Book Marketing Gazette - Vol. 1, Issue 5

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Book Marketing Gazette Marketing Strategies, Tips and Reviews for Authors, Publishers and Book Marketing Experts

Volume I - Issue 5

From D’vorah’s Desk As I reviewed the articles for this

marketing tips, ideas,

month‘s Gazette, I was, once again,

and examples, via vid-

in awe. The caliber, high level con-


tent, and expertise shared by our

Video blogging is a

contributing authors is incredible and

powerful way to

you are in for a treat.

share your message

D’vorah Lansky Publisher

I‘m excited to share that we have

and grow your fol-

two new contributing authors this

lowing. In this


month‘s Gazette, Jennifer Wilkov

Becoming a Best Seller * Kathleen Gage


The Book Sales Process * Lynne Klippel


Authors Should Podcast * Joanna Penn


Choosing Your Book Title * Roger C. Parker

5 6

Increase Your Book Sales * Sue Collier

Get Your Book

Royalty Producing DVDs * Daniel Hall


Your Amazon Profile * Phyllis Zimbler Miller


Every Writer Needs a Plan * Terry Whalin


The New Facebook: Interview with Dana Lynn Smith


Sell Books When Speaking * Caterina Rando


The Importance of Quality * Beth Kallman Werner


Social Media Market Plan * Dana Lynn Smith


Five New Marketing Tips * John Kremer


Opportunity for Publishers * Brian Jud


Vlogging for Your Book * Jennifer Wilkov


Keep in Touch Keep in Mind * D’vorah Lansky


VIP Club Review * Street Smarts Marketer


shares tips on Vlogging for Your

Roger C. Parker from Published &

Book, on page 14. Roger shares with

us tips for choosing the right book If you would like to recommend a video trailer or video articles, please

title for our book. 

email me the links or post them on

Sue Collier from Self-Publishing

our group Facebook page. Thanks! Sue shares with us 9 unique ways to increase our book sales.

Marketing Questions Answered!

I‘m thrilled by the response that the Book Marketing Gazette is receiving

You are invited to ask your questions

by the online community.

by visiting:

If you know of an author, writer, marketer or publisher who would

These will be answered in writing on

benefit from this content, please in-

our blog at AuthorsMarketingCir-

vite them to enjoy a free subscription and/or live via conference calls. Keep an eye out for announce-


ments regarding upcoming Q&A calls.

We are also accepting new contrib-

If you are in a hurry to get your

uting authors, so if you or someone

questions answered or you‘d like per-

you know writes on topics of interest

sonalized support, I now have 6 pri-

to nonfiction authors and publishers,

vate coaching spots open. Details at:

please have them contact me via the

contact form at the top of the page.


Any video fans out there? Stay tuned and keep an eye on your email as you will soon have access to book

Inside this issue:

Here‘s to your book marketing success! All the best, D’vorah

Book Marketing Gazette

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Is Becoming an Amazon Bestseller Worth Anything? It's a means to an end and a

is a great way to gain visibility

very strategic marketing process

and credibility during a time

Recently, I held a free telesemi-

that creates amazing opportuni-

when there are countless other

nar to teach authors how to be-

ties for you as an author, con-

coaches and consultants vying

come an bestseller.

sultant, public speaker or entre-

for the same business you are.

Not only have I achieved best-


Imagine how much easier it

By Kathleen Gage

seller status on, I have helped several clients do the same. I was amazed at how many people registered for my free call. Between this one and

Kathleen Gage

another I hosted a few weeks ago, I had over 1,750 people

that's going to bring you more business and more money; it's what you do with the status that will make all of the difference.

Here are a few outcomes

would be to secure top notch business when you are viewed as a credible expert. A book (and a bestseller) can do this for you. That is, if you know how to position this status.

you can achieve by becoming a

Long-term vision - To optimize

visible author; something an

rising on the charts of Ama-

I held the calls to educate au-

Amazon campaign can do for you need to look at this

thors and soon to be authors on


with a long term view. If you

who registered.

what it takes to rise on the charts of Amazon. The infor-

“It's not the bestseller status that's going to bring you more business and more money; it's what you do with the status that will make all of the difference.�

It's not the bestseller status

mation comes from my own success as an author and having coordinated numerous campaigns for clients. Every time I coordinated a campaign I received multiple inquiries from authors who wanted a similar outcome as the client I had just worked with. Although every campaign I have coordinated has been successful and my clients have reached #1 in various categories on Amazon, the reality is that for many authors my fees are prohibitive. Also, I feel for most authors I can offer a better service for their particular needs by teaching them how to coordinate their own campaign. You see, many authors have no idea where to

Speakers - As a speaker you can not only get paid for a speaking engagement, you can also sell your book(s) at the back of the room. I know many au-

want this and if you are willing to do what it takes. It takes vision, planning, time and ef-

want and taking action on this. of having a bestseller go to

of dollars worth of books at just

one engagement. One colleague

/amazonfree.htm and register for

of mine sold $23,000 worth of

the recording of my teleseminar

books after a 35 minute presen-

how to become an


bestseller. It's free.

If a company does not have a

Kathleen Gage is known as The

budget to pay a speaker you

Street Smarts Marketer. Kath-

may be able to negotiate with a

leen is a creative and effective

meeting planner that the compa-

Internet Marketing Advisor who

ny or organization purchase a

works with spiritually minded

book for every person in attend-

coaches, speakers, authors and

ance. The money might come out

consultants who are ready to

of the educational budget rather

turn their knowledge into money-

than a training budget. After all,

making products and services.

books are educational.

She does this by teaching them

companies to forego any type of

a matter of how much you

matter of knowing what you If you are an author who dreams

ing their book.

regardless of genre. It's simply

like never before. It's simply a

thousands and tens of thousands

With the economy forcing many

become a best-selling author

open up a world of opportunity

thors who have sold hundreds,

begin when it comes to marketI believe that almost anyone can

have a plan in place you can

training, you can host your own speaking engagement and require each person who attends to purchase a book. If pre-selling is not what you want to do you can make your books available for purchase at your event.

eProduct development, Internet marketing, multi media program development, self-publishing skills, teleseminar development and developing mentoring courses that they can offer their clients. Kathleen is an award winning speaker and business owner who has hundreds of books, eProducts, teleseminars, and

fort. Rising on the Amazon

Coaches and/or Coach - As a

interviews to her credit.

charts is not a get rich quick

bestselling author you are per-

deal, nor is it an end all be all.

ceived as more of an expert. This

Book Marketing Gazette

Page 3

The Book Sales Process: An Overlooked by Important Consideration for Your Book There are a few very basic things to consider

By Lynne Klippel

as you contemplate these options:

When authors call me to inquire about pub-

How much time do you have? If you are very

lishing or marketing services for their books,

busy, you may not want to do your own ship-

they are often stumped by one of my ques-

ping. However, this can be a good job for a

tions. When I ask about how the sales process for the book is going, the phone line

responsible teen or college student.

goes silent.

Where do your ideal readers shop? If the

It is understandable. Most authors are so

majority of your target readers buy books in a bookstore, then it is important for you to seek

thrilled to have their manuscripts completed that they have not been able to look past getting that final page written. Many are not familiar with the term sales process, especial-

bookstore distribution. If they buy online, you can go directly to and other online booksellers and by pass the challenges

ly when it pertains to books. Thinking about

of securing a distributor for your book.

the sales process may not be as thrilling as

All these options may feel overwhelming.

dreaming about appearing on the cover of a

Just breathe and know that if you work with a

magazine or interviewing on the Today Show.

publisher or book coach, she will help you

Yet, the sales process is a crucial ingredient

explore all these options and decide which ones are best for you and for your ideal read-

to your book‘s success. Simply put, the sales process is the path that your book buyers will take to get your book

ers. If you have not considered your sales process yet, know that you can select the options that meet your needs as well as the

into their hands.

needs of your readers.

There are several different options available.

Study your own preferences. Do you buy

You may:

books online or in stores? Or, do you just buy books to read electronically? Most of us write

Sell your book on your website and per-

for a reader very similar to ourselves so start

sonally mail it to buyers

your research into the book buying habits of

Sell your book on your website and pay

your ideal readers by examining your own

someone to ship it to buyers

likes and dislikes, and then do additional re-

Sell your book on your website and hire a distribution company to ship it

search on your target market. I recommend that you use a combination of

Sell your book on and other

approaches including sales on your own web-

online book sellers who will mail your

site and at personal appearances, Ama-

book directly to buyers and other electronic book sellers, plus offering your book in Kindle and eReader

Hire a book distributor to market your book to bookstores and other wholesale outlets as well as ship books to both individual buyers and stores

formats. When you create a combination, you can reach the majority of book buyers. **************

Seek a traditional publisher who will han-

Best-selling Author Lynne Klippel has

dle all the sales and distribution in

been an author, publisher, ghost writer, and

exchange for the lion‘s share of the

book coach since 2004. Her business, Busi-

profits, serves entrepreneuri-

Sell your book electronically for reading on Kindle, Nook, iPad, and other electronic readers

al authors writing non-fiction books. Are YOU ready to write your book? Take Lynne‘s FREE assessment and find out if you have the requirements for author success at

Lynne Klippel

“Simply put, the sales process is the path that your book buyers will take to get your book into their hands.”

Book Marketing Gazette

Page 4

Authors Should Podcast: 5 reasons you should start now I have recently talked to a few podcasters

a publishing deal off the back of the plat-

who have achieved print publishing success

form you build (as per the authors men-

after podcasting their novels. You can hear

tioned above!)

the fantastic interviews with J.C. Hutchins and Seth Harwood in podcast format. I have also interviewed Dan Klass and connected with podcasters Tee Morris and Pip Ballantine on Twitter. Scott Sigler, a NY Times bestselling horror writer, started out as a podcaster (and still podcasts his novels for free). What is podcasting anyway?

Joanna Penn

Podcasting is creating audio and distributing

Improve your work and your perfor-

mance. When you read your book out loud, several things will happen. You will hate your own voice. You will see flaws in your writing. You will play around with character voices (for fiction). You will decide to change things to suit a vocal performance. You will improve! This is great practice for when you are speaking at some amazing book festival and asked to read a few paragraphs of your

it via an RSS (really simple syndication) feed book! so people can subscribe. You can podcast

“Podcasting is creating audio and distributing it via an RSS feed so people can subscribe. You can podcast your own book, or use an interview or talkshow format.”


your own book, or use an interview or talkshow format. Here is my podcast page so you can see how to subscribe. 5 reasons authors should podcast


Get your work out there. Podcasting

is a brilliant way for you to have your work out in the public. You will find listeners who love your work and can connect with a whole load of authors who also podcast.


Meet your audience where they are.

Audio is a fantastic medium for communication. How many people do you see listening to iPods on public transport? How many people drive to work and can‘t read while driving? People like to consume information and stories in audio format. It is now even easier to do this thanks to iTunes and other podcast catchers. How many more people


Fun! Podcasting is actually great fun.

There are only some basic things you need to know and easy software to use. You can use it as a way to connect with people who you want to talk to. I love my podcast interviews because I get to talk to very cool people! People also want to talk to you because you are promoting them, so it helps everybody! So definitely get podcasting! Or at least check out some authors who are already at the following places: Podiobooks – for free chapters and whole podcasted books from many different authors Podcast Pickle – lots of different podcasts BlogTalkRadio – radio style podcasts Click here to view this article on Jaonna‘s

could you reach if you have your book/


writing in podcast as well as print format?

Joanna Penn is the author of thriller novel,


Pentecost, and 3 non-fiction books. Her web-

Build your platform for free. All au-

thors want to sell books, regardless of whether they are traditionally or selfpublished. Publishers also want to sell books. Therefore, platform building is important to everyone! (that is, building your following of readers/fans). Podcasting is a free medium you can use to build your plat-

site offers information and inspiration on writing, publishing and book marketing through articles, audio podcasts and videos. View this article on Joanna‘s blog. Follow Joanna on Twitter @thecreativepenn

form even further. People will connect with your voice and you may even end up getting

Book Marketing Gazette

Page 5

Book Marketing Begins by Choosing the Right Book Title By Roger C. Parker

Promise. Nonfiction titles

Metaphor. Words that paint

should clearly identify the

pictures make it easy for read-

Book marketing begins by

problems your book will help

ers to understand and remem-

choosing the right book title

readers solve, or the goal

ber what your book is about.

One of your most important

you'll help them achieve. Com- Jay Conrad Levinson's Guerrilla

book marketing decisions is

pare Graphic Design with De-

the title you choose for your

sign to Sell. The former simply describe low-cost, unconven-


tells what the book is about; the latter emphasizes using

Marketing titles promise to tional ways to achieve success.

Your book title represents your design to increase sales. first, and—often--only, chance

Imperative. The verbs you

to sell a book, hopefully, begin Targeted. Identify your in-

title. Imperative titles, i.e.,

a lasting and profitable rela-

tended readers in your book's

those beginning with a silent

tionship with readers.

title. Prospects will want to

"you," to communicate in an

read your book because it Why are book titles so imsounds like it was "written for portant? If your book title fails to imme- them." Note the subtitle of C. diately engage the attention of J. Hayden's Get Clients Now: A the right prospective readers, or fails to attract the right search engine traffic, all the care you took writing your book will have been in vain. Strong titles attract prospective readers like a magnet, weak titles are passed-over

action-oriented, conversational, way. Notice the implied action in Get Clients Now and Book Yourself Solid.

Roger C. Parker hibits one, or more, of the above characteristics.

28-day Marketing Program for

Roger C. Parker's goal is to Professionals, Consultants, and Concise. Brevity leads to im- help you plan, write, promote, pact. The fewer the words, the and profit from a book that Coaches. larger the type they can be set builds your brand and positions Specific. Use numbers to add

in. Titles with a few, short

credibility to your titles. Num-

words often have greater im-

bers can provide a structure

pact than titles with several

for your information, as Steven long words. Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly

without a glance.

Effective Individuals shows.

Book titles are like billboards;

quickly readers can achieve

they succeed when they at-

their goals, like Jay Conrad

tract attention, arouse inter-

Levinson and Al Lauten-

Numbers can emphasize how

est, and are easy to remember schlager's Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days. Numbers can also and act on. Book titles compete in competitive environ-

choose set the tone of your

quantify benefits, i.e., 21

ments for the attention of fast- Pounds in 21 Days: The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox. moving readers.

you as an expert in your field. He offers a variety of do-ityourself tools and coaching options at PublishedandProf- Roger can help Most important title characyou identify opportunities, teristic of all evaluate options, and master Testing is the most important the habits of efficient writing book title characteristic of all.

and book marketing.

No matter how enthusiastic authors, editors, family, and

Roger's books simplify design,

friends are, book titles should

marketing, and personal com-

be tested.

puting. His latest, #Book Title

Title testing used to be a long

Tweet: 140 Bite-Sized Ide-

and costly process. Now, how-

as for Compelling Article,

If your book title doesn't im-

Position. A good title sets its

ever, the Internet makes it

mediately engage the readers

book apart from the competi-

Book, and Event Titles,

practical for authors to test

interest and compel them to

tion by emphasizing the mar-

their titles, using free online

want to learn more, readers—

ket you wrote the book for, or

surveys and minimal invest-

like drivers—are just going to

the market it's not written for,

ments in pay-per-click adver-

speed right on by.

i.e., Robin William's Non-

tising tests.

Designers Guide to Design.

Top characteristics of effective book titles Engaging. Contradictory Here are some of the things I encourage my clients to look for when choosing or evaluating, book titles:

Train yourself Take the time to analyze the

terms in titles can arouse curi- titles of successful books, especially "evergreen" titles that osity, such as David Chilton's The Wealthy Barber. Prospec-

have been successful for many

tive readers want to find out

years. Chances are, you'll

how a barber can be wealthy.

probably find that the title ex-

takes the mystery out of choosing the right book title.

Book Marketing Gazette

Page 6

9 Unique Ways to Increase Your Book’s Sales by Sue Collier Most authors know blogging and social media networking will help them build their author

cially if your topic is technical or if newcomers to the subject will be using the book, include a Glossary.

platform—and hopefully sell more books. But

6. Think about adding a Resources sec-

what else can authors do to make sure their

tion of additional reference material.

book has an edge over the competition? Here This can be an invaluable addition to your

Sue Collier

“Most authors know blogging and social media networking will help them build their author platform—and hopefully sell more books. But what else can authors do to make sure their book has an edge over the Competition?“

are some ideas you may not have thought

book—and it offers a good marketing strate-


gy (see item 2, above).

1. Know your competition. How can you

7. Go after excerpts in magazines. Once

make your book better than what's already

the official publication date has passed, you

out there unless you are aware of your ri-

can merchandise what is termed "second

vals? Look in the Subject Guide to Books in

serial rights" to magazines and newsletters.

Print in a major library to determine what

Perhaps it will be a chapter, a quiz, a sidebar

other books are available on your topic.

of information, or maybe a small self-

Check out Then stop at a good

contained section. They may pay you a cou-

independent bookstore and ask the owner or

ple of hundred dollars—or nothing. But your

manager what three books on the subject he

real payback is the ordering blurb you'll in-

or she would recommend. Buy them. Study

clude at the end.

them. Don't emulate them! Find a way to make yours more complete, shorter, funnier, easier to read, more appealing in some way.

8. Recycle your publicity. Often it's the second or third time around that's more powerful than the first exposure! Include re-

2. Include marketable mentions. Hoping

views, feature articles about you, interview

to sell quantities of your book to a corpora-

pieces, etc., in speaking proposals, media

tion? Include the name of the organization

kits, everywhere! People like to jump on an

and a quote from the CEO. (Conversely, you

already-moving bandwagon.

might choose not to mention names to keep the content generic so it can be used in a number of different companies.)

9. Be generous with review copies. Assuming it is done well, your book is your very best sales piece. And don't stop sending re-

3. Consider global appeal. If your topic will views once the book is older. Always be on "travel" into other cultures, you might have

the lookout for new publications or prominent

potential for foreign rights sales or transla-

people who might be interested in a copy.

tions into foreign languages. If so, exclude words or ideas that might be offensive to people in other countries. It's not unusual for a book to make more money in foreign than domestic sales.

Self-publishing expert SUE COLLIER is coauthor of The Complete Guide to SelfPublishing,5th Edition (Writer‘s Digest Books, 2010) and the forthcoming Jump Start Your Books Sales, 2nd Edition (Communication

4. Get a well-known person to write a

Creativity, 2011). She has been working with

Foreword. Hopefully, you've been develop-

authors and small presses for more than two

ing contacts in your area of expertise for

decades, providing writing, editing, produc-

years and have a database full of potential

tion, and promotions work for hundreds of

Foreword writers. It is often more graceful to

book projects. Visit her website and blog at

simply request their feedback on the manu-

Self-Publishing Resources, where you can

script first. Then, once they've raved about

also sign up for her free monthly self-

it, ask if they would honor you by writing the

publishing and book promoting ezine Web-


sites, Wisdom, & Whimsy.

5. Think about adding a Glossary. Espe-

Book Marketing Gazette

Page 7

Screen Video Capture - Creating Royalty Producing DVD's For Distribution on Amazon By Daniel Hall With print on demand technology and screen capture software it is entirely possi-

so it should be filled with

however, I likewise advise

detailed enough information

that you screen capture rec-

to deliver on the intended

ord every practice session. It

promise of the product

is my bet that many times you will "nail it" when prac-

ble to quickly create long

3. Now that you have your

term royalty income sources

"script" written in the form

by publishing screen video

of a PowerPoint presentation

capture DVDs on Ama-

next you should make your Screen capture

PowerPoint presentation,

DVD's are usually non-

easier to understand and

fiction, content based "how-

more attractive by adding

6. Now you will have the

to" videos. There is really

graphical and demonstrative

video files which will need to

not much to the production

elements to your product.

be converted into formats

of these videos. But remem-

You may wish to use the

usable in DVD disc burners;

ber people don't buy these

graphics features within

usually.avi. Now burn your

videos for their production

PowerPoint as well as inex-

files onto a DVD. It is advis-

quality they buy them for

pensive stock photos.

able to make sure your mas-

the value of the content. This article describes the process for making them. 1. Decide on a profitable

4. Polish the content into a finished presentation. This

ticing. So give yourself the benefit of a practice recording just in case you do get it on your first or second recording.

ter DVD will play in a TV-top DVD player.

means that you must be sat- 7. If you are satisfied with isfied with what you see on

topic. Obliviously, you want

how your master plays next

your slides because this is your DVD to sell so appropri- the only visual element seen ate consideration should be by your customers. There-

you publish using one of the

given to the saleability of

fore, it is advisable to also

service make sure that di-

your topic. I determine this

use PowerPoint custom ani-

rect-to-Amazon publishing

with keyword research. That

mation features to jazz

services are offered. Note:

is, I will only do a video

things up and make your

Several of these POD ser-

based on keywords that are

presentation more visually

vices have cover and disk

being searched. That way, I


creation wizards so you

know that there is a market for the topic I am considering BEFORE doing anything else.

5. Once you have your PowerPoint as slick as you can

many print on demand services. When choosing your

don't even need to know how to do graphical design.

get it your next step is to narrate your PowerPoint


2. Once you have a salable

slides while capturing the

topic picked, next you must

whole presentation via

draft a simple PowerPoint of

Daniel Hall is the creator of

screen capture technology.

content in the topic chosen.

the Real Fast Book Program

Obliviously, this will take a

You could either type it as bullet points or in full sentences and paragraphs. Ei-

and the author of many decent microphone but there books including, Speakers are plenty of inexpensive Cruise Free. Read more podcast/USB microphones

ther way this is really the

articles by Daniel:

on the market. I do advise

script for your DVD product


several practice sessions,


Daniel Hall

“With print on demand technology and screen capture software it is entirely possible to quickly create long term royalty income sources by publishing screen video capture DVDs on�

Book Marketing Gazette

Page 8

How to Optimize Your Amazon Profile to Market Your Book By Phyllis Zimbler Miller

But this is definitely an authoropportunity page. And, yes, there

Having your book on Amazon is a

are privacy controls here too (as

very exciting prospect. You can tell on Facebook) so you can choose all your friends ―you can buy my which information is seen by

Phyllis Zimbler Miller “Published and self-published authors can optimize their exposure on Amazon thanks to many authorfriendly features. And if you don’t know about these opportunities, you’re missing out on free book marketing resources.”

book on Amazon.‖ But what about

whom. Click on the button in the

all the people who don‘t know you

top right-hand corner that says

and who are on Amazon looking

―Edit Profile.‖ (You will again be

for books to buy?

asked to sign-in as extra protec-

Published and self-published authors can optimize their exposure

tion that other people aren‘t editing your Amazon profile.)

on Amazon thanks to many author Step 4: Start filling out the bio -friendly features. And if you don‘t information. know about these opportunities, you‘re missing out on free book

For an author, the most important

marketing resources.

line may be the ―Name‖ because that is the name that will appear

indeed you. Step 7: If you have a blog, have your blog posts automatically feed into your profile. Carefully read the ―Add RSS Feeds‖ information. Step 8: Recommend tags for your book. And write brief reasons for each tag as to why that tag is appropriate for this book. These tags must then be approved by Amazon. Step 9: Check the privacy settings

you have used on each of the eleon any reviews and other activities ments of your profile. optimizing your profile on Amazon. you do on Amazon. Make sure that (One word of caution: It is very this is the same name as used for You may choose to have different difficult to connect with a real per- your book. For example, your settings on different types of inforIn this article we‘ll be looking at

son on Amazon concerning author

credit card (used to set up your

activities, so you may encounter

Amazon account) may only have a

problems that you are unable to

first and last name. But if you use


three names for your author iden-

Step 1: Have your own account on Amazon. Sounds basic but it is necessary. All this requires is buying one product on Amazon with a credit card in your name. (If you share

tification, put all three names

mation. BONUS STEP: Make sure that you or your publisher have requested the ―Look Inside‖ the book feature.


This feature is NOT automatic. You

(And be sure to upload a photo –

able to look inside the book as

people want to know what the

they could at a bookstore. – P.Z.M.

want potential book buyers to be

author looks like. If you‘re on so-

cial media platforms such as Face- Phyllis Zimbler Miller

(@ZimblerMiller on Twitter) has an M.B.A. from The Wharton to use the same photo across all family, set up a separate account.) platforms to increase your recogni- School and is the co-founder of the marketing company Miller tion factor.) Step 2: Sign-in to your account. Mosaic, LLC. The company blog is at MillerMosaicSocialMediStep 5: Do share personal inforYou‘ll see at the top left-hand Her selfmation with which you are comner of your computer screen the published novel ―Mrs. Lieutenfortable on this profile. words ―Hello, Your Name.‖ Right ant,‖ which was a 2008 Amazon below that click on ―Your Name‘s Readers like to know about an Breakthrough Novel Award‖ Then slide your author – sharing information gives ifinalist, is based on her first eyes over to the right and look a more three-dimensional feeling nine weeks as an officer‘s wife under the shopping cart icon and to who you are. And include the in the spring of 1970 during the to the left and you‘ll see ―Your URL of your book‘s website if you Vietnam War. She is also the coProfile.‖ (Make sure you‘re wearing have one. author of the Jewish holiday your glasses because the wording book ―Seasons for Celebration‖ is small.) Click on this. Step 6: Go through the process of and of ―Four Comedy Screenhaving your own books approved plays.‖ Her author page on AmStep 3: Now you‘re at your profile, for your Amazon bibliography. This azon is at which every person with an acrequires an outside representative PZMAmazonpage count on Amazon has. an account with your spouse or

book and Twitter, it‘s a good idea

to confirm to Amazon that you are

Book Marketing Gazette

Page 9

Every Writer Needs a Plan By Terry Whalin

ciples are the same for grow-

sistently teaches, writers sell

How did 2010 turn out for

ing your audience, your pres-

books through building rela-

ence in the marketplace and


your writing life? Did you get

as much into print or online as improving your marketing skills. You need a plan then to you planned? Or did you plan

I suggest you tap into this free

at all?

son, 30 Days to Massive

Many writers have a haphazard system for getting their material submitted and out into the marketplace. They work at it off and on without any type of consistent action, then they act surprised when little or nothing happens. I've written many times about the necessity for a writer to learn his craft and improve their writing skills. It happens through consistency and constant learning and growth.

consistently execute the plan. If you fail to plan, you should

not be surprised when little or nothing happens.

resource from Anthony MorriTraffic. This 76-page resource will not cost anything but it will require effort on your part.

As Raleigh Pinskey writes in

First download it, print it, read

the early pages of her excel-

it but then apply it to your life.

lent book, 101 Ways to Pro-

You will see a different result

mote Yourself, "P.T. Barnum

for your work in the days

is the father of a well-known

ahead. More people will know

marketing cry, 'Without pro-

about you and your work.

motion something terrible happens--nothing!'"

Terry Whalin

W. Terry Whalin is a former

What are you wanting to ac-

magazine editor, book editor

complish in the year ahead? A

and literary agent. He is the

typical goal might be to gain

author of more than 60 books

“What are you wanting to accomplish in the year ahead?”

including Jumpstart Your PubThrough experience their com- more people coming to your lishing Dreams: Insider Sepersonal website---or traffic as munication abilities increase crets to Skyrocket Your Sucit is called in the Internet and more of their work appears in print or online. As you world. What steps can you write better, you will be com- take to generate more traffic pensated better (in most cases) for your writing. The prin-

cess and a Publisher at Intermedia Publishing Group. Get

and increased relationships

his free Ebook, Platform Build-

because as John Kremer con-

ing Ideas for Every Author.

How the "New" Facebook Affects Authors and Indie Publishers Today, I'm interviewing Dana Lynn Smith, who is the author of several books that teach authors how to promote themselves and their books on social networks. Dana, I understand that Facebook has made a number of changes lately that affect authors.

could showcase their book, but added a thumbnail bio at the top. The new Info screen pushes the bio information to the very bottom.

On the Fan Page, custom content is now created through a tool called iFrames, which lets you show different content to ―Yes, the changes on Facebook are pret- Fans and visitors. There are some great ty extensive. The Profile and Fan Pages apps that let you take advantage of that have been completely re to attract fans. -designed, with a photo Changes to the News Feed mean that strip added to the top many of your friends may not even see and the tabs moved to your status updates, and I discuss ways the left column. On the to deal with that. Newly created Groups Profile, they took away are much less functional for promotional the information box on purposes than the old ones, although the left where authors Groups created before the change re-

main in their original format.‖ I understand that you have just published new, updated editions of your Facebook Guide for Authors and Twitter Guide for Authors, and you have a special offer on these books. ―Yes, the new editions are completely updated, and there are 24 additional pages in the Facebook guide. When you place either of these guides in your shopping cart, you'll see a special offer to purchase the other guide at half price.‖

Book Marketing Gazette

Page 10

How to Easily Sell Books When You Speak By Caterina Rando, M.A., MCC Selling your book and other products and services when you speak can generate income and enhance your expert status. This is important when you speak for free or for a fee. Even when you receive a fee, tell your client you will bring books to make available to attendees and you will be happy to stay to sign books. Most event organizers will be thrilled because this is a value-added benefit for attending their event.

Caterina Rando

Make sure your talk focuses on a topic from your book, include information from several chapters to show the book is information packed and benefit laden. Tell people there is more in the book and that you do not have time to cover it all. Even when you are required to give talks on topics other than your book, look at how you can pull some content from your book and share a couple of tips or a story to make sure the audience knows about your book.

By Beth Kallman Werner For any authors thinking that grammar and spelling are not important, think again. There are enough challenges for any book to rise in the sea of content available today. If you are not willing to put only your very best work forward, you really needn't bother with the writing effort at all.

Make sure you mention the book by name. Hold it up and touch it like the special and important book it is. This provides a visual anchor for the audience and reminds them they can purchase the book after your talk. Some people even pass the book around so everyone in the room touches it. Take a minute or two at the end of your talk to remind the audience about your book, mention your other products and services and make a special offer just for the audience that is with you that day. Caterina Rando, MA, MCC, is the founder of THRIVE Publishing™, a business strategist and author of many information products, including the national best seller, Learn to Power Think. Visit her website at to download your free ebook How to Use Your Book to Build Your Business. If you would like help with your self-publishing, THRIVE Publishing™ would like to be your partner. Caterina can be reached at 415-668-4535 or via email at

The Importance of Quality Shoddy writing and editing can't be solved with all the marketing in the world. Quality wins every time.

target audience and best channels to reach those readers. Expect the best from yourself and any vendors you partner with. Don't assume that because you're paying Credibility is a primary goal for any new someone to handle a portion of your book's author, especially any self-published auproduction or promotion for you, that you thor, whose credibility is already in quescan step away and focus on other things. tion. After all it takes to complete a book in STAY IN CONTROL. Work WITH your partthe first place, don't take shortcuts and cost ners to make sure they represent you and yourself competitive edge. Once you sink your work the way you want readers to your heart and soul into finishing a book perceive you. Beth I've seen good stories (which is no small task and a very exciting No one will ever care about your project Kallman with intriguing characters accomplishment), do yourself (and your book) the justice of taking it to the finish more than you do. As an indie author, YOU Werner fail because the author didn't bother to invest in line with an eye (and investment, if need are the brand. Your name is the one on the professional editing - did be) for quality. jacket cover. Regardless of how many supit themselves or had a 'friend' help them porters help take your book to market from No one piece of the publishing supply chain behind the scenes, it is still your book. out with a quick, amateur proofreading. rules over another. It takes a series of fac- Don't compromise or relinquish that, ever. This is suicide for your book. tors to add up to a book's success: -Don‘t risk being an obstacle to your reader. Beth Kallman Werner is Founder and  Good story and/or message Missing punctuation, run-on sentences and President of Author Connections, LLC. The Solid writing to communicate effective- Author Connections mission is to showcase unclear thought communication do not win  ly and connect with readers in a way bestseller awards, and rarely get recomtalents and titles that deserve to shine; they will appreciate, remember and mended for book club discussions. If you offering services such as professional A2Z recommend want to help your book reach its highest editing and proofreading, custom marketing Thorough, sharp editing and proofread- plans for comprehensive book promotion, potential for success, your first step cannot  ing be justifying why you DON'T need profesBook Marketing Boot Camp™ Workshops,  Compelling, comprehensive and fully sional editing. and a Simple Agent Selection Service. For integrated marketing more information connect with Beth at: For the record, my primary focus is on mar-  Seamless distribution across all book keting, but I have turned away projects forms (print books, eBooks, iBooks, or audiobooks) (and money) when a book simply wasn't 570-686-1214 ready for promotion because the editing Bottom line advice for any author today is was either nonexistent or not up to par. DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Identify your book‘s

Book Marketing Gazette

Page 11

10 Steps for Developing a Social Media Marketing Plan By Dana Lynn Smith

are some examples:


Social media can be a great  Add five new incoming links promotional tool, but you'll to your website this month save time and be more effective if you do some planning  Double the traffic to your before you dive in. Below are website within two months some steps for developing an effective social marketing plan.  Increase your opt-in mailing list by twenty five percent 1. Think about the other prowithin three months motional tactics you are already using and how social 6. Develop your branding media fits in with them.  Get a good quality headshot 2. Decide how high a priority photo, in low-resolution forshould be placed on social mat, for online marketing marketing, compared with other marketing activities. How  Decide what "user name" many hours a week can you you want to be known by devote to it? online.

 Friends or followers on social

3. Determine what target audi Write standard bios in severences you want to reach al lengths. through social marketing. For example:  Create an online signature for emails and online fo Potential new customers rums.

 Inbound links to you website

 Key influencers: people who can introduce/recommend you

 Peers and other experts in your field

7. Determine which social marketing tactics are the best fit for your product, your audiences, your objectives, and your available time. Social marketing activities can include:

4. Set objectives, describing what you hope to gain by marketing through social media. Here are a few examples:

 Social networking (such as

 Increase visibility and name

 Online forums

or brand recognition

 Establish yourself as an expert in your field

 Develop relationships with others in your field

 Drive traffic to your website (directly & through enhanced search engine optimization) 5. Based on your objectives, set specific, achievable, and measurable goals for your social marketing activities. Here

Facebook and LinkedIn)

 Microblogging (Twitter)


 Articles or pages posted on expert sites or article sites

 Business contacts (peers, influencers, media, potential partners)

 Weekly unique visitors and return visitors to your website and blog

 Subscribers to your mailing

Dana Lynn Smith

list and blog

 Website or blog visitors and blog 9. Implement your chosen social marketing tactics, one at a time. 10. Evaluate your progress periodically. Can you tell which activities are generating the best results? Are some activities taking up too much of your time? Make adjustments to your strategy as necessary. For a more in-depth look at online networking, download my free report, 10 Steps to Online Networking Success for Authors and Publishers.

Drawing on her 16 years of publishing experience and de(Squidoo, HubPages) gree in marketing, Dana Lynn Smith helps authors learn how  Media and content sharing to promote their books through sites (YouTube, Flickr) her how-to guides, one-on-one  Social news and bookmark- coaching, blog, and newsletter. For more tips, follow ing (StumbleUpon, Digg, @BookMarketer on Twitter, etc.) visit Dana's blog at www.TheSavvyBookMarketer.c 8. Decide how you will measom, and get a copy of the Top ure the effectiveness of your social marketing efforts. What Book Marketing Tips ebook metrics will you track and what when you sign up for her free newsletter at: tools will you use to measure them? Below are some exam- www.BookMarketingNewsletter .com. ples of metrics you might

 Expert sites and wikis

“Social media can be a great promotional tool, but you'll save time and be more effective if you do some planning before you dive in.”

Book Marketing Gazette

Page 12

50 Creative Book Marketing Ideas - Part 3 - Tips #10-15 By John Kremer 10. Market with a Greeting Card. In promoting books to your customers, especially stores and wholesalers, try different formats to get their attention. Most stores

John Kremer

goal wasn't reached. What did

that one day out of the blue they

Delia's get out of this contest?

called and asked her to appear on

Well, they might make some

the show in two days. Could she

money on the contest fees, but

make it? Of course, she could.

they also will get 5,000 new ideas for trendy nightspots.

Note that Oprah's show still sells

chures, and media kits, but how

books. I know one self-published

14. Create Your Own Radio

many receive greeting cards, cal-

author that credits the show with

Network. Zondervan formed its

endars, pop-ups, or other unusual selling 50,000 copies of her book. formats? When Marianne Williamson, au-

when promoting a book during February. Or a Mother's Day card during May? Or a flag on the 4th of July? Such items would stand out from the clutter on their desk. Just keep it simple so your card

own radio network to promote its books and authors. It offered

thor of A Return to Love, ap-

radio stations a chance to receive

peared on the show in February,

regular audiotapes containing well

HarperCollins took in backorders

-produced segments ranging from

for 35,000 copies of her book by

60-second news items to 27-

the end of that day. By the end of

minute interviews. More than 250

the next day, backorders had

stations have already signed up

risen to 120,000 copies.

for this service to supplement their news and public affairs pro-

stands out (in other words, don't

Not only do readers respond to

stuff the card in with your catalog

Oprah's show, but bookstores and

or a bunch of flyers; send it by

wholesalers do as well. And

15. Create Your Own Promo


sometimes in a big way, especial-

Newsletter. As a supplement to

ly with the Oprah Book Club se-

their network, Zondervan also

lections which all have sold more

publishes a monthly newsletter of

than a million copies.

interview ideas called Producer's

11. Adopt a Library. To com-

John hopes these ideas will help you think of new possibilities for promoting your books.

right to cancel the contest if that

kept her name in front of them so

are inundated with catalogs, bro-

Why not try a Valentine card

In this article John shares tips #10-15 from his ―50 Creative Book Marketing Ideas‖ series.

year to get on Oprah, but she

memorate its 25 years in business, Jossey-Bass adopted the San Francisco Public Library by

13. Sponsor a Contest. One

making a commitment to give

way to get publicity is to sponsor

them a copy of every new book

a contest. You can even charge a

they publish during the coming 25 small fee for entering the contest. years. Of course, they made sure How about a muffin-baking conother people knew what they

test to promote a new cookbook?

did—and received local as well as

Or ―your most romantic moment‖

national publicity for the effort.

contest to promote a romance

12. Get on Oprah! I realize that most of you already have a great desire to get your authors on Oprah Winfrey's television show,

novel or a book on relationships?


Report. Zondervan's 600 authors can speak not only on religion, but also on parenting, health, abortion, literacy, business, sex, politics, and current events. If you would like to see a sample of their newsletter, call their media relations department at 800-7278004.

Or the best photo of the Grand

John Kremer is the author of

Canyon for an Arizona travel

1001 Ways to Market Your


Books: For Authors and Publishers (6th Edition) as well as

but many of you obviously don't

The Wall Street Journal recently

do enough—or you'd be on the

publicized a contest sponsored by

the developer of the 15,000

show. Be persistent. Send them

Delia's restaurant. Delia's offered

and the Ten Million Eyeballs

info at least once every two

a chance to win a fully equipped

months. Make sure your news

Internet Marketing Programs

Manhattan restaurant and one

releases and author information

year's paid rent to the person

and the Book Marketing Magic

target the the needs of the audi-

with the best concept for a fanta-

ence. Relate the book to a current sy restaurant. The entry fee for crisis, problem, or news event the contest was $50.00. Delia's

multimedia program. John is also the webmaster at and moderator at the popular author network

that would appeal to Oprah. And

owners expected to have 5,000

keep in touch.

entries (that's $250,000 in appli-


cation fees), but reserved the

I know one author who took a

Book Marketing Gazette

Page 13

An Opportunity for Publishers in Borders’ Chapter 11 Filing By Brian Jud

ticularly of fiction, sometimes describe their

The fact that Border filed for Chapter 11protection may actually be the best thing that has happened to book publishers in a long time. It will make people more aware of the opportunities for large quantity, non-

book as being similar to a current trend leader. Buyers do not want more of what they already have. They want to hear how your information is different from the betterknown titles, and why it is better.

returnable sales in non-bookstore markets.

Focus on push vs. pull. Push marketing is

military. There are also opportunities in the

el in the distribution network. On the other

These could be among corporations, associa- directed at the channel members, helping tions, schools, government agencies and the them sell more books to the next higher levretail sector for sales through specialty

hand, pull marketing is directed at the ulti-

companies, museums, catalogs and more.

both strategies are important, push market-

Brian Jud

stores, airport stores (not necessarily airport mate consumer, making people aware of your title and getting them to buy it. While bookstores), gift shops, display marketing Perhaps book publishers will now take heed of this enormous segment and begin to sell

ing is the preferred strategy in non-retail special-sales marketing and pull is the strat-

their books in earnest.

egy of choice in retail marketing.

Some tips for making the switch to

Focus on what you can control. There are four primary activities you can control in

sales in special markets If publishers focus on the sales potential in non-traditional segments, they may actually be able to see opportunities more clearly. Non-traditional marketing is basically the

book marketing: 1) its content and form, 2) the price at which you sell it, 3) the ways in which you distribute it and 4) how you promote it. Some people looked at Goliath and thought

process of writing quality content in response to an identified need, publishing it in

he was too big to hit. David looked at him

tive customers. Doing this successfully may

think, ―Is the non-traditional market big

the form desired by the reader and then sell- and thought he was too big to miss. You ing it to people in defined groups of prospec- might look at special-sales marketing and simply requires a change in concentration from traditional book selling to a... Focus on the content of your book, not the book itself. What your book does is

enough to approach, or is it too big?‖ The answer is yes. A market of $16 billion is too big to pass up, but it is too big a market in which to compete profitably -- if you look at it as one goliath market. Take your shot at

more important to buyers than what it is. Content is king in special marketing, and the old adage, ―find a need and fill it,‖ was never more relevant. 2) Focus on getting people to buy rather than selling to them. Discover what the customer needs -- which will probably be some combination of products and services - then describe how you can help them improve revenues, margins or brand image.

Goliath and start selling your books to nonbookstore buyers. Brian Jud is the author of How to Make Real Money Selling Books and now offers commission sales of nonfiction, fiction, children‘s titles and remainders to buyers in special markets. For more information contact Brian at P. O. Box 715, Avon, CT 06001; (860) 675-1344; Fax (860) 270-0343; or go to

Focus on the differences of your content, not on its sameness. Authors, par-

“The fact that Border filed for Chapter 11protection may actually be the best thing that has happened to book publishers in a long time.”

Author Interview Series

Page 14

Vlogging: A Great Hook for You & Your Book By Jennifer S. Wilkov Society loves moving pictures. We all go to the movies and watch television so we can see, hear and experience the story, characters and writing. Vlogging, or video blogging, is a great way for you as a writer and author to make this same engaging connection with the visitors and viewers of your blog from the comfort of your computer at

Jennifer S. Wilkov

“Vlogging, or video blogging, is a great way for you as a writer and author to make this same engaging connection with the visitors and viewers of your blog from the comfort of your computer at home or at work.”

home or at work.

To this end, take note of the following and be aware of:

 The length of your video - Attention spans are short these days so keep your clips between 1 – 3 minutes.

 What you wear - Look your best. It will help foster your success.

 What is in the background – Pick a backdrop for your video shoot that‘s pleasing to the eye. The

For nonfiction writers, this may seem simple as

less cluttered, the better…and don‘t be afraid to

you can talk about any concept from your book

take the video camera outside the house and on

and create a short video clip for it.

the road with you. Shooting outdoors can make

For fiction writers, video may seem like a huge leap from the quiet, invisible mental hallways of your imagination and writing room. Fiction writers like you have lots of opportunities to use video to your advantage to connect with readers and cultivate raving fans. Let‘s face it: when we watch a moving picture that‘s talking to us, we somehow feel enrolled in a conversation with the person speaking. Here are a few suggestions to get you started with your own vlogging efforts:

for some beautiful backdrops.

 Distracting noises that your microphone might pick up – Be especially thoughtful about these including a baby crying, a dog barking, a siren from the street, a timer going off in the kitchen, a telephone or cell phone ringing and others. Silence what you can before you start.

 What camera you‘re using – Make sure it‘s versatile, has a good mic and makes it easy for you to transfer your video to your computer and YouTube. Hint: you may want to edit the video and add your book cover and website to the end

Discuss your inspiration for the main character, plot or book series.

Chat for a minute about why your story is based in a particular town, state or country. Do you have a personal connection or experience with this place?

enrich your presence for the reader and raise your

Take videos at all of your appearances including readings, visits with writers‘ groups, book signings, panels you speak on and more.

lished five times, an award-winning freelance writ-

Share writing tips with other writers

Hook!” She has both self-published and been pub-

  

of each clip. When you use video on your blog, or vlog, you visibility. Video can become a valuable asset for your writing career and a great hook for your

book. Give hints about your plot twist without giving Don‘t knock it ‗til you‘ve tried it! the story away. Get the viewer hooked on your book and leave them intrigued enough to Jennifer S. Wilkov: Media personality, host and want to buy it and read more. producer of the #1 radio talk show “Your Book Is Discuss the next book in the series or what Your Hook!” on WomensRadio. Jennifer is a bestyou‘re working on now. selling award-winning author who has been pub-

Videos help to bring the reader, other writers and the industry to you. It‘s a great way to let them get to know you. Videos can also boost your career as agents can see you speaking live on your blog

er and a respected book business consultant in her business by the same name, “Your Book Is Your lished by a traditional publisher. Jennifer has been called the quintessential writer and teacher for the 21st century. She supports first-time and seasoned authors in their book writing, publishing and marketing endeavors through coaching and training in her “Your Book Is Your Hook!” consulting

when they are deciding if they want to take you on practice. as a client. Industry events and conferences can also see you in full motion picture form to determine if they‘d like you to speak at an event.

Book Marketing Gazette

Page 15

Keep in Touch to Keep in Mind By D’vorah Lansky “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~ Maya Angelou Keeping in touch with people, in a variety of ways, will make them feel special and appreciated. This practice is one of the most powerful things you can do with regard to building business relationships. In addition to keeping in contact via phone, there are many ways that you can keep in touch, by harnessing the power of the written word, while building trust and credibility. If people know that the content

mail has gotten out of control,

the link to the new module or

and the majority of business

the course content area, via a

owners who communicate

weekly auto-responder mes-

through e-mail are overwhelmed sage. Thus, eCourse content can with the vast amount they re-

be delivered exclusively via e-

ceive each day. Thus, you also

mail or it can serve as a notifi-

want to find other, more im-

cation for your members to

pactful, ways to communicate

head over to the member‘s area

with your audience.

to access the next module.

Ezine. An ezine is an online

Direct Mail – Greeting Cards.

magazine or newsletter. They can be sent out weekly or monthly. They can be in plain

Direct mail is another powerful way to keep in touch and keep in the minds of the people who

text and easy to read even on a

matter most to you. If you plan

your branded colors. Your ezine

yourself apart from the average

cell phone, or they can be pretty on marketing online, then you and colorful, with images and in have the opportunity to set should not be a ―sales pitch‖ but rather a friendly correspondence between you and your readers. Let them know what exciting ventures are going on in your

they‘ll be receiving from you can life, share a cute or funny story, and deliver quality educational help them to grow their businesses, they will make it a pri-

content. Then you can let them

ority to read what you send

know what courses you have

them. Here are several practical

coming up or what products you

examples of ways to harness

are currently promoting. Build

the power of the written word:

relationships and create raving

person by sending a card to your students or customers to let them know you appreciate them. When was the last time you received a thank-you card or an instructional card after purchasing a product or a course? Schedule time each day to send out a heartfelt card of appreciation, it will make a huge difference in your life and in your business.


 Send personalized, brief, follow-up e-mail to people you meet.

 Set up an auto-responder system to keep your clients and prospects close.

 Send out a weekly or a monthly ezine, packed with value and helpful ideas.

 Deliver your course material via your own eCourse.

 Send handwritten greeting cards on a regular basis. Send Personalized E-mail. Email is an essential tool and, when used properly, can be a great way to share information and keep in touch. However, e-

D’vorah Lansky

Even the savviest Internet marketers who have live events and online courses would benecourse that you deliver via efit from keeping in touch with mail. You set it up in AWeber, or people through the mail. In this in whichever system you choose way they will have the opporto use, and decide how often tunity to stay at top of mind you‘d like the content to go out. and get something in the hands An eCourse is course content of their prospects, clients, and and not sales letters or calendar networking contacts to let them know they care. notifications. You can include ECourse. An eCourse is a

information that is part of your

D'vorah Lansky, M.Ed. is the author of Book Marketing tain the integrity of your list and Made Easy: Powerful and Simfocus on giving them the conple Strategies for Selling Your tent that they are expecting. Let Nonfiction Book Online. Access special marketing tools and a your eCourse subscribers know free chapter at: that their course will be delivered via e-mail once a week for www.BookMarketingMadeEasy .com the duration of the course. A Twitter: @marketingwizard very effective way to deliver Facebook: your content is by posting it in a AuthorsMarketingCircle member‘s area and providing eCourse, but you want to main-

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~ Maya Angelou

As someone who has been marketing online since 1995, having spent thousands of hours studying and applying what I‘ve learned, I have a pretty good handle on the basics (and beyond) of Internet marketing. When I took a look at Kathleen Gage‘s, Street Smarts Marketing VIP Club, my first thought was that it might be too basic for me. Being that I know the high level of training that Kathleen offers, both for beginners and experts, I decided to give it a try and boy am I glad I did. From an educator‘s point of view, I‘m thrilled to have discovered this program as a resource to recommend to my students, clients and members of Authors Marketing Circle who want to learn the basics of Internet marketing in an easy-to-follow, and comprehensive manner.

If you would like a simple solution, with lots of support along the way, I invite you to view this informative video: View the Video by clicking here. Here are just a few things covered in the VIP club:

     

Article marketing for visibility and profitability

Product Creation to Market - A simple step-by-step process for a successful launch

From a personal point of view, even with sixteen years ex perience in Internet marketing, I am learning new skills and strategies and most importantly, am provided with a platform to take my marketing, book sales and programs to the  next level. As you know, each month I like to share with you a resource that I personally use and both highly endorse and recommend. This month that resource is Kathleen Gage‘s Street Smarts Marketing VIP Club! As an author, even with your busy schedule, having an understanding of Internet marketing and an effective plan of action are essential for your success.

 

Mini courses to build your opt in list and credibility Effective blogging and blog tour Get the Most out of Your Social Media Marketing Secrets to Outsourcing Relationship-Building Secrets - Gain and maintain great subscribers

Mindset of success – 10 leading (and very successful) experts share their insights Interviewing Experts for Fast and Easy Product Development Time Management Be a star Radio & Teleseminar Guest Discover How to Write Your Own Ebook and optimize them for backend revenues

Enhance your online presence by knowing how to effectively and affordably market online. Watch this video to find out more. I‘m loving being a VIP Club member and am both thrilled and grateful for the positive impact this program is having on my business. D’vorah

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.