English course

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LESSON no.1: The article a / an /the - (un / o) The Alphabet • • • • • • •

A [ei:] B [bi:] C [si:] D [di:] E [ i:] F [ef] G [dgi:]

• • • • • • •

H [eith] I [ai] J [dei] K [kei] L [el] M [em] N [en]

• • • • • •

O [au] P [pi:] Q [kju:] R [a:] sau [ar] S [es] T [ti:]

• • • • •

U [ju:] V [vi:] W [doblju:] X [eks] Y [uai]

Z [zed]

Articolul "an" se pune inaintea cuvintelor ce incep cu o vocala [An= a

, e, i, o ,u]

Articolul "a" se pune inaintea cuvintelor ce incep cu o consana [A= b,c,d,f... ]




This is an apple.

Acesta este un mar.

This is a banana

Aceasta este o banana.

This is a coat.

Aceasta este o haina.

This is a dress.

Aceasta este o rochie.

This is an egg.

Acesta este un ou.

This is an ice cream.

Aceasta este o inghetata.

This is an orange.

Aceasta este o portocala.

This is an umbrella.

Aceasta este o umbrela.

This is a house.

Aceasta este o casa .

This is the house where I live.

Aceasta este casa unde locuiesc.

This is a bed.

Acesta este un pat.

This is the bed in my bedroom.

Acesta este patul din camera mea.

This is a dress.

Aceasta este o rochie.

This is the dress that I bought.

Aceasta este rochia pe care am cumparato.

Exista doar trei articole in limba engleza: a, an si the. Exemple:

"Books are expensive." "The books are expensive."

A and an A si an reprezinta articole nehotarate. Se refera la ceva ce persoana cu care se discuta nu stie neaparat despre ce este vorba. Folosim a cand substantivul la care ne referim incepe cu o consoana. Folosim an cand substantivul la care ne referim incepe cu o vocala. Example:

"I saw an elephant at the zoo." "I ate a banana for lunch."

The Example:

"The apple you ate was rotten." "Did you lock the car?"

Folosim the deasemenea cand lucrul despre care vorbim a fost descris anterior. Example: "She's got two children; a girl and a boy. The girl's eight and the boy's fourteen."

Folosim de asemenea the atunci cand stim ca lucru despre care vorbim este unic. Example: the sun, the wind, the world, the North Pole etc

Totusi daca doriti sa descrieti o anume instanta atunci ar trebui sa folositi a/an. Example:

"I could hear the wind." / "There's a cold wind blowing."

"What are your plans for the future?" / "She has a promising future ahead of her."

LESSON no. 2 – The Numeral Numeralul cardinal • • • • • • • • • • • •

0 zero; 1 one; 2 two= [tu:]; 3 three; 4 four= [fo:r]; 5 five= [faiv]; 6 six= [siks]; 7 seven; 8 eight= [eit]; 9 nine= [nain]; 10 ten= [ten]; 11 eleven= [i'levn];

• • • • • • • •

12 twelve= [twelv]; 13 thirteen; 14 fourteen= [fo:'ti:n]; 15 fifteen= [fif'ti:n]; 16 sixteen= [siks'ti:n]; 17 seventeen; 18 eighteen= [ei'ti:n]; 19 nineteen= [nain'ti:n];

• • • • • • • • •

20 twenty= [twenti]; 30 thirty; 40 forty= [fo:ti]; 50 fifty= ['fifti]; 60 sixty= ['si:ksti]; 70 seventy= ['sevnti]; 80 eighty= ['eiti]; 90 ninety= ['nainti]; 100 a hundred;

1000 a thousand;

Ordinal numeral Pentru a forma un numeral ordinal Atunci cand un numeral cardinal se termina in -y, (numeralele ordinale pun obiectele in acesta se schimba in -ie inainte de a se adauga - th. ordine), adaugati terminatia -th la twenty= twentieth numeralul cardinal. sixty= sixtieth

• • • •

seven= seventh thirteen= thirteenth hundred= hundredth thousand= thousandth

Exceptii: 1st = firs t 2nd = second 3rd = third 5 = fifth 9 = ninth 12 = twelfth

LESSON no. 3: Pronumele Pronumele Un pronume este o parte de vorbire care inlocuieste un substativ comun sau propriu. De exemplu: acesta (this), aceela (that), she (ea), who (cine). Mai jos dam clasificarea pronumelor dupa gramatica engleza: • personal • demonstrativ • interogativ • relativ • indefinit • reflexiv La randul lor pronumele personale se impart in:

• • •

obiectiv subiectiv posesiv Pronumele personal Pronumele personal Pronumele personal subiectiv

Acest pronume se numeste subiectiv pentru ca este cel care in propozitie realizeaza actiunea. Este subiectul propozitiei Exemple: Eu merg la scoala = I go to school; Ne-am dus la mare = We went to the seaside. Eu I

Tu You

El He

Ea She

Impersonal It

Noi We

Voi You

Ei, Ele They

Pronumele personal obiectiv Acest pronume sta sau dupa un verb sau dupa o prepozitie. Daca insa prepozitia este of se foloseste pronumele posesiv. Exemple: Da-mi cartea! = Give me the book! Da-mi-l! = Give it to me! Prea multa mancare pentru mine! = Too much food for me! You are standing in front of me = (Tu) stai in fata mea. Me







Pronumele demonstrativ Acest pronume se traduce dupa caz prin acesta, aceasta, acestia, acestea, acela, aceea, aceia, acelea. Exemple: This one is mine, that one is yours. = Acesta-i al meu acela-i al tau. Those students are in my class. = Acei elevi sunt cu mine in clasa. Acesta, Aceasta This

Acela, Aceea That

Acestia, Acestea These

Aceia, Acelea Those

Pronumele interogativ Acest pronume se foloseste la intrebari. De obicei se traduce prin cine (who) sau ce (what). Exemple: Who is this? = Cine-i asta? What happened? = Ce s-a intamplat?

Observatii la pronumele posesive In romaneste se poate spune: prietenii mei, ai mei prieteni sau prieteni de-ai mei. In englezeste se spune numai: my friends sau friends of mine. • Cand sta pe langa un substantiv mine, yours... e totdeauna insotit de of : heart of mine (inima a mea), dream of mine (vis de-al meu) •

Prepozitia de din romana: de-al meu, de-al tau ... nu se traduce in engleza asa cum se vede din exemplele din lectie • Pronumele posesiv nu are forma de plural. •

mine yours his hers ours yours theirs

He is a friend of mine He is a friend of yours He is a friend of his He is a friend of hers He is a friend of ours He is a friend of yours He is a friend of theirs They are friends of mine They are friends of yours They are friends of his They are friends of hers They are friends of ours They are friends of yours They are friends of theirs

Lectia nr. 4: Adjective Adjectivele demonstrative sunt singurele care se acorda in numar cu substantivul. • • • • •

Adjective si pronume cantitative: some; any; no (folosite ca adjective); none (folosit doar ca pronume); much (folosit pentru a exprima cantitatea); many (folosit pentru a exprima numarul).

Observatii: Some se foloseste in propozitii cu verbul la afirmativ ( I have some books). Any se foloseste in propozitii cu verbul la negativ sau interogativ. ( I haven’t any books). In limba engleza intr-o propozitie nu pot exista doua negatii - ( I

Adjective si pronume posesive Forma









III (m)



III (f)



III (n)






have no books.)







Adjectivul Comparativ de inferioritate Adj scurte (mono si bisilabice) se formeaza din: not so/not as + adj + as Ex:This room is not so big as the bedroom. This room is not as big as the bedroom. pt adj lungi se formeaza: less + adj + than Ex:The chair is less comfortable than the bed. Comparativ de egalitate Atat pt adj scurte cat si pt lungi: as + adj + as Ex: The bed is as good as the chair. Ideea de egalitate mai poate fi sugerata si prin constructia: the same + subst + as Ex: This room is the same size as the other one. as brave as a lion as blind as a bat as black as coal as busy as a bee as cool as a cucumber as clear as daylight as dry as a bone as easy as ABC

as as as as as as as as

fresh as a daisy hairy as a gorilla mad as a hatter (palarier) poor as a church-mouse silent as a grave wise as Solomon soft as silk smooth as grass

Schimbare de valoare gramaticala Adjectiv-------------------------------Substantiv big, small------------------------------size long, short-----------------------------length broad, narrow-------------------------breadth wide, narrow--------------------------idth high, low------------------------------height deep, shallow-------------------------depth heavy, light---------------------------weight strong, weak--------------------------strength Superlativul relativ the + adj +est Ex: large - the largest / silly - the silliest

Pentru adj lungi: the most+ adj Ex: This is the most expensive thing. Dupa superlativ urmeaza prepozitiile of si in. Ex: He is the best of all / the best in my group. Daca se face comparatie intre 2 elemente, comparativul implica superlativul: the + comparativ Ex: Between you and me, I am the older. Superlativul absolut very + adj very poate fi inlocuit cu:extremely, exceptionally, tremendously Nu toate adj au grad de comparatie, unele definesc ideea de unitate (own, complete, proper, perfect, marvelous, maximum, minimum). Altele au sufixe si prefixe: extra – large / over – crowded / super – fine / ultra – short / priceless. Comparatia neregulata good - better - the best bad - worse - the worst ill - worse - the worst many - more - the most much - more - the most little - less - the least near - nearer - the nearest; next far - farther - the farthest

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

far - further - the furthest late - later - the latest; the last; the latter up - upper - the upmost in - inner - the inmost out - outer - the outmost fore - former - the foremost old - older - the oldest old - elder - the eldest Ex: My elder brother is older than me.

Adjectivul interogativ pozitie initiala in propozitie invariabil ca forma anuleaza articolul determina un substantiv forme: what, which, whose, how much, how many.

Diferenta: what./which Which presupune selectie dintr-un numar limitat. Ex: Which boy is your best friend? What nu presupune selectie. Ex: What days of the week do you know? Diferenta how much / how many How much presupune cantitatea si se foloseste pentru substantive nenumarabile. Ex: How much money do you want? How many inseamna numar si se foloseste la substantive numarabile. Ex: How many books do you want? Adjectivul relativ

1. 2. 3. 4.

pozitie mediana introduce o propozitie secundara invariabil determina un substantiv anulandu-i articolul

whatever (fara selectie), whichever (selectie din numar limitat), whose (a, al, ai, ale cui). Ex: You may take 1/ whatever books you want 2/. Adjectivul nehotarat SOME Utilizare: In propozitia enuntiativa urmat de substantiv nenumarabil sau numarabil la plural. Ex: I have some money / friends. In propozitia interogativa in care se face o afirmatie sau o invitatie. Ex: Would you like some coffee? In propozitia in care stiu sigur ca primesc raspuns pozitiv. Ex: Mother, can you give me some money? In propozitia negativa al carui sens este afirmativ. Ex: I never go home without buying some chocolate. Sensul real este: I always buy chocolate when I go home. Cand poate fi inlocuitorul lui "certain". Ex: Certain people/some people believe they are the best. ANY Este inlocuitorul lui "some" in: Propozitia interogativa la care nu stiu ce raspuns voi primi. Ex: Is there any milk left? In propozitia enuntiativa dar cu sensul de oricine, oricare, orice. Ex: Any book is good for you. In propozitia care contine un adverb negativ de genul: hardly, barely, scarcely Ex: I hardly eat any bread (nu mananc paine aproape deloc) In propozitia care contine "if". (if = incertitudine) Ex: If you find any books, buy them. In propozitia care contine o expresie de indoiala: maybe, perhaps. Ex: I doubt there are any good films in town. In propozitia negativa in care verbul este negat. Ex: I haven’t any friends here. NO – EVERY - EACH Se foloseste numai in propozitia negativa in care verbul este la afirmativ. Ex: I have no friends here. Ex: Every day I go to my office. Ex: Each person has a name.

EITHER - NEITHER Dupa each, every, either sau neither urmeaza substantiv numarabil la singular iar acordul cu verbul se face la singular. Expresii cu every si each Each other Every bit/inch Every right Every now and than Every other day Every so often SUCH A – ALL – WHOLE – THE OTHER – ANOTHER – BOTH – SEVERAL - ENOUGH Ex: This is such a man of honor. Ex: All books/information must be used. Ex: I like the whole book. Ex: I’m home all the morning/ the whole morning. Ex: The other child/children can swim. Expresia "The other day" = some days ago, cere obligatoriu trecutul. Ex: I was there the other day. (Am fost acolo acum cateva zile) Ex: Give me other examples. Daca e precedat de "no" poate fi urmat si de numarabil la singular. Ex: No other man is as good as you are. Ex: Would you like another drink? = vrei inca unul (suplimentar) sau un altul (diferit)? Ex:I like both kids -> acordul in plural Both are intelligent. Ex: We spent several days there. MOST = majoritatea + substantiv numarabil la plural sau nenumarabil. Ex: Most books/information can be read easily. Daca e urmat de substantiv nenumarabil sau numarabil la plural are pozitie mobila. Ex: I have enough money/money enough to be happy. Daca e urmat de substantiv numarabil la singular se aseaza dupa el. Ex: He is man enough to understand me. Adjective cu ing Adjectivele cu ing sunt de fapt verbe la gerunziu (mergand, cantand etc) care au devenit in textul dat adjective. In romaneste se traduc folosind "care" sau "pentru" little jumping Joan sleeping pills feeding time carving knife rolling hills howling wind rolling pin dancing shoes rising star Sleeping Beauty

Gradele de comparatie – adjective Pozitiv




de superioritate

de egalitate

de inferioritate



more beautiful

as beautiful

less beautiful

very beautiful



as pretty

less pretty

very pretty

relativ the most beautiful the prettiest

Exemple: Sweet Sweeter Sweetest Observatie: Poate ca pe cutii de zaharina ati vazut cuvantul "sweetener" - acest cuvant inseamna indulcitor Formarea gradului comparativ de superioritate La formarea comparativului de superioritate conteaza daca adjectivul considerat e lung sau scurt. Adjectivele lungi: ex beautiful, interesting, formeaza comparativul de superioritate prin adaugarea cuvantului more Adjectivele polisilabice (lungi) sunt adjective formate din cel putin 2 silabe. Not so…as….. Less…than…. John is not so fat as George / John is less fat than George. Formarea gradului superlativ absolut Se foloseste cuvantul very echivalentul lui foarte care ca si in romana se pune in fata adjectivului Exemple pentru gradul superlativ absolut: Thank you very much - Multumesc foarte mult Formarea gradului superlativ relativ Gradul superlativ relativ imparte adjectivele in aceleasi categorii ca si comparativul de superioritate.Adjectivele care au terminatia - er pentru comparativul de superioritate in acest caz au terminatia - est Adjectivele care primesc in fata more pentru comparativul de superioritate in acest caz primesc most. Exemplu : tall-taller-the tallest friendly-friendlier-the friendliest tired-more tired-the most tired

Lectia nr. 5: Verbul

In limba engleza ca si in limba romana un verb are mai multe timpuri. Mai mult ca perfectul muncisem - I had worked Prezent muncesc- I work, I am working Imperfect munceam - I was working, I had worked Perfectul Compus am muncit - I worked, I have worked, I have been working Perfectul Simplu muncii - I worked Viitor voi munci- I will work, I will be working Viitorul perfect voi fi muncit - I will have worked, I will have been working Verbele limbii engleza se impart in regulate si neregulate Pentru a folosi un verb regulat la orice timp nu trebuie memorat decat verbul in sine, pe cand pentru verbele neregulate trebuie memorate trei forme ale verbului. Verbul to work = a munci, a lucra este verb regulat. Eu lucrez la o banca dar ea lucreaza ca profesoara - I work at a bank but she works as a teacher Am muncit mult ieri la banca - I worked a lot yesterday at the bank. Muncind inveti valoarea banilor (actiunile sunt simultane muncesti si mai inveti putin iar mai muncesti iar mai inveti etc) - By working one learns the value of money. Si in limba romana se folosesc verbele auxiliare a fi si a avea. Dar nu in aceleasi cazuri. Eu am muncit foloseste forma am de la verbul a avea. Tu sa fii muncit foloseste sa fii de la verbul a fi. Explicatii generale pentru timpurile verbului in engleza anume: simplu, simplu continuu, simplu perfect, simplu perfect continuu  Simplu - verbul reprezinta o actiune prezenta, trecuta sau viitoare nelimitata in timp.  Continuu - verbul reprezinta o actiune in derulare la un moment dat prezent, trecut sau viitor care in momentul acela se petrece simultan cu o alta actiune.  Simplu Perfect - verbul reprezinta o actiune inceputa anterioara unui moment dat prezent, trecut sau viitor  Continuu Perfect - verbul reprezinta o actiune in curs pana la un moment dat prezent, trecut sau viitor si continuind sau nu in acel moment

The verb : TO WORK Present Tense

Present Continuous

Present Perfect I have worked You have worked

Present Perfect Continuous I have been working

Past Continuous I was working

Past Perfect I had worked

I work

I am working

You work

You are working

You have been working

You were working

You had worked

He works

He is working

He has worked

He has been working

He was working

He had worked

She works

She is working

She has worked

She has been working

She was working

She had worked

We work

We are working

We have been working

We were working

We had worked

You work

You are working

You have been working

You were working

You had worked

They work

They are working

They have been working

They were working

They had worked

We have worked You have worked They have worked

Past Perfect Continuous I had been working You had been working He had been working She had been working We had been working You had been working They had been working

Future Tense I will work

Future Continuous I will be working

You will work

You will be working

He will work

He will be working

She will work

She will be working

We will work

We will be working

You will work

You will be working

They will work

They will be working

Future Perfect I will have worked You will have worked He will have worked She will have worked We will have worked You will have worked They will have worked

Future Perfect Continuous I will have been working You will have been working He will have been working She will have been working We will have been working You will have been working They will have been working

Imperativ in English Don't worry be happy! Have a break! Don't cry for me Argentina! Let it be! Don't cry over spilt milk Don't look a gift horse in the mouth Let sleeping dogs lie! Watch out!

Go for it! Mind your own business Keep your fingers crossed! Forgive me! Help me! Leave me alone! Don't push me! Take it easy!

Lesson no. 6: Conversation guide and vocabulary Restaurant  I'd like some salad with the meat.

Change (too much, too many) with no sufficient (not enough) si invers:

 What do you prefer, wine or beer?  Could i have some vinegar?

 There are too many chips.

 Who wants coffe?

There are not enough chips.  You have too many beans. You have not enough beans.  There is too much coffee. There is not enough coffee.  She has not enough carrots. She has too many carrots.

 Do you have/ Have you got some mustard?  Do you want some more chips?

 There is not enough tea. There is too much tea.  I'd like to have breakfast at 8.  He/ She would like some ham.  I'd like some water; I'd like to drink.

 Do you know a good restaurant?  Is there any veal? - No, (there is not) but i think there is some ham.  Do you know at what time lunch is served?  How much does a dinner in this restaurant cost?

 Would you have another glass?

 Where is this restaurant?  A-i placea/ A nu-i placea: I like meat. / I don't like fish. Do you like veal? - Yes, I do.

When, what….. • • • • • • • • • • • • •

When will she come? When does the train leave for...? When do you want to come? When were you born? When did you go there? When did you see them? (At) what time will they come? (At) what time is the plane? (At) what time did you leave? (At) what time does it begin? (At) what time does it close? (At) what time does the train leave? (At) what time is dinner

• • • • • • • • •

(At) what time do the stores open? What time is it? It is eight a.m. What time is it? It is half past nine. What time is it? It is a quarter to eleven. What time is it? It is two p.m. What time is it? It is twelve o'clock/ noon. What time is it? It is twenty to four p.m. What time is it? It is a quarter past seven. What time is it? It is midnight.


Vocabular util • • • • • • • • • •

to be at home; to be away from home; to go back home; a flat (GB), an apartment (US); to mow the lawn; the key [ki:]; the tenant; to live in a house; the suburbs; the town centre (GB), city center (US), downtown (US) ['dauntaun]; the door; the window; the flowers; to rent [rent]; the roof [ru:f]; the stairs; the dog; the furniture; a carpet, a rug; curtains; a table [`teibl]; a chair; an armchair; the bed; the pet [pet];

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

the bell [bel]; to ring; the trees [tri:z]; the lift; the wall; to move in [mu:v]; to move out; to open; to shut; to lock; the floor; the ceiling; a corner; the hall; the corridor; the kitchen; a bedroom; the bathroom; the refrigerator; the wardrobe; the sink; the oven; a pan; to switch on the light [lait]; to switch off the light; to wash up

the fence [fens];

How much, how long …… • • • •

How much is it/ does it cost? How much money do you want? How much does he earn? How many brothers and sisters have you got? • How many do you want? • How many tickets do you want? • How many children have you got? • How many pubs are there in this village? • How many people are expected? • How many newspapers are there in this country? • How is it (that) he is so stupid? • How is it (that) he is so shy? • How does it work?

• • • • • • • • • • • •

How How How How How How How How How How How How

long will you stay? long have you got? long does it take? long have you been waiting? long have you been married? long has she worked in New York? far is the station? fast can this car go? fast was he driving? are you? is your father? do you make it work?

• How are they?

What, why …. • • • • • •

What's your name? I don't know how to thank you. Why don't you come with us? Why is he angry? Why don't you stay tonight? Why are you angry with them?

• • • • •

I don't know why. Did she say why? Did he tell you why? He didn't say why. Why didn't he telephone?

Why didn't he came?

Expresii utile: -

Is it expensive? What do they say? Is it possible? What is it? Can/ may i phone? What does she prefer? Do you take credit cards? What do you want?

     

What What What What What What What

is your phone number? did you buy? does it cost? do you know about them? can they do? did you see? will she say?

There is, it is not….. • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • •

There is a cheap restaurant. There is a train at two p.m. There is a convenient plane. Is there a train at three p.m.? Is there a chemist's open today? Are there public conveniences (lavatories or toilets) ? • There is no mail on Sunday. • There are no sales today. • I am ( I'm) not sure. • I am (I'm) not ready. • I am ( I'm) not tired. • He/ She is not ( isn't) pleased.

He/ She is not ( isn't) late. He/ She is not ( isn't) in a hurry. It is not (It's not) easy. It is not ( It's not) possible. It is not ( It's not) allowed. It is not ( It's not) difficult. I am not/ I'm not sleepy. I am not/ I'm not thirsty. I am not/ I'm not hungry. We have got not/ We've got no money. We have got not/ We've got no time.

• We have got not/ We've got no dog.

I am, I want ….. • • • • • • • • • • • •


am am am am am am am am am am am am

interested. sick. married. single. afraid. hungry. cold. thirsty. wrong. right. late. early.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

I want/ I would like a glass of water. I want/ I would like you to come with us. I want/ I would like you to tell me your name. I want/ I would like to stay a few days. I want/ I would like a room for two. I want/ I would like a good restaurant. I want/ I would like to take a taxi. I want/ I would like to buy a flat. I want/ I would like to rent a car. Do you want/ Would you like another cup of coffee? Do you want/ Would you like me to accompany you? Do you want/ Would you like me to help you? Do you want/ Would you like to have a drink with us?

• Do you want/ Would you like an orange juice?

Expressions     

I'd like to introduce my brother to you. Our son is seven. My mother lives in the north of France. They divorced three years ago. Do you have any brothers or sisters.

    

They have invited us at the wedding. I was born in 1986. What's his first name? How old are your children? We have been married for twenty years.

      

They left this country five years ago. I saw her a year ago. He disappeared ten years ago. We have been here for a week. I have worked with them for five years. I have been working with them for five years. We have lived here for one year.

 She's been living in London since last February.  I have been here since yesterday evening.  We have lived here since last year.  We have been living here since last year.  Please wake [weik] me at eight a.m.  I must leave at a quarter to eight tonight.

   

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

We've been living here for one year. I have worked with them since 1993 I've been working with them since 1993 She has lived in London since last February.

a salesman a saleslady How expensive! I can't afford it. I'm short of money. cash I pay cash. to buy on credit a cheque, a check (US) a credit card a pound note [paund n?ut] a second-hand article to deliver goods competition to sell at a profit [profit] to sell at a loss to sell at a discount a (good) bargain stay; no vacancy/ full; reception;

   

Be ready at four p.m. At what time will you arrive? We'll arrive on March the tenth at ten a.m. Be ready before six p.m.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

accomodation; single room; double room; room for the night; room available; twin beds; tap (GB), faucet (US); to reserve/ to book, to make a reservation; to carry the luggage; to order; to pay in advance; to pay a deposit; to check out; menu ['menju]; hors d'oeuvre; dessert/ sweet; bill; napkin; waiter/ waitress;

• service included;

The telephone is ringing. Are you on the phone? What is your number? When can I call you? Where is the phone book? Hello, Mary speaking. It's Mary. Who(m) are you asking for? Who is speaking? Put me through to Edy, please. You've got the wrong number. Hold on. extension 21

• • • • • • • • • •

His line is engaged (GB), His line is busy (US) [bizi] Dial another number. Pick up the receiver. Put down the receiver. a phone booth an aswering machine the light is blinking. to play back a message. to cancel an appointment the message is recorded, the message is on tape.

2 p.m. este ora doua dupa-amiaza 6 a.m este ora sase dimineata Cand va referiti la ora 12 noaptea, puteti spune midnight. Cand va referiti la ora 12 ziua, puteti spune noon. Iata cateva exemple cu formule de exprimare a orei in engleza.  How far is the station?  Where is the nearest post office?  Can you drive me/take me to 72 Wilkins Avenue?  I am late because of the traffic-jams.  Is it possible to walk there, or is it too far?  What's your home address?  Can we get there by bus?  We live in the suburbs.

 Where is the station?  I'm waiting for the bus.  Where is the nearest post office?  Can you call a taxi for us, please?  Turn right.  There are many traffic-jams.  Drive straight on to the traffic lights.  Here are my address and my phone number.  Where can we (can I) park? (Where is it possible to park?)

Day of the week, names of the months • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

tomorrow; yesterday; ten days ago; this week; next week; last week; two weeks ago; this month; next month; six months ago; this year; next year; last year; three years ago;

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

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Spring Summer Autumn


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January February March April May June July August September October November December

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