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CILF 2017


Dear Guest! For years, Estonia has been working hard for better connectivity between Asia and Europe, investing in new ports, modernizing railways, and developing multimodal, intelligent transportation solutions. Business culture wise Estonia belongs to the Nordic region. We have the most competitive tax environment and our public sector provides the most advanced digital services in the world. Estonia is well-known as an innovation leader in the ICT sector. The introduction of the digital identity card already in 2002, followed by the mobile-ID, digital signature, and the e-residency are just a few examples. This has made possible to establish a company in less than 20 minutes and declare your taxes in the matter of minutes. Digital governance has significantly reduced transaction and compliance costs, facilitating interactions between and within the public and private sectors. I sincerely believe that the transport and logistics industry belongs to the core of our modern, digitally advanced, and internationally highly open economy. This industry has always been given high priority while developing our economic model and designing economic policy measures. Foremost, Estonia is a gateway to the European Union – the region of approximately half a billion people with very high purchasing power. Jßri Ratas Prime Minister

亲爱的嘉宾: 多年来,爱沙尼亚一直致力于实现亚洲和欧洲之间更好的互联互通, 投资建设新港口,实现铁路现代化,并且发展多种方式、智能交通解 决方案。 充满智慧商业文化的爱沙尼亚位于北欧地区。我们具备最有竞争力的 税收环境,我们的公共部门提供世界上最先进的数字服务。众所周 知,爱沙尼亚是信息通信技术领域的创新领导者,2002年数字身份证 的投入使用,随后的移动身份识别、数字签名和电子公民项目只是其 中少数几个例子。这使得在20分钟之内成立一家公司成为可能,并且 纳税申报仅需几分钟。数字管理大大地降低了交易与合规的成本,促 进了公共部门与私营企业之间和内部的互动。 我坚信运输和物流业属于我们现代、数字先进和高度开放的国际化经 济的核心。我们在发展经济模式和制定经济政策和措施时,该行业一 直被给予高度重视。最重要的是,爱沙尼亚是通往欧盟的门户——该 地区拥有约五亿居民,具有非常高的购买力。 于里 拉塔斯 总理

THE ESTONIAN LOGISTICS AND TRANSIT ASSOCIATION Non-profit organisation with an objective to develop international logistics and trade in Estonia. Company: The Estonian Logistics and Transit Association Sadama 25/4 10111, Tallinn Estonia Contact: Andres Valgerist +372 515 2270

The Estonian Logistics and Transit Association (LTA) is a voluntary non-profit organisation consisting of 14 leading logistics companies: Port of Tallinn, Port of Sillamäe, Estonian Railways, EVR Cargo, E.R.S., Vopak E.O.S., Alexela Logistics, ESTEVE, Contimer, CF&S Estonia, Baltic Rail, RRK, Alekon Cargo and Katoen Natie Estonia. Main activity The Mission of LTA is to ensure the stability and sustainable development of the international logistics and transit chain that passes through Estonia. We offer • • • • •

Active involvement in the drafting of legislative acts Participation in projects that promote the joint interests of the members Co-operation with other participants in the logistics chain Participation at and/or organising of conferences Engagement of new trade flows and foreign investments

一家以发展爱沙尼 亚国际物流和贸易 为目的的非盈利组 织。

爱沙尼亚物流与运输协会 (LTA) 是一家具有自愿性特点的非盈利组 织,由以下 14 家主要物流公司组成:塔林港、锡拉迈埃港、爱沙尼 亚铁路公司、EVR Cargo, E.R.S.、Vopak E.O.S.、Alexela Logistics、ESTEVE、Contimer、CF&S Estonia、Baltic Rail、RRK、Alekon Cargo 和 Katoen Natie Estonia。 主要工作

公司: 爱沙尼亚物流与运输协会 Sadama 25/4 10111,塔林 爱沙尼亚 联系信息: Andres Valgerist +372 515 2270

确保爱沙尼亚国际物流和运输行业的稳定和可持续发展,是 LTA 的使 命。 公司提供的服务/产品 • • • • •

积极参与立法起草工作 参与促进会员共同利益的项目 与物流链中的其它参与者开展合作 参与并/或组织会议 积极参与新贸易往来和海外投资

BOOMERANG DISTRIBUTION Boomerang Distribution is the largest e-Commerce return handling provider within the fashion segment in the Nordics; our operations in Estonia manage up to 10 million return items annually.

Boomerang Distribution OÜ was founded in 2003, and is one of the largest logistics service providers within the e-Commerce sector in the Nordic region. The company operates in new modern premises in close connection to capital harbours / airport.

Company: Boomerang Distribution Aasa tee 1 74201, Loo alevik Estonia

We offer

Contact: Jonas Heinonen +372 5305 7799

The company performs fulfilment services for customers in Nordic and Central European countries. Majority of our customers are market leaders in their respective areas and place high demands on service providers in relation to volume management, service level commitment, timely delivery and flexibility. The company holds a ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems certificate. Main activity Boomerang Distribution is the largest e-Commerce fulfilment service provider in Estonia. The core values of the company are high customer service level and flexibility with an e-Commerce focus.

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e-Commerce fulfilment services such as warehousing, order management, pick&pack and return handling Worldwide b2c parcel distribution (linehaul, lastmile) Worldwide b2b distribution Bonded warehousing services

Boomerang Distribution 是北 欧地区时尚领域内 最大的电商退货处 理服务提供商;每 年,公司在爱沙尼 亚国内处理的退货 高达 1000 万件。

Boomerang Distribution OÜ 创立于 2003 年,是北欧地区电子商务 领域内最大的物流服务提供商之一。 本公司设在新建的现代化厂址内,邻近主要的港口/机场。 本公司为北欧和中欧国家的客户提供仓储配送服务。公司的主要客户 为各个市场的领导者,他们在数量管理、服务水平、及时配送和灵活 性方面对服务提供商要求非常严格。 公司通过了 ISO 9001:2008 质量管理系统认证。 主要工作 Boomerang Distribution 是爱沙尼亚最大的电商仓储配送服务提供 商。提高客户服务水平,注重电商灵活性,是本公司的核心价值观。 公司提供的服务/产品 •

公司: Boomerang Distribution Aasa tee 1 74201, Loo alevik 爱沙尼亚 联系信息: Jonas Heinonen +372 5305 7799

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电商仓储配送服务,比如,仓储、订单管理、分拣包装以及退货 处理 全球 B2C 包裹配送(长途运输、送货上门) 全球 B2B 配送 保税仓储服务

CF&S ESTONIA CF&S is a wide-ranging provider of logistics services, operating worldwide. Company: CF&S Estonia AS Ahtri 12 10151, Tallinn Estonia Contact: Kuno Väin +372 666 4400

Company offers multimodal transportation globally, connecting the West and East. We are a member of and partner to the big international forwarding, high and heavy, airfreight networks. CF&S offers their own Railway container fleet and other Railway services from China to Kazakhstan, Russia and Europe and vice versa. CF&S is operating with their own Railway rolling stock - covered railcars and 24 meters long rail platforms for containers and general oversized high ang heavy cargoes. The company employs over 130 employees in 4 different countries in Europe and in Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2016, its consolidated net turnover was 47 million euros. Main activity International Transport and Logistics, Warehousing, LCL, FCL, Railway operations China – Europe We offer • • • •

High quality and professional container, road, railway, sea and air transport services Warehousing Distribution Chartering and ship agency services

CF&S 是一家综合 物流服务提供商, 经营足迹遍布全 球。

公司在全球范围内提供多式联运服务,是连接东西方的桥梁。本公司 是国际货运、重货运输和空运综合网络的一部分,也是其它成员的合 作伙伴。CF&S 在中国与哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯、欧洲之间提供自己的 铁路集装箱车队服务,以及至其它铁路运输服务。 CF&S有自己的铁 路车辆——包括用于集装箱和超高超重货物的轨道车和 24 米长铁路 站台。 本公司员工人数超过 130 人,分布于欧洲 4 个国家和哈萨克斯 坦。2016 年,公司的总净营业额高达 4700 万欧元。

公司: CF&S Estonia AS Ahtri 12 10151,塔林 爱沙尼亚 联系信息: Kuno Väin +372 666 4400

主要工作 国际运输和物流服务、仓储服务、拼箱运输、整箱运输、中欧铁路运 营业务 公司提供的服务/产品 • • • •

专业优质的集装箱运输、公路运输、铁路运输、海运以及空运 服务 仓储 配送 租船以及船舶代理服务

EVR CARGO The history of EVR Cargo dates back over 145 years.

Company: EVR Cargo Toompuiestee 35 15073, Tallinn Estonia Contact: Avo Dimitrijev +372 615 8656

EVR Cargo is a state owned rail company that owns 75 locomotives and 2,500 rail cars. The company’s history dates back to the year 1870. The company serves its customers both in Estonia as well as over the entire 1,520 mm gauge railway network, stretching from Finland to the Black Sea and from the Baltic States to the coast of the Sea of Japan. The most efficient railway routing from China to Scandinavia passes through Estonia. EVR Cargo will start operating container block trains from China to Estonia, with further connections to Scandinavian countries Finland, Sweden and Norway. Main activity Rail transportation from China to Northern Europe. We offer • • • •

Rail transportation of bulk cargo (fertilizers, oil products, oilshale, coal etc.) Container block-trains from Estonia to Russia; from China to Estonia (and to Scandinavian countries) Rental of rolling stock and locomotives Repair and maintenance of rolling stock and locomotives

EVR Cargo 已有 145 余年历史。

EVR Cargo 是一家国有铁路公司,拥有 75 辆机车和 2,500 辆轨道 车。本公司成立于 1870 年。 本公司为爱沙尼亚以及整个 1,520 毫米铁轨网络内的客户提供服务, 这一网络从芬兰一直延伸到黑海,从波罗的海诸国延伸到日本海沿 岸。

公司: EVR Cargo Toompuiestee 35 15073,塔林 爱沙尼亚 联系信息: Avo Dimitrijev +372 615 8656

中国至斯堪的纳维亚的高速铁路线路途经爱沙尼亚。EVR Cargo 将 启动中国与爱沙尼亚之间的集装箱列车运输业务,并将这一线路延伸 至芬兰、瑞士和罗威这三个斯堪的纳维亚国家。 主要工作 中国与北欧之间的铁路运输。 公司提供的服务/产品 • • • •

散货(肥料、石油产品、页岩油、煤炭等)铁路运输 爱沙尼亚至俄罗斯以及中国至爱沙尼亚(以及至斯堪的纳维亚诸 国)之间的集装箱列车运输。 机车出租 机车维修与保养

FRESELLE LOGISTICS GROUP Company: Freselle Logistics Group Niidu road 6 74201, Loo Estonia Contact: +372 517 3734

Freselle Logistics is a uniquely dynamic group of companies founded in 1995 in Tallinn, Estonia based on private capital. Since then, our profile and experience has evolved us into a multifunctional logistics group with branches in Estonia, Hong Kong, Latvia and Russia. Today we operate a modern container and rail terminal, one of the biggest customs agencies in Estonia, A-class warehouse facilities for commercial, customs, excise and e-commerce goods and express services across EU and Russia. Our professional employees will also provide you with high quality service in warehousing, customs, logistics and international sea, road, rail and air transportation as well as distribution, last-mile and courier services. Our focus is to efficiently offer any solution based on your specification and develop strong relationships with our existing and new customers while providing visibility through all processes. Main activity Freselle Logistics Group delivers complete portfolio of logistics, distribution, warehousing, customs and e-commerce solutions. By combining the services offered by our subsidiaries we increase your operational efficiency. We offer • • • • •

Global full chain logistics Wide range of warehousing and value added services Comprehensive list of customs services e-commerce One Stop Solution for EU and RU IT solution for supply chain visibility across your entire service network

公司: Freselle Logistics Group Niidu road 6 74201, Loo Estonia 联系信息: +372 517 3734

Freselle Logistics是一家独具活力的公司,成立于1995年,位于爱 沙尼亚塔林,以私人资本为基础。 从那时起,我们的形象和经验领导 我们演变成为一个多功能物流集团,在爱沙尼亚,香港,拉脱维亚和 俄罗斯均设有分支机构。 今天,我们经营一个现代化的集装箱和铁路 码头,是爱沙尼亚最大的海关机构之一,在欧盟和俄罗斯境内提供商 业,海关,消费和电子商务商品和快递服务的A级仓库设施。 我们的 专业员工还将为您提供高质的仓储,海关,物流和国际海运,陆运, 铁路和航空运输服务以及分销,最后一公里和快递服务。我们致力于 根据您的需求高效地提供任何解决方案,并与新老客户建立牢固的关 系,同时提供所有流程的可见性。 主要工作 Freselle物流集团提供物流,配送,仓储,海关和电子商务解决方案 的完整组合。 通过结合我们子公司所提供的服务,我们为您提高您的 运营效率。 公司提供的服务/产品 • • • • •

全球物流链 广泛的仓储和增值服务 全方位清关服务 针对欧盟和俄罗斯的电子商务一站式解决方案 IT解决方案基于整个服务网络的物流链的可视性

NARVA LOGISTICS Narva Logistics is using the most modern warehouse management system in the Baltics.

Narva Logistics is your reliable partner in safe custody, customs clearance and logistical services. We will help you find the fastest and mutually beneficial way to solve any logistical issues thanks to our own class “A” customs warehouses in Narva and Tallinn, customs agency and transport.

Company: Narva Logistics Kadastiku 23 21004, Narva Estonia

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Contact: Dmitri Sorokin +372 5663 2117 dmitri.sorokin@

Main activity Narva Logistics offers safe custody and customs clearance services in “A” class customs warehouses located in Estonia. We offer Safe custody Customs clearance Logistics Axle Weighing All types of warehousing services

Narva Logistics 拥有波罗的海地区 最现代化的仓储管 理系统。

Narva Logistics 专注货物保管、清关和物流服务领域,是一家值得 信赖的合作伙伴。本公司拥有纳尔瓦和塔林地区一流的保税仓库、报 关行和运输公司,确保以最快的速度帮助客户解决任何物流难,实现 互利共赢。 主要工作 Narva Logistics 凭借其在爱沙尼亚的一流保税仓库,为客户提供货物 保管和清关服务。 公司提供的服务/产品

公司: Narva Logistics Kadastiku 23 21004, Narva 爱沙尼亚 联系信息: Dmitri Sorokin +372 5663 2117 dmitri.sorokin@

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货物保管 清关 物流 轴重仪计重 各类仓储服务

PORT OF TALLINN Port of Tallinn handles 20 million tons of cargo and serves 10 million passengers per year. Company: Port of Tallinn Sadama 25 15051, Tallinn Estonia Contact: Margus Sitsi +372 631 8467

Port of Tallinn, which operates as a state-owned company, handles multiple types of cargo as well as passengers, which makes it the biggest port authority in Estonia. Port of Tallinn consists of five constituent harbours. Located on the east coast of the Baltic Sea, our harbours are well placed for cargo transhipments between East and West as well as North and South by sea, road and rail offering delivery time access to 450 million people within 72 hours. Main activity Port of Tallinn includes several harbours, of which Muuga and Paldiski handle multiple types of cargo, whereas Old City Harbour and Saaremaa Harbour mainly deal with passengers. We offer • • • • •

Well-developed modern port infrastructure for cargo and passengers Industrial park areas with great potential for future developments Modern logistics centres with innovative possibilities for offering added value to goods Free zone with more convenient tax & customs system European service standard with high focus on safety, quality, environment

塔林港每年的货物 吞吐量为 2000 万 吨,进出港乘客多 达 1000 万人次。

塔林港是一家国有公司,从事多种货物运输以及客运,是爱沙尼亚最 大的港务局。塔林港由五个港口组成。这些港口位于波罗的海东岸, 地理位置优越,通过公路、铁路和水路连接东西南北,是货物转运的 重要途径,72 小时内可覆盖市场区域的人口为 4.5 亿人。 主要工作 塔林港由几个港口组成,其中穆加港和帕尔迪斯基港可处理多种货 物,而旧城港和萨列马岛港主要负责客运。 公司提供的服务/产品

公司: Port of Tallinn Sadama 25 15051,塔林 爱沙尼亚 联系信息: Margus Sitsi +372 631 8467

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完善的现代化货运和客运港口设施 未来发展潜力巨大的工业园区 可带来货物增值的创新型现代物流中心 配有便捷税务系统的自由港区 注重安全、质量和环保的欧洲服务标准

POST11 In 2016, a quarter of annual volume of shipments from China to Russian Post was handled by Post11.

Estonian Post has created the Subsidiary for Cross-Border E-Commerce Logistics – Post11.

Company: Post11 OÜ Peterburi tee 66/70 11415, Tallinn Estonia

Post11 consolidates all international delivery solutions for constantly expanding global Cross-Border E-Commerce market.

Contact: Filipp Panfilov +372 5650 5040

Headquartered in Tallinn, Estonia Post11 extends to its partners all the benefits of being located on the crossroads of Central and Eastern Europe, Nordics and Russia. Furthermore, Post11 has established partnerships with various market-leading players to diversify its global presence. Main activity

We offer •

Worldwide distribution of packets and parcels to 192 Universal Postal Union destination countries Shipment handling in 5 locations: Estonia, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States within 48h Complete logistics solutions for e-commerce consolidators, e-tailors and e-marketplaces

在 2016 年从中国 发往俄罗斯邮政的 货运量中,四分之 一是由 Post11 处 理的。 公司: Post11 OÜ Peterburi tee 66/70 11415,塔林 爱沙尼亚 联系信息: Filipp Panfilov +372 5650 5040

Post11 是爱沙尼亚邮政公司 (Estonian Post) 旗下的一家跨境电商物流 子公司。 Post11 的总部设在爱沙尼亚塔林,与中欧、东欧、北欧和俄罗斯接壤, 凭借这一优越的地理位置,为其合作伙伴创造各种优势。此外,Post11 还与各市场领导者建立了合作关系,旨在从各个领域扩大其全球影响力。 主要工作 Post11 提供各种国际运输解决方案,以便在全球跨境电商领域不断扩大 市场。 公司提供的服务/产品 • • •

向全球 192 个万国邮政联盟成员国提供小邮包和包裹运输服务 在以下 5 个国家提供货运服务:爱沙尼亚、德国、荷兰、英国和美国, 承诺 48 小时内送达 为电商公司、电商团队和电商平台提供全套物流解决方案

SILPORT SILPORT is the EU deep-water port closest to Russia; it is located just 25km from the border between the EU and Russia and belongs to the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). Company: SILPORT Suur-Karja 5 10140, Tallinn Estonia Contact: Andrei Birov +372 515 8673

SILPORT is Multifunctional Port. The following facilities are located in the Port: SilPOWER heat power plant; Railway station; NPM SILMET factory of rare and rare earth metals; Terminals: Alexela (TRAFIGURA, Netherlands) – dark oil products, shale oil. Silsteve - containers, general, bulk, project cargos, new vehicles, Ro-Ro. Regular Container line Maersk Line. DBT (AKRON, RUSSIA) - liquid fertilizers and ammonia. EuroChem (RUSSIA) – liquid chemicals and petrochemicals. Main activity Port and transport services, logistics, transit between East and West. We offer • • • • •

All port services Multifunctional port Investment opportunities Logistic and Industrial park Production of rare and rare earth metals (NPM SILMET)

SILPORT 是离俄 罗斯最近的欧盟深 水港,距离欧盟和 俄罗斯边界仅 25 公里,属于全欧交 通网络 (TEN-T) 的一部分。

SILPORT 属于多功能港口。该港口设有以下设施:SilPOWER 热电 厂;火车站;NPM SILMET 稀有金属和稀土金属厂;货站点:Alexela(荷兰 TRAFIGURA)——深色油品、页岩油。Silsteve——集 装箱、杂货、散货、项目货、新车、滚装货运。集装箱运输公司马士 基航运公司 (Maersk Line)。DBT(俄罗斯 AKRON)——液体肥料 和液氨。EuroChem(俄罗斯)——液体化学品和石化产品。 主要工作 港口和运输服务,物流,东西方之间的运输。 公司提供的服务/产品

公司: SILPORT Suur-Karja 5 10140,塔林 爱沙尼亚 联系信息: Andrei Birov +372 515 8673

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各种港口服务 多功能港口 投资机会 物流和工业园 稀有金属和稀土金属的生产 (NPM SILMET)

TALLINN AIRPORT Tallinn Airport is unique in the world for how close it is to the city centre. Company: Tallinn Airport Lennujaama tee 12 11101, Tallinn Estonia Contact: Priit Koff +372 605 8059

Tallinn Airport is the main international airport of Estonia, located in northeastern Europe. Currently undergoing extensive upgrading and expansion works, this modern airport is ideal for serving as an e-commerce hub for the distribution of goods to and from northern Europe. The airport’s 3,480 metre runway provides ample capacity for cargo flights and the large airside area offers many opportunities for logistics parks and distribution centres. The airport’s proximity to Tallinn city centre, ports and railways and ring roads forms a unique logistical advantage. Tallinn Airport is owned by the Government. Main activity Tallinn Airport is the lessor of airport infrastructure in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. We offer • • •

Facilities for freight terminal operators and MRO companies Ground handling services Airside area land for the development of logistics parks and distribution centres

塔林机场靠近市中 心,这在世界上是 独一无二的。

塔林机场坐落在欧洲东北部,是爱沙尼亚的主要国际机场。这一现代 化机场目前正处于大规模升级和扩建阶段,非常适合作为欧洲北部货 物运输的电商枢纽中心。该机场拥有一条长达 3,480 米的跑道,足以 容纳各类货运航班,空侧区非常宽敞,为物流园和货运集散中心提供 了许多商机。机场靠近塔林市中心,并与各个港口、铁路和环路紧密 相连,从而占据了独一无二的物流优势。 塔林机场属于国有企业。 主要工作

公司: Tallinn Airport Lennujaama tee 12 11101,塔林 爱沙尼亚 联系信息: Priit Koff +372 605 8059

塔林机场在爱沙尼亚首都塔林从事机场设施出租业务。 公司提供的服务/产品 • • •

为货运商和维护、修理和大修 (MRO) 公司提供相关设施 地面装卸服务 提供空侧区,供物流园和货运集散中心发展壮大

TRANSIIDIKESKUSE AS Stevedores at the gates of the Baltic Sea.

Company: Transiidikeskuse AS Rävala pst 3 / Kuke tn 2 10143, Tallinn Estonia Contact: Vladislav Primakov +372 631 9039

TK (Transiidikeskuse AS) is a successful company, established in 1996, that offers a full range of stevedoring services. The main activities of TK are connected to container and general/refrigerated cargo terminals, operating in the free customs zone of the Muuga Harbour of the Port of Tallinn. We use our extensive knowledge and advanced technologies to handle intercontinental flows of transit goods. We offer our customers a full range of services related to the handling of transit goods through the port by implementing a “single window” principle. Main activity The main activity of the stevedoring service of Transiidikeskuse AS is connected to the container and general goods terminals operating in the free customs zone of Muuga Harbour of the Port of Tallinn. We offer • • •

Loading/unloading of goods (containers, general cargoes, refrigerated cargoes, cargoes in bulk etc.) Cargo storage at free customs zone Forwarding services

波罗的海港口的装 卸公司。

TK (Transiidikeskuse AS) 成立于 1996 年,是一家提供港口装卸 服务的公司,在业内颇有名气。TK 主要在塔林港的穆加港自由关税 区从事集装箱以及杂货/冷藏货物的装运业务。本公司在洲际转运货 物的装卸领域拥有丰富的经验和先进的技术。公司通过实施“单一窗 口”原则,为客户提供与港口货物转运有关的全套装卸服务。 主要工作 Transiidikeskuse AS 在港口装卸服务领域的主要工作与塔林港的穆 加港自由关税区的集装箱以及杂货/冷藏货装运有关。

公司: Transiidikeskuse AS Rävala pst 3 / Kuke tn 2 10143,塔林 爱沙尼亚 联系信息: Vladislav Primakov +372 631 9039

公司提供的服务/产品 • • •

货物(集装箱、杂货、冷藏货、散货等)装卸 自由关税区内的货物存储 货运服务

ENTERPRISE ESTONIA Enterprise Estonia (EAS) is the largest public entrepreneurship-supporting organisation in Estonia.

Our aim is to promote Estonian economic development encouraging export and attracting foreign direct investments.

Contact person in China:

• • • • •

Mrs. Anneli Vilu Trade and Investment Director in China Embassy of the Republic of Estonia No. 1, Liangmaqiao Beixiaojie, Chaoyang District Beijing 100600, P.R. China Telephone: +86 13661881245 Fax: +86 10 85316701

爱沙尼亚企业局 (EAS) 是爱沙尼 亚以企业家精神为 依托的大型公营机 构。 中国区联系人: Anneli Vilu/安蓝 贸易投资驻中国总监 爱沙尼亚共和国驻华大使馆 电话:+86 13661881245 传真:+86 10 85316701 中国北京朝阳区亮马桥北小 街1号 邮编:100600


For encouraging export, we help Estonian enterprises in their search for business partners and new sales opportnities. In addition to helping Estonian enterprises, we also help foreign enterprises free of charge in finding potential sourcing partners from Estonia via targeted search. For additional information, please contact: The following information and services are offered to foreign enterprises free of charge: •

General information enquiries about Estonia as a place for doing business Organising fact-finding missions Identifying potential partners in Estonia Preparing investment projects Supporting the development of market entry strategies Providing information on specific investment and business opportunities

The website offers a wide range of information and advice to enterprises interested in investing in Estonia. For additional information, please contact:

我们的宗旨是通过鼓励出口和吸引外国直接投资来推动爱沙尼亚经济发展。 鼓励出口方面,我们帮助爱沙尼亚企业寻找业务合作伙伴和新的销售机会。除 了帮助爱沙尼亚企业外,我们还帮助外国企业免费通过目标搜索从爱沙尼亚寻 找潜在的采购合作伙伴。更多信息,请联系 免费为外国企业提供以下信息和服务: •






提供特定投资和商业机会信息 网站为对投资爱沙尼亚感兴趣的企业提供广泛的信息和建 议。 更多信息,请联系


Hall 1

Stand No. B1308-B1316 at Hall 1 To Hall 6

Entrance & Exit

Entrance & Exit

Entrance & Exit

To Hall 9

To Hall 9

To Hall 9

Estonian Logistics and Transit Association Boomerang Distribution CF&S Estonia AS EVR Cargo Freselle Logistics Group

Narva Logistics Port of Tallinn Post11 SILPORT Tallinn Airport Transiidikeskuse AS

CILF 2017

Estonian Pavilion at Hall 1 Stand No. B1308-B1316

European Union European Regional Development Fund

Investing in your future

Estonian Logistics and Transit Association Boomerang Distribution CF&S Estonia AS EVR Cargo Freselle Logistics Group Narva Logistics Port of Tallinn Post11 SILPORT Tallinn Airport Transiidikeskuse AS

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