Dwight School London Yearbook 2014/15

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Dwight School London Class of 2015

Amir Yousefi

Hayley Kleiner

CJ Desloges

Daniel Cicen

Dominique Hughes

Erica Assis

Gustav Hagild

Etem Akarcay

Haruki Tada

James Fraser

Jonathan van Kuijk

Lulu Hayward


Lynham Mariner

Megan Macdonald

Masi Makubalo

Oliver Chaimo

Tefo Matengo

Raja Kadiwar

Taiga Takagi

Tomoyuki Momii

Wei Chang

Michael Chen

Message from your Head of School!

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. -Henry David Thoreau.

Congratulations on your perserverance in completing the IB here at Dwight School London. You have shown what it is possible to acheive by the support you have given each other and through all the experiences and opportunities you have had and shared together. We do hope as you leave Dwight School London that you look back on us with fond memories and you remain a strong part of our community. Go out into the world and make a difference! Mr. David Rose Head of School

Message from your Principal! Dear D2 students Brace yourselves, as you go out into the world. It can be quite a hostile place. You will need to take with you all the useful skills that we have offered you, and I am sure that you have all absorbed. It can also be a very warm and compassionate place (in fact it is most of the time) and we now rely upon you, as the next cohort, to ensure that this continues to be the case. It is a good planet that we live upon, so please use your learning to make sure that it stays this way. Mr. Hopkins Upper School Principal

Message from your IB Diploma Coordinator!

As your IB Diploma Coordinator I am thankful to have been able to be with you on this journey over the years and see you grow as people who embody the IB learner profile in so many ways. Jonathan, with his ever knowledgeable contributions to TOK classes (even though “TOK is not ok”☺ ), Gustav with his open minded attitude to all life throws at him, Haley with her caring soul and sweetest smile are great examples of how academics and attitude can give students inner drive. I think fondly of principled Lulu with her great sense of justice and Etem with his inquiring attitude, as they never cease to ask probing questions. Megan, as a communicator, has always stepped forward to lead her peers and her efforts for the yearbook, to name but one thing, are tremendous. Lynham, despite keeping quiet about his incredible dance moves ☺, is a quiet and balanced thinker. Ollie and Masi are risk takers in more ways than one, with their highly individual study methods and views on attendance, but actually have show real support of their classmates over the years. Erica and Haruki are sensitive souls, whose caring attitude I will miss, as well as Dominique with her reflective attitude about the IB; skills that I am sure will make Dominique a great lawyer. Taiga and Tomoyuki have both shown determination this year with their studious attitude in the last few months. Taiga’s caring approach to his peers shows he is a proper gentleman. Daniel, Amir and Wei know how to balance things, and I mean literally ☺, during the IB retreat, which provided entertainment in many ways, despite missing the connection! Raja is also a risk taker of sorts, always pushing himself forward and trying new study methods with renewed energy. In spite of his relaxed appearance, Michael has shown to be a thinker in the subject of Chinese A and I hope he can continue that commitment in his future. CJ and James both have shown genuine care for others and their caring attitude will serve them well. Last but not least I will miss Team Tefo, who embodies that out of adversity grows inner power and goodness. It breaks my heart to leave and I will miss you all dearly but I know that you are ready to start the next step in your lives, knowing that the IB and the teachers have prepared you well for the examinations and beyond as life long learners. I hope you will continue to inspire confidence in others and in yourself. Good luck to you all Stay in touch Miss van der Linden IB Diploma Coordinator

Messages from your teachers! To my D2 students, You made it to the end with another beginning ahead. Good luck with the next step and try to fit in some “real” travel time. - Mr. Lucas

My Dear Little Chuckleheads, Remember that time that we all went to that place and then you said that thing and then I was totally like, “No WAY!” and you were totes like, “Way!” and then we all laughed? Ah, memories... Good luck in the future and I hope that your memory of the fun and educational things you experienced here at Dwight are better than mine. - Mr. Hammett-Bregger

To All D2 Students Goodbye and best of luck to all of you. I hope you will have a very happy and successful life after DSL. No more will I be chasing you to sign in with me because of being late and smiling at some of the reasons some of you came up with. Work hard, play hard and make it happen! Best wishes from - Mrs. McCormack

To My Chinese Mandarin Students If not me, who? 如果不是我,那会是 谁? If not now, when? 如果不是现在,更待 何时? (quote from Hillel the Elder) - Ms. Lee

Students To My Technology of the sting till the end Thank you for la the by ll fe n so many programme, whe wayside! cts of to consider aspe It was a pleasure you. Technology with ly never , you will probab Congratulations ical rase ‘morpholog have to say the ph synthesis’ again! - Mr. Brown

Messages from your teachers! To D2 Visual Arts Students “It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.” Pablo Picasso I wish you all lots of success, joy & happiness for the future Best wishes from - Ms. Ross

I hope your dreams take you... to the corner of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the window of your opportunities, and to the most special places known! I saw this and thought of you, my DP2 students - Mrs. Boyle

To Dw ight P sycholog ists A more disp arate group was never a The coolest ssembled. of the cool. The suavest of the suave . The canniest of the canny. The wisest of the wise. (I’ll let you so rt out who yo u are) May you ea ch flourish in your chos are certainly en fi well-equipp ed psycholog elds. You to understa nd anyone a ically better nd anything Stay sane a you encounte nd of good ch r. eer. - Lez Weintr obe

0f class The D2s ? g in n e p the end of ally hap ir way to e th e Is this re ” d e k the cours e “squea r lasting fo y 2015 hav e ll n a o d tu an ac e? Well sity you c r e the cours is iv th n e u aps in elieve m and, perh oks to lectures! B , I’ll miss o b rt of way o s g e take your r r a iz ep readin In a b h and ke c u u will help! o to y h in hic o keep ples of w m a d x you all, s e n A ! e s o year teratur , quality li nced these past tw fe li h oug rie mble” thr u n “t have expe a u o s y y a et, as s is alw don’t forg happines t a th r remembe option! enson - Mr. Dick

T o the D2 students You have finally reached the end of DP..something we all felt might never happen! It has been wonderful to see you grow into bright, mature (and somewhat academically committed!) individuals. Your strong identities and general laid back attitudes convince me that your futures will be filled with happiness! Remember to always walk tall, walk straight and look the world in the eye. Wishing you all the best - Miss Harvey

Messages from your teachers! To Diplo ma st u dents Thank you fo r your insig hts and som interesting ewhat analysis of historical e I would lik vents. e to schools of th put you all into histor ical ought pigeo nholes, but pleased to s I am ay that you all have you schools of th r own ought. Uniq ue and som unconventio e times nal ideas I hope you your dream follow s and conti nue to hav interest in e an the past, p resent and Good luck a future. nd keep in touch. I wil you all. l miss All the best - Ms. Watso n

To My Theatre Studies Students: Thank you for bringing so much joy, happiness, debate and laughter to the drama room! I hope you enjoyed all the theatre trips we took and the World Arts tours such as China and Cuba that we ventured on. I hope I inspired you to see the world in a different way. Be yourself, be confident and be proud! With all best wishes, - Mrs. Kennedy-Wilson xxx

Dear D2, It has been a pleasure being you r Mathematics teacher. Some of you I taught way back when you were in M2 and it has been a joy to see you r Mathematics skills develop and the progress you have made. I hope some of you will continue to study Mathe matics at university, and if not, then I know you will all use Mathematics in you r everyday lives in some way. I hope to see your hard work pay off and I hope you enj oy the last few weeks of your secondary school education! Wish you well in the future and I hope you succeed in whatever you chose to do. Try your best in everything you do, ‘It is better to regret something you have don e than regret something you haven’t don e’. Best wishes, Mrs Mulvey.

Messages from your teachers! To the D2’s, It’s been quite a journey during the last two years with many frustrations, head banging, head slapping, a few smiles and many laughs. Continue to play, but remember to work harder. In the words of Shel Silverstein, “How much good inside a day? Depends on how good you live ‘em. How much love inside a friend? Depends on how much you give ‘em.” The best years of your life have yet to come so remember you will only get out of them as much as you put into them. Best wishes to you all - Mr. Seehusen

To Our Japanese Students IBお疲れさまでした☆本当にが んばったね! これからの長い人生の中で、きっと何 かに立ち向かわなくてはならない機会が たくさん出てくると思います。そんなと き、いつも全力でがんばれる人になってく ださいね。きっとIBの中で培われた根性が 役に立つのではないかと思います。私たち はいつも君たちを応援しています。 がんばれ、がんばれ 大河! がんばれ、がんばれ 智行! がんばれ、がんばれ 春希! from Mrs. Hotsuki, Miss Ishikawa

ab initio DP2 Italian zi, Cari ragaz ri li studi futu g e h c o r u g Vi au i voi una no per tutt ti n e s e r p i vista p ra dal punto d a z n ie r e p s le e bella e he persona c n a a m , o accademic o sociale! futuro pien n u e r lt o in e che Vi auguro di iniziativ i, n io z fa is ndo in di sodd onore anda i v r fa o n a voi poss desiderate le e m o c ì s porto co a vita. nella vostr tto! lupo per tu In bocca al Ms Veschi

Guess Who’s Who?!

Lulu | Lynham| Masi | Hayley | Gustav Tiaga, Dominique | Erica | Raja | Michael Megan | James | CJ | Haruki | Etem | Amir

Etem Westminster

Erica Southbank

Oliver UCLAN

Michael Richmond

Daniel Greenwich

Lulu Goldsmiths

James London

CJ Richmond

Haruki Japan

Class of 2015 University Destinations Amir Greenwich

Jonathan Durham

Wei Colorado

Haruki Japan

Tagaki Japan

Dominique UEA

Tomoyuki Japan

Raja Kingston

Haley Middlesex

Megan Exeter

Tefo London

Masi Cape Town

Lynham Westminster

Gustav Westminster

Who is most likely to....



3. Win the lottery but lose the ticket 5. Be most helpful 7. Cure cancer 10. Become a Samuri Warrior 11. Become an exotic dancer 13. Become famous 14. Be on Catfish 15. Return to Dwight as a teacher 17. Charm his/her way though life 19. Become a real house wife/house husband 20. Live with cats 21. Be most trustworthy 22. Break a world record




1. Win a Nobel Prize 2. Have the kindest heart 4. Have 8 children 6. Have the best nicknames 8. Be living a double life 9. Become a millionaire 12. Be late to their own wedding 16. Have the best laugh 18. Be the best movie-quoter





18 13


Gustav Hagild | Raja Kadiwar | Lynham Mariner | Erica Assis | Megan Macdonald | Tefo Mate Oliver Chaimo | Jonathan van Kuijk | Amir Yousefi | CJ Desloges | Dominique Hughe

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engu | Wei Chang | Lulu Hayward | Daniel Cicen | James Fraser | Haley Kleiner| Taiga Takagi es | Michael Chen | Etem Akarcay | Haruki Tada | Tomoyuki Momii | Masi Makubalo

Graduating Class Dwight School London 2015

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Amir Yousefi Best Laugh

CJ Desloges Best movie-quoter

Daniel Cicen Most likely to be on Catfish

Dominique Hughes Best nickname “White African Safari Girl�

06/05/2015 16:01

Erica Assis Most likely to become a real house wife/ house husband

Etem Akarcay Most helpful

Gustav Hagild Most Likely to become famous

Haley Kleiner Most likely to have 8 children

Haruki Tada Kindest Heart

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James Fraser Most likely to return to Dwight as a teacher

06/05/2015 16:02

Jonathan van Kuijk Most likely to become an exotic dancer

Lulu Hayward Most helpful

Lynham Mariner Most likely to win a Nobel Prize

Megan Macdonald Most likely to cure cancer

Michael Chen Most trustworthy

Oliver Chaimo Most likely to be late to own wedding

Raja Kadiwar Most likely to become a millionaire

Tefo Matengu Most likely to break a world record

Taiga Takagi Most likely to take over the world

Tomoyuki Momii Samura Warrior

Wei Chang Most likely to win the lottery but lose the ticket

Maasi Makubalo Mosty likely to charm his way through life


@Amir #inspiration Miss Boyle, for helping me with language mistakes, helping me when I needed and being patient and calm.

#Teacher Appreciation Week Who inspired you?

@Tomoyuki #funniest_memory I cant choose one, everyday at Dwight school London.

#Laughing creates lines Funniest memory?

@CJ #the_future Living with my woman – successful job, living around the world

#It’s a small world Where else have you lived? #Home is where the heart is Where are you from

@Daniel #funniest_memory When Miss Walkers asked Alyssia to tell her a country that starts with “O” and she said “ofghanistan” ; When Amir Asked Miss for a “sheet” and it came out wrong. Arzhan and Etem fighting every day in year 9. When Etem bounced the ball and it hit his face.

#The future 10 years from now

@Dominique #small_world Johannesburg, Budapest, Rio de Janeiro, London @Erica #inspiration Lulu and her hair products, she taught me that when life gets tough your hair doesn’t have to be. Gustav opened my eyes to the artistic way of life. Dominique, Animals are friends. Haley, you don’t have to suffer by yourself. @Etem #funniest_memory The return flight from Havana (Cuba), sitting next to Oliver Chaimo telling jokes. @Haruki #the_future I just hope that I’m not dead. @James #inspiration My mother through fear and bribery. @Jonathan #funniest_memory When Ms. Fraser chastised her son for writing in red ink and commented on his remote reproductive potential. @Lynham #inspiration Mr Hammet–Bregger, I now come to class at 8:30. @Masi #the_future I would love to think, I will be in an IT office or in the wild with some tigers. @Megan #funniest_memory The boarding house. “This delegate is a man of few words” – Jonathan @Michael #funniest_memory Can’t remember something really really funny now, but something funny did happen… @Oliver #inspiration Mr. Dickenson – Admirable view of the world, needs abit of tweeking though.


@Raja #inspiration Mr Seehusen for his encouragement to always continue to try and work hard.

#Teacher Appreciation Week Who inspired you?

@Taiga #the_future In Japan, becoming a businessman.

#Laughing creates lines Funniest memory?

@Amir #home Iran

#It’s a small world Where else have you lived?

@CJ #small_world Everywhere. Brunei, Falkland Islands, Bangladesh, Ukraine , England

#Home is where the heart is Where are you from #The future 10 years from now

@Daniel #inspiration Masi, Amir and CJ for making study periods very enjoyabled. Wei for making me look like a good student. Mr. Hammett-Bregger – for trying to help me get organised and for trying to help me pass. Mr. Seehusen – for being very patient with me. Miss Veschi – for helping me a lot with Italian. @Dominique #inspiration Gustav and Lulu. You two have completely changed the way I see the world and therefore have had a large influence on me. Thanks guys☺! @Erica #small_world Beijing, Lisbon, New york and Ottawa @Etem #inspiration Friends – given me courage to prove them right Enemies – given me courage to prove them wrong. @Haruki #home Japan @James #the_future Working in the tech department of the national theatre. @Jonathan #home The Netherlands @Lynham #funniest_memory Watching the delegate of china throw money at the president of THIMUN. @Masi #funniest_memory Everyday with Amir, Daniel, Thomas, Olly and Wei. @Megan #the_future Somewhere warmer than here, hopefully working in crisis management. @Michael #small_world Italy and England @Oliver #the_future Alive, preferably healthy but that doesn’t matter too much.

Dwight School London

Class of 2015!

Thank you for all the memories!

We hope to see you again soon!

Erica, Lulu, Gustav and Haley, these past two years have been great and I feel really lucky to have known you all. Eric know what I would have done without you. I love you and you will always remain one of my best friends. Lulu a.k.a p your quirkiness and I hope you find your way to Hogwarts one day. Gustav thanks for the knowledge I truly have lear made the IB experience bearable. To the rest of class of 2015: - Have a great life! - Dominique

Thank you for tying my shoelaces, getting me water, carrying my bag and buying me food. One day your services will be paid for. Girl squad for life! xoxo - Erica

Thanks for being good friends; I have shared great moments over the past two years with you guys. Good luck. - Amir Good luck everyone! - Megan Peace - Masi Never gonna give you up, Never gonna let you down, Never gonna turn around And desert you. - Lynham Go forth and increase profit margins. - Jonathan Last two years, I spent working really hard and busy days.I am able to graduate from DSL because of the support from the teachers and classmates. I would like to say thank you and I hope you guys do well in the future. - Tomoyuki Be Ambitious - Taiga

ca, there are no words but thank you for going through life with me for the past two years, I don’t plant lady a.k.a Harry thank you for the countless nicknames and reality checks. I will really miss rned so much from you. Haley, good luck with those 8 children <3 The four of you have honestly Thanks for making it one to remember! Love you guys, even though sometimes I wanted to club you lot with a baseball bat. - Etem

I was in DSL for only 9 months, but I had a great time being with my classmates. Congratulations graduating and I wish that your future will be the best. - Haruki

Goodbye everyone, I wish you all the best for the future. - Daniel

Good luck to all students and Faculty members. - Christopher

Good luck to all students and Faculty members - Raja We will be likely not seeing each other anymore in the future; I hope you have all learnt something in this school and I happy to have know you all. Good luck for the future and farewell. - Michael Think not what could have been but what can be. - James

Dwight School London 6, Friern Barnet Lane London N11 3LX +44 (0)208920 0600 office@dwightlondon.org www.dwightlondon.org

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