EACA Academy Prospectus 2018

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A. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SKILLS 1. Understanding Clients’ Business 2. Negotiation skills 3. Surviving and Thriving with Procurement

B. DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS 1. Bringing Creativity into the Digital World 2. Programmatic Advertising -fueling Digital Growth3. Scope of Paid Social Workshop 4. Digital storytelling for brands in asocial media driven world

C. CREATIVE PROCESS SKILLS 1. Breaking the Rules in Creativity 2. Creative Idea Generation & Judgment 3. Selling Creative Work


D. TEAM BUILDING AND PRESENTATION SKILLS 1. Connecting Content and Audience 2. Lifting the Morale of a Team 3. Maximising your Personal Impact, Authority and confidence 4. Motivating Teams for Optimal Performance 5. The Anatomy of Productivity and Brainstorming Techniques E. SENIOR MANAGEMENT SKILLS 1. Growth, New Business & Pitching Skills 2. Managing Multi discipline Project Teams 3. Embracing and leading change 4. Senior Management Development and Leadership skills 5. Leading for today and tomorrow F. STRATEGIC PLANNING SKILLS 1. Applying Behavioural Economics to Building Brands 2. Communications Effectiveness 3. The Power & Magic of Storytelling in Business 4. Writing Compelling Briefs 5. Shopper Marketing Training Workshop 6. Judging and proving campaign effectiveness



1. Understanding clients' business What is it? This course helps agency employees get a real and tangible understanding of their clients’ business. It will give them the confidence and inclination to want to find out more about their clients’ business and through this create new revenue building opportunities and happier clients. In this course, we use a mix of case studies, workshop sessions, anecdotes and discussion. We emphasise the importance of seeing the bigger picture but also getting immersed in the data when it matters.

Who is it for? It is aimed at account handlers with at least two years’ experience. They will have a good grasp of working with clients but are ready to look for opportunities that exist when they really get under the skin of their business. Objectives We aim to give our delegates the tools, motivation and confidence to dig deeper and ask the right questions. Having a deeper grasp of our clients’ business will help them win new assignments and create even more effective ideas.

Paul Burns

2. Negotiation Skills Too often the cry is that “we hate procurement”, “they don’t understand us” when in fact many agencies are ill equipped and not prepared to be able to understand the mindset of procurement and how they work.

The practical exercises will be fun but will illustrate the point that both negotiating sides have different agendas and it is about learning how to reach a win: win for both parties at the end of the process.

What is it?

Who is it for? Everyone involved in negotiation, either with clients or suppliers; those who are expected to protect and develop business margins while maintain strong and positive relationships with their business partners. Objectives To help individual learn the principles of negotiation and develop confidence in the process of negotiation;

This is a course to help you learn and understand about negotiating with procurement. The course will be mix of theory and practical. It will look at the problems that you are dealing with, talk through the methods that you can adopt and help you develop techniques and strategies in order to get you to your BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement ).

Paul Arnold

3. Surviving and Thriving with Procurement What is it?


Procurement people working for your clients have a very clear agenda. Their goal is to save money, specifically to save marketing money. They could be employees of your clients or external cost consultants.

Understanding the commercial motivations of Direct and Indirect (marketing) Procurement and how they negotiate with marketing agencies

This course explains what motivates them, how they operate with their marketing counterparts and describes how best to manage them in order to preserve a fair profit margin. Who is it for? Anyone employed by an agency currently dealing with and negotiating with Procurement people, or who will be in the coming months. Typically account handlers, heads of production or finance people.

What is Procurement? Who are they? What motivates them? What drives Procurement people mad? Negotiation tactics and countertactics Tricks of the trade How to get Procurement onside Procurement and new business Straight-talking and interactive confidence building The deadly e-auctions

David Meikle


1. Bringing Creativity into the Digital World What is it? This course is about understanding basic principles of creativity impact, emotional connection - and applying them to the digital world. It's also about understanding and applying the fundamental truth in all this - which is that great creativity embraces change. The course provides case histories of great digital campaigns and gives practical advice to help agencies create truly stand-out work. Who is it for? The course is aimed primarily at creative people, but it is useful for anybody involved in presenting creative work in the new media.

It provides an understanding that core creative skills that worked in old media can be adapted and applied in the new world, but it also focuses on some of the new skills needed and it shows practical ways to make this happen. Objectives The aim of the course is make people feel empowered in the world of social media and digital innovation. This involves exploring the nature of story-telling for brands, and within this context the course is also helpful for making sure that clients understand how best to use these new media.

Steve Henry

2. Programmatic adver tising–fueling digital growth What is it?


As digital marches on towards establishing itself as the central pillar of consumer interaction, technology in general and programmatic in particular has emerged as a driving force of this tectonic change.

Participants will get a thorough understanding of the main concepts of Programmatic and its role in the growing digital economy of Europe.

The course looks at the current state of programmatic and explains why and how it is perceived as being crucial to the future of advertising. Who is it for? The course is aimed at senior agency people who are responsible for developing and implementing digital campaigns: Client Service Directors, Group Account Managers, Account Directors, Senior Planners.

An overview of the evolution of Programmatic will be offered, clarifying the key parts of the digital value chain and how this is continuously shaped by new technologies. Participants will understand the main benefits of Programmatic through real-world case-studies and examples, with a focus on the buyside.

Graham Wylie

3. How to build a perfect Paid Social Media campaign What is it?

Who is it for?

An engaging and complex course that will give you a better understanding of what Paid Social really means.

Everyone who is interested in Social Media, Marketing, Advertising and Promotional Tactics.

This course will take you through the principles of social performances on Facebook, Facebook Ad Formats and will explain how to choose your Promotion Techniques.

If you enjoy all of the above and you would like to know how you can transform Social Media into Paid Media, this is the right class for you.

The second half of the course offers a hands-on excercise where participants apply what they've learned developing a strategy in response to a brief and client. This is a unique course to go through the entire process of Paid Social; from mastering the concepts to applying them.

Objectives Participants will be able to master the best types of ads to meet different marketing objectives, understand the advanced options of targeting and will have no problems in planning a budget.

Dominika Dworak

4. Digital storytelling for brands in a social media driven world What is it? This class will take you through the following topics: Video as a tool for authentic storytelling and the science behind it Storytelling for the social media space Pitching a storytelling approach in response to a brief Mentoring and feedback of exercise Who is it for? Anyone interested in digital storytelling, likes to do group exercises and is looking for a conceptual but in the same time practical class.

Objectives This one-day digital storytelling seminar gets to grips with the power of video content to build a brand in a social media-driven world. From story inception to dissemination, Duckrabbit will take you through the key stages in the production of hardhitting and authentic minidocumentary films. They will do this through group exercises, class discussion and expert analysis.

Benjamin Chester ton Peter Rudge


1. Breaking the Rules in Creativity What is it?


Creativity is at the heart of marketing. This course is geared to help anyone working in a creative environment to push them further and achieve breakthrough ideas.

The aim of the course is provide inspiration, support and fresh challenges to people who have the responsibility of developing creative ideas. It tackles the huge changes happening in the media marketplace and also how to handle client relationships. But, above all, it is about the need to keep breaking the rulesthe worst sin in advertising is invisibility, yet 95% of the work produced falls into that trap.

This course is about that, about the commercial need for this kind of creativity and it gives practical advice on getting to the sort of solutions that your competitors won't get to. Who is it for? This course is aimed at creatives, or at those who want to take an active part in creative workshops. These people are the engine-room of any agency and they have a particular set of pressures.

This course will help you come up with fresher ideas and explore totally new ground. It will also help you to sell that work and make it happen.

Steve Henry

2. Creative Idea Generation & Judgment What is it? It challenges creatives to go beyond the obvious and to find ideas that resonate with consumers and ultimately produce more effective and valuable communication. The course will help creatives develop their understanding of the core strategic requirements of a brief and develop better idea generating techniques, as well as learning and practicing important selling skills. The course will involve analysing some of the best and most inspiring ideas as well as giving delegates the chance to work on briefs, share their ideas and learn from the feedback and comments of their peers and trainer.

Who is it for? This course is run for creatives with five or more years’ experience. Objectives To help creatives really understand the process and passion needed to generate and judge the best ideas. It looks at techniques for thinking laterally and creatively around a client brief. It will stress the importance of being open to new influences, but also tackle the issue of when to die on a sword for an idea!

Steve Henry

3. Selling Creative Work What is it?


The primary role of an agency is to produce creative executions that drive forward their client’s business.

To instill an understanding and confidence in exactly what a brilliant creative idea is, and what are the key elements necessary to create and execute them.

This course explains how to develop, execute and sell creative ideas that get talked about – by the consumer, the client and the industry. Who is it for? Either creative teams involved in selling their own work or for account handlers who need to really understand creative ideas and sell them persuasively – first time!

The key objective is for all delegates to leave with the ability and confidence to develop and sell powerful and effective ideas. The course will be participatory, involving discussion and activities.

highly both

Paul Arnold


1. Connecting Content and Audience What is it?


This workshop provides a structured exploration into the development of influence, persuasion, emotional intelligence and personal impact.

This workshop offers space and time to dig down, look closely at how you are currently connecting with yourself; your work; others.

The key elements are a focused around the principles of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming); the identification of each individual’s ‘Zone of Excellence’ and the ways in which behavioural patterns and habits can be fine-tuned to give us requisite choice and maximise our impact.

It will address what ‘showing up as your very best self’ actually means practically and experientially. It will explore:

Who is it for? This workshop would benefit anyone who represents their company at a mid to senior level and seeks to communicate more persuasively; polish their personal qualities and develop their leadership competencies.

The 5 domains of Emotional Intelligence Thinking Errors - unhelpful mental habits Tough decisions/conversations popularity vs. assertiveness (have both!) Goal setting and accomplishment

Siobhan Stanley

2 . L i f t i n g t h e M o r a l e o f a Te a m What is it?


We have all been finding it tough the past few years. Teams are being asked to climb yet another mountain under increasing stress and strain – yet with no prospect of a pay rise… So how do we motivate a team that we have stretched to the limit?

The course is designed to re-invigorate a team by helping to align their personal objectives and values to that of the team/organisation.

This course is designed to help lift the spirits of a team – to help them find their own internal levels of motivation. Who is it for? For any team that is underfunctioning or in need of finding a new level of energy and shared commitment

The workshop will help the team become more focused on opportunity rather than problems. It will encourage the team to identify the key blocks and empower them to develop workable solutions to the problems. At the end of the course the delegates will be more self-aware and more committed. The workshop will be highly participatory, involving both discussion and activities.

E l i s s a Te l f e r

3. Maximising your Personal Impact, Authority and Confidence What is it?

Who is it for?

This course is concerned with this and other powerful questions:

People of all levels of experience who want, or need, to develop more personal impact and confidence. The course will help all participants find their inner voice and learn how to project themselves brilliantly.

Do you feel fresh and switched-on when engaging with the people you meet? Do you believe in the power of your own influence? Can you liberate a presentation from the dreary captivity of PowerPoint! Are you making the most of language, verbal and non-verbal? This course is designed to help develop and improve the personal communication skills of every participant and help coach them towards becoming more to communicate with more authority and confidence.

Objectives There's great pleasure to be had in the powerful business relationships we build when we learn to develop our innate ability to connect and inspire. "People fall into one of two camps, Radiators (who give our heat and energy) or Drains (who take away heat and energy).” Be a Radiator!

Siobhan Stanley

4 . M o t i v a t i n g Te a m s f o r O p t i m a l Performance What is it? This is a structured facilitation which offers an opportunity for a team to take valuable time away from their daily routine to share and connect with nothing more on the agenda than how best they can co-create a great environment, meaningful relationships and optimal business practices. It is a time to discuss visions for the future and also address what may currently be blocking the success or health of the team. Who is it for? Any team (from long-standing to newly formed teams), local or across different geographies, small or large.

It is for teams who would like to both consolidate relationships and intercommunication and for those teams who struggle with focus, results or cohesion. Objectives This workshop offers knowledge, sharing, practice, and support. From knowing how to re-evaluate professional boundaries (mate or manager?), to active listening, delivering powerful and motivational feedback, to structuring a team charter. Modules included are: Situational Leadership, Co-active coaching and Micromanagement and under management.

Siobhan Stanley

5. The Anatomy of Productivity and B r a i n s t o r m i n g Te c h n i q u e s What is it?

Who is it for?

This workshop gives commercial communications and advertisers hands-on experience with the skills and tools required for top notch productivity and powerful team communication to set them up to become leaders in their organisation.

Commercial communications and advertising professionals who would like to have hands-on experience with the skills and tools required for effective leadership.

Key lessons are: -How to avoid the productivity trap and work smarter, not harder -How to prioritize tasks effectively -How to communicate with your managers and team to become a go-to resource -How to harness your power to resolve problems and generate groundbreaking ideas and strategies -How to stay motivated

After attending this course you will know how to continue honing your productivity and leadership skills and maintain your momentum.


Also, from this work shop they can learn how to implement powerful team communication and top notch productivity.

Dalia Lourenço


1. Growth, New Business & Pitching Skills What is it?

Who is it for?

This course is designed to give participants the skills to actively involve themselves in the business of new business and to contribute significantly to the growth of their company.

This course is designed for agency employees from all disciplines with at least five years’ experience and is not designed solely for new business directors in tough economic times.

Participants will learn and practice both the skills needed for prospecting for new business opportunities and those needed to run and win pitches.


The course will help delegates understand the need to develop a clear and differentiated positioning for their agency and give them the skills needed to make the most of every pitch opportunity.

Participants will learn new skills, sharpen existing skills and develop a keen focus on what it takes to win. They will learn the truth about what clients love and hate about pitching agencies and why they really change agencies

Micky Denehy

2. Managing Multi-Discipline Project Te a m s What is it?


With the massive growth of media opportunities to engage with our target consumers, we are seeing an increasing tendency of a multitude of agencies being brought together to work on developing an integrated solution.

To provide the awareness, skills and strategies to help improve the effectiveness of running a multidiscipline team.

The workshop will focus on identifying the issues and blocks and co-create This brings with it a whole host of issues solutions to address the issues. which, if left unresolved, can undermine the effectiveness of the team and the It will also provide some key skills and ability to develop strong, effective, belief systems to help improve the way consistent communications. people manage such complex teams. The workshop's content is driven by Who is it for? the course leader’s research from interviewing over 30 integrated team This workshop can either be run for an leaders and his own experience integrated multi-discipline team, or for any of running a global team. Account Director or Client who is working (and often frustrated) with a multi-agency team.

E l i s s a Te l f e r Paul Arnold

3. Embracing and leading change What is it?

Who is it for?

This course will equip leaders within the marketing and media environments to react nimbly and decisively to identify, seize and maximise the opportunities that change brings.

The course is aimed at senior managers or anyone in the marketing and media space who want to sharpen their change skills. This course is a prerequisite for managers who want to remain at the cutting edge of the mastery of change.

It covers the key skills and behaviours a leader needs in order to survive and thrive in our constantly changing business environment. Delegates will cover: Creating a vision/roadmap for change and communicating this Success factors and de-railers How they stack up as leaders of transformational change Managing stakeholders during times of change The conditions and mindsets required for changing organisational culture

Objectives Delegates will benefit from a highly interactive and participative environment in which to practice new skills and receive feedback. The learning will be placed firmly in the context of their current challenges in leading change

E l i s s a Te l f e r Paul Arnold

4. Senior Management Development and Leadership Skills What is it?

Who is it for?

The phrase ‘some are born to lead and others to follow’ suggests we are on a pre-destined course. In actuality when one examines business leaders their qualities are often very different from the battlefield leaders of myth and history.

This course is for individuals who currently have management roles or are being prepared to make the step up to a senior leadership role.

In this course we will explore what are the qualities (and tactics) that can dramatically improve any person’s ability to lead – be it a project, a team or a multinational organisation.

To instill an understanding and confidence in the key skills of leading people and projects.

By the end of the course, delegates will have a clearer sense of their own leadership style as well as a greater confidence to stand up and lead.


At the end of the course the delegates will understand what makes people tick, and how best to handle the many different types.

E l i s s a Te l f e r Paul Arnold

5 . L e a d i n g f o r To d a y a n d To m o r r o w What is it?

Who is it for?

This leadership development programme Leaders wanting actionable learning to focuses on three key areas considered support them in their current roles and fundamental to making changes in help prepare them for the next step up. leadership effectiveness. Objectives We take an inside-out approach, building awareness and then putting in place This ‘actionable learning’ programme strategies to strengthen our own mindset, will produce a significant increase to increase our sense of purpose and your personal impact and effectiveness proactivity, and enhance the impact that as a leader. You will learn to make we have on others. changes in your everyday behaviour that will have significant impact in the Discussions, exercises, skills practice, role- short and longer-term. plays and rehearsal are used to ensure that the learning is engaging, relevant and easily transferable back to the workplace.

Hilary Fraser


1. Applying Behavioural Economics to Building Brands What is it?


The way we assumed behaviour was influenced has been turned upside down by major advances in neuroscience.

To instill an understanding of, and confidence in, the key principles of Behavioural Economics.

With greater pressure on the need to develop communications that deliver hard numbers, it is essential that communication practitioners are familiar with these principles.

The workshop will encourage each delegate to think of specific examples of how they could apply each principle to their clients’ business, meaning they will come away with at least 3 ways of dramatically increasing growth in their clients’ business.

Without these skills it is likely you will lose out to more effective agencies. Who is it for? Anyone involved in the development of campaigns – Account Directors, Account Planners and Creatives are all encouraged to attend.

At the end of the course the delegates will be able to successfully apply these principles to their clients’ business.

Paul Arnold

2. Communications Effectiveness What is it? This course will help you gain a better understanding of what effectiveness means, what we as an industry should be aiming towards and what effectiveness can contribute to the client / agency relationship. The workshop will address the following topics: What effectiveness is Why it’s important Interrogating the business issue Setting business objectives Examples of communications models Choosing the right KPIs Creating a framework for effectiveness Understanding the basics of econometrics for noneconometricians

An introduction to Payback and ROMI Top tips on crafting effectiveness award submissions for the Effies & Euro Effies with examples from best in class Effectiveness papers Who is it for? Account handlers, strategic planners and managers who want to help focus the agency / client relationship on developing, and measuring, more effective communications. Objectives This course will give you a thorough grounding in what needs to be considered to implement an effectiveness strategy in your business in order to demonstrate the commercial value of your creativity and how to craft winning effectiveness awards submissions.

Paul Arnold

3. The Power & Magic of Storytelling in Business Naked truth sat alone, sad and unattired. “Why are you so miserable?” Parable inquired. Naked truth replied, “I’m not welcome anymore. No-one wants to see me. They chase me from the door.” “It is hard to look at naked truth”, Parable explained. “Let me dress you up a bit. Your welcome will be gained.” Parable dressed Naked Truth in story’s fine attire, With metaphor, poignant prose and plots to inspire, With laughter and tears and adventure to unveil, Together they went forth to spin a tale. People opened their doors and served them their best. Naked Truth dressed in story was a

What is it? Our success as a manager/leader is directly related to our personal ability to inspire others to help us make things happen. Storytelling is an invaluable skill that engages people emotionally and convinces beyond logical reasoning. Who is it for? Anyone looking to become more persuasive and memorable business communicators Objectives To instill an understanding and confidence in the key skills of business storytelling.

Paul Arnold

4. Writing Compelling Briefs What is it?

Who is it for?

Creative Briefs are the key instruction to a creative team. The clearer and more unambiguous the brief is, the more likely the creative work will be brilliant and right first time.

Account Handlers and Planners with 3-5 years’ experience. People who are becoming frustrated that they are not involved enough in writing the Creative Brief and feel detached from the creative work.

That’s why it’s critical we understand how a great creative brief is written. In this course we will explore the key parts of a Creative Brief. How to write them in an inspiring way and importantly how to identify what information can help us and which key questions we need to ask. We will also think how we brief our creative partners, as this can be as important as the written brief itself.

Objectives Enable delegates to write and contribute to brilliant and inspiring Creative Briefs Recognise that better briefs, better briefing and better work leads to a happier client and a more profitable business

Paul Arnold Paul Burns

5. Shopper Marketing Workshop What is it?

Who is it for?

Many agencies are offering Shopper Marketing services but do they have a robust & effective commercial offer? Do they integrate shopper into comprehensive brand strategies?

Agency account handlers and planners who are responsible for developing shopper marketing campaigns, as well as being of real value to client brand and marketing managers.

This training session takes you through the process of understanding the key commercial role for shopper marketing.


You will learn the principles of planning, executing and measuring in-store activities as well as learn from examples of best practice shopper marketing.

Delegates will have a clear understanding of how to build a more engaging & effective shopper marketing strategy which is differentiated by channel. They will learn how to develop shopper marketing based against clear commercial objectives and how to drive and measure the ROI of these activities.

Rachelle Wood

6. Judging and proving campaign effectiveness

What is it?

With ever increasing pressures on corporate finance, The C suite are demanding the Marketing Department ‘Show them the money’. It is in the shared interest of both Agency and Client to demonstrate the effectiveness of their campaigns – not only to secure future funds but also as a critical stage to learn and improve from. The course will be highly participatory, involving both discussion and activities. The intent is to build from real life situations that the delegates can apply the very next day. Who is it for? Anyone interested in how to asses the impact and effectiveness of a campaign.

Objectives This workshop will provide the key skills, strategies and mindsets to help set-up, measure and prove beyond reasonable doubt the effectiveness of a campaign. The workshop will cover the need to start early to collect the data; How to interrogate the data to find the story inside the numbers; The need to discount any other factors that could have influenced sales; Demonstrating a clear correlation between communication and the end sales impact.

Paul Arnold


Paul Arnold Following a brief spell walking around with a sandwich board (“I’m Paul and I want a job in advertising”), Paul spent 14 years at Saatchi’s running a number of European accounts such as Reckitts and Hewlett Packard, as well as heading up training. He launched the Saatchi MBA and developed and sold courses to the European network.

In 1998, Paul moved to Grey Advertising to head up GlaxoSmithKline’s global toothpaste advertising, developing work in over 70 markets worldwide. In 2005, he switched roles, becoming Global Strategic Planner on GSK brands. Paul has since won six Euro Effies over the years. Paul has always been a passionate learner. He has an MBA, MSc in Organisational Change and Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (modelling of successful behaviour patterns). He has also invested in many extensive personal development courses that have taken him around the world. Paul left Grey in 2009 to set up his own training consultancy. He is a visiting lecturer at Westminster University.

Dalia has worked with the World Health Organization, the European Commission, the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Government of Qatar among others.

Dalia Lourenço As a productivity coach with a background as a communications consultant for international organisations, Dalia helps professionals become at least 80% more productive and increase profit margins by at least 68%. By applying real-life experience and approaches to productivity coaching, she helps transform the lives of driven professionals who desire to find professionals who

Dalia also has experience with various types of web projects, from revamping existing websites to creating new ones from scratch as well as generating engagement through social media. Fluent in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, with intermediate knowledge of Russian and elementary understanding of Arabic and Tetum, Dalia can give your communications team a whole new understanding of the term "international".

Paul’s other passion is people and he ran Saatchi & Saatchi’s Training and Development program for 8 years.

Paul Burns Paul spent 24 years at Saatchi & Saatchi and worked on some of the UK’s most iconic campaigns. He was a key figure in the first Camelot bid for The National Lottery and the launch of the UK’s first National Lottery in 200 years. Winning the bid was the biggest ever advertising account win in the UK.

He’s won more Advertising Training awards in the UK than anyone in the advertising industry, winning IPA Gold awards in 2002 and 2006 and a Silver in 2004, and has also been recognised with two special awards from the IPA for long-term commitment to training and development and for being the best training director. He chaired the IPA training forum for three years, runs an advertising course at Westminster University and is a regular speaker at other universities on the communications industry.

This unique award was given for HHCL’s “iconoclastic attitude both to the work and the way it does business”.

Steve Henry Steve was the youngest person included in Campaign magazine’s Hall of Fame – a list of the 40 most influential people in UK advertising over the last 50 years. He was a founder and Creative Director of Howell Henry Chaldecott Lury (HHCL) – voted Campaign’s Agency of the Year three times and Campaign’s Agency of the Decade in 2000.

After HHCL, Steve spent two years as Executive Creative Director at TBWA/ London, where he oversaw multiplatform work for: Playstation, Adidas, McDonald’s, Apple, Starburst, Skittles, Nissan Qashqai, and Elastoplast. Steve has won most major creative awards, including coveted D&AD Gold Pencil, Grand Prix at Cannes, Grand Prix at the British Television Awards, President’s Award at the Royal Television Society Awards and President’s Award at Creative Circle (twice). He has spoken at advertising conferences in Britain, United States, Europe, Hong Kong, South Africa, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Bali and China.

She worked in such agencies as: K2 Internet, OS3 Group, Martis Consulting, Communication Unlimited and 24/7 Communication.

Dominika Dworak Social Media Expert, Owner & managing Director of Communication Lab. Dominika is experienced Communication Expert with a demonstrated history (more than 10 years) of working in digital industry. She has a strong social media background with a special focus on social media strategy and social performance

She had the pleasure to work for many recognizable brands and companies, including IKEA, L'Oréal, Leroy Merlin, Polpharma, Przewozy Regionalne, Game Technologies, Microsoft, Hochland, Heineken, LG, Lotos and many more. Dominika shares her knowledge within the ‘Szkoła Mistrzów Reklamy’ and regularly publishes expert articles on Social Media. Since 4 years she runs her own Social Media & PR agency Communication Lab. In her everyday work she focuses on creating complex communication strategies integrating Social Media & PR tools.

E l i s s a Te l f e r Elissa is founder and Director of Telfer & Associates Ltd., a consulting and training company which works with senior executives and their teams to win and grow business and negotiate better deals. Elissa is also a seasoned coach who has worked on many live pitches, assisting clients to win competitive pieces of business.

Much of Elissa’s time is spent developing and delivering training for clients in the Advertising & Media Industries. including programmes and coaching on presenting, negotiating, influencing, sales, business development, leadership and pitching. Elissa spent 10 years working with rogenSi, a global consultancy specialising in high stakes communication, where she was a Principal Consultant and part of the London Leadership team. Elissa is based in London and has worked with clients in many other locations including the USA, China, Australia, France, Spain, Italy, Germany and Russia. Clients in the advertising and media industries that Elissa has worked with include MSN, Microsoft Advertising, Zenith, Zenith Optimedia, M&C Saatchi, IPA, Abbot Mead Vickers BBDO, BBC, Leo Burnett, McCann Erickson, Saatchi & Saatchi and TBWA.

David Meikle Prior to founding his consultancy business, David had been a career advertising man. After early days in regional agencies, David joined Grey in 1995 and rose quickly to Board Director. David ran Grey’s flagship creative accounts such as Allied Dunbar, Ben Sherman and Nokia.

In 2000, David joined Ogilvy & Mather London as a Business Director running the BP Retail business across Europe, latterly GSK and the COI. Three years later, David was appointed Managing Director of Ogilvy Moscow, which became Ogilvy’s fastest growing office in Europe. Whilst in Russia, David became Group Managing Director having established a further five companies within the Ogilvy Group and grew revenues by more than 400%. But four years of Moscow was enough, so in 2008 David conceived of and launched Salt Value Management. Salt is a consultancy business specialising in the more effective procurement and management of marketing communications services. Salt’s clients already include EMI, Merck Schering Plough, the General Healthcare Group and ISBA for whom David runs a series of Marketing Procurement Master Classes.

Currently her corporate work is in creative, new media and IT industries. She designs and delivers bespoke workshops in: personal impact; rapport and relationship building; confidence and assertiveness; presentation and media skills; performance anxiety; management and leadership training; team repurposing and development; master classes in coaching.

Siobhan Stanley Siobhan spent many years working in a variety of roles with Saatchi & Saatchi, primarily in New Business EMEA and Cereal Partners WW. Today she is Founder and Director of her own training business, Inside Out Coaching Ltd and works as a personal development coach, trainer and NLP practitioner. She works both in the private and corporate sectors.

Siobhan’s private coaching practice has a diverse body of clients from barristers to small business holders, to writers and artists. Prior to her move into advertising and training Siobhan enjoyed a long and successful career as a performing artist. She trained at The Royal Ballet School and was professionally engaged as a soloist with The Royal Ballet and Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet for over 20 years.

as well as senior regional management and new business roles for Bates Europe and Saatchi & Saatchi EMEA.

Micky Denehy With over 30 years’ experience in the advertising industry, Micky’s advertising career has included account handling roles in London for Ogilvy & Mather and the iconic Gold Greenlees Trott, (when he was chosen as a Campaign Magazine “Face to Watch”).This was followed by two overseas appointments as CEO of Bates agencies in Istanbul and Dubai,

Micky has a passion for international culture and business and a vocational interest in education. Throughout his career he has helped run training programmes for agency employees across Europe and has consistently received outstanding feedback for his courses. Micky is the founding principal of the EACA International School and is committed to helping raise the professional standards of the communications industry across the region. He is also a board member of edcom (the European Institute for Commercial Communications Education). When not working, Micky can be found playing competitive hockey as well as training the ‘next generation’ of youngsters at Reading Hockey Club.

He is applying lessons learned in the Chemicals, Marine, Food, Electronics, Technology, Recruitment and even Parking industries to ensure that technology and vision actually deliver results.

Graham Wylie Having started his career in industrial sales, Graham has never quite shaken a sense of healthy scepticism about the supposed glamour of marketing and advertising. Since 2013 he has worked with leading Publishers, Agencies and Brands to help them adapt and thrive in the programmatic age.

As the world becomes more data driven and marketers ever more accountable, this is the future of marketing. Graham established the IAB Europe Programmatic Committee in 2014, and as its Chairman worked closely with EACA and international bodies such as the Association of National Advertisers and the Institute of Direct & Digital Marketing to prepare our industry for a new era. In 2017 Graham joined the leading HR technology business ADP, as VicePresident of Marketing for the EMEA region.

Having originally started her career in Retail Banking, Rachelle spent 5 years at Tesco successfully delivering shopper centric programmes and ranges.

Rachelle Wood Rachelle has spent her career focused on developing shopper strategies and campaigns to grow categories for both Retailers and Brands. She is passionate about understanding shoppers and sharing that knowledge and passion to develop others. Having originally started her career in Retail Banking, Rachelle spent 5 years at Tesco successfully delivering shopper centric programmes and ranges.

Subsequently Rachelle spent 9 years at Bacardi Martini delivering category, customer marketing and shopper marketing strategies across several brands and categories. This move allowed Rachelle to develop a unique perspective combining category and brand thinking with retailer, supplier and agency experience. Rachelle now runs her own consultancy providing category development and shopper marketing support and training to clients across brand, retailer and agency arenas. Outside of work Rachelle is a keen tennis player and musician.

Benjamin Chester ton

Peter Rudge

Benjamin Chesterton is duckrabbit’s Production and Training Director. He directs and produces all of our international work. He also designs and leads our training programmes. Before founding the company in 2008, he was a documentary produce for the BBC.

Peter Rudge is duckrabbit’s Managing Director. He executive produces Duckrabbit’s work. Before joining the company in 2011, he worked for the UK diplomatic service in Italy and Ethiopia. He is the Vice-Chairman of the charity Hostage UK.

Interested? Get in touch! E-mail: inspire@eaca.eu EACA International Academy 152 Boulevard Brand Whitlock 1200 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 740 07 18 Fax: +32 2 740 07 17 http: //www.eaca-inspire.eu/eaca-academy/

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