1 minute read


The Overstrand is world-famous for its rolling mountains and abutting coastline, all perfectly packaged in a beautiful burst of fynbos known as the Cape Floral Kingdom. Whether you are a guest or a full-time resident, these natural surroundings come with blessings and responsibility.

Never (ever, ever) feed baboons. They do not need your food We are privileged to share our space with the hundreds of species of fynbos and wildlife, including dassies (Rock Hyrax), Southern Right whales, bird species galore and of course, the Chacma baboons. Baboons are intelligent and extremely resourceful and have unfortunately learnt that human food is delicious and easy to find.


Living in the Kogelberg Biosphere and along the Klein River mountain range requires residents to be aware of the wildlife that share our space and to adapt our lifestyles accordingly where we can. The only way humans and baboons can harmoniously share a living space is if we adapt our behaviour

Dealing responsibly with waste is one of the simple ways we can contribute to the health and well-being of our wildlife and our own families.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 3)

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