1 minute read

Hermanus Varsity meets challenges head-on

While we wait to hear about the government’s plans to get both school children and tertiary students back on track for the 2020 academic year, ELAINE DAVIE takes a look at how our own Hermanus Varsity is forging ahead despite the lockdown.

Students Vuyolwethu Jangile (left) and Zenande Jacob work at computers at the Varsity’s Hub, which they have been unable to use during lockdown. This has forced them to access their course materials on cellphones, with a huge consumption of costly data.


It’s not often during this time of gloom and doom that one comes across someone who is brimming with hope and enthusiasm. Yet right up there is Delana Finlayson, CEO of the Hermanus Varsity Trust (HVT), not only in terms of the present, but also the past and future. As she sums it up: “It’s been the most incredible journey for all of us so far – the most exciting project I’ve ever been involved with!”

Two of Hermanus Varsity’s visionary founders, Theo Krynauw and Prof John de Gruchy in front of the old Synagogue building which has become the Varsity’s Hub campus. It was recently purchased by a Canadian donor and transferred to HVT’s name.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 5)

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