1 minute read

What your cat wishes you knew

By Dr Hilldidge Beer

Cats are mysterious creatures. Independent, secretive and even standoffish at times, their behaviour can be baffling. But, if you know how to look for the subtle clues they give out, you’ll soon have your cat’s communication skills sorted.


1. Your cat is ill but shows no symptoms This is every veterinarian’s nightmare because usually by the time your cat lets on that he’s not well, his disease/ ailment is far advanced and more difficult, or impossible, to treat. Cats are masters of disguise, and in the wild they know that to show illness is a vulnerability that makes them prey to stronger creatures. All cats will instinctively hide illness. Look out for:

• Peeing in odd places like on your bed or in the bath, basin or shower

• Hiding from you and other pets

• Drinking more water than usual

• Vomiting for more than 24 hours

• Straining to poop

• Avoiding favourite sleeping places that are raised (your bed, a window sill)

All of these are clues to potential illnesses like arthritis, kidney disease, diabetes, cancer and constipation. Get your pet to the vet for a checkup asap because by the time you’ve picked up on these clues, his illness is probably far advanced.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 23)

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