“It's time to awaken the greatness of the human spirit within you. And nothing will awaken the greatness within you like Holy Moments.”
- Matthew Kelly
Ask Him Jane Trufant Harvey
One of the most difficult things in this life is to learn how to speak to God as a friend. There is genius in these pages, because with each page, Jane prompts us to have a conversation with God. Who is guiding your life? How is that working out for you? Is it time for a change? Are you ready to allow God to guide you in all things? Allow God to surprise you, to sweep you away, to show you what it means to be deliriously happy, to teach you to dance for joy.
No Regrets
A captivating and groundbreaking fable, No Regrets is the only book out there that pro vides a roadmap for how to make the most of the final season of life. If you are searching for greater meaning in your life, then join au thors Allen Hunt and Matthew Kelly as they reveal five incredible secrets to living inten tionally and making the most of your own fourth quarter.
Do Something Beautiful for God
Mother Teresa
On these pages, you will find the essential teachings of Mother Teresa. They provide remarkable insight into the depths of her heart, mind, soul, and life. They will comfort you in your affliction and afflict you in your comfort. But most of all, in the midst of all this activi ty and noise of your life, you will hear Mother Teresa encouraging you by gently saying: Do something beautiful for God with your life!
The Thing About Mothers Matthew Kelly
As a mother, you spend your days and weeks, months, and years encouraging others. But let us not forget that you need a little encouragement and reassurance yourself from time to time. Whether your children are young or old, I hope these words help you to rediscover and cherish your motherhood. Whether your chil dren live on the same street or on the other side of the world, may you allow motherhood to continue to transform you each day into a-better-version-of-yourself.
The Thing About Fathers Matthew Kelly
As a father, you spend your days and weeks, months, and years encouraging others. But let us not forget that you need a little encour agement and reassurance yourself from time to time. Whether your children are young or old, I hope these words help you to rediscov er and cherish your fatherhood. Whether your children live on the same street or on the other side of the world, may you allow fatherhood to continue to transform you each day into a-better-version-of-yourself.
True Devotion to Mary
Mary has inspired more art and music than any other woman, and she fascinates the imagi nations of men and women of all faiths. Many holy men and women of monumental virtue considered Mary’s humility to be a sure path to intimacy with God. True Devotion to Mary is the one of the best books on devotion to Mary. Written by Saint Louis de Montfort in 1712 and discovered in 1842, this spiritual classic has led billions of readers closer to Jesus through Mary.
Holy Moments Matthew Kelly
You have so much more to offer. You know it. You have sensed it for some time now. This sa cred truth has been bubbling up in your soul. But you have never known quite what to do about it. All that is about to change. Some ideas are so powerful that simply becoming aware of them changes our lives forever. Holy Moments is such an idea. It is profoundly simple, aston ishingly practical, and once you discover it, your life will finally make sense. It’s time to let Holy Moments show you what is possible. It’s time to explore your soul-potential.
Difficult Teachings
Matthew Kelly
What’s the hardest part about following Jesus? What teaching do you find particularly hard to live? Explore 40 of Jesus’ most difficult teach ings with Matthew Kelly.
The Generosity Habit
Matthew Kelly
This book is a profound and practical invitation to go beyond the problems plaguing society and become part of the solution. Along the way you will discover the beauty and nobility of your own humanity.
It’s never too late to grow. The secret to living a meaningful life is to strip away everything that is meaningless. Strip away anything that is trivial or unnecessary and everything left will be meaningful. You’re not done growing yet either!
Life Is Messy
This book is about putting our lives back to gether, and allowing ourselves to be put back together, when life doesn’t turn out as we ex pected it to. Based on his own heart-wrenching personal journals, Matthew Kelly shares how the worst three years of his life affected him by exploring this question: Can someone who has been broken be healed and become more beautiful and more lovable than ever before?
H EAP SPLife Is Messy Journal Matthew Kelly
The companion journal to Matthew Kelly’s new release, Life Is Messy. Matthew Kelly shares how the worst three years of his life affected him by exploring this question: Can someone who has been broken be healed and become more beautiful and more lovable than ever before?
Matthew Kelly
I'm Not Done Growing Yet Matthew Kelly
Matthew Kelly
You have an obligation to yourself first. Before you are a mother, father, husband, wife, broth er, sister, son, daughter, boyfriend, girlfriend, neighbor, colleague… before all of that you are a person. Unique and wonderful! It’s time to reclaim your self in every way possible, so you can share your truest self with everyone in your life! The Reclaim! Journal is also available!
I Heard God Laugh Matthew Kelly
Is your life working? Most of us are trying to put together the jigsaw puzzle we call life without a very important piece. Over time this becomes incredibly frustrating. In this extraor dinary book, Matthew Kelly powerfully demon strates that we cannot live the life we have imagined, or experience the joy we yearn for, unless we learn to tend the soul. From there, with his classic style of practical wisdom, he teaches us how to remedy this problem.
Dig the Well Before You Get Thirsty Matthew Kelly
Are you taking care of your soul? Are you feeding it and nurturing it? Or are you ignor ing it and neglecting it? The reality is, most people have never really been taught how to tend their souls. The companion journal to I Heard God Laugh, Dig the Well Before You Get Thirsty will help you to do just that, and so much more!
Nothing Is Random Matthew Kelly
Learning to recognize patterns and connect the dots is perhaps the most significant cognitive ability anyone can aspire to. The more we can recognize the patterns in our lives, our business and industry, our relationships, and our culture, the more meaningfully we can participate in anything and everything. You still have so much more to offer. You sense it. You know it. Your intuition has never been so right.
Coming Soon
The Rhythm of Life Matthew Kelly
Do you ever feel that if you weren’t so busy you would be happier, healthier, more effective, more fulfilled? The Rhythm of Life will help you to bring into focus who you are and why you are here. Through this book Matthew Kelly will help you discover your legitimate needs, deepest de sires, and unique talents. He will introduce you to the-best-version-of-yourself and lead you to a life filled with passion and purpose.
The Seven Levels of Intimacy Matthew Kelly
Intimacy requires that we allow another per son to discover what moves us, what inspires us, what drives us, what eats at us, what we are running toward, what we are running from, what self-destructive enemies lie within us, and what wild and wonderful dreams we hold in our hearts. The Seven Levels of Intimacy teaches us in practical and unforgettable ways how to know these things about ourselves and how to share ourselves more deeply with the people we love. This book will change the way you ap proach your relationships forever!
Building Better Families Matthew Kelly
Building Better Families is filled with examples that can be applied to your daily experience of parenting and family, while at the same time illuminating the broader and deeper signifi cance of family for society and the future of humanity. “The family is a deeply personal ex perience and the cornerstone of all great societies,” Kelly tells us.
H EAP SPPerfectly Yourself Matthew Kelly H EAP SP
This life-changing book addresses the oppor tunities and obstacles we encounter when we decide to ask life’s BIG questions: who am I, and why am I here? Perfectly Yourself is a book for anyone who has survived the collapse of a relationship, wondered how to find a fulfilling career, or failed at a diet. Kelly teaches us how to find the balance between accepting ourselves and striving to become all God dreams for us to become.
Resisting Happiness Matthew Kelly
Are you happy? It may be the wrong question. Most of us think we are relatively happy, while knowing that we could be happier. Ordinary people and the finest philosophers have been exploring the question of happiness for thou sands of years, and theories abound. But this is not a book of theory. Resisting Happiness is a deeply personal, disarmingly transparent look at why we sabotage our own happiness and what to do about it.
A Call to Joy Matthew Kelly
Exploring the challenges of our modern world, Matthew Kelly brilliantly puts into context the unchanging truths and teachings of Jesus Christ. In A Call to Joy, he shares both his remarkable personal story and his uniquely inspiring insights on faith, love, and the trials and triumphs of the spiritual life.
Rediscover Jesus Matthew Kelly
How well do you know Jesus? The best time to rediscover Jesus is right now. I don’t know what God has in store for you, but I am excited for you. There are some questions that we all ask ourselves in different ways: Who am I? Who is God? What am I here for? What matters most? What matters least? What are my unique talents and abilities? What will my contribution be? We discover the answers to these ques tions most completely by encountering Jesus.
Rediscover the Rosary Matthew Kelly
God wants to put things in order. If we let him, we will be happier than we ever thought pos sible in this lifetime, and we will come to know the peace for which all yearn, but few find. Our Catholic spirituality is constantly inviting us to establish the deep roots of order in our lives, and one of the best ways I know to do that is by praying the Rosary.
Rediscover the Saints Matthew Kelly
God is constantly trying to open our eyes to the amazing possibilities that he has enfolded in our being. The saints continue this work, en couraging us to explore all our God-given po tential, not with speeches but with the exam ple of their lives. When we have the courage to collaborate with God and pursue our truest self, he lights a fire within us that is so bright and warm, it keeps shining long after our days on this earth have come to an end. The lives of the saints have captivated the people of every age for this very reason.
H EAP SPRediscover Lent Matthew Kelly
A vibrant spiritual life is a great gift, but we don’t just stumble into it. Transformation hap pens when we look honestly at our desires and habits and seek real change with intentionality. During Lent, let Matthew Kelly be your guide as you take time each day for prayer, reflec tion, and silence. As you seek the One who is seeking you, allow yourself to be inspired by new dreams and transformed by timeless spir itual disciplines.
Rediscover Catholicism Matthew Kelly
Rediscover Catholicism takes us on an adven ture of life-changing proportions. Beginning with our common yearning for happiness, Kel ly reveals the essence of authentic Catholic spirituality while addressing some of the most important questions we face today both as individuals and as a Church.
H EAP SPThe Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic Matthew Kelly
Four things make the difference between highly engaged Catholics and disengaged Catholics: the four signs of a Dynamic Catholic. Whether you are ready to let God take your spiritual life to the next level or want to help reinvigorate your parish, The Four Signs of a Dynamic Cath olic promises to take you on a journey that will help you live out the genius of Catholicism in your everyday life. The central idea in this book should change the way we live our faith and the way we teach our faith.
The Book of Courage Matthew Kelly
The new and revised edition of a Matthew Kel ly classic! Everything in life requires courage. Whether it is crossing the room to ask some one out on a date, or rekindling a love that has grown cold; whether it’s your first day at college, starting a new business, battling a potentially fatal disease, getting married, struggling to overcome an addiction, or coming humbly before your God in prayer: life takes courage.
Coming Soon
Coach Matthew Kelly
Whether you coach a team, you’re a parent, a CEO, or you simply want what’s best for your friends and family—you are a coach. And as a coach, it is your duty to help the people you love become the-best-version-of-themselves. Within these pages, you’ll find encouragement and wisdom from the world’s greatest coaches and athletes to help you coach with great cour age and to be coached with great humility.
Amazing Possibilities Matthew Kelly
We live in a world of unlimited possibilities, but too often we get caught up in the day-to-day realities of life and the hustle and bustle of the world and lose sight of all that is possible. We are too focused on a handful of possibilities that we think are the only ones available to us. For 25 years, Matthew Kelly has helped people to discover new possibilities in every area of life and now it is your turn. What area of your life is most in need of new and amazing possibilities?
The One Thing Matthew Kelly
In this deeply personal bestseller, Matthew Kelly reflects on the challenges of passing faith onto children. Written just ten-months after the birth of his first child, he writes about his own faith, why religion has played such a powerful role throughout history, why so many people are leaving the Catholic Church today, and the hopes he has for his son when it comes to the spiritual life.
The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity Matthew Kelly
Get practical tools to dispel the false promis es the modern culture feeds you, and discover the single truth that is the key to regain ing your fervor, uniting Christians, and leaving your mark on the world—and experiencing more happiness than you thought possible.
In a World Where You Can Be Anything
Life feels more fulfilling when you pause each day to think about who you are and who you want to become. In A World Where You Can Be Anything... is designed to get you thinking about who you are now, who you want to be, and who you are capable of becoming. Do you want to become a person of possibility? Do you want to live each day with passion and purpose? Sometimes all it takes is a little in spiration.
The Culture Solution Matthew Kelly H EA SP![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/221007015337-9596bade40213f7a6c58582bedd0818e/v1/61225584fb4f8104fe6da5ea24f23ca0.jpeg)
In this captivating book, Matthew Kelly pres ents the six enduring principles of a dynamic culture in a way that is both inspiring and in tensely practical. They are six principles that any employee can implement, from the janitor to the CEO. And they will transform your company culture into something absolutely incredible.
Off Balance Matthew Kelly
Off Balance is more than just a book. It pres ents a system that Matthew Kelly uses with his Fortune 500 clients, his team, and himself to drive increasing levels of satisfaction both personally and professionally. He introduces us to the three philosophies of our age that are dragging us down. He teaches us how to cultivate energy so that we have plenty left for our passions when we are finished fulfilling our responsibilities.
The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen Matthew Kelly
In this beautiful collection of inspiring quotes from Sheen’s life and works we are given a unique glimpse into the heart, mind, and soul of this incredible man. With each turn of the page, it is easy to see why his practical and hopeful messages inspired so many people and continue to inspire so many today. The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen is a powerful collection of writings that will encourage you to think differently about who you are and what God is calling you to next.
The Wisdom of the Saints Matthew Kelly
No man becomes great on his own. No wom an becomes great on her own. We all need people in our lives who inspire us, show us what is possible, raise our standards, remind us of our essential purpose, and challenge us to become the best-version-of-ourselves. This book will help you to step into a new and ever-deepening friendship with the saints so that you may know, love, and serve God like never before.
The Wisdom of Pope Francis Matthew Kelly
The Wisdom of Pope Francis is a collec tion of his most inspiring, accessible, and challenging ideas. Journey with him through the year as he leads you deeper into the heart of God. Along the way you will discover yourself in new and exciting ways, and develop a fresh understanding of what it means to be a member of the human family in the modern world.
The Wisdom of Maria Montessori Matthew Kelly
Dr. Maria Montessori was a writer, educator, and advocate for the young. She was one of the most innovative women of last century— she completely changed the way the world thinks about education and childhood de velopment. This book is a collection of 365 of Montessori's most inspirational thoughts chosen to inspire mentors, teachers, and parents of children of any age.
Coming Soon
Into the Deep Daniel Burke
Prayer. It’s mysterious, challenging, frustrat ing, and life-changing. Discover why growing in prayer, which sometimes can be compared to a battle, is worth every ounce of effort you give it. Even if you’ve never prayed, or if you’ve never developed the habit of daily prayer, God is waiting to meet you where you are and en courage you every step of the way.
13 Powerful Ways to Pray Eamon Tobin
In this practical book by Fr. Eamon Tobin, you’ll discover thirteen of the most common ways to communicate with God. You’ll also gain a deep er understanding of why prayer is essential to your life, how it comforts and transforms you, and what to do when it seems dry or difficult. Some of the prayer methods suggested in this book can be easily incorporated into your ev eryday life, while others require taking time away from your normal activities to intention ally meet God in solitude.
A Quiet Place
Fr. John BartunekIf you desire a deeper connection with God or have even the slightest suspicion that some thing is missing in your spiritual life, then now is the time to enrich and strengthen your faith with A Quiet Place. Whether you pray often or don’t know where to start, Fr. John Bartunek will help you develop a daily habit of prayer. In this small book, he gives you the tools you need to build a relationship with God that leads to lasting joy and peace amidst the constant demands of your everyday life.
Prayer Our Deepest Longing
Renowned spiritual master, Ronald Rolheiser, will gently lead you in this book to a deepening experience of God in prayer. Drawing from Scripture, ancient and modern writers, and experience, Rolheiser clears common misconceptions about prayer and offers both consolation and challenge. In thirty-three brief reflections, he will help you understand how to overcome struggles in prayer, develop a mature prayer habit, and explore new prayer practices.
Praying with a Pen Mary Beth Weisenburger
Would you like to get more comfortable talking with God? Do you want to learn to recognize the subtle ways God answers your prayers? In Praying with a Pen, Mary Beth Weisenburger will teach you how—through prayer journaling. By praying with a pen, she discovered a God who listened and lovingly responded to her, day after day. And she promises that he’ll do the same for you. Written for women in a friendly, lighthearted style, Praying with a Pen gives you all the tools you need to talk with God.
77 Ways to Pray with Your Kids
If you have a nagging sense that you should be praying with your kids but don’t know where to begin, this book is for you. 77 Ways to Pray with Your Kids offers short, practical explanations of the many ways Catholics pray. While not all the prayer styles will become a permanent part of your family’s prayer life, trying different types of prayer is a great way to introduce your kids to the wealth of prayer practices available.
How to Make Great Decisions
Should I buy dark chocolate or milk chocolate? Which college should I attend? Should I be mar ried or single? We face thousands of decisions, big and small, every day. But have you ever felt like you are too busy “discerning” to actually decide? True decision-making is more than just thinking about something . . . decisions involve taking action. YouTube star, Fr. Mike Schmitz, gives you the tools to decide what to do with your life today, tomorrow, and in the future with clarity and confidence.
Ultimate Makeover Carrie Gress
Motherhood is difficult—there’s no getting around it. And yet, the challenges a woman fac es when she becomes a mother don’t have to be in vain. Instead of a series of frustrating, exhausting, or exasperating experiences, author Carrie Gress (a mother of four young children) sees daily life as an opportunity to grow grace fully as a woman, mother, wife, and friend.
H EPLife’s Greatest Lesson Allen Hunt
Something is missing. You are not whole just yet. What if you had a need in your life that turned out to be the greatest need of all? A need that you unexpectedly discovered, al most by accident? What if that need, when satisfied, grew into the most deeply rewarding aspect of your life? This book, and the parable Allen Hunt shares in it, will show you how to get the most out of your life—how to return to the grace of who you really are.
Walking with Purpose
Lisa BrenninkmeyerLisa Brenninkmeyer understands how it feels when life is stuck on the spin cycle. As a moth er of seven, she knows we don’t just need to be told what kind of women we should be. We need some help getting there. Drawing from her own experience of balancing marriage, motherhood, and work inside and outside the home, Lisa helps you uncover the key to living a busy life with inner calm. What’s the secret? Identifying key priorities, and doing first what matters most.
H EPYou're Worth It!
In the pages of this book, you’ll read about women who met Jesus when he walked the earth. Women who struggled with their self-es teem, who felt ashamed and shunned and alone. Danielle Bean wrote this book with the hope that you’ll begin to know Jesus, develop a friendship with him, and let him change the perceptions you have about yourself.
Stop Worrying, Start Living
Whether you're facing financial hardships, health issues, personal insecurities, or the mil lion and one little things that keep you up at night, God doesn't want you to worry. Even though it sometimes can be tough to believe, God wants you to know that he has a plan for your happiness and peace. He can see you through anything—even your anxiety! These daily reflections will help you along the way. It's time to stop worrying and start living!