Grapevine 2017 issue 86 junjul2017 fullcol

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ISSUE 86 June/July 2017

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Ealing Christian Centre



Pentecostal Church

One family of many nations proclaiming one Gospel through many disciples



from the Philippines by Pastor Mark


Tribute to Pastor John & Lynette Starr

TESTIMONIES SPECIAL God touching the lives of members of the ECC family

A word from the

See what the LORD O

n 24th May 1844, the very first electronic message - the prelude to modern international communications - was sent. Samuel Morse, in the system of dots and dashes that bears his name, sent the message: ‘What hath God wrought?’ quoting Numbers 23:23. It was a public acknowledgment that it was God who had created all the exciting things behind what men and women of science were able to discover. Today we would it express more, as in the words of the New International Version of the Bible: ‘See what God has done!’ This phrase appears at different points in the Bible, as grateful and excited individuals acknowledged and testified to God’s personal intervention in their lives, and in the affairs of humankind in this world. Sharing our testimonies - and what God has done for us - is an important aspect to our being ambassadors for Jesus, and the salt and light in this world he has called us to be. When Jesus totally healed, delivered and transformed a man - whose life had been so wrecked that he had spent it living in tombs completely deranged - he told the man: “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how he has shown mercy on you” (Mark 5:19). But the man did not stop at merely telling his family; he told everyone and anyone who would listen in the town and surrounding area where he had lived and grown up. Everyone knew and could see the remarkable transformation Jesus had made in his life. Jesus continues to touch people’s lives and bring about all manner of transformations, as we see from the testimonies in this edition of our magazine.

she said she could never have done before. She later testified on the Sunday that all day Saturday she had been shifting compost in the garden without any pain. Throughout Saturday I spoke to them about deliverance, and around seventy people stayed for the deliverance meeting that concluded the day. It was obvious that people were being set free all through the congregation, again with many testimonies that followed. On Sunday they had two morning services. The first started at 9.00am, where we continued to encourage them to expect to see God supernaturally working in their midst. All power and authority has been given to Jesus, but he has commissioned his Church to go in his Name to preach the Gospel, see the sick healed, and deliver people from evil spirits. As we ended with a time of ministry, releasing those who had been trained over the weekend to minister healing to the sick, many remarkable healings took place. The first service merged into the 11.00am service - without a break - and the 11.00am service did not finish until 2.15pm. It was such an exciting time that effectively the morning meeting was 5¼ hours long! It was a long weekend of teaching and ministry but, because of all the excitement of what God was doing in our midst, somehow no one felt tired, and were happy to remain in such an atmosphere.

One woman had had a number of physical problems, but demonstrated her healing by lifting a chair over her head, which

A great shout went up from the congregation at some point, as they witnessed the woman who had been healed on Friday now


At the beginning of May, Rajinder and I were at the Ipswich Elim Pentecostal church, where we had been invited to help them go further in experiencing the supernatural touch of God. On the Friday evening, Rajinder showed them how to pray effectively for the sick. As they then prayed for each other, immediately many people were getting healed all over the building, and came forward to share their testimonies, demonstrating actions that could never have been done before their healing. As their minister, Pastor Harold Afflu, observed: “There were more than a hundred people present, who actively engaged with putting into practice what they had learnt. Many reports were given of instant healing of back and neck problems. Testimonies of improvement of conditions that people had suffered with for a number of years were also reported.”


Photos supplied by Pastor Rajinder

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017



has done!



A Word from the Senior Pastor MISSIONS UPDATE: The Philippines






Update from the teams AGAPÉ TRUMPS ACTIVITY


Practical Truths by Roy McEwen



Tribute by Pastor Richard Buxton BEING THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE RIGHT SEASON by Pastor John Starr




Testimonies from Pastor Michael Sammy Sr PRAYERS FROM THE HEART


by Sylvester Olabode releasing her faith to pray for one member of the congregation, who for many months had been coming to church using a wheelchair or a walker with wheels. They knew her and, as they watched her now dancing, walking up and down at the front, bending over and twisting her hips - which she could not do before because of the pain - they could see clearly that Jesus was in their midst. People were in tears witnessing what was happening In addition one woman had been suffering from a rare illness. As she was being prayed for, she said she experienced what felt like electricity flowing through her body that continued for some time, and her “muscles were coming alive”. Afterwards, she was able to move in a way that she had been unable to do before. Curiously, on checking the Internet later about this rare illness, it said that in extreme cases patients are treated with electricity to try to get the muscles working properly again. In this case it seems it had been divine electricity. We were encouraged to hear that the church had prepared for this weekend by three days of prayer and fasting the week before we came. Their stated objective was to know more of God so they could take it out of the church as a demonstration of the reality of Jesus and his power today. They wanted to experience what happened when Philip ministered in the power of the Holy Spirit in Samaria, where it is recorded: ‘There was great joy in the city’ (Acts 8:8). Our objective was to deposit something in the church that would enable them to continue with an effective healing ministry and also a systematic and regular ministry of deliverance. Jesus wants us to do what he told that man to do: to go and tell people of our own experiences of his power to change and touch our lives, and to tell them: ‘See what the Lord has done!’ so they too can experience the power of Jesus to change their lives.

Richard Buxton If you would like an item to be considered for the next edition of the Grapevine magazine, please email your article to, marked 'For Grapevine'. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words, and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles where necessary. The deadline for the DECEMBER/JANUARY edition is no later than FRIDAY 30th JUNE 2017.



by Bongi Mvubu Two-month Prayer Diary pull-out


Evangelism & Prayer calendar


Weekly meetings/What we believe


Sunday Services/What’s on at ECC




compiled by Sharon Grant IMAGINE




compiled by Pastor Rajinder Buxton THANKS, DAD!




by Kofo Boboye MISSIONS UPDATE (contd)




Editor-in-Chief: Senior Pastor Richard Buxton Editor & Design: Berean Services UK Email: Photography: Roy McEwen plus various contributors from ECC Stock Images:,,, Google images - COVER PHOTO: Print: Deluxe Printers Ltd, London NW10 7NR, Tel: 020 8965 1771 Ealing Christian Centre, 268 Northfield Avenue, Ealing, London W5 4UB Tel: 020 8840 7508 Fax: 020 8840 1461 Email: Website: Grapevine is published by Ealing Christian Centre. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Grapevine and the ECC logo are trademarks of Ealing Christian Centre in the United Kingdom where Grapevine circulates. Copyright © Ealing Christian Centre 2017. All rights reserved.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017





n April 2017, a short-term mission team from Ealing Christian Centre (ECC) partnered with Global Ekklesia Ministries International Cebu (GEMI) to minister in the Visayan region of the Philippines. The packed itinerary took in the islands of Cebu, Hilotongan and Leyte, where ECC have planted churches over the past 12 years. The following are some of the highlights and testimonies of the amazing ways God used the ECC team and continues to use the GEMI team in the Philippines.

12th Anniversary of GEMI O

n the 8th of April, Portland Christian Centre celebrated its 12th anniversary. In 2005, Mark and Cora King, together with their family, planted the first GEMI church in Portland, Danao. The ECC team took part in the celebrations, ministering through worship, drama, cooking and helping with the children’s ministry.

Hilotongan Island Outreach H

ilotongan is a small island situated north-west of Cebu. It can only be reached by small pam-boats, as there are no roads. Hilotongan has no fresh water or electricity, and life is very difficult. Despite this, the people are hungry, and open to the Word of God. The ECC team conducted an outreach on an open-air basketball court, where many people were prayed for and some received healing in the Name of Jesus!


continued on pages 30 and 31 GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017




y name is Hilda Olabode, and I am a member of ECC. I want to testify that God is true to His Word, and He does what He says He will do if only you obey His instructions. He is not a man that He would lie to us.

Sixteen years ago, my father fell ill and died. A successful businessman, he left behind two daughters - whom he was proud of, even as girls - famously calling us his ‘two eyes’, and left many assets in properties but died intestate (without a will). After his burial, my uncle had a meeting with my sister and me, and told us that we were not to inherit our father’s estate because we were girls. He was to keep the assets - and that was his final decision. He also added that he would only help us if we fell ill and needed medical treatment, only then would he give any financial assistance. We angrily asked if he was wishing for us to be sick, but he said we shouldn’t ask for any other help from him, only in case of sickness. We then told other family members to help us, but they were all prevented from doing so by my uncle. My sister and I decided, let there be WAR. We took matters into our hands and fought back legally through lawyers, but their charges were too high. We decided to go to human rights organisations, but still didn’t succeed. During the process, however, my elder sister fell ill and passed away. I was left alone, and decided to allow the matter to rest after I lost my beloved sister. For 16 years I did not communicate with my uncle. I said I would

never forgive him, and continued with my life. I decided to attend one of the Women’s Encounter meetings, after a lot of ‘persuasion’ from Pastor Rajinder and my husband, which – to be honest – I felt I’d been practically bullied into doing! When I arrived at the Encounter, amidst the teaching, the worship, the atmosphere and the venue, though, I experienced a revival - spiritually and physically - that brought smiles to my face I had never felt before. I found myself with no husband and children with me - only God. It was an amazing feeling, and I decided to thank my husband and Pastor Rajinder in my heart - no longer for what I called ‘bullying’ but for their encouragement. God knew I needed that getaway to meet Him face to face.

After our return, Pastor Rajinder preached about forgiveness and how it gives you peace, that we should allow God to fight our battles and also be the Judge of every situation. I then found myself crying to God in front of the stage, and someone handed me a tissue. Suddenly, I heard a voice inside of me saying “YOU MUST FORGIVE”, then I searched my heart and found only my uncle. I forgave him. I told myself I would call my uncle in a week’s time, giving myself time to think about what I would say to him when I called. But three days later, a strange number called me from abroad. When I answered, the voice was my uncle’s, and I immediately told my husband. I had mixed feelings of shock but also I was filled with

joy, knowing that he was a man full of pride and would never have called anyone. He said, “My daughter, what’s going on? How long will this malice continue? I want to see you.” I replied, “When?” and he said, “Immediately.” He also offered to buy me the air ticket costing nearly £1,000, which I thought was very generous. I travelled abroad to meet with my uncle and we made peace. Afterwards, a meeting with other family members was arranged, without me knowing the reason. At that meeting my uncle, in the presence of the other family members, brought out a file containing all the original documents of the properties my father owned that were remaining in his possession, and handed it over to me. He also said I should sign to say all my father’s assets had been handed back to me, as they were rightfully mine. I was shocked, speechless and tearful, and received it with thanks. We all had dinner together to celebrate the peace that God had restored to the family.

Words of appreciation to all you pastors of ECC, elders and members, who keep helping us to make decisions that change our lives, and for encouraging us to attend various meetings for our nourishment and revival. I am a living witness and proof of the results this brings to life, and also for helping me take my baby steps with Jesus Christ. I am proud to be a member of God’s family through Ealing Christian Centre.

Hilda Olabode GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017



We had a great time witnessing with our team. We had mini Easter eggs and sweets to give the children, which broke the ice, and parents gratefully received tracts. We spoke to one elderly lady about the Easter message. She attended the Catholic Church. I noticed she had difficulty walking, so I prayed for healing and the pain in her hip went. She insisted on paying me something, but I insisted I didn’t want to take any money. Another lady had had a series of illnesses since Christmas. It began with her head, then her arm, and now her hands were weak and had no feeling. She had little movement in her first three fingers. I prayed for her and she was delighted to receive prayer. I was speaking to a gentleman about how God wants to heal him. He knows the Lord, and accepted prayer for healing from diabetes. He showed an interest in ECC and hopes to visit sometime. We gave out all the tracts, and saw many happy children’s faces light up because of the Easter eggs.




Team leaders: Jenny and Cornelia


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017



Team leaders: Sylvie, Sylvester and Florence



man once said: “God will lift you out of your deepest pit and despair, but He will not lift you out of your easy chair.” Stories below challenge us to do something for God, so that He can do something impossible through us. Pastor Rajinder Buxton

God’s grace and presence were felt very strongly during the evangelism. Most shoppers and passers-by were very receptive - both young and old - and were willing to receive the tracts we offered to them. A lot of people stopped to talk to us and asked questions about our faith, denomination and Jesus, and we were able to have appropriate discussions and explanations with a few of them. One lady was limping because of an injured leg. We prayed for her, and she could exercise her leg afterwards. We are trusting that God will heal her leg completely. People were given the opportunity to give their lives to Jesus. Most declined, saying they would think about it or make the decision another day, but one man gave his life to Jesus. He very willingly took a tract from Sylvie, who explained that Jesus loved him. He replied that a lady, who had just found Jesus, had said the very same thing to him. He later accepted Jesus Christ into his heart and life and promised to attend ECC with his girlfriend.

Team leaders: Tannica and Sandra

Evangelism went well. We joined together at 10am in a local community centre, and prayed together before we went out on the streets. The presence of the Lord was powerful, and we were sure that a great work would be accomplished. It was a blessing for us to work together in unity. God used each one of us differently. Some on the team encouraged the passers-by; some prayed for the people, and others invited the unsaved to ECC. It was a beauty to see the team functioning in different ways to accomplish our God-given goal of soul winning and evangelism. People were receptive, as seeds of righteousness were planted in their hearts, and we wait to hear testimonies. Based on the experiences shared from group, we realise that Olu was a mighty warrior in prayer; Aunt Lucy was filled with discernment; Pauline reached out by extending invitations to church, while George defended the truth of the Gospel. God used us mightily to encourage young people and believers who seemed to have drifted from their faith.




re we at risk of enjoying the activities of church, but not loving the people as we have been commanded to? Jesus gave this commandment to His disciples: “Love one another as I have loved you.” Do we love ‘as Jesus has loved us’? Be encouraged. I must confess something. I tried ignoring this understanding, because the premise seemed judgemental to me and, while I believe in speaking truth, I don’t especially like being judgemental. However, I received some information about a wellknown man of God that completely shook me. So I decided to complete what I was given - no matter how it comes across. Are we loving enough? Yes, there’s plenty of work to do; yes, we want to fill all the empty seats; yes, we need to raise funds for the building extension; yes, we need to expand missions abroad... Great. More than all these ‘things’, though, we need to love one another as Jesus has loved us. Can we say, with hands on hearts, that we are doing this 100% with our brothers and sisters? Or has the love of activity replaced the love of people? To sustain all the things we need to do, only one thing will get us through the good, bad and ugly times: loving each other as Jesus has loved us. ‘And this is His command: to believe in the Name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as He commanded us’ (1 John 3:23). Paul writes that when prophecies cease, when miracles cease, the only thing that will remain is love. He gave a detailed explanation of what love is, and ended with the statement that the greatest of all the spiritual gifts is love.

our work is 100% spiritual. We ‘work’ as unto our Father in heaven. There’s no ‘volunteer’ or ‘paid servant’; all serve as they are called. So let’s challenge this spirit of fear that makes us reluctant to love, but eager to appear ‘strong’. Let’s challenge the spirit of fear that prevents us putting the people to spiritual work. Let’s challenge the spirit of condemnation that makes us call people by horrible names: backslider, carnal, spiritually lazy. Our job is to love. Simple. Loving is a vulnerable pursuit, if you are doing so in your flesh. Concerns about being a doormat, or allowing people to walk all over us, or needing to be careful, or having wisdom are all flesh-preserving concerns. Remember, Jesus said we are to lay down our lives: “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for Me and for the Gospel will save it” (Mark 8:35). Let’s love from our spirit; let’s manifest love in all its fullness, as the apostles did in Acts. “All the believers were together and had everything in common, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:44-47). Growth in numbers follows our decision to love each other as Jesus loves us. Are you ready to love? Be encouraged.


Jesus explains what it will be like at the end. He said He will welcome us with: “When I was hungry, you fed Me; when I was thirsty, you gave Me drink; when I was in prison, you came to visit Me.” Love in action, indeed. Are we feeding, clothing, quenching thirst, comforting those in prison? Are we being put to work on love-actions? There is a spirit of fear that manifests in the belief that you can’t make volunteers do things, because you are not paying them. This belief is direct from the heart of the devil himself, and here’s why: Is the objective of the work we do physical or spiritual? In Jesus,

More than all these ‘things’, though, we need to love one another as Jesus has loved us. Can we say, with hands on hearts, that we are doing this 100% with our brothers and sisters? GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017




THANK YOU Pastor John & Lynette Starr

s you will read from his article (opposite), Pastor John Starr will be retiring from the pastoral ministry at the end of June, and is currently making plans to move to be nearer his family. Those of us who have been at ECC for some time will know that he has been ministering into the life of ECC over a number of years now. Pastor John planted an Elim church in Perivale in 2004, named ‘Petra’ and, a year later, at ECC we were needing help to restructure our midweek small groups. So, while still running Petra, Pastor John agreed to help out in ECC on a parttime basis, to reorganise, structure and help us run what became our midweek Discipleship Cells for men, women and youth. We have been running these Cells in this way ever since, and it has helped not only in the discipleship growth of many individuals, but has also allowed a large number of people to embark upon and participate in spiritual leadership for the first time, as they trained for and then led Cells. Pastor John and his wife, Lynette, also led us initially in embarking upon the


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017

‘Encounter Weekends’, where the men and the women and the youth each go away for a weekend to encounter God in the power of the Holy Spirit, away from the distractions and pressures of our normal, busy lifestyles. These have continued each year, with many lives being impacted for God and changed as a result. In addition, Pastor John was one of the original participants with us in setting up our Equippers International Training Centre in 2007, where we began initially with a full-time ministry training course, and then also added a part-time course in the following year. This required a great deal of time and work, over and above the regular responsibilities of running a church, but several students were able to enter the pastoral ministry as a result. Whilst Pastor Chris Ragg oversaw this work - before later feeling called back to the missionfield, where he now ministers Pastor John has been a regular teacher in the classes, and had a great pastoral and spiritual input into the lives of many. As a result, many students have passed through EITC and benefited from Pastor John’s teaching ministry and pastoral experience.

Pastor John also led EITC after Pastor Chris’s return to the missionfield and, up to the time we transitioned EITC to the current revised format, ‘Equippers’, he has continued to teach right up to the time of his retirement. So all at ECC are grateful for the input he and Lynette have put in over all these years, input which will be missed by many others, too. And we say: “Thank you, Pastor John and Lynette for everything.” As he retires from the responsibilities of leading a church (recognising, however, that he hasn’t retired from ‘Kingdom’ business!), here at ECC we all pray God’s blessing, guidance and direction for the current timing in their lives, as the Lord prepares to use them in the new sphere of ministry he already has planned for them. ECC will continue to have a close relationship with Petra as a sister church, as they look to see the direction God will now lead them in, and we continue to pray for the full destiny of God to be fulfilled that he has called them to accomplish.

Richard Buxton

on behalf of the Leadership team, staff and members of ECC



Being the right person for the right season

his will be my last Grapevine article at ECC. After 47 years of Christian ministry, I will be retiring from being a pastor at the end of June. I have been part of ECC for 13 of these years, and I have been truly blessed by such a rewarding church community and gracious leadership.

Being ‘the right person’ is measured by being faithful to God’s plans - whatever the situation and whatever the response of others towards you

One of my dearly held values through all my years as a Christian has been to be the right person, in the right place, for the right time, for the right reason. Sometimes it has been ‘dearly held’, because it has cost dearly to stay true to it!

right season (Ecclesiastes 3:17). Opportunity is about timing. The Bible says there is a ‘kairos’ time to God’s will - an opportune time to God’s plans and purposes (Matthew 25:1-12). Lateness can cause you to miss an important appointment; leaving too soon can cause you to stillbirth God’s opportunity for you.

The Lord said to the Joshua generation: “I will give you the place you set your foot” (Joshua 1:3). To have influence and be effective in a place, we must occupy it. Rootedness leads to fruitfulness. This is what Jesus was saying when He referred to branches abiding in a vine. Jesus looks for ‘rootedness’. (Remember the four soils?) The level of your ‘rootedness’ determines the level of your spiritual authority. Rooting determines routing. The degree to which you are rooted in the will of God will determine the level of your effectiveness in routing the enemy. Being ‘the right person’ is, therefore, a matter of rootedness in the will of God. Being rooted in God’s will does not necessarily mean you will be popular with other people or materially prosperous. In fact, it can make you decidedly unpopular. Jesus knew what it was like to have many of His disciples turn back from following Him (John 6:66), and He died an ignominious death as a criminal upon a cross. Being ‘the right person’ is measured by being faithful to God’s plans - whatever the situation and whatever the response of others towards you. It requires conviction, courage, perseverance, submission, humility and hope. You will need to see things through to their proper end, and leave when circumstances change. You are a person under authority, yielded to your Master’s wishes. “Into Your hands, Lord, I commit my spirit.” Position involves placement. Being ‘the right person’ involves being in the right place – occupying the place the Lord appoints for you. Any place will not do. Success comes when you are the right person in the right place (1 Corinthians 12:18). ‘Abiding’ means remaining in place - even when the going gets tough, and you want to run away, or when the grass seems greener on the other side of the fence. Being ‘the right person’ is also about timing. You must be the right person in the right place for the right time. You must occupy the place of God’s appointment; not simply visit it from time to time. Residents are given greater rights in a country than those who are simply short-term visitors. You must stay in place for the season God appoints (Ecclesiastes 3:1). God’s assignments often have a ‘use-by date’. God’s success is in His timing, and the same is true for us. ‘The right person’ must be in the right place for the

You can be in the right place for the right time, but your heart can be in the wrong place; your motives can be false or sour. The quality of each person’s service is determined by his or her heart motive at the time. Resentment, laziness, jealousy, pride… these can destroy a person’s ministry. Looking to others’ welfare at the cost of your own comfort - has great value before God, and will earn His reward (Matthew 25:14-29). You must develop an overcoming attitude (1 John 4:4). Being ‘the right person’ requires conquering pessimism and developing optimism (ie. hope!). Pessimism makes difficulties of your opportunities; hope makes opportunities of your difficulties. Pessimism sees nothing but negativity in your future; hope sees your future as bright with possibilities. Only servants get to win in the Kingdom of God, and servants learn how to handle successes and disappointments. Handling success can be as difficult as failure; the temptations can be just as great. Disappointments are often God’s appointments for growth to spiritual maturity. “Many are called but few are chosen,” said Jesus. Being ‘the right person’ requires being yielded to the Lord’s will, occupying the place He chooses for you, for as long as He determines, and doing it with the right heart. “Well done, My good and faithful servant” are words all of us will want to hear on the Last Day. “Well done” because you have done well as His “servant”. Your heart has been ‘rooted’ in Him; you have occupied the places He had appointed for you - at the right times, for the right length of time, with the right heart attitude. God bless you. And thank you. A prayer: Lord, when You give Your servants any great endeavour to undertake, help us to know that it is not in the beginning but in the continuing of it until it is thoroughly finished which yields the true glory. We ask this through Him who hung upon the cross and said, “It is finished” - Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Pastor JOHN STARR GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017



Miracles from Guyana

Truly revival came to the family of Pastor Michael’s Sammy Sr – one of our Elim pastors in Guyana, who has planted six Elim churches. Many years ago, a team from ECC helped him plant his first church. Now, revival came into his family’s life, as three family members were simultaneously healed by the power of Jesus during our recent mission visit to Guyana, South America. The stories below were sent to my email after we returned to the UK. Pastor Rajinder Buxton

Michael Sammy Jr: “I have been troubled with back pain for over 12 years. I was only 11 when a schoolmate pulled me down from a height and my shinbone (tibia) was completely broken. As a result, my walking was affected, and when it eventually healed, my leg was shorter. This in turn caused back strain. When I was 16, I had been weightlifting regularly in the gym, and one day I heard my back snap as I was doing a deadlift. From then on, the pain intensified. I never really took it for anything; I’d just chalked it up to over-training because I had been training every day at the gym during that time. However, as the years went by, the pain became unbearable. A once fun-loving, athletic, outgoing young man, I was now confined a lot to my room, always in pain, either in my lower back or some other part of my back. Pain forced me to stop gym altogether, and I became sluggish. My parents thought of me as a premature ‘Old man’, as every day some other part of me started to hurt. It wasn’t until two years after I got married, I decided to go to the doctor as my back had become unbearable - to the point that I couldn’t walk. The X-ray technician immediately noticed my spine was really crooked, and that I needed to inform the doctor so he could prescribe the immediate steps to take.” Junior went from doctor to doctor without much result - and doctors are expensive in Guyana. “I finally couldn’t


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017

take it any longer. I couldn’t play with my daughter or wife for too long. Then my wife recommended a guy who practised the ancient art of acupressure (not acupuncture). He came and took one look at the X-rays I had done a year earlier, and said my entire right side was out of place, and that the depression in the discs of my lower back would cause pinched nerves - if it was not already happening (which it was!). The pain was bad, as anyone with pinched-nerve paid would know.” Junior received some measure of relief, but the pain came back again. “I then sought the help of another doctor this time, and the report I received from him was that I had the hip and back bone of a 60-year-old, and that I would continue to feel pain because my bones were brittle as well. As he reeled out problem after problem in my body, I just wondered if this was the end. The medication was really expensive, so I opted not to do treatment, but to visit a specialist chiropractor to carry out necessary treatment. By this time, I was having pain in every other part of my body - not just my back. I was tired of it, and I really did feel like an old man, with the pains I was having! I was going to make an appointment the next day, which happened to be the third night Pastors Richard and Rajinder Buxton were staying with us. I was doing the dishes, and then all of a sudden I dropped a teacup because I couldn’t move my thumb. It felt broken, and I couldn’t move it or hold anything in my hand because of the pain. I mentioned to my father that I would have to see the doctor in the morning and get this thumb strapped, and he told me, ‘Ask Pastor Rajinder, she is right there. She prayed for your mother and she was healed. Let her pray for you.’ Miraculously enough, Pastor Rajinder was passing by and overheard. She agreed to pray for me. Long story short, the pain in my thumb immediately left as she prayed.

As she went further in prayer for my back, that too was instantly healed. For as long as I can remember, this is the first time I really feel like a teenager. Thanks to GOD and the Buxtons. When I thought I couldn’t have felt any better, I received my deliverance, as both Pastor Richard and his wife prayed. I have never felt like this ever in my life - not ever. Spiritually, I feel on top of the world. I feel light, with a renewed fervency to serve God, but now physically I can accomplish it as well, because I have no pain. I am as ready as a fit soldier in the Kingdom of God, and am playing my part in this region of the vineyard. I am truly healed and delivered, and have been sharing God in every way I can. Thanks, Pastors Richard and Rajinder, for your humility and your faith in God, for allowing Him to send you to Guyana at this time. My life has changed forever.”

Evadney Sammy (Junior’s mother): “I had chronic back pain as a result of a botched surgery by a gynecologist many years ago. I had been to several doctors too, but to no avail. I couldn’t sit or stand for more than an hour. The painful discomfort affected my life in almost every area, including the relations with my long-suffering husband. At nights, I didn’t know how to position myself to sleep. I couldn’t wear close-fitting clothes


PRAYERS from the heart For encouragement, hope and assurance in the Lord For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


Jeremiah 29:11

verlasting Father, it’s so reassuring to know that I don’t have to be concerned about the future, because You have great plans for me. You know the smallest detail of my life: who I am, what I will do, and what I will become. You already knew my name and my destiny before I was even thought of or conceived. It is too hard for me to grasp such a thing. I struggle to find potential within myself, yet You have carefully set in place awesome things for me! Forgive me, Lord, for the times I have doubted whether my prayers would ever come to pass. For You alone have brought me to this point, and I can clearly see Your hand at work, gently and deftly orchestrating and ordering my steps. No matter what lies ahead, I will remember that You are faithful, and Your timing is always perfect. Lord, I believe Your promise that You have a marvellous, Godordained plan for my life – one that far exceeds anything I could ever imagine possible. My hope and my future are in You alone. I pray that only You will order my steps, and that those steps will take me to the centre of Your perfect and sovereign will. Amen

continued from previous page for long, and it seemed as if the rest of my life would be spent enduring this misery, until Pastor Rajinder came and commanded my healing. It was so amazing how God healed me. Praise God, I can now sit, sleep comfortably, travel long journeys, stand for several hours, and yet be pain-free. This healing was free – it cost me nothing but giving up my bad habits. I am extremely grateful that God sent Pastors Richard and Rajinder Buxton, and the way in which He used them to have

by Sylvester Olabode

May the Lord repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.


Ruth 2:12

y very great Reward, I see a pattern at work in Your creation. I see that good deeds are rewarded by goodness in return. I find that peacemakers gain peace for themselves; givers of gifts receive treasures, and the friendly make friends. When I stop to think about it, this principle exists everywhere I look. The stalk of corn in a farmer’s field comes directly from the grain planted in the farmer’s soil. The wealth from a rich man’s savings is the surplus of his first deposit. I am reminded of the simplicity of the rule referred to as ‘golden’, which describes the law of giving and receiving. It is a divine currency that transcends money, social status and age. An investment in kindness or consideration always returns rich dividends to the one giving. Anyone can share in the blessings! As I invest my life, O Lord, I will look to You for my reward. Grant me the gift that is most precious, the reward most prized, that I might dwell in Your presence all the days of my life. As I receive the reward of Your goodness and grace, I will have even more to invest. Amen

me go through the deliverance and healing processes. The results are obvious to all who know us.” Evadney, after receiving her healing, then prayed for her daughter-in-law, Debbie. Debbie had been having pain in her back ever since her difficult delivery of a healthy baby girl three years ago. Debbie is a seamstress who is a very talented lady, sewing all kinds of fashionable clothes, including wedding dresses. This is her livelihood.

barely sit in front of the sewing machine for long, as the pain in her back kicked in often, and sometimes she was confined to bed, finding it very hard to even get out of bed. It affected her career as a seamstress. Evadney commanded healing for her daughter-in-law. Her legs, which were out of alignment, came back into alignment, and the disc in her vertebrae went back into position. Her daughter-in-law is also having a new lease of life, pain-free and fulfilling her career. She is ever so grateful to Jesus.

Since the birth of her daughter, she could GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017





after prayer


n Saturday 4th March 2016, my sister died very suddenly. One minute she was there; the next she was gone - just like that.

As a family we decided to take her home for burial, and I fainted on the flight home to Zimbabwe. I didn’t think much of this, but decided to mention it to my GP when I returned home. She decided to be cautious and referred me to a cardiologist. Still I thought nothing of it. At my first appointment at the Cardiology department, I had an ECG done and a scan of my heart; everything was normal. However, they decided to do a 72-hour ECG - just to be absolutely sure everything was OK. When these results came back, however, I was shocked to be told that I had a first-degree heart block, and that my heartbeat sometimes went as low as 33 beats a minute (normal average is 60-100). I was then told that I would need to have a pacemaker fitted, as there was a danger that my heart could actually stop, and I could collapse - or even die. The Consultant said that if I didn’t receive treatment, my heart would deteriorate further, leading to a second-degree heart block. I was devastated by this news, but decided that I would pray about it. My family and my niece, who had recently lost her mother, were particularly devastated by this news. Eventually I was given an appointment to have the pacemaker fitted on 18th November 2016. I continued praying for God to intervene. I attend Tuesday prayer meetings whenever I can, and this time happened to be a special prayer meeting with Pastors Russ and Kim Kline. I went to the front and, after some people prayed for me, at the end one of them said: “You won’t need a pacemaker.” The week of my operation, I was praying and holding on to the

belief that God would intervene. I twice got the sense that I needed to read the Bible, and that God was telling me to read 1 Peter. On Tuesday 15th, three days before my pacemaker appointment, I went to the prayer meeting. I knew it was my last chance to be prayed for, so I told my group about my situation. Again, at the end of the prayer, someone felt impressed to say: “You don’t need a pacemaker.” I had faith in what was being said to me for the second time, but I was confused. How was the operation not going to happen? It was booked, but I didn’t feel that I could go against medical opinion and just cancel it. But what would stop the operation? A breakdown on the way to hospital? Still I kept praying. On the day of the operation, my husband drove me to the hospital, arriving safely with no mishaps. I was admitted and given a bed; all checks were carried out; a cannula was inserted, ready to give me the necessary medication. One of the doctors came to talk to me, and I voiced my doubts about the operation. He assured me that I really needed it, repeating all the risks that I had been told about before. It seemed there was no other way, so I waited to be taken to theatre. Then the Consultant came to see me. He said he had been told I was reluctant to have a pacemaker fitted. We discussed what had happened to me, and what had led to this decision for surgery. He told me that, in his opinion, if I didn’t want the pacemaker I could be monitored in his clinic. He said at this stage he didn’t feel I needed to have the pacemaker. We were gobsmacked, to say the least. I was discharged there and then - WITHOUT a pacemaker. My husband said, “This is what you have been praying for.” I was so, so happy, and thanked the Lord for His intervention. The only thing that marred my joy was the sudden death of my brother, just three days later. I had spoken to my brother on the Friday, telling him the good news that I hadn’t had the operation. He was happy, and some of his last words to me were: “God is good.” When I then reflected on the events leading up to my cancelled operation and my brother’s death, it made sense why God had led me to read 1 Peter. I saw the same Consultant again on 6th February, and he was happy with how I’m doing. He gave me a follow-up appointment in a year’s time. Praise the Lord for His abundant mercies.

Bongi Mvubu


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017


JULY 2017


esus came from heaven to earth for two reasons. First, to lay down his life on the cross as a sinless sacrifice for the sins of the world. Second, to reveal God to us through his words and lifestyle, and as a model for us to follow. As he steps out to begin his ministry we can observe a number of important principles:

1. God’s timing. Jesus did not begin his ministry until he was thirty years old. What had he been doing up until that time? He was working as a carpenter, learning through experience what it is for humans to live in this world. With Joseph evidently having died earlier on, as the oldest sibling Jesus was no doubt providing for Mary’s large family. God always has a perfect timing, and Jesus did not step out until the time was exactly right. 2. As soon as Jesus began the work of God, he was immediately confronted by satan through temptations. The more earnestly we seek to do God’s work, the more we will be conscious of the spiritual battle we are in. The powers of darkness are content to leave us alone, until we start to become a serious threat to satan’s kingdom. But, like Jesus, we have God’s power within us to overcome every assault upon us. 3. Jesus preached the message of God clearly and without compromise, but with love. He would not water down his message to please the ears of his listeners. 4. In order to be effective in his life’s work, he found it necessary to spend time in prayer. Though he was often so busy with the crowds that he had no time to eat, he was never too busy to find the necessary time to pray – the source of his spiritual strength. 5. He was led by the Holy Spirit. Though never ceasing to be God, he had chosen not to use his powers as God, while here on earth. Instead, he chose to be led by the Holy Spirit, doing only what the Father told him and using the same nine gifts of the Holy Spirit available to us. So he truly showed us an example to follow. As we pray through the prayer points this month, we are seeking to emulate all Jesus has modelled for us, so we can be powerful and effective servants of God.

1st – Luke 3:1-6 Prepare the way of the Lord 1. Lord, help us to prepare our hearts before you, removing all from our lives that is unhelpful. 2. Enable us to re-evaluate our lives to see what is beneficial and what is not beneficial to our spiritual walk with you, O God. 3. May our hearts be softened, open and ready to receive a fresh impartation from you, Holy Spirit, to change us. 4. Create in us a hunger and a thirst for the things of God that will enable us to become much more effective for Christ during our short stay on earth. 5. Use us, O Lord, to prepare for your coming, by enabling us to fulfil all your plans and purposes for our lives. 2nd – Luke 3:7-9 Produce fruit in keeping with repentance 1. May what we profess not merely be in words only, but may every part of our lives openly display the grace of God.

2. Help us to live for you in a Christlike way with our families, demonstrating your grace in full measure in our homes. 3. Cause us to be honest with ourselves when we are falling short of your standards, O Lord, and cause us to repent. 4. For those of us who are ‘Sunday Christians’ only, have mercy and cause us to repent. 5. Forgive any time we have been acting hypocritically, by not living for the Lord in keeping with the confession of our faith, and cause us to change. 3rd- Luke 3:10-14 Acting honestly 1. Convict us when we sin, Holy Spirit, and give us the courage and grace to confess. 2. Whenever we are handling money, O Lord, may we be scrupulously honest. 3. In our places of work, O God, may we never take anything without permission, nor take advantage of our employers. 4. Help us to be honest with our time in our

places of work, and give our full effort in accordance with the contracts of work we have agreed to. 5. Help us not to rob you, O God, but to give of our finances in accordance with your will.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth


4th – Luke 3:15- 20 Baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire 1. Holy Spirit, give us a fresh anointing and baptism with your fire today. 2. Put a passion within our hearts, O Lord, that will cause us to desire to live one hundred percent for you. 3. Burn up all the dross in our lives that has no eternal value, but which keeps us from serving you wholeheartedly. 4. For all those believers we know, who have not yet been baptised in the Holy Spirit, we pray that they will seek you right now and receive from you. 5. Fan into flames the spiritual sparks within us, O Lord, and cause us to burn in ever increasing measure with spiritual fervour. GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017



JULY 2017 5th – Matthew 3:13-17 Fulfilling all righteousness 1. Holy Spirit, help us to follow the example of Jesus and, in our lives, fulfil all righteousness. 2. Lord Jesus, just as you were always obedient to our heavenly Father, help us to be obedient also. 3. Holy Spirit, convict us whenever we seem to be taking sin lightly, so that we may realise our need to change our ways. 4. Since you want us to be salt and light in the world in which we live, O Lord, enable us to be an effective cause for change for good to those we mix with. 5. Since sin in our lives will rob us of effectiveness as servants of Christ, help us to fulfil all righteousness, and live powerfully for God. 6th – Matthew 4:1 Led by the Spirit, tempted by the devil 1. Holy Spirit, cause us always to remember that the more you use us, the greater the devil will seek to cause us to fall, so help us to act with wisdom. 2. Lead us, Holy Spirit, in our day-to-day lives, so that we are constantly fulfilling your purposes for our lives. 3. If we have not given time to seek your plans for our lives, O Lord, cause us right now to take time to seek you in order to do so. 4. Give us the wisdom to realise when we are being subtly led into temptation, and give us the strength to resist. 5. Help us to humble ourselves before you continually, O Lord, to resist the devil so that he may flee from us. 7th – Matthew 4:2 Fasting 1. For those of us who are physically able to do so, O God, give us the strength and the desire, at times, to enhance our prayer with fasting. 2. Help us, like Jesus, to make time, whenever possible, to set aside time to seek your face, O God, with prayer and fasting. 3. Give us the discernment to realise which things in our lives help us and which are of no spiritual value, so that we may give them up and thereby benefit spiritually. 4. Help us to evaluate what we watch on television, and to stop watching everything that would make us feel uncomfortable if you were sitting next to us, Lord Jesus. 5. Burden our hearts to seek you with prayer and fasting for a move of God in power to renew and revive your Church and this nation.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017

8th – Matthew 4:3-4 Man does not live on bread alone 1. Lord, if our eyes are focused only on our material needs, forgive us, and help us to put our priorities in order. 2. May we not neglect your Word, O Lord, to read it, meditate upon it, and to live it out in every part of our daily lives. 3. For those of us, who are suffering from spiritual malnutrition because we have neglected to feed our souls with your Word, rescue us from our foolishness. 4. Thank you for all our material possessions, O Lord, but help us to use them in a way that brings glory to you and the Kingdom of God. 5. For all those we know, who are struggling to make ends meet and, as a result, find little time to spend with you in prayer and with your Word, help and release them. 9th – Matthew 4:5-7 Don’t test God 1. Forgive us when we sin knowingly, O Lord, since we are without excuse. 2. When we doubt you and the promises or statements in your Word, have mercy on us for testing you. 3. When you have clearly told us what we should do, and we have failed to do it, forgive us, and help us to change, O Lord. 4. When we have known what we should do but have failed to do it, have mercy on us, and help us to change, O God. 5. In future, when we know your will, or when we know what we should do, give us the strength and grace always to do it at once and without question. 10th - Matthew 4:8-10 Worship and serve the Lord only 1. If we have any idols in our lives, whether physical or non-physical, forgive us; today we pledge to remove them from our lives. 2. If our love is divided between you and something or someone else, O Lord, forgive us, and we surrender all to you this day. 3. If our love, or the love of those we know, has grown cold, have mercy, O Lord, and change us. 4. For the times we have backslidden in any area of our lives, forgive us, O Lord, and keep us strong in you. 5. Today, O Lord, we pledge afresh to love you with all our heart, soul, strength and mind. 11th – Matthew 4:12-17 Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near 1. Lord, we repent for all the times we have caused you disappointment because of our actions or lack of faith, and resolve not to repeat them.

2. We repent for the sins of our forefathers on both sides of our generational line, and ask you to remove today any lasting consequences of those sins in our lives. 3. We repent on behalf of our church for any sins amongst us that are causing you displeasure, and ask you to forgive and root them out, O Lord. 4. We repent for the sins of our forefathers in our nation of Britain, asking you to forgive and remove any lasting consequences of those sins in the life of our nation. 5. Let each of us be instruments today that will cause someone to come into the Kingdom of heaven, by putting their faith in Christ. 12th – Matthew 4:18-19 Come, follow me 1. Lord Jesus, today we re-consecrate our lives to you. 2. Show us the direction of each of our individual lives that you want us to go, and today we pledge to follow wherever you lead us. 3. Continue to show us as a church the direction you want us to go, and today we pledge to follow you wherever you lead us. 4. Help us to cast off all fear or anxiety, and to trust you completely as we follow you, Lord Jesus. 5. Lord, you have given us freewill, so help us to make the right choices at all times as we follow you. 13th - Matthew 4:20- 22 Fishers of men 1. Since we are here on earth to help others come out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light, convict us so that we do not lose sight of that reality. 2. We pray that our evangelistic team would always know and experience the favour of God as they go onto the streets. 3. Anoint us at our places of work, and give us the opportunities and the wisdom to speak to our work colleagues about Christ. 4. Help us to live a lifestyle of being fishers of men, making the most of every opportunity that you give us, O Lord. 5. We pray that we will see many men, women and children giving their lives to you, Lord Jesus. 14th – Matthew 4:23-25 Moving in the power of the Holy Spirit 1. Holy Spirit, come amongst us in the fullness of your power, we pray. 2. Give us the faith to step out in the anointing you have already given us to see a greater measure of signs and wonders.


JUNE 2017


he book of Jonah reveals how compassionate the heart of God is, and the extent he will go to give the lost the opportunity to repent and be saved.

Jonah did not receive the commission by God to go and preach to the Ninevites with much enthusiasm or joy. The people of Nineveh were a fierce and cruel people, who were destined to dominate the surrounding countries, including Israel, through war. As a prophet Jonah knew this, and fought hard against God’s will to give these people the opportunity to hear the message of God. He didn’t think they deserved God’s love and compassion. So he fled by ship in the opposite direction, hoping to avoid giving the Ninevites the opportunity God was providing them. He was even prepared to die by drowning rather than let them hear the message of God. He did, however, show his gratitude to God, when the Lord arranged a great fish to swallow him and take him to vomit Jonah out on dry land. This account reveals a number of things about God and how he deals with us and with people: 1. No one is beyond the redemption of God if they genuinely repent and turn to him. Astonishingly a great revival took place, as the whole of the city of Nineveh believed the message from God. There may be people we believe would never be the kind to give their lives to Christ, and yet they astonish us when they do. We speak, and the Holy Spirit enables them to be saved. 2. God was prepared to give his rebellious prophet a second chance. Why did God not choose to send another prophet to Nineveh instead, since Jonah was so unwilling? Maybe there are some things that only we alone - and not another - are able to accomplish in God’s plan. Perhaps God knew that if Jonah didn’t go, no one else could accomplish what Jonah eventually did. Each of us has a unique personality and live in a unique set of circumstances, circle of family, friends and acquaintances. Maybe if we do not tell them, they would listen to no one else. Similarly, when God sent Moses to Pharaoh, and Moses said someone else would do a better job, God did not waver. Only Moses was the man for the job. 3. Despite his reluctance and disobedience, Jonah was recommissioned, and he did what God wanted him to, enabling many thousands to get right with God. Not only that, but Jesus used him as a prophetic picture of his own impending death and resurrection. As we pray this month, we are seeking to catch the heart of God to willingly go and seek the lost, and to see amazing results.

1st – Jonah 1:1 The Word of the Lord came 1. O God, open our ears that we may hear your prophetic word and act upon it. 2. Speak to us as individuals; may we be careful to obey all you say, O Lord. 3. Speak to us as a church to discern your voice and collectively act upon it. 4. Raise up in your church and in our nation those who will bring the prophetic voice of God in these immoral days. 5. Speak in the wind, in the earthquake, in the fire, and through your still small voice, O God of all the earth. 2nd – Jonah 1:2 Go…and preach 1. Lord, give us the heart and compassion to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. 2. Enable us each day to use the opportunities you give us to share Christ through Christlike behaviour and acts of compassion. 3. Give us opportunities each day to be able

to share Christ through words of witness. 4. Help us not to leave the work to others, but to each take up our personal responsibilities to be ambassadors for Christ. 5. Give us the right words, at the right time, with the wisdom when to speak and when to be silent, O Lord. 3rd – Jonah 1:2 …Its wickedness has come up before me 1. Have mercy on our city, O Lord, for all the wickedness that takes place in its boundaries, and bring salvation. 2. Forgive our lawmakers, who have steadily dismantled the righteous laws that were once based upon the Bible, and change their hearts. 3. Move on those who rule over us, O Lord, that they may return the laws of this nation back to the righteous ways of our God once again. 4. Forgive and have mercy on those in our city, who scoff at your ways and who delight in rebelling against your revealed

morality, and convict them. 5. Help us to change, O God, for you have said that righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth


4th – Jonah 1:3 Running away from God 1. When our instinct is to run from your Word, O Lord, arrest us by your Spirit, and bring us to our senses. 2. For all the backsliders we know who are running from you, arrest them right now by your Holy Spirit and restore them to yourself. 3. If, as a church, we are in any sense avoiding what you would have us do, may we hear from you clearly, turn around, and go in the direction you desire us to go. 4. If, as individuals, we are out of your will right now because of wrong choices, convict our hearts, cause us to repent and turn to you. 5. For every unbeliever we know, who knows the truth of your Word in their heart but is GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017



JUNE 2017 deliberately suppressing it, save them, O God. 5th – Jonah 1:4 Trials sent by God 1. When trials come into our lives, O Lord, help us to discern and recognise those sent by the devil to trouble us, and those sent by you to get our attention. 2. For any person we know, experiencing trials sent by the powers of darkness, we take authority over those powers right now, and rebuke them in Jesus’ Name. 3. For any of us who are experiencing trials at your hand, O God, give us the wisdom to understand, trust you and learn all we need to from your loving discipline. 4. Give us the maturity not to run from Godsent hardships or to complain, but rather to recognise that is how you help us grow spiritually. 5. Help us to thank you for the good times and the bad times, and to trust you in both. 6th – Jonah 1:5 Each cried out to his own god 1. Have mercy on those we work with or live amongst, who do not know the true God, and save them, O Lord. 2. Bring a revelation of the saving power of Jesus Christ through the cross to all the Muslims in our city, we pray. 3. Cause Hindus in our city to know Jesus as the one and only true Saviour and God. 4. We pray that the Buddhists in our city may have a personal experience of the living Person of the risen Saviour, Jesus Christ. 5. Show the Sikhs in our city the way of salvation through your grace by faith in Jesus Christ, we pray. 7th – Jonah 1:6 Sleeping when God wants us awake 1. O God, wake us up and cause us to be spiritually alert at all times. 2. Since the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, help us to be focused and to stay focused on you and your will for our lives, O Lord. 3. We pray that every part of your church and every member will be awake and alert to the movings and promptings of your Spirit. 4. Cause the sleeping giant that is your church citywide, to experience a mighty arousing to rise up in the spiritual battle that is taking place all around us. 5. Revive your nationwide Church, O Lord, and let us stand up strong for the cause of Christ.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017

8th – Jonah 1:7-8 The lot fell on Jonah 1. Lord, help each of us to examine ourselves to see if we are a stumbling block to your work in any way, and cause us to repent and change. 2. Help us, O Lord, to see the plank in our own eyes before we complain about the speck in our brother’s eye, and help us to remove it. 3. May the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. 4. Search us, O God, and know our hearts; know our thoughts and test us, so we may walk in all your ways. 5. O God, see if there is any offensive way in us, cause us to know, and lead us in the way everlasting.

11th – Jonah 1:12 I know it is my fault 1. Lord, give us the grace to be able to see our own mistakes and failings, without shifting the blame. 2. Give us the grace to seek you and ask your forgiveness when we get things wrong, forgiving ourselves also. 3. Help us, O Lord, to have the grace to apologise to others whom we have wronged, and to seek their forgiveness. 4. Help us, O Lord, to forgive and release all those who have wronged us - whether they have apologised or not - so that unforgiveness may not hinder our prayers. 5. Help us to learn from our mistakes and failings, O God, so that we may be the better and the stronger after we are restored.

9th – Jonah 1:9 Worship the Lord, God of all 1. May we acknowledge you as the one and only true God, Maker of heaven, land and sea, by our obedience to you. 2. In the light of your awesome greatness and power, forgive us and change us when we think we know better than you and do things our way. 3. May we worship you daily with clean hands and a pure heart, O sovereign Lord of all. 4. Cause us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices daily, as our spiritual act of worship, in ways that are holy and pleasing to you. 5. Have mercy on all those we know who trust in man’s knowledge and in science, but who leave out the Creator of all that science reveals, and save them.

12th – Jonah 1:13-15 Showing compassion 1. As the sailors sought to show compassion on the rebellious Jonah, may we also have compassionate hearts towards those who rebel against Jesus Christ. 2. In our compassion towards the lost, who are going to a Christless eternity, motivate us to earnestly pray for their salvation. 3. Give us compassion to witness to and seek to save, those who seek other gods, O Lord, since we know their destiny if they fail to accept Christ. 4. We lift up to you now our friends, neighbours and work colleagues, who do not know you, and ask, in your mercy, that you would save them. 5. Give us a compassion for the sick, and the courage to use our authority in Christ to command healing in the Name of Jesus.

10th – Jonah 1:10-11 What should we do…? 1. O Lord, forgive and help us when we have made unwise decisions because we have not asked you. 2. Lord, guide and direct our footsteps, as we ask what you would have us do this day. 3. As a church, we ask you to reveal to us what you would have us do now, and what you would have us stop doing. 4. We bring before you now every important decision we need to take at this time, and ask for your clear direction as to what choices to make. 5. For any of us, who are at the point of desperation with regard to any matter which is currently very urgent in our lives, help us to know your will.

13th – Jonah 1:16-17 Fear of the Lord 1. Lord, since your Word says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, teach us to have a reverential fear for you. 2. Give us a deep and true understanding of hell and of a Christless eternity, so that we may be moved with compassion for the lost. 3. May the fear of the Lord cause us to always want to walk in obedience, O God. 4. May the fear of the Lord cause us to seek you daily in prayer for spiritual renewal and refreshment from your Word. 5. May the fear of the Lord motivate us when things are going so well that we may forget you, or so badly that we may neglect you.


JUNE 2017

15th – Jonah 2:2 He answered me 1. Heavenly Father, as we thank you that you are a prayer-answering God, teach us to trust you so we can pray in confidence. 2. Make us a thankful people who give you thanks for every answer to prayer that we have experienced, and who worship you with grateful hearts. 3. Help us to be quick to testify to your grace each time we see you answer our prayers, so that you may have the glory and so others may be encouraged. 4. For those we know, who are really suffering and need your help at this time, hear and answer their cry, O Lord. 5. As our nation needs revival, hear our heartfelt cries, O God, and send revival in our land. 16th – Jonah 2:3-4 God’s discipline 1. Heavenly Father, cause us to remember your Word that says you discipline those you love, so we may not think our trials have come because you do not care. 2. Help us not to make light of your discipline, or to lose heart when you rebuke us, but to be secure in your love. 3. Cause us to remember that although your discipline does not seem pleasant at the time, but painful, it is designed to produce a harvest of righteousness within us. 4. Enable us to remember in times of your discipline that, although weeping may remain for a night, rejoicing comes in the morning. 5. In times of your discipline, O Lord, may you strengthen our tired arms and weak knees, so that we may grow in the strength of the Lord. 17th – Jonah 2:5-6 God’s salvation 1. As we remember that you have the words of eternal life, and our every breath is

dependant on your grace and mercy, O Lord, use us for your glory. 2. Cause us to work out our salvation daily through reverent fear and trembling, O God. 3. We pray for all our family members, who have not called upon you as Saviour and Lord, asking that you have mercy on them and save them. 4. For all our neighbours and friends, who do not yet know you as Saviour, save them, we pray. 5. For all our work colleagues, who have not yet accepted you as their Saviour, have mercy on them and save them, O Lord. 18th – Jonah 2:7-10 Keeping our vows 1. O Sovereign Lord, may we not be careless in making promises we do not keep, but rather, may our fear of the Lord cause us always to keep our word. 2. Cause our ‘Yes’ always to be ‘Yes’ and our ‘No’ always be ‘No’, so that all people will know that we are men and women of integrity because we follow Jesus. 3. Remind us of the promises we have made to you in the past, O Lord, and if we have not kept them, forgive us as we repent now and recommit ourselves. 4. Remind us of the promises we have made to others that we have not kept, so that we may do now what we have neglected to do. 5. As we thank you, O Lord, for being a God who always keeps his word, cause us to find peace and security in your gracious promises. 19th - Jonah 3:1-2 Proclaim the message 1. As we thank you that you are the God of the second chance, we bring all our failings to you now and ask for your forgiveness. 2. Lord, give us a renewed boldness to take the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever we go. 3. Give us a renewed infilling today, Holy Spirit, so that we may have power to be your witnesses in our Jerusalems, Judeas, Samarias and to the ends of the earth. 4. We pray that the fire of God would visit every pulpit in our area, city and nation, and that the Word of God will be preached with the fire of the Holy Spirit. 5. Cause each of our ministers and church members to be anointed afresh with the fire of the Holy Spirit to speak the Word of God with power and anointing.

20th – Jonah 3:3 Jonah obeyed 1. O Lord, give us hearts that we are willing to submit to you in perfect obedience, that you may be able to use us according to your will. 2. Help us always to remember that in your eyes, O God, obedience is always better than sacrifice. 3. Help us to obey, even when to do so is difficult or may cause us discomfort, trouble or the hostility of others. 4. We pray you would so put a spirit of obedience within your church that your perfect will may be done through us and all kinds of miracles can occur. 5. May we each be able to pray, “Not my will but yours be done, O heavenly Father.” 21st - Jonah 3:4-5 The Ninevites believed God 1. O God, help us to dispel all unbelief and to have total faith in you, your Word and your power to perform your promises. 2. Forgive us when we do not believe you to meet all our needs that you have promised to meet, and change us when our hearts are hard, O Lord. 3. Help us, O God, to spend the time in prayer that will enable us to see the unsaved listen to our message of the Gospel, to repent and be saved. 4. Give us the boldness to present the full truth of the Gospel, both the love of God and the consequences of rejecting the mercy of a God of righteousness, holiness and justice. 5. Send your revival, O Sovereign Lord, causing a wholesale turning in our nation of all those who are currently living lives that leave God out completely.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

14th – Jonah 2:1 Jonah prayed 1. Lord teach us to pray passionately 2. Lord, forgive us when we remember to pray only when we are in trouble, rather help us to be people who pray continually 3. Help us to make full use of our privilege to come boldly before your throne of grace in prayer through the blood of Jesus 4. Hear our prayer today, O Lord, as we lift up to you the deepest cries of our hearts 5. As we seek you in prayer today, O God, may our hearts be filled afresh by the presence of your Holy Sprit and may we be filled with your joy, no matter our outward circumstances

22nd - Jonah 3:6 Sackcloth and ashes 1. O God, cause us to first humble ourselves before you as your church, so that we can seek your face on behalf of those who do not yet know you. 2. Have mercy and forgive us, Lord, when, as a Church, we have kept silent and allowed wickedness to overtake our land, and make us active for you. 3. Forgive your church, when it has preferred to remain in the church building rather than go out to bring the Gospel to the lost, and now set each heart on fire. 4. Forgive us, O Lord, when we have preferred to minister only to one another to the neglect of the unsaved; give us a renewed heart for the lost. 5. Holy Spirit, wash over us again and renew our spirit from within, making us more like Jesus with an undivided passion to do the will of the Father. GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017



JUNE 2017 23rd - Jonah 3:7-9 Fasting 1. Holy Spirit, prompt us to fast when the occasion demands it and you require us to do so, and may we respond obediently. 2. Lord, in our passion to see the lost saved, motivate us to spend times in fasting as well as prayer, enabling us to see you move in power. 3. As fasting helps us humble our souls before you, O God, help us to humble ourselves so that you may lift us up in due season. 4. For all those in the church, who are constantly engaged in spiritual warfare and in the deliverance ministry, guard and keep them from every assault of the powers of darkness. 5. Help us to be able to say with Jesus, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” 24th - Jonah 3:10 God responds to repentance 1. Since you are a God who has compassion on those who sincerely turn to you in sorrow for their sin, forgive our loved ones who do not yet know you. 2. Holy Spirit, cause all those who attend any of the meetings in our church to be convicted of sin, and then turn to God in full repentance. 3. We pray that, as a congregation, we may be so seeking the face of God that the conviction of sin would be upon any who come into our meetings. 4. We pray that we as individuals may remain so close to you, O Lord, that our words will bring a conviction of sin to those we speak to. 5. Again we cry for your mercy, O God, on our city and on our nation, that there would be a turning from sin and a turning to God. 25th - Jonah 4:1-2 Anger at God 1. Lord, forgive us when we have displayed anger towards you, for it shows we believe we know better than you. 2. If any of us are harbouring any unconfessed anger or resentment against you, for any reason, heavenly Father, we pray we may be able to release it right now. 3. When you do things we do not understand, O Lord, or when you do not act when we think you should, help us to respond with faith and trust, and not anger and resentment. 4. Lord, give us a compassion as great and as wide as yours that will extend to all people - no matter how unworthy we may judge them to be.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017

5. Lord, forgive all those who have acted like enemies towards us, changing those who are Christians, and save them if they are not saved. 26th - Jonah 4:3-4 Suicidal thoughts 1. Forgive those amongst us, O Lord, if there have been occasions when they have wished to die, instead of trusting in your unending love and wisdom for their lives. 2. We pray for all those who we know who, at this moment, may be seriously contemplating suicide, asking you to have mercy and save them. 3. For all those who attend our fellowship, who may be in complete despair right now, help them, and send us or another believer alongside them to encourage and comfort them. 4. For those we know, who are struggling with mental stress and cannot think straight, help them and bring clarity of thought and mind, we pray. 5. We pray that you would give all our Discipleship Cell leaders the discernment and wisdom to know and help those who find their burden too heavy to carry. 27th – Jonah 4:5 Waiting on God 1. As we wait on you, Holy Spirit, speak to us clearly, showing us your will. 2. In the busyness of our daily routines, teach us the value of spending time daily in your presence, O Lord. 3. As we discipline our time to wait on you daily, O God, cause us to grow in the power of your Holy Spirit. 4. Give us prophetic words as we wait on you, O Lord. 5. Give us your spiritual gifts, Holy Spirit, as we wait on you, we ask. 28th - Jonah 4:6-9 God gives and God takes away 1. Cause us to be always thankful, Heavenly Father, for all your provision for us daily. 2. For the things that we need today, whether physical, spiritual, emotional or financial, we pray you would meet our need and provide. 3. For those we know, who are in need and we have the means to provide their needs, help us be your answer to their prayers. 4. When you take away from us things that we may want but are not beneficial to us, give us the grace to be grateful to you, realising you do all things towards us out of love.

5. When we are in times of great need, and our prayers are urgently coming up to you, or when you have allowed something to be taken from us, help us to learn from the experience without anger. 29th - Jonah 4:10 Wrong priorities 1. Lord, help us to think like you, when our focus has shifted onto ourselves and our desires, more than on you and what you know are our priorities. 2. When we set our hearts on the wrong things, forgive us, Lord, and bring our minds and hearts back to you. 3. Keep our focus on eternal not temporary things that benefit our spiritual natures, rather than just gratifying our carnal natures, O Lord. 4. Give us a growing maturity to know what is good and beneficial, and what is not so, seeing through your eyes, O God. 5. Help us remain so close to you, O Lord, that we can indeed know the mind of Christ. 30th - Jonah 4:11 God’s concern for the city 1. We pray for our capital city, London, that you would have mercy on the millions of inhabitants and send a revival to the heart of our nation. 2. Have mercy, and send revival to the cities: Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland; Cardiff, the capital of Wales, and Belfast, capital of Northern Ireland. 3. For Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds and Bradford, have mercy on these large cities, and send revival to them, we pray. 4. For Liverpool, Newcastle, Oxford and Cambridge, have mercy on their inhabitants, and move in revival power, O God. 5. For every city, town, village and hamlet in the British Isles, in your great mercy, O Lord, bring the inhabitants to a place of repentance and turn them to yourself.


JULY 2017

15th – Mark 1:21-28 Confronting evil 1. Give us the spiritual discernment to recognise that we are constantly in a spiritual battle, and help us always to overcome. 2. Since you have given us power over every wicked spirit, Lord Jesus, let your church rise up and not allow itself be defeated. 3. Anoint and empower afresh all those in the deliverance team, as they minister to those who are troubled by evil spirits. 4. Give us the wisdom to continually ensure we have put on the full armour of God both to resist and to overcome every attack of our spiritual enemies. 5. Help us never to fear the enemies of our souls, but to understand our position and strength as followers of Jesus. 16th – Mark 1:29-34 She began to wait on Jesus 1. Lord, just as Peter’s mother-in-law’s first action was to serve you, may our first priority also be to serve you. 2. Help us, Holy Spirit, to examine our lives right now to see what place service for Jesus has in our priorities, and help us to change everything that needs changing. 3. Holy Spirit, show us anything in the way of service for Jesus we are not doing that you want us to be doing now. 4. We pray you would show in all the areas, departments and ministries in the church what you want us to be doing. 5. Here we are, Lord. Please use us. 17th - Mark 1:35-39 Rising early to pray 1. Lord, teach us to pray. 2. Help us to understand the high importance of finding time in each day to spend with you, O Lord. 3. If you, Lord Jesus, found it so important to spend such time in prayer with our Heavenly Father, burden our hearts with the need for us to pray like you also. 4. Anoint, bless and use powerfully all those who intercede for others, and those who voluntarily serve in the Prayer Centre, waiting on you, O God. 5. Raise up many more people to engage in all our prayer meetings and the Prayer Centre to seek you face, O God, and for a

move in revival power. 18th – Mark 1:40-45 Jesus is willing 1. Lord Jesus, since you are not only willing to make us clean, but you also did everything necessary to enable it to happen, cause us to continually worship you. 2. Reach out and touch the hearts and emotions afresh today, O Lord, of those amongst us who, for whatever reason, doubt your love towards them. 3. Lord, may we never doubt that you are willing to forgive all who are prepared to repent, giving us the courage to witness to all people, no matter who they may be. 4. Lord Jesus, may we never doubt your willingness to heal, and so give us the courage to pray for the sick in your Name. 5. Since you are not willing that any should perish, we bring before you now our unsaved family, friends, neighbours and colleagues, asking that you would save them. 19th – Luke 5:1-5 Because you say so, Jesus 1. Since, Lord, you are Sovereign above all things, make us quick to say “Yes” to you. 2. Forgive us, Lord, whenever we have refused to obey your commands, and give us a new start today. 3. Speak to us today, Lord, helping us to know and understand your will, and to be quick to act upon it. 4. Since you have revealed your will through your Word, the Bible, O God, may we be diligent to obey everything you have told us. 5. As we obey your words, pour out your blessing on your people and your church, and may unsaved people around us be touched and reached through that blessing. 20th – Luke 5:6-10 A sinful man 1. If we say we are without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, but help us to seek always to live according to your standards, O Lord. 2. Help us to understand the total sinlessness and holiness of you, O God, so that we may walk in humble gratitude for your great salvation. 3. Since you do not merely forgive our sins, but enable us to become like you, Lord Jesus, change us more and more each day. 4. Lord, when you use difficult circumstances in our lives to change us and help us grow in grace, enable us to recognise that and not to grumble.

5. Help us, O Lord, to recognise our weak points, and to seek your help not to sin in those areas of our lives. 21st – Luke 5:11-16 Leaving everything to follow Jesus 1. Lord Jesus, since you have said that if we love anything more than you, we are not worthy of you, help us now to forsake anything we love more than you. 2. For all those we know, who you have called to leave homes and serve you as itinerant evangelists, help them and provide for all their needs. 3. For all the missionaries we know, who have left their homeland to serve in other cultures, help them, use them, and watch over them continually, we pray. 4. Lord, you may not have called us to leave home to follow you, but may we have the same priority of serving you where we are, to the best of our ability. 5. Lord, as we wait upon you now, show each of us what you want us to do today and each day of our lives. 22nd – Mark 2:1-12 When Jesus saw their faith 1. Cause us to have the same compassion on our unsaved friends as those who brought the paralysed man to you, Jesus. 2. Give us a childlike faith to believe every promise you have made in your Word, O God. 3. Give us the courage to step out with the measure of faith we already have, O Lord, and in the process see how you will develop that faith already within us. 4. Just like the friends of the paralysed man, help us to overcome all obstacles that prevent us seeing our prayers answered. 5. If our faith is weak at this time, O Lord, encourage us as we exercise it in small things first, and then in increasingly greater things. 23rd – Mark 2:13-17 Calling sinners 1. We pray for and name all members of our families who are as yet unsaved, asking you to save them, O Lord. 2. We pray for and name now all our friends who are not yet saved, asking you to save them, O Lord. 3. We pray for and name all our neighbours who are not yet saved, asking you to save them, O Lord. 4. We pray for and name all our work colleagues who have not yet given their lives to Christ, asking you to save them, O Lord. 5. We pray that you would give us the opportunity and the wisdom to witness to each person we have named and prayed for today.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

3. Multiply amongst us healings, as your people lay hands on the sick in the Name of Jesus. 4. Pour out amongst us your spiritual gifts; may we use them for the glory of Jesus. 5. Teach us more and more, and cause our faith to grow as we exercise the spiritual gifts you have given us in the community as well as in church.



JULY 2017


24th – Mark 2:18-22 New wineskins 1. If our ideas, views or understanding of the things of God are too rigid, soften us and make us like new wineskins today, we pray. 2. Make us receptive to what you are doing today, and give us the new wine of your Holy Spirit, O Lord. 3. If our spiritual life is like that of the Pharisees: legally correct, but dry and unable to receive anything new from your Holy Spirit, break us and mould us anew. 4. Holy Spirit, make us a people who are able to receive everything you want to impart to us today, like those new wineskins. 5. As a church, help us to forsake anything that has become an old wineskin, so that we may not resist anything new that you, Holy Spirit, want to do in and through us.

27th – Mark 3:7-12 People come to Jesus 1. Lord, as it is your desire that all men and women come to you, help us to be so Christlike that they see you in us and are drawn to you. 2. Since you have called us, O God, to be ambassadors for Jesus in this earth, in all things and at all times may we be true ambassadors to those around us. 3. May we have such a simple faith and trust in you, O Lord, that the signs and wonders in the Book of Acts will be seen amongst us and draw people to Jesus. 4. Lord Jesus, your personality and character drew people to yourself, so help us to be like you, so we can point people to you. 5. Have mercy on our nation, O God, and move in revival power once more to draw our nation back to you.

25th – Mark 2:23-28 Sabbath rest 1. Lord, since we live in a busy society, give us the wisdom to be able to take proper rest, to renew our bodies and our minds. 2. For those we know, who are having to work long hours either to make ends meet or looking after those they care for, help them in their time management. 3. Help us not to become too busy to be able spend time in the company of your people in worship on Sundays. 4. Bless our Sunday meetings, O Lord, and may they be times of great spiritual refreshing because your presence is so obviously there. 5. For those of us, who are striving for one reason or another, enable us to find a total rest in our relationship with our Father through Christ Jesus.

28th – Mark 3:13-19 Appointed to serve Jesus 1. Lord, since you have appointed us to go in your Name, show us the ministries you would have us carry out for you. 2. Raise up in our day more apostles to go throughout the world, as you build your Church through them. 3. Raise up prophets in our nation that will speak to the government and all institutions in our land with the very prophetic words of God. 4. Raise up from our midst pastors and teachers who can teach men, women and children the full undiluted uncompromising Word of God. 5. Raise up from our midst evangelists, who are especially anointed to lead people to Christ, and able to teach others to do so also.

26th - Mark 3:1-6 When Jesus gets angry 1. Lord, since a stubborn heart makes you angry, help us not to harden our hearts against you. 2. Lord, teach us to be willingly obedient at all times. 3. May the knowledge of your anger at sin and its consequences of eternal punishment ever keep us motivated to seek to save the lost. 4. Lord, keep us from complacency, and keep us faithful so we may hear your words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” 5. Lord, help us, like you, to get angry at sin, and not to learn to accommodate it, but to love the sinner.

29th – Mark 3:20-26 A house divided cannot stand 1. We pray for a total unity in the Spirit among everyone in our church, O Lord. 2. We pray for a total unity of Spirit among each household of those who attend our church, O God. 3. For every family in our church, where there is strife between family members, bring repentance, harmony and unity, we pray. 4. We pray for a total unity of Spirit among the churches in our area, O Lord, so that you may be able to move mightily among us. 5. Cause all believers in our nation to rise up with one voice and in the power of the Holy Spirit to bring momentous change for good in our land.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017

30th – Mark 3:27-30 The Holy Spirit 1. May we never resist your promptings, Holy Spirit. 2. Teach us to recognise every time you are speaking to us or prompting us, Holy Spirit, so that we may be quick to respond in obedience. 3. Cause us to be strong, O Lord, so that we can always bind up any power of darkness or ‘strong man’ that seeks to oppose us and frustrate our service for God. 4. Help us to always remember that “greater is he who is within us than he who is in the world”, so we may not be intimidated by the powers of darkness. 5. Today, we ask you once again, Holy Spirit, to have your way fully and freely in our lives. 31st – Mark 3:31-35 Doing God’s will 1. Lord, speak to our hearts so that we do your will and not our own in all we are involved in this day. 2. If we are in the job or business right now that you desire us to be in, then guide and lead us, and show us how best we can serve you in this job. 3. If we are not in the job you want us to be in, show us your will, and open the right doors for us to be fully in your will. 4. For those of us who are genuinely seeking your will for their lives, but have not yet discerned what that is, help them now to understand, we pray. 5. Lord, Jesus, since you have laid down your life for us, we now surrender and lay down our lives for you to show us your will for our lives, we pray.


EVANGELISM PRAYER @ ECC LOCAL LIGHTHOUSE EVANGELISM Please note this outreach has now been moved to the SECOND Saturday of each month 11am to 1pm

Saturday 10th June

Saturday 8th July

Acton Brentford Chiswick Hanwell Hayes Hounslow Isleworth Kingston Northolt Pinner Shepherd’s Bush Southall Twickenham Uxbridge West Ealing

Acton Brentford Chiswick Ealing Broadway Greenford Hanwell Hayes Isleworth Kingston Northolt Shepherd’s Bush Southall West Drayton

24/7 PRAYER CENTRE Call our confidential prayer line for ANY need 24 hours a day 7 days a week

020 8799 2199 DAILY REVIVAL PRAYER MEETINGS Monday to Friday Morning meetings 10.00am to 11.00am - Annexe Room 2* EVENing meetings 6.00pm to 7.00pm - Foyer (*accessible from Northfields Avenue)




Second Sunday evening of every month at 6.30pm Sunday 11th June Sunday 9th July


POLISH FELLOWSHIP Elim Springs Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the FOYER

ECC Japanese Fellowship Every Sunday @ 2:30pm Now in the MAIN AUDITORIUM For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA

For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder Saturday 17th June Saturday 15th July For non-ECC attenders: Please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060

ALL-NIGHT PRAYER MEETINGS Last Friday of every month 10.00pm to 5.00am A night of intercession, celebration, thanksgiving and praise Friday 30th June Friday 28th July GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017


Note from the Treasurer Honour God with your wealth “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”


he apostle Paul also tells us that we receive according to the way we give: either generously or sparing (2 Corinthians 9:6). Luke likewise admonishes us in Luke 6:38 -”For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Our giving should not only be generous, therefore, but also done in secret, as we are warned against publicising how much we give, in Matthew 6:1 “Be careful not to do your ‘acts of righteousness’ before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.” We are encouraged to give our tithes to the place that feeds us spiritually. As a church member, we should honour our own church (ECC) with consistent financial support, since membership entails responsibilities as well as privileges. I pray that, as you remain obedient in this area of your worship to God, ‘He will make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work’. Amen

Sandra Dawodu 22

WEEKLY Meetings Sunday services Celebration service

9.00am to 10.45am

with classes for Children & Youth

Celebration service

11.15am to 1.00pm

with classes for Children & Youth

Japanese service Polish service Evening service

2.30pm to 4.30pm in Auditorium

2.30pm to 4.30pm in Foyer

6.30pm to 8.00pm

See ‘What’s On at ECC’ on page 23 for details


Prayer meetings

10.00am & 6.00pm

Prayer meetings

10.00am & 7.30pm



Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Little Stars’ Parents & Tots Term-time only 10.00am to 12.00pm Wednesday Afternoon Fellowship 2.00pm to 3.30pm


Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Life skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm Registration required


Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Ministry skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm All-night Prayer

Registration required

10.00pm to 5.00am

Last Friday of the month


Local Lighthouse

11.00am to 1.00pm

Second Saturday of the month


FOR YOUR FAITHFUL GIVING TO GOD’S WORK MAR ‘17 APR ‘17 Tithes & Offerings £42,944.79 £94,736.53 Building Fund £34,468.00 £15,657.80 Standing Orders £29,722.05 £15,657.80

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017

WHAT WE BELIEVE Elim Pentecostal Churches 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally given, to be without error, the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and co-eternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10. THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11. THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12. THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.


Sunday Services at a glance 9.00am, 11.15am, 6.30pm


JUNE 4th 11th 18th 25th

PRAISE & COMMUNION SERVICE Guest Speaker: Pastor Bryon Jones

AM PM 2nd


PRAISE & COMMUNION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton

AM PM 9th

REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton


FATHER’S DAY CELEBRATION SERVICE Guest Speakers: David & Greta Peters SpiritLife Ministries, NewZealand HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Guest Speakers: David & Greta Peters

AM PM 16th

CELEBRATION SERVICE Guest Speaker: Tim Alford Elim’s National Director, ‘Limitless’ CELEBRATION EVENING Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

AM PM 23rd

CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton


HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Mark King CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Mark King

KIDZ ALIVE CONCERT Evening of Sunday 23rd July with guest speaker VENESSA KERERA

HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

GOSPEL CONCERT with KIDZ ALIVE Guest Speaker: Venessa Kerera


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Mark King



PASTOR BRYON JONES of Eden Christian Centre will be ministering on the morning of SUNDAY 4th JUNE

TIM ALFORD National Director of Elim’s LIMITLESS will be ministering on the morning of SUNDAY 16th JULY

DAVID & GRETA PETERS of SpiritLife Ministries, NZ will be ministering at the morning and evening services SUNDAY 18th JUNE also School of the Supernatural on Friday 16th and only Saturday 17th June 0


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017



ECC’s Pastors and Pastoral Care team are


As a growing church, we would like you to know that ECC’s Pastors and Pastoral Care team are here for you, so please contact us if you are getting married or engaged; celebrating the birth of a new baby; having marriage issues; unwell, bereaved or experiencing any other difficulty. We are here to pray and support you.


Andrew and Corrina BLAKE on the birth of their SON Samson Andrew on 18th March 2017 Weight: 4.288kgs Baby brother to Eva and Jesse Saturday 24th June Please contact Sherine or Sharon 2pm - 6pm



JUNE 7th 14th 21st 28th



Jasmin Jeffrey with Pastor Bob Lola Vassell with Merle Aqui Pastor Bob with Rudy Brann Pastor Bob with, er, Pastor Bob!


5th 12th 19th 26th 24

Jasmin Jeffrey with Pastor Bob Pastor Bob with Merle Aqui Pastor Bob with Sharon Grant Lola Vassell with Merle Aqui

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017

Please ring the ECC church office on

020 8840 7508

STOP UK HUNGER Ealing Christian Centre (ECC) has partnered with Ealing Foodbank, The Trussell Trust and other churches to Stop UK Hunger. Together with these other organisations, ECC has helped to provide three days’ emergency food supplies for people in crisis in the Borough of Ealing. We need YOUR help to accomplish this: 1. Are you able to donate non-perishable food, toiletries and household items (washing up liquid, toilet paper, etc) suitable for adults and children? 2. Are you available to help collect and place donated items in storage items on either the second or third Sunday of the month? 3. Are you able to assist in delivering donated items to one of the local Foodbank Centres during the week? If you would like additional information about getting involved, or how you, families or individuals are able to access the Foodbank service, please contact Sharon Grant at the church office or on sg@ We thank you in advance for your help and prayers, as we help to Stop UK Hunger.



STAYING ACTIVE 4 LIFE Gentle Chair Exercises Mondays 12-1pm Venue: The Foyer Cost: £3.50

MONDAY 10th JULY Day trip to Worthing

Tranpsort cost is £10.00 (£5.00 non-refundable deposit) Bring your own lunch or have fish ‘n’ chip lunch with us

EALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE does not in any way endorse any advertised company or products, and cannot guarantee rates, levels of service or workmanship Advertising space is offered on a first come, first served basis. ECC reserves the right to publish the advert where space is available, and not necessarily on the Classifieds page. ECC reserves the right to alter any advertisement to improve reproduction quality. ECC excludes liability for any loss due to non-insertion or any errors in the advertisement. ECC reserves the right to refuse publication of any advert that it does not deem suitable for Grapevine magazine; the Editor-in-Chief's decision is final.


Please email your Wedding, New Baby and other good news to SHARON GRANT at or ring the church office to advise Sharon of any pastoral support required.

THIS SPACE COULD BE YOURS Advertise your goods and services, or promote your business or special event. Call the ECC Office on 020 8840 7508 or email Sandra at to book your advert and for further details. We reserve the right to refuse advertisements without explanation. Acceptance of advertising does not indicate endorsement.


PICTURE: A post-lunch photo of the Evergreens on a recent trip to the Stonehouse Carvery in Ruislip

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017



s our movement contemplates ways to shape its future, Elim’s Leadership Summit this year was tagged ‘Imagine’. And what an awesome time it was, with vibrant worship led by our own Pastor Sam Blake and the other members of Elim Sound, and captivating and thought-provoking messages by seasoned and anointed speakers. It was refreshing to hear Chris Cartwright, our General Superintendent, mention something our Senior Minister, Richard Buxton, had said to him once, which reminded him of the fact that we are all missionaries! The General Superintendent reminded us that our task as a movement is a simple one: Be obedient to the Great Commission, and go and make disciples of all nations. Hearing Chris Cartwright speak got me thinking about the Men’s Ministry at ECC and the simplicity of our required task: to make disciples! I was forced to wonder whether we have been taking the wrong approach to men’s discipleship and, in so doing, whether we have complicated what is essentially a simple task. Patrick Dixon, one of the key speakers at the conference, confirmed my fear and forced me to begin to look at our Men’s Ministry from a different perspective. Patrick is a Christian, who originally trained as a doctor. He is currently an author and a business consultant who advises large corporations on trends, strategy, risk management, opportunities and innovation. In his session, Patrick used facts and data to demonstrate that the trend of Christianity in the UK - and in the world at large - is not on a downward spiral, as the Media would have us believe. He concluded that there are actually great opportunities for the Gospel to thrive, as we move forward into the future. He left us with the advice to carefully analyse common perceptions with facts and data, as these perceptions could be wrong. Combining Patrick Dixon’s optimism with Chris Cartwright’s charge, I left the conference with a rather positive outlook to life, and a positive outlook to our current situation with Men’s Ministry at ECC. Whilst this is not saying that the work of the Men’s Ministry in the church is done, I am saying that the situation is not at all

I paused and was greatly inspired to dream - and not just to dream, but to dream big... I dared to dream again and imagined big things for our men here at ECC and I stopped believing the lies of the enemy... 26

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017


IMAGINE... the doom and gloom we sometimes think it is. If anything, the situation actually offers us great opportunities, which we can only best maximise through a fresh and positive perspective! As they are relevant, permit me to reproduce here the series of though-provoking soundbites used to focus our minds, as we prepared for and during the conference. Please note that the emphasis is all mine!

Pause. Step away from the rut and routine and dream. Imagine what could be. Pursue what should be. Make no little plans; think big. Build on our history. Continue our story. Write the next chapter; create. See the impossible. Break through the disappointment; believe. Cease the small-talking. Shake-off the small-thinking. Sculpt the future; be bold. Target new territory. See new opportunity. Hold nothing back; push through. Form the new sound. Take the new ground. Chase the adventure; move out. Imagine what could be. Pursue what should be. Reject the routine and dream.

As I mulled over each of these, I paused and was greatly inspired to dream - and not just to dream, but to dream big. I was reminded that the impossible is nothing with God, as I allowed my imagination to begin to transform and renew my mind and my perception. I began to imagine what could be, rather than be content with how it is!

And so, in this process of renewal, I dared to dream again and imagined big things for our men here at ECC. I stopped believing the lies of the enemy that constantly paint men as distant from God and grossly underachieving in the sphere of spirituality! I imagined brothers on fire for God; fathers that are godly and loving; sons that are honouring and growing in righteousness; men that are not conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of their mind. I returned from the conference with a fresh and renewed perspective, and dared to imagine, to think big, to see the impossible as we write the next chapter in ECC’s Men’s Ministry holding nothing back and taking new ground. Imagine with me!


Men’s Discipleship Cells Coordinator

Women’s Prayer Breakfast WOMEN’S DISCIPLESHIP



he morning started at 8.00am, with a cooked breakfast for around 120 women. The catering team were so efficient that breakfast was finished by 9.30am, and the women were raring to go. Anointed worship ushered in God’s presence, and this was followed by a powerful testimony on forgiveness. Prayers of repentance paved the way for God to move in awesome power in the lives of many present. Various sisters took part in leading the prayer points for different areas of ministry, for women and for ECC. Everyone went home wanting more. Please read some of the feedback we received. We hope you will join us for the next Prayer Breakfast on Saturday 22nd July (details below).

“ “ “

I attended with an expectation that the Lord would do something special, and all my expectations were exceeded. From the sumptuous breakfast, followed by anointed praise and worship, to the inspiring testimonies and powerful prayers… There was real a hunger for the things of God. I left the meeting feeling inspired, encouraged, spiritually uplifted and wanting more of Jesus. Jessica Smith

I liked the prayer points that were covered, as well as the opportunity to pray with people who I wouldn’t necessarily prayer for on a day-to-day basis. And the food was great! Shaakira Muhammad

The Prayer Breakfast was very well attended. Whenever women come together in one accord and unity to pray, satan and his cohorts have to tremble and flee at the Name of Jesus. We prayed for the women, marriages, singles, men, youth and children. Long may such desire and commitment to pray continue in our midst. Sister Dale Adebakin

I enjoyed looking around and seeing women of all ages coming together in agreement. For me, this was a reminder that I am not alone in my faith even though sometimes out in the ‘world’ it feels like I am. Bukunmi Osuntoki

The foyer was packed with women of all ages; breakfast was tasty (thanks to all the cooks!) and God was definitely in our midst. Prior to the Women’s Prayer Breakfast, God reminded me of the term ‘stagnant water’. Hilda shared her testimony on ‘stagnant water’, meaning the blockage stopping the water flowing was unforgiveness. After examining my heart, I forgave those I needed to so the water could flow again. Jesus said “…. rivers of living water will flow from within them” (John 7:38). Nicole Morgan

It was encouraging to witness different generations of women in ECC come together to praise, pray and intercede on each other’s behalf. I hope that more young people will be encouraged to recognise the power of prayer and unity amongst women. Jade Owusu-Yianomah

I think it was a very reviving and refreshing experience, especially with topics that don’t come to mind on a daily basis. Jessica Boakye

Next Prayer Breakfast Saturday 22nd July 8am to 12noon Theme: ‘Heaven, come down’ Pastor RAJINDER BUXTON

Women’s Discipleship Cells Coordinator GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017



Thanks, DAD!

As we approach Father’s Day, we asked our children to convey their wishes, thanks and thoughts about their dads. Here are some of the responses we got… compiled by ANN VORKEL Children’s Ministries Coordinator My dad loves me and cares for me. He makes dinner, washes the dishes, irons the clothes. My dad is a superdad. Even when Mum is working at night, he can still take care of my brother and me. Thank God for my DAD!


My father is rich and he helps me with my future. Even though he yells at me, he is still the best dad on the galaxy, world. He buys my clothes.


My dad is very fun, and he always help me and makes me laugh and he helps me to get to netball matches and football. Also he is very compassionate, because he cooks my lovely food.

I am thankful for my dad because he’s supportive. He backs me up with everything I do and, when I need something, he makes sure to provide it for me - even when it means sacrificing himself. My father is also loving and kind. He teaches me stuff I want to know about law. Even though my mum was occasionally doing night shifts, my dad would cancel his work for the night to be with me and my brothers and sisters. He would take us on holiday - even if it means he misses work.


I think my dad cares for me because he never leaves me. He protects me, and he is a fun father. And I am thankful for that.

He is kind and loving. He sometimes takes us to the park.


I’m thankful for my Dad because he takes me to the park. He always leaves food for me. Also, he always does the work, and he always tells me to turn on the TV. He always give me a back massage.


My dad is a loving and caring person, who is always devoted to me. If he knows I need something, he will give it to me. He is quite strict, but that helps me to grow in a good manner, and straightens me up, helping me to do what’s good. He shows me and leads me on the right path.


My dad is a kind and loving man. He takes good care of me and loves me with all my soul. My dad is the greatest man alive.


PICTURE: A recent Kidz Alive concert


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017

I am thankful for my dad, because he always cares and he loves me no matter what we are going through. I am so proud that I have a dad like him, because he grew me up and raised me. I love my dad.


He is generous. He gives me my favourite food. He plays with me. He helps me through my life. He takes me to football.


He is very generous and kind, and he is very strong. He cooks me my favourite meals, like roast chicken. He is generous, because he gives me my favourite sweets.


He spends time with me and loves me. He puts me first and makes me laugh. He takes care of me.


I like to play card games with my dad, and he is loving and generous, like when he invites my cousins and takes me to fun places.


I am thankful that I have a dad, because he looks after me and cares for me by teaching me how to pray and to do things for myself.


struggles of a teenage Christian


have to admit, part of being a young Christian is discerning what’s right from what’s wrong. In a world that’s incredibly morally divided, I often find myself wondering what’s acceptable according to the Bible, and sometimes even questioning my beliefs and the principles I’ve been brought up with. A section from the Guides’ Promise states: “I promise to be true to myself and develop my beliefs….” Obviously, this milestone can only be reached if you’re confident in what you believe in. In this intelligent age, where knowledge flows in abundance, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to believe in the unseen. This is where faith comes in. As Christians, we need to have an unbelievable amount of faith to counteract growing ideas like the Big Bang Theory. I mean, how else can we prove that theories like Red Shift of Galaxies, CMBR (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation) and Hubble’s Law are wrong? Imagine an astronomer came up to you and laid out all this evidence, and then asked you for evidence that God exists. What would you say? For some people, this might be an easy question but, for some of us, this is where we really begin to question our faith and personal standing with God. Another issue we face as teenagers is peer pressure. This is a topic that is often spoken about. It doesn’t just come from friends; there’s pressure from everyone. There’s the burden of having to do exceedingly well academically; fit in with society (it’s social Darwinism, really), and prove that teenagers aren’t just loud and disruptive. We often find ourselves ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’ and, by Kardashian, I don’t literally mean Kim Kardashian; I’m referring to society. If we look closely, we realise that our lives are hugely influenced by society. In John 17:16, the Bible says: “They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.” I’m sure we’ve all heard the famous ‘in the world but not of it’. Well, what does this mean? Quite frankly, this is subject to personal interpretation, but the general message here is to stand out from the crowd. When people see the way we talk, act and

“Do not conform... ” doesn’t mean we can’t wear huaraches or have an iPhone 7 RED, but rather it means that ... I don’t have to conform to society by wearing the latest make-up or having a peng-ting boyfriend...


When people see the way we talk, act and react, they should be able to distinguish us as followers of Christ.

react, they should be able to distinguish us as followers of Christ. The Bible says: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). This doesn’t mean we can’t wear huaraches or have an iPhone 7 RED, but rather it means that as a 14-year-old I don’t have to conform to society by wearing the latest make-up or having a peng-ting boyfriend, or having the new iPhone the month it comes out. It means that it’s perfectly OK if I’m not as pretty as Cara Delevingne, or if I don’t have perfect hair, or my eyebrows aren’t on fleek, or if I don’t have 10 million followers on Instagram... Regardless, God still loves me. We seem to think that if we don’t adhere to society’s laws, the world will hate us (as Christians, this will happen anyway), or that we’ll be forever lonely. This is nothing but an empty thought from the devil. Charles Spurgeon once said: “Our worst misfortunes never happen, most of our miseries lie in anticipation.” We often imagine the worst and, more times than not, our imagination is wrong. Abiding by God’s laws - and not the world’s - does not cast you into an eternal pit of rejection or isolation, but abiding by the world’s laws and not God’s will cast you into an eternal pit of blazing fire. (I’m sure no one wants that.) Lastly, one of the biggest struggles I face is discrimination. This word has numerous connotations, and there are many reasons why someone may be discriminated against. Some people still haven’t realised that, even in a world with 30 basic Human Rights articles (including the right to freedom of religion!), Christians still get persecuted simply for believing in Christ. I’ve often wondered why this is, but the Bible actually enlightens us on this issue. John 15:19 says: “If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own, but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” Yup, that’s right. The Bible explicitly states that because we do not belong to this world - we belong to a far more glorious one - we will be hated, persecuted and treated as outcasts. This shouldn’t surprise us. Even Jesus, the Saviour of all sinners was forsaken. So, if Jesus was persecuted, why not us? There is light at the end of the tunnel, however: He’s coming back for us scaringly soon.

Kofo Boboye GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017



continued from page 4

Daan Bantayan I

n 2013, following the devastation of typhoon Haiyan, the GEMI team planted a church in a place called Daan Bantayan, which is situated in the northern-most tip of Cebu. The ECC team helped to conduct a medical outreach, a children’s feeding programme, and outreach to the youth. The local authorities have generously allowed the church to rent a 300m² piece of land, so that they can run the ministry.

Basketball Tournament Outreach Basketball is the number one sport in the Philippines, so the ECC and GEMI teams used this as an outreach opportunity. The young adults and youth organised a basketball tournament, where the top three teams received prizes and a trophy. The presentation was held at the PCC building, where the Gospel was presented. Twelve young men accepted Jesus for the first time. Praise be to Jesus!

The team were engaged in many areas of ministry: Feeding programmes; events for men, women and couples; medical outreach; outreach to fishermen; children’s and youth ministry; worship workshops; ministry to street kids; teacher training; computer training and building projects.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017


Storm ‘Crising’ An unseasonal tropical storm, named ‘Crising’ struck overnight on 16th April 2017, causing landslides and mudflows, and claimed the lives of nine people. Some houses owned by members of PCC were flooded and washed away. In some parts, the mudflows were so intense that they caused riverbeds to rise five metres higher than their original height. Theses pictures show a river close to the church during the storm, and the spot where a member’s house once stood – completely washed away by a mudflow.

Fire destroys 46 homes Ten days after the flood, the GEMI team found themselves in the midst of another catastrophe! A fire, started by a mentally ill girl, burned 46 homes to the ground in Ylaya village, Danao. These poor people, who struggle on a daily basis, lost everything within three hours. One of the GEMI pastors also lives here, but mercifully, her house was spared. The GEMI team made 52 emergency packs, and distributed them to the families that were affected. ECC have recently launched an appeal to raise enough funds to help rebuild their homes. (To get the full story, you can view the posts on the ECC Missions Facebook page.)

Sorceress accepts Christ This picture shows the time when a self-proclaimed sorceress and her two granddaughters renounced satan and declared Jesus as their Lord whilst the team was visiting the island of Leyte. Not only that… she also received healing in her legs, and could stand unaided for the first time in several years.


t was indeed a humbling experience for the ECC team to be used by God to bring many people to salvation, and to see the sick healed and encouraged through their ministry.

Please continue to pray for the flood victims of Danao and the fire victims of Ylaya. We thank God that, as this article goes to print, the ECC family have raised over £14,000 towards rebuilding homes and providing much needed medication for the villagers. What a wonderful way to show an act of kindness. Pastor MARK KING GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 86 • June / July 2017


NING E V E N EA EUROP RCH A M h t 9 1 Sunday

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