1 minute read

Life for your pets after lockdown

Writer: Hilldidge Beer.

There is no doubt that lockdown will have a significant and lasting impact on all of us, and that includes our pets. For the first time in their lives they’ve had our undivided attention. Dogs may have been frustrated because daily walks were curtailed, but having you at home 24/7 has certainly made up for it.


However, the moment lockdown is lifted pet parents will head back to work, back to the shops, off to the movies and pets will again spend long hours alone. Like humans, pets thrive in company. Both dogs and cats need people for love, shelter and for entertainment. For dogs that includes, but isn’t exclusive to, a daily walk. Mental stimulation through play, ‘hunting’ and chasing are just as important.

For pet parents who will be leaving the home after lockdown, here are a few things you can do to keep your pets mentally stimulated in your absence. Remember, a bored pet is a destructive pet and purchasing a few toys or devising a few home games is a lot cheaper than a new sofa!

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 10)

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