Ekspordikompass oktoober 2017 eng

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October 2017

EXPORT COMPASS Export Compass as a newsletter about the services offered by Enterprise Estonia to exporters, which support the well-planned development of companies. Here, you will find information about programmes, training, finding shareholders, international trade fairs and many other services.

Let’s make Estonia successful!


Exporting companies are the foundation of the economy of Estonia. Our main trade partners are doing well at the moment, which has recently improved the export figures of Estonia. The next important step is to expand the geography of target markets and to launch the kind of products/services that give higher profit margins to entrepreneurs. The feedback received from companies has shown that companies benefit from the services of Enterprise Estonia the most when they come to us with well-considered plans about the direction in which they want to develop in the coming years. There are many ways we can help. We offer a selection of services, which includes something suitable for companies that already export as well as companies that are just starting out. We have structured our products and services according to the needs of different companies, considering the main problems and issues companies may be facing. We offer advice, training, help in finding direct contacts on foreign markets, financial support and much more. We’ve also changed in the meantime. In order to help companies in the best possible way, we have brought all of the necessary people and competencies into the same centre. This means that customer management, provision and development of services and assistance on foreign markets are all in the same team. This allows us to use the Know Your Customer principle and achieve our goal of providing each ambitious company with a personal customer manager, who knows the company better than anyone else. The main service where we use this approach successfully alongside support is the Company Development Programme. This has been well received and the list of participating companies is already impressive. In addition to the development programme and various services, Enterprise Estonia supports partnerships via clusters and creative economy programmes, and helps with the establishment of business opportunities for companies on foreign markets. We offer export advice and help in finding contacts in 12 countries in total. I wish us all an ambitious year!

Tanel Rebane Director, Trade Development Agency of Enterprise Estonia


Company development programme

The Company Development Programme supports the well-thought-out development of companies, improved action planning, innovation implementation and product development. In the course of the development programme, each participating company will launch new products and services with higher added value than their predecessors. The Company Development Programme supports a company over a period of years, helping it make and implement planning and management decisions. Enterprise Estonia and the participating company find the best solutions to implementing changes in the company and making a leap in development. The multi-annual development plan of the company is at the centre of the programme. THE COMPANY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME CONSISTS OF THREE STAGES: 1. Mapping the company’s current situation and development needs. 2. Preparation of the development plan. 3. Implementation of the development plan. Once Enterprise Estonia has approved the company’s development plan, the latter will be able to apply for support for the implementation of the plan, the rates of which are 45% of plan’s volume for small companies, 35% for medium-sized companies and 25% for big companies.

Read more and join in at www.eas.ee/arenguprogramm Call +372 627 9700 for further details 3

Company development programme

DIAGNOSTICS OF COMPANIES IN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Diagnostics is the independent opinion of an expert of the company’s status in the specific area. Diagnostics focus on the areas of key importance for the achievement of the company’s growth objectives, but where the differences between the current status and the planned status are significant. A company can select the diagnostics and a suitable expert from one of four areas, which are strategy, marketing and sales, production or service provision, or development. The process of diagnostics can take up to a month. The expert studies the background information of the company before visiting the company for a day and meeting its key people. A diagnostics report is prepared on the basis of an observation, interviews and analysis of documents, which results in a map of the company’s current status and is a practical tool that the company can use in its further activities. The expert will discuss the opinions and suggestions given in the diagnostics report with the entrepreneur at a feedback meeting.

• The possibility to discuss the issues that are important for the company with an acclaimed expert. • The possibility to compare the activities of one’s company in the international context. • An unbiased opinion from a competent observer helps to find successful solutions to the specific problems of the company. • More clarity in the company’s development goals and resources provides the necessary focus and alternatives. • Specific input for the company’s development plans and strategies.



MENTORS FOR COMPANIES IN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Mentoring means opening the company’s potential for the achievement of the best result not by teaching, but by helping to learn, as well as by setting challenges, introducing experience and looking for alternative solutions. Companies primarily need mentors in relation to the establishment of growth objectives and working towards their achievement. An entrepreneur can use a mentor provided by Enterprise Estonia for 30 hours over ca 6 months. The main task of the mentor is to create the necessary preconditions that allow the entrepreneur to prepare a development plan for the implementation of their company’s long-term strategy. The mentor helps the entrepreneur to set development goals, plan their achievement and implement the development plan successfully.


• Flexible development support from an experienced mentor and coach – the right questions, feedback and sharing practical experience for the preparation of the development plan. • Helps the company to see strategic planning as a priority when dealing with other everyday management topics. • More clarity in the company’s development goals and resources, the necessary focus and alternatives. • Increased probability that the development plan, which describes the company’s long-term goals, will be completed and implemented. • A development platform and new ideas for the company’s growth, product innovation and increasing its export capacity.

Read more at www.eas.ee/arenguprogramm Call +372 627 9700 for further details


Training events

BUSINESS MODEL TRAINING Business Model Training is a training and mentoring programme that helps companies find new ideas and opportunities for renewing their business. Business Model Training includes analysing the company’s value offer and business model, and coming up with specific new solutions (e.g. new customer segments, distribution channels or partnership models). An updated and validated business model of the company and the plan for its implementation will be prepared during the training programme. Business Model Training combines practical training with the independent work of the company and the supporting individual mentoring. Each participating company can use a personal mentor for up to 10 mentoring hours. • The training programme provides the necessary framework, basic knowledge and tools for analysing the business model and finding opportunities for updating it. • Companies gain practical experience of how to use tools of analysing business models and validating innovations. • Participation in the training programme and the mentor’s support will help the company to see strategic planning as a priority when dealing with other everyday management topics. • The trainer, the mentor and the other entrepreneurs in the group offer objective and constructive feedback about the company’s business model and innovation ideas. • There will be new ideas for the company’s growth, innovation and increasing its export capacity, which will make the company more competitive and improve its position in the value chain. The Business Model Training is carried out over a period of ca 3 months. The next groups will start in spring 2018. The application process is open.


Read more at www.eas.ee/arimudeli-praktikum Call +372 627 9700 for further details


STRATEGY TRAINING Strategy Training is a training and mentoring programme that helps to analyse the company’s existing strategy and sets well-thought-out objectives to guarantee controlled growth. In the course of the training programme, companies can discover new development trends and focus on planning the company’s strategy and development plan for the coming years. The company’s strategy concept for the next three to five years with financial forecasts as well as the strategy implementation plan will be prepared during the training programme. Strategy Training combines practical training with the independent work of the company and the supporting individual mentoring. Each participating company can use a personal mentor for up to 20 mentoring hours.


• The training programme provides the necessary framework, basic knowledge and efficient tools that can be used for strategic planning in companies; • Companies gain practical experience of how to use the tools, analyse their strategic choices and shape the strategy process in the company; • The opportunity to use the help of an experienced mentor, who offers objective and constructive feedback about the company’s business logic and strategic choices; • Participation in the training programme will help the company to see the strategy development process as a priority when dealing with other everyday management topics and increase the probability of the implementation of the strategy; • The opportunity to communicate with other companies in the same stage of development and to contribute to each other’s development; • There will be new ideas for the company’s growth, innovation and increasing its export capacity, which will make the company more competitive and improve its position in the value chain. The Strategy Training is carried out over a period of ca 4-5 months. New groups will start in spring 2018. The application process is open. Read more at www.eas.ee/strateegia-praktikum Call +372 627 9700 for further details



PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MASTERCLASS The Product Development Masterclass of Enterprise Estonia is a training and mentoring programme that helps companies to acquire the practical knowledge and skills required for developing and launching new products and/or services. Practical training is combined with the independent work of the company and the supporting individual mentoring. Each participating company can use a personal mentor for up to 30 mentoring hours.

• Those who pass the Product Development Masterclass understand the product development process; • know how to prepare a product development plan; • have acquired the knowledge of how to implement plans; • know how to get from an idea to a finished product or service.

The masterclass for a group lasts for ca 6-7 months. The programme is primarily meant for industrial companies. The next group will start on 28 November 2017. New groups will start in spring and autumn 2018. The application process is open. TRAINING IN EXPORT AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT In the 2017/2018 academic year, Enterprise Estonia will organise one-day export and product development training programmes for start-ups and operating companies alike. The training programme will be carried out in the format of active learning, where the theory is learnt by solving practical exercises and in the course of group work. The training programme will take place in Tallinn and Tartu. Topics of export training:

Topics of product development training:

• How to find customers on foreign markets • E-commerce - E-commerce via one’s own e-shop - E-commerce via large e-shops • Exports in the digital era • Using homepages for successful export

• The ABCs of product development • From plans to sales or managing the product development process • Adapting the product when entering a foreign market • Digitisation of production - Identifying smart production opportunities - Implementation of the digitalisation of production

The cost of one-day export training per participant is €50 + VAT.

The cost of one-day product development training per participant is €30 + VAT.


Read more at www.eas.ee/tootearenduse-meistriklass Call +372 627 9700 for further details

Training Calendar 2017

10.10.2017 10.10.2017 17.10.2017 18.10.2017 31.10.2017 6.11.2017 7.11.2017 7.11.2017 8.11.2017 21.11.2017 22.11.2017 24.11.2017 27.11.2017 28.11.2017 30.11.2017 12.12.2017 13.12.2017 19.12.2017

Adapting the product when entering a foreign market (Tallinn) Exports in the digital era (Tartu) The ABCs of product development (Tallinn) Digitisation of production: identifying smart production opportunities (Tartu) How to find customers on foreign markets (Tallinn) E-commerce via one’s own e-shop (Tallinn) Adapting the product when entering a foreign market (Tallinn) E-commerce via one’s own e-shop (Tartu) Using homepages for successful exports (Tartu) How to find customers on foreign markets (Tallinn) Digitisation of production: identifying smart production opportunities (Tallinn) The ABCs of product development (Tallinn) Using homepages for successful exports (Tallinn) From plans to sales or managing the product development process (Tallinn) From plans to sales or managing the product development process (Tartu) How to find customers on foreign markets (Tartu) The ABCs of product development (Tallinn) Adapting the product when entering a foreign market (Tallinn)

Read more at www.eas.ee/koolitused Call +372 627 9700 for further details


National shared stands

Enterprise Estonia sets up national shared stands at various international trade fairs every year, which create excellent opportunities for companies that want to find new contacts and market their products and services directly to the distributors and consumers on the target market. Depending on the objectives of the shared stands, the objective during their completion is to display companies with strong export potential and a diverse and innovative product selection, and to give start-ups the opportunity to participate alongside experienced exporters. Enterprise Estonia reserves the right to charge a participation fee from the companies included in the shared stand. The fee at the majority of trade fairs is 2,000 euros per company. Enterprise Estonia uses the participation fees to cover the costs related to participation in the trade fair, stand rental, design and construction. The money is also used to finance the production of joint fair catalogues of the exponents and the transport of materials. Companies have to pay their travel and accommodation expenses as well as the expenses of their advertising materials and samples. Subject to prior agreement, all of the Estonian companies that visit the trade fair can use the Estonian stand as a meeting place with potential partners.


Calendar 2017 CILF 2017* ByggReisDeg 2017* productronica 2017*

12.–14.10.2017 18.–21.10.2017 14.–17.11.2017

Smart City Expo 2017* ELMIA Subcontractor 2017*

14.–16.11.2017 14.–17.11.2017

Calendar 2018 imm cologne 2018*


Boot 2018* Biofach 2018

20.01.–28.01.2018 14.02.–17.02.2018

UMEX 2018*


Transpordi- ja logistikamess Shenzhenis Hiinas Ehitusmess Lillestrømis Norras Elektroonika tootmise ja seadmete mess Münchenis Saksamaal „Targa Linna“ e- ja m-teenuste mess Barcelonas Hispaanias Allhankemess erinevatele tööstussektoritele Jönköpingus Rootsis



Carrefour International du Bois 2018 Bio International Convention 2018* ONS 2018 Alihankinta 2018


International furniture fair in Cologne, Germany. Enterprise Estonia covers the stand rental. Boat Show & Water Sports Exhibition in Düsseldorf, Germany. Trade Fair for Organic Food in Nuremberg, Germany. Enterprise Estonia covers the stand rental. Unmanned Systems Exhibition in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Enterprise Estonia covers the stand rental. Mobile industry fair in Barcelona, Spain. Building & Construction Exhibition in Stockholm, Sweden. International Exhibition for Transport and Logistics Services and Technologies in Moscow, Russia. Enterprise Estonia covers the stand rental. Trade event for the food and beverage industry in Shanghai, China. International Timber Tradeshow in Nantes, France.


Biotechnology fair in Boston, United States.

27.08.–30.08.2018 25.09.–27.09.2018

Eurosatory 2018* SMM 2018 CILF 2018

11.05.–15.06.2018 04.09.–07.09.2018 October 2018

Elmia Subcontractor 2018


electronica 2018


Smart City Expo 2018 Medica 2018

November 2018 November 2018

Offshore oil and gas industry fair in Stavanger, Norway. Subcontracting Trade Fair in Tampere, Finland. Enterprise Estonia covers the stand rental. Defence & Security Exhibition in Paris, France. Maritime Trade Fair in Hamburg, Germany. International Logistics and Transportation Fair in Shenzhen, China. Subcontracting fair for various industrial sectors in Jönköping, Sweden. Trade Fair for Electronics Development and Production in Munch, Germany. Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. Trade fair for the medical sector in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Calendar 2019 BAU 2019


IDEX 2019 DSEI 2019

17.02.–21.02.2019 September 2019

Mobile World Congress 2018* 26.02.–01.03. 2018 Nordbygg 2018 10.04.–13.04.2018 TransRussia 2018 17.04.–19.04.2018

Trade Fair for Architecture, Materials and Systems in Munich, Germany. Defence Exhibition in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Defence & Security Exhibition in London, England.

* Applying for a place in the shared stand has ended as of 18 September 2017.

Read more at www.eas.ee/messid


Contact trips

Enterprise Estonia invites entrepreneurs to participate in contact trips that are an excellent opportunity for getting to know new export markets and establishing direct contacts with potential partners. A contact trip gives an understanding of whether the specific target market is suitable for the company’s product or service. A contact trip includes: • Preliminary individual consultation • A practical business seminar with experts of the target country • B2B meetings in the target country Five individual meetings with potential customers will be organised for each company on the basis of the company’s area of activity and interests. The company will organise contact trips to the following countries in 2018: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, China, Japan A company must pay 1,000 euros (plus VAT) of the expenses of European contact trips. There is no participation fee in the case of Asian contact trips (China, Japan), but the company must pay its own travel and accommodation expenses. The exact schedule of contact trips will be published on the website of Enterprise Estonia by January 2018 after the partners that help to organise the contact trips have been confirmed.


Read more at www.eas.ee/kontaktreisid Call +372 627 9700 for further details

Exports to China

The objective of the products in the service package of Enterprise Estonia that is aimed at China is to help companies to improve the knowledge, skills and experience of their employees in relation to entering the Chinese market and the country’s business environment. RESPONDING TO QUERIES (FREE OF CHARGE)


Within the scope of our consultation services, we will help to find answers to questions and give advice in the following areas: sector-based background information, suitability of a product or service for exporting to the Chinese market; risks and opportunities of entering the market and the necessary preparations.

The purpose of this service is to help Estonian exporters to check the background of Chinese business partners in order to avoid widely spread scams and the damage they cause, or to assess the suitability of the partner for the intended business. The service covers primary background checks of Chinese export partners using Chinese databases and search engines. The company will receive the results of the background checks and, if necessary, tips about avoiding scams or problems.

ASSESSMENT OF READINESS TO ENTER THE MARKET AND ADVICE (FREE OF CHARGE) The purpose of the service is to help Estonian companies understand, via a systematic assessment process, whether their preparations for entering the market successfully are sufficient and what else they should be keeping in mind. The service covers filling in a questionnaire and an individual consultation where the exporter’s readiness to enter the Chinese market with its product or service is assessed and the necessary guidelines for further preparations are given.

MARKET ANALYSIS (SUBJECT TO A FEE) As a part of the consultation service, we help Estonian exporters interested in the Chinese market to collect information about the market in order to allow them to make strategically important decisions according to the actual market opportunities. We prepare a brief analysis of the Chinese market according to the company’s needs, which covers the following areas – general information about the sector, consumers, competitors, business environment, useful links and recommendations.

Call +372 627 9700 for further details Read more at www.eas.ee/eksporthiina or send an e-mail to info@eas.ee


Trade advisors

Enterprise Estonia offers the services of a trade advisor residing in a foreign country to companies on 12 target markets – Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, France, China, Japan, India and Singapore.

Irene Surva-Lehtonen Trade Advisor in Finland irene.surva-lehtonen@eas.ee


Anna Ă–berg Trade Advisor in Sweden Anna.Oberg@eas.ee

Kristi Kivi-Frimpong Trade Advisor in Denmark Kristi.kivi-frimpong@eas.ee

Lucie Fallesen Trade Advisor in Denmark lucie.fallesen@eas.ee

Margit Ihlebakke Trade Advisor in Norway margit.ihlebakke@eas.ee

Tanja Haugen Neefjes Trade Advisor in Norway tanjahaugen.neefjes@eas.ee

Andreas Heiki Pant Trade Advisor in the United Kingdom heiki.pant@eas.ee

Kristiina Kalda Trade Advisor in France kristiina.kalda@eas.ee

Thijs de Neeve Trade Advisor in the Netherlands (Benelux) thijs.deneeve@eas.ee

SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE TRADE ADVISORS OF ENTERPRISE ESTONIA TO ESTONIAN COMPANIES: • Advice about entering a foreign market The trade advisor helps the Estonian company to find primary information about the export market and answers any questions they may have. Based on the information received, the company can decide whether the given export market is suitable for their product or service and how to plan for entering the market. • Finding an export partner (subject to a fee) Finding an export partner is a personal consultation service for finding export partners on foreign markets (incl. distributors, purchasing agents) that proceeds from the company’s needs. The most important part of the service is finding potential partners that correspond to the profile provided by the exporter, agreeing on a business meeting in the case of mutual interest and, if necessary, participating in the primary meetings.

Tiina Kivikas Trade Advisor in Germany tiina.kivikas@eas.ee

Kristian J. Schnack Trade Advisor in Germany kristian.schnack@eas.ee

Indrek Pällo Trade Advisor in Singapore indrek.pallo@eas.ee

Anneli Vilu Trade Advisor in China Anneli.vilu@eas.ee

Kosaku Yamaguchi Trade Advisor in Japan kosaku.yamaguchi@eas.ee

Ankit Bahl Trade Advisor in India Ankit.Bahl@eas.ee

If you are interested in the service, please e-mail us at info@eas.ee Read more at www.eas.ee/ekspordinounikud


Innovation voucher and development voucher

If a company needs advice from top specialists of universities, research institutions, test or certification laboratories, parent attorneys or other highly qualified specialists for carrying out its development activities, then the establishment of such partnerships is supported with the innovation and development voucher. Companies that want to use external assistance for the development of its products, services or technologies can apply for the support. Primary partnerships with service providers with whom the company has not partnered before are supported within the scope of the innovation voucher. This partnership can be continued on a wider scale within the scope of the development voucher. INNOVATION VOUCHER • The amount of support is up to 4,000 euros. • The rate of the support is 80% of the eligible expenses. • The duration of the project is up to 12 months. DEVELOPMENT VOUCHER • The amount of support is up to 20,000 euros. • The rate of the support is 70% of the eligible expenses. • The duration of the project is up to 18 months.


Read more at www.eas.ee/innovatsiooniosak and www.eas.ee/arendusosak Call +372 627 9700 for further details

Grant for creative industries

SUPPORTING PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES The purpose of the grant is to tie the potential of cultural and creative areas with a company to promote the establishment of new companies with ambitious business models, improve export capacity and create added value for other sectors of the economy via creative industries in the development business models, products and services as well as sales and marketing. A creative industry operates in a sector that is based on individual and collective creativity, skills and talent. These are the qualities that can add considerable value to ordinary products by giving them a unique sales point in comparison with competing products. GRANT FOR PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIESS The grant is aimed at the implementation of the partnership projects of the creative sector and other sectors of the economy where participating companies develop their products, services, business models as well as sales and marketing. The company’s added value and export capacity will increase as a result of the measure.

Read more at www.eas.ee/loomemajandus Call +372 627 9700 for further details



Clusters are a form of partnership between companies where the participants partner with institutions of research and education in order to carry out the development activities required for increasing the turnovers of companies, look for new markets and focus on joint marketing. If you are the head of a company and would like to increase its value and turnover, develop your products or services in partnership with the best specialists and are interested in finding international clients, please contact the project manager of the cluster and find out how to become a member.

INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY CLUSTERS: Estonian ICT Cluster Developer of smart products and globally recognised creator of ICT solutions. Cluster Manager: Doris Põld e-mail: doris.pold@itl.ee


ESTRONICS A partnership platform for export-oriented electronics companies to export products and services of high added value. Cluster Manager: Arno Kolk e-mail: arno.kolk@estonianelectronics.eu

Development of the sustainable and energy-efficient Real Estate and Energy Cluster Sustainable and energy and resource-efficient planning, smart construction solutions, increased used of timber, digitalisation and automation of construction.

Digital Construction Cluster A construction environment based on ICT solutions, where the focus is on the partnership between different parties during the entire life cycle from design to utilisation.

Cluster Manager: Hadley Barrett e-mail: Hadley.Barrett@oxfordsustainable.com

Project Manager: Maiu Topp e-mail: maiu@digitaalehitus.ee

Defence and Security Industry Innovation Cluster Development and marketing of the products and services in the Estonian defence and security industry.

Smart City Cluster Creation and development of products and services in the area of smart cities.

Cluster Manager: Ingvar Pärnamäe e-mail: ingvar.parnamae@defence.ee

Project Manager: Gerttu Simm e-mail: gerttu.simm@smartcitylab.eu

HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND SERVICES CLUSTERS: Connected Health Improving the global competitiveness of Estonian health technology and medicine companies using the opportunities arising from technology, the business environment and partnership. Cluster Manager: Külle Tärnov e-mail: kylle.tarnov@tehnopol.ee

Liikumistervise innovatsiooni klaster Development of the new knowledge-based products and services of companies operating in the areas of medical services (incl. biotechnology), e-health, ICT, tourism and related fields. Project Manager: Helin Pevkur e-mail: helin@sportest.eu

Medicine Estonia Impact in product management – new and modern solutions and methodologies that improve the quality of the services of companies and make it easier for patients to get the services. Project Manager: Brit Pensa e-mail: brit.pensa@kliinik32.ee

KNOWLEDGE-BASED CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL ENHANCEMENT CLUSTERS: Wooden Houses Cluster Increasing the market share of Estonian manufacturers of wooden houses on domestic and foreign markets. Project Manager: Lauri Kivil e-mail: lauri@puitmajaliit.ee

Wood Industries Cluster Development of the timber industry sector in Estonia. Project Manager: Pille Meier e-mail: pille.meier@empl.ee

Wind Technology Cluster Joint marketing on the international market – the partnership also helps the members of the cluster to market their products independently and improve their international reputation. Project Manager: Indrek Kaunissaare e-mail: indrek.kaunissaare@gmail.com

Read more at www.eas.ee/klastrid Call +372 627 9700 for further details


Centres of excellence

Regional centres of excellence are research and development institutions that have the best experts in certain areas. The objectives of the centres are: 1. to support product development in companies 2. to create favourable conditions for knowledge-intensive companies 3. to strengthen the partnership and networking of companies operating in different sectors New innovative products/services can been developed, prototypes and useful models can be made and existing products can be tested in partnership with centres of excellence. PlantValor – Competence Centre for KnowledgeBased Health Goods and Natural Products Ensuring that plant material is used to the full in food and non-food products by improving their quality, functionality and preservation. Project Manager: Piia Pääso e-mail: Piia.Paaso@emu.ee Website: polli.emu.ee

Project Manager: Mare Roosileht e-mail: mare.roosileht@ttu.ee Website: www.pkk.ee

TERE Centre of Excellence in Health Promotion and Rehabilitation Development of the fields of curative mud treatment and human mobility and operational capacity

TSENTER Centre of Competence for Wood Processing and Furniture Manufacturing The activities of the centre are aimed at increasing the enhancement of timber and providing knowhow for the improvement of the international competitiveness of companies.

Project Manager: Talis Vare e-mail: talis@hk.tlu.ee Website: www.terekk.ee

Project Manager: Kalev Kaarna e-mail: kalev@tsenter.ee Website: www.tsenter.ee

Small Craft Competence (SCC) Centre Development of the competences required for small craft building, especially in the areas of hydrodynamics and small craft design. Project Manager: Ingrid Tilts e-mail: ingrid.tilts@ttu.ee Website: www.scc.ee


Oil Shale Competence Centre Development of research and business in the area of oil shale.

Call +372 627 9700 for further details

Global Estonians network

The Global Estonians Network is a network of experienced businesspeople that voluntarily advises Estonian companies in issues related to entering foreign markets. The service allows Estonian companies to ask Global Estonians of the relevant export market about their products or services. The Estonian company will also receive advice and tips on how to enter the relevant export market with its product or service. Global Estonians may also share their contact network in the target country so the Estonian exporter can contact the right people in its area of activity. The service is provided by experienced businesspeople who know the business environment of the specific export market well and have a wide contact network there. Global Estonians may be people who know a foreign market well or have a close business relationship with Estonia and want to help Estonian companies to enter their home market. The advisory services of the Global Estonians Network are free of charge for companies registered in Estonia.

Read more at www.eas.ee/gen


Services provided by KredEx

KredEx is a financial institution that helps Estonian companies to develop faster and safely expand to foreign markets. SERVICES PROVIDED BY KREDEX: • Export loan − for companies that want to finance large-scale export transactions of goods produced in Estonia. • Credit insurance – for companies that want to protect themselves against possible payment risks. • Technology loan − for industrial companies with a focus on exports that want to invest in machinery and equipment. • Loan guarantee – additional collateral for a company that wants to use a bank loan, bank guarantee or leasing. • Start-up loan − for start-ups and companies that have been operating for up to three years and need to finance investments and working capital. • Capital loan − for companies that have proven that their business model works and are planning to invest in the company’s development. KredEx financial services – for a more secure future!


Read more at www.kredex.ee and www.krediidikindlustus.ee Call +372 627 9700 for further details

Enterprise Estonia’s international sales team

Elar Ollik Team leader elar.ollik@eas.ee

Mairika Haab International combined stands mairika.haab@eas.ee

Eero Raun International combined stands eero.raun@eas.ee

Karin Alliksaar International combined stands karin.alliksaar@eas.ee

Kairit Sikkal International combined stands kairit.sikkal@eas.ee

Margit Koll International combined stands margit.koll@eas.ee

Liisi Karindi Asia information centre liisi.karindi@eas.ee

Kai Kreos Asia information centre kai.kreos@eas.ee

Tiina Truuväärt Contact trips & export manager training tiina.truuvaart@eas.ee

Marge Pihlapuu Export training marge.pihlapuu@eas.ee

Sven Valliste Estonian and foreign company enquiries sven.valliste@eas.ee


Subscribe to our online newsletter at www.eas.ee/ekspordikompass For further information about the opportunities Enterprise Estonia offers call +372 627 9700 or see www.eas.ee


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