Fresh Air. Clean Water. Pure Nordic.
Dear visitor! Estonia is a Northern European country with magnificent nature and four seasons, which provide locals with a diverse and interesting diet. Estonians value good food greatly and know how to prepare it as well. In fact, food is one of Estonia’s quality marks, as ours is among the purest in the world. We have all the prerequisites for producing delicious, high-quality food – clean air, scenic bogs, forests full of berries and mushrooms, fertile fields and bodies of water rich in fish. We have innovative food industries, with excellent quality and a high level of food safety.
I would like to invite you to visit the Estonian section and taste the flavours of Estonia – the home of clean air, fairy-tale bogs and deep forests.
Estonia is a place where nature and the comfort of a digital society go hand in hand. We are strong in digitalisation- 99 % of our public services are online and both our farmers and high-level food industry contribute to that image. We can produce more than we need for ourselves, therefore, we export a third of the food produced in Estonia to other countries. Our clean environment and unspoilt nature enable us to create high-quality products and offer nuanced flavour experiences. Tarmo Tamm Minister of Rural Affairs
尊敬的游客: 爱沙尼亚是北欧的一个国家,自然资源富饶, 四季景色鲜明,为当地居民提供了各种独特的 食物来源。爱沙尼亚人对美食情有独钟,而且 拥有高超的烹饪技术。事实上,食品是爱沙尼 亚的一大质量象征,爱沙尼亚的食品是世界上 最干净的食品之一。我们拥有制作优质美食所 需的各种得天独厚的条件:清新的空气、风景 如画的沼泽资源、长满浆果和菌类的森林、肥 沃的土地、盛产鱼类的水域。此外,本国拥有 创新的食品产业,极其注重食品质量和安全。
本人诚心邀请您参观爱沙尼亚的这一产业, 到这个以清新空气、仙境沼泽和茂密森林 著称的国度,品尝爱沙尼亚的美食。
爱沙尼亚不仅是一个自然资源丰富的国度, 而且享有数字化社会带来的舒适环境。本国 的数字化程度极高, 99 % 的公共服务均通 过在线提供, 这一国家形象离不开本国农民 和先进食品产业的贡献。爱沙尼亚生产的食 品超出本国所需,因此本国生产的食品三分 之一用于出口至其它国家。我们拥有清洁的环 境和未遭到破坏的自然资源,为我们生产优质 产品以及提供独特的美食体验创造了条件。
Tarmo Tamm 乡村事务部长
Estonia is a place where bright ideas meet a can-do spirit. Enterprise Estonia (EAS) is the largest public entrepreneurshipsupporting organisation in Estonia. Our aim is to promote Estonian economic development by encouraging export and attracting foreign direct investments. For encouraging export, we help Estonian enterprises in their search for business partners and new sales opportunities. In addition to helping Estonian enterprises, we also help foreign enterprises free of charge in finding potential sourcing partners from Estonia via targeted search. For additional information, please contact:
Embassy of the Republic of Estonia No. 1, Liangmaqiao Beixiaojie, Chaoyang District Beijing 100600, P.R. China Contact person in China: Mrs. Pirgit Laanpuu Trade and Investment Director in China Telephone: +86 13661881245 Fax: +86 1085316701
The following information and services are offered to foreign enterprises free of charge: • General information enquiries about Estonia as a place for doing business • Organising fact-finding missions • Identifying potential partners in Estonia • Preparing investment projects • Supporting the development of market entry strategies • Providing information on specific investment and business opportunities The website offers a wide range of information and advice to enterprises interested in investing in Estonia. For additional information, please contact:
爱沙尼亚是一个融合了智慧 思想与勤奋精神的国家。
爱沙尼亚企业局 (EAS) 是爱沙尼亚以企 业家精神为依托的大型公营机构。 我们的宗旨是通过鼓励出口和吸引外国 直接投资来推动爱沙尼亚经济发展。 鼓励出口方面,我们帮助爱沙尼亚企业寻找业 务合作伙伴和新的销售机会。除了帮助爱沙尼 亚企业外,我们还帮助外国企业免费通过目标 搜索从爱沙尼亚寻找潜在的采购合作伙伴。
免费为外国企业提供以下信息和服务: • 爱沙尼亚作为经商场所的一般信息查询 • 组织实地考察 • 寻找爱沙尼亚潜在的合作伙伴 • 准备投资项目 • 支持市场进入策略的制定 • 提供特定投资和商业机会信息 有兴趣投资爱沙尼亚的企业可登 陆网站( ) ,获取更多信息和建议 更多信息,请联系
爱沙尼亚共和国驻华大使馆 中国北京朝阳区亮马桥北小街1号 邮编:100600 Pirgit Laanpuu/安蓝 贸易投资驻中国总监 电话:+86 13661881245 传真:+86 1085316701
Heimtal Spirits We are the fastest growing spirits company in Estonia.
HEIMTAL SPIRITS LTD Tatari 18-13 10116, Tallinn Estonia Krister Põld + 372 5551 3140
ABOUT THE COMPANY Heimtal Spirits Ltd is an Estonian company, specialising in the production and distribution of distilled spirits, liqueurs and low alcohol products. The Group combines traditional production processes with the most advanced technology to make its different products. The company has a wide and varied range of ownbrand products, including the Group´s flagship product, the Heimtal Organic Vodka. MAIN ACTIVITY Producing and marketing of fast growing high quality products. WE OFFER →→ Organic Vodka →→ Flavoured Vodka →→ Infinity8 Magic liqueur with shimmer effects
我们是爱沙尼 亚发展最快的 酿酒公司。
HEIMTAL SPIRITS Ltd Tatari 18-13 10116, Tallinn Estonia
联系人信息 Krister Põld + 372 5551 3140 krister@
Heimtal Spirits Ltd 是一家专门从事蒸馏酒、利口酒和低酒精度 产品生产与分销的爱沙尼亚公司。本公司将传统生产工艺与最先进 的技术相结合,生产出与众不同的产品。本公司拥有各种不同系 列的自有品牌产品,包括公司旗舰产品 Heimtal 有机伏特加酒。
我们可以为您提供 →→ 有机伏特加酒 →→ 调味伏特加酒 →→ 具有微光效果的 Infinity8 Magic 酒品
Saku Brewery The best Estonian beer since 1820. Yearly volume more than 100 million litres.
ABOUT THE COMPANY Saku Brewery is the oldest and largest brewery in Estonia. In addition to world-class beer, Saku also produces a wide range of other soft alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. From ciders to sodas. Saku’s annual turnover is over 70 million euros which is earned as a joint effort of the brewery’s 350 employees. Saku is known to be concerned with educating people on the topics of beer culture and responsible drinking. Saku Brewery is a part of the Carlsberg Group and an export partner on 27 markets around the world. MAIN ACTIVITY
SAKU BREWERY LTD Tallinna mnt 2 75501, Saku Estonia Margus Masing +372 5057 805
Production, sales and distribution of beer, soft alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. WE OFFER →→ →→ →→ →→ →→
Saku Beer Kiss ciders Saku G!N long drinks Vichy Fresh soft drinks, Vichy water SuperManki energy drink
始于1820, 从 未被超越的爱沙 尼亚啤酒。年产 量超过 1 亿升
Saku Brewery Ltd Tallinna mnt 2 75501, Saku Estonia
联系人信息 Margus Masing +372 5057 805
Saku Brewery 是爱沙尼亚历史最悠久,规模最大的啤酒 厂。Saku 不仅生产世界顶级啤酒,还生产从苹果酒到苏打水 等其他各种系列软酒和不含酒精的饮料。经过Saku 全体350名 员工的共同奋斗,Saku 年营业额超过7,000 万欧元。Saku 注 重推广啤酒文化和提倡理性饮酒。作为 Carlsberg Group 旗 下子公司, Saku Brewery 产品出口世界27个国家和地区。
我们可以为您提供 →→ →→ →→ →→ →→
Saku 啤酒 Kiss ciders Saku GN 长饮 Vichy Fresh 软酒精饮料、Vichy 矿泉水 SuperManki 能量饮料
Balsnack Balsnack´s one of the best products is SALTED POTATO WAFERS „GRAND CHIPS“ which 91% of people remain addicted to!
ABOUT THE COMPANY AS Balsnack was founded in 1992 in Estonia and based on Estonian capital. AS Balsnack is the only potato chips producer in Estonia. We are open for all of our products as Privat Label production. We currently export our products 11 countries all over the world including France (Carrefour) and China. MAIN ACTIVITY Salty snacks production and sales. Bird Food production and sales. WE OFFER
AS BALSNACK INTERNATIONAL HOLDING Mõisa tee 11 76402, Ääsmäe Estonia Marko Utsar +3725029695
→→ SALTED POTATO WAFERS „GRAND CHIPS“, Potato chips, Salty snacks →→ Popcorn (Salty and Sweet) with various options →→ Organic products, morning cereals →→ Frozen products, frozen berries and berry mixes →→ Bird Food
Balsnack 最 佳产品之一是 SALTED POTATO WAFERS „GRAND CHIPS“,91%的 人为之疯狂!
AS BALSNACK INTERNATIONAL HOLDING Mõisa tee 11 76402, Ääsmäe Estonia
→→ →→ →→ →→ →→
联系人信息 Marko Utsar +3725029695
AS Balsnack 于1992年在爱沙尼亚成立,总部位于爱沙尼亚首 都,是爱沙尼亚唯一一家薯片生产商。所有产品拥有自己的品牌 商标。目前产品出口法国(家乐福)、中国等全世界 11 个国家。 主营业务 咸味小吃的生产与销售。鸟食的生产与销售。
咸薯片、“大薯片”、薯片、咸味小吃 各种口味的爆米花(咸味和甜味) 有机产品、谷物类早餐食物 冷冻产品、冰冻浆果、混合浆果 鸟食
EBM GRUPP Delicious quality cooking oil from the country of pure natural farming.
EBM GRUPP AS Paljassaare tee 43B 10313, Tallinn Estonia Svjatoslav Puntussov Tel.: +372 6599040 Mobile: +372 50 27 055 Fax: +372 6599041
ABOUT THE COMPANY EBM Grupp is one of the most modern enterprises in its business area, it works with all types of vegetable oils (including exotic oils) and uses modern technologies for the enrichment of oils with vitamins, creation of „healthy” oil blends and manufacture of deep frying oil mixtures for use at home, as well as professional kitchens in HoReCa and food industry. Quality and safety of our products are the major priorities of EBM Grupp AS, which are guided by our certifications HACCP and ISO22000. According to the European research of environment, Estonia is taking a second place in Europe as a producer of most ecologically pure agricultural products. This makes Estonia a unique country with ecologically pure climate for production of food. MAIN ACTIVITY EBM Grupp is a terminal for transshipment, storage and filling/bottling of vegetable oils. WE OFFER
→→ All types of vegetable oils, including rare and exotic ones, and their blends →→ Best packaging solutions →→ Certified quality control system including BIO-ORGANIC products →→ Modern techologies for oil blends and enrichment with vitamins →→ Deep Frying Oil MIX solutions according to your needs
来自纯天然农产 品之国的高品质 美味食用油
EBM GRUPP AS Paljassaare tee 43B 10313, Tallinn Estonia
EBM Group 是一家从事植物油的运输、储存和灌装业务的企业。
→→ →→ →→ →→
Svjatoslav Puntussov 电话: +372 6599040 手机: +372 50 27 055 传真: +372 6599041
EBM Grupp 是其业务区域最现代化的企业之一,本公司加工 各种植物油(包括非本地植物油)并将现代技术用于油类所含 维生素的丰富,“健康”调和油的制作及家用、 HoReCa 专业 厨房以及食品行业使用的油炸调和油的加工。产品的质量与安 全是 EBM Grupp AS 的重中之重,必须依据我们的 HACCP 及 ISO22000 认证予以保证。根据欧洲环境研究资料,爱沙 尼亚正在成为欧洲大部分纯天然农产品的第二大生产国。这 使得爱沙尼亚成为拥有生产纯天然食品环境的独特国家。
我们可以为您提供 各类植物油,如非本地的稀有植物油以及调和油 最佳包装解决方案 有机生物产品等质量控制体系认证产品 油类调和及维现代植物油调和、 维他命营养物质添加技术加的现代技术 →→ 应需求进行的油炸用油调和方案
Estonian Pavilion Hall 7.2
Stands: 7.2B1-09 7.2B1-10 7.2B1-11 7.2B1-12
China International Import Expo 2018 Hall 7.2, stands 7.2B1-09, 7.2B1-10, 7.2B1-11 & 7.2B1-12
Heimtal Spirits Saku Brewery Balsnack EBM GRUPP 俄罗斯
瑞典 芬兰
英国 德国 哈萨克斯坦
中国 印度
European Union European Regional Development Fund
Investing in your future