1 minute read

Lockdown beauty SOS

Writer: Lindi Prinsloo Refine Anti-ageing & Laser Clinic.

During this lockdown period, we’ve found ourselves being deemed a non-essential service. Beauty, non-essential? What!


But so it is and here we are, some stuck at home alone, some with young children to drive them crazy, and somehow, some way we need to find a path through this extended, five-week lockdown.

Not only are you far less active during this period, but if you are limiting your trips to the shops you may be eating different foods to what your body is used to. Your sleep may also be affected by this change in routine. I have heard from many friends that they are experiencing periods of stress, frustration and even grief for the life that they’ve had to leave behind and the adjustments they are having to make.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 11)

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