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The central unit it is the key component of a computer. It has: -RAM memory (random access memory)this is where the program is processed; -Hard disk- this is where all of the information is stocked; -Microprocessor (CPU- central processing unit)- it has the role of handleing information. 2. THE SCREEN The screen it is the unit that displays the information. It does this by taking the information from a video card that is fitted on the computer.


THE KEYBOARD it has the role of inputting




computer. The keyboard consists of letter keys number keys and function keys.

4. THE MOUSE The mouse it is also an input device. The buttons on the mouse may vary( it can have a different of function buttons but the standard mouse has 2 buttons and a wheel that helps scroll through a document for example


The speakers are output devices that emit sounds.


The printer it prints the pages seen on the screen to paper. There are different types of printers (inkjet or laser, color or black and white).

7. THE SCANNER The sanner is an input device that can convert images or documents in order to use them on the computer. It can also have the function of a Xerox machine.


This is the unit that enables the computer to connect to the internet. In this


people can access

information from all over the world. Internet also helps in communication through chatting and emails.


This piece takes the computer, the screen, the keybord, the speekers and the mouse all together. The laptop is user to travel with.

WORD MICROSOFT MENU Meniul File - Fisier New Open… Close Save Save as… Versions… Page Setup… Print Preview Print Sent To Proprieties Lista cu documente Exit

Open a new document or a template - Ctrl+N Open a previously created template - Ctrl+O Close all windows active document - Ctrl+W Save the changes made in the document - Ctrl+S Save the new version of the document under another name - F12 Manages versions of a document Allows the choice of parameters that determine the arrangement in pain for selected sections Option that determinate how preview a printed document - Ctrl + F2. Print to print the document - Ctrl + P. Opens a submenu from which you can choose the recipient who sent the document may be actively using e-mail information’s. Display information about the file that contains the active document. Displaying a list of latest opened documents. You can open a document from the list by clicking on his name Close the Word application and the application will ask you to confirm the save of the documents – Alt+F4.

Menu Edit Undo Repeat Cut, Copy, Paste Paste Special… Clear Select All Find Replace… (Inlocuire) Go to… Links… Object

Cancel last action of the correction in the text - Ctrl + Z . Repeat the last correction in the text - Ctrl + Y. Operations through the memory clipboard - Ctrl + X / C / V. Allows choice in how to be inserted in the document object: by encapsulation or binding the document Delete Selected - Delete Select all document Search in document text and style formatting - Ctrl + F. Search text in a document or a style of formatting and replace him with the text and formatting type specified - Ctrl + H. Move cursor to insertion in the document in the specified position ( page, section, line, marks the document) - Ctrl + G. Allows updating links in the document (adding new links, deleting links, changing linked objects, changing horses at that link was added). Activate the object selected by the launch in execution it was create. The application will load in the window to work in selected subject.

Menu View Normal /Online Layout/Page Layout /Outline /Master Document Toolbar Ruler Document Map

Header and Footer Footnotes Comments Full screen Zoom…

This option forms a group of radio buttons which sets the view mode: normal mode, the direct settlement, the pagination, the structure of the document and the main document (Ctrl + Alt + N / P / O). Opens a submenu that contains options for managing instruments bars (control and customize their display them). Option which controls the display the measuring ruler. Option which controls the display of the document structure in a panel that opens on the left window panel of the document. This panel can be used for fast move into the document. Open the area for editing the headers and basements and display the toolbar and Header Footer Option that allows access to the editing of footnote or end of the document. It is available only if notes were inserted. Option that allows access to the editing window. It is available only if the texts were inserted. Option that switch mode to view full screen. Allows changing in the document window.

Menu Insert Break … Page Numbers… Date and Time … Auto Text Field… Symbol… Comment Footnote … Caption Cross-reference Index and Tables Picture Text Box File…

Insert interruption of marking the page, the column or section. Enter the number of page (Alt + Shift + P). Allows the insertion date and time taken from the system and establish the format for date and time (Alt + Shift + D). Opens a submenu with options for administration Insert AutoText Insert a field chosen from a list of fields. Insert a symbol (a particular) drawn from a list of characters of a font. Insert a comment window opens for the administration of predefined comments. Inserted footnote or end note of a document. Insert a text above or below a selected object. Insert a reference an entity in the same document. Insert a table index, the range of objects or authorities. Opens a submenu with options that allow the insertion of file with images or from another application. Working tool for drawing a text box. Allows the insertion of another file contains document.



Allows insertion through encapsulation or binding of an object (image, equation, organizational, chart). In the dialog box that opens is displaying the list of applications installed on your computer that can be used as application server for creating object. Manages bookmarks in the document (creation, deletion, location).

Menu Format Font … Paragraph… Bullets and Numbering Borders and Shading… Columns. Tabs… Drop Cap… Test Direction… Change Case… AutoFormat… Style Gallery Style… Background… Object…

Formats characters in the selected area or characters to be written starting position the cursor CTRL + D Formats area selected paragraphs or subparagraphs to be written starting position cursor Create and format a numbered list. Marked borders and shadows, formats paragraphs, selected texts, tables and table cells in the borders of the pages. Split the selected area in columns. Fix the position of the tabs, type their tabs and delete the zone selected paragraphs or subparagraphs to be written starting position mouse cursor. Formats paragraph that begins with selected marker. Determinate the direction of orientation of the selected text (horizontal or vertical). Change the type of letter (in capital letters in small letters and vice versa) in the selected text Enables automatic formatting of selected text area. Allows retrieving of a certain style from the list of document templates for formatting styles. Manage the formatting styles (create, change, delete). Allows setting the background color and design document. Format a drawing object (line by line, model filling, size, position).

Menu Tools Spelling and Grammar Language

Word Count AutoSummarize… AutoCorrect… Track Changes Merge Documents… Protect Document… Mail Merge.. Envelopes and Labels Letter Wizard Macro Templates and Add-Ins.. Customize.. Options…

Enable the document in terms of spelling and grammatical F7 Opens a submenu which contains options for choosing the language for grammar tools for finding a synonym for the word or antonym selected (Thesaurus ... shortcut Shift + F7) and to determine how that is done the separation in syllables (Hyphenation ...) Display a statistical summary of the active document (number of characters, words, lines of text, the paragraphs and pages) Display a summary of the document that asset can insert in the active document or in another document. Manage entries AutoCorect (creating and deleting them). Opens a submenu with options for highlighting changes made to document and compare the two versions of the same document). Add current document to another document Allows setting options for protecting the document (including the password). Manages the postal labels. Manage and print the postal labels. Launch in execution procedure for managing documents assistant Manage postal macros (creating, deleting, launching in execution) Allows changing the active document template or modifying the template parameters values Customize interface elements (bars instruments, the menus and shortcuts from the keyboard) Set the parameters for the operations made slides application Word (editing, printing and preview).

Menu Table Draw Table Insert … Delete … Merge Cells Split Cells… Select Row Select Collumn Select Table Table AutoFormat… Distribute Rows Evenly

Insert a table in the document to enter the design into Insert in a document a table and in a table insert one or more cell lines or columns Delete selected table cells, rows or columns selected in a table Together selected cells in a table , in a single cell Divide each selected cell in a table in two or more cells Select the current row of the table Select the current column in the table Select all the table (Alt + Num5 - key 5 from the numeric keypad, keyboard activated by editing – the bottom Numlock turned off) Establish a format for table. The formatting will be chosen from a formatting list Assigns the same default height selected rows or cells assigned the

Distribute Columns Evenly Cell Height and Width… Headdings Convert Text to Table…/ Sort… Formula Split Table Show Gridlines

same width columns, or cells selected Select the current row of the table Establish width and height of rows and / or columns from a table Obtain that controls whether the table will have a header that will be displayed at the beginning of every page Turn selected text into a table and vice versa Rearrange the table selected in a certain order depending on the values of a column of two or three columns Added to the cell current field type formula (field whose value is calculated by application Split a table into two tables, inserting a mark before the end of a paragraph from the current line type table Option which controls the switch if it is displayed on the screen imaginary grid that separates them from the ranks of the table and columns (this grid is not printed: it is used only to identify table cells).

Window’s Menu New Window

Open a new window for the active document

Arrange All

Order document windows open so we do not cover each other

Split/Remove Split

Split the document of the active window in two areas of work and allows sizing of these areas which means to remove the marking of the two areas Display a list of numbers of windows document to enable quicly opening. You could quickly actiate another document by clicking on the document name from the list.

List of open document windows

OPENING MICROSOFT WORD Microsoft word can be opened by using the Windows “Start” menu: Start-ProgramsMicrosoft Word. You can achieve the same results by opening Start and “New Office Document”. Here we have to click on the “General” tag than double click on the “Blank Document”. After accessing Microsoft Word we can see an empty document in which we can enter our text. The Microsoft Word screen has the following options: - the title bar where we have the name of the program, the name of the user and the name of the current document, at the end of this bar we have buttons for minimization, maximization and closing of the document. If we minimize the document we can restore it by clicking on it in the start bar located on the bottom of the screen. The maximize

button changes the size of the Microsoft word application. The close button closes the application. - The vertical bar helps us scroll through the document. - The status bar shows information regarding the documents status and the status of the keys used when typing. The horizontal scroll bar helps us scroll through the width of the document: - The format bar; - The standard bar; - The menu bar where we have the menus accessible to the word document. The Microsoft Word application has a line that flickers in the work space, this is the courser, or better yet the insertion point (it shows where the text will be inserted or where some certain commands will take place). We can change this point in order to adjust certain areas of the text- we can do this by clicking in that certain point or by using the arrows on the keyboard (however using the mouse is easier). In order to exit the application we can either: Click FILE and EXIT or Click the close button situated in the upper right side of the screen. In case we want so safe for the first time a document we choose a certain name and location before exiting otherwise we can lose all the information. CREATING A NEW DOCUMENT In case it is already open we can create a new document by clocking the New button located on the instrument panel (bar) or we can click FILE and NEW. Other buttons: – Cancel – it cancels the template without creating a new document; – Back – jumps to the last step; – Next- jumps to the next step; – Finish-closes the template but saves it as a new document. INSERTING THE TEXT We can insert the text by keyboard. As we type the text appears on the blank page. If the flickering line comes to the end of the screen it jumps down creating a new row. This is called alignment of the words. We press ENTER only if we wish to create a new line sooner for instance for creating a new paragraph. In order to select a bunch of words we place the mouse pointer in the desired location, we hold the left mouse button pressed and we drag it until the desired text is selected. In order to select a number of pages se choose EDIT- SELECT ALL – COPY. If we wish the text be sent in another document we open the new document, and use the PASTE function.

SAVING A NEW DOCUMENT By opening a new document in Microsoft Word this is saved in a Temporary folder. In order to be able to access the document even after restarting the computer one has to name the document and choose a specific location for it. In order to do so we click FILE, SAVE or SAVE AS. In the text box FILE NAME we can write the name of the document using a maximum of 255 letters .After clicking save the document is saved on the disk. To open an existing file we click FILE>OPEN (or we click OPEN from the instrument bar) and we search the document we wish to open. SEARCHING A TEXT To find a certain text we select a text bloc: - Click Edit, Find or (CTRL+F) and the find application will appear. Here we write the text we wish to find (this is called search template). PRINTING, EMAILING OR FAXING A DOCUMENT Printing is very simple and it can be done in many ways. We can click File>Print or click the print button and on the screen we have the print dialog box. Here we can choose the number of copies, the print quality, how to print the pages (in order or following a specific pattern) etc. After doing so we click OK. To Fax the document we have to: click File>send to> fax recipient and Microsoft Word will open the Fax Wizard which configurates the fax that will be sent. Emailing is done in the same manner or by saving a copy and using the attachment option. PAGE NUMBERING, HEADER, FOOTER Usually long documents need page numbering. In order to do this you select Insert, Page Numbers and on the screen there will appear a dialog box called Page numbers. Here you can choose where to number the page (upper side, down side, left or right. The header and footer menu can be opened from the Insert function. These come in handy when dealing with a long document. USING TABLES A table is a structure where we can organize data in rows and columns. Every entry made is a table is actually made in a “cell� which is independent from all other entries. The table can have any size. The cell may be filled with letters numbers pictures etc. To create a table the following steps have to be followed: Select TABLE>INSERT TABLE. On the screen there will appear a table dialog box. Here one may choose the number of

cells and columns. When the flickering line is in the cell we can insert the data in the table. We can choose, by clicking, any cell. To navigate in the table we can also use the keyboard. After the data is inserted in the table, the user may modify it any why he/she likes. To empty a cell you simply select the contents and press delete. The user may also delete columns or rows or insert new columns or rows. These modifications are made by using a submenu. The submenu appears when the right mouse button is pressed. You have the option to “insert row”, “delete entire row” and the same for columns. You can also modify the width of the column or cell by clicking the margin and dragging it. MANAGING THE TEXT, LINING IT UP IN COLUMNS The columns created in Microsoft Word are similar to those in a newspaper. In order to do this you select FORMAT>COLUMNS. Here you choose the number of columns you wish to have on that page. You can also change the format of a text and arrange it in columns. You select the text and enter FORMAT>COLUMNS and follow the same steps as above. You also have the choice to convert a text using the button named COLUMNS. USING GRAPHIC ELEMENTS You can import almost any type of graphic image in Microsoft Word by using the INSERT menu. Here you choose IMAGE and than you have a large variety form where you can select the image. One can also use the predefined image that Windows comes with. To work with a graphic object we have to select it first by clicking it. You can resize or reshape it by clicking one of the corners that appear as small squares. You click one of these squares and you drag it as you please. To delete an object you select it and you press DELETE. To copy an abject you follow the steps: Select the graphic object. You press Ctrl+C or press EDIT>COPY and after choosing the new destination you press Ctrl+V to copy it or Ctrl+X to move it and delete its previous location.

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