SESSION 7 FRIDAY | 30 March 2012
Julie Adams Room: THE STUDY ROOM Strand: ESL Title: Pre-During-Post Content Literacy Strategies for ELLs Learn research-based strategies that teach your students the skills they need to be successful across all content areas. This session will equip you with powerful skills-based instructional practices that you will employ immediately in your classes. Whether you teach math, English, ELLs or gifted students, this is one session you don’t want to miss! Lori Boll / Stephen Shore Room: BALLROOM III Strand: Special Needs Title: Senses and Sensibilities: An Inside View on Sensory Issues Many persons on the autistic spectrum experience sensory stimuli with such variation that it can either cause extreme discomfort, or on the other hand, be undetectable, and/or be so distorted as to be useless. All of these situations can be overwhelming, and at times, dangerous. Dr. Shore will give “the inside view” and help the audience experience what sensory integration issues feel like for individuals. Lori Boll will share her experiences as a parent and teacher of children with severe sensory integration issues, and share strategies to help these individuals in the classroom and school setting. This is an interactive workshop, so come prepared to experience the senses.
Cathry Berger Kaye Room: PEPPINO LEVEL 3 Strand: General / Service Learning Title: Going Blue: Meeting Environmental Challenges with Service Learning Whatever we do, adding “blue” to being “green” matters. Let’s dive into the latest environment and water-related issues with a process that is all about critical thinking and formative questions. This is an action packed workshop, modeling how to engage youth in investigation, action research, and solution building. Go Blue! Tim Burns Sponsored by The COLLEGE BOARD Room: INDONESIA ROOM Strand: Counseling Title: The Amazing Brain Offered to students and parents in dozens of international schools around the world, this workshop combines two presentations, one designed with students in mind, the other for parents. The presentation includes a dozen Brain Gain tips that can be immediately applied to improve and enhance brain function. These companion presentations accompany the staff workshop and help spread the amazing brain “news you can use” to students and parents in the school community. Kim Cofino Room: MALAYSIA ROOM Strand: Technology Title: Digital Citizenship: The Forgotten Fundamental In our excitement to use new technology tools to enable our students to connect, collaborate, and share, we often neglect the attitudes, behaviors, and ethics that go along with online interactions. This session will highlight the essential aspects of digital citizenship and share examples of how these skills and concepts are integrated into the learning experiences of students at Yokohama International School, Japan. Brett Dillingham Room: THE GARDEN GALLERY Strand: Literacy Title: Culturally Responsive Literacy through Storytelling: Performance Literacy (Repeat) Culturally responsive literacy is rich, rewarding, and consistent with the values of students’ cultures and focuses on improving academic learning. In this workshop we will engage in activities that have a strong theory/evidence base. Performance literacy storytelling activities encourage and facilitate children’s oral and written language development, increase listening and reading comprehension, and inspire a love of reading and writing. These processes build on constructivist learning principles with the learner as an active participant in the process. Sandy Furth Room: BRUNEI ROOM I Strand: Counseling Title: Transitioning Students with Specific Learning Issues to University Transitioning high school students to university is a challenge in and of itself.Transitioning high school students with specific learning issues adds another iron to the fire. What universities want from these students and how to get into their support program is one issue; how to work with students who are well qualified for university with additional issues (i.e. Aspergers, ADHD) adds more complex details to a student’s profile. This workshop will explain a variety of options and programs to help these students transition to higher education. David Grant Room: THE VALLEY ROOM I Strand: Digital Literacy Title: What Did Students Learn from Making This? In this workshop, we will look at a variety of student products—pamphlets, movies, websites, books, performances, etc.—and explore the connections between products and learning. We will discuss strategies for getting the most learning out of products, review the workflow for making sophisticated mixed-media products with whole classrooms or grade level groups of students, and consider how products provide, and do not provide, opportunities for assessment of key learnings. * Please download all materials prior to attending this workshop at
EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2012