OLLI Fall 2012 Catalog

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eNROLLMeNT BeGINS AUGUST 20, 2012 ENROLL BY PHONE Monday to Friday 1:00 to 4:00 pm (915)-747-6280 (915)-747-8848

ENROLL IN PERSON Miners Hall Suite 209 Monday to Friday 1:00 to 4:00 pm. (Please park in the Sun Bowl Parking Garage Visitors Area see PARKING page 19)

ENROLL BY MAIL OLLI at UTEP Miners Hall Suite 209 500 W. University Ave. El Paso, TX 79968

The SChOOL FOR YOUR SeCOND FIFTY YeARS FEES: ∙Lifetime membership $25. Members receive the course catalog in the U.S. mail one month prior to the start of classes each semester. ∙Fall enrollment fee $60. Entitles you to enroll in as many courses as you desire. Some courses have individual enrollment fees. ∙Fee Waivers: Established members may receive a one-time waiver of the fees upon request to the Executive Director.

ENROLLED MEMBERS ∙May register for all the classes they desire. ∙Receive an i.d. card that entitles them to reduced admission fees for UTEP theatre and music events. ∙Receive a parking permit. ∙May acquire a University Library Community User’s Card, valid for the semester. ∙Enroll before September 7 to receive your student packet (schedule, parking permit and i.d. card) in the U.S. Mail. ∙Enroll after September 7: pick up your student packet in the OLLI Office Miners Hall Room 209. ∙Classes begin September 17 ∙Deadline for refunds: October 5. Cover & interior photo by Diego Burciaga


osher lifelong le arning institute


fa l l 2012


Arts / hands-on 5 Introduction to Five Skills of Drawing 7 Appreciating Art: Many Ways of Seeing 7 Increasing Your Five Skills of Drawing II 21 Repujado / Metal Embossing 21 Art in Watercolours 22 Drawing Made Easy 22 Pastels 22 Scenic Painting in Oils 22 Portrait Painting in Oils

Art History 4 European Art 18 American Art History: Unit II 19 American Art History: Unit III

Body, Mind & Spirit 6 8 11 12 14 14 18

The Art and Science of Feng Shui Tai Chi-Chi Gong Yoga-You: Start Where You Are Sit & Be Fit Yoga Latin Dance Strech and Tone The Power of Meditation & Intention

Current Events 7 10 18

Changing World The Supreme Court in 2011-2012: A Landmark Session Films With a Mind of Their Own

History 5 7 10 10 14 20

The Private Side of American History The American Civil 1862: War Becomes Revolution Presidentes Mexicanos Life and Legend of Billy the Kid Symposium World War II Guadalupe: Acontecimiento Historico de 1531

Languages 6 6 9 10 16

Survival Spanish Conversational Spanish Inglés en Conversación Conversational Italian French Conversation Made Easy

5 Shakespeare’s Richard III 8 El Mundo de Don Quijote 8 Writers of El Paso: A Literary Legacy 15 Sol, Piedra y Sombras 16 Shakespeare’s Henry V 17 The World of Don Quixote 19 Gabriel García Márquez: Ojos de Perro Azul

Miscellaneous 20

Autumn Miscellaneous

Music 9 11

300 Years of Classical Music Masterworks In the Footsteps of Woody Guthrie

Religion 6 The New Testament Letters of St. Paul 9 Faith and Reason 9 Orthodoxy; From Byzantine to Russia 13 The Monotheistic Principles and Islam 14 What Mormons Believe 16 What Does Judaism Say About 19 Hinduism: Spiritual-Vedanta

Science 13 El Paso ASARCO Smelter: Myth & Reality 17 Geology of the Pass of the North 19 Brainworks

Sociology 11 15 17 18

Rusia Lejana y Cercana Spain, Portugal & China The Yanomomo, the Tarahumara and Cultural Biospheres Comunicación Intercultural

Writing 15 16

Writing Your Memoirs I Writing Your Memoirs II

23 Off-Campus Classes 25 Faculty 33 Enrollment Form 34 Governance 35 Enrollment Parking Information



F001 European Art F l o r en ce Sc hwe in

OLLI members are offered an opportunity to participate in this unique collaboration of the El Paso Museum of Art with the UTEP departments of Art and of Humanities and the MAIS Program directed by Ronald J. Weber, Ph.D. Please note dates, times and locations. Painting in Europe, 1600-1800: Highlights from the Speed Art Museum, (Louisville, Kentucky) at the El Paso Museum of Art, September-January, 2012-2013. Session 1: Introduction, Appreciating European Painting Florence Schwein. September 17. Session 2: A Golden Age: European Art 1600 – 1800 Prof. Edgar Bowron, Ph.D, Curator of European Art, Houston Museum of Fine Arts. September 19. See page 12. Session 3: Music, Poetry and Theatre in Italian Art from Cravaggio to Tiepolo Jon Seydl, Ph.D. Curator of European Paintings & Sculpture, Cleveland Museum of Art. September 26. See page 13. Session 4: French Art Circa 1800:A Tale of Two Sexes / Mary Sheriff, Ph.D. Professor of Art History, University of N. Carolina at Chapel Hill. October 3. See page 14. Session 5: Artistic Collaboration, The Golden Age of Antwerp and Amsterdam, 1500 – 1700.Anne Woolett, Ph.D Curator Department of Paintings, J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. October 10. See page 8. Begins September 17 5 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 207


osher lifelong le arning institute


fa l l 2012

F002 Introduction to Five Skills of Drawing F l o r en ce Sc hwe i n

This course uses published works by artists including the updated methods of Dr. Betty Edwards. Since the early 1980s her book, “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain,” has been translated into many languages and used in art programs worldwide. Her early work led the way in understanding the perceptual skills that anyone can learn to build his or her drawing confidence and creativity. This class is “guided discovery” for the beginner and anyone who wants to renew skills. Before the first class you will be asked to take an hour and do three pre-instruction drawings that you title, date and tuck away Begins September 24 6 Sessions 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Westside Public Library

F003 Shakespeare’s Richard III G r a ce H addo x

“A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!” One of Shakespeare’s greatest villains is embodied in Richard III. Come and enjoy this wickedly enjoyable character while we read the full text of the play and watch Lawrence Olivier recreate the character on screen. Lively discussions will ensue as we discuss the play, the film production, and the life of a king who probably ruled England very competently. Begins September 24 5 Sessions 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Nazareth Hall at Loretto

F004 The Private Side of American History Ca r l J a ck s o n, Ph. D.

Courses in American history usually focus upon larger public events such as wars, the acts of presidents, and foreign relations. This course will examine the history of the American family, changing patterns of courtship and marriage, attitudes toward stages of life and old age, the role of sex, alterations in food patterns, and the rising importance of pets from the time of the Puritans in colonial America to the present. Begins September 24 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 a.m. Miners Hall 201


F005 Survival Spanish Ma r í a d el Carme n He rná nd ez

This course will cover basics for students who have little or no experience with speaking Spanish. It will include greetings, farewells, basic numbers, the days of the week, months of the year and vocabulary in short sentences. The classroom environment provides learning opportunities for students to interact with one another in a relaxed atmosphere that removes much of the stress associated with learning a new language. Begins September 24 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 207

F006 The New Testament Letters of St. Paul

Dr. Albin attended a Western Regional Conference in Colorado Springs in July, 2012, on new interpretations of St. Paul and some of those ideas will be shared with the class. Participants should bring a Bible. Begins September 24 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 200

R i ch a r d Al bin, P.h. D.

F007 Conversational Spanish Ma r í a d e l Carme n He rn án dez

F008 The Art and Science of Feng Shui

In this course, students will be challenged to increase their conversational skills with emphasis on pronunciation, using grammar through daily life topics. Also, students will learn new vocabulary according to context. The goal of this course is to put in practice their knowledge of Spanish and use it in practical conversations. Begins September 24 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 207

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement. By selectively and specifically altering how we individually and uniquely experience our surroundings, we can enhance our health, prosperity, personal and professional relationships, and the overall harmony, balance, and quality of our lives. Begins September 24 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 200

L e i g h t on Dahl


osher lifelong le arning institute


fa l l 2012

F009 Appreciating Art: The Many Ways of Seeing Fl o r en ce Sc hwe i n

F010 Our changing world Va r i ou s Pre s e nte rs

Discover visual elements and principles of design, time and place aspects and materials and process to enhance your appreciation of visual arts. This tool bag will give to you the vocabulary and insight to help you understand the works of past and present artists. Begins September 24 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 201

In this popular OLLI lecture series, members will hear from experts in several fields of interest with the common thread of change in our community, nation and the world at large.The first Monday, September 24, will feature Dr. Tony Kruszewski who will continue his overview of the current state of the European Union. Begins September 24 12 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Quinn Hall 212

F011 Drawing: Increasing Your Five Skills / Unit II F l o r en ce Sc hwe in

F012 The american civil 1862: War becomes Revolution Rob er t Wre n, Ph. D.

The learning and teachable skills of drawing are enhanced with exercises that focus on edges, spaces, angles, lights and shadows to make complete works. Let your brain make new connections to handle visual information. Supply list: Same as Introduction to Five Skills of Drawing Unit 1. Begins November 5 6 Sessions 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Westside Public Library

Looking at the evolution of the American Civil War in the year 1862, we will be able to better understand the mythological forces still in play in American Culture that link to that key conflict. Begins November 5 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 a.m. Miners Hall 201


Discusión en Español de todo lo relacionado con el autor Miguel de Cervantes y su obra maestra de la literatura universal, Don Quijote de la Mancha. Incluyendo en las sesiones presentación y exhibición de libros de Don Quijote en varios idiomas, pinturas, figurines, música, DVD’s, CD’s, y otros materiales.

F013 El mundo de don quijote Al b e r t A s k e naz i

Begins November 5 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 200

Artistic Collaboration, The Golden Age of Antwerp and Amsterdam, 1500 - 1700.


November 12 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. UGLC Room 106

European Art: Session 5 An n e Woo le tt, Ph. D.

T u e s d ay

F014 Tai chi - Chi Gong Si f u R o b e rto Bri s e ño

Experience increased vitality and radiant good health through exercises to improve physical and mental health. Especially appropriate for those in the second half of their lives, these non-aerobic exercises will increase flexibility, stamina, agility, overall well being, and boost the immune system. Begins September 18 12 Sessions 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. Tien Shan Tzi Martial Arts Center Fee $20.00

Become acquainted with the writers of El Paso, past and present who form the literary legacy of El Paso. Works from fiction and non-fiction writers, poets, playwrights and journalists will be discussed as well as the profound effect the landscape and people of the Pass of the North have had on their award-winning writing. The lives and selected works of Marcia Hatfield Daudistel, P.h. D. sixty writers will be explored as we discover past writers and find new favorites among the current writers of El Paso.


Writers of El Paso: A Literary Legacy

Begins September 18 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 200


osher lifelong le arning institute


fa l l 2012

F016 300 Years of Classical Music Masterworks J i m S m i th

F017 Faith and reason A l a n D e an, P.h. D.

This class offers a potpourri of the masterworks of classical music. Students in the class will learn how to listen to and understand music from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern eras. The teacher will even throw in a little opera, as well as some music for the young at heart. Take the class and discover the joy of deconstructing classical masterworks. Begins September 18 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 201

Explore some of the historical conflicts between two ways of looking at the universe and the present political conflict involving evolution. Although the conflict aspect is emphasized by the electronic and print media, the dialog between the so-called antagonists is not nearly so noisy but is more complex... thus less reported. Begins September 18 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 201

F018 Inglés En Conversación D a v i d S a l c ido

F019 Orthodoxy; From Byzantine to Russia Eu g en i a She k hte r

Inscríbete en la clase de Inglés en conversación y mejora tu habla y comprensión en un ambiente cómodo y sin preocupaciones. En seis semanas adquirirás suficiente vocabulario y facilidad de lengua para poder expresarte y conversar sin miedo y seguro de sí mismo. El único requisito es tu asistencia. ¡No esperes más! Begins September 18 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 207

The students will be offered a fascinating tour on the history of this Eastern Christian Religion. Different aspects of Orthodox traditions, architecture, iconography and Liturgy will be discussed. Russian Orthodoxy will be the focus. At the end of the course the participants will be offered an option of visiting an Orthodox convent or monastery Begins October 30 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 200


F020 Conversational Italian

In this on-going intermediate course, students are challenged to increase their conversational skill, especially in pronunciation; students may expect an emphasis on improving skill with idiomatic expressions and verb forms. Begins September 18 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 207

Gu g l i e l m o Da Prato

F021 Presidentes Mexicanos Li c . A r t uro Que v e do Rivero

F022 the Life And Legend of Billy the Kid J i m S m i th

Un repaso de la historia contemporanea de México, partiendo desde el triunfo de la revolución y la muerte de Venustiano Carranza en 1920. El caso de los presidentes militares de los años 1920-1946, y la llamada dictadura perfecta del PRI, hasta el triunfo de los conservadores del PAN 2000 - 2012. Incluso, la muy importante relación con los Estados Unidos de América. Begins October 30 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 207

Billy the Kid’s legend has been a topic of numerous dime novels, movies, television shows, books, and even a ballet. Although the Kid may have been a minor character in the larger context of American history, his changing myth has been larger than life, revealing much about changes in American politics and culture. Students in this class will be asked to participate in class discussions that examine 20th Century United States history through the changing myth of Billy the Kid. Begins October 30 4 Sessions 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 201

F023 The Supreme Court in 2011-2012: A Landmark Session

The 2011-2012 session of the Supreme Court has been one of the most memorable in recent years. Some rulings, such as those related to the health care issue and the Arizona Immigration Law, will have a substantial impact on individuals in the United States. Begins October 30 6 Sessions 3:15 - 4:45 a.m. Miners Hall 200

B e r t D i a m o nds te i n


osher lifelong le arning institute


fa l l 2012

F024 In the footsteps of woody guthrie Da vi d Lars o n

An examination of the singers and songwriters of the 1960’s and their efforts at interpreting that dramatic decade through songs. Beginning with the African and Irish traditions that are the core of American folk music and finishing with the songs of the Woodstock Nation. The course will touch heavily on songs of the civil rights movement, the environmental movement, the period of the Vietnam War. Bring your singing voice and your recollections of that pivotal decade and join in the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of Woody Guthrie’s birth. Begins October 30 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 201

F025 Rusia lejana y cercana N a t a l i a Sav c he nk o , P.h. D.

El curso esta orientado a las personas que nunca pierden la curiosidad por la vida. Si usted quiere conocer una apasionante historia, riquísima cultura, la gran ciencia y acercarse a la enigmática alma rusa, este curso es para usted. El plan preveé abarcar el periodo de más de 1500 años, presentando a los participantes las características principales de las etapas del desarrollo de la sociedad, los misterios, las aventuras, pasión y heroismo de aquellas personas que durante los siglos crearon el estado y formaron la imagen de Rusia, que sigue siendo el pais mas grande del mundo. Begins October 30 6 Sessions 3:15 - 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 207

W e d n e s d ay

F026 Yoga-You: Start Where You Are Ph yl l i s Pri c e

Practice in each session improves your strength, flexibility, balance, posture, health and focus. Breathing exercises (pranayama) increases your lung capacity, energy, calmness… and helps you tap into your inner world (pratyahara form of meditation). Each session ends with savasana – a reclining deep relaxation and meditation that leaves you refreshed in body, mind and spirit. For seniors who can get up and down from the floor – and who want to! Begins September 19 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Memorial Gym Room 118



A Golden Age: European Art 1600 – 1800. See page 4 for complete description. September 19 6 Sessions 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. UGLC Room 106

European Art: Session 2 A n n e Woo l e tt, Ph. D.

F027 Sit & Be Fit: Chair Yoga Ph yl l i s Pri c e

This chair-seated, energizing practice benefits deskbound professionals, frequent travelers and those in wheelchairs. Learn yoga poses adapted to your abilities. The practiced breathing exercises (pranayama) and forms of deep relaxation and meditation will leave you refreshed in body, mind and spirit. This class is for anyone wanting the benefits of traditional yoga, but who also prefers –or needs– to sit in a chair while practicing. Begins September 19 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Memorial Gym Room 118

F028 El Paso ASARCO Smelter: Myth and Reality

Were ASARCO smelter operations harmful for local environment and human health? You will know the answers to this and other questions related to the most important aspects of environmental concerns. The data is based on the instructor’s Ph.D. research as well as on the previous scientific investigations. Begins September 19 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 200

Eu g en i a She k hte r


osher lifelong le arning institute


fa l l 2012

F029 The Monotheistic Principles and Islam M. S U d d i n, M.D

This course will focus on the basic Monotheistic Principles followed by discussion on the Fundamental Principles of Islam, and high light the similarities and differences between the Abrahamic Religions. Then it will address specific issues related to Islam including, but not limited to, historical background of Islam, Muslim countries, their governments, Muslim population and sects, and their practices and the concept of Jihad, marriage, permissibility and prohibitions. The course is designed not only to enlighten people about Islam but also to answer their questions about the specific issues. At the end of the course one should have a clear picture of Islam and its practices. Begins September 19 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 201

F030 Presidentes Mexicanos Li c . A r t uro Que v e do

Un repaso de la historia contemporanea de México, partiendo desde el triunfo de la revolución y la muerte de Venustiano Carranza en 1920. El caso de los presidentes militares de los años 1920-1946, y la llamada dictadura perfecta del PRI, hasta el triunfo de los conservadores del PAN 2000 - 2012. Incluso, la muy importante relación con los Estados Unidos de América. Begins September 26 6 Sessions 10:30 – 11:30 p.m. Nazareth Hall at Loretto

F001-C European Art: Session 3

Music, Poetry and Theatre in Italian Art from Caravaggio to Tiepolo. See page 4. October 10 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. UGLC Room 106

J o n S eyd l, Ph. D.

F001-D European Art: Session 4

French Art Circa 1880: A Tale of Two Sexes. See page 4. October 24 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. UGLC Room 106

Ma r y S h eriff, Ph. D


F031 Latin Dance

Ch r i st e n Dav is

In this dance class gentlemen will learn how to lead the ladies and how to execute steps on the dance floor. Ladies will learn how to follow a gentleman’s lead. We will learn several moves in a dance so that gentlemen have options of different moves they can choose from. Begins October 31 6 Sessions 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Memorial Gym Room 118

F032 Symposium on World War II D a vi d H ac k e tt, Ro be rt Wren , D u f f y a n d Ire ne Stanley, Fr e d d i e Do wling

World War II is a fascinating subject since it represents the birth of our modern world. New information is being discovered all the time about these epichal events. The class will focus on the last half of the war in Europe: D-Day, the Battle for France, the Battles of the Bulge, and the effects of the war on El Paso. There will be first-hand oral histories, including those of a veteran of the Battle of the Bulge (Duffy Stanley). Other veterans and survivors are also invited to speak. Begins October 31 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 201

F033 What mormons believe Ri c h a r d Tuc k e r

This course will review facts regarding the history and teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the Mormons. Students will learn what Mormons believe, practice and how they interact with the world, past myths and confusion. As always, in OLLI, the subject will be presented from an objective and academic point of view. Our instructor is a member of the local LDS community, giving us an opportunity to gain an “insider’s” perspective. Begins October 31 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 200

F034 Strech And Tone S a n d y A a ro ns o n


This class will include stretching for the entire body for increased flexibility, low impact exercises for toning of the muscles, breathing exercises and exercises for everyday activities. Please note time and date. Begins October 31 6 Sessions 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Las Palmas Healthcare Center 3333 N. Mesa St.

osher lifelong le arning institute


fa l l 2012

T h u r s d ay

F014 Tai chi - Chi Chong Si f u R o b e rto Bris e ño

F035 Sol, Piedra y sombras C h a l i l a Ro ge rs

See page 7 for complete description. Begins September 18 12 Sessions 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. Tien Shan Tzi Martial Arts Center

Para los amantes de la literatura en castellano: disfrutaremos de esta preciosísima colección de veinte cuentistas mexicanos de la primer mitad del siglo XX. Exploraremos una antología de tales talentos como lo son: Octavio Paz, Carlos Fuentes, Juan de la Cabada, Juan Rulfo y otros. El libro se consigue facilmente en Amazon.com o en la biblioteca pública. Nos asomaremos por la ventana de la gran imaginación de estos escritores y pasaremos ratos muy entretenidos. Begins September 20 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 207

F036 Writing Your Memoirs I Na n cy N atal i c io

For writers who have attended no more than three sessions of the Memoirs class in OLLI. If you keep planning to make a record of your life experiences, the time is now! All you need is paper and pen, an open mind, and an interest in sharing what you’ve learned from the challenges you faced, the history you lived through, the people who crossed your path. Come join the circle of chairs. Begins September 20 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 200

F037 Spain, portugal & China Pa u l H u c hto n, M.D.

This course will help us expand our knowledge of the world by taking us, first to the Iberian Peninsula, and then for another look at the dynamics at work in today’s China. As always, Paul will focus on the political-socio-cultural climates of these distinct and disparate but fascinating countries. Begins September 20 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 201


F038 What Does judaism say about R a b b i L a rry Bac h

F039 Writing Your Memoirs II Na n c y N a tal i c io

This semester’s class with Rabbi Bach will be our chance to go in-depth into some of the topics that seem to pique OLLI Learners’ interests in Q&A time, year after year: God. The Afterlife. Heaven and Hell. Life’s Beginnings and Endings. Other Religions. What does “Judaism” say about these things? A great deal! Begins September 20 5 Sessions 3:15 - 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 201

For writers that have at tended more than three sessions of the Memoirs class in OLLI. All you need is paper and pen, an open mind, and an interest in sharing what you’ve learned from the challenges you faced, the history you lived through, the people who crossed your path. Come and return to the circle of chairs. Begins September 20 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 200

F040 French Conversation made easy D a v i d S alc i do

This course is for new students who want to learn the basics of conversational French, and beyond. Experienced students will develop and improve their speaking and comprehension skills while learning about French culture, history and current events. Learn to order a meal, buy Metro tickets in Paris, ask for directions to the Louvre, etc. Focus will be on vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, pronunciation, and fun topics. Begins September 20 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 207

F041 Shakespeare’s Henry V Gr a c e H addo x


Shakespeare recreates Prince Hal as the glorious Henry V in the history play of the same name. Join us and enjoy some of the most inspiring language ever created by Shakespeare. We’ll read the full text of the play and watch a full-length production of Henry V featuring Kenneth Brannagh as the young king who never lived to see the fruits of his wars.

osher lifelong le arning institute

Begins November 1 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 201


fa l l 2012

F042 The world of don quixote A l b er t A sk e naz i


The World of Don Quixote: everything related to the author Miguel de Cervantes and to his masterwork of world literature, Don Quixote de la Mancha . Included in the sessions will be “show and tell” with display of books of Don Quixote in different languages, paintings, figurines, music, DVD, CD’s, etc. Begins November 1 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 200

Learn more about the geology in and around El Paso including the crystals, minerals, and igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks that can be found there. Also, study about the volcanoes west of El Paso, geology of the Franklin Mountains, road cuts along Trans Mountain Road, and the folds and faults near El Paso. Glimpse the past in the historical geology and fossils of the area, and look at the phenomena of weathering and erosion if time permits. Crystals, minerals, rocks and fossils will be available to examine in class, and there may be some optional field trips available on Saturdays. Begins November 1 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 200

F044 The Yanomomo, the Tarahumara and Cultural Biospheres La r r y B a ro n

This course will focus on the last warrior-class tribe remaining in the world, the Yanomomo. Incorporating research from three different excursions the teacher will lay the foundation for a unique and exciting classroom experience. This will include a lab period designed to give students a sense of the adventure involved in studying a people whose civilization has been named a UNESCO Cultural Biosphere. The class will also explore a detailed history of the neighboring and vanishing 4,000 year old culture of the Tarahumara. Begins November 1 6 Sessions 3:15 - 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 201


F045 Comunicación Intercultural Na t a l i a Sav c he nk o , Ph. D.

La aglomeración urbana El Paso-Juárez es una de las joyas de la cultura moderna, donde estan entrelazadas las raíces de muchos pueblos de nuestro planeta. El curso incluye la informacion historico-cultural sobre diferentes regiones del mundo, análisis de las películas, prácticas de la comunicación, actividades extramuros y degustaciones gastronómicas. Begins November 1 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 200

F r i d ay

F046 The Power of Meditation and intention

Learn to find energetic balance through the positive field of intention and the experience of meditation. Practice meditation techniques; discover the difference between desire and intention; and develop the power within yourself to achieve healthier living. Begins September 21 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 200

Ly n n P r ov e nz ano

F047 American Art history: unit II Fl o r en ce Sc hwe i n

F048 Films With A Mind of Their Own Ga r l a n d Gre e ne


This class follows artists on horseback, the desire to travel abroad, emerging styles of the Ashcan School and the regional art explosion in the United States during the 1800s. It is the second Unit of the American Art History series consisting of four units, but each unit is independent of other classes in the series. Begins September 21 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 201

This Autumn we will view films from novice and veteran documentary filmmakers who use their creativity and skill to portray their perception of the people and events that shape the world in which we live. During the discussion that follows each film all points of view are encouraged to be expressed in order to prevent hardening of the attitudes.

osher lifelong le arning institute

Begins September 21 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 201


fa l l 2012

F049 Brainworks Ami t a b a Bi s was

The unconscious mind is most of the mind, and a creative place where most of the brain’s work gets done. The realm of emotions, intuitions, biases, longings, genetic predispositions, personality traits, and social norms influence character formation and the most important life decision-making. Explore the deeply social aspect of our very minds and understand the bias in modern culture that overemphasizes rationalism, individualism, and IQ. Begins September 21 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 200

F050 HINDUISM: Spiritual-Vedanta V i ve k G ro v e r

As one of the great world religions, Hinduism is the oldest living religion and the third largest. For thousands of years the truths and teachings of Hinduism have endured the tests of time and tyranny; due to its universal outlook, it is therefore respectful to all faiths and religions. Experience a unique opportunity to get an insider’s view of core principles from a practitioner of Hinduism, and enjoy lively discussions as you learn about some of the great personalities that have emerged from Hinduism, and helped spread peace and love throughout the world. Begins November 2 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 a.m. Miners Hall 200

F051 American Art History: Unit III Fl o r en ce Sc hwe i n

This class examines how the “melting pot”, WW I, WW II, the Great Depression and finally the 1950s are reflected in the art of the United States. This is the third unit of the American Art History series, but each unit is independent of other classes in the series. Begins November 2 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 201


F052 Gabriel Garcia Márquez “Ojos de Perro Azul” Vi v i a n D . So l í s

“Ojos de Perro Azul (Eyes of A Blue Dog)” is an amazing collection of stories published by Gabriel García Márquez between 1947-1952, before his first novel appeared. Each of them clearly demonstrates his evolution as a writer. The stories include an eerie, dreamlike, fantasizing about life and death. In discussion we will be able to appreciate life and death in a new panorama presented by an extraordinary writer who is considered one of the most significant authors of the 20th century, Gabriel García Márquez. Begins November 2 6 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 207

F053 Guadalupe: El acontecimiento histórico de 1531 L i c . J es ús G. Burc iaga

Ninguna aparición mariana ha despertado tanta polémica y debates como la de la Vírgen de Guadalupe a lo largo de más de tres siglos. Simultaneamente Ella es un símbolo de liberación y sumisión, de cambio y permanencia, de confusión y claridad, de fé ciega y análisis científico, de unión y separación; en una palabra Ella es un todo. Eric Wolf la considera como símbolo nacional y Octavio Paz escribió que el pueblo mexicano tiene fé solo en la Virgen de Guadalupe y en la Lotería. Aclaramos que el tema se tratara únicamente dentro del contexto histórico y no a la luz de la religion. Sobre esta base se analizará la investigación que la Administración Nacional de Aeronautica y del Espacio (NASA por sus siglas en inglés) efectuó en el ayate y se sorprenderá de su acuciosa y convincente conclusión; además notará que en un principio no se llamó Guadalupe. Begins November 2 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 201

F054 Autumn Miscellaneous J o h n S a n s o ne

• Introduction to Gnosticism with Gospel excerpts. • The temperature range for mankind to exist. • French film classic, Claires’s Knee by Eric Rohmer. •Poetry of William Carlos Williams, Theodore Roethke & others. • A reading and discussion of the play More Than That? by John Sansone. Begins November 2 6 Sessions 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Miners Hall 200


osher lifelong le arning institute


fa l l 2012

OLLI Art Classes are designed for advanced as well as beginning students. The first two sessions of the semester will emphasize attention to beginning students. Enrollment is limited to the first 15 registrants in each class. Enroll Early.

m o n d ay

F055 repujado / METAL EMBOSSING

R o m a n a Sae nz - Hawk in gs

Repujado is the Spanish term for metal embossing (or repousse in French). This ancient and elaborate art is created entirely by hand using special tools to manipulate the metal in relief. New students will learn the basic techniques of metal embossing. A beginner’s kit will be available for $10 payable at the first class. Begins September 24 12 Sessions 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Miners Hall 207 Fee $20.00

F r i d ay

F056 Art in watercolours At a l o Mé n de z

Students will learn the basic characteristics of this medium and its tools: brushes, papers, pigments etc. In a demo-like class, students will learn the basics of colour, perspective, composition and drawing. They also will learn different techniques used in this medium. Begins September 21 6 Sessions 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Fox Fine Arts Room 263 Fee $10.00


F057 Scenic Painting in Oils R o sa r i o Po nte

Create a landscape from your favorite photo under the guidance of professional artist Rosario Ponte. Learn coolwarm color theory, harmony, perspective and how to create atmosphere in your painting. Come and enjoy. New as well as experienced students are welcome. Begins September 21 12 Sessions 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Fox Fine Arts Room 256 Fee$ 20.00

F058 Pastels C o n n i e We av e r

The first two classes will be for learning the basics: about papers, types of pastel, drawing techniques, composition and color. If you have never painted with pastel, you will discover a whole new and exciting medium with which to express your artistic side. So if you are afraid you will make a mistake, remember, it’s only paper and pigment. The fun is in exploring and learning something new! Begins September 21 6 Sessions 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Room to be announce Fee $10.00


C a l i xt o “Manny ” Gue rra

You have a natural ability to draw. Come discover it! Drawing is basic to almost every art form. The class will focus on portrait and still life subjects using charcoal, colored pencils and pastels. This course is open to a beginning, intermediate and advanced students who may proceed at their own individual pace. Materials – 18X24 newsprint pad & charcoal pencil. Begins September 21 6 Sessions 11:30 a.m.– 1:30 p.m. Fox Fine Arts Room 256 Fee $10.00

F060 Portrait painting in oils

This class teaches the ‘premier coupe’ theory and method wherein students learn to achieve a broad and bold effect in a direct approach to creating portraits. The learning process includes preparation of palette with basic colors for mixing of multiple shades. Begins September 21 6 Sessions 11:30 – 1:30 p.m. Fox Fine Arts Room 263 Fee: $10.00

R u b é n R odarte


osher lifelong le arning institute


fa l l 2012


Shakespeare’s Richard III G r ac e H addo x


See page 5 for complete description. Begins September 24 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Nazareth Hall at Loretto


Presidentes Mexicanos L ic . Ar t ur o Q ue v e do See page 10 for complete description. Begins September 26 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Nazareth Hall at Loretto

Tien Shan Tzi Center


Tai chi chi gong Sif u R o be r t o B r is e ño See page 8 for complete description. Begins September 18 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.


Yoga-you: Start where you are


Phyllis Pr ic e See page 11 for complete description. Begins September 19 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Memorial Gym Room 118

M e m o r i al GY M

Sit & Be Fit: Chair Yoga


G r ac e H addo x See page 12 for complete description. Begins September 19 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. Memorial Gym Room 118

Latin Dance


Las Palma s H e alt h c a r e Center

C hr is t e n D av is

See page 14 for complete description. Begins October 31 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Memorial Gym Room 118

Strech and Tone


Sandy Aar o ns o n

See page 14 for complete description. Begins October 31 10:00 – 11:30 p.m. Las Palmas Center 3333 N. Mesa St.

Introduction to Five Skills of drawing


F lo r e nc e Sc hw e in

Westside p u bl i c l i b r a ry

See page 5 for complete description. Begins September 24 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

Drawing: Increasing your five skills II


F lo r e nc e Sc hw e in See page 7 for complete description. Begins November 5 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.


osher lifelong le arning institute


fa l l 2012

FACULTY SANDY AARONSON Native El Pasoan, graduated from UTEP with a degree in All Levels Health and Physical Education and Biology as a second teaching field and taught 3 years in EPISD. She played golf for 33 years winning the El Paso Country Club Women’s Golf Championship a record 21 times, 2-time El Paso City Women’s Championship and inducted in the El Paso Golf Hall of Fame in 1997. She participates in various activity classes including Body Sculpting, Circuit Boxing and Boot Camp and is a Texas licensed Real Estate Broker.

RICHARD W. ALBIN, PH.D. Retired from the UTEP faculty after 31 years of teaching religion, cultural diversity and related courses. He Holds a BA in Philosophy, Vanderbilt University; Master of Divinity, Harvard; Master of Sacred Theology, Andover Newton Theological School; Master of Counseling, UTEP and Ph.D., University of Connecticut. He is a frequent teacher and retreat leader for the Catholic Dioceses of El Paso and Las Cruces. Dr. Albin has taught with our Lifelong Learning program for several years. He also teaches World Religions at the University of Phoenix in El Paso and Santa Teresa, NM.

Albert Askenazi Born in Durango, Mexico and raised In Mexico City, he has lived with his family in El Paso since 1980. With over forty years’ experience with the book, Don Quijote de la Mancha , he established the Museum Don Quijote, with more than 900 art pieces his purpose is to inform, inspire and enlighten the artistic and literary expressions related to this book, a masterpiece of world literature. Mr. Askenazi has presented at numerous conferences, and conducted classes on this subject with the intention of promoting the values and teachings of this great book.

rabbi larry bach Rabbi of Temple Mount Sinai, was born and raised in Albany, New York. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Judaic Studies from the University of Albany 1991 and holds a Master of Arts degree in Hebrew Letters. He was ordained a Rabbi in 1998. The Rabbi is a member of the Central Conference of American Rabbis and of the National Association of Jewish Rabbis.


lARRY l. bARON Has owned and operated LeBaron’s Primitives in El Paso since 1984. He has specialized in difficult to find anthropological and ethnographic utilitarian primitive Indian artifacts from the Amazon in Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama and South Africa. Mr. Baron received his Bachelor’s Degree in anthropology from Adams State College, Alamosa, Colorado and his Master’s in Secondary Education and Administration from Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas. Larry is currently working on a Master’s degree in Anthropology at the University of New Mexico, Las Cruces.

Amatiba biswas Has been teaching on human brain, neuroanatomy, neurophysiolog y, measurement of neuropsychology, evolution and dysfunction of body mechanics, speech, voice, language and so forth in several courses at UTEP every semester since the year 2000 at levels from Undergraduate, to Master and PhD students.

Sifu roberto briseño Has experience in the Eastern Martial Arts began in 1953. This has included guidance by Grand Master Ark Yuey Wong and other masters from China. He studied Chi-Gong at the Taoist Institute of Los Angeles and has been a martial arts instructor in El Paso since 1997.

Lic. jesús G. burciaga Has a Bachelor in Mass Communications from UTEP. Retired from the Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Juárez faculty after 30 years of teaching. Native from El Paso, raised in Ciudad Juárez. As a professional in journalism he has worked in Secretaría de Economía in México City, in El Fronterizo, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua and ITCJ in Ciudad Juárez. Member of Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y Estadística, Centro de Estudios Guadalupanos de la Basílica y Sociedad Chihuahuense de Estudios Históricos.

Leighton dahl, M.S. Is Coordinator / faculty member,Circles of Learning for Entering Students Program, Colleges of Science and Engineering. She teaches courses for the Professional and Continuing Education Division at UTEP and has served as Program Advisor to the Academic Advising Center and offices of Career Services and Disabled Students Services.


osher lifelong le arning institute


fa l l 2012

Marcia Hatfield daudistel Former Associate Director of Texas Western Press is the editor, most recently of Grace and Gumption: the Women of El Paso that will be released by TCU Press in Fall of 2011. She is also editor of Literary El Paso, and winner of the 2010 Southwest Book Award by the Border Regional Library Association published by TCU Press in 2009. Marcia is currently at work on the book Authentic Texas: the People of the Big Bend with co-writer/photographer Bill Wright.

Alan dean, ph. d. Received a BS from Texas Western College, Now UTEP. His MS is from New Mexico State University and PhD from Texas A&M. During his 40 years at UTEP he researched atmospheric acoustics and seismology. While assistant dean of the college of science, he was associate director of a National Science Foundation grant to improve elementary mathematics and science education. Besides physics, he has taught mathematics, astronomy and geophysics. He also taught briefly at Texas Southern, at University of Houston, and in Malaysia. Since 2000 he has been professor emeritus of physics at UTEP. Dr. Dean serves on the Board of Directors of OLLI at UTEP.

bert m. Diamondstein Holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Texas at El Paso in Philosophy & Political Science and has done advanced post graduate work in International Relations and Comparative Political Systems at the University of Chicago. He is also a graduate of the Economic Development Institute of the University of Oklahoma and was selected by the government of Japan to participate in the 7th annual Japanese Business Study Program sponsored by the Ministry of International Trade & Industry. A veteran of the Vietnam War, Diamondstein has spent over twenty years in industrial development and manufacturing. He is a member of the National Association of Scholars and the El Paso Holocaust Museum & Study Center.

Calixto “manny” guerra Is a self taught artist working in charcoal, watercolors and oils over several years since retirement rom the EPISD. He has studied with local established artists to refine techniques and receive critique of his work. Manny is a gifted artist and teacher who also continues to learn with each semester at OLLI.

Vivek Grovek Is a practicing attorney in El Paso, Texas. He was born in northern India near the headquarters of the Divine Life Society, where prominent gurus have trained and taught Hinduism for almost 100 years. He was raised in India during his childhood, and then immigrated to the United States. In the past, he has delivered guest lectures on Hinduism at the University of Texas at El Paso. Currently he teaches Sunday School at the Chinmaya Mission Rio Grande in El Paso.


Garland Greene Native of New York City. He entered the U. S. Army in 1954 where he specialized in the operation and maintenance of radar and command and control systems. While assigned to White Sands Missile Range he participated in development and implementation of the radar support associated with weapon and navigation systems. After retirement from the Army he continued his involvement in the technical field as an educator and trainer for the energy private sector in oil and natural gas exploration, and later with El Paso Community College by creating an instructional program for training electronics students. After leaving EPCC he volunteered at the Chamizal National memorial for 10 years during which he made presentations at schools and civic organizations about the history of the Chamizal settlement and also researched and produced exhibits for display at the Memorial during annual special celebrations such as Independence Day, Hispanic Heritage, Month and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

David A. Hackett Has a Ph.D. in History from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and studied at the University of Munich under a Fulbright Grant. He is the editor and translator of The Buchenwald Report (1995) about the famous concentration camp.

Grace Haddox Is a UTEP graduate with a Master of Arts in English and American Literature. She teaches research and British literature at El Paso Community College. During the 2009-2010 school year, she was awarded the Faculty Achievement Award at EPCC and the NISOD Excellence Award from the University of Texas. She has been teaching Shakespeare at OLLI since 2002.

romana saenz hawkins Attended the Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara, Mexico with a major in Industrial Psychology. She has been Instructor of Psychology for the Escuela Superior de Psicologia, Juarez and was Human Resources Coordinator with responsibilities for administrative oversight in 8 plants in the states of Chihuahua and Coahuila. She has pursued an avocation as an artist and teacher of metal embossing (repujado) since 2003 with completion of training in levels through Master Level at the University of Juarez. Her work has been exhibited throughout West Texas and New Mexico.

María del carmen hernandez Formerly faculty of UTEP’s Languages and Linguistics Department, received a BA degree in Media and Mass Communications from the University of Chihuahua and holds an MA in Spanish from the Universidad Autónoma de Cd. Juárez. She has been coordinator for the Arts Department, City of Juárez, in such programs as The Siglo de Oro Festival, and the Border Festival.


osher lifelong le arning institute


fa l l 2012

nicholas p. houser Born in Rapid City, South Dakota and grew-up in the State of Oregon. Since 1966, He has worked with over 30 tribal communities in the American Southwest in projects concerning cultural anthropology, community development, public health and history. He received a BA in History from Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Ore.; has a MA in Anthropology from University of Arizona,Tucson; MPH (Public Health) from University of California, Berkeley. He has written books and articles, and has created art and historical exhibits. Mr. Houser is currently co-authoring a book on the El Paso Missions. He is also writing a novel on Estebanico the Black, and a screenplay (La Cadena de la Esperanza) on the first worldwide public health program.

Dave larson Spent most of the past forty-five years performing as a singer/songwriter in coffee houses, clubs, bars and concert halls throughout the western half of this country. He grew up in El Paso and attended Texas Western College/UTEP from 1964 through 1969, majoring in history. He has recorded several CD’s and was recognized by the prestigious efolkmusic.org, an organization that stresses the importance of keeping traditional Americana Music Alive. In 1984 he was awarded songwriter of the year by the Southwest Songwriters Association. Rather than calling himself a musician, he prefers to call himself a story teller who happens to own a guitar.

Atalo mendez Attended Escuela de Bellas Artes in Puebla, Mexico and was apprenticed to renowned watercolorist, Carlos Teodoro Torres. Mr. Méndez has exhibited award winning watercolor work in the El Paso area nd has taught this medium from Chihuahua to El Paso.

Nancy natalicio Has a Master’s in English Literature from Duke University and has enjoyed writing all her life. She currently writes part-time for El Paso Inc and Southwest Senior, participates in a writing group, and assists seniors one on one in writing their memoir. She has a passion for listening to and sharing stories.

rosario ponte Is an El Paso artist, originally from Venezuela. A graduate of the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts, she also completed advanced studies at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and has further studied under nationally acclaimed artists Aleksander Titovets and Daniel Greene. She has been painting for 25 years and has won prizes for her oil paintings which have been exhibited nationally and internationally. Ms. Ponte specializes in portraiture, landscapes and still life.


Phyllis price Has led yoga classes since 1981, both privately and at various El Paso studios, health clubs, and gyms. She currently teaches vigorous Ashtanga yoga PE credit classes at UTEP and NMSU, as well as private in-home classes. She is a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance, a professional organization insuring quality among U.S. teachers. She holds an MA in English, an MFA in writing, and is a registered Life Force Yoga Teacher (LFYT), specializing in yoga for depression and PTSD. She’s had special training in yoga for pregnancy, and is a certified Ashtanga yoga teacher.

Lynn Provenzano Has facilitated personal and professional development for over 25 years in corporate and community groups. She has world-wide, cross cultural experience and specializes in interpersonal skills, creative energy work and motivation. Lynn is a Reiki Master, Pranic Healer and devotee of Tai-Chi and ChiGong.

arturo quevedo rivero Native of Chihuahua City is a graduate of Institute Tecnológico de Monterey, is a retired professor of history of the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, specializing in the Mexican Revolution and Latin American Culture and Society. He is a published historian on topics of Mexico’s revolutionary movements and issues concerning Mexico’s border with the U.

Cecilia “Chalila” Rogers Native from El Paso, raised in Ciudad Juárez and México City where she obtained her baccalaureate in the humanities area. Rome at Stella Viae college of art and languages where she obtained her diploma in french from the Alliance Francaise and later her diploma in Italian from the Istituto Dante Alighieri, both with honors. She attended the Sorbonne in Paris to read french language and civilization. She loves art and studied art history at the university of the Americas, México City. She participates very actively in the literary circle “A la Sombra de Sor Juana”. Ms. Rogers is fluent in four languages: Spanish, English, French and Italian and has taught these four languages from kindergarten to adults. Her classes have been scheduled in Spanish to enhance the knowledge of this supremely beautiful language.

ruben rodarte Native from Durango, Mexico, studied art in various techniques under masters in the U.S. and Mexico. He has been concentrating in portraiture the last 11 years, teaching at E.P. Community College and exhibiting his work in Anaheim and Los Angeles, California, Chihuahua and Cd. Juárez, Mexico, as well as El Paso.


osher lifelong le arning institute


fa l l 2012

john sansone “I have always liked the ideal of the renaissance man. As a poet, I have always believed that too many academic credentials narrow the playing field and would get in the way of finding an authentic voice. At thirty, I decided the routine of’ write it down and spit it out’ was not for me, so I started taking studio classes in art and drama, with the belief that I had accumulated enough life experiences to attempt expression.Now, at seventy, my latest field of interest is in early Christianity, the Gnostic Gospels, and the ascent into orthodoxy.”

florence schwein Holds a Masters Degree in Museum Education with a focus on Art History is from The George Washington University, Washington, D.C. She holds a Business Certificate from Marycrest College, Kankakee, Illinois; an A.A. in Liberal Arts from Blackwood Community College, Blackwood, New Jersey; and a BA degree in Studio Art from George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. She has served as Outreach Director at the Smithsonian Institution’s Renwick Gallery, Washington, D. C., and was the founding Director of the Cleveland, Ohio, Police Museum and Historical Society. Mrs. Schwein is the hostess of Desert Diaries, aired week days at 8:59 a.m. on KTEP (88.5 FM). She began her work at UTEP’s Centennial Museum in 1988 as the Education Curator and subsequently served as Director from 1992-2006. Florence serves on the Board of Directors of OLLI at UTEP.

john r. Sharp Majored in Biology and Geology, and taught in the El Paso public schools for 30 years where he always took students on field trips to various National Parks. An El Paso native, John is a member of the Texas Master Naturalists, and works as a volunteer at several state parks. He has participated in the “Celebrate Our Mountains” event for 17 years and during the last 4 years served as a leader of field trips for “Celebration” to various sites of geologic interest.

eugenia shekter Is a native of Kiev (Ukraine). She studied Industrial Engineering and then Psychology in St. Petersburg’s Technological Institute and University. “Perestroika” opened opportunities for her to live in Europe and to study Theology in Paris. She moved to the U.S. in 2000 to join her family. She is currently working on a Ph.D degree in environmental science in UTEP’s Engineering program.

James l. smith Emerged from retirement as an educator, counselor,administrator and international lecturer to participate in OLLI at UTEP’s classrooms on the subject of Music. Mr. Smith holds M.A. Degrees in Government and in History from NMSU where he had earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Secondary Education (History and Music)in 1978. He completed post-graduate work in History at Stanford University during 1987 and in 1995 and graduate work in Government in 1994at American University.


Vivian d. Soliz Was born and raised in Cochabamba, Bolivia. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Linguistics and Languages from the Universidad Mayor de San Simon of Cochabamba. She holds a Masters in Higher Education. She has worked as a teacher of literature and language at Universidad Catolica Bolibiana, Universidad del Valle and different elementary through high schools in Cochabamba.

RIchard tucker A convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,the Mormons, Mr. Tucker has done a great deal of research on the LDS religion – it’s history, it’s unique theology, and it’s ecclesiastical leadership. Rick Tucker served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ; he was married in the Salt Lake Temple. He received his Bachelors degree in Business Management from Brigham Young University and holds a Master’s degree in Education Administration from the University of Phoenix.

dr. m.s. uddin Retired gastroenterologist, started the Department of Gastroenterology at Texas Tech University Medical Center at El Paso. He has been associated with the Muslim community of El Paso since 1979 and has played an active role in establishing the Islamic Center of El Paso. Since retirement he has written two books titled ‘Modern Medicine in the. Light of Islam’ and ‘Far Beyond My Comprehension’ and published several articles on Hajj (Pilgrimage), Fasting, Science of Worship and Fitrah of Islam (Tauhid).

connie weaver Is originally from New Mexico, has lived in El Paso since 1975. She studied and taught acrylics technique in Germany and has participated in many exhibits. Currently, her work may be seen at Sunland Art Gallery, Ruly’s Kitchen, The Rivera Restaurant, Open Gate Community Church and The Market Place at Placita Santa Fe . Connie encourages us to ‘expect a miracle every day’.

robert a. wren, ph. d. Has taught in CLL from its inception. He holds a B. A. in English and History and M. A. in English Literature from UT El Paso and Ph.D. in English Literature from UT Austin. Has taught at UT Austin and College of the Southwest, New Mexico. Dr. Wren is fluent in Spanish, French and classical Latin.


osher lifelong le arning institute


fa l l 2012

E n r o llm e n t f o r m name address phone e-mail card number exp. date

card type



class name


Membership fee: $25.00

Fall fee: $60.00

Ea c h o n e b r i n g o n e Sponsor a new or returning member and receive 50% discount on your enrollment fee for Fall 2012. Become involved in the success of the school for your next fifty years. For a sponsoring member to receive a discount, the new or returning member must enroll at full fee for Fall 2012. Hurry up and registrer! Some courses have limited enrollment.

sponsor new member 33

Governance The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UTEP is sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts, Patricia Witherspoon, Ph. D., Dean.

Officers chair

Winifred Dowling vice chair

Becky Duval Reese


PAST chairs

Board members at-large

Michael Iglar Peter A. Rivera Jean H. Miculka + Robert Lipson Leonard Krugman Marion Truxal + Robert Crane, M.D. + Rita Don, M.D. Herbert Schwartz +

Alan Dean, Ph. D. Ernesto Gemoets Servando Hernรกndez Suzanne Hunter Carl Jackson, Ph. D. Lawrence Johnson, Ph. D. Z. Anthony Kruszewski, Ph. D. Florence Schwein Patricia Witherspoon, Ph. D.

fall 2012 curriculum committee


Betsy Behrenhausen Mary Etzold Libby Feldmesser Servando Hernรกndez Michael Iglar Naida Lipson Robert Lipson Ray Mowad Lee Nelson Peter A. Rivera Eugenio Skertchley Esperanza Stimetz

Diego Burciaga Luis Marines

office staff

executive director

Peter A. Rivera catalog photography,

& layout: Diego Burciaga

graphic design

Catalog Printing by Pay Dirt Printing at UTEP, 2012

osher lifelong le arning institute


fa l l 2012

C o n g r at u lat i o n s ! Lawrence J. Johnson, Ph.D (Dr. Larry Johnson to UTEP Lifelong Learners) is retiring from UTEP after 42 distinguished years of service to higher education in El Paso. Dr. Johnson taught classes for the Center for Lifelong Learning since its inception in 1990, has been a staunch advocate for the ideal of ‘learning-in-retirement’ and, serving on our Board of Directors, was instrumental in our successful effort to join the Bernard Osher Foundation’s network of funded Lifelong Learning Institutes. He is a medievalist whose many courses in CLL/OLLI on the subject have been interspersed with such gems as his series based on the New Yorker Magazine and another entitled "From Bede to the Beatles." Although he is he retiring from UTEP, he is not leaving OLLI. We look forward to many more Larry Johnson courses!

E n r o llm e n t pA R K ING i N F OR M ATION - Park in the Sun Bowl Garage Visitors section. - Bring the garage ticket to the OLLI office for validation. - There is NO CHARGE for parking.



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