SESSION 6 FRIDAY | 29 MARCH 2013 ROOM 1:45-3:15
AMANDA ABEL Strand: Counseling (K-12) P204 Resiliency in the International Student Identify characteristics associated with resiliency and how to create lessons, experiences which will strengthen the potential of resiliency in students. LIV ARNESEN Strand: Global Issues Luther Hall H216, H217 How to Tackle Defeat This workshop links to elements of the keynote presentation. In expeditions, as in sports, school, and in life it is important to interpret failure as learning; no failure – no dream will be fulfilled. Louis Bergonzi Strand: Strings R302 Ensemble Skill Development: The Long and Short of Rehearsal Techniques (Part 1) An overview of principles and practical techniques designed to improve an orchestra’s rhythm, sound production, and intonation. Ways of keeping the whole group involved in the rehearsal process will also be explored. Applicable to elementary, middle, and high school string and symphonic orchestras. Please bring instruments. Theresa Chao Strand: Chinese Language Wittenberg H316, H318 Connecting The Dots with 5 Cs and UbD “What will students remember 45 days later or 45 years later from what they learned in your Chinese class for 45 minutes?” This workshop will help you understand how curriculum, learning targets, unit design using the UbD model, and 5Cs are all connected to make Chinese teaching and learning authentic, fun, and everlasting.
Theresa Goetz Strand: Dance Dance Studio H041 BrainDance (Part 1) Developed by Anne Green Gilbert, the BrainDance is a full body-brain warm-up for children and adults. This 3-hour workshop will provide an understanding of the developmental movement patterns healthy human beings naturally move through in the first year of life and continue refining through child and adulthood. The benefits of the BrainDance are many: reorganization of the neurological system; increased blood and oxygen flow to the respiratory system and brain; enhanced core support, connectivity, and alignment; and deeper understanding of the elements of dance technique. The BrainDance may be used as a warm-up for dance class or physical activity; before tests, performances, and presentations; after sitting for long periods of time; and to increase energy and reduce stress. (Participants need to attend both workshop 1 and workshop 2) Julie Hartley Strand: Drama P135 Shaking up the School Play: New Ideas for Directors If you teach drama, there’s a good chance you also direct school productions. This workshop will explore a wealth of new ideas to help ensure your rehearsals and performances are exciting, educational, and varied. We’ll explore alternatives to traditional auditions, and look at fresh approaches to rehearsals. How do you use practical drama strategies to assist actors during rehearsals? How do you maximize the learning experience for all students? We’ll look at exciting alternatives to traditional school plays: collective creation, environmental theatre, community theatre, social action theatre, and more. Participants will leave with a wealth of ideas to take their productions — and drama workshops — in exciting new directions. Mike Johnston Strand: Global Issues and Environmental Education M179 Learning by Doing - Aware - Able - Act - Curriculum Integration (Focused on global issues in every day practice) Can we really leave awareness and action to after school and outside class time? Real world contextual learning doesn’t get any better than integrating global issues and sustainability into daily learning activities. We will explore many curricular examples; share resources and help schools truly integrate change into the classroom. Please feel free to send examples or links to good learning activities to and a common resource share will be provided to all participants. DANIEL JUBERT Strand: ES Counseling P204 Preparing New Students for Success: Developing a Comprehensive Transitional Program Transitioning to a new country, language, school, and friends creates a significant amount of change in a child’s life. This presentation will review the latest research on international student transition, its impact on personality and development, and explore ways schools can set up successful transitional programs. Attendees will leave with sample transitional models and ideas to develop and implement within their own schools.
EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2013