Grapevine 2017 issue 85 aprmay2017 fullcol

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ISSUE 85 April/May 2017

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Ealing Christian Centre



Pentecostal Church

One family of many nations proclaiming one Gospel through many disciples


God doing exceedingly great things through Timehri church in GUYANA

A word from the



here was great excitement in the church at Timehri in Guyana and among the members of its five church plants. It was not the fact that they were seeing many people healed and many who were demonised delivered and set free through visiting ministers, but rather that they themselves were being used by God. At the healing meeting, they were praying for the sick and seeing immediate results. At the deliverance meeting, they were casting out demons and seeing immediate results. The reality is that Jesus delegated to his Church the authority to go in his Name and preach the Gospel; cast out demons; heal the sick, and use the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The purpose of these signs is to demonstrate that the Kingdom of God is amongst us in power; that God is a God of love and compassion, and that the signs and wonders point to a greater reality – a reality revealed through the preaching they confirm: that Jesus Christ our Saviour is alive. He remains the same yesterday, today and forever. It seems to me that these things should be part of the normal church ministry and not the exception. Whenever Rajinder and I go out from ECC to minister, we like to train the people in how to heal the sick and how to set up an effective deliverance ministry in the church. Our objective is that when we leave, they will continue to see healing and deliverance as a regular and normal part of their church life and ministry. So I spend time explaining the deliverance ministry, and how we operate it on a systematic basis here in ECC, with many examples of the types of problems people are set free from. This ends with a deliverance meeting, where we show the ministry team what to do, and then allow them to minister to their people themselves. Over 100 people attended the deliverance meeting at Pastor Michael Sammy’s church, and they told me they were surprised but very excited at how God moved to set the people free. They had not expected to see such a manifestation of God’s power and goodness, but the testimonies that followed were a blessing to hear. Rajinder later gave an explanation and a practical demonstration on how to heal the sick. This included getting those present to


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017

pray for each other. The excitement always started when healings took place in that seminar, because people were being healed through their own ministry to each other. Later, there followed a church healing meeting, where the ministry team ministered to those requiring healing, while Rajinder and I watched and encouraged them. People began queuing up to give testimonies of how God had just healed them, and proving the healing by doing things there were unable to do before. Because they themselves were doing the ministry that resulted in healing and deliverance, they had the confidence and realisation that they could continue to minister equally effectively to people after we had left. Hence the great excitement. Even before we had left, Pastor Sammy’s son, Michael Junior, who leads one of the church plants, had already raised a group of 15 men from the church, who were now going to visit houses in their area to not only share the Gospel but also to ask if they needed prayer for healing. I had last visited Guyana over twenty years ago, when I was still a missionary with the Elim International Missions Department. It was then I first met Pastor Michael Sammy and his wife Evadney (pictured top left), and spent some time teaching in their Bible College and at a youth convention. Our relationship was renewed when he came to stay at ECC for a period of time in 1999, to observe how we do things here before returning as the Principle of the Bible Institute of Guyana. Since this time, ECC has supported him financially from our overseas missions’ budget, and Pastor Mark and Cora have led mission teams there half a dozen times. Pastor Michael, who is also a member of the National Leadership Team of the Elim churches of Guyana, has a God-given gift of church planting. The church at Timehri, which he planted in 2000 with the help of a team from ECC, is now the largest Elim church in Guyana, It has also since birthed an additional five church plants: Swan Christian Fellowship, Elim Enterprise, Canaan Christian Centre,



in Guyana



It is a great blessing to belong to a family that straddles the world. ECC is “One family of many nations proclaiming one Gospel through many disciples.” Whether in Guyana or in other countries where we have missions, whenever we visit it always feels like home from home.

Richard Buxton If you would like an item to be considered for the next edition of the Grapevine magazine, please email your article to, marked 'For Grapevine'. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words, and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles where necessary. The deadline for the JUNE/JULY edition is no later than FRIDAY 5th MAY 2017.




Practical Truths by Roy McEwen THE STATE OF THE CHURCH


by Pastor John Starr JOURNEY TO PEACE


by Dr Abou Coulibaly Two-month Prayer Diary pull-out Evangelism & Prayer calendar

Weekly meetings/What we believe

Sunday Services/What’s on at ECC


They all say Thanks and bless you.”


by Angela Lewis

1. Amanda Narine: knee pains - healed 2. Simone Boston: heart problems - healed 3. Sherry Ann James: for 22 months, no menstruation - yesterday she started again 4. Vannie Samuels: terrible violent nightmares every night, since delivered – no more 5. Phillis Fredericks: fibroid removal, haemorrhaging - healed instantly; impaired and blurred vision - can see clearly now 6. Mary Samuels: pain all over, cold sweat - even in freezing weather completely healed 7. Nickie Roopnarine: varicose veins - healed 8. Latchmie Khan: healed and delivered from back pains 9. Zelena Daniels: delivered from demons


by Anna Millstead

A few may fixate on the slight unorthodoxy of the modus operandi regarding the healing and deliverance ministries of Pastors Richard and Rajinder Buxton. I found myself becoming increasingly enthralled by the astounding miracles that were taking place. People were being set free from years of bondage, oppression and all manner of diseases. Those people included my wife, son and daughter-in-law.

The undermentioned persons, from the Swan church plant, also reported to its Pastor Lennie and wife Latchmie this evening as follows:


by Sis Dale Adebakin

After we’d returned home from this mission, Pastor

At least 35 persons (men, women, youths and pre-teens) were delivered from demonic oppression and healed of various maladies. Some of the conditions included: chronic back pains, trapped nerves, pelvic problems, abdominal disorders, spinal issues, foot diseases, deafness and severe headaches.


by Maud Wellington

Ideal Christian Centre and Elim Eccles. Pastor Michael could not thank Ealing Christian Centre enough for all the support over the years, pointing out that these churches would not have come into being without such support.

Michael emailed me some feedback:



Youth Ministries by Pastor Alex Morgan LOCAL LIGHTHOUSE EVANGELISM compiled by Pastor Rajinder Buxton BACK PAGE: EQUIPPERS COURSES

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Editor-in-Chief: Senior Pastor Richard Buxton Editor & Design: Berean Services UK Email: Photography: Roy McEwen plus various contributors from ECC Stock Images:,,, Google images Print: Deluxe Printers Ltd, London NW10 7NR, Tel: 020 8965 1771 Ealing Christian Centre, 268 Northfield Avenue, Ealing, London W5 4UB Tel: 020 8840 7508 Fax: 020 8840 1461 Email: Website: Grapevine is published by Ealing Christian Centre. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Grapevine and the ECC logo are trademarks of Ealing Christian Centre in the United Kingdom where Grapevine circulates. Copyright © Ealing Christian Centre 2017. All rights reserved.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017



MY JOURNEY The Big Painting Challenge E

by Maud Wellington director contacted me to ask if I was available for the show. I was very excited and said “Yes”, and the rest - as they say - is history.

ven from an early age, I have always enjoyed drawing and painting. My dream was to become a graphic artist when I left school, but I was encouraged to study something else prior to pursuing an artistic career, so I studied Business and Finance.


Throughout this time, however, I continued to study Art at A level, and remained involved in the local community where I lived at the time, working at the local youth centre, as well as singing in the local church choir. As the years went by, I continued to paint and sketch – with varying degrees of success - for family, friends and, of course, for my own pleasure. I also had the opportunity at an early age to travel for my job, so I lived in France and the USA, as well as visit many places across the globe, for work and pleasure.

Transition time While living and working in the South of France, my then employers asked me if I was interested in returning to the UK to work on an upcoming project. So I found myself living in Brentford, West London. I started to attend Ealing Christian Centre (ECC),


There is creativity in everything we do. It is not just about creating a wonderful painting or drawing; it is about following your dream, and never giving up your dream to noisy negatives and got involved with various activities in church. It was around this time that my mother encouraged me, saying it wasn’t too late to do Art. I guess I was a little bemused, as that passion of youth had long since gone, and my heart was no longer in it. Little did I know that my passion had never died; it had just lain dormant.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017

Being back in London allowed me time to attend various art classes held around the capital. So I saved my money, and took vacation days to attend art classes at the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square, City Lit in Holborn and the Prince’s Drawing School in Shoreditch, to name but a few. I wouldn’t claim to be a professional artist, as this is not my profession. I would describe myself, though, as an accomplished amateur artist with big dreams, who loves challenges and learning.

If anyone had told me that I would be selected from thousands of applicants, to go to the television studios to audition for a painting show, and be one of the ten finalists… And then be recorded for later showing, on prime-time television with more than five million viewers… And, to top all of that, seeing my photo in the Radio Times, Daily Mail, and various other media outlets…! I’m still catching up. So, if you were to do a search for ‘Maud Wellington’ on the Internet, I now have a ‘digital footprint’. There is creativity in everything we do. It is not just about creating a wonderful painting or drawing; it is about following your dream, and never giving up your dream to noisy negatives.

Ealing Art Group My friend, Mark Dishley, an accomplished artist who attends ECC, recommended that I become a member of the Ealing Art Group (EAG), situated in West London. It was through a blanket email, sent out by the EAG, that I saw the advertisement for the art competition. So I was invited to audition at the television studios, and was put through my paces for two hours. It took a few weeks before the casting

To follow what’s happening, check out my website: and Facebook: maudeugineart. You can also view my work at and

ECC CORE VALUES We continue taking a closer look at our Core Values at ECC, and in this edition of Grapevine, Sister DALE ADEBAKIN talks to us about prayer and intercession


The calling and making of an INTERCESSOR


any may be asking the question ‘What is an intercessor?’ after reading the above title. Aren’t we all intercessors, once we are praying for others, situations and nations?

The truth of the matter is that we are all called to pray and intercede for others when we are born-again of the Spirit of God. Prayer is one of the fundamental pillars of every Christian’s life, and it is the main difference between a powerful and successful Christian and one who is struggling. An intercessor, in the strictest sense of the word, is someone who has been called by God - even before he or she was born - to stand in the gap on behalf of others, nations, situations or circumstances that He may wish us to intercede for. There is a calling upon that individual’s life at a very early stage of their spiritual life. ‘For many are called, but few are chosen’ (Matthew 22:14). There are many examples of individuals called by God to fulfil the role of an intercessor in the Bible. We have examples of Moses, Abraham, Daniel, Elijah, Esther and the most important one of all, Jesus Christ, who not only interceded for others when He walked the earth two thousand years ago, but He is still interceding for us in Heaven today. Hebrews 7:25 tells us ‘Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost, those who come to God through Him, since He ever lives to make intercession for them.’ Like Jesus, an intercessor is chosen at birth to fulfil that role of standing in the gap on behalf of others, nations, situations and circumstances. There is an expectation on behalf of God and others for you to bring the needs of others before God and to wait in His presence, until you receive the answers and solutions to the requests taken to Him. It is a privileged position and role to be in, because you are constantly in the presence of God, fulfilling His will on earth as it is in Heaven. In order to do so effectively, an intercessor needs to know the Word of God. I am not just talking about the ability to quote Scriptures when praying, but actually knowing the living and eternal Word of God, who is Jesus Christ - that is, having a very intimate relationship with Him, so His burdens become your burdens. There is a synchronisation of the prayers that are being prayed in Heaven by Christ and the ones that the intercessor is

Jesus Christ ... leaves us with no excuses for not entering daily into His presence to seek help on behalf of others, nations and churches praying on the earth. We have a Helper, the Holy Spirit, who will teach us to be in one accord with what Jesus Christ is praying in Heaven, as written in Romans 8:26 - ‘Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us, with groanings which cannot be uttered.’ Another important requisite is that our lifestyle has to be one of utmost holiness and purity, so that nothing will hinder us from entering in and staying in the presence of God. We have been told in Hebrews 4:16 - ‘Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.’ Jesus Christ, having paid the price on the cross for all of our sins, leaves us with no excuses for not entering daily into His presence to seek help on behalf of others, nations and churches. In conclusion, an intercessor is someone who has been chosen by God from birth to stand in the gap on behalf of others and nations, to see God’s will be established on the earth as it is in Heaven. Not only does God call an intercessor, He also cultivates and develops that individual through many life experiences - both positive and negative - in order for him or her to fulfil that very important and significant role on earth. Are you one of those individuals whom the Lord has been pruning, training and developing to stand in the gap on behalf of others, nations, situations and circumstances? God therefore needs you to ‘Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Most High God is risen upon you’ (Isaiah 60:1).

Sis DALE ADEBAKIN GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017


FAMILY VISITS Recent visits by former ECC members, who are now living in the USA, confirm God’s faithfulness through the years

From USA to

SEEING PROPHECY FULFILLED AT ECC ANNA AND JOHN MILLSTEAD attended the Elim Pentecostal Church in Northfields from 1992 to 1995, while being stationed in England with the US Navy. They now live in Idaho, where they have two children, aged 18 and 21. They serve as full-time missionaries with Paraclete Mission Group. Please visit for more information.


y husband, John, and I moved to England in 1992. I was a young sailor in the United States Navy, stationed at RAF West Ruislip. We were a long way from home – but not far from family, as we were also young Christians. We prayed and sought God’s direction on which church to attend. It took a little time, but the Lord directed us to Elim Pentecostal Church in Northfields (later to be known as Ealing Christian Centre). We remember walking into the small church across the road from its present location, and being welcomed by the brothers and sisters at the Elim Pentecostal Church. We have many fond memories of Elim and of Pastor John Marriott, who had a heart to see Elim Northfields flourish for the Kingdom of God. It was also a joy to see the passion Elim Northfields had to reach the nations for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I now pray for you, for my brothers and sisters in Christ at Ealing Christian Centre. You are special, you are anointed by God to reach the nations. 6

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017

We remember Pastor Marriott asking us to pray over the building across the street – the Top Hat Club. Several of us walked around the building, praying that it would one day be used for the Kingdom as the new location for (the newly renamed) Ealing Christian Centre. Pastor Marriott used to share his vision of an international church, with a prayer room, rooms for teaching, and a people who prayed and worshipped the Lord with heart and passion. We continued to pray. We prayed the club would lose the worldly attraction it had. We prayed for the spiritual walls to be broken down and for the Spirit of the Lord to reign. We also prayed for the funds to be raised and the door to be opened, so Elim could purchase the club. Within a year, the club closed down, within a few months it was put up for sale. Although the owner of the club asked for more than Elim could afford, we prayed and continued to pray. Pastor Marriott didn’t give up. He asked us to pray for the owner, for the building and for the finances.

After more than 20 years, I had the opportunity to walk through the doors of the ‘new’ Ealing Christian Centre – the church we had prayed for ... I was now able to see the prophecy fulfilled – right before my eyes

We continued to pray. However, John and I had to return to the States as my time in the Navy was up. You can imagine how overjoyed we were, when we heard Elim had purchased the Top Hat Club. God’s plan was unfolding.

I now pray for you, for my brothers and sisters in Christ at Ealing Christian Centre. You are special, you are anointed by God to reach the nations. ECC played a big part in our life. We grew as young Christians at ECC, and now serve full-time in ministry. May God bless you, Ealing Christian Centre, as you continue to shine for Jesus!

After more than 20 years, I had the opportunity to walk through the doors of the ‘new’ Ealing Christian Centre – the church we had prayed for. I cannot

express the joy and excitement that came to my heart, mind and soul! The Lord had planted the seed, the vision for ECC over 25 years ago. I was now able to see the prophecy fulfilled – right before my eyes. It was also a blessing to see brothers and sisters again after all these years. I thank Jesus for the commitment of all those who prayed for ECC and for Pastor Marriott’s leadership, vision and faithfulness.

In Him Anna Millstead

ECC with love


PICTURE: Deanna, Naomi and Angela

Bundles of Joy from a Loving God


was the sixth child in a Christian family of seven, and I had always wanted children. I used to spoil my younger brother, nephews and nieces, and by the age of 15, I would teach Sunday school classes at a local church plant. Nigel and I met at University in London. We married in March 1994, whilst studying for our Masters degrees, in our late 20s. I expected to become pregnant within a year. When this didn’t happen, I questioned God. By this time, my mother had passed away; I mourned her loss and the fact that she would never see our children.

I had faith that God would meet my need, but still experienced great sadness, feeling unfulfilled, deeply yearning for a child, fearful of growing too old to have a child. Many of the children I had taught in the past were now having families of their own. Feeling awkward around pregnant friends, over-thinking gifts for newborns, I even began to buy one or two clothes items for my future baby. I clung to Scriptures like Isaiah 45:2 - ‘I will go before you and level the mountains. I will break down the gates of bronze and cut through the bars of iron.’ I set myself in agreement with Galatians 3:13, 29 and Mark 11:23-24. I remember the Holy Spirit assuring me that I would be a joyful mother of children.

As [Pastor Rajinder] prayed, I felt a pulling below my stomach ... and immediately I knew that something extraordinary had taken place. God chose the autumn of 1998 to bring his plan to pass. That September, I read the book ‘Supernatural Childbirth’ by Jackie Mize, which gave me a plan of prayer and expectation. It was also during this time, in the auditorium at my church, Ealing Christian Centre, that Pastor Rajinder Buxton asked me if I had any children, and whether I wanted children. By this time, my husband Nigel and I had been married for four years, but our marriage was under a lot of strain, and many hours of work and study had made us tired and irritable. Still we trusted God for a family, and wanted no intervention by doctors - just God’s alone. We had tremendous prayer support from my sister Carol, Pastor Edmon and many other believers. Pastor Rajinder asked if she could pray for me and I said, “Yes.” As she prayed, I felt a pulling below my stomach, like something had become undone or separated inside,

and immediately I knew that something extraordinary had taken place.

Within a week or two I was pregnant!!! I had no morning sickness, swelling or hypertension. We had a very sweet new midwife for the birth, who mentioned something was in the way during the delivery, but thought nothing more of it. Before long, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl whom we named Deanna Leonne Lewis, weighing 7lbs 4oz. Later, I went through quite an ordeal, but nothing my God couldn’t handle. The joy we felt was immeasurable; it cancelled out any pain I’d experienced. Nigel was bursting with pride. Our families and friends rejoiced with us, and we praised God for His faithfulness. After another easy pregnancy two years and five months later, Nigel and I welcomed our second beautiful baby girl, Naomi Alice Alexandria Lewis, into the world, weighing 7lbs 5oz. This time the birth was very quick. Two amazing American midwives helped us along. I can still hear them saying “You can come back any time” when Naomi arrived into the world. Today, I remember many of God’s promises to me, especially Psalm 113:9 – ‘You shall be a happy mother of children.’ Angela Lewis GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017


FEATURE JACKIE RAYMOND gives us a brief look at what she thinks it means to give honour where it’s due



es, I admit it – I was an ABBA fan. (Alan Partridge, not so much.) Apart from the cheesy headline, though, Knowing Me, Knowing You was ABBA’s first recording to speak about the failure of relationships, and not giving honour where it’s due is a sure-fire way of straining relationships with those closest to us. Ever since I saw the film Chariots of Fire, one of my favourite Bible verses has been “Those who honour Me, I will honour” from 1 Samuel 2:30. We often sing about honour in many of our songs of worship (remember “Jesus shall take the highest honour” and “Blessing and honour”?), but how do we actually honour people? I’ve been looking at a few areas where I know I need to improve... Honour is defined in the OED as ‘high respect, esteem or reverence’. To give honour to someone is ‘to pay worthy respect to; to worship, perform one’s devotions to; to reverence or respect highly’. The Young’s Concordance gives us some of the Hebrew and Greek words used for honour, eg. ‘hadar/heder’ and ‘hadarah’, meaning beauty, majesty (as in Psalm 8:5, Proverbs 31:25 and Daniel 4:36), and ‘yeqar’ meaning preciousness (as in Esther 1:4 and Daniel 2:6). The main focus of this article, however, will be on the honour denoted by the terms ‘kabod/kabed’ and ‘time’ (pronounced ‘timmee’) or ‘timao’, meaning ‘weight or heaviness’ which is given to someone in terms of their importance to us. Examples of this particular meaning can be found in Psalm 66:22, Exodus 20:12, 1 Samuel 2:30, Matthew 15:4 and Mark 7:6.

Honouring the Lord, our God First and foremost, we are called to worship God in spirit and in truth, and to love Him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. Not just on Sundays, in the fellowship of like-minded believers, but 24/7, when times are hard, work is stressful, money is tight, and friends and family are getting on our nerves! Honouring the Lord our God is what we need to do unconditionally, because of who He is, and not just “when the world’s all as it should be”. We shouldn’t be people who honour God with our lips whilst keeping our hearts far from Him. As Pastor John has said, there shouldn’t be a ‘mind the gap’ between our walk and our talk. Dr Mike Freeman (Spirit of Faith Christian Centre) says: “Your mouth and your money will expose what’s in your heart.” If our relationship with the Lord is weak and faltering, then sooner or later our mouth and our money will expose our walk (or, should I say, ‘non’ walk). Are we dancing and praising at the start of the service, but can’t ‘quite’ get the words out to say ‘Offering time is blessing time’? Surely not… Proverbs 3:9 (Amp) says: “Honour the Lord with your capital and sufficiency from righteous labours and with the first fruits of all your income” (see also Deuteronomy 26:2, Malachi 3:10 and Luke 14:13-14). Perhaps this isn’t the time or place to talk about tithes

Honouring the Lord our God is what we need to do unconditionally, because of who He is, and not just “when the world’s all as it should be”. 8

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017

and offerings (or maybe it is?). Suffice to say, if we are robbing God of what is rightfully His, it is likely that we are also robbing Him of His honour, because we are not giving Him the weight of respect that is due to Him. As His children, He requires it of us: “If I am a Father, where is My honour?” (Malachi 1:6).

Wives, do you emasculate or belittle your husbands in front of his peers? Husbands, do you criticise your wife’s appearance or cooking in front of hers? Brothers and sisters, this should not be so.

Let’s not just put God first because of the “and all things will be added” (Matthew 6:33), but because He is worthy of all our praise and deserves all our honour. Let’s be people who will give Him the highest honour in our lives, purely out of our love for Him.

Honouring our spouses Husbands and wives, do we honour our spouses as we should? Not just in public, but also in private? Wives, do you emasculate or belittle your husbands in front of his peers? Husbands, do you criticise your wife’s appearance or cooking in front of hers? This doesn’t always take the form of blatant remarks, but includes subtle teasing as well. Perhaps we’re even honouring our parents (or friends!) above our spouses? Brothers and sisters, this should not be so. Ephesians 5:31 & 33 says it best (in my humble opinion) in the Amplified version: “… a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh… However, let each man of you – without exception – love his wife as being in a sense his very own self; and let the wife see that she respects and reverences her husband, that she notices him, regards him, honours him, prefers him, venerates and esteems him; and that she defers to him, praises him, and loves and admires him exceedingly.” Husbands, wives – are we falling short in honouring our spouses? We won’t know always what goes on behind closed doors, and some spouses make it easy (or difficult!) to honour them. Remember, though, God knows and sees everything that goes on, but there are no conditions attached to this requirement to honour each other. We ought to do so until we reach the depth of love, maturity and intimacy we should have. Moreover, we should continue honouring each other as long as it takes us to get to where we should be, in terms of our marriage relationship. So, perhaps your husband isn’t ‘stepping up’ as ‘the man’. Dear wife, do your best to respect him ‘in faith’ as though he already


HONOUR YOU AHA - There IS something we can do!

had. So, perhaps your wife isn’t the domestic goddess you thought she might become. Dear husband, love her and make her feel secure; the results might surprise you.

Honouring our parents This is the first commandment with a promise: “…that your days may be long…” (Exodus 20:12 and Ephesians 6:2-3), and we are also required to honour our parents in Deuteronomy 5:16, Matthew 15:4 and Matthew 19:19. Granted, not every parent has made it easy for their offspring to honour them because of past events. Unfortunately, once again, there are no caveats in the requirement to honour them. No escape clauses, no matter how justified children may feel. We need to respect our parents regardless, give them due weight and importance in how we treat and relate to them. Perhaps we need to make the first move towards forgiveness and reconciliation with them, even if we are the ones who have been wronged. Friends, nothing we do in Jesus’ Name, and in obedience to Him, will ever go unnoticed by Him.

Honouring our leaders Scripture says: ‘A prophet has no honour in his own country’ (John 4:44) and ‘Let the elders, who perform the duties of their office well, be considered doubly worthy of honour’ (1 Timothy 6:17). Wouldn’t it be a crying shame if our leaders at ECC received greater honour or respect from other congregations than they receive from us ‘at home’? Are we a blessing to our leaders or a hindrance? Do they smile genuinely (or even sarcastically) whenever our names are mentioned in conversation? Do we hamper their efforts to ‘equip us for works of service’? Are we a delight to teach and minister to? Do we ignore any faults they have and just love them anyway? Are we willing to ‘muck in’ to help build the Kingdom? Or are we happy to leave the 20% of the people to do 80% of the work? Do we undermine our leaders either publicly or privately? It’s amazing the schemes and wiles (and even people!) the enemy will use to try to hamper and discredit what God wants to do at ECC. Brothers and sisters, don’t be ignorant of the devil’s schemes. How well do we represent the ‘ECC family’ once we have left the building? A few years ago, there was a series featuring Chris Eubank and his family (in happier times), and he would demand

Wouldn’t it be a crying shame if our leaders at ECC received greater honour or respect from other congregations than they receive from us ‘at home’?

that his children “uphold the family name” wherever they went. This became our mini mantra to our children when they were younger (and still is!). Whenever they are away from our supervision, whether we like it or not, our children are representing us! How well do we honour our church leaders by our behaviour at work, at home, or at school/ university/college? When people say of us “Oh, they go to ECC”, is that a positive or a negative reflection of us/ECC? Unfortunately, time and space do not permit me to talk about honouring our bosses and political leaders… In conclusion, then, let us look at Romans 13:7, which says ‘Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour’ (NASB). How much weight do we give to God in our lives? The level of honour we give to God will show how important He is to us. Actions speak louder than words, don’t they? We ought to give honour to whom honour is due – but first and foremost we should honour the Lord in all that we say, think and do. As His children, this is the very least we can do, and the minimum He asks of us. So, back to ABBA, there is something we can do. Let’s all examine ourselves and ensure that we do our best to first get our ‘vertical’ honour right. Then giving honour to our spouses, parents, leaders and friends should follow on more smoothly.




A grandmother is giving thanks to God for answering her prayers for her three-yearold grandson, who had been suffering from ear infections and was yet to start speaking. At nursery, however, he spoke for the first time, when he said “Shut the door!”

We praise God for His mercy in answering a grandfather’s prayers for his grandson, who was facing a custodial sentence for assault charges. His grandson received a suspended sentence after the assault charges were dropped.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017






es, we can overcome everything! But, from youth to adulthood, we are taught to be victims. Our very language positions us as victims of other people’s actions. Have you heard or even said yourself - that the enemy is attacking you? We’ve all said that at one time or another.

existence. Jesus explains this in His prayer to the Father (John 17:21). He asks: “Father, as You and I are one, may they be one with each other and one with Us - may they all be one.” Awesome!!! Unity requires us to be one in the spirit many members, each with a different role (as in your body).

What if there’s more to the experiences we go through than simply the enemy attacking us? As Paul writes in Hebrews 5:12, let’s grow from milk to meat, and toughen up our spiritual understanding. Let’s learn how to overcome everything. Be encouraged. God asked Noah to build an ark (Genesis 6:15) because an event was coming that the people on earth had never experienced before: flooding. Noah obeyed. Part of that obedience was being the object of laughter and ridicule. Could you endure that, doing something not even you had seen before? So during the building of this big ship, there was no way to test whether it would float. Noah had never seen floodwaters; he actually didn’t know what to expect. All he had to rely on was his faith, and that the instructions he’d received were from God and not his own imaginations. The test of the ark were the floodwaters!

Whatever you pray for, pray also for courage, faith and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to sustain you through the test. Be prepared for these tests, and be prepared to win.

We pray to God to make us light, but are we ready to be tested with darkness? Would you agree, the test of light is darkness? The only way to ensure light is doing its work is to place it within darkness. A light among light just helps to radiate more light; in daylight, a light is of little use. Light is really needed where there is darkness.

When faced with darkness, do you see yourself as a victim? If you are prepared to be tested, then you have already overcome. This doesn’t mean you won’t make a mistake; it means you are not the victim of darkness. It means you are light, and are prepared to make your light shine in that darkness. We pray for unity, but are we ready to be tested with division? How many times have we prayed for unity and, when division comes, we run for the hills? Unity is one of those misunderstood terms. Because two or more people ‘agree’ does not mean they are united. Agreement does not mean unity. In church, we pursue agreement, mistaking that for unity. When our unity is tested with division, guess what happens? Someone always end up leaving the church. That isn’t unity; we had agreement, not unity. Unity requires far more than agreement; it requires shared purpose and, in the spirit, shared


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017


We pray for patience, but are we ready to be tested with irritating and frustrating experiences? It’s a wonderful prayer to ask for patience, because there are so many circumstances that can irritate and frustrate the life out of us. So we should pray for patience. The test of our patience requires us to deal with situations that would make us explode. Now, with the blessing of patience, we deal with the same situations in the spirit, and not in our flesh. However difficult the situation is, we are confident that our Lord is busy making a way where there is no way. Patience requires us to remain in the spirit, confident in the promise that all things work for good for those who love the Lord (Romans 8:28). We pray for love, but are we ready to be tested with hatred? Now for the BIG one. Like you, I also pray for deeper love so that I can declare that I am patient, kind, longsuffering... But, I will confess, if someone expresses hatred towards me, I really won’t be showing that person much attention, far less love. Will you? (Be

Let’s confess our sins one to another (James 5:16). I’ll start. I struggle being kind to those who are determined to make my life a living hell. Only recently, I was accused (by someone very close to me) of something very horrid. What’s worse, we have no idea how they arrived at the conclusion they did. I haven’t called them since. I need to call them. This thing hurts. When you see me next, feel free to ask whether I made that call. We are more than conquerors. We are not victims. Whatever you pray for, pray also for courage, faith and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to sustain you through the test. Be prepared for these tests, and be prepared to win. Remember, preparedness in your mind, body and soul is 50% of the battle. When the tests come, you’re ready. That’s how we can stand in unity when division comes, and let our light shine in the darkness. Be encouraged.



The state of the CHURCH and almost 20% say they never read the Bible. Popular beliefs of those adults, who claim to be ‘born-again’, include:


• only 46% believe in absolute moral truth • only 40% think that satan is a ‘real force’ • only 47% believe you cannot work your way to Heaven (ie. that salvation is by grace through faith alone) • 68% believe the saying ‘God helps those who help themselves’ is in the Bible (it isn’t; it’s in the Qur’an!!!) • only 62% believe that Jesus was sinless

The Church is not doing well at discipling people, so says a recent Christian survey (the Barna Report) about the American Church. Consider these statements: • Discipleship is God’s very best for His people • Making disciples is the very heart of God’s work • Discipleship ranks as God’s top priority, because Jesus practised it and commanded it • Discipleship implies a complete transformation of our entire lives to become like Jesus • “Christianity without discipleship is Christianity without Christ” Dietrich Bonhoeffer Jesus said, “Come, follow Me … Go, and make disciples.” A major concern of the Barna Report is that, while many Christians say they want to become more like Jesus, their image of Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible. The Jesus they imagine is largely “a construct of the socially acceptable and culturally conditioned”. Their Jesus is not the real Jesus! The real Jesus of the Bible is counter-culture, not conformist (see the Sermon on the Mount). The Christian Church, when it is not contradicting its true identity, is “the Alternative Society”, not conformed to the pattern of this world (Romans 12:2). Christian disciples are meant to be different from everyone else, as light is from darkness and salt from chalk (Leviticus 18:1-4). True Christian disciples follow Christ’s commands, and do not take their lead from the standards of those around them. The Christian’s vocation is to be ‘holy’ or ‘different’ in all his or her outlook and behaviour. ‘No comment could be more hurtful to the Christian than the words, “But you are no different from anybody else!”’ (John Stott, The Message of the Sermon of the Mount). The goal of discipleship is to become like Jesus. If we are going to be like Him, we need to clear away the clutter and see Jesus for who He really is: the Jesus of the Bible.

The lack of biblical literacy among Christians is a symptom of poor discipleship. There is a correlation between right thinking and right living.

True Christian disciples follow Christ’s commands, and do not take their lead from the standards of those around them

Back-door drop-outs Apparently, many American Christians view their spiritual lives as a ‘private’ matter, believing their faith should impact only themselves. Yet, what we see in the Scriptures is that a Christian’s relationship with Jesus should be personal, not ‘private’. But true Christianity is both communal and missional. The latest reports on the American Church reveal that a relatively low percentage of American Christians are involved in church beyond attending some Sunday services. The church’s discipleship cannot be realistically evaluated merely based on attendance figures. We cannot determine whether a believer is growing in Christ based on his or her attendance. Doing is the proof of learning. Learning without doing is not really learning. When Jesus said, “Come, follow Me”, He wasn’t heading to a church meeting. He was on His way to heal the sick; befriend a corrupt official; stand up for the adulterer, and proclaim Good News to the poor and marginalised. It’s reported that there’s a 43% drop-out between the teen and early adult years, in terms of church engagement. 70% of active youth group members leave the church by the time they are 22 years old. In the past, they would marry and settle down with a family and return to church. But now, they are not coming back. Fewer are getting married, and even fewer are having children. The drop-out rates are higher than ever before. They haven’t experienced discipleship. Could the problem be, then, that many people would not leave the Church if the church congregation were doing a better, more creative job at discipling people?

Biblical illiteracy Although the average American owns four Bibles, only 45% of those who regularly attend church read the Bible more than once a week,

Pastor JOHN STARR GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017



My journey to God’s peace and grace at ECC by Dr Abou Coulibaly


am very famous in this world, but for the wrong reason, a sad reason. I was an alcoholic, caught shoplifting. I am the doctor with a PhD in Arts and Literature, who went shoplifting, got caught, recorded and put on social media in July 2016. Born into a Muslim family, I left my native Ivory Coast, dreading civil war, to seek a better life in the UK. I got married and have two beautiful daughters, now aged nine and six. I had a successful career as a training officer for a leading homecare provider, training healthcare assistants. Later on, I was promoted to branch manager for the same company, and was based at Burnham. My marriage broke down and I was sent to prison in Acton. The accusations were false and I was released without charge a month later. The trauma of the event had a disastrous effect on me, however, and drove me to alcoholism. I eventually got divorced and lost my job. In 2012, I found a job as a cleaner, and within six months I was promoted to

patient services supervisor, providing non-clinical services to the wards - mainly cleaning, and food service to patients and their families. When my ex-wife told me she was moving to Australia with her boyfriend, and wanted to take the girls with her, my world fell apart that day. I could not face up to the prospect of my beautiful girls living in such a country so far away from me. They are still very young; they are the reason I am still in the UK. I started drinking heavily again and lost my job in May last year, after failing to attend disciplinary meetings. I was evicted from my flat, and slept rough in a park next to the river in Hammersmith for five weeks with other homeless people. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression by my GP, but the medication I was prescribed failed to help me. One morning, in July last year, still under the influence of alcohol, I thought I was about to die as I was having short but acute seizures. I needed more alcohol

to ease the pain. I managed to get to an off-licence and went shoplifting. I was caught, recorded and put on social media. Something needed to happen - something dreadful, shameful - to shake me to the core, so that I could return to our most beloved Father. People would point their fingers at me in the street saying, “It’s him, the doctor shoplifter.” But what could I do, except pray to God? On August 18th, I moved to Northfields in Ealing, thanks to a housing association. I had a roof over my head again. I attended my first service at ECC on Sunday 22nd August. I was welcomed, prayed for and given a Bible and food by the welcoming team, who encouraged me to join a midweek Discipleship Cell group. I then attended the Revival and Healing meeting, where I prayed, repenting of my sins, seeking God’s forgiveness and for Him to use me for His glory. I also asked God for a job. The following day, I saw a job vacancy in an Indian restaurant as a waiter, but was concerned that I would be overqualified and that they wouldn’t consider me. Strangely, they didn’t ask for my CV and, after a test shift, they gave me the job. On Wednesday 18th January, the housing association called me to move to Acton. I now live in a two million-pound shared house, in a residential area, with mine being the only en-suite room double the size of my previous room, but for the same rent! On Sunday 22nd January, the head steward at ECC approached me to join the stewarding team. What an honour and a blessing. Thank you, ECC, for showing me that door. Jesus is restoring me for His glory.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017


MAY 2017


srael had reached its zenith of power and influence under King David. The slow decline began after David’s sin regarding Bathsheba; behind the scenes, during Solomon’s reign, and then openly after Solomon’s death when the kingdom was divided in two, becoming Israel and Judah. With the exception of a few godly kings of Judah, the kings of the divided nation forsook the Lord and embraced the shameful practices of the gods of the surrounding nations.

Both Israel and Judah had become corrupt, refusing to listen to prophesies sent by God to warn them of the great impending disaster that was coming their way if they did not repent and turn back from evil. Instead, they listened to false prophets who filled their ears with what they wanted to hear, saying no harm would come to the nation. As the two kingdoms seemed to be doing comparatively well economically, they were lulled into a false sense of security. God sent his own true prophets one after another to warn them of the consequences of breaking their covenant with him, made back in the time of Moses. Micah confronted the two backslidden kingdoms without compromise. God was getting ready to visit judgment on both Israel and Judah. God had treated them compassionately and fairly, but they did not want to live by his just ways. Instead, violence and corruption filled the land; their priests corrupt; they were walking in the ways of King Ahab and his wicked queen Jezebel, practising oppression, witchcraft and sacrificing children. By contrast, “He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly before your God” (Micah 6:8). Even yet it was not too late, because “Who is a pardoning God like you, who pardons sins and forgives transgression…?” (Micah 7:18). But they would have none of it and God’s judgment finally fell; Israel was exiled to Assyria, and Judah to Babylon. But that was not the final word. God would bring back a remnant, and he would send a divine Saviour, born in Bethlehem. As we pray through Micah’s prophecies, we are interceding for our nation that is likewise rushing headlong into judgment. Outward prosperity is no gauge of God’s approval, as both Israel and Judah discovered before their downfall. Our nation has forsaken God, but there is still a final opportunity for repentance. Intercessors - such as you - stand between God and our nation.

1st – Micah 1:1-2 God’s case against earth’s inhabitants 1. As you demonstrate your presence and ways through your creation, your Word, your people and by your Spirit, cause unbelievers to listen and respond to you. 2. Help us not only to understand the depth of your hatred for sin and its consequences in the world, but also may our understanding of your love move us to have compassion for the lost. 3. As you speak through earthquake, unnatural winds and storms, cause them to shake many people into turning to you. 4. O Lord, since your Word tells us that there will be an increase in natural disasters as your coming grows nearer, stir your people to evangelise in these last days. 5. O God, though you are a God of justice, have mercy on the rebellion of mankind, and send revivals around the world. 2nd – Micah 1:3-7 Idolatry and God’s judgment 1. O Lord, in a society that is full of idolatry, give us an understanding of the scope of its wickedness, so we can be moved to intercession and action.

2. May our knowledge of the certainty of the Day of Judgment move us into action to serve you on a daily basis. 3. Keep us from all compromise with a world that has rejected your values and your morality, and help us in temptation. 4. Teach us to number our days and live in the realisation that the days of this fallen world’s system are numbered. 5. Before the Day of your coming, Lord Jesus, cause your Holy Spirit to move in the nations in saving power, we pray. 3rd – Micah 1:8-11 Weeping and intercession 1. Move us, O God, that we may be moved to reach the lost. 2. O Lord, cause us to be moved with compassion towards those who, if not saved, will know only eternal judgment as they die in their sins. 3. Raise up amongst us more and more intercessors with a passion to pull down spiritual strongholds through the power of intercessory prayer. 4. Help us not to be like the church at Laodicea, which was outwardly rich but

spiritually wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 5. Cause us, O Lord, to be like the church in Philadelphia, which kept your Word, did not deny your Name, and to whom you gave an open door of revival that no-one could shut.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth


4th – Micah 1:12-16 Impending disaster 1. Impress upon your Church, O God, that the increase in natural disasters are the ‘birth pains’ leading to the coming Kingdom of Christ on earth, and let your Church rise up and act. 2. Let your Kingdom come and your will be done on earth, Lord Jesus, but in the short time still left, may many find you as Saviour and Lord. 3. Holy Spirit, cause revival in our church and all the churches in our city. 4. Send your revival, O God, to our nation, touching every hamlet, village, town and city in the British Isles. 5. Move across the face of the entire earth, O Lord, causing men and women from every ethnic group and nation to turn to you in ever-increasing numbers. GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017



MAY 2017 5th – Micah 2:1 The plotting of evil 1. We pray you would thwart the actions of all those in our nation, who seek to influence our members of Parliament to pass ungodly laws, O God. 2. Have mercy on all those who have no regard for the sanctity of life, which is made in your image, O God, and turn the tide against the practice of abortion. 3. We pray for our local streets, that you would move upon those who practise violence there, and change them by their turning to you, O Lord. 4. We pray for our local streets, that you would touch and radically change the lives of all those who are addicted to drugs and those who deal them. 5. We pray that all the youths, who are on the streets because they have been excluded, would find a purpose for life through a life-changing encounter with the living Christ. 6th – Micah 2:2 Greed and coveting 1. Forgive all the idolatry that goes on in our society, and cause the hunger and thirst for material things to be replaced by a hunger and thirst for true, spiritual wealth. 2. Have mercy on our businesses and corporations that put the making of profit over and above a day of rest and worship on Sundays, and change our nation, O Lord. 3. Have mercy on our nation, O Lord, for being a people obsessed with materialism and the acquisition of things. 4. Have mercy on our nation, as our Parliament seeks to invent a new ‘morality’ that runs contrary to biblical values. 5. Save us as a nation, O Lord, from the consequences of our sinful lifestyles, by breathing afresh on us by your Holy Spirit. 7th – Micah 2:3-5 God’s judgment 1. We have turned our backs on faithfulness and the covenant of marriage, and are reaping a harvest of broken hearts and fatherless children; save us, O God, from our folly. 2. As a nation, we have sown sexual sin and are now reaping the harvest of sexually transmitted diseases; have mercy and turn the nation back to you, O Lord. 3. Since we are reaping the harvest of broken relationships, have mercy and heal our broken society. 4. We have forsaken your ways, and are reaping a harvest of lawlessness and


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017

disrespect for all forms of authority; forgive our nation and save us, O Lord. 5. We destroy our unborn children by the hundreds of thousands each year; O God, have mercy on our nation before your judgment falls. 8th – Micah 2:6-11 True and false prophets 1. Keep your people from compromising with every seductive doctrine of our society’s ‘new morality’ that runs contrary to the revealed Word of God. 2. We pray the voices of all church leaders, who are in positions of influence, may rise up clearly and boldly to declare the ways and Word of the Lord. 3. Holy Spirit, sweep through our churches and our nation, empowering all those who witness and preach the truth of your Word. 4. As our society seeks increasingly to marginalise and silence the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, cause your people to rise up to speak out more and more boldly for Christ. 5. Cause your Church up and down the land to speak with one voice in declaring uncompromisingly the righteous ways of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 9th – Micah 2:12-13 God’s true flock 1. Lord, since you know all who will respond to the Gospel, in our time, cause there to be a mighty drawing into your Kingdom of vast numbers of men and women. 2. Lord Jesus, you came to seek and save those who are lost, so help your Church to mobilise to witness to the lost in our society and see them come to Christ. 3. Cause us to have an undivided mind and passion to seek and see the lost saved. 4. May we take your Word at its face value, and move in the same power and effectiveness as the church in the book of Acts. 5. Help us to draw a distinct line - over which we will not cross - when it comes to the sinful practices of the society in which we live. 10th – Micah 3:1-3 Justice 1. Have mercy on our nation when what you call ‘evil’ is now called ‘good’, and what you call ‘good’ is now called ‘evil’. 2. Bring justice to our unborn, O Lord, whose lives are sacrificed on the altar of sexual permissiveness. 3. Help our older members of society, whose lives are under threat by the pressure to legalise euthanasia, and cause this threat to be defeated.

4. Have mercy on our nation, O Lord, for taking and experimenting on human embryos capable of becoming men and women made in your image. 5. Draw close to all the weak and vulnerable in our society, O God; may they know your love and protection. 11th – Micah 3:4 Crying out to the Lord 1. As Moses stood in the gap and you heard him, saving the nation, so now we stand in the gap on behalf of our nation, asking you to save our nation from its sin, O God. 2. As a church we cry out to you, our God, to forgive our sin, our lack of passion for you and for the lost, and to rekindle the fires of evangelism within us. 3. Holy Spirit, sweep through your church, renewing, refining and emboldening us to overcome the plans and devices of the evil one, and to see his kingdom of darkness in retreat. 4. As a church we cry out to you, O God, to have mercy on our ungodly and rebellious nation, so that you would have mercy and turn them back to you. 5. So often men and women will only turn to you in times of deepest trouble, O Lord, but even then have mercy and save those who do not know you. 12th – Micah 3:8 Spirit-filled 1. Fill us with your power, O God, to be witnesses wherever we are. 2. Fill us with your power to boldly speak out and live out the life of Christ in righteousness, yet with compassion for those whose lives are lost in sin. 3. Fill us with your power, O Lord, to move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit to see people saved, healed and delivered. 4. Fill us with your Spirit, so that we may always be able to discern in every situation, right from wrong and good from evil. 5. Fill us this day with a fresh infilling of your Holy Spirit, O Lord, the consequences and effects of which flow out to all around us. 13th – Micah 3:9-12 Corruption 1. Root out, expose, bring to repentance and forgive any corruption in your Church, O Lord. 2. Lord, root out and expose any corruption in the corporations with whom we must do business. 3. Root out and expose any corruption in those who govern us nationally, O God.


APRIL 2017


hese chapters show us the reason why a significant revival broke out amongst the inhabitants of Jerusalem and its surrounding areas at this time. Two men were working side by side, complementing one another with two essential Biblical ministries.

First, there was Nehemiah, who was practical man, gifted by God with the wisdom to build and to govern according to spiritual principles. Those spiritual principles he applied first in his own personal life, and then taught them to those he led. His gifted leadership is demonstrated by the way the people followed him to construct the walls of Jerusalem in record time - under very difficult conditions. Though deeply spiritual, his humanity is also on display; he found it difficult to tolerate backsliding and compromise amongst the people of God, and his anger is manifested out of frustration at such behaviour. But his anger is not selfish but motivated by his passion for God and his desire not to see sinful behaviour undo their accomplishments of restoring a pure, God-fearing and God-seeking remnant to Jerusalem. Second, there is Ezra who, by contrast, was a priest, but an equally able and gifted spiritual leader. He comes to work alongside Nehemiah in a spiritual role to teach the people, not only the Word of God, but its implementation in their personal lives and prayer. This requires the need for repentance, that is, a complete break with any sinful ways the people had fallen into and a whole-hearted turning to the Lord. He leads the population in mass confession of sin, prayer and Bible study and commitment to serve the Lord without compromise. His personal lifestyle and example enables God to use him in a revival that takes place at one of the most crucial times in Israel’s history. Had he not succeeded, and the people instead had fallen headlong into compromise and intermarrying with the pagans around them, who were leading them away from worship of the true God, the whole plan of salvation through Christ would have been in jeopardy. This revival was to prepare a purified Jewish people to be re-established in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to prepare for the first coming of their Messiah, Jesus Christ. God knew he could count on Nehemiah and Ezra for this vital task. As we prepare for the soon-arrival of our Messiah for his Second Coming, all the ingredients for a move of the Holy Spirit in our time are contained in this book. And, as we pray through it this month, we are asking God to prepare us, the church, individually and collectively to be spiritually prepared for him to move in us and through us in revival power.

1st – Nehemiah 7:1-3 Integrity before man and God 1. May we so walk in your ways, O God, that it may be said of us by believers and unbelievers that we are people of integrity. 2. Let our lifestyle of integrity be such that, whether people are watching us or not, we never let our standards of godliness slip. 3. Lord, help us to be people who have a reverential fear of you that causes us to tremble at the idea of sinning against you in thought or deed. 4. Whenever we slip, O God, may we be quick to apologise and seek forgiveness from you and from those we have let down. 5. In all that we do, O Lord, may we always remember that your Word says we are to do everything as unto you. 2nd – Nehemiah 7:4-7 Names included and excluded from God’s book 1. We pray that the spiritual eyes of all

our family members, who have not yet accepted Christ as Saviour, will soon be opened. 2. Holy Spirit, cause all our colleagues at school, college or in our workplaces, who do not know Christ, to commit their lives to Christ, we pray. 3. We pray that all our unsaved neighbours would open their hearts to listen and believe the Gospel, O Lord. 4. We pray you would give to those, who witness on the streets to the unsaved and also through our Discipleship Cells, the joy of leading many to Christ. 5. Lord Jesus, we praise and thank you for doing all that is necessary to enable all who repent and have faith in you to have their names included in your Book of Life. 3rd – Nehemiah 8:1-8 Reading and understanding the Bible 1. Give us ears that listen attentively to the preaching and teaching of God’s Word, such that it changes us from the inside out.

2. In our witnessing to people on a oneto-one basis, give us the right words to say, Holy Spirit, so that the people clearly understand. 3. We pray that all those who lead or participate in Discipleship Cell meetings will have the ability to speak and explain with clarity, O Lord. 4. Cause all our teachers in our Children’s, Youth and other ministries to deposit the deep truths of your Word into their hearts in a way they can understand and remember. 5. Give us a passion, Holy Spirit, to read and understand your Word and apply it to every area of our lives, we pray.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

WORKING FOR REVIVAL Nehemiah - Chapters 7 to 13

4th – Nehemiah 8:9-12 Repentance and rejoicing 1. Bring us to the place where we truly appreciate the depth of the sinful nature from which we have been saved by your sacrifice on the cross, so we are fully changed. 2. May we constantly be in that place, Holy Spirit, where we are sensitive to GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017



APRIL 2017 your conviction in our hearts each time we fall short of your standards, and so immediately repent. 3. Holy Spirit, convict now those who attend church services, but do not appreciate of seriousness of sin, so that they may know the spiritual blessings that flow from true repentance. 4. Cause us to be in that place of right relationship with you, O Lord, where we radiate the joy of the Lord to all around us, no matter what our outward circumstances may be. 5. For any of your people, who feel burdened and heavy-laden at this time, help them experience the joy of the Holy Spirit, we pray. 5th – Nehemiah 8:13-17 Godly celebrations 1. Each time we meet together to celebrate as a company of believers on Sundays or midweek, in large or small groups, may the joy of the Lord lift our spirits above any adverse circumstances. 2. In our celebrations throughout the year, help us to keep them godly, never slipping into worldly ways of celebration, we pray. 3. Give us the wisdom to follow your instructions, O God, to plan into our weekly schedule, appropriate times of rest. 4. We pray you would help all amongst us, who are under pressure because of finances and are working long hours as a result, to find rest, O Lord. 5. Cause us to remember, O Lord, that the greatest cause for us to celebrate is not in what we possess, but in who we are in Christ. 6th – Nehemiah 8:18 Daily devotions 1. As we wait on you in prayer and through reading your Word each day, O Lord, may we experience a conscious spiritual growth and a new boldness to live daily for Jesus. 2. Holy Spirit, as we read a portion of your Word daily, bring us insight and understanding with new revelations each day, we pray. 3. Help us to keep our priorities correct, O Lord, so that our times of personal daily devotion are never overlooked. 4. Holy Spirit, help us to pray, guiding our thoughts, our intercession and every prayer we bring to you. 5. We pray that each family in the church would have the wisdom to conduct daily devotions together and experience closer bonds between family members as a result.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017

7th – Nehemiah 9:1-4 Separation 1. Holy Spirit, convict us of anything we are currently doing that is unpleasing to you, and help us to separate ourselves from it. 2. If there is anything in our possession that is unpleasing to you, Holy Spirit, convict our hearts so that we may remove it, we pray. 3. If there are people we are keeping company with, and it would be wiser for us not to, show us, Holy Spirit, we pray. 4. Help us to be people who are spiritually strong enough to be able to influence the unsaved for good, without being negatively influenced by them. 5. Keep us, O Lord, from giving in to any temptations we face in this world. 8th – Nehemiah 9:5-8 The Almighty God 1. In our times of trial, help us never to forget, O God, that you are Almighty, so we can remain strong. 2. Help us to remember that you are the One who never changes, and you remain the God of miracles and the God of the impossible. 3. Whenever we feel discouraged, O Lord, lift our eyes to see and understand your awesome power and majesty, and so cause our spirits to be lifted. 4. When we see the ungodliness and sinfulness that is all around us, cause us to remember that you alone, O God, are omnipotent and remain totally in control. 5. As we remember the Bible prophecies that tell us how this world will end with the glorious reign of Christ and evil defeated, keep our eyes on you, O God. 9th – Nehemiah 9:9-12 The God of miracles 1. Give us the faith that never doubts you, O Lord, but enables you to use us to achieve extraordinary things on a daily basis. 2. Give us the faith that remembers that, as the God of miracles, you are able to do all things - in the world, in the church and in our individual lives. 3. Lord, release faith amongst us in the church, so that we may be a people for whom miracles are normal and not unusual. 4. Give us open and believing hearts, O God, so that we may see you performing miracles through us in all sorts of situations. 5. For any of us now seeking you for something significant or extraordinary in our lives, O Lord, help us to release the believing faith to see it accomplished.

10th – Nehemiah 9:13-18 The God of mercy 1. Restore once again to the consciousness of our nation, which has focused solely on materialism and secularism, the vital importance of the place of Jesus in our national life. 2. Have mercy on your Church in this nation, O Lord, that has remained docile and ineffective over the years, and infuse it with new life, we pray. 3. Have mercy on our nation that spurns your commands, O Lord, and bring revival, we pray. 4. Have mercy on our nation’s leaders, O Lord, who over the years have passed ungodly laws, and bring a total change of heart and mind in those who govern us. 5. Hear the cries of your Church, and move in sovereign power across this land once more, Holy Spirit. 11th – Nehemiah 9:19-25 The God of physical provision 1. Teach us to have the faith to believe your Word, which teaches us to give to you, O Lord, knowing that as we give it will be given to us. 2. Heavenly Father, give us this day and each day our daily needs, we pray. 3. For all among us, who are struggling financially at this time, as they seek first your Kingdom and righteousness, add to them all they need, O Lord. 4. For all those among us seeking employment, or who are setting up their own businesses, show yourself as the Great Provider, O God. 5. We pray for the church, O Lord, that you would provide every financial and physical need that will enable your work to progress without hindrance. 12th – Nehemiah 9:26-31 Backsliding 1. Cause us to respond to your promptings, Holy Spirit, whenever our feet start to stray to the left or the right. 2. Give us the wisdom, O God, not to give the devil any foothold in our lives. 3. Help us to remain accountable to one another, so that we do not slowly drift away from you, O Lord. 4. We pray that you would enable strong relationships and personal accountability to be forged among all who attend our Discipleship Cells. 5. If we feel we are slipping back at this time, O Lord, give us the strength and determination to stop and return to you wholeheartedly.


APRIL 2017

14th – Nehemiah 9:38 Commitment to God’s ways 1. Lord, we re-consecrate every part of our lives to you today, laying down our all for your service. 2. We offer up our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to you, O God, as our spiritual act of worship. 3. Lord, we resolve no longer to conform to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. 4. Take our lives, our lips, our hands and our minds, O Lord, and let them be wholly consecrated to you. 5. As the deer pants after water, may our souls continually be thirsting after you, our Living God. 15th – Nehemiah 10:1-27 Signing up to living God’s way 1. Teach us the reality of the Scripture which says, ‘I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.’ 2. Teach us not to be half-hearted in following you, O Lord, but to be wholeheartedly sold out for Christ. 3. Since we have decided to follow Jesus, we commit ourselves to never turning back. 4. May we live our lives not for ourselves, but only for your glory, our God. 5. We surrender all to you, O Lord. 16th – Nehemiah 10:28-31 Not being unequally yoked 1. Since you have set us free from sin by your death and resurrection, give us the wisdom to remain free from anything that would hinder our freedom in Christ. 2. Give us the insight and the wisdom not to yoke ourselves together with unbelievers, who will cause us to compromise in any way at all, we pray. 3. For all amongst us, who are looking

for husbands or wives, provide godly spouses for them, O Lord, and not unbelievers who will hinder their spiritual growth and lives. 4. Give us wisdom in our daily affairs in business and employment, O God, so that we do not enter into questionable dealings with unbelievers. 5. If we are already in unwise partnerships or agreements, O Lord, give us a way to break free that is honourable but decisive, we pray. 17th – Nehemiah 10:32-36 Commitment to paying tithes 1. Give us generous hearts, O Lord, so that we do not rob ourselves of the blessings that flow from giving to you. 2. Help us to have the faith to believe that, as we give to you, O Lord, you will not leave us in need. 3. Deliver us from the spirit of stinginess, O God. 4. Help us to remember that you are the Almighty God, so that we do not treat you like a waiter in a restaurant – merely giving you tips. 5. O God, cause us to remember your Word that says we shall be the head and not the tail, if we remain obedient to you. 18th – Nehemiah 10:37-39 Not neglecting the house of God 1. Give each of us a heart which is always looking to see what we can do that blesses and helps your work, O God. 2. Cause us to remember, O Lord, that it is not for the world to maintain the ministries and the place of worship of our God, but for us, your people. 3. For those of us who have the finances to be able to do so, prompt our hearts to give over and above our tithes, we pray. 4. Help us to remember that we are the church, O God, and that we are here to seek how we can give, before seeking to receive. 5. Teach us, Holy Spirit, that the things of this world are temporary, but the things of God are eternal, so that we always get our priorities right. 19th – Nehemiah 11:1-19 Standing up for God 1. Help us stand up for you, Lord Jesus, amongst our family members. 2. Help us stand up for you, Lord Jesus, amongst our neighbours and all we meet during the course of a day. 3. Amongst our school, college or work colleagues, help us always to make a stand for Jesus, using wisdom and tact. 4. In all our leisure and recreational activities, may we never let down

our guard, but always maintain godly standards. 5. Help us build every part of our lives solidly upon the words of Jesus, like the man building his house upon the rock. 20th – Nehemiah 11:20-23 Prayer and worship in God’s house 1. Cause us always to be a praying people, O Lord, both as individuals and as a church. 2. Cause our prayer meetings to be overflowing with people who believe earnestly in the importance and power of prayer, so we see mountains moved, we pray. 3. Wake us up, O God, so that every one of us in your church has a spiritual insight into the necessity, priority and power of prayer. 4. As we worship you collectively, O Lord, cause our worship to transcend the mundane, so that we glorify you and put all powers of darkness to flight. 5. Raise up more and more anointed singers and musicians, who can point us to you and lead us into your presence, O Lord. 21st – Nehemiah 11:24-36 Possessing the Land 1. In Jesus’ Name, we take authority over every power of darkness that seeks to inhibit the growth of our church, and command them to leave this vicinity. 2. We take authority over every evil spirit that has influence in the neighbourhood of this church, and bind its powers to keep the unsaved people in spiritual darkness. 3. We take authority over every power of darkness that is blinding the eyes of our unsaved family members, friends and colleagues, and command them to be loosed. 4. In Jesus’ Name, we take authority over and bind every evil spirit in our neighbourhood that is resisting revival. 5. Lord, as we pray that we will see a great move of your Spirit, prepare us in every way to be channels whom you can use for your glory.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

13th – Nehemiah 9:32-37 Walking in defeat because of sin 1. Teach us to remember, O Lord, that when we sin it causes us to be defeated. 2. Open our eyes to spiritual truths, O God, so that we are not blinded by the enemy. 3. If things are not going well in our lives at present, cause us to examine our lives, O Lord, to see if there is anything we need to change. 4. When we sin, O God, cause us to confess it immediately, since you are faithful and just, and will forgive us and purify us from all unrighteousness. 5. Help us to rise up as the mighty army of God, able to overcome every strategy of the powers of darkness, we pray.

22nd – Nehemiah 12:1-11 Praying for church leaders 1. Lord, we pray that you would give all our pastors and elders the spiritual discernment and wisdom they need as they lead and minister in the church. 2. We pray that you would speak to them, and that they would know your leading and direction for the church at all times. 3. We pray that you would help them excel in all the areas of ministry you have called them to. GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017



APRIL 2017 4. We pray that you would guard them in every area of their lives from every attack of the enemy. 5. We pray you would uphold and strengthen their wives, husbands and families to accomplish all you desire them to do. 23rd – Nehemiah 12:12-26 Praying for other leaders 1. We pray that you would help all our Discipleship Cell leaders, as they provide this important leadership in the groups they care for. 2. We pray that you would give all those, who lead and minister to the youth in the church, wisdom, insight, courage and patience in all they do, O Lord. 3. We pray that you would guide and help all who lead and minister in the Children’s ministries, as they deposit the eternal truths of God’s Word into these young lives. 4. We pray that you would watch over, help and keep every departmental leader in the church, as they fulfil every aspect of their ministry for you. 5. As they are devoted to ministering to others, O Lord, we pray that you would bless and minister in every way to the families of all leaders in the church. 24th – Nehemiah 12:27-30 Purity before the Lord 1. May we not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers, but rather delight in the law of our God, we pray. 2. May our motives always be pure, O Lord, and not tainted with selfishness or sinfulness. 3. Help us to guard our thoughts, O Lord, so that whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable, we think about these things. 4. Guard our hands from wrongdoing, O Lord, and our lips from falsehood and malicious words. 5. Teach us to love with the same agapé love that you demonstrate towards us, O God. 25th – Nehemiah 12:31-37 The musicians in God’s house 1. Cause our musicians to always come into your presence anointed by you, O Lord. 2.May our worship be pleasing and acceptable to you, O God, as our act of spiritual sacrifice. 3.May our worship be so pleasing a sound to you, O Lord, that it rises like the fragrant incense before the Holy of holies. 4.Give our musicians not merely technical skills to play, but an ability to be led of the Spirit in worship.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017

5. As we come to you in worship, help us to be filled with the Spirit, speaking to ourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in our hearts to the Lord. 26th – Nehemiah 12:38-43 Spiritual sacrifices of praise 1.Enable us to praise you, O Lord, even when we do not naturally feel like it, knowing that as we do so, our spirits will be raised. 2. Lord, may all our prayers be led of your Spirit, so that they are spiritual sacrifices acceptable to you. 3. Lord, may our praise and worship be led of your Spirit, so that they are spiritual sacrifices acceptable to you. 4. May all our actions be such that they are spiritual sacrifices acceptable to you, O God. 5. May our joy in the Lord and the songs in our hearts be a testimony to those who do not yet know what they are missing. 27th – Nehemiah 12:44-47 Faithful trustees of finance 1. Help us use our finances wisely, O Lord. 2. Help us to realise, O God, that all we own is given by you, so that we hold on to our possessions only lightly, trusting in you and not in them. 3. Help us always to be careful, honest and faithful in all our dealings with money, we pray. 4. Bless those in the church who faithfully count and give an account for all the finances of the church, we pray. 5. Give us wisdom, guidance and direction, Holy Spirit, in how the church uses the finances entrusted to it, we pray. 28th – Nehemiah 13:1-14 No compromise 1. In all our dealings in our places of work, give us the wisdom and discernment that will keep us from compromising our faith. 2. Help us not to have one standard for church and another standard away from church, but always to consistently maintain our standards for Jesus. 3. Even if we say nothing, may those around us be aware that we are different because we never compromise our standards but conform with godly ways. 4. Keep us from being lazy, O Lord, when it comes to prayer, reading your Word and ministering for you, but rather cause us to be sold out for Jesus. 5. Keep us from making excuses, O God, and from always finding reasons why we should not be fully committed to serving you.

29th – Nehemiah 13:15-22 God before money 1. May we never put the seeking after money before the seeking after you, O God. 2. Teach us, O Lord, that godliness with contentment is great gain. 3. Teach us all, O God, the secret of being content in every situation, whether living in plenty or in want. 4. Cause us to remember, O Lord, that you are a God who will meet all our needs according to your riches in Christ Jesus. 5. Cause us to know the joy that comes through experiencing that it is more blessed to give than to receive. 30th – Nehemiah 13:23-30 Righteous anger 1. Teach us, O Lord, how to avoid the anger that is selfish and therefore wrong. 2. Holy Spirit, help us to learn self-control, which is part of the fruit of the Spirit, we pray. 3. May we learn how to hate sin and its practices, O Lord. 4. Give us a righteous anger against sin, O God, that causes us to rise up and seek to bring godly change through righteous ways. 5. May a righteous anger arise within us that prompts us to intercede; bind powers of darkness; evangelise, and see many brought out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light.

PRAYER centre TESTIMONIES 020 8799 2199

INTERVENTION God really intervened on behalf of a woman who called the Prayer Centre asking for favour and release. Her old cooker was replaced by Argos with a brand new one, and she was miraculously released from a £12,000 debt, when it was cancelled by the bank.


MAY 2017

14th – Micah 4:1-2 The Lord’s return 1. Just as your first coming was certain, Lord Jesus, teach us to live in the light of the certainty of your soon return. 2. Lord, let your Kingdom reign daily in each of our hearts, minds, thoughts and actions. 3. Let your Kingdom come to our families, friends, neighbours and work colleagues, who do not yet know you as Saviour and Lord. 4. Let your Kingdom begin to impact on our institutions of government, business, media and corporations, as your people rise up in influence. 5. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! 15th – Micah 4:3-5 The Lord rules 1. Be Lord of every part of our lives as individuals and as a church, we pray. 2. Cause the thought of the sure and certain promise of your physical return to earth in power to continually be our encouragement through good and difficult circumstances. 3. Lord, we long for the day when your righteous rule will be exercised over all the earth, so help us continually work towards that goal. 4. Let your people rise up in our generation, O God, and bring the changes to our society that will be pleasing to you. 5. Let your sense of justice fill our minds and understanding, and be lived out in all we say and do, O Lord. 16th – Micah 4:6-8 The Lord’s people reign with him 1. Reign in our hearts, Lord Jesus, and be seen in us constantly. 2. Help us to remember that one day we will reign with you in your Kingdom, O Lord, and keep our minds fixed on being faithful in our service to you now. 3. Cause us to recognise the talents you have given to each of us now, and not to bury them but to use them profitably for you. 4. Help us to be faithful to you and your work in our lifetimes here on earth, Lord Jesus, and so be prepared to reign with you in your Kingdom when you return. 5. Give us a heart to serve you for who you are and what you have done for us, and for no other reward except to hear you say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.’

17th – Micah 4:9-10 The Lord rescues his people 1. We pray you would strengthen and help to be strong all those we know, who are suffering any form of persecution because they belong to you, O Lord. 2. We pray you would sustain in their sufferings all your people, who are suffering persecution in those countries where the governments are hostile to Christ. 3. We pray you would rescue all your people, who are persecuted in those countries whose religion is hostile to Christ. 4. We pray you would strengthen in their trials those who are persecuted because they have converted to following Christ from another religion. 5. Lord, for each of us who may be suffering for one reason or other and are calling to you for help, hear the prayers of your children. 18th –Micah 4:11-13 The nations who reject the Lord 1. We pray you would cause the spiritual vacuum in the hearts of the people of the nations, whose governments preach secular humanism, to be filled with Christ. 2. We pray for the spiritual emptiness at the heart of our own nation, O God, and ask that you would cause the people to grow tired of this empty way of life and seek you. 3. Holy Spirit, move mightily with revival through the populations of those nations whose governments practise a religious faith that is hostile to Christ. 4. We pray for all authorities, who practise a political correctness that is, in reality, a hostility to the preaching of the Gospel, and cause your Word to be preached in power and authority despite such hostility. 5. Forgive, have mercy on and save all those people and nations that are openly enemies of Christ and the Gospel, O Lord. 19th – Micah 5:1-2 Christ rules 1. Because your prophetic word is always true and accurate, O Lord, may it always move us to action. 2. Just as you, Lord Jesus, were prepared to give up your divine glory for the time you spent on this earth, may we also be prepared to sacrifice all for your sake. 3. Help us understand the all-encompassing nature of your power and might, Lord Jesus, so we may go boldly in your Name with the Gospel. 4. Help us to remember that when we are weak, in Christ we are strong.

5. Since your prophetic word concerning the first coming of Christ was fulfilled - and so too will that concerning your second coming - help us to live faithfully as we wait and labour. 20th – Micah 5:3-5 Christ our peace 1. We now pray for the peace of Jerusalem, just as your Word encourages us to do, O Lord. 2. We pray that those who live in the land of Israel, both Jew and Arab, may know the moving of the Holy Spirit, and come to faith in Christ. 3. Holy Spirit, we pray that in all the nations that surround Israel, you would cause many to find faith in Christ. 4. We pray that we may be able to share the Gospel with others today, and lead them into the same salvation and peace with God we have experienced through Christ. 5. May the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus this day and every day. 21st - Micah 5:6-8 God and the Assyrians 1. We pray for the ancient land of Assyria, which is now called Iraq, thanking you for the many Iraqis being saved, and ask that you would save many more. 2. We pray for your church in Iraq, O Lord, who are suffering at this time, help and protect them, meeting all their needs. 3. Continue to appear to non-Christian Iraqis in dreams, revealing yourself as their Saviour, Lord Jesus. 4. We pray you would use the Christian satellite TV programmes that are beamed into Iraq daily in Arabic to bring many more of them to a saving faith in Christ. 5. Have mercy on the country of Iraq, O Lord; save them out of the trials, and turn the nation to you.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

4. Root out and expose any corruption in those who govern us locally. 5. Lord, root out and expose any corruption in government agencies that have power and influence.

22nd – Micah 5:9-12 Witchcraft destroyed 1. Cause us to be very careful not to break your First and Second Commandments, which make clear your utter hatred of idolatry and witchcraft. 2. Open the eyes of your people in our country to the reality of and the increase in witchcraft in our own nation. 3. Forgive any of your people we know, O Lord, who have had dealings with the occult in any of its forms, and set us free of its lasting influence. 4. Forgive and change, O Lord, any of your people who consult psychic lines; read their ‘stars’; have their fortunes told, or have any other dealings with mediums. GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017



MAY 2017 5. We take authority over any curses spoken over us or placed upon us, and break them now in the Name of Jesus. 23rd – Micah 5:13-15 Idolatry destroyed 1. If we have any idols in our lives, anything or anyone that we worship more than you, reveal it to us, and help us to get rid of them immediately, O Lord. 2. When we love an activity more than we love you, O Lord, forgive us and change our hearts. 3. When our hearts are more focused on acquiring things more than growing closer to you, O God, forgive and help us. 4. When we love a pastime or hobby more than our Creator, forgive and change us, O Lord. 5. O God, for our own nation that worships many things rather than you, pull down its idols and turn our nation back to you. 24th - Micah 6:1-5 Rebellion against the Lord 1. Forgive your Church, which has sat back in silence whilst the godly laws of our country have been dismantled, and cause your Church to rise up in power and influence, we pray. 2. Lord, because you have blessed our nation in many ways, forgive us for turning our backs on you in this generation. 3. Forgive and change us, O God, because for centuries the laws of our country have been based on your commandments, but now we have turned away from you. 4. We pray for all those church leaders - and other believers in positions of authority whom the Media take notice of - to rise up, boldly speaking out for the values of Christ. 5. We pray that you would give all your people, who work in both Houses of Parliament as MPs, Lords, Ladies or others, a godly influence beyond their numbers. 25th – Micah 6:6-8 Walk humbly with your God 1. Cause our sacrifices to be our humble and contrite hearts, which are of much value in your sight, O Lord. 2. Cause us to be people who are obedient to your ways and to your prompting, Holy Spirit, because your Word says it is better to obey than to sacrifice. 3. Give us merciful hearts that are filled with compassion for the destiny of the unsaved, and cause us to be effective witnesses for Jesus. 4. Give us spiritual fruit from our labours, as we witness in our workplaces, on the streets, to our friends and neighbours, O Lord.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017

5. Lord, teach us the secret of walking humbly before you, in order that your strength and power may flow in and through us. 26th – Micah 6:9-15 Heed God’s rod of correction 1. O Lord, give us the maturity to understand the benefit of your times of discipline that you design for us to help us grow stronger. 2. Help us to recognise when you are acting towards us in discipline, so that we may take heed, learn and grow in you, O God. 3. If we are stubbornly walking in a way that is unpleasing to you, and are suffering as a result, cause us to yield to your correction. 4. In all things, may your will - not ours - be done, heavenly Father. 5. Lord, we surrender our all to you to do with our lives that which brings you the most glory. 27th – Micah 6:10-16 God’s anger at sin 1. Have mercy and forgive us, O God, because as a nation we are observing ‘the statutes of Omri and the practices of Ahab’. 2. May we never forget that, although you are a God of love, you are also a God of righteousness and justice, who must punish sin. 3. Hear the cries of all your intercessors up and down the length and breadth of this country, O God, and turn our hearts back to you. 4. Cause us to be a nation like those of the city of Nineveh, who listened to the preaching of Jonah and were saved. 5. Send your Spirit in revival to our nation, O Lord, before you have to move in judgment upon us. 28th – Micah 7:1-7 Watching in hope for the Lord 1. Just as you have saved this nation by revival when it has reached its darkest spiritual moments in times past, do so again in our time, O God. 2. O God, cause your church to give you no rest in intercessory prayer, until we see the tide of evil in our nation turned back. 3. Turn the inhabitants of England back to you, O God. 4. Turn the inhabitants of Scotland back to you, O God. 5. Turn the inhabitants of Wales and Ireland back to you, O God. 29th - Micah 7:8-13 Seeing the Lord’s righteousness 1. As we look at the spiritual darkness

of our nation, cause us never to stop believing and praying for the time when you will turn this nation around, O Lord. 2. Revive your Church in every village, town and city in this nation, O God. 3. Revive every part of the Anglican Church, saving many. 4. Send your Holy Spirit through every Catholic church, saving many. 5. Revive every Baptist church with a fresh touch of your Holy Spirit. 30th - Micah 7:14-17 Turning to God 1. Sweep through every evangelical church in revival power, O Lord. 2. Revive every Methodist church, and return them to the fervour of the days of their founder, John Wesley, O God. 3. Let every independent church know a new breath of the Holy Spirit moving in their congregations in revival power. 4. Let every charismatic and Pentecostal church become truly transformed, fully filled and overflowing with the power of the Holy Spirit in revival. 5. Send revival to our congregation, O Lord, with the streams of living water flowing from the presence of your Holy Spirit. 31st - Micah 7:18-20 A pardoning God 1. Who is a pardoning God like you? We cry for mercy on your church for being weak when we should have been strong. 2. Lord, you are a God who forgives sins, so again we cry to you to forgive the sins of our nation and cause it to change. 3. You will have compassion on this nation once again, O Lord, so let us see you do so in our time and in our generation. 4. Raise up godly leaders in this nation in every area of life: in government, in churches, in institutions, in business, everywhere. 5. Save our nation, not because of who we are (because we do not deserve it), but because of who you are: a merciful, pardoning God.


Second Saturday of each month 11am to 1pm Saturday 8th April (led by ECC Men) Location GREENFORD Saturday 13th May Location GREENFORD

LOCAL LIGHTHOUSE EVANGELISM Please join with the local evangelism teams in your area Third Saturday of each month 11am to 1pm

Saturday 15th April

Acton Brentford Chiswick Hayes Hounslow Isleworth Northolt Pinner Shepherd’s Bush Southall Uxbridge West Ealing

POLISH FELLOWSHIP Elim Springs Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the FOYER

Saturday 20th May

Chiswick Ealing Broadway Hanwell Hayes Northolt Shepherd’s Bush Southall Staines Twickenham West Drayton


Call our confidential prayer line for ANY need 24 hours a day 7 days a week

020 8799 2199 EVERY DAY REVIVAL PRAYER MEETINGS Monday to Friday Morning meetings 10.00am to 11.00am - Annexe Room 2* EVENing meetings 6.00pm to 7.00pm - Foyer (*accessible from Northfields Avenue)


EVERY MONTH REVIVAL & HEALING MEETINGS Second Sunday evening of every month at 6.30pm Sunday 9th April Sunday 14th May


ECC Japanese Fellowship

Every Sunday @ 2:30pm In the MAIN AUDITORIUM For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA

For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder Saturday 15th April Saturday 20th May For non-ECC attenders: Please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060

ALL-NIGHT PRAYER MEETINGS Last Friday of every month

10.00pm to 5.00am A night of intercession, celebration, thanksgiving and praise Friday 28th April Friday 26th May GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017


Note from the Treasurer The decision to give to


“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7


et’s take a look at this verse in The Message version of the Bible, which says that a stingy planter will get a stingy crop, and a lavish planter will get a lavish one.

Sunday services Celebration service

9.00am to 10.45am

with classes for Children & Youth

Celebration service

11.15am to 1.00pm

with classes for Children & Youth

Japanese service Polish service Evening service

2.30pm to 4.30pm in Auditorium

2.30pm to 4.30pm in Foyer

6.30pm to 8.00pm

See ‘What’s On at ECC’ on page 23 for details


Prayer meetings

10.00am & 6.00pm

Prayer meetings

10.00am & 7.30pm


The key to the above verse, though, is the phrase ‘decided in his heart’. The decision to give to the Lord is ultimately a no-brainer, however the decision on how much to give shouldn’t be a rash one, but one we arrive at with thought and purpose.


When we make the time to come to our decision, we won’t feel as though we have been forced or pressured into making that decision. The Message says ‘take plenty of time to think it over, and make up your own mind what you will give’.

Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Life skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm

God knows our heart; He also knows our bank balances, our spending habits and our financial commitments. He knows the debts we have to pay, and the investments we want to make. However, we are still required to give, which leads us to another verse in Proverbs 11:24: ‘One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.’ We can’t always understand how ‘biblical economics’ works; it doesn’t follow the usual rules, does it? However, let’s remember that God is no man’s debtor, and He will always reward our obedience. ‘Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed’ (Proverbs 19:17). Be encouraged to give cheerfully, wisely and generously to God’s work.


WEEKLY Meetings

Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Little Stars’ Parents & Tots Term-time only 10.00am to 12.00pm Wednesday Afternoon Fellowship 2.00pm to 3.30pm


Registration required


Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Ministry skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm All-night Prayer

Registration required

10.00pm to 5.00am

Last Friday of the month


Street evangelism

11.00am to 1.00pm


FOR YOUR FAITHFUL GIVING TO GOD’S WORK JANUARY FEBRUARY Tithes & Offerings £55,419.17 £48,815.94 Building Fund £1,537.60 £11,105.56 Standing Orders £16,339.93 £15,771.27

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017

WHAT WE BELIEVE Elim Pentecostal Churches 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally given, to be without error, the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and co-eternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10. THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11. THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12. THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.


Sunday Services at a glance 9.00am, 11.15am, 6.30pm

MAY 2017

APRIL 2017 2nd 9th

PRAISE & COMMUNION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton CELEBRATION EVENING Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton



Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton


23rd 30th

CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan CELEBRATION EVENING Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan CELEBRATION SERVICE Guest Speaker: Russ Kline Prophetic Ministry, USA PROPHETIC EVENING Guest Speaker: Russ Kline

AM PM 7th

PRAISE & COMMUNION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Mark King

AM PM 14th

CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

AM PM 21st



will be ministering at the Sunday morning AND evening services on Sunday 30th April PLUS Sunday morning service on Sunday 28th May

REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton BAPTISMAL SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton

AM PM 28th



CELEBRATION EVENING Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan

CELEBRATION SERVICE Guest Speaker: Russ Kline Prophetic Ministry, USA AFRICAN EVENING Gospel celebration - African style!


Celebrate Easter with us!



Friday 14th APRIL 10.30am-11.30am Speaker: Pastor SAM BLAKE

followed by AFRICAN EVENING Sunday 28th May at 6.30pm

WOMEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST Saturday 8th April 8.00am to 11.30am

Sunday 16th April MORNING CELEBRATION 9:00am and 11:15am Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

EVENING CELEBRATION 6:30pm Speaker: Pastor Sam Blake ft. ECC Community Choir


Details of forthcoming events will be confirmed in the Sunday services

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017



Please email your Wedding, New Baby and other good news to SHARON GRANT at



Abayomi & Ibiyemi ILESANMI on the birth of their SON Moboluwarin Isaac on 12th January 2017 Weight: 3.15kg Baby brother to Inioluwa

Saturdays: 1st April, 27th May, 24th June


Please contact Sherine or Sharon via ECC church office for further information

2pm - 6pm

STAYING ACTIVE 4 LIFE Gentle Chair Exercises Mondays 12-1pm Venue: The Foyer Cost: £3.50

MONDAY 24th APRIL The Stonehouse in Ruislip Carvery Coast

Cost is only £5.99 Drinks and desserts extra To reserve a seat on the minibus costs £4.00. Please book early to secure your space

MONDAY 10th JULY Day trip to Worthing

Tranpsort cost is £10.00 (£5.00 non-refundable deposit) Bring your own lunch or have fish ‘n’ chip lunch with us 24

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017



APRIL 5th 12th 19th 26th


Jasmin Jeffrey with Merle Aqui Pastor Bob with Dale Adebakin Lola Vassell with Pastor Bob Pastor Bob with Merle Aqui


3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st


Lola Vassell with Pastor Bob Chris Seare with Pastor Bob Pastor Bob with Merle Aqui Lola Vassell with Prayer & Praise Pastor Bob with Merle Aqui



Equipping for life skills Equipping for ministry skills



7.30pm to 9.30pm 4th May to 7th June

7.30pm to 9.30pm 4th May to 7th June

STREAM 1 Life-Equipping Bible Studies

STREAM 2 Life Skills

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Marriage Course

including: • Don’t all good people go to Heaven? • Why suffering? • Why hell? • What about followers of other religions? • If we’re forgiven, can we do what we like? • Does God ever withdraw His love? ... and more

2. Without Equal Maximising the Experience

FRIDAY 16th/ SATURDAY 17th JUNE SCHOOL OF THE SUPERNATURAL with David & Greta Peters 1. How to minister in the baptism of the Holy Spirit 2. The Person and work of the Holy Spirit 3. The Father’s love: Key to all power 4. Healing the sick 5. Moving in prophecy


7.30pm to 9.30pm 5th May to 26th May Ministry Skills Ministering in the Prophetic with Russ Kline


Symbolically, at Easter time We have the hot cross bun Where we are shown the sacrifice For sins by God’s own Son. But also shown, symbolically, Through yeast in this confection Is that the Saviour’s risen now In glorious resurrection! Ivan S. Thomas


• Following redundancy, a woman asked for prayers because she needed another job as soon as possible. She called back to say that she’d found a job that suited her perfectly: it was close to home, and she would be able to continue her charity commitments. • After seven weeks of work-related training, a woman called to glorify God, who had given her victory by strengthening her and enabling her to pass her exams.


King’s Development Programme for 16-21 year olds To facilitate life and professional skills for young men and women including: leadership public speaking CV development interview preparation money matters entrepreneurship workplace field trips ... and more GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017




DAVID OLABODE and MICAH STAPLETON run a Young Men’s Discipleship Cell, and here we take a look at how they started, and their plans for the future. Micah

PAST EXPERIENCES David: I have been attending ECC for about three years, and was introduced to the Discipleship Cell form of fellowship as soon as I arrived. It was really simple: just a group of guys talking in one of the annex rooms. I remember walking in, thinking I was in the wrong room, and being so surprised at how chilled and laid back everyone was. I hadn’t experienced this kind of fellowship before, where everyone felt so familiar and comfortable. We just talked about things in the Bible from a practical viewpoint, and it was a conversation that I had never really had with a group of guys I hadn’t previously known. Unfortunately, this group broke down (for various reasons), and I was left with a void that nothing could really replace. Micah: The journey for me starting a Cell group wasn’t the easiest. Having been in ECC for 10 years, I have run and attended several different groups - always starting well, but eventually ending as circumstances change. As time went on, when I didn’t have a Cell group I really felt I was missing something, and I started seeing fewer men around my age getting connected into church. I really wanted to do something. I also knew I needed Christian friends to help and encourage me. A couple months later, God put me into contact with David. We had similar passions, so we agreed to start a group together.

STARTING OUT David: That first Discipleship Cell had helped me so much, and I began to imagine starting a group of my own and how much it would help others. I wanted to have those conversations again, as I felt that type of fellowship was as foundational as reading the Bible and praying. People encouraged me to start a Cell - I could feel that was what God wanted too - but I didn’t really want to do it by myself, as I was relatively new to ECC. As soon as I made the decision to go ahead, Micah said: “I’ll do it with you”, and we started. Just like that.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017


HOW WE DO CELL David: We try to make Cell a place where you meet up with your friends and have a good time talking, catching up and telling jokes, whilst learning about God and what He wants for us collectively and individually. Cell is a great tool that God has provided to us to help us excel in all areas of life. I have learnt that this form of fellowship builds us up together to learn, support and encourage each other; to share our giftings; build genuine community, and make disciples for His glory. Micah: David and I plan the Cell sessions together, so that they are as practical as possible, with modern dilemmas we face as Christians. The sessions are heavily based on Scripture, but I think we do a good job of balancing this with discussions and prayer, too. The good thing about doing Cell with another person is that we are able to really bounce ideas off each other and pray.


Micah: In the future, we are looking at how we can use different forms of social media to reach and cater to a wider audience. YouTube is a video sharing website, where users have the option of having their own channel and uploading their own content. Other users can subscribe to the channel, and receive updates whenever a video is uploaded. We have our own channel, called ‘DM Sessions’, where we upload summarised versions of the Cell sessions for people who were unable to attend. Google Hangouts is a communications service that allows members to start and participate in text, voice or video chat conversations, either one-on-one or in a group. We plan to use this to help people who are unable to physically come to the group sessions. With this application they can login and view the sessions live over the internet from their laptop; all they would need is the email address:



TO BE A CELL LEADER DOROTHY TAKON shares her journey as a Discipleship Cell Leader of over 10 years


y Discipleship Cell group is based in Twickenham, and it currently has nine ladies. I have been a Cell leader for over 10 years, and I feel it is a great opportunity to fulfil my ministry at ECC.

Furthermore, being part of a Discipleship Cell gives the members the opportunity to reflect on which ministries they would like to become involved in; some have already identified their ministries and are actively involved.

We see ourselves as a family, and are able to discuss challenging situations

How did I become a Cell leader?

Another benefit is the ability to create friendships with people who have similar values on biblical principles, and being able to explore how we can apply these in our daily living. We see ourselves as a family, and are able to discuss challenging situations with the assurance that appropriate advice will be suggested and that confidentiality will be maintained.

greater disappointment when they didn’t. At one point, I used to invite my children to join me for Cell when members didn’t show up, and my children would respond: “Mum, we have already been to our youth cell!”

I was attending a Cell group and, after the Cell leader had to relocate for personal reasons, the group then decided to nominate me to lead. I was apprehensive initially but, after prayers and encouragement, I embraced the role. I would like to share my experiences as a Discipleship Cell leader to encourage those aspiring to become one. As you can imagine, there are challenges and benefits to the role.

Benefits I have found it encouraging to see the growing confidence of new believers in the things of God. Being part of a Cell group creates opportunity for spiritual growth - both for the members and for me. We have all grown and are still growing, and it’s great thing to see: prayer and fasting; offering words of encouragement to one another; supporting each other - both in good times and in bad. We are also more spiritually aware and able to grow in our relationship with God.

PRAYER centre TESTIMONIES 020 8799 2199

This relationship has been achieved by being a good listener; I have done my best in making every member feel special, which they are. I am honest when things go wrong, and often delegate tasks. For example, we have a timekeeper and a social secretary. To keep connected, we have a WhatsApp group chat, to keep in regular communication with one another.


Over time, I decided to use such periods to pray and intercede on behalf of the group. This led me to appreciating the one member who did show up, and it gave us the opportunity to really open up and pray together. One of the challenges I am still working on, however, is making myself available for others who want to share situations they are going through with me, and being able to balance this with other commitments I have at work and home.

I used to view certain issues as challenges before, but I no longer classify them as such. For example, when members did not turn up, or called to say they were not coming, I used to get frustrated. I also used to cook meals to encourage them to attend, and this would leave me with even

All in all, the benefits greatly outweigh the challenges, and I am proud and blessed to be a Cell leader. As a Cell, we started the Local Lighthouse evangelism in February for the first time. Furthermore, being a Discipleship Cell leader has benefited my approach at my place of work, and this has resulted in positive outcomes for me.



A knee operation was proving a source of concern for a woman, who asked for prayer that everything would go well. She called back to confirm that the surgery went well and that she was recovering nicely. Thank You, Lord. Total healing took place the following day, after a woman called the Prayer Centre because she was suffering from serious pain. Glory to God.

God really intervened on behalf of a woman who called the Prayer Centre asking for favour and release. Her old cooker was replaced by Argos with a brand new one, and she was miraculously released from a £12,000 debt, when it was cancelled by the bank.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017






ith their quirky, distinct attitude; often over-the-top style; good looks, combined with singing abilities, and plenty of personality, the Spice Girls instantly captured the hearts of many girls around the world in my early teens. Back in the 90s, the Spice Girls were the “It” group, selling millions of records worldwide, and teens my age just couldn’t get enough of them. I remember my cousins would argue amongst each other about who would play each of the Spice Girls. Dressed in the pop stars’ inspired outfits, they even perfected their dance routines, while lip synching to a pretend audience made up of the younger cousins. Children are susceptible to imitate what they see and hear from family, peers, TV and whatever they can see in their environment. These influential ‘models’ - whether positive or negative - provide them an example of behaviour to observe, which they often imitate. As children can easily pick up the behaviour of those they emulate, it is no wonder Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Luke 18:16).

It’s crucial that intentional spiritual training at home and church must start at a very young age, so that children learn Christlike behaviour Jesus knew how vulnerable kids are; that’s why He asks to bring them to Him for instruction. It’s crucial that intentional spiritual training at home and church must start at a very young age, so that children learn Christlike behaviour. The Apostle Paul wrote in Titus 2:6-7, ‘… And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching.’ We are to ‘set an example…in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.’ Through godly influence and sound biblical teaching, we can help shape our children

Children are susceptible to imitate what they see and hear...


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017

into the persons God intended them to be. As Proverbs 20:7 (Amplified) says, ‘The righteous man who walks in integrity and lives life in accord with his [godly] beliefs— How blessed [happy and spiritually secure] are his children after him [who have his example to follow].’ Here are some questions we can ask ourselves: Do we model Christlike behaviour at home? Do we show Christlike character in what we say and do? What are we doing to counteract negative influences/models they see in the media? How do we intentionally train our kids in godliness?

ECC Children’s Small Group


place for children to belong, build healthy relationships with peers, observe Christlike adults and experience God’s love. Children explore and discover God’s Word through fun and engaging activities. It takes place every last Friday of the month, starting in April 2017, from 7:30pm to 8:45pm, for children aged 8 to 11 years old. For more information, please feel free to contact the Children’s Ministry Department at 020 8840 7508.


Children’s Ministry Coordinator




Standing out from the crowd

ne of Nicole and my favourite things to do together is to go to cinema. I love the whole experience - from buying the Tango Blast to watching a film blown up on the big screen. Over the last year, we have been to see a number of different films and had a load of different experiences - from the £4 cinema in Romford, where some of the seats are missing, to our Valentine’s last year, where I won free tickets., One of the best films I have seen, however, was the latest one we saw: Hacksaw Ridge. It is the true story of a soldier during World War Two, called Desmond Doss, who saves 75 men without firing a single shot. The story is based around Doss’s faith in Christ. A man who wants to serve his country, but is a pacifist (someone who doesn’t believe in violence), meaning that he refuses to hold a gun. After experiencing ridicule, shame and a court marshal, he is eventually allowed to go to war - without a gun. There are two moments during the film that stand out. The first is when they are training, and all the men that Doss is

How do we follow the calling and dreams that God has given us, without conforming to the world around us?

training with are told that, while in battle, Doss is not a man who can be relied on to save their lives. Secondly, after a horrific battle, everyone retreats but Doss stays behind and begins to rescue men. After every man he saves, he says these words: “One more, God.” Doss becomes a hero saving not only American but Japanese lives also. As I walked out of the cinema, I was blown away and challenged by the courage that Doss showed in those moments. As I watched this film, it brought back memories where I have shied away from my beliefs in order to keep the status quo. Moments where I should have walked away from different situations, but was desiring to fit in so much that I would change my beliefs for that moment. I believe that, as young people, God is not calling us to become chameleons, an animal that changes colour depending on the atmosphere they are in. That actually we are called to be like Doss, and stand

I believe that, as young people, God is not calling us to become chameleons ... that actually we are called to be like Doss, and stand out.

out. That actually, when we begin to hold true to our convictions; that we end up having a greater impact on the world. In Romans 12:2, Paul states: ‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is -- His good, pleasing and perfect will.’ The challenge that I want to give you is: How do we follow the calling and dreams that God has given us, without conforming to the world around us? I have a friend who started a business in Nigeria, selling drills for oilrigs. This is a man of integrity. The reason I know this is because I met a man who did business with him, and he told us that every opportunity my friend had available, where he could cut corners, he wouldn’t because he is a man of integrity. Sometimes in life we can conform in order to have an easier ride, but actually God calls us to a whole lot more. He calls us to be a people of integrity and conviction, who don’t conform to the world around us. Incredible to think that we live in a world that is always sending us messages that we must conform, that we must become like the person next to us. However, God has made us all unique and individual, and He has made it that we all stand out in some way.

Pastor ALEX MORGAN GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017



Evangelism in Acton today was like an open heaven, and the feedback from the team was so encouraging in every way. We even ran out of tracts towards the end. Everyone agreed that the people’s behaviour was more receptive to hear the Gospel and taking tracts from them. One brother witnessed to one person in particular, who in the past had avoided taking any tracts, but today was running after our brother to request one. Some of the team witnessed to a Muslim man, who was given a word of knowledge, and to another young woman from Grenada, who accepted Jesus into her heart after the prayer of salvation. She was given the New Testament Bible and invited to ECC. A lady from Iraq gave her life to Jesus, after some of the team explained the Gospel to her. She was also invited to ECC.


Team leaders: Sylvie, Florence and Sylvester



Team leaders: Lucy and Sandra

Before the team set out, we spent some quality time praying together. We experienced divine appointments with some people we met, as we already prayed for this.

People were willing to listen to the Gospel being shared with them, and they were not in a hurry at all. They asked us questions about our faith, and we shared our testimonies with them as well.

It is really true what Pastor Rajinder always says: that prayer and evangelism equals ‘explosion’. It was a great time for all of us, as we witnessed with joy and ease.

Another team member, who joined us for first time, was so good at attracting people to receive tracts. There was great team spirit and great opportunities.



We obtained the names of three people on the street, and have handed them to the church office to be followed up. I was amazed that even the youths took tracts from us and listened to the Word of God. I believe we planted a lot of good seed, which will be harvested soon. I thank God that all the prayer points we raised before we set off were answered when we got there.



As teams from ECC go out onto the streets to evangelise in their local areas, here is what has been happening:

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017

What a great experience it was for us taking part in the Local Lighthouse Evangelism. We were all participating for the first time, and all found the experience very rewarding.

Team leaders: Nathalie and Claude

What a great experience it was for us taking part in the Local Lighthouse Evangelism. We were all participating for the first time, and all found the experience very rewarding. We started with a short prayer and divided the team into two.

We didn’t get the chance to pray for anyone, but we found that people were receptive and had time to hear the Gospel. We believe that if we continue on this path, we will establish a foundation for the Kingdom in West Drayton. It was also refreshing to see Nathalie’s children, enjoying the day and fully participating in handing out the tracts to the public. On a bitterly cold morning they didn’t complain, and handed out as many tracts as possible. We are determined to do even more for Jesus in this town, as so many people seemed delighted to see us out there handing out tracts.

It was my first great experience going down to Staines High Street to evangelise. In the first few minutes of being there, I was already writing my resignation letter to Pastor Rajinder, saying: “This is not for me, I cannot do it, I’m shy, I’m afraid.” Then I said to myself: “I am here by myself for Jesus, and I have a job to do.” I changed the way I walked, with a purpose, and I smiled. I said “Hello” to people as they walked by, and I stood in a popular spot, where I realised everyone had to pass through to get into the shopping centre. The tracts got taken from me, and I felt so good, getting to do God’s work.


I found that I had given out the whole box of tracts. No one had thrown any away, and some people even started reading it as they walked. The experience has built up my confidence, and it was the best course I’ve taken in confidence management - and all free.

Team leaders: Rosemary and Olivia

As a team, we talked to various people about Jesus and gave them a tract. Some were more receptive in talking, and some happy to just receive tracts. We met a group of five teenagers and talked to them about Jesus. One was an atheist, and felt that Jesus had disowned him. He sounded very hurt, like someone who had gone through a difficult time. The team assured him that Jesus still loved him, and that His hand was on him. The group walked away with the tracts given to them. The team prayed and believed that God’s seed planted in their hearts will bear fruit.

“It was the best course I’ve taken in confidence management.”

Team leaders: Stephanie and Barbara

There was an open heaven over Greenford. Many people willingly received the tracts, and we were so encouraged as we shared the Gospel. We continue to believe that a seed has been planted, and we pray that many who received the tracts will also receive their salvation. Almost a whole box of tracts were given out by the team, as we felt challenged to witness as there were other religious groups on the street witnessing too.


The leaders were so grateful for the team who came out to evangelise in Greenford. We are all believing God for a breakthrough for every person who received a tract. We also felt some people who received the tracts appeared to be so lonely and heavy laden.


Team leader: Oye Edokpolor




Team leaders: Sarah and Cornelia

We prayed first, by covering the area with the Holy Spirit. Later the team spread out around the area. Some positioned themselves in the car park at Sainsbury’s supermarket. Some went to the market area, and others on the main street. We placed tracts in locations where we felt people would pick them up to read. There were five of us who went out to witness for Jesus, and at the end we got together to pray and share our experiences in the Sainsbury’s cafe. We felt very encouraged.

Team leader: Jenny Moore

The team enjoyed favour as people were very receptive. One member was so excited as he gave out tracts to 72 people who willingly received them. Many Muslims accepted tracts, including one who chatted freely about his faith.

A young lady, who was seeking God, happily chatted and accepted a tract and prayer, and was invited to attend the Sunday evening service. Also, a lady who is a Catholic wanted to attend the Revival and Healing meeting. One man’s flatmate was sick, and he hoped to bring him to the Revival and Healing meeting. We spoke to another lady, who has been deceived into believing in Jehovah’s Witness teaching, and we prayed for her to know Jesus as the Truth. We invited her to visit ECC. Another lady, who had schizophrenia, was prayed for, and we invited her and her husband to ECC. We had a lovely time of fellowship in McDonald’s afterwards, and left looking forward to the next Local Lighthouse Evangelism.

Great things are happening, and we encourage you to get involved in your local area. The next dates are Saturday 15th April and Saturday 20th May. See page 21 for locations. compiled by Pastor Rajinder Buxton GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 85 • April / May 2017



equipping for life skills equipping for ministry skills SCHOOL OF PROPHECY with Russ Kline, USA



Dates: FRIDAYS 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th MAY Time: 7.30pm Russ, a well-known visiting minister to ECC, is returning to teach with a practical application on how to move in the prophetic. His classes last year proved a great help and blessing to the many who attended, and he will once again be depositing a valuable spiritual resource within us and amongst us.

SCHOOL OF THE SUPERNATURAL with David & Greta Peters, New Zealand Dates: Friday 16th & Saturday 17th JUNE Time: Friday at 7.30pm Saturday from 9.30am to 3.15pm The aim of the School of the Supernatural is for the Church to be ‘anointed with the Holy Spirit and power, and to go about doing good and healing those oppressed by the devil’. David and Greta will be teaching on the following topics:


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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How to minister in the baptism of the Holy Spirit The Person and work of the Holy Spirit The Father’s love: key to all power Healing the sick Moving in prophecy

The school will have an emphasis on practical ministry and will encourage the use of God’s power in everyday situations. Previous attendees have experienced the infilling of the Holy Spirit; powerful personal encounters; healing, and prophetic encouragement.

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