The ET Journal Spring Issue 2018

Page 27

Child Protection >>

The International Center for Missing and Exploited Children abuse, and child sexual exploitation. We offer support to governments, policymakers, law enforcement, prosecutors, industry, civil society, and others across the globe.

We advocate for children around the world.

We advocate for changes in laws, treaties and systems to protect children worldwide. Through The Koons Family Institute on International Law & Policy, we conduct and commission original research into the status of child protection laws around the world in an effort to bring about change. By creating replicable legal tools, promoting best practices, building international coalitions, and collaborating with partners in the field to identify and measure threats to children, we bring about change in the way children are protected around the world.

We train partners on the front lines.

The issues we work on affect every nation. We provide support, training and expertise to governments, law enforcement, policy makers, industry, civil society, and others across the globe with one goal in mind: to make the world a safer place for all children. We deploy instructors and technology tools to bolster the capacity of law enforcement to investigate crimes against children. Working alongside law enforcement and industry partners, programs like Project VIC help speed up the identification of child victims.

We collaborate with key stakeholders.

Every child deserves a safe childhood.

We work to make the world safer for children be eradicating child abduction, sexual abuse and exploitation. For more than 15 years, ICMEC has been a leader in identifying gaps in the global community’s ability to protect children from abduction, sexual abuse and exploitation, and expertly assembling the people, resources and tools needed to fill those gaps. Safeguarding children around the world is a responsibility every one of us shares — creating a world that is safer for today’s children and safer still tomorrow. To this end, we advocate, train and collaborate to protect the world’s children.

Strong partnerships play a vital role in protecting our children, particularly as the crisis of child victimization is exacerbated by the Internet. We collaborate globally with civil society, governments and private industry, encouraging partnerships and coordination. With initiatives like the Financial Coalition Against Child Pornography, the Global Missing Children’s Network and the Global Initiative for Child Health & Well-Being, we are fostering cooperation across borders to build networks that allow for information-sharing and better practices. +1 703 837 6313 (phone) | +1 703 549 4504 (fax) information |

We focus on programs that have an impact on addressing the complex issues surrounding missing children, child abduction, child sexual Spring 2018 Issue 25

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