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rapevine G Ealing Christian Centre


Prayer Centre 15th Anniversary Issue 87 Aug/Sep 2017

One family of many nations proclaiming one Gospel through many disciples


15 years of 24/7 p

t was in June 2002 that the Prayer Centre was set up in ECC. After sharing the vision with the church for us to run a 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week, 52-week-a-year prayer ministry, two gifts each of £10,000 were given.

Having recently converted our heating system to gas, the old oil-fired boiler room had become redundant, and we were then able to convert this room into the present Prayer Centre. Many people also volunteered to work shifts, so that prayer could be maintained around the clock. It is by God’s grace that 15 years later such prayer continues. The vision of the Prayer Centre was and remains “To be a place where God’s people continually” do the following: First, “Offer up prayers to the Lord, establishing an unbroken communion between ECC and God.” In Revelation 8:3-4 we read: “Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar (before God in heaven). He

worshipping, pressing deeper into his presence. Keep pressing in for open heaven and the manifest glory of the Lord. It will come in a way you have not experienced before, and it will fill you with awe. The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house.” Second, “Seek God for revival, as demonstrated by the salvation of many, and for signs, wonders, miracles and healings to be commonplace in ECC and amongst the members of ECC.” As we look back over the past 15 years, we can see how answers to this prayer have been increasing as time goes by. In those early days, we would see some healing and an occasional remarkable healing. But now we see such things happening all the time, not only in church meetings but also on the streets and in the community through ECC people. Prophetic words spoken over ECC have included that this place will be known as a healing centre, because of all the cancers and all other kinds of healing that take place. We are also seeing a steady stream of


was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angel’s hand.” As prayer has been going up from ECC all these years from the 24/7 Prayer Centre - the two daily prayer meetings, the monthly all-night prayer meetings, as well as by the intercessors - the spiritual atmosphere in the church has noticeably changed. Interestingly, a recent prophetic word, from visiting speakers David and Greta Peters, included the words: “All the intercessory prayers from you both and from this church have been filling up a bowl in heaven, like incense before God’s throne. It is nearing the brim. When it is full, there will come ‘suddenlies’ as it overflows in unprecedented breakthroughs and miracles, in awakening and revival. The church is entering into a season of ‘suddenlies’ that will spill out into the city and the nations. Keep holding firm to the vision; keep praying and keep


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017

people finding Christ as Saviour from all religious backgrounds none.


Third, “Pray for our nation to turn back to the Lord.”

None of us can doubt the disastrous spiritual, emotional and social consequences on our nation for turning its back on the Lord and his ways, as revealed through the Bible. In addition, it seems that the mantle of God’s protection is slowly being removed in response our nation rejecting him. For the church, we look to God’s promise that: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). Fourth, “Intercede for the needs of all who ask for prayer, expecting to see an answer.”

The apostle Paul wrote, “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions


with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints” (Ephesians 6:18). All the prayer requests that are prayed for in our main Tuesday evening prayer meetings are then sent to the Prayer Centre for further prayer. In addition, the Prayer Centre telephone line receives around 1,200 calls a month from the local area, around the UK and from countries overseas. These come from Christians and non-Christians alike. Some people give their lives to Christ over the telephone; others phone back with all manner of answers to prayer following their call to the Prayer Centre. Fifth, “Form a ministry of evangelistic prayer – a point of first-time contact with the outside community, pointing them to Christ who alone can meet their every spiritual, emotional and physical need.” Thousands of Prayer Centre cards are given out to the general public each month by our many street evangelism teams (Local Lighthouse Evangelism), together with tracts. The cards contain details of the Prayer Centre telephone number and an invitation to the Revival and Healing meeting each second Sunday evening of the month. So prayer and evangelism continue to go hand-in-hand. Not only do people come as a result of being given one of these cards, but also we hear testimonies of people coming into the Revival and Healing meetings after finding one of these cards in a supermarket trolley or some other such place. As we thank God for his faithfulness, we know the best is yet to come. Greater things are going to happen. If you are not yet part of the Prayer Centre team, why not pick up one of the leaflets at the information desk at the back of the auditorium? “Freely you have received,” Jesus said, “so freely give.” One thing is sure: we will reap according to how we sow. When we sow blessings into the lives of others through intercessory prayer, we will also reap a spiritual harvest in our own lives.

Richard Buxton Editor-in-Chief: Senior Pastor Richard Buxton Editor : Berean Services UK Email: Design: Sandy Chander Photography: Roy McEwen plus various contributors from ECC Stock Images:,,, Google images, Printed by: Deluxe Printers Ltd, London NW10 7NR, Tel: 020 8965 1771 Ealing Christian Centre, 268 Northfield Avenue, Ealing, London W5 4UB Tel: 020 8840 7508 Fax: 020 8840 1461 Email: Website: Grapevine is published by Ealing Christian Centre. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Grapevine and the ECC logo are trademarks of Ealing Christian Centre in the United Kingdom where Grapevine circulates. Copyright © Ealing Christian Centre 2017. All rights reserved.





by Tom Ibrahim










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by Pastor Mark King


by Roy McEwen

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Building Fund update PASTOR EDWARD JENAMI


by Sandy Chander

PULL-OUT pages 13-20



by Suzanne Warner

by Ann Vorkel

by Pastor Alex Morgan

compiled by Pastor Rajinder


If you would like an item to be considered for the next edition of the Grapevine magazine, please email your article to, marked 'For Grapevine'. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words, and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles where necessary. The deadline for the OCTOBER/NOVEMBER edition is no later than FRIDAY 25th AUGUST 2017.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017


Pressing on in PRAYE

PRAYER CENTRE 15th Anniversary Special


Jenny & Bob Moore

e want to thank God Almighty for journeying with us these 15 years in our 24-hour Prayer Centre.


ur thanks to the coordinators for all your support, encouragement and prayers that have kept us going during our 13 years in the Prayer Centre Ministry.

It’s so overwhelming and encouraging when we hear about the impact the prayers offered unto God from this place are having on the lives of all our callers both local and international; how lives are being changed, delivered from the power of darkness, and how they are having the liberty to live and serve the true and living God.

Also a big thanks to all other prayer warriors, who stood with us and, through your love and prayers, we enjoy fellowship and unity in the Spirit as the family of God. The Prayer Centre is our ‘second home’.

To God be all the glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. I equally want to openly thank and celebrate all our intercessors, who come in regularly to pray and stand in the gap for the church, our callers and the nation. The Lord, who sees your labour in secret, shall by all means reward you openly. As we continue to avail ourselves of the opportunity to be used of God in this silent but very important ministry, we shall continue to see the phenomenal power and presence of God released in answer to our prayers. The prophet Jeremiah said, in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” This is one of the encouraging Scriptures on prayer: God is calling all of us to the place of prayer, with the promise of answering us when we pray. So, my question is: What is holding us back from embracing this divine, life-changing privilege? We shouldn’t see prayer as the last resort, when everything else has failed. As we celebrate thanking God for sustaining the Prayer Centre for fifteen years, I exhort you all to continue to press on in prayer, until we have recovered all the enemy has stolen from us - as


15 years of 24/7 pra

individuals, as a church and as a nation. The lands of our nation must be conquered; darkness and wickedness must be pushed out of our nation, and the fear of God needs to become a governing factor in all our institutions once again. Let not your heart fail you, the happenings around us as a nation are just an indication that we must bring back the “ark of the covenant” that has been abandoned and neglected as a nation. God is depending on you and me to do just that, as we continue to press on in prayer and intercession, crying day and night for revival for our community, church and nation. The Lord indeed is about to do amazing things in our midst - if only we can preserve in prayer. God bless you.

Tom Ibrahim

Prayer Centre Coordinator

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017

God is good and He has kept us going. Having the weekly slot of Wednesday 3-7pm really helped focus our commitment, so well done to the coordinators in maintaining the rota every month. We know the power is not in us or our prayers as such, but in God Almighty who works through our availability, in spite of our weaknesses and shortcomings. Over the years, we’ve had the joy of leading some to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour; we’ve seen the backsliders return in repentance and restart membership in church life; we’ve received requests from people from all over the world: Japan, India, America, Africa and, of course, Europe. Many rang back with testimonies of healing; lost property found; bank money restored; rent paid; legal battles fought and won, and relationships restored.

Rudy Brann

Prayer Centre Coordinator


hat a joy to be serving our Lord and to experience His loving Presence in our intercessory ministry, here at the Prayer

Centre. Without doubt this has been a learning curve in every area of involvement: group meetings, call-line activities, sharing and receiving input/ encouragement from fellow intercessors, and simply growing in the understanding of the awesome responsibility placed before us all to

ayer @ ECC


We are also acutely aware of ongoing struggles with sickness, mental health and relationships for some, and we desperately need God’s supernatural miracles for these people. Please pray for these ones, for breakthrough and wholeness. We need everyone carrying these burdens to Jesus for release of victory and restoration. Will you join us and bring in the fullness, so we see these end-time miracles and wonders? Jesus is ready when you answer the call to ‘carry one another’s burdens’ to Him in prayer. As we reach out to help others, God will pour more back into our lives. This has been our experience, and we are blessed and privileged to be a part of God’s great plan in the Prayer Centre Ministry.

PRAYER CENTRE 15th Anniversary Special Minette Thomas


thank the Lord for the privilege of working in the Prayer Centre, interceding on behalf of others. Prayer changes things, and the Bible tells us to pray without ceasing.

Just as the Lord intercedes to the Father on our behalf, so we are to intercede for others. There are so many different needs in the world, and the Lord has given us the wisdom, strength and ability to stand in the gap for others. People phone the Prayer Centre from all over the world, and they just want to know that somebody is there to pray for them; to give a word of encouragement, and to give them the assurance that Jesus is the Answer to all our problems. No need is too difficult for Him, because His Word tells us to cast our cares upon Him because He cares for us. We hear so many testimonies when people call back to tell us that the Lord has answered their prayers. It’s such a pleasure. Being in the Prayer Centre since the start has been a tremendous blessing to my family and to me and, as long as the Lord gives me the strength, I will continue to serve in the Prayer Centre.

Dale Adebakin


have been one of the privileged volunteers to be involved in the Prayer Centre from its birth until now. From its onset, covering a shift has always been a blessing to me. Being in the presence of God for four to eight hours, not only are we praying for the needs of others, but simultaneously our needs are also being met by the Lord (Matthew 6:33). There have been numerous answers to prayers, and what I find most rewarding is when you pray for someone at the beginning of a shift and, by the time you finish the shift, the same caller will ring back, giving a testimony of how God answered that prayer. It’s truly amazing. Most recently, I was at the Prayer Centre and there was an

be ‘watchmen on the walls’ during such a prophetic hour of history. Our great God and Father is revealing His heart and hand in our time and generation. I am overflowing with joy to see that He remains faithful to keep furnishing us with strength, empowerment and wisdom through the Holy Spirit, to fulfil the vision of the Prayer Centre Ministry, and to

No sooner had I returned to the Prayer Room, there was a long line of ladies, coming in for prayer for various complaints. This went on until almost 10pm.

finish stronger than when we first began (Habakkuk 2:1).”

external, non-ECC event taking place in the auditorium. At 9pm, I took a toilet break and met two of the ladies who were attending the event. They enquired whether or not I was also attending it. After explaining to them that I was in the Prayer Centre, praying for others who had called in with various prayers needs, they then proceeded to say that they needed prayer and would come to see me later.

It was an incredible experience; it felt like it was back in the book of Acts! They were all extremely thankful, and couldn’t wait to tell others about the Prayer Centre. Long may the Prayer Centre continue, as so many needs are being prayed for and answered by the Lord. I would encourage everyone to volunteer at least once a month in the Prayer Centre, because not only are you praying for the needs of others - and seeing immediate results; you are fulfilling God’s will and seeing His Kingdom being manifested on the earth, as it is in heaven.

Mirriam Bwalya


thank God for enabling me to serve Him in the Prayer Centre for the last 15 years.

I had a brief experience of praying for people over the phone in Zambia just before I came to the UK. This left a longing to do it again. So when the opportunity arose, I didn’t hesitate to put my name forward. It has been a very rewarding journey - both physically and spiritually.

continued overleaf GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017


PRAYER CENTRE 15th Anniversary Special continued from previous page

Charles Tafuma


Over the years, I have seen the greatness and sovereignty of God. There were situations which I heard of and came across that, in my human mind, seemed impossible to change, but I saw and heard amazing testimonies to the contrary.

ere, at the ECC Prayer Centre, we have the opportunity of seeing God at work, setting the captives free from bondage. The grace and the testimonies that have been shared - and those that I have myself - have motivated me to keep on going for all these years.

I now see things from a different perspective, and know that as we serve God and put Him first in our lives, everything works out for good.

I thank God for this calling. It has helped me grow in my prayer life, and to encourage and have compassion for others.

I have come to realise that the more I have prayed for others, the more God has moved in my own life and performed a lot of miraculous things, too. My spiritual life has been totally revolutionised, and I praise God for His grace upon my life and my family.

I have come to realise that the more I have prayed for others, the more God has moved in my own life.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017

Coming to the prayer line again has caused me to know how much the world out there is hurting. It has made me trust God and His Word for others. During these years of being part of the Prayer Centre, I have seen marriages being restored; salvations over the phone; instant healing; children reconciled with their parents, and many more for His glory. “For it is God who worked in you (in us) both to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13). “I exhort, therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings, be made for all and men” (1 Timothy 2:1). Brethren, I am encouraging you to be part of the Prayer Centre; it is rewarding. The joy of the Lord is our strength. Be blessed as you join us, in Jesus’ Name.

I thank God for this calling. It has helped me grow in my prayer life, and to encourage and have compassion for others.


How We Understand SIN

...may be a problem


o the woman saved from death by stoning, Jesus said: “Go, and sin no more.” Now let’s apply the meanings of sin we have learned over the years, replacing the word ‘sin’ with our own interpretations. For example: ‘Go, and don’t commit adultery anymore’; ‘Go, and don’t miss the mark anymore’; ‘Go, and don’t do wrong things anymore’. Would you agree, none of these meanings sum up what Jesus is instructing this woman to do? His instructions are quite specific and, at the same time, quite encompassing: “Go...and sin no more.” I fear our very narrow understanding of sin may be a problem. Be encouraged. Let’s go back to the beginning. The devil told Adam and Eve: “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” The above statement is so important to understanding sin. Let’s take a closer look: (a) “your eyes will be opened” (b) “you will be like God” (c) “knowing good and evil” These three points together suggest something quite sinister: that, while seeing, our eyes are actually closed; that we can be just like God (embrace being like God), and that knowing good and evil is a good thing - something to desire. Pause for a moment and think. Of all the trees in the garden, only one was forbidden. There was another important tree they were free to eat from. Today, we know that tree to be the Tree of Life. That’s the tree they were supposed to eat from! The reason we need to know this is fundamental. The deception Adam and Eve fell for far exceeded disobedience. They embraced the notion of wanting to be ‘like God’ - being worshipped by all of creation. Now, it is written about Jesus in regard to equality with God: ‘He didn’t see it as something to embrace’ (Philippians 2:6). However, here are Adam and Eve, entertaining - and eventually

Here are Adam and Eve, entertaining - and eventually embracing - the idea to be like God. That wasn’t disobedience; it was defiance!

What the devil did, then, wasn’t just to deceive Adam and Eve into disobedience; it was much, much more than that. embracing - the idea, to be like God. That wasn’t disobedience; it was defiance! Strong words, I know. Let’s reflect. Adam and Eve were in the garden, living 100% by the grace of God. They had food. They had drinks. They had everything they needed. They could make children (but hadn’t just yet). Mist came up from the ground and watered the plants for them. They had 100% authority over EVERYTHING with God. God Himself communed with them; He walked and talked with them. Face to face! It simply couldn’t get any better than this: God, living on earth with His creation; God creating things, and giving Man complete authority over them. Awesome! Adam and Eve could see God. Could they also see the angels and other heavenly hosts? I think so. Why would God reveal Himself and hide the angels? So realistically, Adam and Eve were exposed to the absolute fullness of God. What the devil did, then, wasn’t just to deceive Adam and Eve into disobedience; it was much, much more than that. The devil presented the ultimate idea to them: to want something reserved only for God - namely, to be God. You can then understand God’s response, when He realises what they have done. Never once did God say: “Why did you disobey Me?” No, He asked: “How did you know this?” as in “Where did you get this information from?”

What happened in the garden was massive; it was defiance, the desire to be worshipped as God. Which is why ‘sin’ is punishable by death. Hence Jesus - the Way, Truth and Life - had to come and give us life through His sacrifice and resurrection. Be encouraged.

Roy McEwen

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017


Team leaders: Lucia and Margaret It was a very sunny day, and there were so many things going on in Hounslow from dancers, bands playing and other religions - all on show on the high street. After praying, we went ahead to distribute our tracts as usual. The amazing thing was that we didn’t have to try too hard. The Holy Spirit was in control, as people kept coming to us to ask for tracts. We were overjoyed. The reception was great; Hounslow is indeed changing, and the Lord is at work.




Team leaders: Jenny & Cornelia God’s favour and sunshine was upon us. Bob and I started a conversation with a man who had been drinking beer and smoking. He spoke about all the other gods and the different teachings of Buddha. I kept sharing about Jesus Christ being the Son of God, who died for him to set him free. Then suddenly he said, “Let’s pray.” I asked if he wanted to invite Jesus into his life, and he prayed the sinner’s prayer. We invited him to ECC and to our Guest Day Service on 2nd July. Cornelia also had a good chat with another man and witnessed to him. Suzanne spoke with a lady who believed in science and comets coming from space to take her. Suzanne spoke about God’s love and mercy to save us through His Son, Jesus.



An elderly Indian lady sent her daughter to collect some tracts from us. We didn’t realise that she was in fact a Christian on holiday, and wanted to know about our church. We had such a blessed time, and had handed out all tracts before 1pm.

The teenagers returning from school gather at t received tracts and DVDs, and a good number hav out invitations to attend the ECC youth meeting o

We have had several worthwhile conversations going to church. Many Muslims received the tract conversation. One Muslim woman came three tim she heard that we hear God’s voice.

A troubled man came twice to hear about the L committed in the past, which he couldn’t receive forgiven and forgotten by the Lord.


We’re learning every time how to approach peo under 25s the most receptive age group.

Team leaders: Sylvie, Sylvester and Florence

Sylvester and his younger children were out witnessing, enthusiastically and confidently giving out tracts to various people in Acton marketplace. We gave out the majority of tracts to shoppers, but mostly to the children, who were really receptive. Only a handful of people declined. Many stopped to read the tracts, and we took the opportunity to tell them about Jesus: how He loves them, and is waiting for them to give their lives to Him. It was obvious that people really marvelled at the sight of children - 4, 8 and 9 years old - standing with their brother (James) and me, confidently saying “Jesus loves you” or “God bless you”. We also spoke to a man who was angry because of the level of injustice and wickedness in our society. After talking to him for 10 minutes about how Jesus has dealt with all of his agitation and concerns, and how He gives peace to those who believe in Him, he became calmer. We invited him to ECC, and he said he would be happy to meet us at church. The children gave out booklets of children’s stories that were popular with very young children.

People from all walks of life and all nations accepted tracts freely..


Team leaders: Virginia and Martin

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017

People came forward and asked us to pray with them, and they willingly accepted the tracts. Next dates are 12th August and 9th September - see page 21 for locations.

the bus stop and outside the kebab shop next to ECC. Many ve also been willing to hear the Word of God. Martin has given on Friday evenings.

s with people who have lost their faith and have stopped t ‘Jesus and the Koran’, and some have been willing to get into mes to learn about our faith, and expressed excitement when

Lord. On our second meeting, he talked about a sin he had forgiveness for. He left assured that what he’d said had been

ople, who to talk to, and what to say. We have both found the


EVANGELISM Team leaders: Sarah and Martin

Our team fasted and prayed in accordance with Matthew 24:14 & 24:17. We witnessed for Jesus at the ‘Chiswick Festival’ and in front of Marks & Spencer. People came forward and asked us to pray with them, and they willingly accepted the tracts. That Saturday, my phone wasn’t working properly, and Clifford (usually part of the team) thought my voice message said that Local Lighthouse Evangelism in Chiswick had been cancelled. So he and his children went to their hometown of Stanmore and nearby Harrow instead, and evangelised in both towns handing out all the tracts, witnessing to people, and they gave directions on how to get to ECC. Clifford then wanted to witness again in Stanmore the following month. I am so joyful that Jesus makes a way. When we trust, believe and ask in prayer, Jesus will do extraordinary things through us.



Team leaders: Charlene & Ama


LIGHTHOUSE Team leaders: Michael & Edgar

Michael says: “Despite the small number of witnesses, we give God the glory as we had an awesome time. The Lord led us to a good place to put out the table and the tracts.

Although small, the area of Isleworth is thriving with opportunities to evangelise. Having lived here all of our lives, my good friend Ama and I were inspired to seek the Lord to see what could be done to spiritually enrich the local community. We believed that the area of Ivybridge Estate would be a good starting point.

We had a real open heaven. We spoke and prayed with many people, and gave away some testimony DVDs to Muslims. We now have several people to follow up who gave us their mobile numbers to contact them about Jesus.

On our first session, we were encouraged by the number of unsaved residents, keen to be prayed for or ready to discuss the Gospel. Due to the level of deprivation, crime and drug use there, I have been prompted to ask the Lord to direct us to the right people to evangelise to, particularly those who are truly lost and lacking in hope.

One Muslim gave his life to Jesus after we explained the Gospel to him. I prayed for a new Christian that he would walk closely with the Lord. We prayed for several others - some for jobs, finances and for healing.”

We have also started to prayer walk around the estate to prepare for the evangelism sessions, declaring the Lord’s favour and protection over each tower block and soaking them in his Holy Spirit. We are expectant and most definitely excited to see how the Lord will move over this community!

Edgar adds: “Wembley is a very fruitful ground, ready to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ - an ‘open heaven’ where people are so receptive to prayers and hearing about Jesus Christ. If there is anyone who wants to witness with us in Wembley, please let us know.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017



A TENDER PROCESS Foyer Extension & Admin Block update


t the ECC AGM last May, an update was given regarding the proposed foyer extension and new administration block.

It has been a while since we obtained the long-awaited planning permission, and in that time a lot of preliminary work has been going on behind the scenes, as we near the stage of putting out the project for tender (the process of submitting a proposal to undertake or manage our construction project). At this stage, our architect is preparing detailed drawings and specifications in preparation for submission to the statutory authorities (Building Control). Once these have met Building Regulations and been agreed and passed by Building Control,

our architect, along with our project manager, will prepare all the tender documentation. They will need to obtain our approval on the detailed proposals, showing materials, appearance and full costings, as at the present time we are only in possession of an estimate.

It is always difficult to give a start and finish time to this kind of project - made complicated by the fact that the ECC building is a Grade 2* listed building. We are waiting for the building regulation process to be dealt with by Building Control; this will allow for the tender preparation to start some time in August; going out to tender, with tender return by mid-September 2017. We could possibly be looking at a start on site by early October 2017. This is an approximate timescale, but we will keep you posted as we go along. This 3D diagram (below) shows roughly what the foyer extension and admin block will look like. The auditorium will seat approximately 200 people, and will be used for services and other functions, whilst the administration block will ease our current cramped office space and open up other areas of the existing building to be utilised for classrooms and meeting areas. Finally, a huge thanks to all of you who have given so generously to the building project. As I write this article, the amount

raised so far is £194,400. We give God praise!

INSPIRATIONAL MUGS & PRINTS (and posters) will be on sale at ECC after the morning services on: Sunday 13th August Sunday 10th September



Thank you for your continued support. 10

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017

H Hope


and hanging on to the last thread

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Love JoyPeace Goodness



Isaiah 43: 18-19 Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017



New Pastor at Feltham Christian Centre


dward Jenami has spent the last two and a half years assisting me, Jane Wamae and Anne-Marie Brooks at our branch, Feltham Christian Centre (FCC). During this time it became evident that he had a strong call to the pastoral ministry, and had a desire to complete his final year at the London School of Theology (LST), in order to gain the knowledge he needed for the ministry. Edward became part of the FCC leadership in the early part of 2015, and has since played a major role in helping to casting the current vision and strategic objectives. He is blessed with two beautiful children - Joshua (10) and Sarah (7). He was married to Christina Goredema in 2004, but she sadly passed away in March 2012. He became a Christian at the age of nine in his native country of Zimbabwe, and has been serving the Lord ever since.

Edward is passionate about church and the Gospel. He loves God and people; is an intercessor, and a pastorteacher.

Before Edward joined ECC in September 2013, he served as assistant pastor at Majesty Christian Centre, Uxbridge and, before that, at Victory To Victory Church, where he served in various ministries including stewardship, intercession and transport. Edward is passionate about church and the Gospel. He loves God and people; is an intercessor, and a pastor-teacher. Above all, he


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017

is a committed servant of the Lord and His Church. On 24th June 2017, Edward graduated with a BA in Theology at the London School of Theology, and has also recently applied to the Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance to start his pastoral training as a Minister in Training (MIT). Over the past year, the ECC and FCC leadership have been praying and seeking the Lord regarding Edward as the next Pastor of FCC. FCC needs a pastor who will facilitate the next stages of growth and help fulfil the purposes God has for the church in Feltham. On 25th June 2017, at Edward’s graduation celebration service, I announced to the congregation that the leadership felt that God is appointing Edward as the next Pastor at FCC. He will be working alongside me over the next two months, during a transition period, and then on Sunday 3rd September 2017, Edward will have his induction ceremony. We welcome Edward to the pastoral team at FCC as our new pastor, and we trust the Lord he will be instrumental in changing lives in the Borough of Hounslow and beyond.

Pastor Mark King


September 2017 J

esus made his mission clear: “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost” (Luke 19:10). He taught about and modelled to his disciples the important work of evangelism. The reason is clear and urgent. “Unless you repent, you too will all perish,” Jesus told his audience. To experience eternal life, it is necessary to enter through the “narrow door” which many will miss even though they may express a religious knowledge of Jesus - because he will tell them: “I never knew you.” Jesus’ parables reveal that when taking out the Gospel to people, many will find all manner of excuses not to respond, finding themselves excluded from the great feast at the end of the age, when Jesus is united with his Church. To enter eternal life, it is necessary to first carefully count the cost. It is not a life of ease but, rather, “anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.” The eternal rewards, however, are without comparison to whatever hardships this short-lived and temporary life may throw up in our way. God’s heart is to give all who are lost the opportunity to be found, like a shepherd leaving his ninety-nine sheep to search for the one that is lost, and rejoicing when it is found. Or restoring a truly repentant prodigal son when he finally comes to his senses; recognises his sin against his father and against heaven, and seeks forgiveness. Jesus’ long and detailed account of the rich man and Lazarus in Hades reveals the reality of the two very different eternal destinations, depending upon a person’s choices in this lifetime. He describes the actual consequences of the reality that, “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgement” (Hebrews 9:27). One man experiences the horror of eternal punishment, with no prospect of parole or a change in his circumstances. The other, the eternal blessedness of God’s paradise. Jesus did not offer false hope or a salvation of universalism – namely that everyone will be forgiven and welcomed into God’s holy presence in Heaven. Rather, that we each have to make a choice, and there will be certain and foreseeable consequences of our choice. Our role is share the good news of the Gospel with all, irrespective of their response, for God’s desire is that all should avail themselves of the grace he gives them. But Jesus lets his followers know the reality of the consequences of rejecting mankind’s only lifeline – the Cross - so we may be motivated to reach out to them with the same love that motivates Jesus.


Luke 13:22-27 Entering the narrow door

1. Lord, keep us close to you at all times, we pray. 2. Keep us from temptation and from everything that would cause us to start backsliding. 3. Save all those in your church who may go through the motions of following you but, in their hearts, do not really know you and have not been born again. 4. Help us not to become complacent with our spiritual lives, nor to become so familiar with the Gospel that we lose the fear of the Lord. 5. Keep our walk with you, Lord Jesus, as the first focus of our lives at all times.


Luke 13:28-30 Prayer for the lost

1. As we always remember that hell is a real place, and is the destiny of all who reject you, cause that knowledge to help us redouble our efforts to reach the lost. 2. Help us to treasure our privilege of having a personal relationship with our

God through faith in Jesus, so we do not neglect our time with you, O Lord. 3. Lord Jesus, as you taught your disciples to understand hell so they may understand the plight of the lost, burden our hearts to pray for revival of our nation. 4. Teach us the value of servanthood, and to understand that those who are last shall be first. 5. Save all those we know who are not yet saved, we urgently pray, O God.


Luke 14:15-17 Taking out the message

1. Lord, help us to understand the importance and urgency of taking out the invitation into your Kingdom by spreading the Gospel. 2. Holy Spirit, guide and lead us to the persons you know who have hearts ready to receive the message of salvation today. 3. Give us the right words to speak on each occasion, Holy Spirit, and the wisdom how to present the Gospel to each individual. 4. We pray you would make all our street teams fruitful in evangelism, as they give

out tracts, witness to people and pray for the sick. 5. Help us understand that the time is short, and that we need to redeem the time for the days are evil.


Luke 14: 18 Excuses

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

JESUS’ HEART FOR THE LOST LUKE - Chapters 13 to 18

1. Forgive us, O Lord, when we put other interests as a higher priority than responding to your call to put you first. 2. Lord, help us to love you with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to have no other ‘gods’ besides you. 3. Help us to seek first the Kingdom of God and all your righteousness, so that you may add to us all the things we need. 4. Help us to prioritise our wealth and our spending, O Lord, so that we may be good stewards of all that you enable us to have and to own. 5. May our worldly possessions take second place to our spiritual treasures.


Luke 14:19 More excuses

1. Lord, may our work never become an

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September 2017 excuse that causes us to fail to give you the best of our service to you since, by so doing, we only impoverish ourselves. 2. May we see our work as an opportunity to be a place for serving you, rather than just a place to earn our income. 3. Help us to be ambassadors for Jesus in our places of work, being able to present a godly witness even if we do not speak, but merely through our Christlike conduct. 4. We pray you would save all our work colleagues, O Lord. 5. Forgive us, O God, for any or each occasion we have put our work before you, and have thereby neglected to give you our first love.


Luke 14:20 Still more excuses

1. Lord, help us to always have the right godly balance between our love for you and our love for our family members. 2. Lord, help us to realise that we can only truly love our family members best as we allow Christ’s love to flow through us to them. 3. Help each of the men in our church to love you first, O Lord, and then to allow that godly love to overflow to their wives and children. 4. Help each of the women in our church to love you first, O Lord, and then to allow that godly love to flow out to their husbands and children. 5. Help us to teach our children to love you first, O God, so that they can then love their parents with agapé love.


Luke 14:23 Going into the highways and byways

1. Cause us, O Lord, to understand that everywhere where people are, that is where you want us to be witnesses. 2. For those who go on the streets to witness, increase their compassion for the lost, and help them present the Gospel to people from every walk of life. 3. Help us to take the Gospel to those who may not hear it from anyone else. 4. Give us a compassion for those whom society generally writes off, and enable us to give them the hope that comes from a life-changing faith in Jesus Christ. 5. Lord, help us to go the extra mile when it comes to reaching the lost, giving us hearts of forgiveness that desire even those who dislike us, to be saved.



Luke 14:24 Praying for the hard of heart

1. Lord, as we pray for all our family members whose hearts are hardened to the Gospel, soften their hearts. 2. Holy Spirit, since you are the One who convicts people of sin and points them to Christ, help us to pray effectively for those whose hearts are hardened. 3. Help us to pray strategic prayers that will bring down strongholds in the lives of the unbelievers we pray for, so that, though now spiritually blind, they may see. 4. Lord, may the knowledge that you will exclude unbelievers from your presence spur us to redouble our energies to pray for their salvation. 5. Break the power of the ‘god of this age’, who blinds the eyes of those unbelievers we are praying for, O Lord.


Luke 14:25-27 First love

1. Lord, help us to put the need for holiness before our desire for happiness. 2. Teach us to order our lives aright, so that we put all our activities in their correct priority. 3. When the way is difficult and costly, because we are following you and your ways, O Lord, help us to carry our cross. 4. May we love you first and foremost, so that as we seek first the Kingdom of God and your righteousness, all other things will be added unto us. 5. Help us, Holy Spirit, to be able to pray at all times the words: “Your will, not our will be done”, always being obedient to your will. 14:28-33 10 Luke Counting the cost 1. Lord, teach us the necessity of not merely being converts, but of being true disciples of Jesus Christ and of living our lives for you accordingly. 2. Let us not be merely ‘fairweather Christians’, O Lord, only wanting to follow you when everything is well, but instead to live for you no matter what the cost. 3. May we say with King David, that we will not sacrifice anything to the Lord that costs us nothing. 4. Release us from the fear of giving to you, O Lord, whether it is our time, our commitment, our finances or other necessary things, as we can never outgive God.

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5. Teach us to remember the Cross, O Lord, and to remind ourselves that nothing we do or give to you can ever come near to all you have given to and for each of us. 14:34-35 11 Luke Keeping our saltiness 1. Lord, since you have said that you do not like lukewarmness, cause us to be - and to remain - hot and on fire for you at all times. 2. Enable us, like salt, to be effective out and about in those areas of our society where things are going bad, helping us to make a difference for Jesus. 3. Like salt makes things taste better, give us opportunities today to bring the presence of Christ to someone who does not know God, making their life better by showing them the way of salvation. 4. May we not only retain our spiritual ‘saltiness’, but daily grow closer to Christ, and so become more and more influential with the Gospel to those we meet daily. 5. Place your people in prominent positions of influence in every area of our society, so that in every stratum of our society your people are acting effectively as ‘salt’. 15:1-2 12 Luke Mixing with ‘sinners’ 1. Lord, teach us to see all unsaved people as you see them, namely as those in desperate need, needing to hear the life-changing Gospel. 2. Give us a love for the lost, O God, no matter who they are, what they have done, or how unlovely they currently are. 3. Give us an effective door of ministry into the lives of all those we come into contact with, who currently do not know you, O Lord. 4. Take the scales from their eyes, and save all the ‘religious’ people we know who have a form of outward religion but no inner experience of a life changed by Jesus. 5. Give us the joy of seeing many ‘sinners’ choosing to change the direction of their lives by turning to Christ in repentance. 15:3-6 13 Luke Seeking the lost (1) 1. Restore back to yourself and the fellowship of believers, all those who have been part of our fellowship, but have now backslidden, we pray. 2. Give us creative strategies and ideas to be able to reach, influence and bring to Christ those unbelievers we know for whom we are praying to be saved. 3. We pray that all our Discipleship Cells and Discipleship Cell leaders see success in reaching those they are praying for to be saved.


August 2017 J

esus led and taught both by word and by example. His purpose was to leave behind disciples who, once he had died, risen from the dead and sent his Holy Spirit into the lives of his followers, would carry on the mission he had begun.

He taught his disciples through parables, and often explained the meaning to them afterwards. The Parable of the Sower teaches us that, as we sow the seed (share the Good News of the Gospel), we are likely to encounter one of four different responses, so we shouldn’t be discouraged when we see it happen. First, there will be those people for whom hearing the Gospel will be like water off a duck’s back – not penetrating their heart at all, like seed on the path gobbled up by birds. Second, there will be those who hear and initially respond, attracted by the message, but they quickly fall away because they don’t want put down any deep spiritual roots, wanting only a superficial relationship with Jesus. For such, their roots quickly wither in times of trouble. Third are those who also initially accept the message of Christ as Saviour, but have difficulty in allowing him to be Lord of their lives. So the attraction of material things, like thorns, chokes the love for Christ. But fourthly are those who do respond, and are capable of producing a harvest that more than compensates for the disappointments of those who rejected the message or fell away. Such a person, whose heart is fertile soil, is capable of reproducing their new life in Christ in others - thirty, sixty or even one hundred times over. Likewise, the parable of the weeds warns us that false believers will always be amongst the true Church until the return of Christ, but we are to press on regardless, since finding Christ and serving him are infinitely more priceless than a rare and unique pearl. Our mission is to preach to all people - no matter who they may be - and let the Lord sort out the genuine from the false at the end of the age, just like the fishermen did in the parable of the fisherman’s dragnet. But following Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension into heaven, believers would be able to be filled with the Holy Spirit, empowered to go, witness and preach, evangelise, make disciples, and confirm the message by healings, signs and wonders. So, as we pray through the prayer points this month, we are seeking the Lord to help us live, serve and reach out to all in the power of the Holy Spirit with fruitfulness, just as Jesus has called us to do.


Matthew 13:1-3 Listening to the voice of the Lord

1. Lord, may we be people who never neglect to spend time each day in prayer and with your Word, in order to hear from you. 2. Holy Spirit, as we wait upon you right now, we pray that you will speak to us, revealing the will of the Father to us as individuals and collectively as a church. 3. Help us to be obedient to your will to reach the lost and to evangelise to the best of our abilities. 4. Enable us as a church to effectively fulfil the Great Commission, by preaching the Good News, healing the sick, casting out demons and seeing people saved, baptised and becoming disciples of Jesus. 5. As we thank you for every prophetic word you have given to us as a church, motivate us to pray them into being, and to act faithfully upon everything you have told us.


Matthew 13:4-9 Sowing the seed

1. Lord, help us to be diligent sowers of your ‘seed’, namely the Word of God, as a lifestyle. 2. May our lives be living testimonies of the Gospel that point the people we live and work amongst to Jesus. 3. Give us the grace to be able to bring your Word even to those who represent the hard ground of the seeds on the path. 4. Give us patience with those whose Christian experience is shallow, and help us lead them to maturity. 5. Gladden our hearts, O Lord, with the encouragement of enabling us to see seed fall on good soil, and thereby to produce good fruit.


Matthew 13:10-11 Knowledge of the Kingdom

1. Give us daily, a greater understanding of your Word, O God. 2. Help us not only to be hearers of your Word, but doers of it also.

3. Holy Spirit, bring new insights and fresh revelations to us, as we read the Bible daily. 4. Teach us your ways, O God, and cause us to delight in them. 5. Forgive us for the times we neglect the reading of your Word, and the subsequent spiritual impoverishment that brings us.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth


13:12 4 Matthew Wisdom to receive more 1. Help us not to be content with just the bare spiritual minimum, O Lord, but a desire for daily spiritual growth. 2. Help us to seek you, the Giver, rather than just the things we ask you for. 3. Holy Spirit, please cause there to develop deep within our spirits a greater thirst for a deeper relationship with our God. 4. Holy Spirit, cause us to receive more of you in our lives, so you, in turn, will flow out of us into the lives of others around us. 5. Take us to the highest and deepest levels in you that we are capable of going to, O God.

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Matthew 13:13-15 Praying for the spiritually blind

1. Lord, raise us up as those whose intercessory prayers will help break the spiritual powers that blind the unsaved. 2. Use us to open the eyes of the spiritually blind to the evidence of your existence and presence, as displayed in the wonder of your creation and awesome universe. 3. Cause those, who are spiritually blind, to start seeing the life-changing power of Jesus in us, and to desire the same experience for themselves. 4. Recognising we are in a spiritual battle for the hearts, minds and souls of men and women, cause us to continually use our spiritual weapon of prayer to rescue those held captive to sin. 5. Since we were once blind but, because of your mercy and grace in Christ Jesus, can now see, give us a passion to pray for a harvest of souls.


Matthew 13:13-15 Praying for the spiritually deaf

1. We pray you would save those who attend church meetings, listen to the reading of the Bible and the preaching, but have not yet given their lives to Christ. 2. We pray that the message of Christian radio programmes going out over the airwaves will daily impact non-Christians and cause them to respond to the Gospel. 3. Anoint the messages of Christian TV programmes, and cause non-Christians to tune in and respond to the message of the Gospel. 4. We pray you would save all those nonChristians married to believers in the church, who have heard the Gospel but have still remained deaf to it. 5. We pray that you would save all our family members, who have heard the Gospel but have remained spiritually deaf, O Lord.


Matthew 13:16-17 Blessed

1. Lord, we thank you for the great privilege of knowing you, and the untold blessings You have brought to our lives, and ask for the grace to lead others into the same experience. 2. Help us to daily count our blessings, realising that the sufferings of this present world are not worthy to be compared to the glory that is to come. 3. Help us never to take our salvation in Christ for granted, but to seek continually to draw closer to, and become more like, Christ.


August 2017 4. Lord, since it is more blessed to give than receive, cause us to be people who continually seek to give others the Good News of salvation in Christ. 5. Help us to live for Christ in a way that demonstrates to an unbelieving world that, whether our outward circumstances are good or bad, we are more than compensated by our blessings in Christ.


Matthew 13:18-19 Sowing the seed in hard places

1. Since our nation is like the hard pathway, cause our intercessory prayers to start breaking up the hard ground and making people spiritually receptive once more. 2. Set free from the grasp of the powers of darkness all those we know, who are deceived by, or are the object of, witchcraft. 3. Cause those who govern us, nationally and locally, who have become hardened to the values of Christ, to see the disastrous consequences and the folly of their ways, and change their minds, O Lord. 4. Lord, turn back the tide of evil and send revival in your church, in our borough, in our city and in our nation. 5. As we stand before you, start your revival in our lives, we pray.


Matthew 13:20-21 Seed on rocky places

1. Give us compassion for those who are weak, to help those in need. 2. Give us the discernment to see those who are only seeking to take advantage of us and are not genuinely in need, so that we may not be unnecessarily drained. 3. When we share the Gospel, help us not to dilute its message, so that those who hear know the full challenges, and can count the cost before making a decision. 4. Help those believers we know, who are facing persecution, and cause our prayers to give them the strength and grace to stand. 5. Give grace to persevere to all those facing life and death persecution in countries around the world that hate the Gospel, we pray. 13:22 10 Matthew Seed among the thorns 1. Lord, help our trust in you to be such that we are not overcome by the cares and worries of this world. 2. We pray you would help those we know, whose faith is weak and consumed with

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worry, to cast their burdens upon you; help us to encourage them. 3. Thank you for our material possessions, O Lord, but may they always be our servants and not our masters. 4. Help us not to be deceived by riches, but rather to use our material possessions wisely and profitably. 5. Give us a generous spirit with our possessions and our money, so that as we give we may know the favour of God. 13:23 11 Matthew Seed in good soil 1. May our own hearts be good soil, O Lord, and if at the present time they are not, help us to deal with any issues that are currently preventing this. 2. Burden our hearts to continually draw near to you, O Lord, so that you may draw near to us. 3. Guide and direct us, Holy Spirit, to those who you know have hearts ready to receive the Gospel. 4. Keep our prayer lives healthy, O God, so that when we witness to others, the spiritual ground will already have been prepared, so we see fruit. 5. As we remain in you, and your words remain in us, cause us to bear much fruit, showing ourselves to be your disciples and bringing glory to our heavenly Father. 13:24-28 12 Matthew Dealing with the enemy 1. Give us the spiritual wisdom not to be ignorant of the plans, schemes and devises of the enemy. 2. Give us the wisdom to ensure we are always fully equipped with the full armour of God, not leaving ourselves exposed to the enemy’s attack. 3. Help us to overcome at all times by our close relationship with Christ, every spiritual attack upon us. 4. Give us a full understanding of our authority in Christ, using it fully and effectively in our every dealing with our spiritual enemy. 5. Give us discernment to distinguish between an attack of the enemy, God’s discipline, and reaping what we have sown, so we can respond in the appropriate way. 13:29-30 13 Matthew Rescuing the lost 1. Lord, you have rescued us from hell, so give us a compassion for the lost. 2. Since your Word, O God, teaches us clearly about the eternal separation of the unsaved, use that knowledge to spur us into evangelism.

August 2017 3. Give us perseverance, so that we never tire of seeking your face and interceding for the lost. 4. Have mercy, O Lord, on all those we know, who are resisting the message of salvation, and give us the right words and opportunities to witness to them. 5. We pray you would restore all those we know, who have backslidden and are far from you.

13:31-33 14 Matthew Spiritual growth

13:43 17 Matthew Having ears to hear

1. Help each one of us to see the spiritual potential within us that is capable, with your help, of growing without limit, to achieve great things for you, O God. 2. Bring about true spiritual growth within each of us, your church. 3. Bring about numerical growth in the church, by those who are added through responding to the Gospel and being saved. 4. Teach us to dream big, godly dreams for you, O Lord, and expect them to come into being, for all things are possible for you. 5. Help us to be the salt and light you desire us to be and, in so doing, to be a means of the growth of your Kingdom.

1. Give us ears to hear all you have to say to us, O Lord. 2. In our times of devotions as we wait upon you, speak to us, Lord, and may we know your thoughts. 3. When you speak to us through circumstances, give us the understanding to recognise what you are saying and how you are guiding us. 4. As we read your Word, Holy Spirit, please enlighten our minds and understanding, and give us words direct from heaven. 5. When we know your will, O God, may we act upon it without hesitation or delay.

13:34-39 15 Matthew The two kingdoms

1. Lord, help us to understand the difference between the temporary and the eternal, and between true spiritual riches and the counterfeit. 2. Cause us to live effective lives in this world but, at the same time, store up our treasures in heaven, where moth, rust and thieves do not spoil. 3. Cause to grow within us – and to the fullest extent - the spiritual riches that you have already given to us. 4. Help us to measure our true wealth by our spiritual standing in Christ, so that on the day we stand before you, we may not suffer loss. 5. May we be sold out wholly, fully and totally for you, Lord Jesus, just as you were and are for us.

1. As we thank you, Lord, for bringing us out of the kingdom of darkness, help us to boldly stand up as citizens of the Kingdom of light. 2. Keep us, O God, from being carnal Christians, who profess Christ but whose lifestyle still reflects the ways of the world. 3. Lord, we as repent of any and all carnality that is found in our church, bring repentance and change so that your power may be fully displayed amongst us. 4. We pray for all those in our church, who are still in bondage to sin, carnality or worldliness; cause them to break free and be on fire for Christ. 5. Lord, as we repent on behalf of the leaders of our nation, who have turned aside from your laws and replaced them with ungodly laws, have mercy, forgive and heal our land. 13:40-42 16 Matthew More prayer for the lost 1. Soften our hearts towards those who reject you, O Lord, so we may never give up praying for them to be saved. 2. Help us to “plunder hell and populate heaven”.


Matthew 13:44-46 True riches

13:47-50 19 Matthew Reaching all people 1. Give us a heart for all kinds of people, O Lord, no matter who they are, as each one is important to you. 2. Help us reach all those from other religions, who may be seeking for truth but have not yet found you. 3. Help us to save all those who are seeking for spiritual things in the wrong places, such as through the occult or New Age practices.

4. Help us to reach all those who think they can get by without God, trusting instead in their own abilities and possessions. 5. Help us to reach with the Gospel all those who society tends to neglect. 13:51-2 20 Matthew Understanding 1. When our understanding is slow and dull, help us, Holy Spirit, to understand the things you want to teach us. 2. Bring revelation to us in every way, Holy Spirit, so that as we learn new things each day, we grow in spiritual maturity. 3. As we read your Word, O Lord, bring deeper revelations of who we are in Christ. 4. Holy Spirit, help us to have and to know the mind of Christ, we pray. 5. Help us this day to be further transformed by the renewing of our minds, so that we may know the good, pleasing and perfect will of God. 6:46-49 21 Luke Building on solid ground 1. O God, may we not call you ‘Lord’ without obediently doing what you say. 2. Cause our lives be firmly built on the solid ground of your Word. 3. When ‘floods’ come into our lives as individuals, enable us to stand firm on the solid rock of your Word, so our spiritual lives do not capsize. 4. When ‘floods’ come into the life of the church, O God, establish our feet firmly on the solid rock, so we will not be moved. 5. For all those we know, whose faith is weak or wavering, help them to become strong in you, Lord Jesus.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

3. Teach us to understand that time is fast running out, so we may work for you while it is still day. 4. You have taught us, Jesus, to ask the Lord of the harvest to raise up labourers, for the fields are white; so here we are Lord, send us! 5. Open our eyes to see those who are currently lost, but who we have the opportunity to reach for Christ.


8:16-18 22 Luke Shining for Jesus 1. Give us the boldness, O Lord, to allow the light of Christ to shine brightly from within us, no matter where we are or what we are doing. 2. Holy Spirit, help us to cooperate with you to develop the fruit of the Spirit within us, so that changes our character to become more like Christ. 3. Cause the character of Christ within us to be evident, simply through the way we speak, act and conduct ourselves, O Lord. 4. Let our words always be in accord with the way you would have us speak, O Lord. 5. May our actions, motives and intentions always be in line with your will, O God, so that the light of Jesus shines through us.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017



10:25-35 23 Luke Concern for the helpless 1. We pray that those we know, who are spiritually weak, would grow spiritually, encouraged by the fellowship of stronger brothers and sisters in Christ around them. 2. Strengthen our Discipleship Cell leaders, as they seek to help those in their Cells to grow strong in Christ. 3. Help those in our church, who always seem to be struggling for one reason or another, to move from a position of weakness to one of strength in the Lord. 4. Meet every need of all the widows in the church, since you care much for them, O Lord. 5. Help those we know, including ourselves, who are in difficulties as a result of poor or foolish decisions, to now make wise and godly choices and decisions. 10:25-35 24 Luke Praying for the heartless 1. Save all those we know who currently spurn you, O God, and who choose to live a lifestyle of selfishness. 2. Cause all those in our areas, who choose a lifestyle of violence, to stop, think and repent of their ways, O Lord. 3. We pray for the streets of our borough, O God, that you would cause peace to prevail in them at all times. 4. To all those in our area, who prey on the old and vulnerable, bring a conviction of sin and bring someone their way who will witness to them about Christ. 5. Cause a sovereign move of your Spirit upon those in our area who abuse others - whether children or adults - that causes them to be led to Christ and be changed. 10:25-35 25 Luke Praying for the lawless 1. Have mercy on all those in our area, who have been involved with murder or violent crime, and bring them to the point where they see their need to be saved. 2. Help any gang members in our area to find their value and sense of belonging, by experiencing the love of God and a relationship with him through faith in Jesus. 3. Convict all drug dealers and users in our area of their futureless direction, and cause them to find the God who is able to save them and give them a good and blessed future. 4. Help all in our area, who choose to live a lifestyle of stealing and mugging, to see the emptiness of that way of life and their need of salvation in Christ.


August 2017 5. We take authority over every spirit of lawlessness in our area, and command each one to leave in the Name of Jesus. 10:36-37 26 Luke Go and do likewise 1. Help us to put your Word into action, as we live it out day-by-day, not being simply hearers of your Word only. 2. Give us a heart of compassion for the spiritually lost and spiritually poor, and raise up within each of us the desire to lead them to Christ. 3. Give us a heart of compassion for those who are less fortunate than ourselves, and the will to help whenever we able, even when there is a cost involved. 4. We pray for an outpouring of your Holy Spirit over the church that fans the flames and the passion for evangelism in all its forms. 5. Put your revival fire deep within each of us, O Lord, and cause us to be people of prayer, of your Word, and witnesses for Jesus. 12:13-21 27 Luke Praying for the materialistic 1. Open the eyes and save all non-believers we know, whose ears are firmly focused on the temporal and temporary, and who have little thought for the spiritual things of life. 2. Rekindle the fire within all Christians we know, who, though they confess to follow Christ, nevertheless have hearts and minds more focused on the here-andnow, rather than on the things of God. 3. Cause the blind eyes of those in our society, who live for today without thought or planning for tomorrow, to be opened to the truth of the Gospel and be saved. 4. For those whose lives you know, O Lord, will be shorter than they think, have mercy and save them while there is still time. 5. Teach us to value and to live by what you regard as success, O Lord, namely living in perfect obedience to you.


Mark 15:15-32 Appreciating Jesus our Saviour

1. Keep us thankful, Lord Jesus, that you came to this earth not to be served but to serve, and to give your life as a ransom for many. 2. Give us a deep understanding of all the rejection you were willing to suffer on behalf of those you came to save, so that we would not be rejected by God. 3. Make us deeply thankful that you took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows,

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017

and were willingly afflicted by God to save us from our sins. 4. We thank you, Lord Jesus, that the punishment that brought us peace was borne by you on our behalf. 5. Teach us to be forever grateful that our iniquity was carried by you and now, as far as the east is from the west, so far are our transgressions removed from us. 15:33-38 29 Mark The Suffering Saviour 1. Deepen our worship for you, as we understand that you were willing to come to save us, even though you knew in advance everything you would have to suffer. 2. Lord, move us into action as we contemplate that, at the Cross, ‘we may not know, we cannot tell what pain you had to bear, but we believe it was for us you hung and suffered there’. 3. Understanding that, through the Cross, we have been justified and declared Not Guilty by God, help us to work out our salvation in godly fear and trembling. 4. As we thank you that your sacrifice was for men and women from every nation, help us reach people from all nations. 5. Help us live lifestyles that give you praise, honour and glory for who you are, for what you have done for us, and for everything in the future you will do. 16:1-6 30 Mark Alive in Christ 1. As we thank you, Lord Jesus, that you broke the power of sin, death and the devil, and overcame by your resurrection from the dead, help us to go out in your power. 2. As we thank you for the authority you have entrusted to your Church, help us take up fully the challenge of the ‘Great Commission’. 3. Embolden us to use your authority to see signs and wonders following the preaching of your Word, as a lifestyle. 4. Use us to pray for the sick in any and every situation that you lead us into. 5. Release amongst us the outpouring of your Spirit and every spiritual gift that can be used effectively in evangelism. 16:15-18 31 Mark Motivated to go 1. Lord, motivate us to “Go”. 2. Help us to understand and use all the spiritual weapons and power you have given us for evangelism. 3. Give us confidence to use the spiritual gifts whenever you give us the opportunity, Holy Spirit. 4. Cause all in the church to be baptised in the Holy Spirit, and using spiritual gifts. 5. Cause us not to give the devil a foothold in our lives, so we are always under your protection.


September 2017 15:7 14 Luke Causing the angels to rejoice 1. We pray you would save all the non-Christian husbands of the women in the church. 2. Save all the non-Christian children of the parents in our church. 3. Save all the non-Christian parents of those in our church, O Lord. 4. We pray for the salvation of all our non-Christian brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles and aunties. 5. We pray for the salvation of all our non-Christian friends; let there be cause for much rejoicing by the angels in Heaven. 15:8-10 15 Luke Seeking the lost (2) 1. Lord, teach us the value to you of each person who is lost, and give us the desire to see them found by you. 2. Give us a burden to pray continually for those who do not know you, and who we desire to be won for Christ. 3. Help us not to be content with the blessings that we enjoy as a result of our relationship with Jesus, but rather may we not rest until we are doing all you have called us to do. 4. Make us fruitful, O Lord, so we may have the joy of seeing people give their lives to you. 5. Encourage each of us, who have been praying for a long time for a particular person who has not yet come to Christ, so the weeping that comes in the night may be turned to joy in the morning.

16 Praying for the materialistic Luke 15:11-12

1. We pray that all those we know, whose first love is for the things of this life, will see the folly of trusting in that which is but temporary. 2. Send to our society, that rates success primarily by the extent of fame or fortune, a hunger for true wealth, which can be found only in Christ. 3. Teach us, O Lord, that it is more blessed to give than receive, and may we know the joy of being givers in every area of our lives. 4. Lord, since you have said that no-one can serve two masters, God and Mammon, teach us to serve God, and to let money serve us but not master us. 5. We thank you for our worldly wealth, and pray that you would teach us to use it wisely and in conformity with your will, O Lord.

15:13-14 17 Luke The emptiness of materialism 1. Lord, put us in positions of influence to be able to reach those whose only hope in life is found in the pleasures of this world. 2. We pray you would open the blind eyes of those we know, who struggle to believe there is life beyond this material world. 3. We pray that the leaders of our nation would have the wisdom to use the wealth of this land beneficially. 4. Cause the Church of Jesus Christ to rise up into places of influence throughout the world with a voice that is heard, enabling poor nations to progress out of poverty. 5. Cause us today, O Lord, to seek you to see if there is anyone or any cause that you want us to give to out of our own personal resources, and cause us to act upon it.


Luke 15:16 Praying for those with self-inflicted wounds

1. We pray that all those we know, who are addicted to - or whose only source of pleasure is in - drugs may discover the pleasure found in knowing God. 2. Help all those we know, whose life is controlled by the need for alcohol, to find the ‘new wine’ of the Holy Spirit. 3. Help all those we know, whose lives are in a mess because of bad choices they have made, to find a new life in Christ. 4. Show all those we know, who are suffering from depression because of the consequences of the choices they have made, the abundant life in Christ. 5. Help us to bring the life-changing Gospel to all those we know, who may be thinking about suicide because of the circumstances they have got themselves into. 15:17-19 19 Luke True repentance 1. Let your presence be felt more and more in our midst, as we gather together for worship, O Lord. 2. Cause us to search our hearts and our lives and remove anything that would hinder you moving powerfully in our midst. 3. O Lord, we pray that you would so move in our midst that we would regularly see people coming to you in deep repentance. 4. Cause us to see people in our meetings, whether Sunday or mid-week, coming under a real and genuine conviction of

sin that causes heartfelt repentance. 5. Send a Holy Spirit-inspired revival in our midst, O Lord our God. 15:20-21 20 Luke The Father’s compassion 1. Give us a heart like yours, heavenly Father. 2. Make us more like Jesus in every aspect of our lives: in the way we think, talk, act and conduct the affairs of our lives. 3. Help us to forgive all those who transgress against us, just as you have fully forgiven us, heavenly Father. 4. Cause us right now to release any feelings of bitterness towards anyone, and to be able to pray for God to bless them, whether we feel they deserve it or not. 5. Teach us to love just as you love, heavenly Father, and in so doing, cause others to be attracted to Christ. 15:22-24 21 Luke The lost are found 1. Help us to see the best in each person, O Lord, even when they have done much that is unrighteous. 2. Help us to be like you, heavenly Father, prepared to give a second chance to those who have let us down. 3. When a brother or sister asks us for forgiveness, enable us to do so, even if the occasions reach seventy times seven. 4. Teach us to be people who have hearts big enough to be able to pray for the blessing of any and every person, particularly the blessing of finding Jesus as Saviour. 5. Let our church be known for the restitution of those prodigals who are genuinely repentant.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

4. We pray all the evangelistic events in the church on Sunday evenings would be effective vehicles for bringing the lost to Christ. 5. Give us the desire and opportunities for salvation, as we remember that your church is not a pleasure cruiser, but a lifeboat to save those who are perishing.

15:25-31 22 Luke Reconciliation within families 1. Bring reconciliation, O Lord, to all the families in our church, where there are rifts in relationships. 2. Cause each son in the church to enjoy a good and harmonious relationship with his mother and father. 3. Cause each daughter in our church to be a blessing to her mother and father. 4. Bring healing, O Lord, to each family we know, where there is strife between brothers or sisters. 5. Bless the families in the church, O Lord; may they be an inspiration and example to non-believers, who will desire to have the peace of God in their own lives and families.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017



September 2017 16:19-24 23 Luke Urgent prayer for the lost 1. Lord, teach us to understand the dreadful destiny of those who die outside of Christ. 2. Lord, understanding your teaching about hell, inspire us to reach the lost, giving us a sense of the urgency of the situation and to act accordingly. 3. Give us a deep understanding and a deep compassion for those heading towards a Christless eternity, O Lord. 4. Help us to understand the true depth of the wickedness of sin that makes hell necessary so we may be careful to walk in the ways of God. 5. Give us divine appointments arranged by you, O Lord, for us to witness to those who may not have another opportunity to hear the Gospel before they die. 16:25-26 24 Luke A great chasm 1. Lord, since your Word tells us that it is appointed once for a person to die and then comes the judgment, give us a sense of urgency for the task of evangelism. 2. May the knowledge that we have only one lifetime in which to serve you motivate us to seek and reach those who are, as yet, unsaved. 3. Move us even now as we pray, to have mercy on the lost; we cry to you to help us reach them. 4. As we thank you for the Cross that saves us from eternal separation from God, may we bring the Good News to someone today. 5. Lord, since all things are possible to you, help us see the salvation of those whom we have thought are too hard to be saved. 16:27-31 25 Luke More prayer for the hard of heart 1. Cause those, for whom we have prayed for a long time but who have remained hardened in their hearts, to start seeking and finding you now, O Lord. 2. For every atheist we know, O Holy Spirit, bring them to the place of belief. 3. For every person we know, who is involved in witchcraft or is seeking out evil spirits, save them before it is too late, we pray. 4. Cause the secular TV stations that are happy to undermine the truth of the Bible


and to undermine the things of Christ, to desire to portray the truth of the Gospel. 5. Sweep away the ungodly attitude in all the institutions of this land that seek to exclude the truth of the Gospel on the grounds of ‘not wanting to offend people’. 18:1-8 26 Luke Persistent in prayer 1. You have shown us there are some situations that need persistent prayer, O Lord, so give us the tenacity to keep praying until we see a breakthrough. 2. Cause us never to give up in prayer and, when we feel discouraged, please quicken our inner spirit. 3. Give us the faith that never doubts but always perseveres and trusts in the God of the impossible. 4. Cause us never to lose sight of the truth, O Lord, that your desire to see the lost saved - no matter who they are - is far greater than our own. 5. Lord, when you look at each of us, we pray that you will indeed find the faith in our hearts and lives that you are looking for. 18:9-14 27 Luke Praying for the self-righteous 1. Help us not to be guilty of hypocrisy, but to ensure we only ever trust in your righteousness and not in our own selfrighteousness. 2. May we never glory in our own good works, but may you have all the glory for any successes we achieve. 3. Lord, teach us how to rely on you totally and not on ourselves, so that the power of your Holy Spirit can be constantly at work in and through us. 4. We break the power of any religious spirit that is operating over our area, causing people to trust in religion and good works, rather than in the Cross of Christ. 5. May we not be like the church of Laodicea, who trusted in their own efforts, but rather like the church of Philadelphia, to whom you gave an open door of revival. 18:9-14 28 Luke The humble will be exalted 1. Forgive us our pride, O Lord, and help us daily to recognise it and to remove it from every part of our lives. 2. Let our attitude be the same as Christ Jesus who, being in very nature God, did

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017

not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing. 3. Teach us to be like Jesus, who took on the very nature of a servant and humbled himself, becoming obedient even to death on a cross. 4. May we truly understand that the pathway to greatness and effective service for God is not by self-promotion, but by humbling ourselves before our God. 5. As we humble ourselves under your mighty hand, heavenly Father, we pray that you will lift us up in due time. 19:11-14 29 1 Luke Entrusted with God’s gifts 1. Cause each of us to remember that you have given each of us talents and abilities that you require us to use for your Kingdom, and give us willing hearts to do so. 2. We ask now, O God, that you reveal to each of us any gift or talent we have that we are not currently using for you; motivate us to use them for your glory. 3. Bless all those in the church who have practical gifts and ministries; may they use them for your glory. 4. Bless those in the church who have charismatic gifts; may they use them for your glory. 5. Teach us to remember that it is not how great or how many our gifts and talents are, but rather how faithfully we use those you have entrusted to us. 19:15-26 1 Luke 30 Rewards for the faithful 1. As we thank you, Father, that our work for the Lord is not in vain, keep us encouraged through every trial whilst here on earth. 2. Help us to remain faithful for all our time here on earth, and to finish the race well. 3. May we never bury any of the talents and gifts you have given us, but always to make full use of them - no matter how great or small we may think they are. 4. We thank you, Lord, that there awaits every believer a glorious eternity in the presence of the perfect King of all kings and his eternal joy. 5. Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you have triumphed over every one of your enemies and will rule in righteousness, joy and peace forever and ever.



11am to 1pm

Saturday 12th August

Saturday 9th September

Acton Brentford Chiswick Hanwell Hayes Hounslow Northolt Pinner Shepherd’s Bush Uxbridge West Ealing

Acton Brentford Chiswick Ealing Broadway Greenford Hanwell Hayes Isleworth Northolt Shepherd’s Bush Twickenham West Drayton


Read the updates from the Local Lighthouse Evangelism teams on pages 8 and 9. POLISH FELLOWSHIP Elim Springs Every Sunday @ 2:30pm In the FOYER

ECC Japanese Fellowship Every Sunday @ 2:30pm In the MAIN AUDITORIUM For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA


Call our confidential prayer line for ANY need 24 hours a day 7 days a week

020 8799 2199 DAILY REVIVAL PRAYER MEETINGS Monday to Friday Morning meetings 10.00am to 11.00am - Annexe Room 2* EVENing meetings 6.00pm to 7.00pm - Foyer (*accessible from Northfields Avenue)


MONTHLY REVIVAL & HEALING MEETINGS Second Sunday evening of every month at 6.30pm Sunday 13th August Sunday 10th September

DELIVERANCE MEETINGS For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder NO MEETING IN AUGUST Saturday 16th September For non-ECC attenders: Please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060

ALL-NIGHT PRAYER MEETINGS Last Friday of every month 10.00pm to 5.00am A night of intercession, celebration, thanksgiving and praise Friday 25th August Friday 29th September GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017


Note from the Treasurer Principles of G iving 1. The Lord Jesus wants us to give for the right reasons.

Jesus warned His disciples not to give for the sake of being admired by men. “Beware of practising your righteousness before men to be noticed by them,” He said, in Matthew 6:1. When we give, we must be careful to examine our motives. We ought to give for the glory of God and for the good of His people. We must desire His approval of our giving, rather than the praise and admiration of others.

2. The Lord Jesus wants us

Sunday services Celebration service

9.00am to 10.45am

with classes for Children & Youth

Celebration service

11.15am to 1.00pm

with classes for Children & Youth

Japanese service Polish service Evening service

2.30pm to 4.30pm in Auditorium

2.30pm to 4.30pm in Foyer

6.30pm to 8.00pm

See ‘What’s On at ECC’ on page 23 for details


Prayer meetings

10.00am & 6.00pm

Prayer meetings

10.00am & 7.30pm



Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Little Stars’ Parents & Tots Term-time only 10.00am to 12.00pm Wednesday Afternoon Fellowship 2.00pm to 3.30pm


Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Life skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm Registration required

to practise benevolent or charitable giving.

Jesus said: “When you give to the poor…” (Matthew 6:2-3). He is specifically teaching about “alms” in this passage: aid, charity or benevolent offerings for the needy. Do support the church in giving to the needy.

Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Ministry skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm

3. The Lord Jesus reminds us

Street evangelism

that our giving is ultimately to the all-seeing heavenly Father. Jesus said: “When you give, your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” (Matthew 6:3-4). When we give, we are not simply adding to the church budget, we are giving up a thank offering to the Father Himself. Thus, we must all give “as unto the Lord”. Our ultimate goal in giving is to please Him. May the Lord bless you richly, as you continue to give to Kingdom work cheerfully. Amen Sandra Dawodu


WEEKLY Meetings


All-night Prayer

Registration required

10.00pm to 5.00am

Last Friday of the month


11.00am to 1.00pm


FOR YOUR FAITHFUL GIVING TO GOD’S WORK MAY 2017 JUNE 2017 Tithes & Offerings £42,841.05 £43,934.85 Building Fund £5,140.60 £9,114.11 Standing Orders £18,799.80 £18,518.40

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017

WHAT WE BELIEVE Elim Pentecostal Churches 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally given, to be without error, the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and co-eternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10. THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11. THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12. THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.


Sunday Services at a glance 9.00am, 11.15am, 6.30pm


August am 6th pm

PRAISE & COMMUNION Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton CELEBRATION EVENING Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan

am 13th pm

CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Mark King

am 20th pm

CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

am 27th pm

REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton

HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton FILM NIGHT: The Atheist Delusion

Think there’s no evidence for God? Think again! (followed by BBQ in the carpark)

am 3rd pm am 10th pm am 17th pm am 24th pm

PRAISE & COMMUNION Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Mark King CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton CELEBRATION SERVICE Guest Worship Leaders: Nathan & Lou Fellingham HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton


Speaker: Pastor Aogu Tateyama

EQUIPPERS equipping for life skills equipping for ministry skills

THURSDAYS - 7.30pm to 9.30pm 5th October to 23rd November STREAM 1 Life-equipping Bible Studies

STREAM 2 Life Skills

Know what and why we believe

1. Marriage Course

Includes: the Bible as God’s infallible Word; the Church; the Ministry; Heaven; Hell; the Trinity; the Sinfulness of Mankind; the Ordinances

2. Parenting Course

FRIDAYS 7.30pm to 9.30pm 6th October to 10th November

NEW COURSES for October & November SATURDAYS Times & Dates tbc

Ministry Skills

King’s Development Programme

Engaging with Muslims with Imtiaz Khan

To facilitate life and professional skills for young men and women

(London City Mission)

Includes: Leadership; Public Speaking; CV Development; Interview Preparation; Goal Setting; Money Matters; Entrepreneurship; Workplace Field Trips, and more

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017




GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017


Suzanne Warner Embracing new challenges as a Discipleship Cell leader


am so excited at becoming a new Discipleship Cell leader. It’s something I never thought I could do, but by God’s grace He has led me here. I’ve attended Hilda’s Cell for over 10 years, and during this time, I’ve not only met some wonderful women, but have also grown spiritually and emotionally. I’ve really enjoyed attending Hilda’s Cell, and she has been such a great role model to me. To be honest, I really didn’t want to become a Cell leader, because it meant I’d have to leave her Cell group, and I didn’t want that responsibility! However, the Lord had other plans for me. In the last couple of years, He has spoken to me indirectly through Hilda and through others about becoming a Cell leader. I put it off for some years and finally, after completing the Equippers Course, I felt better prepared to embrace this new challenge. I don’t think I will ever be really ready, but God wants us to face new challenges and to trust Him in all things. And that is what I am doing: trusting in Him. My one goal in life is to be like Christ, and one way of serving

I hope I can be a good role model to my sisters in Christ, the way Hilda has been for me

third Saturday of each month. We also have Discipleship Cell group socials, such as ‘Film Night’ to watch a Christian film, and a tea party is planned this summer. I’m sure we will be organising many more.

Him is to serve others the way He has served us. Therefore, I want to show God’s compassion and unconditional love by helping my sisters in Christ to grow spiritually and to have a deeper relationship with Him.

I look forward to having wonderful fellowship and deeper friendships with my sisters in Christ in my new Cell group, and hope I can be a good role model to them the way Hilda has been for me.

By helping others, I know that I will also have a deeper relationship with Him myself. My current Discipleship Cell group in Acton consists of six ladies from different nationalities and backgrounds, and another Cell member will be joining us soon. It’s amazing that it doesn’t matter where you come from or what you do, we can all share Christ’s love for each other. We follow the normal format of Cell - Welcome, Witness, Worship and Word - and there are enough of us to all contribute. We really feel the presence of God during our time of fellowship. Although we meet every Tuesday at my home, we also participate in the Lighthouse Evangelism, alternating between Ealing Broadway and West Ealing on the

Recently, with the help of a team, we organised a Discipleship Cell group social event, with many of us from various Discipleship Cell groups having a meal together at a large Chinese restaurant. It was truly fun-and-fellowship time, getting to know other sisters from other Cell groups whom we’d not met before. Many new friendships were formed. It also gave an opportunity for Cell groups to bring with them friends from outside of ECC, and it was good to see some new people at the meal too.

If you would like to join a Discipleship Cell group, please fill in one of the Discipleship Cell registration forms at the Information Desk, and place it in Pastor Rajinder’s pigeonhole in the Auditorium. GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017



Please email your Wedding, New Baby and other good news to SHARON GRANT at




Tsuyoshi and Moe EJIRI on the birth of their SON Kay on 23rd April 2017 Weight: 3.2kg


Charlie-Roy and Susuana OCANSEY on the birth of their DAUGHTER Eleanor on 23rd April 2017

Saturdays 16th September 28th October 9th December

TIME OUT WITH GOD Monday 11th September Pick-up from ECC at 8.30am and return at 6.00pm Cost is £20, which includes transport (£6.50), lunch and refreshments. Please contact Sharon in the church office to book your seat.

2pm - 6pm



EDNESDAY Afternoon Fellowship





Please contact Sherine or Sharon via ECC church office for further information 26

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017

6th 13th 20th 27th

Lola Vassell with Pastor Bob Jasmin Jeffrey with Merle Aqui Lola Vassell with Dale Adebakin Pastor Bob with ... Pastor Bob



at the first half of 2017

Mother’s Day Sunday 26th March

Father’s Day Sunday 18th June

Our adorable little ones from the Puggles and Sparks classes (ages 2 to Year 2) offered a delightful dance presentation for our mothers that day!

A BIG Thank You to the Olabode family and to Seni Ogunmilade for their participation and superb effort during the Father’s Day event. They gave a

The children themselves had a wonderful time on stage.

by Ann Vorkel

Way to go, children!

Easter – Sunday 16th April To celebrate Easter Day, our T&T children (Year 4 to Year 6) presented an upbeat and fun dance number that expressed the message of freedom found in Jesus Christ. heartwarming dance skit performance about a bond between a father and his daughter.

Year 6 and Year 7 Day Out at Oxygen Freejumping The Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry organised a trip to Oxygen Free Jumping Acton on 31st May 2017 for the Year 6 children and Year 7 youth groups. This activity aimed to connect our Year 6 children with Year 7 youth as they prepare to move up to the Youth Group. (See pictures on page 29.)

Team Training at Milton Keynes Saturday 17th June Our Children’s Ministry core team took a two-hour drive to Milton Keynes to participate in Elements Children’s Ministry Conference. This was a full day training session to equip Children’s Ministry workers to build a ministry “where children can discover Jesus for themselves, grow in their faith, and are transformed from the inside out”. Some of the breakout and workshop sessions we participated in were: • Engaging kids in worship • Building a special needs ministry • Building different levels of relationships in your community • Experience ‘Discovery Kids Live’ • Build with a purpose • How to run an effective and engaging small group

and looking ahead to this summer... Summer Midweek ECC Kids’ Club

Every Wednesday for the whole month of August! 10:30am to 12:30pm, ECC Foyer A midweek summer programme for children aged 7 to 11 years old

Kids’ Summer Olympics

Sunday 20th August, 9:30am and 11:15am, ECC Foyer Children will compete with fun racing games and more.

Adventure Days Themed Kids’ Service Sunday 24th September, ECC Foyer Children will be taken into an “adventure” and learn the secret to everlasting life!

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017



Vanessa Karera


t was a hot summer afternoon. I was in a marquee, surrounded by 600 people and yet felt as if I were all alone. That was the moment I chose to leave all I thought I knew and follow Jesus.

Despite growing up in a Catholic family and attending church every Sunday as a child, I knew very little about the Gospel and didn’t become a Christian until I was 17 years old. My testimony is a big part of the reason how I ended up in youth ministry. I became a Christian due to the perseverance, prayer and mentoring of a youth leader. Her passion for God and for young people intrigued me enough to attend the annual youth summer camp, where I met God for myself and made the decision of a lifetime. My name is Vanessa Karera. I was born in Rwanda, but grew up in the Congo due to the Rwandese Civil War. I moved to London when I was seven years old and have lived here ever since. The move itself was life-changing for more than one reason: before moving, I found out my parents were not really my parents, but my aunt and uncle. Due to the war, drastic measures had to be taken to ensure that we were not discovered to be refugees; my birth mother lived in London, and we were moving to live with her. Additionally, I didn’t know any English. My personal testimony is one of redemption and healing, whether it has been mental health, family life or academic failure, God has taken me on a journey of restoration, and all I’ve achieved strongly reflects that, as I know I wouldn’t have been able to do it all without Him. My vision as a youth worker is for this to reflect through my work and interaction with the young people I work with. My desire is for them to not only know the fundamental truth of the Gospel, but to also intimately know God for themselves. My vision for the next 10 years of ECC youth is to create an environment where young people are encouraged to explore their creativity in whatever form that may take, and use it to cultivate their personal relationship with God. I’m passionate about equipping our young people to not only be disciples, but to also use their God-given creativity to go out and make disciples in their own spheres of life.


y personal testimony is one of redemption and healing, whether it has been mental health, family life or academic failure, God has taken me on a journey of restoration, and all I’ve achieved strongly reflects that Vanessa is joining ECC as the assistant youth worker. Together, we will have the privilege of providing leadership, vision and pastoral care for the youth and young adults of ECC. Having just finished her degree at Regents Theological College in Applied Theology and Youthwork, she is someone who has a passion for young people and to see them connect with God. I am excited for the future of the Youth department, as we continue to raise and equip a generation to lead in the sphere of life that God has placed them, whilst changing the atmosphere everywhere they go!

Pastor Alex Morgan 28

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017



by Maiya Pillay


race competitively as a rower.

Last year was one of the hardest years for me in rowing: I had broken my leg, and missed out racing at three of the biggest races that year. These also happened to be the races where my whole squad won national medals, and I was left watching on the sidelines. That feeling of being left out continued to build, as I hadn’t always been given the same opportunities in training as everyone else. It was hard for me to find motivation and hope, as I was being left behind while they were accelerating. Then I hit rock bottom. I thought there was no point continuing, that there was no hope for me, as I would never reach the standard of everyone else.

However, I didn’t give up, and used my faith to keep going and keep trying. I turned to God and asked Him to give me the willpower and hope I needed to carry on. From then on, I proceeded to work twice as hard as my peers to get to their level, all of which required faith, hope and trust in the Lord - and in myself. When you have a goal and, more importantly, a desire to achieve it, there are no obstacles you won’t overcome. The following year, I won a bronze medal at national schools, making us the third best in the country and, a few months later, I

won a gold medal, which brought my family and me implausible joy. The satisfaction I felt was worth the time and effort in the end. Hope is a will. If you have the will to hope, and have faith in the Lord, then all things are possible. I am thankful for the hope and courage my parents have helped me to grasp, by never giving up on me and putting all they have into me. What is hoped for may or may not come to pass, but hope in the Lord gives us strength; teaches us patience, and brings encouragement. Having hope brought me all these things, and enabled me to achieve what I thought was impossible.

Year 6 & 7 trip OXYGEN FREEJUMPING Recently, the Youth department teamed up with the Children’s department to take our Years 6 and 7 to Oxygen Freejumping and Pizza Hut. We had a great time with them, bouncing around the park, and finished with as much pizza and icecream we could eat. This was a way of beginning to transition our children into the Youth department, so that when they arrive in high school, they will already know some of the young people from church.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017



GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017


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