Angling International Magazine - October 2010 - 33

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DYNAMITE BAITS Why it is entering GROWTH PLANS the tackle market October 2010 Issue 33


Essential reading for buyers in the tackle trade Now online at

ASA RALLIES The new w campaign g THE US TRADE against g t the lead ban p3 32 2 p32 October 2010 Issue 33


Essential reading for buyers in the tackle trade Now online at


Zebco launches Browning Hybrid

It aims to exploit a gap in the UK market p40

KASSLIN: WHY WE BOUGHT DYNAMITE BAITS How Rapala aims to take a slice out of the European carp market p8

Participation increases in key US sector

Major survey reveals freshwater fishing is growing again p22

Molix enters Japanese market The appeal of European lures is growing, it says p28

Big numbers for Brazilian show Increase in visitors thrills the trade p31


TACKLE PRODUCTS IN THE SHOPS WITHIN A YEAR” Dynamite’s Steve Cole on the company’s plans to create one of Europe’s biggest tackle brands page 9


Benvenuto,Bienvenida Bienvenue,Willkommen At times likes these it’s not always easy to tell which companies are doing well and which are not. I cannot remember the last time a CEO or Managing Director confessed to me that business was bad and figures were going south. Who would? But common sense tells us that not many out there can be genuinely ‘up’ after the trading conditions of the last two years. In some ways that is not a bad thing – the MD of a leading worldwide brand told me recently that the recessionary effect of removing poor businesses and products and encouraging consolidation would be good for the industry in the long term. But one company that is clearly doing well is Rapala. The

global manufacturer of lures, line and tools is a stock exchange company and therefore its financial performance is transparent. Rapala’s sales for the first six months of this year have hit record levels and its sales over the past five years have risen dramatically. Now Rapala’s acquisition of Dynamite Baits has set the industry buzzing – we have the inside story starting on page 8. Analyse Rapala’s figures and it’s easy to see why the company is doing so well. A significant increase in research and development spend in recent years and a focus on distribution are just a couple of key reasons driving growth. But when I put the question to Rapala President

and CEO Jorma Kasslin he put it more simply, saying: “Fishermen like our products.” Isn’t that what it’s really all about? Angling International broke the Rapala/Dynamite story to the trade on August 28th through one of its e-newsletters – and there’ll be lots more interesting stories to come that are sure to get the trade talking. If you want to sign up for this free news service just email your request to enquiries@

Mel Bagnall

Meet the makers of Angling International...

MEL BAGNALL, PUBLISHING EDITOR Mel’s vast experience in the angling industry includes six years as the publisher of UK company Emap’s angling business. He began his career on Angling Times where he was reporter, feature writer, sub editor and news editor, and was also assistant editor of Sea Angler. He has worked in magazines for more than 36 years.

ROB CARTER, EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Rob began his career writing for and editing specialist consumer magazines in the UK (including Match football magazine, Fore! golf magazine and Trout Fisherman) before being appointed editor-inchief of Emap’s contractpublishing department.He is a founder director of Top Corner, the publishers of Angling International.

KEELY DOCHERTY-LEE, ART DIRECTOR As Top Corner’s art director and co-founder, Keely has 15 years’ design experience, and a proven track record of producing successful ad campaigns, brochures and direct mail. She has worked with many angling clients and today leads the design team on Angling International, managing the editorial production of each issue.

LUCIE HENTON, INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR Lucie can call upon seven years’ experience of delivering commercial solutions for angling clients. Czech-born, she is also familiar with other eastern European languages. Call her to discuss your advertising needs and to find out ways to promote your products in the magazine.

MAGAZINE CREDITS Angling International magazine is published by Top Corner Editorial and Design Limited. 4 Milnyard Square, Bakewell Road, Orton Southgate, Peterborough Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, PE2 6GX • International Commercial Director: Lucie Henton;; Tel. +44 7825 999230; Fax +44 1225 760249; Skype lpetrickova • Publishing editor: Mel Bagnall; +44 (0)1733 392 977 • Editorial director: Rob Carter; • Art Director: Keely Docherty-Lee; • Designer: Kate Holt; • Database Manager: Graham Goor; • Colour reproduction: AT Graphics UK Ltd, Peterborough, Cambs UK • Printed by: Warners Midlands plc, Bourne, Cambs UK • Subscription enquiries: •THANKS THIS ISSUE GO TO: Gary Berlin, Bruno Broughton, Nic Brown, Gavin Burn, Andy Charlton, Terry Clease, Angela Coe, Ryan Colaianni, Graham Goor, , Simon Henton, Mary-Ann Hodgskin, Kate Holt, Tom Legge, Chris Leibbrandt, Donna Leonard, Richard Lutticken, Stanko Popovic, Christian Rademann, James Robbins, Tim Romano, Heather Sieber, Leslie Vick, Per Westerlund. ● Nopartofthismagazinemaybereproducedwithoutthepermissionofthepublisher.Themagazineassumesnoresponsibilityforthesafetyofcontributions,althoughallreasonablecarewillbetaken.

October 2010 Angling International


Diesen monat, Ce mois, Este mes, Questo mese...

Mit einem geschickten Schachzug, nämlich dem Erwerb von Dynamite Baits, hat Rapala diesen Monat seine Absicht signalisiert, auf Europas lukrativem Karpfenmarkt mitzuhalten. Seit geraumer Zeit ist Dynamite das führende britische Unternehmen für Karpfenköder. Und nun wird diese Erfahrung mit Rapalas unübertroffenem Vertriebsnetz vereint, was bedeutet, dass das Unternehmen entschlossen ist, einen größeren Anteil von Europas am schnellsten wachsenden Marktsektor zu erobern. Aber das ist keineswegs alles. Wie unsere Geschichte auf Seite 8 erklärt, plant Dynamite darüber hinaus, sich auch auf Bereiche außerhalb von Ködern zu konzentrieren, und sich zu einer der wichtigsten Angelgerätemarken zu entwickeln. Diese Nachricht wird die gesamte europäische Industrie zweifellos in Schock versetzen. In der Zwischenzeit hat Zebco dieLancierung von Browning Hybrid bekannt gegeben, einer neuen Produktpalette, die primär für den britischen Markt bestimmt ist, auf dem seiner Meinung nach eine Marktlücke vorhanden ist, die gefüllt werden kann (siehe Seite 40). Ansonsten können wir berichten, dass mehr Unternehmen die EFTTA Line Charter unterstützen, eine Initiative, die dem Etikettenschwindel für Schnurverpackung ein Ende setzen soll. Powerline, Climax und Daiwa sind die neuesten Firmen, die ihre Unterstützung bekannt gegeben haben (siehe Seite 45). Von der anderen Seite des Atlantiks kommen ermutigende Nachrichten bezüglich einer Verbraucherumfrage in den USA, die den Schluss zulässt, dass Süßwasserangeln auf dem größten Anglermarkt der Welt inzwischen wieder zunimmt (Seite 22). Wir bringen außerdem einen Bericht über die neuesten Entwicklungen in Brasilien, das viele Unternehmen als den nächsten wichtigen Markt betrachten (siehe Seite 31). Dieser Artikel ist ausgesprochen interessant zu lesen, vor allem für Hersteller, die beabsichtigen, sich nach Südamerika auszuweiten. Sie können sich im Voraus über die chinesische CGC Expo Messe (Seite 32) informieren und Neuigkeiten über eine chinesische Fabrik erfahren, die in Europa viel erreichen will. Viel Spaß am Magazin! 6

Un événement spectaculaire de ce mois-ci, Rapala a manifesté son ambition de se développer sur le marché Européen du lucratif marché de la carpe par l’acquisition de Dynamite Baits. Depuis quelque temps, Dynamite Baits a été le leader de la carpe sur le marché anglais. En combinant désormais son expertise avec son réseau de distribution important, la société a pour objectif de donner une impulsion forte pour conquérir une plus grande part de marché dans ce secteur à forte croissance. Mais ce n’est pas tout. Comme notre histoire à la page 8 le révèle, Dynamite Baits envisage également d’aller au-delà des appâts et de devenir un des plus grandes marques Européennes. Cette nouvelles va envoyer des ondes de choc dans toute l’industrie européenne. Pendant ce temps, Zebco a annoncé le lancement de Browning Hybrid, une nouvelle gamme destinée principalement au marché britannique, où il croit qu’il a trouvé un créneau est mûr pour l’exploitation (voir page 40). Ailleurs, de plus d’entreprises ont adhéré à la Charte EFTTA Line, une initiative visant à mettre fin étiquetages abusifs sur les emballages de fils. Powerline, Climax et Daiwa sont parmi les derniers à y apporter leur soutien (voir page 45). Outre-Atlantique, les nouvelles encourageantes à partir d’une enquête auprès des consommateurs aux États-Unis, ce qui annonce que la pratique de la pêche en eau douce est de retour sur le marché mondial de la pêche à la ligne (page 22). Nous avons également un rapport sur les derniers développements au Brésil, le choix de nombreuses entreprises de se positionner prochainement sur ce marché émergent important (voir page 31). C’est une lecture essentielle pour tous les fabricants envisagent de se développer en Amérique du Sud. Nous avons une prévisualisation du salon Chinois CCG Expo (page 32) et des nouvelles d’une usine chinoise avec de grandes ambitions en Europe. Bonne Lecture!

Angling International October 2010

Este mes hay una fuerte movida, Rapala ha demostrado su ambición de competir en el lucrativo mercado de la carpa en Europa, adquiriendo la empresa de Cebos Dynamite. Durante algún tiempo, Dynamite ha sido en el REINO UNIDO, el líder del mercado en cebos de primera categoría. Ahora, combinando su experiencia con la incomparable red de distribución de Rapala, la empresa dará un fuerte empuje para tener mayor cuota en este sector de mercado en crecimiento. Pero eso no es todo, como revela nuestra historia en la página 8 Dynamite no sólo pretende potenciarse en el mercado de los cebos, sino que está planificando establecerse como una de las marcas de referencia en el mercado de los accesorios de pesca. La noticia ha revolucionado toda la industria europea. Mientras tanto, Zebco ha anunciado el lanzamiento de Browning Hybrid, una nueva gama destinada principalmente al mercado británico, donde se cree que ha encontrado una buena brecha para explotar (véase página 40) Por otra parte, hay noticias de más empresas que adhieren su firma a la carta de EFTTA Line Charter, una iniciativa destinada a poner fin al incorrecto etiquetado en el envasado de las líneas. Powerline, Clímax y Daiwa son las últimas en añadir su apoyo (página 45). Al otro lado del Atlántico, hay noticias alentadoras de un nuevo estudio de consumidores en Estados Unidos, que indica que la participación en pesca de agua dulce está de nuevo en aumento en el mayor mercado del mundo (página 22). También tenemos un informe sobre los últimos acontecimientos en Brasil, muchos negocios se están acercando al ser el próximo gran mercado emergente (véase página 31). La lectura de este artículo es esencial para cualquier fabricante que planee expandirse en América del Sur. Tenemos una vista preliminar de la próxima feria en China, la CGC Expo show (página 32) ynoticias de una fábrica China con grandes ambiciones en Europa. Disfrute de la revista!

Questo mese i riflettori sono tutti puntati sulla mossa eclatante di Rapala che ha concretizzato la sua ambizione di entrare nel redditizio mercato europeo della carpa acquisendo Dynamite Baits, per qualche tempo azienda leader nel Regno Unito nel settore della premium carp bait (esca per carpa). Combinando la propria esperienza con l’impareggiabile rete di distribuzione Rapala ora Dynamite Baits ha tutti i numeri per potersi garantire una quota maggiore nel settore in più rapida crescita in Europa. E non è tutto. A pagina 8 Dynamite rivela il proprio piano che la vede protagonista assoluta anche in un settore diverso, ovvero quello delle attrezzature da pesca. La notizia è destinata a provocare uno Tsunami in tutta l’industria europea. Nel frattempo Zebco ha annunciato il lancio di Browning Hybrid, una nuovissima gamma destinata principalmente al mercato britannico che ritiene ancora ricco di aree non ancora esplorate pronte per essere conquistate (vedere pagina 40). In questo stesso numero potrete trovare i nomi di quelle aziende che hanno firmato l’EFTTA Line Charter, l’iniziativa promossa per abolire l’etichettatura imprecisa sulle confezioni delle lenze. Tanto per citarne alcune: Powerline, Climax e Daiwa sono le ultimissime ad aver dato il proprio appoggio (vedere pagina 45). Dall’Atlantico giungono notizie incoraggianti: secondo quanto emerge da un’indagine sui consumatori, la pesca d’acqua dolce è nuovamente in crescita nel mercato di pesca più grande al mondo: l’America (pagina 22). Nella rivista vi proponiamo altresì un prospetto degli ultimisviluppi del Brasile, scelto da molte aziende che lo considerano il futuro mercato emergente (pagina 31). È una lettura che qualsiasi produttore intenzionato ad espandersi nel Sud America non dovrebbe farsi scappare. Per finire abbiamo anche un’anteprima del CGC Expo show in Cina (pagina 32) e notizie di un’azienda cinese dalle grandi ambizioni in Europa. Vi auguriamo una buona lettura!


AL FIT’ FOR MPANIES EUROPE were £6.5 million, of which around 20% was outside the UK. It employs 60 people. Dynamite Managing Director Marcus Twidale said the difficult decision to sell the business was made easier knowing that the product range, quality and service will continue and will benefit significantly from distribution and product synergies as part of the Rapala VMC Group. Twidale continues as MD of Dynamite and will work closely with the Rapala management team. His company has also taken the covers off its plans to diversify into fishing tackle products with the intention of becoming one of Europe’s biggest tackle brands. It has been gearing up for the tackle launch for the past 12 months, investing heavily in recruitment, improving its infrastructure and putting together an aggressive five-year plan. Now, with Rapala behind it, says Dynamite, the time is right to launch Dynamite Tackle. The new launch will ultimately take in the carp, match and predator sectors and the first products will be seen at EFTTEX in Amsterdam just nine months away. “Our brand is extremely well known and respected throughout Europe in all disciplines of fishing,” said Dynamite Baits’ Sales and Marketing Director Pete Chandler. “The brand has grown to such a level that retailers and wholesalers throughout the UK and Europe are repeatedly asking for a range of Dynamite tackle. “Rapala knows that Dynamite Baits is the best brand to help it become number one in carp fishing. It will be offering significant investment to ensure Dynamite Tackle products are of the highest possible quality in terms of production and innovation. We will be working closely with their trusted group of manufacturers around the globe, offering further assurances that Dynamite tackle will be of the highest quality.”

“We plan to have Dynamite tackle in the shops within a year... but it has to be right”

Dynamite’s Steve Cole expands on the details behind the press release that announced the company’s move into tackle. Angling International: When are we likely to see the first tackle products from Dynamite? Steve Cole: The plan is to show the first items of tackle at EFTTEX 2011, ready for an aggressive pre-sales initiative in September/October 2011. We plan to have tackle in shops for October 1st, but we won’t sacrifice quality to hit dates – in short, the products must be right before they hit the shelves! Which sector is likely to be the initial target? Will it be carp, match or predator or will you enter more than one sector at the same time? Carp and match will be the initial focus, with predator not far behind. Will you launch initially in the UK or will the alliance with Rapala enable a European launch? Both – as with the bait side of the business, we’ll launch direct to the retailer in the UK and via our trusted team of wholesalers throughout Europe. Where will Dynamite source its product development expertise? We will be recruiting a Dynamite Product Development Manager to develop an innovative range of tackle. We will also be sharing expertise and manufacturer contacts with Rapala.

Steve Cole of Dynamite: “We plan to show the first items at EFTTEX 2011.”

What brand values will Dynamite transfer from bait to tackle products? Dynamite Baits prides itself on top quality products, unique and effective packaging, the best sales service and the trade’s number one marketing team. This will all be transferred to the tackle business. In fact, we’re strengthening each area to ensure our tackle sales strategy is stronger than anyone else in the trade.

RAPALA RECORDS 15%SALESINCREASE Rapala’s acquisition of Dynamite Baits comes on the back of the company’s exciting financial performance for the first half of 2010. Doubledigit sales growth is accompanied by strong profitability and cash flow over the six-month period. Rapala has reported a 15% year on year increase in net sales for the second quarter, which reached a quarterly record level of €77.6 million. Following a similarly strong performance in the first quarter, the results mean that net sales for the first six months of 2010 have increased by 12% to €148.4 million. The double-digit sales growth is accompanied by strong profitability and cash flow over the six-month period. Comparable operating profit improved significantly from last year, reaching €12.6 million in April to June (compared to €10.2 million for the same period the previous year) and €24.4 million in January to June (€20.4 million the previous year). Comparable operating margin was up by over one percentage point at 16.2% for the quarter and a similar margin for the six-month period.

Reported operating profit was €12.5 million (€9.4 million) for the quarter and €24.2 million (€19.5 million) for six months. Net profit for the quarter increased 14% to €8.4 million (from €7.4 million) and to €17.5 million (from €13.6 million) for the first half of the year. Rapala’s stock exchange release reports that the net effect of currency movements had a positive impact on net sales and that with comparable exchange rates, net sales increased 5% for the quarter and 6% for the first half of the year. The Group’s strategy is for continued focus on cash flow, establishing new distribution units and performance improvement initiatives. Reducing working capital and increasing cash flow will continue to be the priorities for 2010 together with a strong emphasis on sales growth, innovation and the development of new products. “We are in a very powerful situation,” Rapala’s President and CEO Jorma Kasslin told Angling International. “Our distribution power is unique in the industry and we have excellent people running our companies. And let’s not forget, fishermen like our products.”

October 2010 Angling International



Assistant Editor wanted

Can you help improve angling’s fastest growing trade de magazine? Angling International is firmly established as a respected media brand in the angling trade. It has built its reputation on the quality of its content and on impeccable customer service. To best serve the trade in the future, we are embarking on a strategy of improved news provision and better industry analysis. Angling International now needs an experienced angling journalist to strengthen its team.

ASA RALL The new campai THE US TRIES gn ADE aga

AN FOR BES DP N T RO EWS D TO MAILE 34 DU ,0 , ESSES 11SIN CTS BU Essential reading October 2010 Issue 33

WHAT NEXT IN Haroutunian utunian and FLY FISHING? Swisher her debate the future futur utur uture August 2010 Issue 31


A new benchmark in multipliers

The design advances that place the Okuma Andros above its rivals p34

for buyers in the

GLOBAL TRADE NE WS Now online at a It aims to exploit a UK market p40 gap in the

How Rapa s to take a slila aim out of the Europce carp market ean p8

This is a genuine opportunity for the right person. References will be taken.

Participation increases in US sector key

This year’s musthave carp bait

Major survey revea fishing is growing ls freshwater again p22

Why Pure Fishing is staking so muchonBerkleyGulp!Carpp30


Molix enters Japanese marke t

“A genuine step forward in lines”

Why Hyperfluorocarbon 3Core was voted the winner of the EFTTEX mono award p31

Sébile honoured once again

How the US company won three awards in Valencia p32

tackle trade Now online at angling -international.c om

Zebco launch Browning Hybes rid

The rewards are there if you can prove:

● You have a proven track record in news journalism ● You have subbing and production skills ● You have a strong knowledge of angling and the angling trade ● You have a strong commitment to customer service


KASSLIN: WHY W E BOUGHT EFTTA AW WAR ON D Y NAMITE LINE CHEATS CH B A IT S Leading brands are are aamong first to sign new charter arte ar terr on labels te

Essential reading for buyers in the tackle trade



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The appeal of Europ ean lures is growing, it says p28


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Increase in visitors thrills the trade p31

Europe’s biggeste Cole on the company’s plan tackle brands page s to create one of 9

EFTTEX 2010: 10: THE EeryVERDICT VERDICT C CT Numbers were up, so o why hy wasn’t everybody y happ happy? stry reaction starts page 24. Full review with industry

For more details and to discuss terms, contact Angling International Editorial Director, Rob Carter on +44 1733 392975 or email


Angling International October 2010


Powerline takes first step into UK and Ireland


rench line specialist Powerline will be selling its products in the UK and Ireland for the first time following the completion of a distribution deal with Fishing Matters. Powerline began talking Céline Boutin (above) and with Mark Hamnett, owner of (far right) Thierry Jaheil. Fishing Matters, at EFTTEX in Valencia in June. An agreement was reached within two months and Powerline will be present to support its brands at the UK’s Tackle and Gun Show in October. Fishing Matters purchased the Partridge hooks brand from Mustad last year and also distributes a number of other New UK distributor: Mark Hamnett of Fishing Matters. brands including Owner, American Fishing Wire, Varivas, Marryat and Esox Lucius. “We see definite potential in this new relationship and are delighted to be working with Mark,” said Powerline’s International Business Manager Céline Boutin. “We will start with Powerline’s range of lines and our Jig Power jig heads and soft baits, but we will listen to Mark’s needs and will develop new product if necessary.” Mark Hamnett explained that the deal fits with his strategy to move his business increasingly away from

dependence on the fly fishing market, which is where the business originated. “The Powerline agreement is attractive to us because their business is middle market and they have lots of products for the saltwater sector. This is definitely a saltwater focus for us,” he said. “We will bring in a range initially and then increase it as the season develops.” The new deal marks the beginning of a busy time for Powerline, as it prepares to attend Germany’s ANSPO show in Kassel (September 24th-26th) and the LORIST show in Serbia (September 28th-October 3rd). Sandwiched inbetween (September 25th-October 2nd) is the World Boat Fishing Championships in Montenegro. As official sponsor of the French team, Powerline will be there to offer support. “ANSPO is important for us because we currently have no real distribution presence in Germany and I would like to find a big distributor at the show,” explained Céline. “We aim to strengthen our position in this big market. The same goes for LORIST. My focus this year remains to develop our representation in eastern Europe and hopefully the Serbian show will help me

get to know the market better and to establish distribution contacts.” As well as providing product and financial support for the French boat fishing team, Powerline works with team members on product development and at the big annual French trade shows in Clermont Ferrand and Nantes to promote new products. One of the team recently featured in a French movie using Powerline tackle to add an unexpected but welcome marketing boost. Angling International understands that Powerline is also talking to other possible exclusive partners but nothing is yet finalised. Powerline is also among the latest high profile manufacturers to sign the official EFTTA Line Charter. For details see page 45.

At the forefront: Powerline’s Jig Power jig heads will be among the first products launched into the UK.


US lure manufacturer Sébile has strengthened its sales operation in Latin America with the appointment of Philippe Garcia as Sales Manager. Garcia had previously combined the role with his job as an opthalmologist but has now committed to doing it full-time. “We may not be on the verge of selling millions of lures in Latin America because some of those countries have particular economic issues and the commercial regulations are different to the US and Europe,” said Garcia, who also has past experience as a technical engineer working on 12

Arianne Space Rocket motors. “But we now have a distributor in Argentina – Tech Tackle in Buenos Aires – and we have various contacts in Central and South America where discussions are going on. I am very aware of the Brazilian market and I am looking to gather information about potential strong distributors there. I read every page of Angling International on the look out for opportunities.” A passionate angler, Garcia will also be involved in Sébile’s international sales effort, with the exception of the US and Canada.

Angling International October 2010

Amiaud has declared its delight at the progress of its distribution deal with high-end Japanese hook manufacturer Hayabusa. The two companies first brokered the deal at the Yokohama Show in February before confirming the contract at EFTTEX in Valencia in June. Amiaud is the French company behind the high-quality Seanox, Carp’o and

Pike’n’Bass brands. The new deal makes it the exclusive distributor in France for Hayabusa’s full product range. This month, Amiaud’s Jean-Didier Raby will be receiving a delegation from Hayabusa at his headquarters in France as they begin to put plans in place to supply the French market with Hayabusa products. Jean-Didier Raby told Angling International: “This is an interesting move for us. It‘s a new product area but it’s a good fit. Both Amiaud and Hayabusa stand for high quality products.” For more details contact


Rapid progress inspires Sqod’s expansion plans


hinese manufacturer Sqod is quickly making a name for itself as a specialist in hand-made wooden lures. Although less than three years old, the company has a growing list of customers from Europe and various other parts of the world as it grows its reputation for quality products, punctual delivery and good pre- and after-sales service. “We make hard and soft plastic lures, but wooden lures are our speciality and that is what we are best known for,” said Sales Manager Johnson Yang. “The lure bodies are all hand-turned, then polished until they are perfectly smooth, again by hand. “Spray painting is followed by three clear coats to avoid fading. Only VMC and Mustad hooks are used for all our lures to assure perfect performance. Every lure is then tested at least three times before being shipped from our factory.“

Additional features of the lures include stainless steel through wire and screw eyes and heavy-duty split rings and swivels. Now the company, based in Guangdong, is looking to expand further and is planning on going to China Fish in Beijing in February in order to grow its OEM customer base. It is also considering taking a booth at the CGC Show in Weihai in October 2011. Further information is available at +86 769 8894 3242; sqodlures@gmailcom;

“We make hard and soft plastic lures, but wooden lures are our speciality.”

Fulling Mill adds trade order section to its website, with more to follow The new and improved website launched by global fly brand Fulling Mill features a new trade order section especially for dealers. The user-friendly section has a highly advanced search facility and has been designed to simplify the process of ordering products, either by searching for specific products or simply entering the appropriate code. Orders placed online automatically filter to Fulling Mill’s back office systems and dealers are able to see if product is in stock, check balances and store orders online. The new facility is just one of a number of new features on the site, which also has a download area where customers can access warranties and instruction booklets. The most popular features from the previous site have also been retained but are captured in a more user-friendly, contemporary design and layout, with expanded product descriptions. The UK-based company has more than 5000 products in its range and all 14

of these can be found via an easy and intuitive search system. Said Fulling Mill owner Barry Unwin: “With the growth of web sales generally, we wanted to offer a secure, dedicated and easy-to-use facility to the trade that enables them to place orders, access account details and look through the entire Fulling Mill collection at their leisure. This great new site certainly provides all that and more, with further developments already in the pipeline.” Fulling Mill, whose Oliver Edward’s Golden Stonefly Nymph was featured on the cover of last month’s Angling international, manufactures and distributes quality flies and fly fishing equipment and has more

Angling International October 2010

Above and left: Sqod lures are selling well in Europe and elsewhere.

than 500 dealers/distributors. Further information about the company’s products and services is available by calling +44 1293 778600, emailing sales@ or visiting the website

HARDY PUTS ITS BRANDS ON FACEBOOK The Hardy, Greys and Chub brands can now be found on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. The move is part of a wider social media marketing strategy being put in place by the UK company. “Facebook is a great space in which to reach our customers,” said Hardy and Greys Marketing Executive Cat McGinty. “We hope to create spaces that become hubs of communication and news on fishing related subjects. “These pages will run in conjunction with our websites, but Facebook is more about community and interaction. Visitors will be able to upload pictures of their catches and take part in online discussions.” Facebook is now the most visited site in the UK and has over 400 million active users worldwide.


New AFFTA Chairman: ‘We need to serve the trade better’


ew American Fly Fishing Trade Association Chairman Jim Klug (left) has identified the key issues facing the Association and the industry as he prepares to assume his new role after the International Fishing Tackle Dealer show in Denver. Klug, the founder of Yellow Dog Adventures, has told Angling International that whether working with retailers or manufacturers, guides or sales reps, he and his fellow Board members “need to be able to effectively and energetically answer the question ‘What is AFFTA doing for me?’” As AFFTA prepared to open the doors on the inaugral IFTD show, he said: “We need to strengthen and build our annual industry show, focusing on ways to increase participation and attendance, and on increasing benefits for those that do attend, that is, what people are actually getting out of the show! “We now own our own industry show – something that is very exciting for AFFTA and for our membership. We have the ability to create a show format and an overall offering that suits the needs of our members and provides them with the tools they need to improve their businesses and increase their profitability. “AFFTA needs to attract more members from the retail, guide and outfitting side of the industry, and needs to focus on ways that it can be serving these elements of the fly fishing industry in addition to the

manufacturers and vendors that play such a crucial role in our organisation.” In what might be considered a blueprint for the way AFFTA conducts itself and its business, Klug continued: “We need to continue our efforts to make the work of AFFTA and the actions of the Board as open and transparent as possible. From open Board elections to decisions on when and where our annual trade show will be held, we need to conduct our business in an open and democratic way that gives all AFFTA members a say in what is happening. “Finally, we need to focus on new and innovative ways to promote fly fishing to new and potential participants. We will need to take a hard look at the current Discover Fly Fishing programme and figure out a way to inject it with new life and new energy.” AFFTA can be satisfied that much of significance has happened in recent months, including the Board elections for the 2011-2014 term, and a major spike in new members joining the Association. In 2009, six people ran for five open Board seats. Last month, 29 people ran for seven open Board seats. In the past two months, over 40 new member businesses have joined AFFTA as first-time members – the largest percentage increase in years. “We are moving things in the right direction, and look forward to continuing these efforts in the near future,” concluded Klug.

New initiative encourages HARDY IS TOP BRAND fly anglers to be cleaner The Center for Aquatic Nuisance Species (CANS) in the US is calling on the fly fishing industry to throw its weight behind the launch of a new body, the Clean Angling Coalition (CAC). The initiative is, it says, even more important than catch and release. The issue of aquatic invasive species has become very high profile in the last two years, with CANS regularly drawing attention to its impact on every aspect of fishing in its monthly electronic newsletter, Clean Angling News. Felt bans are already changing attitudes to gear; access to fishing is being reduced; new regulations are affecting how anglers fish; and new fees are increasing costs. “In short, aquatic invasive species are damaging our resources and creating new barriers to fishing,” states Clean Angling News. “Now 16

is the time for us to join together.” The single objective of the newly formed CAC is to encourage the widespread adoption of a clean ethic among all anglers. Rod and wader companies, outfitters, fly shops and guides are among those being targeted. Coalition members will be encouraged to promote the message of ‘clean, inspect and dry’ and to use logos and other materials to promote the initiative. Clean Angling News points out that the Coalition is only as strong as its membership, saying: “Aquatic invasive species will have big impacts on fly fishing in the future and we need to join together to support solutions.” To get involved in the Clean Angler campaign and to learn more about the Coalition’s goals and benefits visit

Angling International October 2010

Hardy has been voted favourite brand in the annual survey conducted among members of Fly Fishing Forums (www. Second and third positions among fly fishing manufacturers were filled by Sage and Greys respectively. After his winning UK-based company captured nearly a quarter of the votes, Managing Director Richard Sanderson said: “This is great news for such an iconic British brand and a reflection by fly anglers towards the new generation of product the company has been delivering over the years. We take great pride in making sure we listen to the needs of anglers, which makes this result all the more pleasing.” Richard Hewitt, Managing Director of Fish and Fly, said: “The very large audience gathered in our forums is seen by the industry to be knowledgeable, enthusiastic and highly influential. Our annual survey produces a very detailed picture of consumer behaviour and trends and we’re delighted the industry finds this information valuable.” Fish and Fly claims over 450,000 visits and 3.5 million page views each month across its portfolio of websites.


EAGLE CLAW TARGETS ‘GREEN’ CONSUMERS WITH REBRANDED PRODUCT RANGE Bioline, the world’s first eco-friendly biofilament will be the flagship product in a 500-strong inventory under the new ‘Fish Green’ banner. “We’re helping protect the future of fishing,” says Eagle Claw’s Chris Russell.


ish Green’. That’s the message coming loud and clear out of Denver. Eagle Claw, the Denver-based terminal tackle specialist and line manufacturer with customers around the world, has rebranded 500 Chris Russell: “Consumers of its most environmentally are becoming more aware sound products in a major of green alternatives.” effort to promote sustainable fishing and protect the future of the sport. Fish Green is a broad concept encompassing Eagle Claw products that are either environmentally sound, biodegradable or contribute to conservation in some way. The concept covers Eagle Claw packaging that is degradable, materials that Eagle Claw sources from suppliers and products that contribute towards catch and release. The range includes existing products and planned new launches. All the products will be branded with a new Fish Green logo. The initiative will be supported by advertising in the consumer press in 2011 and by a new consumer-facing micro-site linked to the Eagle Claw website. At the centre of the Fish Green range is Eagle Claw Bioline. Launched earlier this year as the first ever eco-friendly biofilament, Bioline is, says Eagle Claw, 100% biodegradable, having been designed to fully degrade in landfills and marine environments within five years. The monofilament line made an immediate impact within the trade by being highly commended

in the EFTTEX Best New Products Awards in Valencia in June. Eagle Claw expects Bioline – together with the other Fish Green products – to have an equally powerful impact on consumers. Says Eagle Claw Marketing & Product Director Chris Russell: “Consumers are becoming more aware of green alternatives in their everyday lives, even as far as the cars they drive. And anglers are at the forefront of that. Retailers have been telling us of the growth in lead replacement products, for example, so we know there is a market out there. “Yes, there is a commercial win here for Eagle Claw,” he continued, “but this is more important than that. All our livelihoods depend on clean water and good environmental conditions so we are delighted to be playing our part to help improve the situation where we can. It protects the future of fishing.” The message is that all manufacturers should look to follow Eagle Claw’s lead, but it’s also true that some will find it less easy to define their brands as ‘green’. Eagle Claw, says Chris Russell, has been able to capitalise on a rich heritage of environmentally sound products and business practices. In short, anglers trust its green credentials and it has been able to develop and promote a product range around that. “Eagle Claw has always given thought to the

“Yes, there is a commercial win here, but this is more important than that. All our livelihoods depend on clean water and good environmental conditions.” – Chris Russell 18

Angling International October 2010

environment from a manufacturing standpoint. For example, the water we release back into the Denver water system is cleaner than when we first get it. “And we have been involved in circle hooks R&D for years. In fact, Eagle Claw was a pioneer 25 years ago in making circle hooks mandatory wherever they could be in order to reduce fish mortality. We have also been selling and marketing a large assortment of lead replacement weights throughout the world. So we feel Eagle Claw has a very strong ‘green base’ to build from.” The impetus for the Fish Green initiative came from the very top. Eagle Claw President John Jilling announced that he wanted to capitalise on the company’s credentials to become a ‘leader in this field’. The key decision was to acquire the technology behind Bioline, which at the time existed in a very different industry – medical stitching. Bioline was acquired a year ago. At the time it was

The science behind Bioline Bioline is made from a specialised formula of 100% biodegradable polymers. Unlike traditional monofilament, Bioline’s special polymers are engineered to retain their full tensile strength for the first 10-12 months of use. After that time, bacteria begin to break down the line at the surface. The line completely biodegrades within five years with the aid of bacteria, sunlight and moisture. Bioline packaging is also an environmentally-friendly product. The clam cover is designed to be air and water tight, reusable, recyclable and will protect Bioline for many years if stored in a cool, dry place.

The new Fish Green logo (left) and (above) some of the 500 environmentally sound Eagle Claw products that will carry the logo in future.

a small fishing division of a much larger medical company that specialised in biodegradable line for hospitals. Eagle Claw purchased the fishing division and all rights, technology and patents. It was, says Chris Russell, the perfect fit for what Eagle Claw was looking to achieve. “We felt the product had real merit but needed the credibility of a strong brand that consumers were used to using. By marrying Eagle Claw and Bioline together it makes for a trusted brand and an innovative new product that consumers are willing to try.”

The st strength the proposition has yett to b be Th th off th itio ha fully tested (“It’s too early for sales figures,” says Russell) but feedback from distributors at EFTTEX and ICAST and from retailers has been positive. “Fish Green products will be available internationally,” says Chris Russell. “Consumers will see the logo on the packaging of all our products that have a distinct advantage over what is currently on the market.”, +1 720 941 8667,

“By marrying Eagle Claw and Bioline together, it makes for a trusted brand and an innovative new product that consumers are willing to try.” – Eagle Claw October 2010 Angling International



New body takes control of $20 billion Gulf oil spill fund


ngling businesses seeking compensation for losses caused by the Gulf oil spill are being urged to check the status of their claims well ahead of the final deadline of November 23rd. That’s because the responsibility for overseeing the claims process has been transferred from BP to the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF), an independent body which was established following an agreement between the Obama Administration and BP officials. The GCCF is in charge of distributing the $20 billion BP Deepwater Horizon Disaster Victim Compensation Fund. All personal and business claims and

supporting documentation that were previously filed with the BP Claims Process have been transferred to the GCCF. But, warns The American Sportfishing Association (ASA), claimants must file new forms to the GCCF to receive Emergency Advance Payments or a Final Payment for damages or losses. In a message to the trade, ASA advises seeking more information about the new claims process. Businesses should visit More information can also be obtained at +1 800 916 4893 or emailing Additional economic assistance is available through the Small Business Administration (SBA). The SBA

is offering Economic Injury Disaster Loans to small businesses that have suffered financial loss as a result of the Gulf oil spill. The agency will accept loan applications for up to $2 million at an interest rate of 4%. As of August 20th, all state waters that were affected by the oil spill have been reopened to recreational fishing, and approximately 78% of Gulf federal waters are open. ASA says it will continue to work to help mitigate the impacts of the disaster. For more information contact Gordon Robertson, Vice president and Government Affairs Lead, +1 703 519 9691, x237, Mike Leonard, Ocean Resource Policy Director, x230, or Alyssa Hausman, Policy Fellow, x244.

Serbian show targets increase NEW SVENDSEN CATALOGUE Some 50,000 visitors are expected to visit the Master Congress Centre in the Serbian city of Novi Sad between September 28th and October 3rd for the 43rd annual LORIST International Fair of Hunting, Fishing and Sport. Co-organiser Stanko Popovic of Mont Press Co-organiser of the LORIST Publishing, whose Ribolovacki show: Stanko Popovic. and Fishing International magazines plus river ecology action group REKA sponsor the show’s product awards and junior involvement project, is confident of raising 2009’s attendance of 45,000. “The fair is a combined trade and consumer event which represents the opportunity to present possibilities in hunting and fishing tourism, and 20

domestic and foreign products for hunters and anglers. It is also aimed at nature lovers, and supported by a number of other events including trophies, catering, horticulture plus a dog show,” said Popovic. “In fishing terms this is the largest and most important event of its kind in south-eastern Europe. There will be exhibitors, distributors, agents and visits from neighbouring Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Slovakia and Czech Republic. “Other attractions include environmental protection seminars, a water-themed art section plus competitions including cooking fish soup and fish goulash for visitors and also media crews. Having discounted the price of some ticket categories this year I expect more visitors,” he added. For more information call + 381 21 483 01 05; email or visit the website

Angling International October 2010

The Svendsen Sport Trade Catalogue 2011 is now available. The 188 productpacked pages feature all the new product from Svendsen’s brands including Okuma, Prologic, DDbait, Savage Gear, Imax, Ron Thompson, Scierra and Hansen. Most dealers will automatically receive the catalogue. Others can order it at or on +45 46 191913. “There is some really amazing stuff to be found among the new products,” said Mads Grosell, Head of Product Development for the Denmark-based company.

October 2010 Angling International




A Special Report conducted by RBFF has provided key insights into boating and fishing participation patterns in the world’s largest angling market – and there is enough good news to cheer the trade.


he number of Americans participating in freshwater fishing has increased in the past year, a new nationwide survey reveals. The Special Report on Fishing and Boating conducted by Recreational Boating and RBFF President and CEO Fishing Federation (RBFF) Frank Peterson. and The Outdoor Foundation revealed that of the 48 million anglers in the United States, 41 million are participating in freshwater fishing. The figure represents an increase of 2% on the previous year and halts a two-year downward trend. In announcing the findings of the survey, RBFF President and CEO Frank Peterson said: “Although overall participation is down slightly from 2008, we’re delighted to see that freshwater fishing, which is by far the most popular type of fishing in the US, has been able to reverse a two-year downward trend into a one-year positive increase in participation.” The report covers participation by gender, age,

ethnicity, income, education and geographic region. There is much in it that will cheer the industry in the US, not least the proportion of anglers that are under 18 years of age; this ‘next generation‘ of anglers, the survey finds, makes up more than 23% of all fishing participants. Altogether, there are 11.2 million fishing participants aged six to 17, which is unchanged from 2008. The survey also discovered that youth participation in fishing drops from 25.4% among those aged six to 12 to 19% among those aged 13 to 17. Time, other sports/activities, schoolwork, TV and video games are cited as barriers. Female participation in fishing falls significantly more than males through adolescence, down 44% as opposed to 12.9%. “This Special Report is full of valuable information to help stakeholders shape their future marketing and education programmes,” said Peterson. To prove the point, RBFF worked with The Outdoor Foundation to launch a major youth outdoors movement in the summer in New York City’s Central Park, where 500 youth delegates convened to discuss ways to motivate more kids to spend time outside. The ideas included making outdoor classes a

“We’re delighted that the most popular type of fishing in the US has been able to reverse a two-year downward trend.” 22

Angling International October 2010

requirement in schools; providing local opportunities for outdoor jobs and careers; promoting safer parks with free events and youth programmes; forming partnerships with universities to provide internship credits for students who help educate, provide recreation experiences and mentor the youth on outdoor issues; and creating a social norm that moves away from electronic companionship and toward outdoor experiences. “The future of any sport lies in engaging its youngest members, so reaching individuals in their early years is critical,” said The Outdoor Foundation’s Executive Director Christine Fanning. “The Special Report includes some important insights to motivating not only youth, but also adult participation in fishing and boating.” RBFF is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to increase participation in recreational angling and boating, thereby protecting and restoring the nation’s aquatic natural resources. It helps people discover, share and protect the legacy of boating and fishing through national outreach programmes including the Take Me Fishing™ campaign and Anglers’ Legacy™. Email or visit


Child’s play: in 2009 more than 11 million under-17-year-olds we nt fishing.


“There are 20 million boat owners in the US”

● 7.3% of all Americans aged over 16 (approximately 20.5 million) own a boat. ● Nearly ten million outdoor enthusiasts are considering boat ownership. ● Bass boats are the most popular boat type at 18.6%, followed by deck/pontoon at 14.5%. ● The majority of owners (78.5%) own only one boat. Nearly 50% of boaters purchased their boat new, and of those, 87.2% purchased from dealerships. Those buying used boats sourced them primarily from friends and newspaper ads. ● In 2009, more than 50 million participants (17.9% of Americans) aged 16 and older went boating. This resulted in a total of 705 million boating days in 2009, with 21 average annual days spent on the water. ● After cruising, fishing from a boat is the second most popular boating activity.


“Youngsters hold the key in freshwater”

● In 2009, fishing participants made 996 million outings (down slightly from one billion in 2008). ● More than 45% of fishing participants say the economy impacts how often they participate in outdoor activities. More than 85% of those fishing participants plan to spend more time participating in outdoor activities in 2010. ● Freshwater fishing is most popular among young people, with more than 22.5% participation under the age of 18 (down slightly from 24.6% in 2008). ● The largest age bracket of saltwater fishing participants is over the age of 45, making up 48.1% of all participants. ● Fly fishing has significant growth opportunities across a number of demographics, particularly females (25.2% of participants), minority groups (21.5% of participants), and youth (16.1% of participants).


“Hispanics are fishing more often”

● 13.6% of Hispanics over the age of six fish – more than 70% are male. ● In 2009, Hispanic fishing participants made more than 62 million annual outings (up from 45.8 million in 2008). ● Hispanic youth ages six to 12 have the highest participation rate among all age groups (17.4%).

New appointment strengthens RBFF Recently-appointed Marketing VP of the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF), Michelle Lampher, will be a “tremendous asset” in growing participation in the US, says RBFF President and CEO Frank Peterson. “Michelle is a proven leader and successful marketing expert,” Michelle Lampher has added Peterson. “She has prior joined as Marketing experience as a business owner Vice-president. and marketing development specialist, as well as youth education experience.” Lampher, who will provide marketing strategy for the Foundation’s products and programmes including the award-winning Take Me Fishing campaign, will execute a consumer marketing plan that integrates advertising, communications, event marketing and stakeholder adoption of the Foundation’s brands. She will also oversee the development of corporate sponsorship packages to support RBFF programmes, products and outreach efforts. The role combines both her professional and personal interests. “My family has always fished so I’m thrilled to further this legacy utilising my youth education and marketing experience,” Lampher told Angling International. “Increasing participation is paramount. We’re working to do that by identifying new methods to keep anglers engaged, encouraging avid anglers to introduce newcomers to the sport and developing fun, experiential educational programming to engage youth.” Lampher was formerly President of Better World Strategies LLC, a consulting firm providing strategic planning, marketing and development services to non-profit organisations. She also worked for the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and has held executive positions with Youth For Understanding International Exchange and the National Association of Secondary School Principals.

October 2010 Angling International





The turnabout in the fortunes of America’s leading trade show – confirmed in Vegas with another well-attended expo – is an object lesson in how to reinvent an ailing business, writes Mel Bagnall.


lorida was always going to be a hard act to follow. Last year’s ICAST show was an amazing success and the turnout of dealers silenced the doubters. But if anybody in the business was in any doubt that Las Vegas remains a top attraction for the world’s fishing tackle industry then this


year’s spectacle surely put their minds at rest. Figures released by the American Sportfishing Association, the show’s organisers, suggest that 2010 fell only narrowly short of 2009. With 7,200 industry representatives attending, it’s proof that the gambling centre of the world is still a safe bet! Each venue will always have its supporters,

if only for geographical reasons. Substantial cash can be saved depending on where you live. But ASA is now in the enviable position of knowing that it has two proven venues for staging its annual showcase. Quite what it will do with that knowledge is yet to be seen. ICAST returns to Vegas in 2011 and a contract has been signed for

ICAST 2010 hosted more than 7,200 representatives of the sportfishing industry over its three days, around fewer people at the show. The 413 exhibitors (occupying 1,223 booths) numbered 17 more than last year. 900 international attendees outstripped last year’s comparative figure of 700 and indicates ICAST’s growing 24

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“We needed to show the leading companies that we could change things. The show was the number one priority.” – Jeff Pontius Orlando for 2012, but beyond that the jury is still out. Some insiders predict the show will eventually alternate between Orlando and Vegas, but reports that this decision has already been taken are premature. Outgoing Board Chairman Jeff Pontius confirmed that a membership survey had showed 46% in favour of Vegas and 43% preferring Orlando. “We have never seen that level of support for another city and it seems likely that from time to time we will use Orlando for ICAST,” he said. “We have signed the contract for Orlando in 2012 and we have the options for both for the following two years. Orlando is certainly chasing us – it is the only US city growing its number of trade shows right now. We will extend the time horizon for booking venues as convention centres need a certain lead time.”

dent and CEO Mike Nussman succeeded Mike Hayden, a former Governor of Kansas. “It was the first step in the Board recognising the problem and resolving to fix it,” recalled Pontius. “We needed to show the leading companies that we could change things and we needed to address the show – which was the number one thing the membership was asking for. “Delivering the show was the first priority, a basic function. It also funded a lot of other activity, so it made sense to focus on it. The second step was appointing key people – including Maria Del Valle – to run the show, and the third step was to stay in one location, Las Vegas, and get the show fixed and healthy.” Efforts were made to listen to the show committee, to people who had run shows successfully in other industries and to act on research conducted among its members. ICAST hasn’t looked back. Shimano was convinced back onto the show floor and Daiwa and Zebco re-committed. Today the Association has a strong balance sheet and no debt. It has the potential to borrow if necessary. Changes continue to be made (the New Product Showcase was updated in 2009) and the change to Orlando was a brave but successful innovation. Vegas 2010 is evidence that ICAST is still moving forward, despite the harsh economy of the past two years, ongoing access issues and the cruel Gulf oil spill.

Below: Locating the show in Las Vegas began a period of recovery which saw support from major brands like Zebco begin to increase.

This year’s show was certainly confirmation, if any was needed, that ICAST has recovered from the problems experienced a decade ago. It has spectacularly reinvented itself. With the ASA leadership being accused of not being in touch and spending too much time focused on Washington rather than its membership, the show had declined for several years, as had support for the Association. Shimano wasn’t attending the show, Daiwa’s presence was intermittent and Zebco was ready to pull out. The ASA’s response was to move the show from city to city and to try to add further attractions. In 2000 it co-located with the Bassmaster Classic in Chicago, but the show was poor and concern increased. A turning point came when current Presi-


200 less than the previous year in Orlando and perhaps an indication that some companies deployed More than 2,200 buyers and 525 media compared to 2,300 and 525 the previous year. However, the appeal to overseas buyers. Once again, ICAST attracted attendees from 63 countries. October 2010 Angling International





> “This ICAST was without doubt our best ever” What the exhibitors said about Las Vegas 2010. Frédéric Parrier

Advancium Technologies “We were a first time exhibitor at ICAST this year. We were very busy and met most of the people we were expecting to see there. The show was well organised with great professionalism and it was a great success for us. I’m very satisfied.” +33 4 72 784 583

Ben Secrest

VP Sales & Marketing, Accurate Fishing Products “The 2010 ICAST was a good show for us to see our current domestic customer base as well as meet some new international dealers. We heard from many of our dealers that business was slower this year than they had seen in some time, but the high-end goods gave them an opportunity to capitalise on sales to those consumers with a disposable income. Business has been steady for us with both domestic and international customers focusing more on higher margin products and doing a better job of selling the goods with more product knowledge focus. In general the economy has made both manufacturers and dealers bring their game up, selling products to the consumer for specific product use. This gives the consumers a more positive experience and creates further opportunities for the dealers to do more business with repeat consumers because they have established credibility with their customers.” +1 951 479 0909 ext.11

Yvette Rodriguez

Event Manager/Marketing Coordinator, American Fishing Wire/Hi Seas “ICAST in Las Vegas this past July proved to be a very important show for us to increase brand awareness and media publicity. We introduced several new wires such as Titanium Surfstrand, which has unmatched flexibility for a leader wire, and Copper Surfstrand, which sinks more rapidly than stainless steel for deeper trolling. Although ICAST typically isn’t an order writing show for us, it did provide the opportunity to meet and establish new contacts and 26

solidify our relationship with current customers. Our brand new booth display was also an important factor to expose our products to the industry and media in a more professional exhibit. The contemporary exhibit showcased our products effectively and undoubtedly was noticed by more people. It proved to the industry that we are a growing company doing our best to gain more market share – successfully – in the saturated market of fishing lines.” +1 610 466 6100 ext.102

Sandrine Weiss

Delalande Pêche “Our first ever ICAST was an interesting show. As a manufacturer and designer of lures, we were able to make very good contact with wholesalers, retailers and famous American guides. We also met many people from the South American countries. They were very interested to see that we manufacture soft lures and jig heads in Europe, and amazed to see the shapes of our lures and how they fish. Those looking for new and quality products found ours to be very good value.”

Tim Carter

Marketing Manager, Halco Tackle “As far as business was concerned, this ICAST was without doubt our best ever. We saw all of our major clients and we also had the opportunity to speak with a number of major prospective clients. Visitor numbers to the show may have been down a little by our estimates, but the people that attended were high quality and that’s what’s important. We also had a chance to take all our reps through the whole product line again, enabling them to impart the necessary product knowledge onto the dealers so they can sell the product with confidence. The venue is top notch and on a par with Orlando. We like the idea of alternating between the two venues but will wait to see what the organisers come up with in the future. Maria Del Valle Hamilton and her team do an extraordinary job and know how to put on a great show.” +61 8 9430 5080

Keith Kessler

Managing Director, Aquateko “ICAST 2010 was better than I expected given the economy, oil spill and location of the show. I found the attendance from foreign companies to be quite good while US dealers were really lacking. I was somewhat disappointed in the lack of Midwest and East Coast buyers. I truly believe that this show should alternate between East Coast, West Coast and possibly Texas locations every year. Given the amount of annual dollars spent on fishing on the East Coast, not being there on a regular basis reduces the attendance significantly and forces the cost/benefit analysis to be replayed each and every year. Since the show is already scheduled for Las Vegas next year, we may at-

Angling International October 2010

tend. But if the location doesn’t change, ICAST 2012 will probably be a year that we skip.” +1 904 273 7200

Daniel Cornell

CEO, Boomerang Tool Company “Vegas is a great venue because it brings fresh and salt fishermen. Orlando was heavily biased towards saltwater. While we offer products for both, the wider the audience the better. All of our relationships have come from ICAST. The attendee flow is light and a larger percentage of folks are guests and advertisers, but at least the guests are enthusiasts! We think magazines like Angling International can act like trade shows for us, but consumer advertising has been unmeasurable. Brand matters, but dealer network is more important to us at this stage. The new product showcase is a yawn and lacks any zip. Not enough categories include different products and you see more innovations walking the aisles. That is the second largest missed opportunity at the show. The other is the lack of very special treatment for ‘buyers’ that have been vetted. Most tell me they don’t learn enough to justify the cost of attending show. Having said that, we will always attend ICAST and try to get some change. Trade shows work for us in pursuing our goals.” +1 650 949 5313

Linda Sheldon

Vice-president, Flying Fisherman “The 2010 ICAST show was a good venue for the global sportfishing industry and its representatives to communicate their product messages to the powers that be… buyers. It’s the best annual opportunity to present new products to sales reps, existing customers and the media, and attract new buyers, both from the US and abroad. Being based in the Florida Keys, we enjoyed the Orlando venue. However, the Las Vegas show seems to provide a lot more after-show networking opportunities, especially in the Hilton Hotel headquarters. Overall, this year’s show was a success for the Flying Fisherman brand.” +1 305 852 8989 or 0800 335 9347

Scott Montgomery

Vice-president of Operations, Big Bite Baits “We felt the show was very good from our perspective. Our booth was busy all three days and we had good meetings with our current customers and developed some relationships with new customers. Our new products were very well received and we have received a high number of orders since the show concluded. We also had good meetings with our media and advertising partners during the show. All of our sales reps attended and it was a good opportunity to review programmes with them, discuss opportunities in their territories and educate them about new products. Vegas is not our first choice of places to visit but ICAST shows held there are always well attended and we were pleased with the outcome.”

October 2010 Angling International



Molix to sell its lures in Japan


talian lure company Molix has established a new joint venture company to distribute its products in Japan. Running the new business is Paolo Cartocci Uchida who will be based in Hiroshima. Product is already available. “The co-operation Paolo Vannini: “The Japanese between Molix and Uchida market is changing.” will drive innovation and development of products for the Japanese market,” said Molix International Sales Manager Paolo Vannini. “We have started with the products we have, backed by good inventory and product line. But we will develop products especially for Japan in the future. “We considered several other options with big

distributors but preferred to work with an appointment who will be totally focused on selling Molix. It is our policy to work with people who love the company and its products so we can grow that person and develop them over time in line with the company’s objectives.” Vannini believes that the market in Japan is changing and this presents an opportunity. “The Japanese have traditionally favoured domestic products but the situation is gradually changing there. We see a change of mentality in the greater acceptance of imported products.” Further information from, +39 051 88 7919 or

Paolo Cartocci Uchida has been appointed to run the new business.

Sasame celebrates opening of new warehouse

Completed: the new building also has office space.

Sasame, the Japanese manufacturer of hooks and other fishing tackle products, will celebrate the completion of its new five-storey office and warehouse facility by inviting more than 150 trade guests to an official opening party on September 29th. Export Manager Takaki Oda told Angling International that around

50 domestic wholesalers, the company’s overseas distributors and domestic suppliers, plus representatives from well-known chain stores, had been invited to the occasion. “This is a big step forward for Sasame and we want to share it with our friends and customers from the industry,” he said.

Spiderthread targets Europe Canadian braid manufacturer Spiderthread has hired Charismatic Marketing to help it break into Europe. Charismatic boss Chris Leibbrandt will be the company’s factory representative for sales and will also assist with advertising, media coverage and distributor agreements. Spiderthread’s CEO Barry Westall explained: “Europe as a market for North Americans is quite tricky, so we wanted more than just a salesman. We wanted someone who knows the market inside-out, who understands the finer points of marketing and how to get a brand known. Chris’s experience in marketing and advertising will help us find the right distribution channels and the most effective advertising methods.” Leibbrandt welcomes the idea of working with a “special product” that he saw first hand at ICAST in Las Vegas in July. “Spiderthread has already done a great deal to make this product succeed, creating a high tension bonding system to produce a compact, round braid,” he said. “But what really differentiates the 28

brand is not just the technical performance but the exceptional branding. The look and packaging will appeal to a young and fashion-conscious market, particularly in the predator market.” UK contact: +44 1684 296695, info@charismatic, Canada contact: +1 905 683 8989, redwing@,

Angling International October 2010

Sasame has been making hooks since 1946 and began overseas sales 12 years ago. The expanding company also produces lines, swivels, reels and accessories and has overseas subsidiaries in China and Thailand. For further information email or call +81 795 772622.


Daiwa has added further momentum to EFTTA’s campaign to clean up line labelling by signing the Association’s official line charter. The huge Japanese company, with offices around the world, joins other brands including Powerline, Ockert, Parallelium, Sufix and Fox International. Daiwa’s commitment is powerful support for EFTTA and its CEO Jean-Claude Bel, who is determined to stamp out the practice of companies printing misleading data on their products by getting the industry to commit to a common, best-practice pledge, thus exposing those companies who decline to be involved. EFTTA has pointed out that dishonest claims on line packaging create an unfair competitive advantage and that honest companies are penalised. President Pierangelo Zanetta has already written to the industry warning that failure to comply to correct labelling can be very dangerous financially for those companies faced with heavy fines. Angling International will bring you monthly updates on the EFTTA Line Charter, printing the names of those businesses who have signed.


Sales agent wanted in USA Can you help take angling’s fastest growing trade title to the next level?

Angling International is firmly established as a respected media brand in the angling trade. It is the official magazine of EFTTA and the EFTTEX trade show and is mailed monthly to more distributors and wholesalers in Europe and the rest of the world than any other international trade title. More and more US companies are recognising the advantages of using Angling International to grow their international businesses.

Now we want to make Angling International the No.1 choice for American exporters. As part of this strategy for accelerated growth, the magazine has an immediate need for an experienced sales agent in the USA. The rewards are there if you can prove: ASA RALLIES The new campaign to THE US TRADE keep America fishing p25 September 2010 Issue 32



Essential reading for buyers in the tackle trade Now online at


Carp Zoom launches new hardware range p18

IS FLY SECTOR BOUNCING BACK? Key industry figures reveal their renewed optimism ahead of Denver.

New deal strengthens Zebco “I feel great about the show” in Scandinavia p21 Show Director Randi Swisher prepares for the new IFTD p6 Ockert launches into South African market p8 Angler Pro appointed by American Tackle in Europe p10 ANSPO adds new consumer area to show p16

“This is the best rod ever. Period.” Steve Rajeff on the G.Loomis NRX p46 “This has been our best year for rod sales.” Snowbee’s Simon Kidd on his company’s rise p46 “We’re maintaining our sales worldwide.” Jeff Wieringa on Scientific Anglers’ launch strategy p41


● You are a self-motivated self-starter with a proven track record in on-page sales in the US angling industry ● You have strong connections among the key decision-makers in the US angling trade This is a genuine opportunity for the right person. References from within the trade will be taken.

For more details and to discuss terms, contact Angling International Director Rob Carter on +44 1733 392975 or email October 2009 Angling International



Increase in show visitors proves Brazil is on an upwards curve


he fourth annual Brazilian Sport Fishing Trade Show has been hailed as an overwhelming success, with visitor numbers and sales soaring during the three-day event which took place in Sao Paulo between August 3rd and 5th. Exhibitors and attendees flocked from all over South and North America to the Frei Caneca Convention Centre, where they were rewarded with buoyant trade from a record number of attendees. The show’s organiser Fernando Baracho Martinelli admitted he was pleasantly surprised by the turnout, and has already instigated plans to expand next year’s event to cope with the burgeoning demand. “The show was a great success, far exceeding our expectations. We had about 55 exhibitors this year, including many heavyweight brands such as Shimano, Daiwa, Penn, Strike Pro, Quantum and Eagle Claw. They enjoyed an amazing 50% hike in sales compared to 2009’s show, and almost all of them have already confirmed they will be coming again next year. “In addition, visitor numbers rose by 20% to approximately 5,000,” said Fernando, who believes Brazil’s strong economy and rapidly expanding sportfishing sector were the main drivers behind the growth. He added: “There’s little doubt that the Brazilian fishing market is booming, fuelled by a strong internal economy. We added an extra 500 sqm of floor space this year, and had six new companies exhibiting. For 2011, we are expanding the show’s floor space by an extra 2,500 sqm to accommodate a number of companies who wanted to come but who we just couldn’t fit in. “In particular, next year we are expecting more companies from the tourism sector, which will be another step towards consolidating the Brazilian show’s position on the international fishing show calendar.” Line company First Dart was among the exhibitors

and Group Marketing Manager Simon Henton was full of praise for the show. “It was excellent, better than I expected. The level of professionalism from the exhibitors was as good as EFTTEX but it was the optimism from the visitors that made the real difference. The Brazilian market is really developing fast and the organisers are working hard to capitalise on it. The mechanics of the show worked really well – with no problems with set-up or take-down. It was a pleasure to be there and we met many companies interested in our products on an OEM basis. We have several ongoing conversations about appointing a distributor for our FirstDart brand.” These sentiments were echoed by Nick Clark, exhibiting at Sao Paulo with North American tackle manufacturer Eagle Claw. “The show was professionally produced and wellattended and we developed many new relationships with people from different parts of the country. Our overall goals were easily achieved. I was particularly encouraged by how hard the industry is working together on all levels to promote sportfishing in Brazil. “This seemed to be an underlying theme of the event and gave me the impression that the country’s fishing tackle trade will continue to grow for years to come. I hope they will continue to promote the show locally and also internationally. With time I am positive that it will become recognized as South America’s largest sport fishing trade show and attended by more people from neighbouring countries there and from around the world. “This was the first year Eagle Claw directly participated in the Brazil trade show and so in many respects we were testing the waters. We showed many new products and the overall response was extremely positive. As we are committed to providing quality fishing tackle to Brazilian anglers, I believe future shows may prove ever more important to our success in the market. We are looking forward to participating again next year.” Fred M. Daniell, Executive Vice-president and General Manager at Kureha America Inc,

Above and below: Heavyweight brands have been buoyed by the optimism in Brazil , a fact borne out by the huge number of serious buyers that attended the latest show in Sao Paulo.

which manufactures Seaguar fluorocarbon line, didn’t exhibit at the show, but was impressed by what he saw as a visitor. He said: “This was my first time at the Brazilian show, and I thought it was both well structured and well attended. The enthusiasm shown by both attendees and exhibitors was particularly impressive and we firmly believe that the Brazilian market is developing very robustly. We are certainly looking forward to future growth opportunities in Brazil.”

October 2010 Angling International



ASA calls on members to fight new US proposal to ban lead


he American Sportfishing Association (ASA) is urging members to voice their opposition to highly contentious proposals by the US government to ban all lead products in fishing tackle. Such a ban would have Gordon Robertson: “We need a devastating effect on the as many people as possible to submit comments.” US recreational fishing sector, which generates more than $45 billion in retail sales with a $125 billion impact on the nation’s economy, creating employment for over one million individuals. The proposals came to light when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was petitioned by the Center for Biological Diversity and four other organisations to ban all lead in fishing tackle under the Toxic Substances Control Act. The ban encompasses a wide range of popular tackle items, including sinkers, jigs and weighted fly lines, as well as lead alloys such as brass, which is often used in lures and spinners as ballast.

The Center for Biological Diversity claims the ban is needed to reduce the number of ‘bird deaths caused by the ingestion of lead sinkers and jigheads’. However, this has been countered by a recent study conducted by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, which found that less than one percent of all waterfowl and other birds are killed by lead sinker ingestion. Four days after the petition was filed, the EPA bowed to pressure from the US shooting and hunting fraternity and excluded ammunition from the proposed ban, and now the ASA is calling for the fishing industry to stand up and be counted before its too late. Gordon Robertson, Vice-president of the ASA, told Angling International: “It’s hard to judge the magnitude, both social and economic, that such a wide-ranging ban would have. Their claims about the effect of lead sinkers on waterfowl are simply unsustainable – there are far greater threats to these creatures, such as pollution, shoreline developments and commercial fishing nets. “The alternatives to lead all have their limitations. Carbon steel could only be used as slide-on sinkers, and not split shot; tin is OK for split shot, but is six times as expensive; and tungsten could only be tied

on, or slid on the line, and is 14 times as expensive as lead. Anglers simply wouldn’t pay these costs. “The really scary thing about the proposals is that it’s not just sinkers that are under scrutiny, but all fishing items that contain lead. This could include many reels for example, some of which contain brass, a lead alloy. “They tried to pass a similar petition in 1994, but it was very unpopular and they soon discovered their science was flawed. We need as many people as possible to submit comments opposing the ban directly to the EPA. More than 14,000 people did so in the week after we released our policy alert, and hopefully that figure will grow considerably before the deadline on September 15.”


The EPA has opened the petition for public comments. Please oppose the ban by officially submitting your comments using the EPA’s dedicated comment page at Comments are due by September 15. Alternatively, log on to the website and click the ‘Take Action Now’ banner on the right-hand side.

Second Dutch carp show set to double in size Many of the biggest companies from the European carp scene will be descending upon the TT Race Complex in Assen, Netherlands, on November 27th and 28th for the second annual CarpEvenTT show. Organisers are confidently predicting that this year’s event will be at least twice as big as the inaugural show in 2009, with 65 leading exhibitors already signed up, compared to 30 twelve months ago. Among the heavyweights planning to take advantage of the 6000 sqm of floor space are Wychwood, Venture, Gardner Tackle, Richworth, Greys, KGB-Baits, Ultima, Enterprise Tackle, PB Products, Hengelsportmekka, Rig Marole, Advanced Technology Tackle (ATT) and Century. Said Wychwood’s Marketing Manager Nic Brown: “CarpevenTT gives us the perfect opportunity to display our new ranges for release in spring 2011. It is such an interactive event and the best opportunity in Europe to get our products into the hands of real anglers.” Visitor numbers are also expected to show a marked increase on last year’s tally of 2,000, 32

although three days of heavy snow in the run-up to the 2009 show seriously impacted on attendance levels. As well as a host of demonstrations and tutorials, attractions will include a huge indoor aquarium holding carp weighing in excess of 35lb, while on the threeacre lake situated outside the TT Hall five leading Dutch carp anglers will be taking part in an overnight fishing match. The TT Hall is located next to the A28 highway in northern Holland, and opening times for the show are 10am to 6pm on both days. Admission costs are EUR9 for adults and EUR4 for children aged 6-12, with no charge for under-6s. There is free parking. For more information contact organisers Mirjam Huijzer and Hans van den Brink on

Angling International October 2010

+31 592304083 or +31 654227538. Or email or visit


Show ‘exceeded our expectations’ – AFTA


he lingering effects of the global financial crisis failed to dampen spirits at last month’s Australian Fishing Tackle Association (AFTA) annual show, where the mood among exhibitors was described as ‘universally Organiser John Millyard: “The quality of buyers was optimistic’. The three-day excellent this year.” event, held at Queensland’s Gold Coast Convention Centre between August 14th and 16th, was attended by 277 companies from Australia’s retail and wholesale sector, down fractionally from 281 the previous year. An extra 20% of floor space was made available to exhibitors, the majority of whom have already signed up again for next year. According to organiser John Millyard, the only area of the show which suffered due to the credit crunch was the newly-introduced marine accessory sector, but he expects this situation to be rectified by the time next year’s AFTA show comes around. “The quality of buyers was excellent and all of the exhibitors were extremely happy with proceedings. The show exceeded expectations on all counts and I would like to congratulate all the companies on the high quality of their displays. “We already have expressions of interest from a sizeable group of new exhibitors keen to take part

next year,” he added. “The global financial crisis had a substantial effect on the marine industry in Australia and as such we were unable to promote the fact that the show had a marine accessories sector. Nevertheless, a handful of exhibitors from the sector did take part, and we have a strong commitment from many others for next year.” he added. Lucio Sirotti, Export Director for tackle box manufacturer Plastica Panaro, joined his new Australian distributor Platinum Marine at the show. “I am very happy with the response. It was very positive, especially for our 501 Superbox and 138 Spinning box,” he told Angling International. “The quality of visitors was high and though some people said it was a bit slow, we did not find that to be the case. “I believe all the main buyers were there, although they may not have taken all their staff for reasons of economy. So, visibly, there may have appeared fewer

Above and below left: Plastica Panaro seat boxes distributed by Platinum Marine were well received.

people but in reality everybody was there. Listening to other exhibitors, the show has been pretty good.” The show also provided an opportunity for AFTA to raise the profile of its new consumer website,, which was launched at last year’s show. “The website had a stand and was actively promoted to exhibitors and wholesalers alike. We hope to build it into the leading fishing reference site in Australia,” said John.

Taylor reconstitutes SBS Baits Ltd The Original


Made in England


UK business SBS Baits has written to its European distributors to advise them that it has become a limited company and that all intellectual property rights, stocks and trading agreements have been transferred to the new company. SBS Baits Ltd is owned by well-known specimen angler and writer Des Taylor. He explained that the decision to rename and reconstitute his company is “not unrelated to the fact that another business based in eastern Europe has registered the trading style that we previously operated.”

Angling International October 2010

SBS Baits Ltd is currently in discussion with SBS Baits in Europe Ltd, based in Hungary. The two companies purportedly reached an agreement in December 2008, but Angling International understands that the agreement ran into difficulties last year and these are yet to be resolved. Taylor’s letter states: “For the avoidance of any doubt we can state that our company, the Original SBS Limited, based in England, is the company that has developed the SBS products and supplied, successfully, our home and

European markets for more than 20 years.” The letter invites recipients to visit his website for the latest information on his products and services and continues: “Any contact from any other supplier attempting to sell SBS products, you will have to view wholly independently. It is a fact that the trademark is registered with a company other than ours. It is equally a fact that there is no constraint or restriction of any kind on our business, or our business’s customers, in respect of future dealings.”

Angling International spoke to Petr Barancic and Zoltan Kovacs, at SBS in Hungary but they declined to make any comment for publication. They are purportedly talking on an individual basis to distributors. Taylor said that he would still prefer to resolve any problem in a conciliatory way. “We can still help each other make money. The time spent on this could be better spent selling bait,” he said. Taylor also says that “new exclusive” recipes will be available from his company in the future.



The 2010 AFTA Awards in full

Best small stand Cranka Best large stand Daiwa

Best medium stand Sébile Best overall stand Shimano

Best environmentally-friendly product Just Fishing Pebble Stone Sinkers Best rod Berkley Venom Best reel Shimano Stella FE Best terminal tackle Sébile Soft Weight System Best line J.M. Gillies Asari Pearl Monofilament Best soft lure Sébile Magic Swimmer Soft Best hard lure Sébile Koolie Minnow BRL Best tackle management J.M. Gillies FTO Elite Hydro-Flo Best boating accessory and electronics Rodezi Rack Best fishing accessory J.M. Gillies Seadog Berley Pot Best kids product Big Fish Graphics Little Fish Shirt Best clothing accessories Big Fish Graphics Big Fish Shirt Best giftwear Tacspo Snap Capp

First EFTTA and then ICAST – now Sébile has done it again at the AFTA show! Following its award successes at the European and American events, the US-based lure company scooped a further four – yes four! – trophies at the Gold Coast Convention Center, bringing its 2010 awards haul to an amazing eight! No company has ever won four awards at the show before and owner Patrick Sébile was understandably overcome. “Ever since I was a little boy I have dreamed of having my own lure company. Yet never did I imagine winning so many awards,”

he said from the show floor. “I dearly thank all those people who have voted for my products and created success that surpasses my wildest dreams.” Sébile also thanked his distributor, Nomad Sportfishing, for introducing the Sébile brand into Australia with such impact. J.M. Gillies also grabbed the awards headlines on its own soil, winning both the best line and best tackle management categories, while global big hitters Shimano, Daiwa and Pure Fishing (Berkley) were also among the honours.

Right (from top): Sébile Soft Weight System, Shimano Stella FE, Big Fish shirts.


Series owner Chuck Furimsky.

America’s largest producer of fly fishing consumer shows has announced its schedule for 2011. The Fly Fishing Show series, owned by Chuck Furimsky, has announced a series of seven events running from January to March. The full schedule is: ● Denver, Colo, Merchandise Mart January 7-8-9 ● Marlborough, Mass, Royal Plaza Trade Center January 14-15-16 ● Somerset, NJ, Garden State Exhibit Center January 21-22-23 ● Raleigh, NC, Raleigh Fairgrounds January 29-30 ● Pasadena, Calif, The Pasadena Center February 19-20 ● Pleasanton, Calif, Alameda County Fairgrounds February 25-26-27 ● Valley Forge, Penn (near Philadelphia), Valley Forge Convention Center March 5-6. October 2010 Angling International



“CGC Expo is the best way for international suppliers to meet future Chinese customers” In this exclusive interview, organiser Li Jiang explains the growth of CGC Expo in Weihai. What began as a showcase for China’s smaller factories is now something else too: a route for Western companies to supply their own materials into the industry’s heartland.

Angling International: CGC achieved fantastic growth last year. Do you expect this to continue? Li Jiang: Of course, CGC Expo 2009 achieved a great success. When CGC Expo 2009 ended, 180 companies booked their booths on site. From that moment I knew that CGC Expo 2010 could be more successful. By August 20th, there were 322 exhibiting companies, which represented an increase of 34.1% on the 240 companies at the same time last year. The number of pre-registered international buyers was 272 from 42 countries and regions, a 45% increase on last year. CGC looks like it is here to stay. How big can this show get? The total exhibiting area of the Weihai International Exhibition Centre is about 20,000 sqm, so CGC Expo in Weihai could only be as large as that because the Weihai local government has no plan to build a larger exhibition hall. The full name of CGC Expo is China Fishing Gear Manufacturing Center Expo, which means we have to hold the exhibition in a stronghold of the fishing tackle manufacturing industry. Weihai, as the largest fishing tackle manufacturing base with nearly 800 fishing tackle companies, is the first choice for CGC Expo. By holding a show in the manufacturing base, it means it is very convenient for buyers to visit factories after the show. Those buyers can meet numerous new local suppliers. In China, there are

“For companies that want to enter the Chinese market, this is the best choice.” 36

Angling International October 2010

Right: Usami lures will be a feature of both CGC Expo and China Fish in February.


EN International

Left and below: The show will also feature initiatives to grow fishing in China including the popular fishing tournament.

several fishing tackle manufacturring bases such as Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hebei, Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Fujian, and Liaoning provinces, so we would like to alternate between all thesee cities eventually. Are there any changes to the show this year? CGC Expo this year still lasts four days: the first two days (October 14th-15th) are for trade buyers only, whether they are from China or abroad; the other two days (October 16th-17th) will be open to the public. Besides that, there willll be the ‘Weihai Carnival’, which will feature a series of activities for the public, such as fishing seminars and a lure fishing tournament, electronic fishing games for youngsters and other outdoor activities. These activities are aimed at attracting more audiences and cultivating their interest in fishing. Why do you think CGC has proved so popular in such a short time? In my opinion, there are three major reasons for the success of CGC Expo: firstly, October is the best time for international buyers to import stocks for the next year; secondly, Weihai, as the largest fishing tackle manufacturing base with nearly 800 fishing tackle factories, is a must visit place for many international buyers; thirdly, the total expense is lower for both exhibitors and visitors, since accommodation and transportation are very cheap in Weihai. I also must say that as a member of the same organising committee,

I think the popularity and resources of China Fish also to some extent have helped CGC Expo’s fast growth. What product trends are likely to emerge from CGC 2010? For instance, last year lures were very strong at the show. Generally speaking, most if not all Chinese fishing tackle companies launch their new products around October for both the international and domestic markets. CGC Expo is the best time to view these new products. There will be a variety but since many tackle factories in Weihai produce rods and lures, these two categories will be more prevalent at CGC Expo. How many CGC exhibitors also attend China Fish? There are nearly 140 exhibitors that also attend China Fish, which represents 27.5% of the total number of China Fish exhibitors.

Below: Usami products combine Japanese quality with Chinese manufacturing.

Japanese lures are widely regarded as among the highest quality available, but they can also be the most expensive. However, the mission of Hong Kong company eN International is to market Japanese quality lures at more affordable prices. The Usami brand, says the company, uses the best quality steel, plastics and paints, combined with Japanese and French hooks, to give “outstanding performance and striking good looks.” The Usami range will be on display at both the forthcoming CGC Expo in Weihai in October and also China Fish in Beijing in February as the company seeks to attract the interest of international buyers, especially from Europe and America. The Sino-Japanese joint venture was founded in 2009 and plans to develop lures under its own Usami brand, as well as providing OEM, ODM and OBM services. “The quality of our lures is just as perfect as the famous Japanese brands, but our prices are much lower,” said eN International owner Lydia Wong. “Many anglers are not buying high quality Japanese lures because of the high prices. “So to allow more anglers to enjoy fishing with the best quality lures we have developed the new Usami range, combining Japanese materials, technology, tooling and quality craftsmanship with Chinese labour. The end result is a competitive retail price for top end lures.” Having researched the Japanese approach and attitude to manufacturing, Usami has adopted three key cornerstones on which it has modelled its production – precision products, hardcore quality control and a customer service promise guaranteeing quality and delivery. “Our mission is to make available to fishermen worldwide affordable lures that work again and again,” added Lydia.

Going to CGC EXPO? Key times overleaf. October 2010 Angling International



Last year, CGC attracted its first two international exhibitors. Do you expect this to increase this year? The international market now sets much higher standards for Chinese OEM products, so Chinese manufacturers have to import better quality accessories from those international brands. So at CGC Expo, international suppliers of materials and accessories can meet many Chinese manufacturers who will be their potential customers in the near future. At the same time, the Chinese fishing tackle market has been developing very quickly these past few years, and many internationally famous brands have already secured market share in China. For those small and medium-sized foreign enterprises that want to enter the Chinese market, CGC Expo may be the best choice since every year many domestic wholesalers and retailers will visit it. This year it is expected that the attendance among local traders could reach 1,000, which means foreign enterprises not only can meet Chinese wholesalers and retailers directly, but also can promote their brands and sell their products on the ‘consumer days’ (October 16th-17th).

The international trade also needs to know that, in order to protect the IPR of the foreign exhibitors, we are now negotiating with the Chinese IPR officials about what measures need to be taken. CGC is known as the ‘budget show’ because of its cheap booths. Will you be able to maintain these rates and still have a profitable show?


Holly Kudos

Holly Kudos returns to the CGC Expo in October confident that the Weihai show will provide another boost to its expanding OEM business. The Chinese company made its bow at last year’s CGC and it was the exclusive sponsor of overseas buyers’ activities for China Fish 2010 – and it has not looked back since. “We took some serious orders during the last CGC Expo and we expect the same to happen this year,” said company President Wu Dong, who confirmed that his company will be sponsoring CGC Expo 2010. ‘We have a showroom in Weihai and last year we received a great number of visitors during the CGC period. “We will also have a strong presence again at China Fish 2011, though for timing CGC is much better for us than the Beijing show, despite being smaller in size.” And this year’s CGC could not have come at a better time as Holly Kudos prepares to upgrade its entire products range for the show’s international audience. A new range of sea rigs will be displayed alongside its terminal tackle for carp and catfishing, the three product categories where Wu Dong sees the most growth in 2011. One of the ready-to-go launches in Weihai is a “revolutionary solution for carp chair accessories”. Todiscover the full range visitors should head for booth number A223. Holly Kudos started its worldwide presenta38

tion less than two years ago but is already a familiar name within the global industry, not least because of its high profile presence at shows like China Fish, EFTTEX and CGC Expo. “These shows have had a big impact on our business. More and more important players in the European market have come to recognise Holly Kudos as a name that stands for innovation, performance and professionalism. We have made lots of new partners at these shows,” added Wu Dong. “Any information given to Holly Kudos is treated with the strictest confidentiality. This is important to all the big names searching for reliable OEM manufacturers. We have a good record in this respect.” Increasing demand for product has resulted in the company expanding its factory space and the employment of additional quality control staff to maintain product standards and delivery times. It is also inviting experienced staff from China and Europe into the company. HollyKudosisstructuredtoserve medium and large wholesalers who tend to place orders quickly and in large quantities. For information or to fix an appointment call +86 511 8227 3072, email or visit

Angling International October 2010

Above: Visitors will once again be a mix of international buyers and local traders.

The location of Weihai makes CGC Expo a budget show, since it is a small city. The rent of the exhibition hall, accommodation and transportation costs are much cheaper than the international cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. For example, it only needs RMB 390 (nearly US$57) to stay in the four-star Golden Bay Hotel in Weihai, while it could cost at least RMB 800 (US$117) for the same standard hotel in the big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou. The Chinese economy is turning for the better after the economic downturn, but it is still not as good as 2007. Therefore, we do not have any plans to raise the booth fee for the present – although it is harder to make such reassurances for the future. CGC is a great route to international markets for small to medium-sized Chinese manufacturers. Do you think its growing popularity will attract bigger manufacturers who will want to exhibit. And if so, how will you react to this? When first establishing CGC Expo, our aim was to offer an opportunity for small and medium-sized Chinese manufacturers to enter the international market. As CGC Expo became more and more popular and because the economic conditions in China were not so good after the crisis, some big companies began to exhibit at CGC Expo. However, due to the limited space of the Weihai International Exhibition Centre, we do need to strictly control how much booth space we allocate to the large companies.

Holly Kudos will be showing a range of new products. “The timing of the show is good for us,” says President Wu Dong.


DAH Sen Monofilament Fabric Factory

Line specialist DAH Sen will be arriving at the CGC Expo with a renewed sense of optimism after what it admits has been a challenging year. It took advantage of the reduction in order numbers from its customers to review its quality control procedures and put in place ambitions plans to dramatically increase capacity over the next three years. Buyers at the show, says DAH Sen’s Richard Li, are going to be impressed. “Our business was affected last year but not as much as we feared,” he says. “Our customers challenged us on quality and price. While that meant an increase in costs, it did have the advantage of compelling us to improve our quality control. “Now we are seeing signs of the market picking up, probably a recovery of around 70%, and we are in a good position because we have a track record in research and development.” The improved products are there, he claims, and DAH Sen will have the capacity to meet the likely increase in orders. “We felt braids would be our biggest growth area. Our plan is to have a monthly capacity of up to ten million metres in the upcoming year. And we plan to enlarge our total production capacity by 30% within three years. “Total customer satisfaction is our policy. With our improved quality, we believe we can supply the best fishing lines in the world.” To make an appointment call +86 750 6896666 or 6896999.


Attractive location: the Golden Bay Hotel.

Wednesday, October 13th 7pm-9pm Mayor’s reception banquet Ticket only event Venue: Haiyue Jianguo Hotel Banquet venue: the Haiyue Jianguo Hotel.

Officials from governmental departments relating to foreign trade will be present to answer any questions from attendees. The banquet will feature traditional Chinese food, especially seafood, as well as Chinese music and performances. Ab Above: DAH SSen belie believes it can supply pl th the ‘best fishing lines in the world’.

Wednesday,October13th10am-4pm,6pm-9pm Early badge pick-up Between 10am and 4pm the badge pick-up will be in the exhibition hall. At the later time badges will be available at the lobbies of the Golden Bay Hotel, the Baohai Hotel or the Guangming Garden Hotel as well as the banquet entrance hall of the Haiyue Jianguo Hotel.

Thursday, October 14th 9am-5pm Day 1 includes Opening Ceremony Trade buyers only. Friday, October 15th 9am-5pm Day 2 includes International Lure Fishing Tournament 1pm-3pm Trade buyers only. The fishing tournament will feature 100 competitors including 50 from overseas. All tackle will be provided by Chinese sponsors. Advanced applications are requested. Saturday, October 16th 9am-5pm Day 3 is ‘Consumer Day’ Open to the public. During the public days, freshwater and saltwater fishing seminars will take place including talks from international and domestic anglers. Sunday, October 17th 9am-4pm Day 4 is ‘Consumer Day’ Open to the public.

GETTING THERE Flights to Weihai DEPARTS Beijing Shanghai

“Many internationally famous brands have already secured market share in China.”

Guangzhou Seoul

FLIGHT NO. CA1827 CA1597 CA1587 FM9255 MU2285 CZ3787 OZ309 KE839

MODEL 737 733 737 CRJ 320 319 320 7379

SCHEDULE every day every day every day every day every day every day every day every day

FLIGHT TIME 07:45 -- 09:05 11:55 -- 13:15 17:10 -- 18:30 12:25 -- 14:05 11:10 -- 12:50 09:55 -- 13:20 09:00 -- 09:10 14:50 -- 15:00

AIRLINE COMPANY Air China Shanghai Airlines China Eastern Airlines China Southern Airlines Asiana Airlines Korean Air

Free shuttle buses will be provided by the show organizers from Weihai and Yantai airports to the venue and CGC hotels. Advanced reservation is requested. October 2010 Angling International




BROWNING HYBRID TARGETS GROWING MARKET SECTOR Zebco Sports Europe has identified an emerging trend among UK anglers and developed an exciting new range to take full advantage. “This is one of the industry‘s most innovative concepts,” they proclaim proudly.


etter than average tackle for better than average fish – that’s the slogan chosen by Zebco Sports Europe to sum up its all-new Browning Hybrid range which is set to ‘go live’ in the UK, its primary target market in Europe. Hybrid by Browning is an extensive range including rods, reels, luggage, nets and handles, line, PVA, leads and other accessories. It is scheduled to be unveiled at the company’s Premium Trade Show in Germany, the Tackle & Guns Show in the UK plus another 12 regional shows. Browning Hybrid is designed to fill a recent, previously unaddressed and expanding gap in the coarse angling market, created by both man-made and environmental trends, and will target three broad customer groups:

● Match anglers who increasingly find their current equipment is undergunned for modern fisheries. ● Pleasure anglers who require equipment capable of subduing specimen-sized fish with built-in capacity to compensate for any faults in technique, yet not over-heavy or too expensive. ● Specimen carp anglers who find their existing equipment too powerful to gain sufficient pleasure from fish in the 7-15lb range during confidencebuilding sessions on ‘runs waters’. Frerk Petersen, Marketing and PR Manager for Zebco Europe, is excited about Browning Hybrid’s sales prospects for the rest of this year and onward into 2011. “Personally, I see this as one of the industry’s most innovative concepts in recent years. We have high hopes about the outcome,” he says.


“Hybrid fills this gap with strong, durable tackle that will stand the pressures of big fish and big catches.” “The background to its development stems from the fact that over recent years match angling and specimen angling have been getting ever closer in techniques and methods. But existing tackle for each style is not quite right for the other, being either too strong or too weak. Hybrid fills this gap with strong, durable tackle that will stand the pressures of big fish and big catches. “Credit is due to our Browning consultants in the UK, all of them high level anglers, who first identified

Angling International October 2010

the need for us to create tackle to match the demand for this trend,” he added. Frank Thomas, one of Browning’s consultants and a respected figure on the UK match circuit, views the Hybrid launch as both timely and likely to spawn many imitations. “In so many angling situations, the fish we seek to catch are bigger than ever before,” said Thomas. “Commercial fisheries are the obvious example, where carp stocked at 1-3lb have grown on to weights up to 20lb-plus over recent years. “Regular match and pleasure tackle is too often unsuitable these days, but specimen carp gear is too strong. Going straight onto that, as many pleasure anglers do nowadays, removes so much of the pleasure in hooking and playing fish. “The same applies to many rivers where stocks of smaller fish have declined in recent years due to several pressures including cormorants. “The remaining fish of many species notably barbel, chub, bream and carp have grown larger in their absence, so Browning Hybrid is ideal for today’s river anglers too. “Along the way the Hybrid concept expanded to include reels, luggage and accessories, and they are all very good products which meet customer needs. But my initial focus was on rods, where I wanted to see the creation of strong, affordable rods with a semi-parabolic action. By this I mean they bend right through but still retain a degree of stiffer backbone in the butt section. “I’m pleased to say all five Hybrid rods deliver exactly what I wanted. They are very, very strong, and surprisingly light in weight. They are 15 to 20%


Clockwise from top left: Hybrid Landing Net Head; 640 Hybrid BF Free Spool reel; Spacesaver keepnet; Wipe-clean Match rod holdall; Wipe-clean Specimen carryall.


11ft Hybrid Power Pellet Waggler 12.5ft Hybrid Power Waggler 11ft and 12ft Hybrid Power Feeder 12ft Hybrid Barbus


Hybrid Com FD (Front Drag) 630 & 640 sizes Hybrid BF (Free Spool) 630 & 640 sizes


Hybrid Rod Holdalls Match and Specialist options Hybrid Carryalls Match and Specialist options Hybrid Carp Tool Kits Match and Mini options, supplied with baiting needles, scissors and other essential tools


Hybrid Landing Net Heads M & L sizes, ultra-strong frame and mesh attachment system Hybrid Spacesaver Keepnet 2.65m, unique design folds down to half storage size of standard keepnets Hybrid Power Scooper Ultra-strong carbon net handle with special end grip, useable at 2m or 3m lengths Hybrid Long ’n’ Short Scooper 1.8m one-piece specimen-style handle for big nets with 1.2m extension


Hybrid Power Mono Ultra-strong. In seven diameters/ tests from 0.12mm/3.7lb to 0.24mm/13lb


Hybrid Distance Leads Box shaped in three sizes Hybrid Latex Pole elastic, 3m lengths in five strengths Hybrid Quick Melt PVA mesh tube 5m lengths in smaller than usual diameters Hybrid Double End Mega Punch Two per set giving four punched bait sizes from 11-17mm Hybrid Knot Picker Multi-purpose tool Hybrid Dacron Connectors Popular design, two per pack more powerful than any equivalents, plus we have included several innovative features such as threepiece construction.” Why three-piece? “So many modern 12ft rods are two-piece and not everyone likes that,” said Thomas. “You can call it a backlash against two-piece rods if you like. Three-piecers are far easier to transport and I believe many anglers still prefer to assemble their rods on the bank, especially barbel anglers. “We went for a 12ft 6in length with our Power Waggler model, and the Hybrid Barbus is 12ft. The Power Feeder comes in a 12ft length, again three-piece, and also an 11ft two-piece version. The Pellet Waggler is 11ft and two-piece. As well as high performance, they all look sexy too with abbreviated handles and striking graphics,” he added.


Frank Thomas selects his personal top three products based on his own angling experiences. ● 12ft 6in Power Waggler Rod “As the perfect go-anywhere all-rounder, I’d choose this if I had to fish with just one rod for the rest of my days!” ● Spacesaver Keepnet “I fished a recent match where you needed to take five keepnets based on fishery rules of 50lb maximum per


net. Hybrid Spacesavers will dramatically reduce your weight load through their clever design with fine wire lower rings protected by a heavy canvas coating to ensure no risk of damage.” ● Hybrid Com Reels “These new reels are very smooth and reliable with colours and graphics which

match the Hybrid rods. They look good and balance the rods nicely. The front drag models are nice and compact for the match angler. They’re also amazing value. Reels of this quality would have cost twice as much not so many years ago.”

Want to talk to Zebco Sports Europe? Here’s how to find them...

Tel: UK 0800 340 340 40; International +49 41 82 294334 Email: Web: October 2010 Angling International











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The voice of the European Tackle Trade


F Powerline’s Marketing and International Business Manager Céline Boutin.

rench line company Powerline is calling on other manufacturers to follow its lead in signing EFTTA’s official line charter. Powerline is the latest company to pledge its support for the new initiative whose aim is to ensure the end of inaccurate labelling on line packaging. The initiative was launched in June and was quickly supported by Pure Fishing, Shimano, Sufix, Parallelium, Water Queen and Tortue. Now Powerline wants to see more companies adding their weight to the fight against line cheats. Says Marketing and International Business Manager Céline Boutin: “We want to make a stand against companies that make dishonest claims on their packaging. It was a big talking point among our distributors at EFTTEX, especially our partners in southern Europe. There they are fighting an unfair battle against dishonestly labelled lines. “What is a fisherman to do when he walks

in the store? He is bound to choose the line which advertises the strongest breaking strain. But it is unfair on companies that tell the truth if competitors can so easily lie to achieve sales. “We are happy to sign,” she added. “But this is just the beginning. It is going to be a long fight and I hope more companies will follow our lead. I also hope that those that do sign will honour and respect their commitment.” EFTTA’s pioneering project follows years of complaints in the trade about incorrectly labelled fishing lines. In response, EFTTA President Pierangelo Zanetta has written a hard-hitting letter to the industry explaining the charter and warning that failure to clean up the labelling issue can result in huge fines that put companies at risk. “We cannot flout the laws forever and expect to avoid being penalised,” he says. “As a trade association we cannot accept this situation... when we know law-abiding members are at a disadvantage compared to companies that do not respect the laws. We have to show we act for an industry that

respects consumer rights.” EFTTA plans to regularly publish in the media those companies that have signed the charter, thus exposing those not committed to giving true and accurate information on their monofilament lines. “Companies who sign up have a powerful sales tool at their disposal,” points out Mr Zanetta. “Not signing the charter will clearly show you do not want to accept our industry standards.” Powerline is planning to extend its ranges of braided and monofilament lines for the 2011 season and has a number of products in development. It says it already complies to the standards set out in the charter and the requirements on accurate labelling. “We won’t have to make any changes,” added Céline Boutin. There are strict rules in France that we already adhere to. We have even made changes to the labels of some lines we distribute in France for other manufacturers.” Further information on the line charter, which accepts tolerance levels of 10% in both diameter and breaking strength, is available from

“We want to make a stand against companies that make dishonest claims on their packaging. It was a big talking point at EFTTEX.” – Céline Boutin

VICKI SEYMOUR TAKES ON NEW PRESS OFFICER ROLE AT EFTTA Vicki Seymour is the new Membership & Communications Officer for EFTTA following the departure of Anita Pandya. Formerly EFTTA’s Team & Membership Assistant, Vicki’s promotion means she will add press officer duties to her role dealing with membership applications and queries.

Says Vicki: “I’m delighted my with new role. Companies who have been dealing with me over issues of their membership should continue to use me as their first point of contact. There is no change there. And I am still responsible for applications from prospective members. It is members of the press who will notice the change.”

Vicki will be responsible for producing EFTTA press releases and supplying EFTTA’s media partners with authorised content. Members of the angling press are encouraged to liaise with her on EFTTA news stories. “I’m looking forward to working with the team at Angling International, who I know

well, and with all other members of the angling press,” she added. Vicki has been part of the EFTTA Secretariat team for two-and-a-half years. She was formerly with Nottingham-based Media Maker as an events assistant. Contact +44 208 365 0405 or email

October 2010 Angling International





EFTTEX Co-ordinator Sally Steel has returned from a key site visit to the RAI exhibition centre with a glowing report. Ahead of the reopening of the booking hotline, the EFTTEX 2011 venue is surpassing all expectations. “We expect the remaining stand space available to sell very quickly,” she says. Sally, what exactly is the purpose of a site visit in September? The September site visit is essentially a factfinding mission. It gives us the opportunity to meet with our core contacts at the RAI and further discuss the needs and requirements of EFTTEX as well as obtaining as much information as possible to provide our participants. This information is made avail-

able through our website, and through the EFTTEX Exhibitor Manual which exhibitors will be able to access in February next year. In addition, this visit is also the time where we source potential venues for the Gala Evening (formerly known as the Business Reception) as well as meeting with the RAI Hotel Service, our appointed hotel agents for EFTTEX 2011, to discuss important needs and service requirements for our participants. Along with the above, it allows the team to familiarise ourselves with the city of Amsterdam in order to relay this back to our participants.

The RAI is a major venue with longstanding connections with EFTTEX. What reassurances in particular were you looking for on your visit? Although the RAI is one of the most popular venues in Europe for both organisers of shows and participants, it is very important we do not take this for granted and therefore, like at all other venues, we look to make sure that we are working with a good team at the venue to ensure that we not only match but surpass the high standard of EFTTEX in previous years. It is also important for us to see the developments the venue has undergone since we were last in Amsterdam and to see the benefits they have for our participants.


4 208 3 f the Book at +4re etails o or for mo dthe website show visit www.e


Angling International October 2010


You also took along a delegation from your exhibition suppliers. Is that usual at this stage? What were they focusing on? Yes, we usually invite Agility Logistics, who will be our official freight forwarders for EFTTEX 2011, and Dimension 8, our official stand contractors, to join us on our site visits. This is especially important with the first site visit as it gives them the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the EFTTEX hall and exhibition centre, to ask any relevant questions they have as well as giving us the opportunity to introduce them as our official partners of EFTTEX to the RAI team. The site visit is also an extremely important time for them to find out the best and most efficient ways of working at the venue in order to provide our exhibitors with the best service they can offer. Many EFTTEX exhibitors know all about the RAI. Will they notice any improvements since they last attended a show there? The RAI has continued to modernise and improve its centre since EFTTEX was last in Amsterdam with an emphasis on being as environmentally friendly as possible. One of their goals is to have a paperless administration and they have taken several other measures to lessen their carbon footprint including thermal storage and climate façades. The Elicium building is the new hub of the RAI. It links up the different buildings and provides a striking entrance to the centre. Based on qualitative improvements rather than expansion, this building provides first-class business services. Another new facility at the RAI that EFTTEX exhibitors and visitors can look forward to using is The Beach. This is a public facility adjacent to Hall 8, where EFTTEX will take place, which will provide a nice area to take a break from the show floor or relax in the evening post-show. What sets the RAI apart from other venues? The RAI is a huge and internationally renowned venue in Europe with a highly professional team. It has an excellent location both in terms of being so internationally central and where it sits within Amsterdam. You were also assessing the merits of venues for the Gala Evening. Have you made any decisions yet? We saw several impressive venues. We are now weighing up the pros and cons of each and are still very much in the negotiating stage. Will you be looking for a larger venue for the Gala Evening? It seems to be getting more popular with each passing year. Yes, we are definitely looking into increasing

the capacity of the Gala Evening especially as we will be celebrating 30 years next year. Taking into account the increasing popularity of the event, we are aiming to make sure that as many exhibitors that wish to come can attend in the evening. There were some issues over the hotel booking agency for Valencia. Are you confident the service will be better for Amsterdam? What measures have you put in place? Yes, we are extremely confident that the hotel booking agency will not experience the same problems as last year in Valencia. We are delighted that the Amsterdam RAI Hotel and Travel service will be our official hotel agency for EFTTEX 2011. We worked with the same agency when EFTTEX was last held in Amsterdam and are pleased to see some of the same faces are still at the agency. Having met with them last week, we can definitely say that should exhibitors or visitors wish to reserve their hotel using the agency, they will receive a very high quality and professional service. You can have every confidence that the hotels on the list have been carefully matched to your needs as an EFTTEX participant; however, as in previous years, this is an optional service and EFTTEX participants are under no obligation to use the hotel agency. There is always room for improvement with a show. As the bookings line opens again in October, what areas of your service will you be looking to improve in the run-up to Amsterdam? We will be looking to make sure that each exhibitor has as much support as necessary in the run-up to EFTTEX. This is especially important for first-time exhibitors. We will aim to make our communications for all exhibitors as clear as possible and to make sure that the online Exhibitor Manual is as user-friendly as possible. How many companies have pre-booked for Amsterdam? And how much floor space is already sold? We have 141 companies already booked with a lot of interest from both companies who have previously exhibited at EFTTEX as well as companies wishing to exhibit for the first time. With this interest we can strongly say the remaining stand space available will be booked up very quickly once we release the floorplan at the beginning of October. Floor space sold at the moment stands at 4,922 sqm. Will there be two halls like in Valencia or just one? EFTTEX 2011 will take place in one hall –

Hall 8 – which is the same hall EFTTEX was held in when it was at the RAI back in 2001. The layout will work very well and the facilities are first class.

Top: The RAI Centre. Above: A typical Amsterdam scene.

What are the advantages of booking stand space in October? Booking in October means that you will have more choice of stand location. It will also mean that you can take full advantage of the preparation time for EFTTEX to get the most out of exhibiting. Where can businesses find information on stand costs? For further information on stand costs please contact me by email at And where can they find information on hotels? The official hotel agency details will be available in October in the EFTTEX section of the EFTTA website

“The remaining stand space will be booked up very quickly once we release the floorplan in October.” October 2010 Angling International


October 2010 Angling International




at Angling rs ito ed t uc od pr e th th on m Each t exciting new International select the mos To help you t. ke ar m to t gh ou br g in be le tack customers, we decide on their appeal to yoeurmanufacturers so will include insight from thss immediately. you can start doing busine

products you need to know about


Trolling control with GPS

The Minn Kota i-Pilot is a trolling motor control system that utilises GPS technology to automatically navigate and position the boat for anglers. The system integrates GPS technology into Minn Kota Terrova, PowerDrive V2, Riptide ST or Riptide SP bow-mounted trolling motors. What the makers say: “This is a true breakthrough in trolling motor technology offering a new level of versatility for the angler. Among the many innovative features is a facility that allows an entire fishing track or route up to two miles long to be stored for immediate retracing or a later return trip.” Business contacts Tel: +49 4351 2668 Email: Website:

New stocks of Savage Gear’s sensational Cutbait Herring lures Savage Gear’s Cutbait Herring lures have certainly made their mark in 2010, accounting for large numbers of huge halibut and cod from Nordic waters. The good news is that new stocks are available. These giant hand-poured, soft lures come in 20cm/270g and 25cm/460g sizes and are designed to imitate the swimming action and profile of the herring on drop and retrieve. Features include a lifelike ‘under skin’ painting technique and customised Japanese forged hooks. What the makers say: “Some of Scandinavia’s most experienced saltwater fishermen have contributed to making this a superior big fish lure. The herring is the primary preyfish for Atlantic saltwater predators.”


Left: Cutbait Herring lures have been a big hit in Nordic waters.

Business contacts Tel: +45 46 191 913 Email: Website: October 2010 Angling International



products you need to know about

A hand-held ice fishing sonar

MarCum Technologies aims to take ice fishing into the iPod age with its new ShowDown Ice-Troller, the first hand-held ice fishing sonar. The palm-sized device does everything a sonar unit should and has won the acclaim of pro guide Tony Roach who sees it as “the perfect match for my run-and-gun style of ice fishing.” What the makers say: “The ShowDown Ice-Troller sets new benchmarks in sonar design and performance. It features an easy to interpret backlit, digital vertical LCD matched to an intuitive push-button operating system. It also incorporates MarCum’s proven Interference Rejection System, 25-level sensitivity and even an LCD heater for use in extreme cold. It is good for up to 20 hours’ continuous use.” Business contacts Tel: +1 763 712 0886 Website:

3 Ice line tested to the extreme

4 The ‘ultimate’ leader wire American Fishing Wire believes its new Titanium Surfstrand is the ultimate in quality leader wires. The uncoated, 1x7 ‘super-elastic’ leader is designed to stretch to absorb the impact of a striking fish – and then to snap back and recover during the hook set. What the makers say: “The special blend of titanium alloy wire is engineered to deliver tremendous strength along with dramatic kink resistance. It is knottable and offers the best bite protection and flexibility. The gunmetal black finish is corrosion proof.” Business contacts Tel: +1 800 824 9473 (toll free USA), +1 610 384 7260 Email: Website:

6 52

Angling International October 2010

Northland’s new Bionic Ice fishing line is the result of intensive research and field-testing by ice fishing expert Brian ‘Bro’ Brosdahl and other members of Team Northland ice anglers. The colourfully packaged line is offered in AquaFlage Blue Camo and Invisi-Clear formulas in 2lb, 3lb, 4lb, 5lb, 6lb and 8lb tests and is spooled and packaged in the USA in 125-yard spools. What the makers say: “This is the first line designed, tested and abused by real ice fishermen in extreme situations. Its balanced properties include the strength, ultra-low memory and light-bite sensitivity needed to put more fish on the ice.” Business contacts Tel: +1 218 751 6723 Email: Website:

5 Five new colours for Axxel Ty-Rap from UNI-Products

UNI-Products, the supplier of spooled fly-tying materials, has added five colours – brown, yellow, rainbow black, pink and light blue – to its popular Axxel Ty-Rap product. Axxel 8” Ty-Rap is one narrow band of flash material supported by two nylon micro-filaments for strength. A package with all 17 colours is available. What the makers say: “Fly-tiers are continually finding uses for Axxel flash material, such as winding it with other body materials or added to a standard wing to add sparkle. It makes excellent ribbing, is tough and adds a more subtle flash than regular tinsels. It also makes interesting tinsel bodies featuring variegated or broken-up patterns so often found in the natural world.” Business contacts Tel: +1 450 889 8054 Email: Website:

An instant classic perfect for fishing from rocks or boats Italian manufacturer Lineaeffe has no doubt that the new Fishing Ferrari Carborex Alu reel is one of the most important products in its recently published catalogue. The extra-strong one-way clutch is complemented by brass drive oscillation gears, a safety spool shaft and aluminium spool with carbon inserts. What the makers say: “Designed for vertical jigging, heavy surf or rock fishing, the stylish Ferrari is also perfect for boat fishing. Other features include the multidisc carbon washer drag, Japanese stainless steel ball bearings, a stainless steel main shaft and an anti-reverse ratchet.” Business contacts Tel: +39 051 666 0000 Email: Website:


7 A rod carrier that fits any car Is this the most convenient way to transport fishing rods on a road trip? The SUMO is the latest development from US company Rodmounts, which has been designing rod carriers since 1997. It uses a suction lock system that fits any vehicle and can safely transport up to six rods. The suggested US retail price is $149.95. What the makers say: “The number one question people ask when considering an exterior rod carrier is, ‘Will this thing fly off my car?’ Our number one priority was to address that issue and solve it once and for all, which we have. And the rods stay on the rod carrier too. SUMO is the result of years of R&D. We wanted to design a product that provided superior adhesion and could attach to all cars.” Business contacts Tel: +1 541 330 8808 Email: Website:

So much versatility in one line

Global giant Rapala and Yao I, the manufacturer of precision-engineered fishing line, have worked in partnership with Gore, the makers of Gore-Tex Fabrics, to create Sufix 832, winner of the best new line awards at this year’s ICAST show. What the makers say: “Sufix 832 has all the characteristics necessary to match any application worldwide. Its superiority comes from three main features. Dyneema fibres contribute small diameter, high strength and sensitivity; Gore Performance Fibres add improved abrasion resistance, noise and vibration reduction and improving casting length and accuracy; and R8 Precision Braiding and fibre technology developed by Yao I brings superior strength, roundness and consistency.” Business contacts Tel: +358 9 7562 540 Email: Website:



Abu’s new flagship predator rod

Described in the Pure Fishing Press Materials catalogue as ‘the hottest new Abu Garcia product for 2010/11’, the Rocksweeper Nano rod is the brand’s new flagship for salt and freshwater predator rods. A special resin containing (nano) carbon particles is used in the making of the blanks for the nine-strong series, which is aimed at the central Europe, French and export markets. What the makers say: ”The properties of the resin allow the use of thinner IM9 carbon sheets. Added to the high quality components and classical design, the end result is a truly exquisite rod with reduced weight but with no less action and power.” Business contacts Tel: +334 50 96 77 00 Website:

PEOPLE On the move...

Pradco’s Taylor scoops award Lawrence Taylor (left),

Public Relations Director for Pradco Fishing, has been named Arkansas Conservation Communicator of the Year for his environmental media work. Taylor, who also writes for state and national publications and websites, was chosen for the award by the Arkansas Wildlife Federation. “I’m incredibly honoured when I look at some of the legendary past winners like Wade Bourne, Jim Spencer and Keith Sutton,” said Taylor, who was especially praised for product donations and volunteer time at childrens’ events. Prior to joining Pradco, he was editor of Bassin’ and Crappie World magazines. Well-known UK carp angler Myles Gibson has joined the Greys Carp Academy. “Myles’s huge knowledge will make him a superb acquisition for the brand,” said Gavin Burn, Marketing Manager for Carp, Coarse and Predator.


UK specimen brand Wychwood has recruited carp expert Colin Davidson (below) to its new-look team of consultants reporting to Brand Manager Mick Barnes. It’s a second stint at the brand for Davidson, whose weekly advice column for Angler’s Mail is one of the longest running in angling publishing in the UK. “Colin is an excellent angler and a real thinker. He will be a consultant in the true sense of the word, having heavy involvement in testing and development of new products, representing Wychwood in print, on the bank, at consumer shows and on our Facebook

Angling International October 2010

site. Many customers will benefit from his expertise and down to earth approach,” said Brand Marketing Manager Nic Brown. Eric Gewiss is now Marketing Manager at Sage. Prior to joining the US brand, Gewiss held positions ranging from marketing consultant to marketing manager and was previously Head of Marketing at power tool company SawStop. “Eric combines the fly fishing experience and functional marketing expertise required to manage the marketing charge for Sage,” said David Visnack, Director of Marketing and Merchandising. The new Sales Representative for Rainy’s Flies is Brandon Prince. He will cover the Northern Rockies territories of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, in addition to servicing other manufacturers including Hatch Reels and Trouthunter Leaders and Tippets. Prince has spent the last ten years guiding on the waters of Idaho and Montana and will continue to guide part-time to stay in touch with consumers and test flies and equipment. Brandon can be contacted at or +1 208 520 7710.

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