1 minute read
Hunting nurdles at Kammabaai Beach
Writer: Taylum Meyer
Over the past few weeks, tiny plastic pellets called nurdles have been washing up on beaches from Cape Infanta to Muizenberg. They were first spotted in the Overstrand on Castle Beach (Pearly Beach), at Die Damme (Franskraal) and on Silver Sands Beach (Betty’s Bay).

Last week, Overstrand Municipality reported that large amounts of nurdles had washed up at Bluewater Bay, Castle Beach (Pearly Beach), and at the Pearly Beach Resort towards Soetfontein. The following day, nurdles were also found on Kammabaai Beach in Hermanus.
The municipality sent out an urgent call shortly after that for volunteers to rally and help pick up the nurdles. Generation Schools Hermanus immediately stepped up to the challenge and organised a two-hour clean-up the next day on Kammabaai Beach with some of their middle and high school learners.

After school on Friday afternoon, the learners made their way to the beach, armed with sieves and buckets, and got busy hunting through the sand for the pesky little pellets.
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