Rishi Sodha is a graphic designer who studied at Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication. He is in partnership with 2Creatives and the founder at DAHRA at the moment. In the past he worked as a Junior Graphic Designer at Pentagram and Freelance Graphic Designer at Forpeople. He style of design in oversizing shapes and letters.
Example of Sodha’s work
The text experiment in the style of RISHI SODHA. I like the way he works with overlayering letters and enlarging them to either fit a page corrupt one another. Although this method is very simple it is also effect and eye catching. I feel that this technique of layering and shapes fits in with my theme project. The typography of the letters are arranged by colour and different tones. This allows it to be legible to read and understand the text or message being conveyed on each page. Being consistent to a minimalist structure this makes it less complicated to look at. Sometimes editorial designs can be mislead through the use of too many pictures and text and leave people feeling bored or confused. However, Sodha’s approach was successful to attracting people in a different and unique manner. On the opposite page and throughout this zine I have done a variety of experimentations.
On this page I ha overlayered some specifically chose ters to be in a d like Sodha does I have re-sized s letters and aligne cusing on the ser tween the range I have experiem my first name. Sodha’s method or words don’t all page, I think the fect is that 2-3 le be in one page th his effect of ‘overs which I think in my tation has been
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On this page I have carefully overlayered some letters and specifically chosen some letters to be in a different just like Sodha does in his work. I have re-sized some of the letters and aligned them focusing on the serif types between the range of letter. I have experiemented with my first name. Observing Sodha’s method the letters or words don’t all fit into one page, I think the whole effect is that 2-3 letters should be in one page this highlghts his effect of ‘oversized’ letters which I think in my experimentation has been a success.
Artist Analysis Eperimentation
GRA Rishi Sodha Eperimentation