DVC Inquirer 2-19-15 Vol. II Issue 2

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INQUIRER Student Voice of Diablo Valley College

Volume II No. 2 Thursday, Feb. 19 - Wednesday, March 4, 2015 www.DVCInquirer.com

Vikings hit it off with win DVC baseball beat the Mission College saints. See Page 2.

‘Fifty Shades’ of fail Features editor Daniel Maraccini saw it so you don’t have to. See Page 8.

Revamping recycling Funding for a sustainable campus moves forward. See Page 3.

Who is watching? Would on-campus surveillance cameras overstep boundaries? See Page 5.

SHANE LOUIS / The Inquirer

• News 3, 4 • Opinions 5, 6 • Sports 2 • Editorial 5 • Features 7, 8 • Campus Buzz 5 • Calendar 4 • Police Beat 4• Staff Information 4 • Copyright © 2015 The Inquirer - Diablo Valley College

sports 2

Thursday, Feb. 19 - Wednesday, March 4, 2015

SHANE LOUIS / The Inquirer

Jake Villa narrowly makes it back to first base just before Andrew Mallon catches the ball at DVC’s game against Mission College on Feb. 12.

Vikings find groove in 4-3 win AUSTIN LEMAK Staff member

ed to switch to left-handed pitcher Doug Nimura. Nimura was dealing, as he had A young team of Vikings has two strikeouts with his off-speed found its groove with a 4-3 win pitch. against the Mission College Saints. A great double play by Michael "We are a young team, and we Brdar to end the top of the eighth only have two sophomores," right- inning helped swing the game in fielder Jake Villa said. the Vikings' favor. He said this is the main differThe double play helped save a ence between last year's and this run and kept the lead. year's team. First baseman The Vikings Leo Costa started “Games like this and Saints took the inning off the field on a might be fun for the with a double. warm 70 degree This was the fans, but as a coach it’s second day at Diablo double Valley College, of the game for nerve-racking” ready to play Costa. ball. A past ball ~STEVE WARD "We need a moved Costa to Head coach lot of energy third where he and play with a scored on the lot of effort," next play as the second baseman Michael Brdar Mission first baseman dropped a said before the game. hard line drive. The effort took time to show, as DVC took the lead 4-2 going the game started out with the Vi- into the top of the ninth. king's down 2-0 in the second inEric Crispell received the save, as ning. he allowed only one run after getMission scored single runs in the ting into trouble with runners on first and second innings. second and third. Vikings starting pitcher Greg The Vikings left eight men on Campbell pitched his way out of base, but still came out with the many jams and kept the Vikings slim win of 4-3. close, giving up only two earned Head coach Steve Ward said afruns. ter the win, "Games like this might The Vikings came back in the be fun for the fans, but as a coach bottom of the second. its nerve-racking." With a fielding error and a throwing error by Mission that allowed Viking third-baseman Hudson Bishop to score. Contact AUSTIN LEMAK at ALemak@DVCInquirer.com In the top of third, DVC decid-



Thursday, Feb. 19 - Wednesday, March 4, 2015

DVC explores new recycling recepticals for college campus AUSTIN CURRINGTON Staff member

Plans to update the recycling and sanitation at Diablo Valley College are underway as new funding becomes available. DVC head custodian Frank Ichigaya along with his team, keep the entire campus clean. As head custodian Ichigaya takes on the responsibility of dealing with recycling issues. Ichigaya has future plans to recycle up to 50% of all waste on campus, which would be a big improvement from the five to 10 percent of all waste being recycled now. This semester his department has been granted an extra $17,550. "I have 15,000 of it now," Ichigaya said. "So we should start to see these additions out with in a month or two." There are currently about 33 brown recycle bins around the DVC campus and some fill up quicker than others. Ichigaya plans to change these brown bins to something more noticeable in hopes to increase student and teacher recycling. He plans to replace the old bins with the uptown - double bin made by Busch Sys-

tems. These bins will be permanently attached to the ground to prevent spilling and will be more modern looking to attract more students to recycle. More designs are available at the Busch Systems website. Ichigaya is also working on cutting costs where he can, such as reusing garbage liners, but more importantly cutting water usage. California has been going through a drought so using a pressure washer is not always the most viable option. Although sometimes it still needs to be done, the new Busch Systems bins will hopefully reduce drainage from the garbage and recycle bins leading to less water usage. The DVC Sustainability Committee discussed putting more recycling and water conservation signs all over the campus. The committee also discussed future plans for more solar panels, parking spots for carpool, promoting bike lockers, reducing smoking on campus and fixing problems caused by homeless on the DVC campus. The sustainability committee meets on the last Thursday of every month where Ichigaya and other DVC staff involved in Advertisement


The new recycling bins would replace the brown cans around campus that are often not used. the upkeep of the campus meet to discuss campus upkeep. Anyone can become involved in the sustainability committee by going to their meeting at 3 p.m. on the last Thursday of the month in the Administrative Business



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Contact AUSTIN CURRINGTON at ACurrington@DVCInquirer.com

DVC has been accredited again district must integrate student learning outcomes into the hiring evaluation process, including nonDiablo Valley College’s accredi- instructional faculty and staff. In tation status has been reaffirmed; the United Faculty Contract Aphowever, there are still deficient pendix X, it is merely suggested, standards that need to be resolved. not required, that faculty reflect The Accrediting Commission on at least two SLO's. This must for Community and Junior Col- change. leges, Western Association of College President Peter Garcia School and Colleges is requiring in his letter to the DVC communiDVC to fulfill the following rec- ty said, "Every employee and stuommendations: dent, now and 1. The college the next six “I am very proud to for must provide years (and lonstudent services be a part of this edu- ger!) will bento the San Rafrom the cational community efit mon campus, work of DVC’s comparable to and what we have ac- accreditation those of the complished working leaders." Pleasant Hill Faculty Sencampus. together.” ate President 2. The library and accreditamust establish tion advisory ~LAURIE LEMA student resource Faculty Senate President co-chair Laurie outcomes and Lema said the then implement collective work DVC has done assessment procedures to help since 2008 has lead the college to ensure that those outcomes are this point. She said the reaffirmed achieved. accreditation is great news. 3. The college needs to identify "I am very proud to be a part its long-term facilities needs by in- of this educational community corporating facilities management and what we have accomplished into the government process. working together," she said. DVC accreditation liaison offiA follow-up report must be cer Ted Wieden said a total cost submitted by Oct. 15, 2015 folof ownership model for the voter- lowed by a visit of Commission approved Measure E funding will representatives to resolve the debe done in conjunction with the ficiencies. Contra Costa Community College District facilities planning group. Contact TAYLOR PAGAN Additionally, the college and at TPagan@DVCInquirer.com TAYLOR PAGAN Online editor


Room. You can see the design for the new recepticals on our website at dvcinquirer.com.

news 4

Thursday, Feb. 19 - Wednesday, March 4, 2015

calendar Umoja Brown Bag, Feb. 19 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Student Union Conference Room Students speak on race in America. Three Way Jazz, Feb. 25 8:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Performing Arts Center A Jazz concert put on by the DVC music department. Symphonic Band, Feb. 27 8:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Performing Arts Center A concert put on by the DVC music department. A Day of Harmony, March 1 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Clayton Valley Presbyterian Church A concert of Gospel and multi cultural music featuring the DVC Concert Chorale, Chamber Singers and bay area special guests. CSU Transcript Deadline, March 2 Deadline for receipt of all required transcripts; current institution’s transcript must include Fall 2014 grades and Spring 2015 in progress courses.

police beat Tuesday, Feb. 3 DVC Parking Lot 6 A student reported that her vehicle was struck and damaged while parked unattended on campus property. There were no witnesses. Tuesday, Feb. 10 DVC Parking Lot 6 A student reported that his vehicle was stolen. There were no witnesses. Tuesday Feb. 10 DVC Parking Lot 7 A student was injured falling off his bicycle and taken to John Muir Hospital.

editor’s note The “ASDVC elections in near future” article in the Feb. 5 print edition quoted Keith Montes as giving a reason for the resignations of Parliamentarian Sherilyn Tjandra and Activity Coordinator Felicia Novia. The quote was in error. Montes did not tell the Inquirer any reasons. The Inquirer regrets the error.

New sidewalks pave a way TAYLOR PAGAN Online editor

Campus construction will continue in an effort to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Interim Vice President of finance and administration John Nahlen said there are plans to create a sidewalk and crosswalk on the west side of Diablo Valley College near Viking Drive and Stubbs Road. The sidewalk will be constructed along Viking Drive from the entrance of parking lot 4 to the beginning of parking lot 3. Another sidewalk will be constructed along Stubbs Road with a crosswalk intersecting at the parking lot 4 exit. Construction will be a college-funded project, provided by Measure E, rather than an expense for the city of Pleasant Hill. Construction was originally scheduled to begin Feb. 4. and completion was anticipated for April; however, the project has now been pushed until after the Spring 2015 semester in an effort to minimize traffic and parking disruptions. Measure E, passed in June 2014, issued the Contra Costa Community College District $450 million in bonds to upgrade campus facilities. Because of this, Nahlen said, "We will probably be (under construction) for the next 10 years." The much anticipated DVC Commons Project is also included in these Measure E renovations. The original Jan. 5 completion date has been pushed to the end of March due to complica-

TAYLOR PAGAN / The Inquirer

Ted Weiden, John Nahlen and Frank Riley discuss construction plans for the Commons project on Jan. 27. tions not compliant with ADA standards near the Margaret Lesher Student Union Building. The new space will serve as a gathering place for students. In addition to plenty of table and bench seating, there will also be a fully wired stage available for outdoor meetings and performances. DVC's accreditation liaison Ted Wieden is looking forward to utilizing the space as an after-graduation gathering area.

"I think graduation is going to be a very impressive event," he said. Superintendent of Flint Construction Frank Riley said, "This place is going to be freaking awesome."

Contact TAYLOR PAGAN at TPagan@DVCInquirer.com

Plans to install surveillance cameras under way SHANE LOUIS Co-editor-in-chief

Preliminary plans are being made to install surveillance cameras on Contra Costa College District campuses. “Rough order of magnitude may be around $1 million, but that can’t be known until we get farther along in design,” said Chief facilities planner Ray Pyle via email. This funding is part of the $450 million Contra Costa Community Colleges granted by local bond Measure E which was approved by voters in June 2014. Although the plans are in a drafting phase, the district is preparing to install cameras on all campuses. According to the district, “The surveillance of public areas is intended to deter crime and assist in protecting the safety and property of our students, community members who visit our campuses, and

THE INQUIRER Diablo Valley College 321 Golf Club Road, ATC-103 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 The Inquirer is published Thursdays during the school year by the Diablo Valley College journalism students. Unsigned articles appearing on the opinions page are editorials and reflect a two-thirds majority opinion of the editorial staff. Signed columns and cartoons are the opinions of the writer or artist and not necessarily those of The Inquirer, Diablo Valley College or Contra Costa Community College District.

our employees.” happen to college-age students, “We are only looking at getting and while there may be other visual coverage of entrance points things that could be improved on to the campuses, which are essen- campus, she still sees value in the tially limited to the entrances and cameras. exists of parking lots, Pyle said. “I understand how some stu“We are also going to cover the dents could feel like it’s an invasion child care buildof privacy, but ing exterior en“I think it’s a good I do also undertrances.” stand it’s a backThe location idea for the safety of up,” she said. “If of cameras is de- students and for their you need evisigned to monidence, it’s there children and tor those entering when crimes are and exiting camcommitted.” grandchildren” pus, and some But even students like this Dorian Edhin, ~Olivia Blea idea. whose office Student worker “I think it’s a was broken into good idea for the last semester, safety of students and for their isn’t sure that security cameras will children and grandchildren,” said help the problem. “I also think student worker Olivia Blea. that wherever possible, people are Andrea Corrigan, 21, said she better than machines,” he said. knows that the majority of rapes “People will respond to the noise, and sexual assaults in America say, of a window shattering, but


Tyler Elmore Shane Louis Taylor Pagán Daniel Maraccini

a camera won’t. So maybe that means we need more people–more police officers or security– out and about at all hours.” DVC student Pedro Guevara, 26, said it doesn’t really bother him. “Cameras are everywhere,” he said. “So I don’t think it will make much of a difference.” When DVC student Taylor Pettit, 20, heard the district would be putting $1 million into this project he wondered if there weren’t other ways the school should invest that funding. “I’m sure there could be a better use of that money,” Pettit said. “I mean, some buildings are pretty old, so we could use it to improve those.” Keith Montes contributed to this story.

Contact SHANE LOUIS at SLouis@DVCInquirer.com

Staff SENIOR STAFF MEMBERS Ryan Chan, Kieth Montes STAFF MEMBERS A’jene Cooley, Austin Currington, Austin Lemak, Cooper Mead, Dustin Pyne, Fidel Ontiveros, Jacob Judd, Jesse Sutterley, Kain Piyanuluk, Marcel Scott, Melanie Calimlim, Sophia Johnson, Sriram Ramakrishnan ILLUSTRATOR Wesley Ihezue INSTRUCTIONAL LAB COORDINATOR Julius Rea ADVISER Mary Mazzocco

• Phone: 925.969.2543 • Email: inquirer@dvc.edu • Website: www.dvcinquirer.com • Printed seven times per semester •

opinions 5

Thursday, Feb. 19- Wednesday, March 4, 2015



What do you think of surveillance cameras on campus?

Editorial The cost of campus safety

KAYLEE CARADANA, 18 Undeclared

“It’s nice to feel safe, and really needs to be put in areas that need it.”


“Right now it seems like a waste of resources with good intentions.”


“I dont know why they are really necessary. It does have the potential to catch alot of criminals though.”

ANDREA BELTRAN, 19 Digital Art Media

“I wasn’t aware of the cameras before, but its a useful and pretty good idea.”

WESLEY IHEZUE / The Inquirer

Surveillance cameras are misuse of funds With the break-ins that occurred last semester, Contra Costa Community College District is now considering installing surveillance cameras in heavy traffic areas on campus. When making a decision as big as installing security cameras there are some questions everyone should be asking. Who will be looking at the tapes? How much will they cost? Where will they be installed? Are they really just looking for suspicious people? Will the school use an outside security system provider? What happens when criminals find their way around the cameras? Is this an invasion of student privacy? While we at Diablo Valley College are nowhere close to being like the dystopian world in George Orwell's "1984," is installing surveillance cameras really necessary?

When the Inquirer tried to con- entrances and exits. tact President Peter Garcia to ask He said these cameras may cost him these questions and he de- the district up to $1 million dollars clined to meet with us. to install, which seems like a high Already price considerthere seems “Already there seems ing you can buy to be disconindustrial sized to be a disconnect nect between sur veillance the student between the student cameras online body and adfor around one body and ministration. thousand dollars It seems each. administration. there may be This money It seems there may be would other motives be comto installing ing out of the other motives to these cam$450 million installing these eras. dollars granted Chief facilby Measure E cameras.” ities planner to the district in Ray Pyle said June 2014 cameras would only be installed at It doesn't seem like much when campus entrance points and child you look at how much money the care building exterior entrances. bond is for, but that money has This means most cameras to be distributed to three separate would be limited to parking lot schools and their extensions.

That money could be used for other campus needs. Though DVC passed their accreditation, there were areas specified in the report that we needed to work on, one being providing facilities at the San Ramon campus equal to those at the Pleasant Hill campus. We could also use this money to provide better services for students on campus who need medical or psychological help. When students have problems at home or need moral support, there should be more outlets provided by the school for students who don't have support at home. There seems to be more important things the school can spend their money on. Installing campus surveillance cameras is simply unnecessary and a misuse of funds.

Letter to the editor

‘Distracted walking’ causes problems on DVC campus

SAM TANNER, 20 History

“Installation of cameras allow security to keep an eye on campus and respond to crimes faster. It doesn’t feel that invasive either.” Interviewed by: Ryan Chan Photographed by: Cooper Mead

There exists a growing problem along our already busy walkways here at Diablo Valley College: Students have their eyes focused on their smartphones or other electronic devices, oblivious to their surroundings and the potential hazards they face, or create, as they make their way to their respective destinations. It is estimated that one in every five students is guilty of distracted walking at peak hours through the day. Of 10 students and two professors surveyed, eight of the students and both professors agreed that distracted walking is a prob-

lem on campus. I have watched in anxious disbelief as the drivers of authorized motorized vehicles such as the DSS ferry, maintenance and security painstakingly, miraculously, maneuver their way through the crowds. I have observed students blindly walking up and down the stairways, their eyes fixed on their devices. Currently, there are no rules governing the use of mobile devices on campus outside of individual classroom policies set by instructors. It is time that the DVC policy-

makers place the question of distracted walking on their agenda for immediate consideration. Let us not wait for an unfortunate accident to occur before we act to bring awareness to this social phenomenon. Perhaps we could create “device-free zones” implemented along heavy foot-traffic areas, enforced by campus police. Or, create specified areas, strategically identified where devices are allowed. The least we could do is to promote an awareness campaign, entrusting the student population to police itself.

I have a crazy idea—what if we just stop, off to the side of walkways if we must use our device, just like current laws require drivers of vehicles do? Nah, too inconvenient. We are all “tethered” to our device(s) for our own specific reasons, some more than others. But, we should not be so engrossed with it that we become unaware of our immediate surroundings or unmindful of the space of others. ~ Robert Cardenas DVC student

opinions 6

Thursday, Feb. 19 - Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Consumers are on frontline of latest war: cyber security We live in a world connected and bound by technology, and we have embraced the digital era with open arms, pushing its boundaries. But for all that technology brings us, have we bound ourselves too tightly to our devices and gadgets? A new wave of increasing cyber attacks may indicate so. Everyday, we run the risk of being the target of identity theft, fraud and all sorts of nasty online malware. Of course, cyber threats and malicious hacking are not new. However, there are chinks in the armor of digital protection. These days, hackers and cybercriminals are devising bold and unexpected new ways of targeting devices and personal information. Ransomware is one new way hackers are targeting unwary victims. The process involves hackers locking users out of their devices, often smartphones and handheld devices, and demanding a ransom in bitcoin currency to recover files or access devices. Ransomware is usually found in places such as Android apps not downloaded from Google Play, and is notoriously hard to get rid of once infected. Electronic pickpocketing is another particularly alarming technique used by thieves. If your credit card has an radio frequency identification microchip (RFID), it can be scanned by thieves using a more powerful version of scanners found at stores and restaurants.

WESLEY IHEZUE / The Inquirer

These scanners can read your credit card number and expiration date without touching the card, making it hard for victims to know if they were even targeted. So what can people do to combat this new wave of cyber crime? I recommend victims of ransomware never pay the demands of hackers and report incidents to authorities immediately. If your credit card has a microchip (usually denoted by a radio wave symbol next to it), there are RFID card shields that only cost a

RYAN CHAN Senior staff member

few dollars to protect your credit cards. It falls upon each person to remain vigilant against these attacks. Keeping encrypted backups of sensitive information and purchasing card sleeve shields are generally a good idea to stop these specific kinds of threats. And of course, never give out personal information to suspicious persons or websites. Right now, hackers have the upper hand over authorities as they invent new ways to steal informa-

tion, siphon money and extort others. If we are to combat the neverending threat of cyber theft, authorities will have to invest more time, money and manpower to keep up with criminals. But more importantly, the public needs to keep on its toes and actively protect themselves from electronic attacks to discourage cyber criminal behavior. Contact RYAN CHAN at RChan@DVCInquirer.com

DVC social scene fosters isolation, needs upgrade Much like Diablo Valley College's iconic other and gives a safe guard from potentially fountain, the social scene here seems awk- dangerous people. Is this why we've become ward, out of place and unnecessary. afraid of social interaction? Because we feel Between passing periods, students walk safe behind our screens? as if no one else exists. "DVC is just not a place Passing each other, listo really meet people," said tening to their iPod's, 22-year-old business matalking on their phones, jor McKenzie Meindersee. and doing anything to "The lack of a good social distract themselves from area really makes things dithe awkward silence of vided." walking alone with hunPerhaps DVC's social dreds of other people problem doesn't stem from around. students being so absorbed When taking a walk by their phone. around campus during It could just be that the class time, one sees stucampus doesn't have a dents sitting alone, playgood place for students to ing on their phones, abmeet. MARCEL SCOTT sorbed by the screen in But then what about the Staff member front of them. Whatever library, cafeteria, student happened to people talkcenter, forum and dozens ing to one another? of other places for stuToday, students meet new people using dents to gather? social media rather than meeting in person. Why are these places so unsuccessful in Social media has created a wall where bringing students together? other people are incapable of hurting each Chemistry major Michael Incerti, 20, said,

"DVC is just a community college, and the commuter school, and that it's just an insigconstruction really blocks a lot of the social nificant in-between before going to a fourscene." year school, but students are still here for at Could this be the case, that the construc- least two years of their lives. tion on campus blocks It's easy to shrug off all social interaction? DVC as just a simple Perhaps the sound of “It’s easy to say that this step, where no interaca dump truck backing school is ... just an insig- tion exists. up really does discourFor once at this school nificant in-between be- we should all come toage talking on campus. What the problem fore going to a four-year gether, forget about our may really be is it's bephones and talk to one come too easy for stu- school, but sctudents are another. dents not to interact, still here for at least two Let's all make this instead look at their campus our home, beyears of their lives.” phones, and make excause we're all here, right cuses as to why their now, in this moment, on not talking to one anthis campus. other. So next time you're sitting down on a "We are so ashamed to talk to each other," bench starring mindlessly into your phone, said 20-year-old business major Sean Yoon. look at who's around. "There is almost segregated groups on camWhen you make that awkward eye conpus, and it's created it so we are only talking tact with the person sitting right next to you, to our phones." don't ignore that person, talk to them. DVC students have made too many excuses for having no social interaction. Contact MARCEL SCOTT It's easy to say that this school is just a at Mscott@DVCInquirer.com

features 7

Thursday, Feb. 19 - Wednesday, March 4, 2015

‘Jupiter’ plateaus

Wachowski siblings’ newest movie is a flop TYLER ELMORE Co-editor-in-chief

What could have been a very empowering female lead turned out to be just another forgettable “damsel in distress” that Hollywood created to keep the male viewers happy. If you smashed “The Princess Diaries” and “Guardians of the Galaxy” together you would get the far less humorous “Jupiter Ascending.” In other words, the classic “I just found out that I am a princess story” has been thrown into outer space. “Jupiter Ascending” creates the anticipation of “The Hunger Games,” with a strong female lead you feel is going to kick some butt. The movie in general is entertaining, but unfortunately Jupiter, played by Mila Kunis, falls short. It starts out as quintessential Disney without actually being a Disney movie: Jupiter’s dad dies, thus she scrubs rich people’s toilets and floors. Sound familiar? Most of the movie was filled with references to other popular movies. One scene clearly refers to “Scarface” and other parts strongly resembled “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Star Wars.” Where “Jupiter” really fails is in the fact that Kunis never actually “ascends.” She is constantly saved by Caine (Channing Tatum), a Han Solo-esque renegade, hired to abduct her, who is part dog, part human. The first time he saves her, she is clearly swept off her feet. She even makes a joke about how she has “always loved dogs.” It isn’t until the end of the movie that Caine realizes he loves her, but we all saw it coming. After Jupiter learns she is royalty, she makes one bad decision after another, as any “damsel” would. The only time she actually fights is when she finally meets Balem Abrasax, played by Eddie Redmayne, face to face. Advertisement




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Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum star in the new movie “Jupiter Ascending” writen and directed by Lana and Andy Wachowski, the creators of “The Matrix.” The worst part about their altercation? Redmayne’s character was the wimpiest character of them all. He has the physique of a 12-year-old and the voice of an 80 year old who had smoked for 50 years. When he grabs her throat, it seems more like a gentle caress. The redeeming quality of this movie was that the visual effects were great; the different worlds were lush and full of beautiful colors.

Unfortunately, in 3D, the fight scenes were a little muddled to the eye but still exciting nonetheless. This was one of those times I wish there was a book that this movie was based on, because I know it would’ve been better Contact TYLER ELMORE at TElmore@DVCInquirer.com

Club Day expands student opportunities MELANIE CALIMLIM Staff member

to the nitty gritty world of business, there are also recreational clubs that allow students to enter a world creativity. Diablo Valley College students gathered in the LiThe Dance Club, for example, offers students the brary Quad for Club Day on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2015 opportunity to express themselves through moveThe clubs ranged from business to drama to wom- ment. en empowerment. Everyone had smiles, offering reMember Josh Ramirez said students that join freshments and information on their club. don’t have to be highly skilled because everyone has The Photography something different to Club, new this semesteach. “I think being in clubs ter, especially had a “We’re a club for good turnout. people who want to gives students their own voice, Member Edwin or to better their and allows them to express themselves learn Tjoitang said the club techniques,” he said. is open to taking picJoining a club can more as they meet new people.” tures for DVC events. allow students to meet “We will share our with people that have ~REBECCA BUSTOS experience and techsimilar interests and it DVC student niques on taking piccan help them break tures,” he said. out of their shells beAnother club taking their first steps is the Con- yond what the typical class time allows. sulting Club. Club president Elijah Pipersburg said “I think being in clubs gives students their own their club can be summarized in two words: problem voice, and allows them to express themselves more solving. as they meet new people,” communications major “Sometimes, many business majors don’t know Rebecca Bustos said. “As for me, I feel good being what to do,” he said. “The Consulting club allows active in school besides my school work.” people to be exposed to the different fields of business.” Contact MELANIE CALIMLIM at MCalimlim@DVCInquirer.com While there are clubs that can help expose students

features 8

Thursday, Feb. 19 - Wednesday, March 4, 2015

‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ isn’t worth fifty cents of your pay DANIEL MARACCINI Features editor

The Inquirer thought sending a male student to see “Fifty Shades of Grey” would be a good idea. They thought he could make something funny out of it. But after watching this film I realize any moron who paid the $11 ticket fee could accomplish this. There is the question of whether you’re laughing at the moron or laughing with him, but that’s beside the point. The point is "Fifty Shades of Grey” is funny, and people who talk about funny things (like sexy virgins who work at hardware stores, or billionaire playboys who engage in post-coital piano sessions) are, for however long they talk about it, funny. Sorry to bog you down with a description of this truly idiotic premise, but that’s how reviews go: Sexy virgin college student who reads books, Anastasia Steele, (Dakota Johnson) goes to ask sexy billionaire bachelor, Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan), stupid questions for stupid newspaper interview. It starts when the sexy blonde desk lady in the grey suit leads the sexy college student who reads books into the sexy billionaire’s office. After stupid questions are stupidly asked, sexy billionaire bachelor tells sexy college girl who reads books “What about you? I’d like to know more about you.” (Note to all students who suddenly want to join The Inquirer: no one you interview will ever say this). Fast forward for however long it takes to

eat a box of Chocolate Raisinets, passing through such memorable lines as “I’d like to bite that lip,” and “I’d like to see your face,” the viewer finds him or herself watching sexy college girl who reads books getting nailed by sexy billionaire bachelor. It is not a heart-warming scene, but the cinematography and lighting is probably better than any other porno you'll watch. Fast forward through post-coital piano session, and sexy college girl who reads books frying bacon while dancing to the Rolling Stones' 1978 hit single "Beast of Burden," and the viewer is introduced to "the playroom." "The playroom" is the most beautiful place you will ever see: luscious green ivy drapes the walls, golden light shines through the bedside window and little cherub boys play beautiful song from the back corner. Just kidding, it's a sex dungeon. There’s a bunch of metal rods and mopish torture devices that look like scalps of Rastafarian men. Also, a post where women are bound with silk ties can be pulled down from the string on the ceiling. I’m running out of room so I’ll outline the rest: BDSM (bondage, discipline, sadism, masochism) contract is proposed, then Ana and Christian go at it. Ana considers the contract, but in the mean time gets spanked, this time with an actual choir who sound like cherubs singing in the background. Ana is sad that Christian spanks her, but then continues to go at it with him. Ana gets whipped during what I think


Jamie Doran and Dakota Johnson star in the new movie adaptation of the New York bestselling book “Fifty Shades of Grey.” was the movie’s climax. Ana dumps Christian, then bids awkward farewell as elevator door closes. In all seriousness, don’t see this movie. Don’t see movies that vaguely resemble this movie. By that I mean don't see bad movies. See movies like “Boyhood,” “Whiplash” or “Spongebob: Sponge Out of Water” (he

won’t be around forever guys). Please start seeing good movies. If you do this more often I won’t have to keep seeing garbage like “Fifty Shades of Grey.”

Contact DANIEL MARACCINI at DMaraccini@DVCInquirer.com

The E-Regulars are anything but regular Stork Club in Oakland, EJ Phair in Downtown Concord and The Gilman in Berkeley. "I feel like we just get on stage and do whatever we A group of local Diablo Valley College students formed a want,"guitarist Zach Pachella, 19, says. Which is how music band a little over a year ago and are creating something more should be, right? meaningful than cookie-cutter songs. Guitarist Kevin Tan, 18, and drummer Matt Risso, 19, With a mix of reggae, ska and jazzy funk, the E-Regulars both attended Diablo View Middle School and have been have an irresistible groove. playing together since they were ten years old. The members carry a lively yet lightThrough mutual friends, the duo hearted demeanor that may be a reflection “We just try to stay met Pachella and saxophonist and voof the music they make. calist Maxim Susanto, 18. true to oursleves and Ask them what the "E" stands for in the Price allegedly showed up on their band name, and they will tell you, "It stands make music that we doorstep demanding to be in the band. for 'Everybody' that asked us that quesAlthough they went to separate midlove...” tion." dle schools, the guys inevitably united There is no hierarchy here, everybody at Clayton Valley High School and now ~JORDAN PRICE does a little bit of everything. all attend DVC. Bassist From writing songs together to just jamYou may be able to find some of ming and messing around, the E-Regulars the band members in the music buildhave nothing but fun. ing, as Pachella, Susanto and Risso are "We just try to stay true to ourselves and make music majoring in music or music industry. Tan is an economics that we love, and even if it gets weird or quirky sometimes, major. people are still attracted to it because it's genuine," Bassist The E-Regulars, despite being so new, have already reJordan Price, 21, says. corded a CD, and band merchandise for those who like to Mixing all their ideas and having no judgement to them- support local bands. selves or others is quite possibly the key to their future sucThey also try to keep fans updated via their Facebook and cess. Instagram accounts. SOPHIA JOHNSON / The Inquirer This is not to say they're not on the road to success already, as they have been performing all around the Bay Area Max Susanto and Jordan Price performs at the playing well over 20 shows. Submission in San Francisco on Feb. 7. Contact SOPHIA JOHNSON Some of the venues they've been booked at include the at SJohnson@DVCInquirer.com Red House in Walnut Creek, Submission in San Francisco, SOPHIA JOHNSON Staff member

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