EARCOS Teachers' Conference 2016

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FRIDAY | 1 APRIL 2016 13:45-15:15


ROLF BECKER Arts – Film Level 4 - HS Film Lab 4005 Let’s Get Practical - 1) Watch a short clip showing John Williams discussing music content for the first Star Wars movie to give some ideas how to create an efficient production team. 2) Rolf will show a short sequence of a movie and use different music themes and styles to demonstrate how dramatically music can change the character/mood of this sequence. 3) He will present eight different orchestrations using the same melody to demonstrate the power of orchestration. 4) Open time for Q & As. CHRISTOPHER BILL Music Level 1 - ES Music Room 1167 Arranging for Technology - Using classical compositional techniques and how they influence pop arranging. Where do traditional compositional techniques end and new techniques come in when dealing with technology, looping software, and multi-tracking. ASHLEY CASEY Physical Education Level 2 - HS Gym Sport Education: Enthusiastic, Competent, and Literate Sportspeople - Building on the work of Daryl Sidentop this session explores the beginnings of sport education and suggests ways in which the model can be used. It is beyond the capacity of any session to demonstrate the whole model. But by exploring ‘a typical lesson’ it begins to show how the physical education lesson can be tailored to support the development of enthusiastic, competent, and literate sportspeople and not just performers.


ALEC COUROS Technology Level 2 - MS Media Center Computer Lab Designing for Online & Blended Courses (Part I) - While learning managements systems like Moodle and Blackboard are still popular choices for facilitating online and augmented courses; these systems are being challenged by ‘small-tools-loosely-joined’ approaches to instructional design. This workshop will outline various pedagogical approaches used to construct learning environments based on freely available or low-cost tools. Participants will learn the ins and outs of some of the most common and powerful tools while coming to understand the pedagogical frameworks afforded by distributed learning environment design. Both closed and open models of learning will be explored throughout the workshop. MELISSA COX AP Music Level 1 - Orchestra Room 1115 Directed Listening: Developing Aural Analysis Skills from Middle School through Advanced Music Theory - We all listen to music for pleasure, but trained musicians hear and understand many additional aspects of music as it is played, actively engaging both sides of the brain. Even students who will not continue on to advanced music study increase their appreciation and understanding of music as they begin to hear and engage with the underlying structures of music. Developing deeper aural analysis skills involves an intersection of concepts, vocabulary, visualization, and practice, and the process can begin early in a student’s musical education. In this session, we will discuss scaffolded techniques for developing students’ understanding of heard music, from simple concepts like “up/down” or “same/ different” to the more sophisticated analytical skills. ROBERT GILLESPIE Music – Strings Level 1 - Orchestra Room 1116 Motivating String Students for Success! - This session will explore motivation techniques for your strings students. Motivating the preadolescent: While they still want to please us, the life and world viewpoint of the preadolescent . . . What are they thinking, why, and what strategies are effective to motivate them so they do their best for us in the string class? Motivating the adolescent: What happened to them? They used to like me and want to do what I asked? Now what do I do? Strategies for getting the adolescent to stay the course and give their best in school orchestra. DAVID GLEASON Counseling Level 1 - HS Faculty Lounge 1093 Facing the Immunity to Change - Educators annually prepare and execute curricular and extracurricular programs for their schools. Many strive to make changes so to promote their primary mission: educating students for a demanding world. Often, unforeseen barriers impede progress toward these changes. This workshop involves an interactive exercise designed to dislodge “hidden barriers” to change. DOUG GOODKIN Music Level 1- ES Music Room 1164 Music from the Five Continents - Drawing from children’s games, rhymes, songs, dances, and instrumental pieces learned from travels, studies, and work with children, this workshop will highlight material that celebrates many of the world’s musical cultures. Ideas of how to integrate the cultural backgrounds of one’s students will also be presented. JENNIFER HARTLEY Arts – Drama Level 1 - AMR 1110 Applied Theatre Breaking Down Boundaries into Applied Film - How applied theatre is being used to develop documentary and ‘docufilm’ - What are the implications and the complexities? Why is it necessary? And, participants will look at some of the results. MARK HILL Arts – Drama Level 1 - Fine Arts Theater An Introduction to the Suzuki Method (World Theatre Tradition) - This unique actor-training method draws from Japanese martial arts traditions and develops extraordinary energy, incredible focus, and absolute commitment to performance. Participants will learn Suzuki’s core principles, how they can be used to develop stage presence, and understand their connection to Noh and Kabuki Theatre. * Participants please wear clothing appropriate to move in e.g. a comfortable t-shirt & leggings or shorts.


EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2016

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