EARCOS Leadership Conference 2013

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SESSION 1 THURSDAY | 28 MARCH 2013 ROOM 10:00 - 11:30

Amanda Abel / DAVID LARSON Strand: MS Counseling P203 Social Media and Your Child The focus will be adolescent development, brain research, and the use of the laptop. Considerations will given to the factors and how to navigate as a teacher or parent. (Sponsored by The College Board) MICHELLE ANDERSON Strand: Visual Arts R401 Social Media in the Art Classroom This interactive workshop will explore the use of social media to support and become a part of your art curriculum. Various examples will be shared to get participants started in their own classrooms using social media. Participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences in the use of social media in their classrooms and engage in a discussion of ideas. Some of the social media discussed will include Behance, Pinterest, Facebook, DeviantART, and Twitter. LIV ARNESEN Strand: Global Issues HS Gym Dare to Dream This session is a follow up to the keynote address and will explore the connections between the upcoming international expedition to the South Pole and the arts and physical education. Louis Bergonzi Strand: Strings R302 An Approach to Contemporary Music for School String Orchestras (Trust Me on This!) How might we teach students a piece of contemporary music when we don’t have the expectation of “how it goes?” that we have for pieces in more familiar styles. Bergonzi will demonstrate an approach to teaching contemporary string orchestra music. Pieces by American composers suitable for school groups will be read; so bring your instrument!


DEBRA BERKEY Strand: Physical Education MS Gym Supervision and Mentoring Techniques for Interns and Colleagues Effective teacher assessment techniques utilize variables that both the observer and performer (teacher) recognize and understand. A systematic approach to live and taped observation will be presented focusing on planning, presentation, management, feedback and student performance. The system supports self-reflection as well as supervision and mentoring specific to the content area of physical education. Theresa Chao / Chunman Gissing Strand: Chinese Language Wittenberg H316, H318 Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA) This workshop will focus on why, what, and how to implement IPA in assessing communicative skills acquisition and proficiency building in a Chinese program. Participants will take away a repertoire of IPA schemes to use after having engaged in step-by-step hands on activities. Kendra Farrell Strand:Visual Arts Theater R101 Light Painting with Our Art Class, School, and Globe! Want to learn a technique that every student will love and at the same time be given resources to be able to collaborate within and beyond your school? Light painting is one way to begin sharing what you do beyond your classroom encouraging greater richness, relevance, and relationships. It is a fun, simple, and imaginative photography technique that can be easily created with a point and shoot camera, tripod, flashlights, and a dark space. This workshop is hands on, for all grade levels, and will include its own wikispace to reference before and after the conference.The workshop will be “flipped” with the expectation that participants will have a good look at the wiki http://goingglobalwithlightpainting.wikispaces.com/home I have just begun. It will contain all the resources for creating light paintings and for uploading their work onto a variety of sites suitable for sharing and collaborations. Theresa Goetz Strand: Dance Dance Studio H041 Dance Games for Fostering Creativity Dance provides an unparalleled opportunity to develop and nurture creativity in our students.Terry Goetz will share dance games and structures you can use to encourage, support, and excite your students to reach their own creative potential. We will explore dance concepts through improvisation and learn how these games support problem solving, reflection, recuperation, and social/emotional intelligence. Structures will be shared that can stand alone as movement moments in the classroom or be incorporated into a more traditional dance class format. Workshop will be a fun blend of discussion and dance. You’ll leave with ideas you can use with your students immediately!

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EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2013

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