EARCOS Teachers' Conference 2012

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SESSION 3 THURSDAY | 29 March 2012


Jill Bromenschenkel Room: THE STUDY ROOM Strand: ESL Title: Engaging ELLs through Technology Almost endless tech tools for communication and language interaction are available for us to empower ESL students in their journey toward language development and academic learning. Participants will align web 2.0 tools and awesome apps to empower ELLs’ language use and academic engagement in both ESL and mainstream settings. We will examine steps to create curricular connections among TESOL, language, and content area standards, through the world of technology and social media. Faye Brownlie Room: MYANMAR I Strand: Literacy Title: Grand Conversations, Thoughtful Responses: A Unique Approach to Literature Circles Students engaged in grand conversations about their books. Students writing thoughtful responses about the books they are reading. Students reading, reading, and then reading some more! Create this scenario with literature circles without roles or set amounts of reading. Help ALL your students become more enthusiastic readers who actually read!


Tim Burns Sponsored by The COLLEGE BOARD Room: INDONESIA ROOM Strand: Counseling Title: ENERGIZING STRATEGIES for ENGAGED LEARNING: Using Movement, Rhythm, and Creative Play to Facilitate Classroom Learning All new learning results from a sequence of events taking place in the brain, beginning with the arousal of the “attentional networks.” In other words, a well-integrated neural system for bringing about focused attention is a key to learning. In this workshop we explore the three attentional systems and how they can be engaged more fully. This is where movement, rhythm, and creative play enter in for all students, all grade levels: together, these dynamic systems organize the brain throughout childhood and the teen years, and ready the brain for new learning throughout life. In addition, we look at specific movements that can help reorganize and engage the brain of children who, these days, tend to move and play less often, leading to problems in focus, concentration, and learning. Brett Dillingham Room: PEPPINO LEVEL 3 Strand: Literacy Title: Storytelling and Emergent Writing Ages 3 – 6 Developing oral language—speaking and listening skills—is the foundation for reading and writing. After all, we don’t expect children to read and write words they have never spoken nor heard in context. Yet because of a variety of factors (little conversation at home, too much television, English as a second language, etc.) many children come to school with vocabularies insufficient for comprehending even simple texts, or writing simple stories. Pre-school and kindergarten teachers are aware of this challenge. In order for children to learn the syntax and vocabulary that will allow them to read and write, they must speak and listen to stories that they can understand. They must tell and listen to stories they create and are told by their peers (and teachers). Jonas Edman / JOHANNA WEE / Rylan Sekiguchi Room:VIETNAM ROOM Strand: General / SPICE Title: Engaging Visual Learners: Strategies and Resources for Teaching Global Studies Using visuals in the classroom—illustrations, graphic novels, film, maps, etc.—can enhance our students’ understanding of complex information. How can visual media improve the teaching of global studies? This workshop introduces strategies and resources for teaching global studies with a focus on engaging visual learners. Extensive curriculum resources will be distributed. David Grant Room: THE VALLEY ROOM I Strand: General / Project Based Learning(PBL) Title: 6 Steps for Great Project Based Learning(PBL) King Middle School in Portland, Maine, is an original public Expeditionary Learning school. Once a bottom performer in the state, King’ s 550 students now outperform their peers in every subject, at every grade. How did the school turn around? High quality PBL students explore compelling topics, collaborate with professionals and community experts, engage in authentic research, create final products based upon professional models, and exhibit their work to the public. In this workshop, we will dig into King’s well-documented 6 Steps planning process. We will examine products and outcomes from successful learning expeditions, and explore what it takes to make PBL meet the needs of all kids. Nancy Johnson Room: SINGAPORE ROOM Strand: Literacy Title: Reading Aloud in Middle/High School? Best Teaching Partner Ever This workshop considers how the literature we read to our students in secondary classrooms can inform and transform reading, writing, thinking, creating. We will explore choosing response-rich read alouds and examine how this practice can teach reading response strategies, writer’s craft, and ways to engage adolescents in the voice of literature. Doug Johnson Room: PHILIPPINES ROOM I & II Title: The Sane Teacher’s Guide to Technology Integration Strand: Library Never been a technology geek or guru? Still rather think of a mouse as something that eats cheese than rolls around on your desk? Yet as a conscientious teacher, you KNOW your students should be practicing technology and information literacy skills. This workshop explores how good teaching practices and the content area curriculum can be enhanced through the judicious use of technology upgrades that support best practice. Examples of real student technology enhanced projects are given and a staff development model based on adult learning needs is described. 20

EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2012

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