SATURDAY | 2 APRIL 2016 09:45-11:15
CHRISTOPHER BILL Music Having A Career In Music Online (Repeat) - How to create a sustainable virtual career.
Level 1 - ES Music Room 1167
CHRISTINA DY Arts – Visual Level 1- HS 1166 Charcoal Work Subtractive Drawing Workshop - After introducing her own work and demonstrating techniques, Christina will encourage participants to form a circle around the subject (draped sheets). Each person will work on a white piece of paper to complete a ‘negative’ drawing using charcoal and eraser. RHONDA FISHER Counseling Level 1 - MS 1036 Gloom and Doom: Teens and the Neuroscience of Anxiety - It is perfectly normal for teens to feel stressed from time to time, but when stress is chronic and prolonged, anxiety may result. This workshop will address the latest research in the neuroscience of teen anxiety with attention to our students’ various cultural backgrounds. ROBERT GILLESPIE Music – Strings Level 1 - Orchestra Room 1116 Fix Your Orchestra so It Can Perform at Its Best: Identifying and Solving Common Challenges in Rehearsing School Orchestras Analyzing videos of elementary, middle, and high schools’ rehearsals. Identifying what works and what does not. Contrasting videos of model rehearsals: Why they work and bring out the best in teachers and their students’ playing and behavior. DAVID GLEASON Counseling Level 1 - HS Faculty Lounge 1093 May I Have Your Attention, Please? - Learning challenges and mental health problems frequently overlap. Consequently, students get treated for depression, anxiety, learning disabilities, and even poor school fit, when too often, the true culprit is an undiagnosed attention problem.This workshop will review these overlapping conditions and clarify how to make accurate diagnoses for effective interventions.
TERRY GOETZ Arts – Dance Level 3 - Dance Room Creating Dances: Using Curriculum & Choreographic Forms for Inspiration - Creating dances can be challenging for students and teachers! Choreography may feel intimidating, but it is important that students are given opportunities to synthesize what they have learned and create their own work. Terry will teach choreographic forms such as ABA, ABC, narrative, abstract, and recurring theme by providing clear structures as inspiration for choreography. We will generate movement that is connected to curriculum using choreographic prompts from language arts, science, social studies, and visual arts. Learn how choreographic devices can bring variety to a simple movement phrase. This workshop will offer effective and easy tools to make the creative process and product stress-free and meaningful! DAVID GRAN Arts – Film Level 4 - HS Film Lab 4005 Collaborative Projects for Art & Film - Collaborative projects provide students with authentic audiences for their work and help them make connections to their peers around the world based in their shared enthusiasm for art. The impact on student learning is twofold; first of all it allows the students to see a wide variety of technical and aesthetic responses to the same challenge and imagine new possibilities for their own future work. Having seen these responses made by a community of their peers, they may be empowered to explore a greater range of creative approaches in future project. This presentation will look at some collaborative projects that you can become involved in, and discuss connections between curricula to begin our own. We will also speak to film composer Rolf Becker about his symphony “Sketches of the City,” written with the intention of becoming a collaborative project for film students. JENNIFER HARTLEY Arts – Drama Level 1 - Fine Arts Theater Theatre of the Oppressed: A Breakdown of the Essentials - A whirlwind introduction to all the different strands of Augusto Boal’s “Theatre of the Oppressed” and how this can be used in and out of the classroom. Participants will look at “image theatre,” “invisible theatre,” “rainbow of desire,” “forum theatre,” “newspaper theatre,” “game theory,” and “acting technique.” DINAH HELGESON Music – Choral Level 1 - MS/HS Choir Room 1115 All Music Must Dance - Connecting the Breath and Freeing the Heart - Part II - Vocal Transformation of the Whole Musician - Our journey, our conducting gestures, and the transformation when discovering the hidden treasure in each of our singers creates “power in music.” KEVIN HONEYCUTT Arts – Visual Level 1 - Little Theater Entrepreneurial Learning - Could kids learn about business by being one? Today’s tools and resources allow kids to create, market, and sell their ideas anywhere in the world. There are no barriers save for those we imposed on ourselves. Let’s explore some powerful tools and notions that kids could use to imagine a future where they are successful! MIKE KUCZALA Physical Education Level 2 - HS Gym More Activities from the Kinesthetic Classroom - Want more practical application to help create a Kinesthetic Classroom? This session is for you! Participants will experience - in greater depth - the 6-part framework for using movement including (1) Preparing the Brain, (2) Providing Brain Breaks, (3) Supporting Exercise and Fitness, (4) Creating Class Cohesion, (5) Reviewing Content and (6) Teaching Content. You will leave with dozens of immediately usable classroom applications! 38
EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2016