swimming at age 10 when he started swimming year round with the Terrapins from Concord, California. He didn't just excel in the water, he also played baseball and basketball. "I think I was actually better at baseball," joked James. After spending four years on varsity with Heritage High school, he took his talents to Diablo Valley College where he

continued to improve and dominate with the Coach Millington said, "Brandon takes a Viking's swim and diving team. Freestyle and big load academic wise. He also matured a backstroke are his two strongest events. great deal in academics." Head coach Ron MilJames could have gone to lington, has high hopes a four year college straight “Brandon takes a big out of high school, but he for Brandon for when load, academic wise. wanted to train harder and he continues onto the state championships. a better scholarHe also matured a great receive Millington has seen ship. He has been in comdeal in academics.” great progress in Branmunication with a couple don, and hopes to see division one schools. His him break not only his top five schools include ~Ron Millington Coach own record, but two Arizona, Arizona State, national records and Florida State, Michigan, five school records. After the state champi- and Hawaii. onships he will go to the Olympic trials. Brandon is still in the process of deciding

if he wants to stay another year here at DVC and focus more on training, or transfer. By staying he would be more prepared when he transfers to the division one school where he hopes to preform as well, if not better, than he has at DVC. James loves being in the water, as both of his parents were also swimmers. He loves just being in the water and being at the beach. "As Brandon is training hard and finely running his strokes, the results will show as the end of the season comes around,"said Coach Millington. Contact AUSTIN LEMAK at

opinions 10

Thursday, April 7 - Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Ignorance of the law is no excuse... except when enforcing it


A party in your phone, and the FBI’s hosting

Graphic illustration by JESSE SUTTERLEY


ou’re in a rush to get to work and in the doors, locks on your houses, passwords for your acmidst your frantic search for your keys counts even locks on your journals, are you willing to you finally make it out the door get onto give someone the key to all of these things just because the freeway and realize you forgot your phone. We they promise to only use it when it is truly necessary? are all forgetful can’t beat yourself up about it, but As far as tech companies are concerned no one, not let’s say you left your phone at the even them, will have the key to the place you had the one night stand, private information on your phone could have been a house, could and Apple is even pushing for this to have been a back seat, we’re getting become normalized for Icloud. But off topic. Thank god the person the FBI isn’t the only ones attackdoesn’t know your pass code, then ing tech companies, some legislators they’d see all those pictures of your are trying to make congress decide cat dressed up as a T-rex. now. Senators Dianne Feinstein and No one likes to have their perRichard Burr are pushing forth a bill sonal information sifted through that would give federal judges the without their knowledge, let alone ability to force tech companies to by someone they hardly even turn over data to law enforcement know. But according to the FBI in upon request. their most recent case against ApHowever, no matter what law ple, that doesn’t really matter — if passes encryption will not go away. JESSE SUTTERLEY they want to look at your phone, Software currently exists to encrypt Co-editor-in-chief they are going to find a way. your files, emails, text messages Here is the biggest issue though and photos but these attacks by the and it is put very clearly by Tim government on encryption make it Cook, Apples CEO, in a letter to apple customers, “In seem like it is a crime to even consider protecting your the wrong hands, this software, would have the poten- private life from prying eyes. tial to unlock any iPhone in someone’s physical posEncryption, in this sense, is the last frontier in prisession. The FBI may use different words to describe vacy. With the eye of big brother growing ever larger, this tool, but make no mistake: Building a version of those of us that want to continue to live private lives iOS that bypasses security in this way would undeni- have to go to more extreme measures to ensure that ably create a backdoor.” what we say remains private. And while the government may argue that its use We have come to a crossroads, do we kill the last would be limited to this case, there is no way to guar- sources of privacy that we have in the name of security antee such control…” First off “use would be limited” and safety or do we allow ourselves to maintain that is a total joke. Only days after the FBI cracked the privacy and go on living our lives as we do now? phone, through some mysterious third party they don’t want to tell anyone about, they agreed to unlock a phone for Arkansas’ prosecutor. Second, and probably the most important part of this debate, is that if this software falls into the wrong Contact JESSE SUTTERLEY at hands, what happens to everyone’s security? Privacy is a human necessity, you have locks on your bathroom

icture this: you’re sit- disagreed. In the 8-1 decision, ting in your parked car, the Court ruled that Sergeant minding your own busi- Darisse’s actions were the result ness and discreetly enjoying some of a “reasonable mistake of law,” Old Toby (it’s the finest in all of and that a police officer only reSouthfarthing, don’t you know) quires “reasonable suspicion” that while listening to The Fire in Our a law is being broken in order to Throats... by Pelican on the ste- lawfully stop and question a citireo. When suddenly, your blissful zen — even if the law the officer retreat is interrupted by a loud suspects is being broken is not an rat-a-tat-tat on actual law. Jusyour window tice Sonia Sotoby, much to mayor, the lone your displeavoice of dissent sure, an officer in the decision, of the law. rightly lambastNothing to ed the Court’s really worry decision as an about, though, unprecedented you’ve got the assault on the appropriate Fourth Amendrecommendament rights of tion and the all citizens, givpapers to prove ing officers the it, right? leeway to make SEAN ROSS Wrong. This decisions that News editor officer is not should be made only low on isby a judge. sued citations “There is for the months, but has been hav- scarcely a peep in these cases to ing an especially bad day — he suggest that an officer’s underwants to charge you with a DUI. standing or conception of anyYou argue that the engine wasn’t thing other than the facts is releven running, how could you pos- evant.... The same cannot be said sibly be driving the car? It turns about legal exegesis. After all, the out, as far as the law is concerned, meaning of the law is not probahaving the key in the ignition, bilistic in the same way that facwhich you needed to play the ste- tual determinations are.... And it reo, is all that’s required to meet is courts, not officers, that are in the legal definition of “driving.” the best position to interpret the Your protests and appeals to laws.” In the face of the decision, reason fall on deaf ears, dispelled “one wonders,” Justice Sotomayor with the recitation of the stern continues, “how a citizen seeking truism, “ignorance of the law is to be law-abiding and to structure no excuse for breaking it.” But his or her behavior to avoid these what happens when a cop doesn’t invasive, frightening, and humiliknow the law? In the 2014 case ating encounters could do so.” Heien v. North Carolina, Ser- Indeed, the court has ruled that geant Matthew Darisse followed not only do police officers have no the car of Nicholas Brady Heien obligation to know the laws they before initiating a stop for a bro- are enforcing, they effectively have ken brake light. During the stop, the ability to make judicial interSergeant Darisse obtained consent pretations by pleading ignorance. to search Heien’s vehicle, wherein So long as this decision continhe found a stash of cocaine. Hei- ues to set a precedent in U.S. case en was promptly arrested and law, the Fourth Amendment carcharged with attempted traffick- ries no weight whatsoever. ing. This all seems perfectly norNot only this, but law enforcemal and above board, except for ment officers actually have an inone small problem. In North Car- centive to know as little about the olina, driving with one break light law as possible; after all, the less a out is perfectly legal; in order to given officer knows about the laws be in violation of North Carolina’s they are enforcing, the broader the vehicle code, both brake lights interpretations - beg your pardon, must be out. “reasonable mistakes” — that Put simply, Darisse had no can be taken under the umbrella probable cause to execute the stop of, “I reasonably but mistakenly in the first place. Thus, argued thought a law was being broken, Heien’s legal counsel, the traf- your Honor.” fic stop illegally violated Heien’s Fourth Amendment rights and all findings gained from that stop Contact SEAN ROSS at must be suppressed from evidence. The Supreme Court, however,

opinion 11 Kombucha tears hipster scene at seams Thursday, April 7 - Wednesday, April 20, 2016


efore you read on, I must warn you. What you are about to read is terrible. You’ve been warned. The contents of this article revolve around a drink so heavily contested, that it threatens to split the hipster community into two different tribes — possibly ruining centuries of progress towards penultimate douchedom. This drink is the first threat to the order of the hipster community. Kombucha, or as many refer to the probiotic drink as buch (pronounced boo-ch), is a heavily debated drink which doesn’t get the respect that a fungal tea deserves. According to Vice reporter Jules Suzdaltsev, the drink tastes somewhat like, “...Gatorade that’d been left uncapped in a shed, slowly collecting dust and insects (that someone had also dropped a urinal cake into for some reason).” Suzdaltsev’s vivid description is a great advertisement for anyone who’s looking to try this extraordinary drink, because like Suzaltsev, most people detest the taste of kombucha. Personally I love it, which, if the actual taste of Kombucha is one of Suzdaltsev’s description, then I’m also into drinks that taste like urinal cakes. And if that is the consensus, then I’m willing to concede. But I’m not willing to believe that this is true without presenting the bucha lover’s argument. Kombucha is any black or green tea that has been fermented using yeast and other probiotics, which gives a slightly alcoholic tinge to the cesspool of life that brews for seven to thirty days. Once properly brewed, one can enjoy its contents.

I like to enjoy my kombucha while listening to my vinyl album collection, when I’m trimming my beard (which I’m considering growing out), and complaining how much the city costs. Just kidding. I can’t grow a beard. Now, on to my analysis of the complex eccentric taste of the Kombucha wave that hits your tastebuds like a chloroformy film that knocks you off your feet because it’s just so dank. Yes, I said chloroformy. Yes, that’s not a word. And yes, that doesn’t sound pleasant. But that’s what makes Kombucha so amazing. It’s a strange taste, but one that grows on you. Sipping the beautifully pungent concoction is a burst of flowery flavors — some fruity hints throughout the slimy liquid hit your tongue randomly, which is then followed by an aftertaste of peer sprightly spring air as though your mouth has been reborn. That’s at least what good kombucha tastes like, however, there’s a lot of bad bucha out there which tastes — well, as Suzdaltsev says — a bit like a urinal cake. With this in mind, you’re going to drink a lot of bad bucha if you become a well versed kombucha expert. And that’s just something you’ll have to learn to accept. When I pop a bottle of bucha, it’s like opening a bottle of nostalgia. Seriously though, each time I’m just trying to remember what the last Kombucha I had tasted like. Once I finish, I ponder over what I just spent six dollars on. The process is addicting. I’m going to get buch faced now, whether you like it or not. Contact MARCEL SCOTT at Graphic illustration by JESSE SUTTERLEY

Romantic comedies hide dark realities of life


here are two types of people in this world, those who genuinely enjoy romantic comedies, and those who use them as some strange guideline to set our own relationships against. I used to be the latter. Cut to five years ago. Having just gone through a rough break up, I was living in my sweatpants, ice cream was my dinner, and big salty tears were my dessert. For some reason I thought the best idea would be to watch romantic comedy after romantic comedy, wondering why the characters always ended up together in the end — no matter what craziness they put each other through — but I couldn’t. What was I doing wrong in my life that they were doing right in theirs? It seems silly — but the thought that their life was fiction, and mine was not, never once crossed my mind. The only rational conclusion was that all these gorgeous women could act as in-

sane as they wanted and their man would still come running back every time. Maybe I wasn’t pretty enough? Or maybe I wasn’t clingy enough so he didn’t know I liked him? Or maybe I was too clingy and suffocated him? Maybe I needed to be more dramatic and crazy, since that seemed to work for the movie characters. But wait, wasn’t it our shared craziness and drama that caused the relationship to end in the first place? When the media has so much power that it can alter your views of what a “normal relationship” looks like, how long will it take you to realize the problem starts with yourself? Whether we are conscious of it or not, women are being taught through romantic comedies that negative attention seeking behavior, altering their image to please a man, or stalking are all traits to tolerate in a real life relationship. A study conducted by Julia Lippman in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Michigan

THE INQUIRER Diablo Valley College 321 Golf Club Road, ATC-103 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 The Inquirer is published Thursdays during the school year by the Diablo Valley College journalism students. Unsigned articles appearing on the opinions page are editorials and reflect a two-thirds majority opinion of the editorial staff. Signed columns and cartoons are the opinions of the writer or artist and not necessarily those of The Inquirer, Diablo Valley College or Contra Costa Community College District.

on media portrayals of persistent pursuit on each other a whole 5 minutes, which is great, beliefs about stalking, has found that “media if you like stories ending in physician assistportrayals of gendered aggression can have ed group suicide. I can’t tell you how many prosocial effects, and that the romanticized times in the past few years I have heard the pursuit behaviors comphrase, “oh, we used to be monly featured in the friends, and then I found media as a part of normathem again on facebook, tive courtship can lead to and we’ve been dating an increase in stalkingever since,” or something supportive beliefs.” And along those lines. This these examples are paraphrase is so ubiquitous in mount in the romantic dating culture today that comedy genre. In case we don’t even realize that you haven’t been paying it too is stalking. But isn’t attention recently, here’s Lippman saying exactly a few red flags: Meg Ryan that? That we as the audecides to fly from Baltidience have romanticized more to Seattle because the point so much that we she thinks Tom Hanks, don’t even see the probKATHERINE HADA whom she has never met, lems blasting us in the Co-editor-in-chief could be “the one” after face? When both movie hearing his voice for 30 and internet culture proseconds on the radio in “Sleepless in Seattle.” motes the idea of stalking and negative atBen Stiller hires a private investigator to tention seeking behavior in order to get help him track down a girl thirteen years what you want, it’s no wonder that we come after their botched prom date in “There’s out looking crazy. Something About Mary.” Hell, even Romeo Contact KATHARINE HADA and Juliet fall madly in love after knowing at


Katharine Hada Jesse Sutterley Sean Ross Julianna Cardinale Marcel Scott Erin Smith Cooper Mead

Staff STAFF WRITERS Jess Parry, Chelsey Schallig, Dominique Smith, SENIOR STAFF MEMBERS Madeline Berry, Melanie Calimlim, Austin Lemak, Allison Roullier INSTRUCTIONAL LAB COORDINATOR Julius Rea ADVISER Mary Mazzocco

• Phone: 925.969.2543 • Email: • Website: • Printed seven times per semester •

opinions 12

Thursday, April 7 - Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Bern down the establishment

In a presidential primary that has been marred by infighting and high-profile mudslinging, few candidates have managed to hold themselves above petty squabbling. The comparatively tepid campaign and boisterous agreement coming from the Democrats has served as a counterpoint to the Republican debacle. One contender has especially has managed to tread above much of the mire on the back of a dogged insistence on the issues, the real ones facing the American people, rather than the interpersonal issues of various combative egos. Senator Bernie Sanders has stayed on message, even if you disagree with the content of that message — his refusal to stray into middle school caliber name calling is bittersweet. How should it be that the person who declines every opportunity for personal attacks upon their opponent is the exception, rather than the rule? We have come to an age of politics unmatched in divisiveness since the secessionist movement in the pre-civil war legislature. As such, the man best suited to mend the divide is Sanders. While dissenters may harp upon his far left policies as a deal breaker for cooperation, it is his approach to politics itself that redeems him. Sanders will not attack his opponent of the same party, and has been carefully policy oriented in his criticism of GOP hopefuls. The individual best

suited to mend the divide is someone who will not take personal jabs at the other party, treating them like an enemy, that is the attitude that has gotten us into this obstructionist contest to see who can be the most stubborn. Rather we need a president who understands that politics is a balancing act, an effort of ongoing compromise, like not getting divorced till the kids are out of college. Hillary Clinton’s stump speech exhorting the need to keep the republicans out of office is untenable and only serves to exacerbate the divide. We need an individual who is able to run a campaign on a platform that does not hinge on, “we aren’t the other side, vote for us because they are bad.” Across the board, those running for president have claimed that there is something wrong with America — that there is some core fault in our nation — and that their plan is the one that can miraculously fix everything that has been perpetrated upon this nation by the opposing faction. They are right, to a degree. It is not the fault of any one individual, corporation or party, at whom a great many indignant fingers may so conveniently be pointed, but in the mirror. We, as the American people have cut off our nose to spite our face, and the nation and its people are starting to feel the pain of that division. ~The Spring 2016 Student Editorial Board



How do you feel about Jerry Brown raising minimum wage to $15 an hr by 2022?

Maria Mata, 20 Political Science

Matthew Brooks, 22 Marketing

“It’d be good for people who want to improve their lives, but for Californians’ it will raise taxes at a federal level.”

“If you look at what minimum wage was in the 1960’s and apply inflation and how much more productive people are the equivalent would be $18 an hour.”

Kaitlin Savory, 21 Allied Health

Brant Wade, 22 Music Industry

“I hope that due to more “I never gave it any thought. money in peoples pockets, it will I’m pretty sure the prices of help boost the economy.” everything else will go up and it will all balance out.”

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