Tamworth Enterprise College
A Learning and Skills Academy S c h o o l
Through education, reflection and an enterprising philosophy, we will develop happy and responsible citizens. Our collegiate approach will ensure that learning and teaching provide all students with high aspirations and the confidence to address the world on their own terms Simon Turney, Principal
P r o sp e c t u s
A warm welcome from the Principal May I take this opportunity to ‘welcome’ you to Tamworth Enterprise College. I hope you will find the information contained within our prospectus both interesting and helpful. Your child is understandably the most important person to you and to us. At Tamworth Enterprise College we aim to offer a first class education matched to the individual skills and abilities of every student. In order to achieve this we seek to develop and maintain highly effective relationships between staff, students and parents/ carers at all times. Clearly, successful academic outcomes are important. We are immensely proud that over recent years we have continued to achieve our best results ever. Up to 95% of our students achieve at least five good grade GCSEs (A* to C) and over half of our students successfully include both English and Mathematics in their results. However, we do not measure the success of our students by their examination results alone. We continually strive to develop your child’s self-confidence, enhance their self-belief and encourage their self-esteem so that they are equipped to build a happy and fulfilled life. Our expectations of ourselves, our students and of you as parents and carers are high in order to achieve what must be common aims. An excellent attitude, high standards of appearance, good manners, full attendance and punctuality are all paramount to achieving good discipline and academic success, together with emotional and physical well being. We believe Tamworth Enterprise College is a thriving and vibrant school where all students, whatever their ability, will flourish, and comments made by visitors to our school often reflect this. I welcome you taking the time to visit us in order to judge for yourself and I look forward to meeting you. Simon Turney Principal
At Tamworth Enterprise College we ASPIRE to be our best Achievement:
“The gaining of something, usually after working hard; to accomplish. AT TEC, achievement is a significant priority and our personalised approach will ensure that all students have access to everything they need to excel. “Achievement is the outcome of education!”
“Something that turns out as planned, or that is judged favourably by others.” At TEC, success is both recognised and rewarded at all levels and for all students. We continually seek out opportunities for success for any individual in the school. “Success is the culmination of endeavour!”
“Movement towards a destination, goal or state of completion.” At TEC, the progress of every student is measured against their individual starting point, tracked half termly and reported back to students and parents with clearly outlined targets for the next steps to improve. “Progress is the improvement in matters that affect one’s wellbeing.”
“Thinking and acting for oneself.” At TEC, independent learning is at the heart of every lesson. Students are continually encouraged to think for themselves to be independent minded and not to be over reliant on others. “Independence frees us from influence, persuasion or bias.”
“To show consideration, attention or thoughtfulness.” At TEC there is a very clear and constant expectation that all staff and students both give, and receive, respect. Mutual respect underpins the cohesiveness of our community. “Respect empowers us to be valued and valuable.”
“A project that requires boldness or initiative; an adventurous spirit; ingenuity.” At TEC, we continually encourage our students to respond to situations by virtue of their own initiative and ingenuity, and we seek out opportunities to allow skills for enterprise to come to the fore. “Enterprise invigorates our spirit.”
The Academy Curriculum provides a well structured and wide range of effective opportunities to learn, aspire to higher grades and meet their learning goals, personal aspirations and career/progression pathways OFSTED Inspector June 2013 Tamworth Enterprise College School Prospectus 3
Aspire to achieve
Achievement in Education social, moral, spiritual and cultural development of our students. Our curriculum embeds clear advice and guidance to maintain their emotional and physical well being and also that of others. Students study a broad curriculum of subjects alongside English, Maths and Science. These are, History, Geography, Religious Education, Spanish, Information Technology, Physical Education, Design Technology, Art, Music, Drama and Dance.
We strongly believe that the curriculum we offer here at TEC encourages all students, at all stages, an aspirational level of choice, challenge and ambition. We promote active, creative learning within their curriculum with every opportunity to demonstrate and evidence the progress that they are making. We believe when students are inspired to learn, outcomes are inspirational. We realise that our students perform at their best when lessons are engaging, interactive and creative. Our drive to constantly personalise learning endeavours to promote rapid and sustained progress, which allows students to consider a variety of learning and career pathways.
Students successfully develop many of the attributes that are needed for Work OFSTED Inspector June 2013 4 Tamworth Enterprise College School Prospectus
Our curriculum is planned so that students progress academically and develop their emotional and physical wellbeing through a variety of contexts within both the classroom and other aspects of school life.
At Key Stage 3, we want all of our students to experience not only a broad and balanced curriculum, but also to develop skills that will help them become independent, rounded members of the community. We also look to our curriculum to promote the
In Year 9, many of our curriculum areas begin their Key Stage 4 programmes, which provide students with taster sessions of option choices available at Key Stage 4. There are also opportunities for students to take Expressive Arts at GCSE in Year 9.
In Key Stage 4, students are expected to continue to study a broad core of subjects which includes English, Maths and Science at GCSE level and Physical Education. Students choose their options in Year 9 with close support. They are informed as to the best pathways for them to ensure they achieve academically and vocationally. Students have the option to study a combination of qualifications at GCSE and BTEC level such as History, Geography, Psychology, Physical Education, Public Services, Creative Media, Spanish, Drama, Dance, Art, Music, Construction, Hospitality and Catering, Engineering, ICT, Sport and Travel and Tourism. Our choice of BTEC and exceptional 100% pass rate of these courses make our Key Stage 4 curriculum exciting and varied giving many of our students a real advantage when going on to study post 16 courses.
Aspire to succeed
Success in Education Positive Learning Ethos Celebrating student achievement is at the heart of what we do. Through a clear system of rewards and the public celebrations of these awards we foster a ‘praise’ culture where everyone can achieve and so taste the confidence of success. An engaging learning experience is crucial in getting the very best out of our students.
We also recognise that sometimes things go wrong and we use carefully measured sanctions, underpinned by a philosophy of ‘Discipline with ‘Dignity’ to reinforce our expectations. All sanctions are applied with the expectation that they will foster and support future success for the student.
Gifted and Talented We believe that all our students have attributes and talents to develop. Where these are exceptional, they should be nurtured and encouraged. All teachers identify students with an exceptionally strong aptitude for their subject and provide a range of targeted activities for them including: master classes, early entry examinations, educational visits and holiday workshops to secure results.
Enrichment Activities We work together to promote a caring ethos of respect and excellence. We expect high standards of behaviour and self-discipline. We want our students to take responsibility for the well being of themselves and others. We have a very successful VIVO programme, which rewards students for making a positive contribution. VIVO stands for ‘value in, value out’, which encourages rewards to be a real incentive for students to succeed and enables them to access rewards of their choice. Rewards and celebrations are a key focus for us in emphasising the positive and encouraging good behaviour and effort, punctuality and attendance.
We are committed to providing a range of opportunities outside the classroom. Our programme of enrichment activities offers all students the chance to experience the excitement and engagement when involved in activities, which stimulate and extend an individual’s current thinking. Our ‘Green Car’ project led by our committed Science and Design Technology teams have been highly successful encouraging our students to recognise the value of these subjects outside of the classroom. All curriculum areas offer regular clubs, activities and educational visits and we encourage all students to take part.
Students are clear about what they need to do to improve and can increasingly work independently of the teacher OFSTED Inspector June 2013 Tamworth Enterprise College School Prospectus 5
Aspire to progress
Progress through Education Student Progress
Learning Support
Students are given highly aspirational target grades for each Key Stage based on their prior achievement. We monitor their progress towards this target through frequent internal checks and reporting. There are regular progress checks during classroom lessons and visual displays so students can see how well they are doing. If students are not on track to achieve their potential, then we have a wide range of intervention strategies, which can be put into place to effectively support them.
We aim to enable all students to make the best possible progress in their learning within a broad, balanced curriculum. Our policy of inclusion means that all students attend normal lessons wherever possible, with support provided by a suitably differentiated curriculum and Learning Support Assistants. Many intervention strategies are available to effectively support students in overcoming barriers to learning. Learning Support is overseen by our Learning Support Coordinator who works with a wide range of internal and outside agencies to ensure that students are making progress.
Assessment for Learning We believe assessment only works well if students are fully involved in the process. We employ strategies both inside and outside the classroom to make assessment meaningful and developmental. These include: • Teachers sharing learning goals with students • Helping students to understand their targets • Providing effective feedback with ‘next steps’ • Regular review and reflect process As students move through their learning journey, parents have an increasing role to play. We are committed to both informing and involving parents in all assessment dialogues that take place.
Reporting to Parents, Consultation and Mentoring We believe effective communication between school and parents is vital to the education of all students. Reporting to parents on student progress and attainment is an integral part of how students achieve. Parents have access to the school’s database for all assessment related to their own child. Twice yearly, the formative grades for effort and achievement will be sent to parents along with achievement grades together with practical advice and guidance.
The Academy takes highly effective action and intervenes to enable all students to maximise their potential OFSTED Inspector June 2013 6 Tamworth Enterprise College School Prospectus
We are extremely proud of our Full Dyslexia Friendly Status.
Aspire to be independent
Independence in Education Shaping young people to be independent role models to those around them is at the very heart of what we want our students to become. Taking responsibility for their behaviour, conduct and attitudes to others starts on the very first day of being a TEC student. Pupils are given school planners, designed to help them organise themselves, record homework and plan ahead. We have high expectations around punctuality, attendance and appearance. Students take on responsibilities around the school, becoming tutor representatives, attendance monitors, sports captains, coaches and ultimately Key Stage 4 Peer Mentors supporting younger pupils on a daily basis. Inside the classroom, we encourage independent learning. Students self evaluate and use peer assessment to monitor their own progress in addition to personalised targets set by their teachers to sustain rapid progress. Student voice is a strength in pupil learning and our pupils feel empowered to express themselves through class discussion. All students are encouraged to feel included and important and as confidence grows, their sense of independence to feel secure, valued and ambitious becomes evident. Students receive support and guidance, often from external agencies about health and hygiene and our new Multi Agency Centre offers a ‘ drop in ‘ facility for our students to discuss issues of concern or advice. At all times, our emphasis is firmly rooted in the belief
that every person matters and everyone is an individual. Our School council is constantly developing and growing to give pupils a voice and feel empowered to speak on their terms without interruption or challenge. Clubs around the school maximise opportunities to develop interpersonal skills, peer relationships and give a community feel to the spirit of our academy. Our Accelerated Reader Programme supports our drive to make all of our pupils independent readers and rewards them for actively reading through on line quizzes that tests their reading comprehension and tracks their progress for them to see improvements. ‘Sam’ Learning, ‘My Maths’ and ‘Read Write Gold’ are some of our programmes used daily to encourage independent personalised lessons and homework Visiting speakers bring the community to us. Real life examples of strong independent people model to our students the qualities and assets needed to function successfully as an individual. Trips abroad to Paris, Austria, Germany and visitors from the likes of Palestine and Africa enrich pupils’ perceptions of the wider world. Our students often continue often to Further Education and Universities across the country in pursuit of their dreams and sometimes, they return to teach here, wanting to share and give back what they have discovered.
Tamworth Enterprise College School Prospectus 7
Aspire to be respected
Respect within Education Positive Behaviour Management By expecting, encouraging and nurturing positive relationships we promote good behaviour and a sense of personal responsibility. As with everything we do parental support is essential to ensuring high standards are met and maintained. We are committed to ensuring that all students leave us aware of the contribution they can make to local, national and global communities.
Anti-Bullying Code At Tamworth Enterprise College we determine bullying to be the wilful, conscious desire to hurt, insult, threaten or frighten someone. The school will not tolerate any unkind actions or remarks even if they are not intended to be hurtful. They will be dealt with swiftly and appropriately. We encourage all students to support each other by reporting bullying at once to any appropriate adult within the school. Reporting bullying is not ‘telling tales’, and it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that our individual rights are protected. Our Peer Mentors are always available to support friendship worries and work especially well with our younger students.
Guidance Support and Welfare Underpinning all that the school achieves is an absolute commitment to ensuring the happiness and emotional and physical well being of every student. Our system of vertically integrated, all age, tutor groups ensures that all students are known, and treated, as individuals from the moment they join the school.
The Academy fosters a strong commitment to fairness, respect for others, good manners and behaviour and promotes a positive and beneficial learning environment for all OFSTED Inspector June 2013 8 Tamworth Enterprise College School Prospectus
Every student works towards specific and personalised targets, which are formally monitored half termly to ensure that progress is achieved and celebrated. All of our students are placed within one of five Houses: Brunel, Churchill, Nightingale, Pankhurst and Shakespeare. A spirit of friendly rivalry exists between the Houses, rivalry that is given ample opportunity to manifest itself across a wide range of activities. Each year this culminates in our whole school Sports Day led by our committed PE faculty. It is a day filled with excitement and a real sense of team spirit, inclusive of all. Students are encouraged to develop a sense of pride in their House, working not just for themselves but also for others. The House system contributes well to fostering the concept of living and working within a caring community. Students remain within the same House throughout the school and with the same tutor whenever possible.
Aspire to be enterprising
Enterprise in Education Enterprise within the Curriculum At Tamworth Enterprise College we give all students the opportunity to develop entrepreneurial skills and teamwork. Students are encouraged to develop core enterprise capabilities in all subject areas. In every situation students are expected to ask questions and develop skills to communicate effectively. We encourage a resourceful and determined approach; a ‘can do’ attitude to learning and participation. Courses are designed in such a way as to enable students to develop enterprise skills, teamwork, self-confidence, and positive responses to challenges, independence and through these every child is encouraged to realise their true potential. Students leave us with a clear understanding of the world of work and well equipped to succeed in today’s society.
Enterprise outside the Curriculum We offer a breadth of extended curricular opportunities, which play a vital role in the development of enterprising young people. Whether it is skiing in Austria, performing stage plays, competing against others schools in sport, presenting at talks and conferences or driving the ‘green powered car’, there is bound to be something of interest for everybody.
Careers Guidance Careers guidance is part of the curriculum for all students from Year 9 onwards and supports their options choices. This helps students to develop the skills and understanding to make informed decisions about their future. Students are offered mock interviews, college talks and work experience placements. We work closely with local employers such as John Lewis, Marks and Spencer, Jaguar Land Rover, MITIE and colleges to support this. Students find this to be an invaluable introduction to the world of work.
Strong partnerships with local employers and the community provide progression pathways into vocational training and employment OFSTED Inspector June 2013 Tamworth Enterprise College School Prospectus 9
Aspire to be CREATIVE
Performing Arts At Tamworth Enterprise College we continually challenge students to achieve excellence in the fields of drama, music and dance. The Performing Arts department strives to offer all students the opportunity to develop their confidence, communication and teamwork skills, in addition to expanding their knowledge and experience on the stage. This promotes a positive ethos for learning and school life, which learners apply into other areas of the curriculum. We positively encourage and nurture creativity. In our experience we’ve found that young people excel across a broad range of subjects when they have an outlet for their creativity. The learners at Tamworth Enterprise College are flourishing on the evergrowing success of the department both as part of their curriculum and during extended learning; with each production getting bigger and better as we transform from the ordinary to the spectacular! Recently performances of Jesus Christ Superstar, We Will Rock You and a variety of compilation events have showcased the talents of many students and enthralled sell out audiences. The dedication of the students and staff, who unfailingly attend extra curricular practices every day of the week, is most commendable. We are delighted this year with our results at Key Stage 4; year on year we achieve 100% pass rate at BTEC with significant numbers of students achieving an A or A* double award. Performing Arts is an important part of school life for pupils and staff; we continually celebrate our success and achievements through performance. Our celebration of the arts encourages all students to reach for the stars!
10 Tamworth Enterprise College School Prospectus
Aspire to improve physical well being
Physical Education The school believes that Physical Education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is vital and unique in its contribution to physical well being, emotional development and health.The Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities to students for increasing self-confidence through an ability to manage themselves successfully in a variety of situations. A balance of individual, team, co-operative and competitive activities aim to cater for individual students needs and abilities. The sports programme is based on progressive learning objectives that, combined with varied and flexible teaching styles, endeavour to provide appropriate, stimulating, challenging and enjoyable learning situations for all pupils. Sports taught include football, rugby, cricket, tennis, swimming, volleyball, netball, hockey, basketball, badminton, table tennis, trampolining and gymnastics, as well as athletic events and fitness activities. All pupils take part in a range of tournaments and sports festivals within school between year groups. The school also has numerous sports teams that compete against other schools in competitive competitions. BTEC First Award in Sport is offered in Key Stage 4. In addition, students are offered the opportunity to achieve the prestigious Sports Leader’s Award.
A number of students have excelled in sports and expressive arts representing the Academy in local community events and entertainment OFSTED Inspector June 2013 Tamworth Enterprise College School Prospectus 11
Tamworth Enterprise College Birds Bush Road, Tamworth, Staffordshire B77 2NE Tel: 01827 285596 Fax: 01827 261924 Email: sturney@tamworthenterprisecollege.org Website: www.tamworthenterprisecollege.org
This is a very caring school where staff and students feel highly valued. This ethos is largely responsible for the good behaviour and the strong relationships that exist between staff and students in the school. One student captured the views of many in stating that, ‘Teachers are always prepared to go the extra mile in order to help us’ OFSTED Inspector June 2013