2016 ET Journal Winter Issue

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L-R Willemijn Nieuwenhuys, CIS Director of Higher Education and Dick Krajczar, EARCOS Executive Director

2 Institute on Higher Educati nd

Second Annual Institute on International Admission and Guidance: A Successful Gathering to Guide Our Students and Learn from Each Other In her opening remarks, Ms. Willemijn Nieuwenhuys, CIS Director of Higher Education, noted that the Institute was a great collaboration between CIS and EARCOS and promises to again create, sustain, and strengthen deliberate and meaningful connections among the region’s schools and higher education communities. It was obvious that the atmosphere was charged with excitement. The delegates displayed an eager commitment to engage in purposeful dialogue. And, throughout the conference proceedings networking aimed at enhancement of the participants’ knowledge of leading practices was evident. An essential outcome of this professional gathering was guidance and support for international students as they explore higher education pathways. It was gratifying to witness a second year of enthusiasm and energy among all delegates, students and their families. This event united more than 145 university guidance counselors from 120 schools in the region, and 165 admissions representatives from 150 universities around the world. Comments from participants encouraged organizers to preserve the “just right” size of the conference, which did expand a bit from the previous year and has the potential to grow larger in its third year, which is being planned for 22-23 September 2017. (These are earlier dates, so plan early, if you are attending next year.)

6 EARCOS Triannual Journal

Over the course of the two days, professionals from around the world engaged in workshops and cultivated collaborative relationships. In conjunction with the institute, EARCOS and CIS hosted a university fair for students, which attracted over 600 students, plus many parents from 20 schools across Bangkok and beyond. For a second year, the EARCOS-CIS Institute provided an excellent venue for conversations about international higher education mobility. Participants in the institute had the opportunity to choose from 43 professional development workshops. Workshop topics varied from “The Good, the Bad, and the Jetlag: The Challenges of International Recruitment” to “the Hitchhiker’s Guide to Korean Culture, Universities, and Ethics: Fitting Square Pegs into Round Holes”. The initial findings from the international launch of the SAT were presented. Also, the changing patterns in international student choices created substantive discussions. Overall, the workshops spurred conversations and rich dialogues, which enhanced university-advising toolkits. And, of course, the organic opportunities for networking that the EARCOS-CIS institute offered attendees should not be understated. Whether it was a discussion during a workshop or a side-conversation during one of the breaks, there were many chances for individuals to network. Deliberate provisions were made for networking as the university fair for counselors allowed school counselors to walk around and talk to universities; and, the school fair for universities, where university representatives were able to walk around and talk to school counselors. Through these instances, the institute created an environment for new connections to be made and old relationships to be strengthened.

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