EARCOS Teachers' Conference 2012

Page 26

SESSION 4 FRIDAY | 30 March 2012


Julie Adams Room: THE STUDY ROOM Strand: ESL Title: PDP Cornell Notes Across All Content Areas Learn from a Nationally Board Certified educator the most effective way to teach note-taking to your students.This comprehensive strategy boosts student comprehension and engagement across ALL content areas. This is one strategy your students CAN’T afford to be without! Lisa Ball / Curt Nichols Room: INDONESIA ROOM Strand: Counseling Title: The International High School Counselor’s Toolbox This workshop will communicate the skills needed to survive in a fast-paced high school counseling office, focusing on the key audiences with whom high school counselors interact, including programs to help address each of those audiences—teachers, universities, students, parents, and administration. We will also provide examples so that participants don’t need to “reinvent the wheel.” We’d be very happy to provide a part 2 to this workshop. In part 1, we are scaffolding the basic elements of the job, while in part 2, we could go much more in-depth into specific topics integral to creating a successful high school program. For example, these topics would include college counseling, financial aid, testing, and managing international transitions.


Cathryn Berger Kaye Room: PEPPINO LEVEL 3 Strand: General / Service Learning Title: When Service Meets Learning: The Academic Imperative We must must must connect service to learning. Still, many examples of “service learning” remain teacher-directed assignments lacking student voice with marginal academic benefits. Let’s challenge our thinking and discover new possibilities. Make links to curriculum, units of inquiry, and advanced classes. Strengthen academics while integrating engaging teaching methods. Faye Brownlie Room: MYANMAR I Strand: Literacy Title: Everyone a Writer! Yes, It Is Possible—and Fun! Poetry, information research writing, narratives... choose your genre and experience writing strategies that British Columbia primary teachers are using to get everyone writing. We have found that a focus on pre-writing and oral language, teacher modeling, repeated practice with a strategy, clear expectations, and high engagement are all factors for success. Cathy Davidson Room: MALAYSIA ROOM Strand: Digital Literacy Title: Teaching for the 21st Century: Peer-Assessment, Peer-Generated Syllabus This workshop introduces new modes of teaching and measuring for the 21st century, including concepts of peer-generated teaching, assessing, and measuring. Sandy Furth Room: BRUNEI ROOM II Strand: Counseling Title: Kids in Crisis, Families in Need It is never the intent of an international school to ask a student to leave their school. Unfortunately, there are times when the school and student do not ‘fit’. As everyone knows, the reasons are numerous; ranging from specific learning issues to behavioral issues. While not an easy conversation to hold with parents, there are some viable options to share. Kids in Crisis and Families in Need will discuss options and challenges in locating specific programs for these students. Nicholas Jackiw Room: CHAO PHRAYA ROOM Strand: Math Title: The Geometer’s Sketchpad Workshop: Beyond Geometry This hands-on technology workshop will focus on applications of Sketchpad outside the typical geometry curriculum—especially to algebra, trigonometry, and calculus. While representative topics and activities will be visited, our attention will be split between topics and the tool itself—particularly those aspects of the technology appropriate to mathematical modeling involving equations and their graphs. James Kett Room: THE VALLEY ROOM I Strand: Math Title: What Works and What Doesn’t After 40+ years of experience as a high school mathematics teacher, instructional leader, and author, Dr. Kett will share his impressions of classroom management and instructional strategies: those that work and those that do not. Steven Layne Room: BALLROOM III Strand: Literacy Title: Successful Strategies for Building Lifetime Readers (Repeat) Energetic author and educator Steven L. Layne promises a session to delight, empower, and motivate every teacher. Based on his bestselling professional book Igniting a Passion for Reading, this presentation will offer practical and highly motivational strategies to engage reluctant readers in text.


EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2012

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