EARCOS Teachers' Conference 2017

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FRIDAY | 31 MARCH 2017

09:45 - 11:15


PAUL ANDERSEN S.T.E.M. PS Function Room IX Science and Engineering Practices Scientists answer questions about the observable universe through the process of inquiry. Engineers solve human problems through the process of design. Students should engage in both of these processes to improve instruction in the science classroom. In this workshop Paul Andersen will show you how to do this effectively. JESSICA BALLI / PATRICK CALLAHAN Math PS Function Room VI Tracking/Acceleration in MS Math: Pitfalls and Perils There are more pressures to accelerate in mathematics than any other subject. “If my child isn’t accelerated, they won’t get into the top colleges,” a phrase heard all too often, has serious implications. In this session we will discuss some of the pitfalls and perils associated with acceleration and tracking in mathematics. Colleges and universities are re-thinking college admissions, especially regarding mathematics preparation. The SAT has changed, and IB Diploma is in the process of revising their assessments. We will provide insights, and concrete strategies for improving mathematics teaching and programs and how to avoid some of the common pitfalls.


LYNNE COLEMAN General Education PS Ballroom I Building Service into Formative and Summative Assessments By their nature, project-based summative assessments and the formative assessments that lead toward them are ripe for service grounded in curriculum. Building from the work of Wiggins and McTighe, participants will create a service-centered summative assessment with formative assessments that lead to it. All are welcome, though the workshop is most appropriate for classroom teachers of grades 6-10. KATE DORÉ / ROB NEWBERRY Counseling PS Function Room II My Brain, My Body, My Narrative: A Scientific Approach for Supporting Students in Healthy Relationships How do we talk about sex with teenagers in a digital world? How do we start meaningful discussions about the interconnections in relationships with others, the world around us, and ourselves? How do we help students navigate the new digital landscape in the context of health and relationships? In this workshop, we will focus on scientific research and supportive communities to deepen students understanding of their role and agency in personal health, close relationships...and how they can be affected by their online digital world. By looking inward using the scientific lens, we hope to empower students as they develop mature relationships with themselves and others. CRAIG GABLER Science PS Function Room I Understanding the 3 Dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards (Repeat) Participants will gain an overview of the structure of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and how to leverage these standards for improved student engagement and conceptual understanding. Participants will in and analyze a science learning activity to identify the 3 Dimensions of NGSS and how these apply to best practices in science instruction. CHRISTOPHE GALFARD Math PS Ballroom II & III Understanding Nature As of today, mathematics is the best language mankind has ever found to describe Nature. Throughout this workshop, we’ll get a feeling of what the maths involved are, what they mean, and what their limits may be. No prior mathematical knowledge is needed, nor any mathematical skill. We will start from scratch. We’ll for instance figure out together how scientists link a language to particles and we’ll try, together again, to see how one can guess the existence of something previously unknown. The workshop is intended to be fun, and (reasonably) challenging at the same time. The aim is for the audience to get a feeling of the extraordinary and uncanny powers of mathematics. TIM GERRISH OBE Counseling MS Meeting Room V Child Safeguarding - What You Need To Know. (Repeat of Session 1) Identify the different types of child abuse and the effects these have on children’s lives. - Recognise signs and symptoms. - What makes a safer school Identify the key steps that you can take to protect children in your school - Consider some of the online vulnerabilities children might face when using modern technology. CYNTHIA GILBERT Counseling PS Function Room IV Safe Schools for Gender Diverse Students Through this workshop participants will gain understanding to help them improve visible support, safety and protection for gender diverse students. You will gain knowledge of current terminology and an understanding of the global reality for this population of students. You will learn which evidence-based strategies help to ensure your school is supportive and welcoming for the LGTBQ community. STEFANIE LAMB Social Studies/Humanities MS Meeting Room IV Japanese Arts of the Edo Period (Repeat) During the Edo Period in Japan, peace and stability helped facilitate a renaissance in the arts, and art became more accessible to all classes of people. Participants will view images of art and become familiar with some of the economic, political, and social forces that influenced Edo Period arts.


EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2017

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