FRIDAY | 1 APRIL 2016 15:45-17:00
CHRISTOPHER BILL Music Having A Career In Music Online - How to create a sustainable virtual career.
Level 1 - ES Music Room 1167
PETER BOONSHAFT Music – Strings Level 1 - HS Band Room 1128 Teaching Music with Promise: 25 MORE Things You Can Do Tomorrow To Improve Your Ensemble - This session offers 25 simple things you can do to improve the quality of your ensemble. Learn how to make any rehearsal more productive and hear from Peter about how to energize the power of your teaching. The session is useful for conductors of any level and type of ensemble. KRIS BUMPUS / ERIN HAWKEN Counseling Level 1 - MS 1036 Enticing College Representatives to your Campus - Hosting university representatives on your campus is invaluable to your school community and wonderful professional development as a counselor.This session will explore various ways to entice universities to your campus and how to make their visit to your region more productive. The SSIS University Visit Google Doc will be used as an example of what information many university representatives have found useful before and during a visit to Ho Chi Minh City. Participants will be given the time to work on creating their own outreach document. To make this session more productive please bring a laptop. ASHLEY CASEY Physical Education Level 1 - AMR 1110/ HS Gym Health-Based Physical Education: Habitual Movers, Motivated Movers, Informed Movers, and Critical Movers - Drawing on work of two of her doctoral students, Ashley will present a developing prototype pedagogical model. Ashley and her students have been working on this model for the last four years.The model places the idea of “valuing the physically active life” at its heart and seeks to develop movers who are habitual (i.e. lead active lives), motivated (i.e. have a positive, challenge-facing attitude), informed (i.e. can explain how and where to engage), and critical (i.e. evaluate and overcome barriers to physical activity).
ZOE COUGHLAN Art Level 1 - MS 1163 Printing on Clay – Practical Techniques and Tips - Learn how to create interesting printed ceramic surfaces using familiar printing techniques with a ceramic-twist: stencils and resists, mono-printing, and photocopy transfer printing. Printed ceramics have a rich history and offer opportunities to introduce text, historical references, found images, narratives, and memories into a work. This workshop will introduce the basic tools, materials, and techniques, and provide an opportunity to create a printed tile using a variety of these techniques. ROBERT GILLESPIE Music – Strings Level 1 - Orchestra Room 1116 From Rote to Note: Rote Teaching Strategies and Correlated Music to Teach Technique in the School Orchestra - From détaché to vibrato, teaching strategies and over 20 orchestra pieces for developing students’ playing skills in the orchestra. TERRY GOETZ Arts – Dance Level 3 - Dance Room From Place to Relationships: Exploring Dance Concepts - The knowledge to dance freely, with skill and creativity, comes from a study of dance concepts. Anne Green Gilbert took Laban’s movement vocabulary and simplified these principles into 15 concepts containing contrasting elements. These concepts are categorized under the headings of space, time, force, and body. Students experience balance in body and mind as they explore self and general space, light and strong weight, single and multi focus, etc. Terry will provide improvisational structures allowing participants to gain cognitive and kinesthetic understanding of these accessible, fun, and engaging concepts. Discover how the dance concepts enrich dance class as well as providing a scaffold for connections to curriculum and developing social-emotional intelligence. DINAH HELGESON Music – Choral Level 1 - Orchestra Room 1115 “All Music Must Dance” - Connecting the Breath and Freeing the Heart - Part I - “Building a Group Sound though Individual Talent.” Using the “One on One” approach to build confidence and a climate of “trust”, we discover the gift within each singer. MARK HILL Arts – Drama Level 1 - Fine Arts Theater An Introduction to the Viewpoints (Collaborative Creation Method) - The Viewpoints are a fun and dynamic training and creation method developed by Anne Bogart. The method provides actors with a brilliant shared language from which to discuss and create ‘theatre.’ Participants will learn how to use her Viewpoints quickly and effectively to collaboratively create ‘theatre’ from a starting point. CLARE McDERMOTT Counseling Level 1 - HS Faculty Lounge 1093 It’s Your Choice: Helping Students Develop Healthy Habits - The workshop will include activities that ES and MS counselors (or teachers) can use to promote healthy food choices by students during the school day, research on the importance of healthy choices, and simple changes that can transform school food service from acceptable to awesome. Information is based on worldwide research of children and how their dietary habits can impact learning. SUE NESBITT Counseling Level 1 - MS Faculty Lounge Advisory: Show, Don’t Tell — Seven Factors for a Successful Program - Cognitive skills continue to trump non-cognitive skills, but imagine if teaching to the test meant teaching students the skills they need to lead more meaningful lives? An effective advisory does this, but you can’t just tell students; you have to show them. This workshop will model how to use a consistent structure to enhance the advisory experience and seven success factors to keep it sustainable. 34
EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2016