08:30 - 16:30 MELISSA COX
Level 1 - Orchestra Room 1115 AP Music Theory This two-day workshop will provide an overview of the AP music theory course and examination. The workshop will cover the scope and sequence of the course, with a focus on the knowledge and skills needed by students to engage successfully with tasks at various points in the course. Participants will discuss strategies for sight singing and both melodic and harmonic dictation, as well as current pedagogical approaches to written theory tasks such as figured bass realization and harmonization. Participants will learn about the course audit and the process of developing and submitting a syllabus. There will be opportunities to collaborate on the writing of multiple choice aural and non-aural analysis questions, with the goal of honing teaching effectiveness and improving student success in these areas. The workshop will also offer ample opportunity for sharing teaching practices and resources. Participants will receive a USB thumb drive with necessary handouts, plans, and resources. BARBRA SUNDAY Level 1 - Art Room 1186 AP Studio Art This 2-day studio art workshop is intended for teachers who are active in AP studio art, those who are just beginning the program, and also for teachers who are involved with high school art.The content will provide participants with an overview of portfolio preparation possibilities for students in 2-D design, 3-D design, and drawing. Student success through the demonstration of high-quality visual problem solving will be the key concern throughout the workshop.The following topics will be thoroughly covered: defining the parameters and examining the specifications for each AP portfolio section, striving for highest possible quality results in planning for differentiated instruction, mentoring individual students, and using rubrics to maximize student results. Teaching strategies, sharing best practices, and examining suitable resources will be highlighted throughout the session. Each day, time will be devoted to increasing possibilities for the development of a range/breadth of experiences, developing a personal concentration/sustained investigation, and in selecting best quality pieces. Participants will review student work, examine the contents of actual portfolios, and discuss studio practice in conjunction with specific instructional issues. The workshop will provide many student samples, handouts, and a range of actual portfolios. Bringing a laptop is suggested since some detailed additional resource PowerPoint presentations will be circulated for sharing on USB format.
13:00 - 20:00 GLENYS AND ROGER RADA Level 3 Lofthouse B International School Leadership Program
10:00 - 10:30 MORNING TEA / COFFEE BREAK 12:30 - 13:30 LUNCH 14:30 - 15:00 AFTERNOON TEA / COFFEE BREAK
Level 1 in front of canteen
Level 1 - Orchestra Room 1115
Level 1 - Art Room 1186
MARILYN GEORGE Accreditation Level 1 - Little Theater Serving as a Visiting Committee Member and Conducting a Self-Study This session will (1) prepare educators to serve on ACS WASC visiting committees, emphasizing the role and responsibilities of an ACS WASC visiting committee member, and (2) examine the essentials of the Focus on Learning process and its adaptability from a self-study perspective. Who should attend? - Representatives from schools conducting future Focus on Learning self-studies. - All interested teachers and other educators who have never served on an accreditation team or have served previously but are eager to learn more about serving on a Focus on Learning team. - All teachers and other educators who are serving on Focus on Learning teams, if they have not participated in a recent training. Why attend? The session will provide an opportunity for educators... - To strengthen their understanding of Focus on Learning process from a school self-study and visiting committee perspective. - To understand how Focus on Learning can be integrated with other school initiatives such as strategic planning - To examine strategies inherent in Focus on Learning that support the school’s assessment of student learning in relation to schoolwide learner outcomes and curricular objectives/ standards. - To become eligible to serve on visiting committees.
EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2016