Researchproject IP

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Can design influence societey to not litter and pick up garbage?

Milwaukee WI Winter/Spring 2016 Dylan J Neinas DVC III

Who? This is for the public to participate in, anyone that litters. I am going after younger people and young adults who would be able to participate physically for the physical ideas. This overall idea aims to benefit everyone because less trash is an overall win for everyone involved. Stake holders would be those willing to allow use and temporary modifications of garbage cans and space.


How can design reduce trash and raise awareness to the issue and hopefully influence people the act responsibly about the environment. What gets people to “see” the issue What gets people to “participate” in the action What gets people to “reflect/remember” the importance Overall goals: Reduce garbage by public action/participation Outcomes: Throwing trash away becomes more fun, cleaner streets, cleaner city.

Types of projects: Interactive - trash can modifications such as target idea for Example. Develop other ways to apply game sense to Garbage cans. Voting with trash, gum and cigarette butt examples Plexi glass, here vs there comparison. Visual - pieces made with trash to raise awareness, “advertise�, point out, compare to. Printed - Seed paper other recyclable materials, ex, posters handouts Get users to participate, observe, and take something away.


Lucerene, Switzerland.

Examples continued

“Blikvanger” Denmark

Vive Barranquilla Limpia Spain

#NeatStreets, U.K

Examples continued again ...

Dublin City Council, Ireland

I love these and the idea of having a poster series that advertises, markets, and mocks litter bugs


Based off Idea that used a bus stop as the sample area

Plexiglass Displays

Allows participants to place trash in display

Ideas continued Garbage can mods

Playing with the idea of games and getting attention drawn to garbage cans. Placing a target or simple hoop to reference games and sports

Carnival games & targets

Referencing classic carnival games and other simple games that involving throwing items.

When & Where? People will come in contact with this on campus or other Participating areas. As long as the project requires Potentially on campus, whoever allows my installations. Ideal in heavy trash areas so people would see the importance and be able to participate Speaking to and interacting with public is key

Why? The environment is up to us to improve and protect what we have Milwaukee has a garbage issue Garbage effects everyone and every form of life I do not like littering personally and was raised by parents who Strongly oppose it. I like to think if everyone made an effort to pick up more garbage it might not be such an issue. Fun idea, gets people involved, inexpensive, eco friendly.

The end “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end” Semisonic - Closing Time

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