ARC3413 Lighting Design

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Assignment 2 Lighting Integration Design WESLEY WONG 0330496 TUTOR: DR SUJATAVANI GUNASAGARAN

Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Objectives 1.2 Brief Site Analysis 1.3 Lighting analysis 1.4 Overalll Floor Plans 2.0 Choir Room (Space A) 2.1 Daylight Factor Analysis 2.2 Artificial Lighting Analysis 2.2.1 Lighting Fixture Property 2.2.2 Reflected ceiling plan of Choir Room 2.2.3 Illuminance Simulation 3.0 Traditional Dance Studio 1 (Space B) 3.1 Daylight Factor Analysis 3.2 Artificial Lighting Analysis 3.2.1 Lighting Fixture Property 3.2.2 Daylight Illuminance Simulation 3.2.3 Reflected ceiling plan of Traditional Dance Studio 1 3.2.4 Artificial Light Illuminance Simulation 4.0 Conclusion 5.0 References

0 2 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Objectives 1 To show understanding of artificial lighting and daylighting strategies (PSALI) in final studio design 2 To solve design problems in relation to sustainability issues (natural lighting,site analysis) 3 To design spaces incorporating artificial and daylighting (when necesssary) 1.2 Brief Site Analysis

The brief calls for a Kajang Art Centre that revivify the identity of its genius loci. Jalan Sulaiman (my chosen site) is vivid the boundary across old dilapidated building and new high rise building flanking each other opposite by the roadside. People come,stay and go in a city keep progressing. What they intersect & leave behind is carefully stored in my proposed Kajang Art Centre.

0 3 1.3 Lighting Analysis 1.3.1 Average Daylight Factor Daylight factor (DF) characterises the amount of daylight a space might receive compared to what is available from the sky. Daylight factor is most commonly estimated over a working plane (e.g. desk surface), and defined below:

Average DF = W x Tθ A (1-R) Where: W = the area of the windows (m²) A = the total area of the internal surfaces (m²) T = the glass transmittance corrected for dirt θ = the visible sky angle in degrees from the centre of the window (θ) R = the average reflectance of the area


DF (%)


Very Bright


Large(including thermal and glare problem)










0 4 The daylight factor concept is applicable only if the sky illuminance distribution is known or can reasonably be estimated. In this case study, the average outdoor illuminance in Malaysia is assumed according to the standard which is 20000 lux.

Luminance Level (lux)

Example 1200,000 Brightest sunlight 110,000 Bright sunlight 20,000 Shade illuminated by entire clear blue sky, midday 1000-2000 Typical overcast day,midday 400 Sunrise/sunset on clear day (ambient illumination) <200 Extreme of darkest storm clouds,midday 40 Fully overcast, sunrise/sunset <1 Extreme of darkest storm clouds, sunrise/sunset

0 5 Relationship between building type and recommended daylight factor

Building Type

Recommended Daylight Factor %



Living room











1 to 2

Drawing offices


Typing and computing



3 to 6



Art galleries



1 to 2

Public buildings


0 6 1.3.2 Sun Shadow Casting on Site 8:30am morning sun As the building is oriented West-East, it receives most amount of sunlight at front facade in the morning, shadow falls on neighbouring shophouses.

12pm noon sun At noon, the sun strikes on top of the building in which building receives the most amount of sunlight penetration from skylight on roof top into interior spaces.

4:30pm evening sun Building receives most amount of sunlight at rear facade, shadow falls on neighbouring shophouses. Interior spaces receive sufficient daylight for dancing process. Glare and thermal issues on dancing studio can be resolved by hanging light-coloured curtain on the window.

0 7 1.3.3 Artificial Lighting Analysis A Lumen Method Lumen method can be calculated and used to determine the number of lights required to be installed onsite. To know the number of lamps, calculation of total luminance of the space needs to be done based on the number of fixtures and examine the sufficiency of light fixture on that particular space. N = aaE x Aaa F x UF x MF Where: N = number of lamps required E = illuminance level required (Lux) A = area at working plane height (m²) F = average luminous flux from each lamp (lm) UF = utilisation factor, an allowance for light distribution of the luminaire and room surfaces MF = maintenance factor, an allowance for reduced light output because of deterioration and dirt

B Room Index Room Index, RI, is the ratio of room plan area to half wall area between the working and luminaire planes, which can be calculated by : RI =

LxW Hm x (L + W)

Where: L = length of room W = width of room Hm = mounting height, the vertical distance between the working plane and luminaire

0 8 1.3.4 Permanent Supplementary Artificial Lighting of Interiors (PSALI)

The concept of PSALI is to utilise daylight to its maximum and supplement that with artificial lighting only as needed. Based on the illluminance simulation of natural daylight and artificial ,the wire of the light fixtures is determined.

0 9 1.4 Overall Floor Plans

Ground floor plan Scale 1:200

First floor plan Scale 1:200

1 0

Second floor plan Scale 1:200

Third floor plan Scale 1:200

1 1 2.0 Choir Room (Space A) Floor Plan of Choir Room



1 2 2.1 Daylight Factor Analysis Section perspective of Choir Room

Average Daylight Factor Calculation Total Floor Area (m²)


Area of Windows (W,m²)

(2.5x1.2) x 3 = 9.0

Total Area of Internal Surfaces (A,m²)

Floor height = 3m 2 [(5x3) + (5x5.5) + (3x5.5)] =118

Glass Transmittance Corrected for Dirt (T)

0.6 (double glazed window in clean environment)

Average Reflectance of Area (R)

0.5 (light colored room surface)

1 3 Choir room



Average Daylight Factor Calculation Visible Sky Angle in Degrees from the Centre of the Window (θ,°)


Average Daylight factor (DF)

DF = 9.0 x (0.6)(15) 118 (1-0.5) = 1.37%

Choir room has a distribution of average daylight factor of 1.37%, falling in the averagely bright range of MS1525 requirement. This room is mainly for practising singing among choir members, thus decent amount of light is required for them to sight read the music score. Oriented facing East, it receives the most amount of daylight in the morning.Hence,choir practise in morning is suitable as there is sufficient daylight. However, artificial lighting is greatly needed evening onwards to futher enhance the lighting in the room.

2.2 Artificial Lighting Analysis

1 4 Room Index Calculation

Lumen Method Calculation

Dimension of room (m)



Total floor area (m²)


Height of ceiling


IES Standard Illuminance Level (Based on MS1525 and JKR) (E,lux)

Type of light fixture

LED Wireless Recessed Downlight

Area at working plane height (m²)


Luminous flux of light (F,lm)


Luminous flux of light F,lm


Height of luminaires (suspension length from ceiling) (m)


Utilization factor

Ceiling : Wall : Floor = 0.7 : 0.5 : 0.1

When RI = 1.00, UF=0.46 When RI = 1.25, UF=0.51

Height of working plane 0.5 (m0 Mounting height (Hm)


IES Standard Illuminance Level (Based on MS1525 and JKR) (E,lux)


Reflectance factor

Ceiling (White plastered ceiling) = 0.7 Wall (White painted concrete wall) =0.5 Floor (Twill carpet flooring) = 0.1

Room Index (RI)

RI = =

5.5 x 5 2.4 x (5.5 + 5) 1.091

Ratio method: UF=0.460 + 0.02 =0.48 Maintenance factor

0.8 (standard)

Number of fittings required N

N = aa300x27.5 1350 x 0.478 x 0.8 = 15.98 = 16

Fitting layout (When Smax is maximum spacing,m )

Filament Lamp Method: Smax = 1.0 x Hm = 1.0 x 2.4 = 2.4m

1 5 2.2.1 Lighting Fixture Property

Type of lighting

Product brand

801506 LED Wireless Recessed Downlight

Light distribution

Direct distribution

Nominal life (hours)

32 years (based on 3 hours/day)

Wattage range (W)


Luminous flux (lm)


Colour Temperature (K)


Colour Rendering Index (CRI,Ra)


Color Designation

Warm white

1 6 2.2.2 Reflected ceiling plan of Choir Room

5.0 0.6875

Switch 1 Switch 2 5.5




The reflected ceiling plan of choir room above shows the proposed light fitting spacing complying to the Smax of 2.4m calculated. Each interval between fixtures horizontally and vertically is not greater than 2.4m.

1 7 2.2.3 Illuminance Simulation

Daylight illuminance

The lighting contour shows the space is brightly lit on the facade facing East in the morning with three glass openings but grows darker approaching areas with purely walls.

Artificial illuminance

The lighting contour shows a almost evenly distributed light by only artificial illuminance. The intensity of lux is slightly lower than the intensity of combination of daylight and artificial lighting.

Artificial illuminance with PSALI concept

The lighting contour shows a evenly lit space with the combination of daylight and artificial lighting when daylighting is insufficient and only light fixtures connected to Switch 1 is turned on to illuminate the area further away from the windows.

1 8 2.2.4 PSALI Concept Integration

1 2

1 2

1 2

1 2

Choir Room

There are 16 luminaires to achieve a minimum of 300 lux standard requirement by MS1525 and JKR for a choir room. During day time when daylight is sufficient, only light fixtures connected to Switch I are turned on to ensure that the combination of artificial lighting and natural lighting distributed evenly across the choir room. It is crucial for choristers to sight read and sing and pianist to play piano to the manuscript. Light fixtures connected to Switch 2 are only turned on at night together with switch 1 or when the natural daylight is insufficient to illuminate the area closer to the window, in order to save electricity.

1 9 3 Traditional Dance Studio 1 (Space B)


Floor Plan of Traditional Dance Studio 1


2 0 3.1 Daylight Factor Analysis Section perspective of Traditional Dance Studio 1

Average Daylight Factor Calculation Total Floor Area (m²)


Area of Windows (W,m²)

(2.2x1.5) x 6 = 29.7

Total Area of Internal Surfaces (A,m²)

Floor height = 3m 2 [(6x3) + (6x12.5) + (3x12.5)] = 261

Glass Transmittance Corrected for Dirt (T)

0.6 (double glazed window in clean environment)

Average Reflectance of Area (R)

0.5 (light colored room surface)

2 1 Dance studio 1

Metro Kajang


Average Daylight Factor Calculation Visible Sky Angle in Degrees from the Centre of the Window (θ,°)


Average Daylight factor (DF)

DF = 29.7 x (0.6)(40) 261 (1-0.5) = 5.46%

Traditional dancing studio 1 has a distribution of average daylight factor of 5.46%, falling in the good and bright range of MS1525 requirement. This room is mainly for practising dancing, thus decent amount of light is required throughout the day. Oriented facing West, it receives the most amount of daylight during evening. With the aid from artificial lighting in morning, it will have great lighting ambience for all dancers and coaches.

3.2 Artificial Lighting Analysis

2 2 Room Index Calculation

Lumen Method Calculation

Dimension of room (m)



Total floor area (m²)


Height of ceiling


IES Standard Illuminance Level (Based on MS1525 and JKR) (E,lux)

Type of light fixture

Linear Fluorescent Light


Luminous flux of light (F,lm)


Area at working plane height (m²)


Height of luminaires (suspension length from ceiling) (m)


Luminous flux of light F,lm Utilization factor

Ceiling : Wall : Floor = 0.7 : 0.5 : 0.2

Height of working plane 0.5 (m0

When RI = 1.25, UF=0.53 When RI = 1.50, UF=0.57

Mounting height (Hm)


IES Standard Illuminance Level (Based on MS1525 and JKR) (E,lux)


Ratio method: UF=1.25 + 0.024 =1.274

Reflectance factor

Ceiling (White plastered ceiling) = 0.7 Wall (White painted concrete wall) =0.5 Floor (Timber flooring) = 0.2

Room Index (RI)

RI = =

12.5 x 6 2.9 x (12.5+6) 1.40

Maintenance factor

0.8 (standard)

Number of fittings required N

N = aa400x75 2500 x 1.274 x 0.8 = 11.77 = 12

Fitting layout (When Smax is maximum spacing,m )

Fluorescent Tube Method: Smax = 1.5 x Hm = 1.5 x 2.9 = 4.35m

2 3 3.2.1 Lighting Fixture Property

Type of lighting



Product brand

Philips Meson 59466 Linear Fluorescent Light

Light distribution

Direct distribution

Nominal life (hours)


Wattage range (W)


Luminous flux (lm)


Colour Temperature (K)


Colour Rendering Index (CRI,Ra)


Color Designation

Cool white

2 4 3.2.2 Daylight Illuminance Simulation

According to lighting contour, the room is brightly lit on the corner side as there are transparent fenestration that maximise sunlight penetration but grows darker approaching inwards where there are no window openings. Issue of glare is mildy present but can be resolved by putting up curtain or blind.

2 5 3.2.3 Reflected ceiling plan of Traditional Dance Studio 1 1.5

3.2.4 Artificial Light Illuminance Simulation


2.08 12.5

Fluorescent tube



The reflected ceiling plan of traditional dance studio 1 above shows the proposed light fitting spacing complying to the Smax of 4.35m calculated. Each interval between fixtures horizontally and vertically is not greater than 4.35m.

The lighting contour shows a almost evenly distributed light by only artificial illuminance. It is crucial for dancer to look clearly every floor condition while exerting energy to dance gracefully in the air.

2 6 4 Conclusion

Daylighting consideration is an integral part throughout the entire design studio project as it contributes to sustainability, especially when it comes to urban context. With sufficient integration of daylight into the building, the building ensures the users comfortable, bright and cozy space without the extensive use of artificial light that results in higher overhead cost. Besides, the PSALI concept integration infusing natural daylight and artificial light yields both design and economic benefit to the overall building. It allows flexibility of adjusting artificial lighting according to the external daylight situation which save a lot of operational costs. All in all,the analysis conducted on both spaces have been academically beneficial in terms of lighting consideration in the design process of a building, in brief`s context, an art centre situated at Kajang.

5 References Artificial lighting - Designing Buildings Wiki. (2019). Retrieved from DAYLIGHT ANALYSIS IN THE DESIGN PROCESS OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS - The Daylight Site | Daylighting research, architecture, practice and education. (2019). Retrieved from Daylighting | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide. (2019). Retrieved from The Concept of Daylighting Lighting buildings prior to the late 1800s relied chiefly on daylight from windows. Lighting buildings prior to the late 1800s. - ppt download. (2019). Retrieved from

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